so ij i vRO.i?.c s w a wot? . ' i . i - - - vol. in. JONESBORO, N.C.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1891. NO. 50 W. E. MURGHISON, - . rrTAl) M rr A T T UU ill, L,iYYV, " Conveyancer and Notary Public, - JONESBORO, K. C. V. D. McIVER, Attorney at Law, TIIOV. N. C. lacticcs in Courts of Moore County. 50-ly JONESBORO DIRECTORY. The subject of hi.4 sermon was Mis-' WHOSE DUTY IS IT ? j sions, and be treated it well. ; Wheat and clover are looking well 1 1arn t!lat considerable grumbling in this section. The prospect is that is being indulged in by lhe citizens of General News. The Treasurer of the United State tVoliliiy Z"001 evtT Sunday, 9.4 um. ; Morris Chapel, 1st Sunday, 11 A ra; Poplar pnr.lf!t3ndav at 3 nm Od Si METHODIST EPISCOPAL. - irvT,rv -T' Mi...., .... . , . - 14 named Lemurcke. Lookout for hn JoneViY j l"?re wm ue a uouamQl croHot Pacu Sanford against the present town an-, name on the bottom of bill. iu jear .nis iana prouuees nne thorilicjl nnd when I trace it bek to , It U notr Crt.:n th.t clover, and the farmers often get from . . . 1n , t , t, i, certain that Raleigh gf? twenty-two to thirty bushels of wheat ltS onpD' 1 finJ tbat tbe nimbler, J the Emigration Bureau. Gen. Chi! to the acre. constitute a part of a certain number ton's office wiH W in the Agricultural Mr. Robert L. Flowers of Anapolis, who, on last May themselves, tried to IJu"Jinff Naval Academy, has been elected As- become "town authorities,' but on ac-1 The press dispatches of recent dat? sistant Professor of Mathematics in count of an insufficient number of votes conuTm us m oar preconceived opinion fcunford,3d Sunday, 7 p ra. DRI J. A. BALLECTINE jX)E3,I,IS,X,. ,Yw liuilding-, near Leader Office, Jottesboro. mm PttESIlYTEUIAX. Rc T). N. McLauchliri. Piutr CUar?5. Jom-toro, 1st and 5th Sundays at 11 a.m., and Svm. Sunday School every Suirtlay at Prayer Meeting every other Wednesday at 8 .in., alternating the M. E. church. Huffa- 10,40 unday at 11 a.m; 4tk Sundav alternating with Pockel church forenoon and afternoon. 1 ticket, 3d Sunday' 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. 4th Sun day alternating with Huffalo forenoon and af ternoou. Prayer Meeting, Sunday ai S p.m. DR. W. CM ELTON, Physician and Surgeon, SANFORD, N. C, orfor his professional 6er-ices to the citizens M ire and adjoining counties, 4-ly NEW HOTEL LAFAYETTE PAYETTE VILLE, N. C. Hiii' M'-vlem Hotel with every comfort, and l ifted lor Winter Tourists visiting this won- th i lul! j' "healthy and Agreeable climate. T. A. UAKKElt, Masageiu Al M-jnaarer of the fashionable hotels on f ai::;-o!ello Island, olf EastKrt, Jle. 51-ly PATENTS, Caveat, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Ta le: t business conducted for MODKK ATK FKKS. OUR (H-riCK IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT oi- KK K. NVr have no fuib-atrencie. all busi- Tt-ss 'Urect, heiicei ca transact patent business i;2 a.ns time and at J.ESS COST than those re m tc from Washington. SAn.l model, drawimr. or thoto, with descrip- t.(.n. We advise if patentable or not, free of ch-irsjc. Our fee is not due till patent is secured. A bonk, "How to Obtain Patents," with reJer enccs to actual clients in your State, county, or own, sent free. Address C. A. SHOW &CO., Opposite Patent Office, Wcshinjtton, D. C. Trinity College. The Trustees of T. C. have estab- failed. The grumbling is on account of some violations of the town ordi- that we could not get along without women m our countrv. BAPTIST. ItEV.W.F.WATSON.oastor. Cha boro, 3d Sunday, 11 u m, and 7 pin. Also Saturday before 3d Sunday at 3 p m. Sunday r;uM)i very eunuay at y..w a m. lanly, 4tu, ii a in, i m. CHRISTIAN. IlEV. O. It. UNDEItWOOn. nastnr. fThartw Grace Chaiel, 1st Sunday, at 11 a m; Shallow Well, 4tk, 11 a.m. Keyeer,2d, 11 a.m. Hoffman, 2d, 7 p.m. Poplar Uranch. 1st, 3, p.m. ent of it. asucuftjieuicai ucimruaeni ior icw . tn; T. Cat Durham, and have clecteJ Dr. nancei, Lich romain unpunUW. ; . eaJors c the cnulr :., ui anuue, us oupennieuu- .uiS rutT kuoS nu aumus the Sloaker ia hU nction reipectin that tnese violations ought to be pun-' the Senatorial election, ished, and so far as his authority and Jolm h Sullivan has been thra.hc !. ! jurisdiction extends is willing to do The emnlovees of thi office can wove We promised to report the fair at hi duty, but is it his dutv to be both : an alibi. The conqueror was a brake- CAMERON. "scared rabbit," but forgot, and now prosecutor and judge ? We say his ' man on a Georgia raiWid. it is too old to talk about. TTow nrnn . I BcrrAixLoiKjK,Xo.i72,A.r.&A.M. Keg- UVe mortals are to forget ofus amy 1S aLone uiai 01 Juue- 1Iien. Ant.vcii us mai Charlie Mcumvi ular imvting.M Monday night, and the Pesti-1 , mur1S arP 10 1 rei' SOme 01 US . . . . .. , , . wmU tn Imv nmA Itn- t vaisof st. John the Baptist, and St. John the have really forgotten help eiven in whose duty is it 10 prosecute ! anis 10 iu some Mir, it t 1 . . , .. .. . rri . r u." inviua us u;i ulkiuul ill iiur it'll i- lime or aistress, in less time man twelve mere is at present no 1 own .Marsiiai, . .. . . ' liuivr; 111.11 iiiiswouiu uv a water xia-.i Jonesboro Lodge, No. 127, 1. O. O. F. Keg ulur meeting, every Friday night. months. and two parties recently elected by the k,m : . : 1 .1. 1: 1. is 4iCi uiung ,u nue uxcepi Commissioners refuse to jferve, aud "madam rumor." She says tell Trini- without an officer it is impossible for t The most erert short hand write r, perhaps in the Uuited States, i a UP TOWN OFFICERS r A T 1 1 T- . , ! ty that the March winds are going to 1 gro by the name of John Patterson, COMMifssiONERS: Dr. E. P. Snipes, A.J.Sloan, f , , , , ,. Afaror tn nnnUTi tliPo rfrniUr i i.ii n J. L. Goifrey, a. a. F. seaweiL, Jr., : blow up several weddings on or about 1110 VJayr 10 PU,H" c outnucrs who can hard y sp-ll his name, ar. l sanies uairympie. Stkeet Commissioseu: J. A. Jrclv'cr. Clerk: Col. A. A. F. Seawell. Town Marshal: John W. Masemore. COMMUNICATIONS. UheWth. unless tho law-abiding citizens of the , w:ites with Lutoe, being born wiiho .t j It is just astonishing to see what a town, who are annoyed thereby, come arms. jloadof wood a newly married ..Id man to hini and make complaint. It is the ! The Xews-Obsorver savs that the can carry; we saw him 'on yesterday, , . . mrv innri fn fll!lt ni1 ' officers and enmlorecs of iI.p Iit.-n. order are enforced, and we respectful- tiar Wrc aid ofr tm Friday. Ther.- U 1 A .1 . t .1 ! Hearing the cook room, with a little less than a car load on his shoulder. BROADWAY. Work spells (as we call them) are ly Wit, that if these grumblers had no note of the fact how the inmate were dealt with. 'beeominer iilentiful. We learn that auv desire to see the town ordinances there was quite an amusing splitting enforced thev should have had the" I .,"y"l"uJ. . ?n aV worm 01 goia ana niry-cigui roiuioa Rev. G. Underwood filled Rev. L. '..1- .11. . Jl l .A I -'- . R. Dixon's pulpit at Juniper Springs ; le omeraa, out we oeing a news- lckbonc lo coinp and inform the , . of V T. . . . paper corresponaent ana so uutortu- t , , , . A ' . . , ... . Mayor and make complaint. Vn fmm ourruim. nr.,1 v. t' In conclusion I have only this to say : of it has Wen left at our o.Tjcc. last Sundav. Rev. A. R. Shaw closed his meeting nate as to own an old 8"w and P"-' were oaniiea ana are now down in TKTATSO GODFREY, IEALEllS IN G E N E R A L Merchandise Vc nr- now receiving our SPRING TlM'K,' comprising Dry Goods at Salem" church last Friday. We had the pleasure of hearing him deliver a fine sermon on Wednesday. He is conducting a meeting at Leaflet the i viitinS on Cranes Creek present week. A tornado passed Amos 1 "Sackcloth and ashes." I u ready to lssuo summons for any In the neighborhood of Stonewall, Miss Pearl Lawhrjn, of Manly is party whomsoever, who has violated a in Onslow County, N. C, lives a great town ordinance, and if these grumb- curiosity in the way of a blind man. One of our strongest Alliance men McKay's last week, taking off the cor- who lives above Carthage, is going to ner of his house and destroyed a srreat use some of Currie & Rowan's feittli- aniount of timber along its track which zer was bv Stony Hill and IIollv " Springs. ; If any of your subscribers have more Mr. Alfred Ilmeslev killed a hog evaporators than they want, they will last Friday weighing 573 lbs. We learn Pleas8 send them along as we would Iso thatMr. A. J. Sloan of Jonesboro, llke very much to et our ground dry 1 mi ,rti 4 ni-fJil r(t nrf iciiifo trliioli f"OT plowing. lers can't come f 01 ward and make com plaint, why let them shut up, grin and bear it. JOHN W. SCOTT, Jr., 31 fj or of Sinjnr'1. who can, and dns hitch his mule t' a cart, drive to Ncw-lU rne, as correctly as any of his neighbor, hitch hi tenni at Mr. C. H. Fowler store, and wall in a coiTectly aw a man who ran . It is remarkable to him pas jut sons on the road or take the folks of the road which he does with the gn at- slaughtered a pig not long since which .veighed 4-0 lbs. No one we presume will question the variation of the magnetic needle and ppost'd to monopoly as we are; we I GULF. Editor Leader : Two weeks sineo I submitted the 1 I,l!" foregoing to the Express Management. News-Ot rvc r a d.- and was Kd to belic-ve thnt it would servt d eoiaidiint-nt paid to the l..-ad tate. h irreat variety and at lowest prices. Head and Foot Wear to suit young an J old. all kinds of Groceries, and at the right prices. Iron and Steel of all Kinds 1 apes and sizes, Wagon and Car 1 liage Goods of all sorts. We make a specialty of Steel Shapes (or Plow Hoes) and have them .i!o to our pattern, and haviug this asu.i bought' largely, wo believe we ."'aa please' the farmers better than '-Mo fore in this line. We are now eeiving fresh lots of Fine weather for ducks. i 1 . -t waiter m the liming iiKm or tin r- appear therein, but it ftniarx to . ... ., . . I"ay- T? WT I'-i'tiioi. vould 1. chappy to know it had monop- crushin- received at Liberty be- Luve liariH'red probably gone companied by t!ie st'affmcnt that with H-.ed the business. tween.the cars and platform of the to jiilistic receptacle out him. the Varbrough would not !.. Chatham is again to the front with deoot. known as the wa.-te basket. M and this tli Yarbrough: wherras tti fart t, .eat story, and were it not that the There will be an entertainment at is only in explanation of the aWe l,,at ",;t aecotnpli.i d. m..,t eat evidently passed through Moore Miss Ballings' school next Friday night. ar,peaiiug in the .J.nkm.!:o Llali::: ';:,'triInt nml nomm-Klnipg t!ol.. on its "home stretch', we would be will vouch for its sueeoss: Tdiss !' ' ' " 'r- Irown, tl. hotel would not ! very much 4'dovii in "the mouth.''' Ballings never docs anything by ,nstt'aJ of the anora Lxpret. I own in nc-"half the tenitor her- We are happy to be able to state halves? " " liave no coniidaint to rr.nke; I am not now it is rec-gn;zed as the best in ih. that Mr. Hector McNeill, Sr., who has jjss jna KUSsell is at home from e "f the syndicate or cli-k. been quite sick for some time, is now Salem Female Seminary. thought to be much better. . Mr. Edmiston is around again. He J : says he is going to commence survey- TFJINITY COLLEGZ. i" the Deep River Jc McLendon W.1- ley Railroad in a few days. One inexperienced, might think it Dr. R. W. Palmer pei formed a very would be no trouble for a student to rare surgical operation last wtek. A pen a few locals to his county paper boy on the Evans place stabbed ano each week; but my experience is that ther boy in a fight. The knife euteicd one who does his work in college has the posterior part of the kft side, and but little time for "extras.' It is true ranged upward, severing the attach- J. W. S. J'i. never be strwk in anger. A box on flu. tii -iv rniiti'rf tlif mt-mbrJlTif one might say John Smith came, Bill ; ment between the spleen and pauereas. f Spar'snefThc Rod. The parent uho ilies to th. rod to correct every trilling fault or nude nn anor. says The Ladies Honie Jour nal, will have no inHtionce it!i h r children when they ar ton f.ld to In- governed ty free. A chiKl houhl F. I. Murch'win, dectaMl. Statu r No::rn Carolina. Hain-tt County. " j..r . A.r.t.v i: i: t , ('! rl j -trior ( '. .iff. Dr. John MIver, Juini Dalr;. mp?.. and J. A. Mrlver. partner, tradin; Melver tc Da!r. nij!, in b h.tlf .' tliem. !ves. and all other ne.liiors Guano and Acid Phosphate Snider went, etc., but how many of The pancreas was injured, and protru- your readers would be interested in ded through the wound. A piece three those facts ? inches long was taken off. The patient The public Debate between the two is doing very .well aud is now in a fair Societies of Trinitj College, will be way to recover. E- held Friday night, April 24th. The orators for the occasion are Messrs. J. Making Children Mind. It. McCreary, of Lexington, and R. C. Durham, of Greensboro, respectively A mother should be careful to make A.f H.-sT.erian iind Columbian soci- mly ; reasonable demands upon her vs. J. Y.. Bryan. Adrniui-trjitor of F. I Munhi m. Notice i hereby civn that a Crd- manent deafnes. A hasty blow may do mi-chief that years of r p ntaru-e cannot undo. Punihnir nt is for dis- itr"s U has hld in mv .T; cipline. not for revenue. It is to teat h in the ;nrac.f the pluintiT Melt- r v i i .. : i ;i i t . Dalrvmple, in Ixdtalf f th m U-. the child to avoid evil and to o . ,. ' ... - . . and nil other creditor of I . , Murn.j- It never should be a vent for the nncry ,ilK.v.t hoha.l th-u.. 5- pasions of the mother. Iove. pti. n Vt. r.artie. and -tab!i.h their rlait.i-. and firmness are the instruments he anji acconlinly.oa thei.ldd.iy of Apu' .Ml hing but the u'Acme", and if you have never tried it you had better do s Mliis year. urham. of Greensboro, respectively A mother should be careful to make to her child's chara'-ttr. J )l- 1 will he r -riuence in Mip, ti n Hesperian and Columbian soci- only ; reasonable demands upon her ' .,'- .1 or -all ela tes wl.jch m.iy h- t 4 uu d the il cspenau ana child'sobedk nee. but. when once made IWhment is a me.ns to an end. let , . . Defe ndnnt AdminUlr,- eties. iiie ueuaiers art a.. . i;, n?i JinnT.1 l,..r r.m v f..t -facH tn use it u U !v. .i;ii.i ' r i .i Massey, of Durham, and C. r. iurVi careful never to enter into a . - liturton. make kiich cnlrr a mv I- ner, of Cool Springs, of the Hespevi- contest over a point that cannot be x n Society, and Messrs. W. J. Craw- enforced. A child may be ciade t.- do Thankful for past favors we so- heu the patronage of a generous pub- and promise our best efforts to j J'.cae tor. nd ill then, at mv fflice in 1.!- liagton. make ach order ai may I n-ceaarv for 4lie pn-jr-i d.t ributi-.:i .of th fund whicli runy f.und in BcicklGn'3 Arnica Salve. V , .t F, n,iL- rmhVL1 certain things, but no power on earth The best salve in the world tor euia, .j afendanf hand. ThiFtbru- roru. ui i t force him to do others, Vr to say brni-es. sore, ulcer, fait rheum, fe- ary 3d, or jiouiw.w wojj that he has made up his mmd ver virc, tetter, chap;-d hands, ch;l J. A. CAMERON. These ynun- um um ..vuu n,lt 1o S1V ihe ..ruueni mouier wm i .n -l-U mntmn.. ' AO-U Cirri Srrr C-Mtt. I. .1 1, ,.l..,.l;. IIIMHM."!".-, auu 1 --- A . il.-ii.l aau li aa inn:ui' ...-rtti - c. .ii.?Ai Ajiif.ia-f.A liiAir m Tl I lirrit V lOiueirrwiu- v " . . . :.:-,.iUa t.rkr.v Dr Potter, one of the Missionarv uce on ground tlat Ue is sure ot be- . anuunr., , ... . , : . t . , if -r r'l,l. :l in aoie 10 i.o.u. i ioi ni.ti. mc , rrouirtu. h '- w I Secretaries of the 31. iu. Clir.rcu routn, , . i -u i . . . t j . nccrciane. . ... knows she cannot carry she will avoid ,.ti. faction, or money refund- . r 1 preached m the College Ltiapel last untii tjie habit or oMience'i-formed. ; p. u le Forlel WatSOn & GbdfreV. 1 Thurdsdav night to the delight and in-, aai then there will be no discission. 7ni 40-iv 1 Jonesboro, X. C. March 4, 'OL I .truction of many who heard him. . LadkV Home Journal. . - Reiver ft Dalnie. -iiy ( O. F. FAHRELL, Tonsorial Artist, jonesboro,-::. c.