PL- 1V- JONESBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL I, 1891. NO 2 I "1 t W. E. MURCHISON, awver 1 Notary Public, ! fill attenl to oufiness in the Superior and pR'inf i iurw ox m rTHiv u jmi ui lumuu l?rly supported ami backed. Till not attend Justice' courts (except in 3-tboro and Sanford), without CASH in ad- nce. W. D. McIVEK, Attorney at Law, f -THOY. N. C. f radices in toura oi noore toumy. i S5K DR. J. A. BALLENTINE DE1TTIST. rw Lluilding, near Leader Office, Jonesboro. 1 DR. W. CI MELTON, niysician and Surgeon, SANFORD, N. C, , ' pffcrs his professional services to the citizens i Moore and adjoining ciunties, m HEW HOTEL LAFAYETTE, ijC2Jl FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. l Fine Modern Hotel with every comfort, and Japted for Winter Tourists visiting this won Crf ully healthj' and agreeable climate, j T. A. BARKER, Manager. Also Manager of the fashionable hotels on inr-obello Island, off Eastport, Me. 51-1 y PATENTS, Vveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Ta- DUROFKICKISOFPOSITK U. 8. TATIvNT ! . t? if it if av. uit..iri.nriK flii.hni. ' l)UK OFKICK IS OFPOSITK U. S. PATKN1 i iss direct, hence can transact patent business v i less time nnd at LKSS COST than those re- Iil"NWAn??"' i , TiSyKS 1 . i vert I n r ftr- ia irl 1n till iintMit i rn rn. 1A uV-KoVio ohuii pitc w,ihefcr: ncea to etu j1 clients in your State, county, or M il, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite r-atent Office, Washinrton, D. C. ODFREY, DEALERS IN G IE N E R A L i . ' iVl D1P l 1 11 Ti 1 CO I IVlClbllCLllLLloC I ! NOTICE STV onn,M ic silt; mitt rucfiviu our Oi i f - STOCK, comprising Dry Coeds tu great variety and at lowest prices, Head and f not y ear to suit young and old, all kinds of Groceries, . and at the right prices. ron and Steel of all Kinds shapes and sizes, Wagon and Car riage Goods of nil sorts. We make a specialty of Steel Shapes (or Plow Hoes) and have them j u.-ido to our pattern; and bavin- this leason bought largely, we believe we an .please the farmers better than j leretofore iu j j !V Thankful for oast fn j . "' I" , pauouage of a generous pub- ; iiC allil 11I)I111 mm 1...... - ft" . cuwiis iu ; 1'i-case. Watson & Godfrey, onesboro, N. C.. March 4, '01. W P MIIRPHICnN. I TAVTV,Ann T " 1 Kl this line. We are uaw i Two entertainments l,:,vo ,tfl nlw M1UIL 15 U!c MtT i!l uivorce : It is stated that the Southern Kxih- ' Sa i i. '.i . eceiving fresh lots of j seventy dollars. The Coal Company I . j! acetloUsl3' replied love at tirst sition managers have decided to have Town Hall, in the town of Joaesb-.r.., ! gave a lot ToxloO feet ou Cth and Elnr a special exhibit by the coloied people. X. ., rn Monday, tho4th day ! May Guano an9 Acid Phnnhafp iftr:r- Jr-' UUUIIJ QHU nbiU I llUOi!lQiGl i building early in May. Rently a the management of Rev. . I. C. Price, The bwU r IN-ilratin are uo " j par-y of northern men came dowu Three of our best sportsmen crack aud -"tended to illus'rsite the open in tho haudsof W. A. Sh-nn, iu Nothing bat the "Acme", and if vou ' and looked over the sile for the intend- shots all of them, of c(.iim iA-nr Prsres made by the colored people the town of Jonesboro, for the regi- tt - . . ' ' h:t-i (lui'iif !!...! ',4- 1. . 1 I .t... 1 ! el liefV mitpl Tll l-ioni flit 11 ft. ri.ii linntinrr cntnu A : .. .1 .....v mvu ii oli iuu oeirer no - ....v ". owtJiV uiuc i:io in iiiree METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JOJCESBOHO CIKCL1T. in.-. . x. a Minn pcu. i nfior. i narjrt'Si: T.f ! ncv. J. E. Thompson. Pastor. Chanres:- T) p.m.; Sunday Scluiol every Sunday at 9f) i mjrr mtTuuK ecn- a nursuay nint ai TOM p.m. Morris' Chapel. 1st Sunday at 11 a. m. and Saturday before at 3 p.m. Lemon Sprinjrs, 1st Sunday at 3J0 p.m. Poplar Sprinics, 3rd Sunday at 11 a.m.. and Saturdav before at 3-30 p,m. Sanlord 3rd Sunday at 3M p.m.; Prayer meeting every other Wednesday night. s PltESBYTEllIAN. Rev. I). X. McLauchlin, Pastor Ch a rge:- Jonefboro. 1st Sunday 11a.m., and TiW p.m fit fl-lA u m Tim er meetintr every other Wednesday night, at CHRISTIAN. Uet. G. R. tTsDEUwooD, pator. Charpes: Grace Chapel, 1st Sunday, at 11 a m; Shallow Well, 4tk, 11 a.m. Keyser, 2d, 11 a.m. Hoffman, 21, . p.m. Poplar Branch. 1st, 3, p.m. DurrAix) Iige, No. 1T2, A. F. & A. M. Reg ular meeting, 3d Monday night, and the Festi vals of St. John the Baptist, und St. John the Evangelist. Jonesboro Lodoe, No. 127, 1. O. O. F. Reg ular meeting, every Friday night. TOWN OFFICER?. Mavor: J. It. Watson, Esq. Commissioners: Dr. E. P. Snipes, A. J. Sloan, J. L. Godfrey, A. A. F. SeawelL, Jr., James Dalrymple. Street Commissioner: J. A. Mclver. Clerk: Col. A. A. F. StawelL TownMarshai John W. Maseru ore. COMMUNICATIONS. MAXTON. Mr. Editor According to promise T . . "'. , 1 will cive vou a low notes from Max. Tlii .ot t:,t :,. . ton lills COsy little town IS at the junction of the C. F. & Y. V.. the C. C. aud the M. A. & Rowlaud Rail- I roads. Seven mail and passenger and fa much larger number of freight i i. i '.in n iu us pass uere uauy, ana an seem lo i I be doing a good deal of business. We j large aud increasing pers are published i for the white aud one Dersuasion. TIiava urn l . -.. v., ivi.i.j ti4 , t . , . i : a n umoer or -noi hnfthdm-r iaiuoc - , Maxton is a name given the place in 1 honor of the fact that a majority of ! ,h prefix WU4VU nave iuu oeouisu preux j Ic to tlieir aames! albeit the ovthog-!. raphy is not good English. ' Our town has for eight months en & " uicii iiiacuiuerv or our taws, the iioard lot County CoruruUioiiers - exercising ! the authority with which thev are in- CStGU DV the laws or .NiifMl ('.-ini inn ....,1 C - 1 . ,1. and refused to errant license to sell iu- ; toxicating liquor. We therefore have ; a comparatively quiet and orderly town. The last Legislature amended the charter of Maxton, so that no person can retail any iutox'.caurs with- . m two miles of the corporation, nor , ; bring it in jugs or in any way to the i town. T,rrnc: EGYPT. While FiTviit i- t l -cOpi isiior on any l)oom, ; j Mill like many other places, it is crawl ing up iu size and looks. Several new j houses have gone up in the last few W"eeks' nnd lf Po-be correct, about 1 or Iort-' Bore be built as , . . A new church is in prospect now. develop the result of their calhby see- iug a big hotel going up. Now that the Egypt Railway is com - pleted and doing a good business, peo- in sec it ciicuucu so as to connect with the Atlantic . T ? . . . . . v.uasi ume mi iae easi, ana wnu lue Hiclimni.l A- li.nvHL The outlook is favorable for that de-, sire to be fulfilled. The Deep River valley is to uuder- Jiave two churches for the white pop- r . u,,f"a,i . " members ran over each other in their ulation and two for-the colored, all otL?aintlS this nvek. - He exhib- of the type means more than the hurry to get out of tbc j which have good congregations and ' ,led tIlem thlee nightsfirst, "Reve-" iramP ot es, and the typesetters ; . I are reported as ia a vvLevon, condi ; la,iwu of St' John in which be exhib- Jire luol be feared than king..- ,",am DeKalb Texa. Z : w " P :l lu !!"d : I ited scenes that not only delisted. ' An attorney, named S. M. ( . S. from " -f UUi"ulM vt luc im.iuc is;, , , ... . . . ' 'JJtl. instant. nnI ti.I.l li w f ft.. 1... go a great change in the next few years, i - - . judging from present indications, and some will wake up from a Rin Van Winkle sleep one of these days, at tlie i sight of improvements which will wion I - be made U an J do'n the vaUey- I Mr. Geo. W. Baker paid this place a visit on his way to Jonesboro, and was much pleased with his trip to the city j of coal under ground. , PilMYIllfe lmr.A .1 i thelandisdry enough. Theprospect for smalUrain crops U much better than last year at this time. j Peaches bid fair for a crop, if not killed after this. ' The Italian government meditates tak- A'.any people about h'ere have been n pteP? to prevent, or check eraigra troubled with the epidemic which is so lou to America. prevalent over the country the pres-j Petitions are being circulated, Cali ent year. :n.r fn uiw.:ri u um i? mie Moore boasts of such valua-; 1T lkmnnotn . : .t i ..... "-wuoiwuc 4uairlcj, wuy uvn i somebody come and take a look at the ; quarries at this place. 1 They can't be beat in quality of stone, nor in facili-. ties for handling. Deep river is lined with quarries aud a railroadis almort ; completed lo some of the best of them. 191. TRiNiTvrni RiNiTY college. Mr. fJprroR : Allow me to extend to youwish of abundant success in I your new assumption of journalistic : r w -v. jvia uujioiiv; - work, and allow me to say that f rom ' mv personal ao.miaintAneo with - , present editor and manager of the Leader, I have no hesitancy in pre- dieting abundant success forthe Le.vd- KR- The Lkader mes every week 1 ; r " s messenger nom Home,,; ' I " louuesi gun I" au iiwuimi imeicsi ii span its untune ! I scan its columns. ll .1 T T . y-.t i x.ix. Aiiuui- ij. iiiiit. or uariotte, C. Ilic linon'aTlnUtinn 1,;., : 1 , nil! I hlivl 'lirrh t 4 Ptvr 11 ...... ivuiuvuvuvcutcuw. , r , . , Mr' BuU s Pilings -ve a national Ration. He has been offered sixty ilhousandda for Paintings on K xve eiciuons. Ke-Ki-Oa-Kah, or Star of the Cev- i enne Tribes of .ndians, lectured in the i(VUo,ro ru. r ' i i. ....v L0VCrnKient nnd ; the Jlltin. Cluef otar sreaKs lvh Uaently, and is a nno orator. II is lecture was most in ; structive and exceedingly interesting. , He will lecture here to-morrow night on the advancement of the missionary work among the Indians, their cutouts and habits, mode of worship, the Great ! Spirit, Gen. Custer's last light at Big. Horn, etc. j The faculty has very kindly con sented to give us holiday ( ; Monday. j Tell 'Cameron" the March winds n, i ii iii'u uic i til V il 1HU 11 1 . siranueu cupid s arrangements to such . strand m tAicai i. liii iiie win ii ol oe eoiieer- ed and perfected till April showers, by the reviving of vegetation, Khali cause the cattle of many hills. Jin a way well known to him, to express their hearty appreciation of the fact that May is near at hand. A Sophomore, on being interrogated '. days they bagged three bird- amL'-ot . intoa row with one land owner. ' Rev W. 1). Reynolds, of Richmond, Va., is in town again. . a ue lZ) pi nailwAV will CTosslue U. F. & Y. V. Railway at this ulace. and .. . . run tnrougii tlie r lat W-hkIs .t u.-Tr-. . ry in Randolph, and form a junction ?at some point with the Richmond A- Danville Railroad. . Two newsna- i "Ul iructeaf ana also showed that recently went crazy in Knnsn City. ; , J " 7 I"' ! " i . n the place, one ; Butt has tine artistic talent. Sec- He -very poor, had no money to;";;;-; ulU.: for the colored : Da n,gllt iie exlubl,ed Pointings illus- buy food, and was too proud to beg. ' . " , - lui.uietuioiea. . ... ..... . . 1 ue had made un his mind to Lill lir ft V, ,wiiliaie ot U1U lestaraeut htones," Hunger drove hun mad. , tl , 4 4....i.. :.. . i- ... 1 . . . lion nnti n"iirar oi vitr i i mw :i The survev of tht TIm... T?;i-a. .u , . r .... .. u McLendon Valfey Railroad doesn't be- gin. Wonder whnf t1i mttr Mr. John M. Mclver is in New York, mirehasint liU Rnrit r i- . 1 vi wits, M E- Street. the efficient drug clerk at Dr. R. W. Palmer's store, made a hurried trip to Jonesboro this week, 0 . . . ' otate and General News. t. h? "f 11 Sf . l? 0 f Georgia, TLe at 18 mranabb' the victor. We are to oave no more Italian. censing or no licensing of liquor sell- . . . ing m Winston-Salem, . v .. , . . , An B1 Vacate is trying to Ut e Tenner Coal, Iron A: ; . . Jhu VTty I "B -y COst S1-.000.0 . Rev. W. W. Staley, of Suffolk, Va., j has this to say in the Christian Sun i about the influence of uewpapcrs. It j ij SQ) cic&Yy to ihe point we make gpacei for 11 : j "Journalism is now a recognized j "eparimeni or numan atlairs, and of - " - f - ers scoPe for the useful exercises of the most versatile talents and th nrtw frt, . , . .. 4 r ; 'oundeat scholarship. "The pen is mightier than the sword" now, if not 1q th time that is past. The editor s ' w the stroDKest fortress of iliFnt-n 1.:. .1 t. . . .4J u lew iurioiiirs or i.nii- rmni tii; . , . I raniMlvt l.A !-1 . 1 J'V "lctullu"ai loucues a:i ClVlllZftl niltinn linear Ilia enn Tl. . ,. , ..... An unuti.t v .imA u nnf imm .rri. . -"-e- .j,...- tion is predicted for this season. Three . thousand six hundred and seventy were landed at the Barge office in New r,,,.... ; r..i. oi i. forO .V ,V " : ti w , "e- uvui?? iwra was n fmiu.(.,. f it-:.. . r. it:ii. 1 . T I i . .i T-- i i . wi ro Railroad- to the Richmond .V: Dan- ,;np,:i iP e -i. Ule Railroad Company for one million .... -i i i ii and a half dollars. Announcement is going tho rounds to the effect that L000 coal minors em- ployed in the-Laurel -Jell ico dUtrict. Ky., are to strike May 1st. They de- mand eight hours per day, and pay on coal not screened. California produced 10,500,000 gal- - i - - - j Kaster) lons of w"ine in 1S90 besides 2.197,- and kissed her. hl-e was dread -4(: boxes raisins. North Carolina fully fiightmuL but not mad. She ought to be second among all the State- r - VT itll ll. n 4t '" nu auiage.. Whvnot! M.wn.r - Gov. lw!e has offered a reward of 4K) for the arrest and delivery tu the Sheriff of Surry county, of the. per- sou or persons who, on the 20th of March shot and killed revenue officer. Barnwell aud Brim, near Mount Aiiy, X. C. during the last decade. The schooner, A. P. Howell. Cpt. Kunter, with pine lunner, from Wil mington, X. C, for BhiiadelpLU, was driven ashore in a severe gale, abut two miles above Lewes, Dclawaie, on 1 - wucs t u. e tbe nataut. The sea made full i . . 1 . ... - A 1 . 1 . . . ..1 t . Z . 1 . in ui cicti ut er tier auu kue is Mipitseu lO ... ti S c went to her assistance and rescued the crew of six men. who were found ia the rigging. ti. n-:.:-t. . . ... .. 4uo imiuasican&aip, JMraithairlv, bound from Santiago de Cuba to IUl- timorc, with iron ore, was wrecked on the North Carolina coat, March 21th, one mile below Chickamicomico life saving station. The vessel's crew numbered twenty-six, nineteen of whom were lost, including all the on cers except the second mate. Mr. W. S. Barnes, of Toisnot, Wil son county, has been chosen Secretary of tlio North Carolina, Farmers' Alliance in place of Mr. E. C. Beddingficld, who resigned on being elected Railroad. Commissioner. Mr. Barnes is editor of the Rural Home and Superintendent of Public Instruction for Wilson coun ty. He is said to bo an enthusiastic Allianceman, and in every way fit for tue position to which ho has been Lw,!, .?iecieu. The first freight delivered at Murrh v for shipment over the Western North Carolina Railroad was a consignment of boliy K)gs for a Kew york firm of . ano manufacturers. Mr.S.8. Brown opening up a gold mine within ten me of Greensboro which is showing -he finest specimens of quartz gold wo have examined in quit a while. Mr. Rrown has only sunk a shaft 18 feet deep and has truck a Tein several feet 1 micK. atate Chronicle. A sensational sceno was enacted ia thoy Arkansas House ot Repreenta- iuoarksaMi nouse ot Heprtenta- : tives on March 2Sth. Coal In.pector- , WillLims had diipute with R W ; Martin, President of the Statesviile BUck River Railway; aWt . coal ill. The lie was passed and Inswc- itur ViUiams. was knccked down. Ho v . . . . ... t,-" ";urew a puuu ana tried to shoot JIar- ,ivn n nsmi oamnru 10 suooi .iar- ll! . ! tin. Wild confusion followed, and . . ... . r . i . ... . uresseu. Due Knew the desperate char- acter of her and rPnrtll t . Llr1.10 ZZSr . V"e ??. W" li' "'.CTTtP ii"WlnnJpraI1.s iifuu open. Killing mm intantiy. Mm AJul ArP on sweethearts: A sweet- i . ., .... heart is a LIcsed tuiug for u boy. It . T . . . ,. straightens him lip and washe hii - . , ..... . race, and brushes his hair, and stunu- latrs him to be someUnly. Row I did luxuriate and palpitate and concen- tratc And giavitate towards tho ilr,t I ever loVe,U sho WRS irttv A ,,ink and sweet a a daiv, and oi.m day nt rcccss nhcn nobtHiy was j.v. ing. I cauirht her on the htniruriv ran a ay with Lluhes on her cheek. - - - mvt vttvvn 1 . m. 1 I . mm more u;an once inai cverua; I,.. ..tnn . f. i i. - n... mi uiuu- mj nuui uTTtitii- t.i . book, and I know hhe wa wondcri:: " would ever dare do to again, o, lhat kiss oa the stair. - - - Notice, U t V,.l',Dl 1VT1 l JuIIX I). (it'N'TLtt, ) CU' W. A. Suian, Regutrur of Votciv. MH1 Hands Wanted. Within ten days wc ill netd li t T 1 I I . 1 M ....1 vMA . . . M ... I . . . . b ' ujc i c , i - mill with another crew alternately da v -"jivW ork aim wouia uo so as. soon as uo was The undersigned, I:is-ctornif M. McD. Wiluas:, Aign. Spout Spring, X. C,