I R W d M M R,7 M id h -7 m L ia -s 0 - VOL. IV. JONESBORO. N. C, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1891. , i NO. G ,1 PROGRESSIVE t ENDOWMENT :.:GUiL0, O IF1 A i $5 oo to $5000 In 10 Years, or Previous in Case of Death! 1 I $2.50 10 $25.00 PER Vvf EEK sick: :b :e in" :e if 1 t s . P midums Paid Monthly. R. D, ROBINSON, M'ngr, , Jialciyh, N. C. j. I). GUNTER, .Sycm, 44 Jonesboro, N. C. . W. E. MURCHISON, Lawyer 1 Notary Public, Will attend to business in the Superior and Supreme Courts of the State upon invitation! properly supporteu ana oacKeu. ; W ill not attend Justice's courts (except in1 -Jonesboro and Sanfonb, without CASH in ad- i vane. w. h. McNeill, Attorney and Counsellor At-Law. CARTHAGE, N. 0. Will practice in any of the Courts of "of. the State. All business entrust ed to him will receive proni)t and careful attention. Ojjicc in Court Hovsc lU'thVixg. AT803 GODFREY, -- .OKAI.RRS IN G EM E R A L ,TA3CI 1TOTIC3 We are now receiving our SPIIlXd ST)t'l, conrni-dni,' T in gtvat variety and at 1 '.vet irrices ;!c:id and Foot V"eur to suit youna' a:i-l old, ail Ulnds "t' ( i f.K'f i ie.-, . and at the riyht mice-. v- " . I iV):i and Sieol of all Kinds sli-ipcs and size-, Wacn and Car viu;;o 5 ootjs oi all sorts. We make a spi eiaity of Steel Shapes -or Phv.y ibv) and have then . to our pattern, atd having this n bought ' larcelv, wt eSievc wo e:;u pi:- t:ie faun oi s b'.-tter than n-reTtto;v in tins nne. vcoiivitt froh lets of We e tiow I Li.lCllj CM ,kd- i iiUijjjtatd! Atuniug v)'o tue ,em atid if yon h:ive never tried it you had better do - thi .'vear. , - i.ianhful fov past favors -we so- licit th. patronage of a generous pub he and promise cur best efforts to p.ca.-e Watson. & Godfrey. Jeuesboro, N. C. March 4, . 1 C( JONESBORO DIRECTORY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JONESBORO CIRCV1T. . ncv J. E Ti.ompsr.n. Pastor Chaw:-: Jonfshf.ro, 2ik1 aiul 4th Miri'laj s at 11 a.m.. jml tj p.m.; sua-iay schorji t-vi-ry sun.lay atj;:)o a.m; l'ravr meeting- everv Thursday nijrht at 7:.Tip.in. Morris" chapel, 1st Sunday at 11 a. m. iS'SSvlpSS. PiZvd?5$ni j m!la meeting every other Wednesday nijrht. PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. I). X. McLauehlin, Pastor Charges: .Tonesboro. 1st Sunday 11 a.m.. and 7::iU p.m. il 1 111 i'Vl'il Cimbll .it- ft'4 41 Ta.m ; eynee-tm every other Wednesday rnht, ut j'-'- j BAITIST. Rev. W. T. .Toxes, Pastor. .Tonesboro, st i ees every M Sunday at 11 o'cloek,, a.m.. and 8 p.m. Sunday school every Sunday atH:40 a.m. CHRISTIAN. Rev. p. t. Way, pastor. Charzc?: Poiiar iH-ancn. Jst, Minuay, at 11 a m.: uraee tnajl, I ai sihiHmv nt 11 11 !! winricr :i sn.(:u- t 1! i I a.m. una i, p.m. 1 1 itt f! It rvrrKtrrvM, P. P,... Christian Liht, 1st surniay at li, a.m.: Esryi.tcoQntrv Neither was a Methodic ; . w Sunday at il, a.m.; Mount Pleasant w h.m- cam " tenner was a Aietuouut, fiayatiia.m.;Miaiiow .eli, ti, sundayatll, a.m. BrKFAi.oloE.No.i7,A.r.&A.M. it ytKo;! Evangelist. ,i Jonesboijo Lodge, No. 127, 1. O. (). F. Reg ular meeting, every Friday nijrht. TOWN OFFICERS. Ma you: J. R. Watson, Esq. Commissioners: T)r. E. P. Snipes, A. J. Sloan, J. L. (iodlrey, A. A. F. Seawtll, Jr., James Dalrymple. . Street Commissioner: J. A. Melver. Ci.i::tK: Col. A. A. F. Seawell. Town Mar.shae-. John AV. Masemore. C O M Kl UN I CATIONS. Kentucky Letter. Leranon, Ky. , Apr. 21, 1891. Lo-t. strayed or stolen a much -1 I T Tf I uuuiwu ciuw.ic. ii. u i.ascscap- ed into North Carolina yon Pve wel- com'- ta iL Perhaps it is on "lien-. nieV trail through the South, and . will .sliow up at the proper time. Pen- ; me eviaenny lecis seeure u-om ins ; utterances while in Virginia the other; day, when he soil this at the rustics of j t the mountain districts of the Old Do- j minion: v nat. (nioTii lie. "lnntiers us, stcure nv tue tnariiet or our own great population, from successful com- , petition in the markets of the world!" ; Any of his hearers could have answer ed that 'question. A prohibitory tariff, unman .nature una tue laws ot traa; are vnar mnaec us. i at: woria i:i n. t, and cannot buy wheio it is not oei-mitted to sell. F.:-;cua?;ii-e is th-'f '4;.e.tt tnovin ' prir.ei'.ie f the markets ci tl:e w..;Id, and is always takes two to" make a trade. The Pivsident's judgment, it "must ie admitted, is CvMd:in s ma thin las to southern nghf.ng wise he e billies o.r instan-n.), ether- .lid never have uttered the oiilowinir at Jolivsoti Fit v. Ten nc-see, in stne:-: it v. IF 1 sain The Onfed- erac v:uer i.as a rnu. no!u;r:;o4e anu ungrndged participation in ail the ben- ii-i t ' i ii.i t-d.t s of a great and just go erntaent. 1 do not doubt to-day th:.tthee w-n!d oe aine-U'.: t ie re a ndi..st t., r-:1' i uie , - .i. .. Oi a nag i, n stouui oe a-.ti;eu trom 1 '.. 1 111 - i 1 f- any quarter. V. .,c t -it that r is quite a orouant uiea, c )tnng as a v ,.:o centle zephvr i'roni umu r t ho couuaes ot -'(F-and Fa s Hat," at disemi- m.rimr itself under a southern sua .iiue.pauoa a engea,ice:. r or t : .. . in-tanee. his participation in FahiHO,- H'.'u, paid tr.is vear tor pensions ;s so 1 1 f full, so honorable and ungnu.ged that one of Harrison's pe-Asp-iper organs adxises. emigrants to give Tetmc-see a wide bet ill lecause her Legislature r.p propiiated ten thousand dollars to Keep igeiticr i::ue wnite .n ger ;-t.e souls and bodies of sn.e liun.Lcds of disabled and po vt-rt y-st r: e k e a eoitfed- crate soldiers, inr.t strikes the Uovs - .who wore .the gray pretty hard, and - . in a soft place at that. The cheek of the average northern demagogue """u"1-- :iaw,,.Jv11.,u.uU.u when "Berime- and his gang bob up smiling at the "Peautiful Gate" that good old St. Peter, who has guarded the entrance for nearly two thous-1 cr, land years, will lock the prate, throw (the keys away and run for his life. lie (Nettled) Will. I confess it The Carolinian published at VMrn I It will - not take him the fifth part of ?ra rather clt;m;yt but it was the best eth City, say : ; a Kentucky second to ize up the . I could do um1r the eircutit.inrr.. We learn that not ore-half of th gang. , 00 Bv the way, in that connection a -r " ,. ' , ! Methodist preacher was heard the other day delivering the most hetero-, views, and if what he said turns out to be true, there is yet the shadow of a chance for Bennie's crowd. In speaking of salvation the preaciier said : "I believe a great many persons will be saved on general prin- iciples, and not because of any part ic- ubir orPP.l to wliiob thnv bavo b.n-n " - w - - - - - - ' - - and I also expect many so-called in- fidels. I look unon William Ellerv . . . ... . , Ch h n n i n rr n n il llpnrv Wfll Iit-.li i r.,t .1... ' UIC iXHU. UCJt UllU Ul UIC jLUanning was a universalis! and- iBeecher "'has been' denounced ns ! an infidel. It makes no difference : all what their creed was, they 1 endeavored to make people live ac-' cording to the teachings of Christ." I The minister who -ave expression . faithful. Many Catholics and Jews .excellent sermon at Shallow Well on cont? How much monev have tho I know will be saved in this way. Sunda.v; Wo are Irving a double c.ttou planters lot whoha've held back to the above views is possessed of ailue "appincss ims worm can give. iww,Ti fM,.Q co,-.- tt,nt ho w,i It seems to be a sickly time with' j clear conscience and a good digestion, I 7 which doubtless has much to do with , I his bread and liberal views. There is I j nothing like good health, it makes a j man broad-minded. I think that the , i President suffers with a chronic case ! rf .K-snonc? i ol uspcpsia. j Ei.c::filta is. j . ; ! CUMBERLAND. ) I Our present paradisiacal weather-glo- ! vious afternoons that thrill the soul and rIU1 us wish to flv. have1firiurht out ' tiie infant chariots on our pavements to an extent that excites the wrath and provokes the profanity of u-ld Uch- 0p,rs We have a multitude of pret-. rv haheA iuour town eharminir cher- Qbs dimpled darlings recent emi- jrrallts fr,m, the golden shore, but we believe that it is generally conceded that -av-Vor Henrv Mel). II obi n- iitti,. ..:.,.. ' anv babv show in the country. lis.s Fannie Earle Proad.oot. who ;s a universal f.ivnriie bv reason of her beauty and ehr.rpiing piquancy, and vivacity of manner, is visiting relatives in OriiHn, Ca. . I5-.s pi :orence Siiii.h is vi-.ur..' i:enu- in Norfolk, Va. Madam K timer ate! Y': : 'I ndv. a pair : g'ii v.; '.; s-.y tl:..t one 1I men will get in .-otno !:!. wo,-k in thi-5 eommutiit v al-ot.t '.e tit;:. th-- it : h:'n to ti.r.t It ,,a. .1 tl..t ,-.-,,-v vid 5 lay sad h:xy ,vjth ,;;e 0- , i u:- ; a ' :t! ville irrad d school. .nr. .ii'.;:! i . nnign, m.. itas t-cen quite svr; utslv ill at ids :i -ri" on I'i-.-k street, and his e.-ndition dctvd eutitah Stdl COil- ' (-t Whatton J. Give! ;u ra ' too a qri-nuiue case of rrit during a rtcnt - ,. V'. ... -v,,. n .... I i.'U . Willi, lli.l HI ,-"ii- ter iiis utatn was alamiinulv : ' Frder t'ne skillful t realm -''lit ot i'r. ?Ielir.:ue, . however. he is now eonvalocent. and i.;. ,..-. v.;q q - i f(. i,..,ri, i. . ii i s i i it;.. n- . l . l oe tTn.t.i 10 .tarn in i i.e is out oi u,i nger. At half ;a-t live th"i afternoon a vonm, dv v ns r.bi-hi .. P. ...t lt Heeles Park, when suddenly she . ,t ,.t., ;,., r? i o.k. ano a -.noi i... m,c -e tin . it tliis i,ec.u-reet- there i. sv.;ul pr.-rect ot Paving the male p.n.ulati.n .f Ita- !, ,..-,, : , i 'v i-aiauox a i.nu.eut m ;i eantain tiX.,iVA.l:tiy h;., a wieckle. s reo .rd M,r ,rf, i,.r ; yiT y-tr ,,- 'h rnton i r.gain g'ing termane::tlv out oi the Cc ': i-g ;.. - It U " '; ,..,e.,ni o ,,,-t liivc-.". ii i- -i.s ubmii) o .'Him e.-i :pr;ng abK;t thi time, and it is his custom v.hicli sustains hi- ba - is ties-. lie Ktaay, you are looking very charming this evening, audi am not i:i the Lrd it of paying compliments. , e iS:.reastica!Iyh-Ntr dehb, eith - I understand, but I shouldn't think ' you were if that is a sample. p. B. qai OMA mimc c,flLuriA 1YHI.I.0. An it has Wen so lon? since we have a anytbinj? ia the Lf.aier. from ""' rre, win auerapi 10 plVc you a fcw fetches of how things are run- nmjr at this time, thou-h we haven't an" nev's of interest. ienunng seemMo oe nciy,anirtiiscU!isinni Cotton is now sellin-in farmers are nearly through planting. Ntw York nt less than 'J cents. Th- Rev. G. R. Underwood preached an mrl..t ti,..Pa f.,n wna i , x. v iiii iiiu nun a r ul & . i exira lin'ia scnooi at mat place ever unny morning at 'J:J0 o ckK-k. ' Wfll wm-p plnrmwl ill t,tt ' t ii, we wei e cnamieo. an lastweek: couiu uoi nan worK ior looKin? also 11 il.li 1 1 many redding folks. This here thing oun"'. i - a Pand thing, but we have never ,t. ii i i i . ;4'peneu 10 ger iang:ea up mat way 3, and when we do get manied if we cau 1 liave a bl- crowd alouS Wlth us we WU run awa-v- So there Jt 'ocs ! Wlsb,n everybcnly good luck, and all do-s- II is said thcre have been scv'- t A- ' happened to the misfor- "n to lose one of hi, best dogs on mornin?. A lady in Cape I ear township has a nog which was bitten by another doir that was mad. She f gave him ten pills of some kind, wo don't knoAv exactly what, and the dog has been cured, so far, and we are forced to believe that another do-r is .about ready for the chewing gum fac- tory. Hurrah for the lenic rt ?r-ado-.v Branch next Saturd'iv. U , h-irn there is to be a picnic at Haven Iloek, Saturday bfoie the second Sunday in May. Miss Lizzie Kellv is visiting at the Mills. If nothing prevents Salona Mills yountr people will organize a strimr band soon. Ever wishintr the Leatkti s"ces. .i. .? T.KAl.oo. TRINiTY -COLLICi:, Why did yoti not eon. to pub'ie de bate ? Von v.-ouM havo eaui'hj ir:-.i-ratioti enon'h from tin deba'i::;r. the for; -t with its r.ew .-nit m and th-bfautir-il wh-at at: 1 e!o er f. lds t , have la-ted v. a to the ' hint if f tin I- -ha"--''! :i of In lfO' -'.ih-'tor.. I 1 O S. . ' e :)' to the l'"!i'.!,ic"""- men t . uno I ; : a Thi i i- :. la -1 this ! ic . It. r. f. to he held 1 T 1 , o oocl-. of Mi -.-"". i, wi'l reah tl bacea.Tanvo-'te -e:mon. H. V". Pays, of tho W. N. C fonf. ?e:v. will T-renh th tf'ni!i b'for' tl T';- 1 Oi' -n- Sn:-;;.y. atd ll.-v. D. L To oThe . ". n f.' -r. Mr-.. ,vdl ; ai -a ,,,.,., hef-TO the V. V,. .. )ty ecr c,n,".-rcf on ' .3 ,t.a.f t...... o..t Tti iv-. 1 v '.- in, i . v - - i n n (ha v .lure lltt. Dr. Crowi-U ha r.'-mo r:;ii. Tliis tinv he brij 's r oi ide witl, him from Woodbur. N Mr, ( 'ro ve : i has 1 n here but two davs. but 1 -made a favo-,ibb irnrfs-h n f i t!:e eiti'.ens and students. We nil love lhe l etor. rnd nlreolv fe. 1 tb.t Mr. Crowell is getting a warm pla-e in our M--,nt. I'n f. Sutton ha resigned hi- p ti uias I'ioft -sr of Stenography a:;d tvpewia'rrr. to r.eceni .-. p -t'e n m r- , t, , i " i . p,tti- P -lqx .vrk. V, wtie lotu to -ive him up. La-t Fn-lny was set a( art forathh-t- " sports but on account ot ram they were cm ri ;oi over o atur:av all'r- .... . f t!,, l,v . .li.l II T C. Daniel' of New-P.erne. vaulted en f-M t. th-fi:ie.,t ret-..rd iti the Su!i. Friday Tiight was pitt.ov .M,r,'. te -ubiet: "II"-olved that the F. ,ve;i:n.ent hhould own and cm- . , . t, -. t i r ' i. qM trol ire jiauroads and leieg'-.tpli tin s o v.-ifL;n !.-r territory.- v.a di-u.d: i - the af.irmative by M-s-rs. Armde'.d and CiawLrd. of the Columbian S eo-tv. and tl:e negative ov s. Tui" r a-d Va-v. of th-Hep.-rian Societv, cud was derkl ia favor of ihe m "gative llo to 47. , Ap.il 27th, ISO I. Sorrto Qucric: rn in this county has yet leen sold. .... . . . J VWth the prices up to 73 cent r-r 1 1 1 .1 , ousnel ti farmers nre wearing cheer- ful face,- Now, who can tell why beat has pone up and corn has pone up. whib. cotton has gone down ! Another quotion I presented fur their cotton ! And still another question : Sup- t..A tlm Lull- rt n t.1 1.. . . . . he.d back under some such arrang- . .i Q i mcnt as the Sub-Treasury plan; what would lw the value of cotton bv th time the next crop came in ! Humorous. "Do you want a six-shooter !" "Well, I'd rather have a nine-shoot- , I want to kill a cat' Puck. "Avoid that which you would blan:- fof Join oQe Qf mfn t . .f a m wif .... . . . . Wc are willing to fake a certain awnintnf Uvk phrases in newspaper-. ,t l!s us about a whirlwind carrying a hi 'd qw'dt MXty-oue miles, and thea '-"sng back for th- sheet, we're n-t t Here. A young man adverti-ed for a-tvifr. rin.l I.U .iti : .niwr -rr.l ll... n.lvrrti.. l:H.n;: U,,K- yonri'.. man think-- th-re is no balm in :.dvei-tUenien!. and t!ie .h,I people think it pretty hard to have two fools in fainilv." Too Expensive Well, Sjo-.t r. were any eggs thiown at you during your lee? ruing tour I" "Not an e;;;;. Why, man, were worth thirty e'Mits a dozen all lf time I was gone." Judge. "I liked jour senimn so much t day." sai-1 tie old lady to the clergy man. Inhed ? ai 1 he, evidently h:-h I ! a cd. "Ves," -!: wi-nt on, "it rtrn;:.. m o m t h f one I read h-n I v.a-t a u'u i -u.:i i n-j. t : tie fdl-.viu f dialogue took pa . d 1 1 i ' j "r t ; :. . ,, : t : A Iter 'ley Witlle-s, d n ktl'0 tl.e ,;; ... t-r of thi land in queti i. .' Yit:.e I think I d . Att'y. Vll. w!iat kind i it? Wit :;--. Wt d bs. it ri. i.t smart. i vt u!iuit i..i:i .n it. LaGran-.e . -:.l:,.r. Frain-'nt Stati -m in Wife. Mr. L'. ly ha-. o.Tcred m an ins-ait. Wilt in what way I K. S Oferel i.ie il.oqo to v it- f.,r hi, bill. Wife G .od graio ! What d d y ; do f H. S.--I p' t k ted the i:,- .It.- 1 :- ''t Times. P. ' k Agent "Sir. I have her,. , wo.-I: of un :- :al e..lh r.ee a L.-'h I -ho dd like you to T.ITriine." No -l-e; I -nt read.' Ah. 1 :t 'ar chil-ben ilr.vn't a.tv in the ho i.-e." N-th ,ng out a l'os-d.1 V V'.tl 'At . 1 i.Ke to I; 1) s mc'hii'g to thro..- Hi the cut." Mr.. S i,:.-o 'Mv dear, though i mt Ia;n o tr.a di at-mt me up-tting things wl.ilf Lou-o cb -antng. I iv thi- paper that out wf-ttl t!i-:i nrl - ni,t the women attend to that noik." an. -Indeed." Mrs. an.-o "Ye. It te!U of L' Ii'.i:zarl Pi'.l entered th boa at, i cleaned it c-t." New York Htrald.