Tf VOL. IV. JONESBORO, N. C.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1891. NO. 7 -PROGRESSIVE' " ENDOWMENT eGUILOe OIF .aLMZEZRICA.. $500 to $5000 In 1 0 Years, or Previous in Case of Death! $2.50 tO $25-00 . JONESBORO DIRECTORY. SICK I'd -PER WEEK Ko Initiation Fee. Premiums Paid Monthly. Vfnt PhouldEvxbyose Join the "Guild?" lsiJlecause if you have any surplus cash you cannot find a better way to Invest It. 2nd. 1 f you are in business, or are working for a sal ary, or wages, you cannot do a better thins for yourself than lay aside month ty as muoh tin yxtM can In the "Guild," for It will not only prove a moet profitable "Bavinjrs Bank" for you while living, but will keep your mind at tase, assisUnjr you in the time of sickness, and jroviding for your family in case of death. R. D. ROBINSON, M'ngr, Raleigh, N. C. J. D. GUNTER, Special, 4 i JONESBORO, N. C. W. E. MURCHISON, Lawyer 1 .Notary Public, V j i. Will Attend to business in the Superior and Supreme Courts of tbeHtate upon invitation lropeny supporica ana duckcu. Will not attend Justice's courts (except in .Tom-sboro and Sanford), without ua&ii in aa vanoe. .-.. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JOXESBOHO C1RCCIT. Rev. J. E. Thompson. Pastor. Chanres: Jonesbwro, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 am., and 1M p.m.: Sunday ecnool every Sunday at uw a.m; Prayer meeting everv Thursday nlffht at 730 p.m. Morria unapeh 1st Sunday at 11 a. m. and Saturday before at 3 p.m. Lemon Springs, 1st Sunday at 3sJ p.m. roplar Springs, 3rd Sunday at 11 a.m.. and Saturday before at 3:30 p,m. SanlordSrd Sunday at 3:30; Prayer meeting every omer w euneeuay nurnt. PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. D. N. McLauchlin. Pastor CJuursretf Jomboro. 1st Sunday 11 a.m.. and 750 p.m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Pray er meeting every other eanesaay night, at BAPTIST. Rev. W. T. Jones, Pastor. Jonesboro. servi ces every 3d Sunday at 11 o'clock, a.m., and 8 p.m. fcunday school everv bunday at 'J:V- a.m. master gee and hatr. Perhaps he was ambidextrous, he certainly was in his hind legs. When we wished him to turn to the right we would gay got. This he would sometimes do after he had gone forward about a couple of rods, and when we desired him to turn to the left we would yell haw in a tone of voice that was mockingly answered by the echoes on the east bank of the river. This was "just eight years ago" but so far as we know tbat mule never has "hawed" yet, at least he had not up to that bright November morning, when the sheriff came and we parted from our mule forever. Solomou once said "Bray a fool in CHRISTIAN. Rev. P. T. Way, pastor. Charges: Poplar Branch. 1st, Sunday, at 11 a to.; Grace Chapel, 2d Sunday at 11 a,m; Winder, 3d Sunday at 11, a. in. and 7, p.m. , Rev. G. R. Ukdehwood, Pastor. Charges: Christian Light, 1st Sunday at 11, a.m.; Egypt 2d Sunday at 11, a.m.; Mount Pleasant 3d Sun day at 11 a.m.; Shallow Well, 4th, Sunday at 11, a.m. w. h. McNeill, Attorney arid Counsellor At-Law. CARTHAGE, N. C. Will practice in any of the Courts of of the State. All business entrust ed to him will receive prompt and careful attention. Office in Court House Building. BurrAW) Lodge, No. 172, A. F. & A. M. Reg ular meeting, 3d Monday night, and the Festi vals of St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist. JoTSSBono Lodge, No. 127, T. O. O. F. v Reg ular meeting, every Friday night. TOWN OFFICERS. Ma tor: J. R. Watson, Esq. Commissioners: Dr. E. P. Snipes, S. n. Buc hanan, J. it. Godfrey, J. A. ikulcntlne, James Dalrymple. Street Commissioner: j. a. Mclver. Clerk: Col. A. A. F. Seawell. , Town Marshal: John W. Masemorc. G ODf R E Y, COMMUNICATIONS. Barton as an Agriculturist Intensive Farming in Cumber landThe Sore Trials of Ploughing with an Illiterate Mule. " organization, with privilege to increase! The historic old log cabin ia St. the capital stock. ! Louis county which the late President We spent last night at the residence U. S. Grant erected with his owi of tbat big-hearted man, Ex-Sheriff , hands and with logs cut and hewn bv Black. We met your townsman, W. ; himself, is about to be removed from H. Hancock there; he was ftot-sore its present site, and shipped to Chica- and very dry. He was on his way go, where it will be re-erected for exbi from West (or last) End and reports bition at the World Fair. The cabiu meeting a poor old dejected 'possum now stands on a thirty acre tract of with tears in his eyes and two days j land, about ten miles south-west of rations tied around his neck. He had this city and five miles west of Jeffer found that "Runnells" was not elected son Barracks. and he was emigrating to drowning j creek thought he could procure a few ! 5 1 .OOO.OOO.OOO. crawfishes through the summer. But The late RadicIlReed Congress U mmd you, Mr. Hancock took sugar calIed moU , the j,. and cream his coffee, and did not Congress. But do you know what it make his bow. , vnn ... . .4 a mortar, yet will not his folly depart Mr. John Richardson is happy a rntt -,.m , , ... i.- w tv u ' -iu i t . t. 'va8t sum a thousand million dollars is! from him." We thought of trying fine girl babv at his house, but he savs tt ,tu mi t u- i u i. Li. t r i "e talk millionaires. But thu . u j ia lira i inn rw a rnan m a . , this experiment on our mule, but he insisted on doing all the braying him self. Once when we remonstrated ; TC&stPtl. rrmrVi nn. ... 1 ' muutauu LIU 11- We are sorry to report the serious :onil:rM rA wnrtll with him about the frequency of this ! illness of Mrs. G. G. Muse of this town. sum j8 tuug 8tate4 b R peculiarity he kicked the single-tree, Olad to see friend D. Mclntyre back "rf;n- .1 Preen a uo , . , -4l . , 0 t 3 3lc3Jillan in order that the lmagina- clevis and a portion of the plow beam. . from r londa. t . ... , . , , b We are having quite a dry spell lust u;n:- 1 .1 mi sajs a billion dollars means the ex- now, but hope ram will come soon pditure of a sum equal to I1C a Our factory prospects are weaken- inute sinco the Declaratioa of InJc. ing, owing to spinal affection. nfnAn m 1. DEALERS IN GENERAL Merchandise ! humming over our head. We let him bray all he wanted to after that. Talk about grief and in-growing toe nails and unrequited affection and financial embarrassment, but you can j never know what true tearful sorrow j is till you have tried to plough with a mule whose early education has been neclected. We still farm more or less but we do it on the vicarious plan; we once stud ied vicarious agriculture for four years under the most favorable auspices and we think we can say without boasting that we understand the business. Oh, the pure joys and refining influ ences of vicarious agriculture, with what rapturous emotions do we don a long "Prince Albert" and twirling cane and stroll through the fragrant meadows and listen to the partridges , "Bob white-ing'? among the waiving We never intend to say anything to nnvn ww i,re tnurtth tli hrA mpn the detriment or disparagement of the as thev toil while our own moist fore- farmer. We are a farmer ourself and j head is fannej by the balmy breath besides we may some day run for of fice;.4hat is some office may seek us and we know it will seek us more as siduously if we do not antagonize the "Alliance." A few years ago, while still a green i youth, the idea struck us that we would make some money out of our generous and responsive soil. We had read Furman's formula till we could almost hear the dollars click-oh the glass slab at the Peoples National Bank, Accordingly we bouuht the requisite chemicals, mortgaging our We are .now receiving our SPRING ! prospective cotton crop in order to IT-A-ZEUZZ: itotic: of June and skies of purest azure smile o'er fields of emerald and gold. It is also pleasant to see the plowboy as he ploughs,and very diverting to observe how he leaves his mule to watch the stakes, while he gazes intently at the furrow in a vain search for tha tradi tional Jack pot that was buried long ! sen&er , , . , since Christ was born. A correspond- State and General News, ent in the Bostoa Po.t point, oni that a billion dollars is as great & the total The Michigan legislature has passed valuation attained by that city in 200 a bill to' elect Presidential electors by years. It has absolutely bankrupted districts. ' a great, rich, puissant country to run Jake Kilrain and Frank Slavin will such a Reed-Radical concern for but fight on the ICth of June for a purse two years. If the United States bv ul au,uw. any irony of fate should become tho Gen. Armistead L. Long, who was owner of such a concern as that for Gen. Lee's chief of staff at the time ten years it would not only see its of the surrender, died at Charlottes- j Treasury empty as now, but the coan ville,Va., on 29th ult. j try would not have credit enough "to - North Carolina lost many useful, buy one mint julep on Wall Street, prominent and some able men in April, j a Senator Vance taid of North Caro Its necrology "shows: Col. William L. lina when the carpet-baggers and cal- Saunders, Gov. Daniel G. Nowle, Jas. lawags were-holding high carnival at" P. Speight, Col. John A.Cameron, Dr. Raleigh in the days at the Holden- Jaraes R. Ellis, Col. Jnlius A. Gray, ' Kirk-Littlefield regime. Wilmington Prof I. L. Wright, Dr. F. Scarr, Maj. Messenger. Lucius W. Faison, Robert H. Hender-! " """""" son, Dr. G. G. Smith, Capt. John C. j HumorOUS. James, Dr. James W. Alston, Dr.' . .... : Frank M. Garrett, Major William A. 1Ci- , 1 . tT ... .?, TTT., . freezer m 1S4J, and woman has been Hearne and John C.Haigh. Wummg- 4. . 0 fa i keeping it pretty busy ever since. ton Messenger. , "How was it that the Judze crranted A despatch to the Wilmington Mes- vour divorce before even reading your nger from Raleigh, says: Archi- petition? ago. PlilL Bauton. CUMBERLAND. A select party of our young ladies and gentlemen enjoyed a delightful uoix bald Andrews, the oldest man in the State, died near Hillsboro, recently, aired 107 vears. He leaves a brother, Henry, now over 100 years old. They were born near HilUboro, were farm- ors, ana were alwavs temperaie men. were great hunters. Henry, STOCK, comprising Dry Cocas i con vice the dealer that we honestly I j intended to pay for them. "1 j There is nothing like a mortgage to ! convince a skeptical merchant of your picnic and wood tick harvest out at j after be was ninetv years oi l, caught CarverV Falls one afternoon last week Our farmers are jubilant. Mr. Tom m one winter s season over ninety possums by ni-rht hunting. Aichi- Gill, a Cumberland combination of! iM walked POVea miU.R to vote for . . , . 1 strict iutegritv of purpose, m ?7?t variety and at lowest prices, ; vvitn tnese cnemicais, cotton seea, Head and Foot Wear to suit. young and old, all kinds ofGrooeries, -v and at the right prices. I barn Vavd "cewaner' etc.. : structed a compost heap: which when 1 7X StOOl Of all KilldS ! Cnt stralht down from the U looliea j lant by a large maj. ' shapes and sizes, Wagon and C ar- 1 if 1 1 - ".. 1 :.: v ennor .mcKS ana Wiggins, preuici; ?. (jl0veland. 1 rri 1 1 on earn rain, inougn or course ne, cannot promise in "the early aiid the we con- n ltllf-1 iillU. Frank Slavin recently ca!l?d on John peti "Ho was my wife's first husband." "Jinimieisa very unfortunate boy, said Mrs. Sampson. "He joined an athletic club, and the first time he went there he broke one of the best record they had.' MunseyH Weekly. Irate Parent (in the door, to hi. clerk, who is caressing his daughter) 4yonn man, you are not hired to do that rt of work." Clerk "No, Mr, I'm doing it for nothing. Texas Sifting. A boy about twelve years o!d mn;- riage Goods of all sorts. We make a specialty of Steel Shapes (or Plow Hoes) and have them j which was highly recommended by ! such progressive scientific aaricultu- i riiitt: qc Prnf. FT. C. Davis nn (Jpor'rp r.iado to our pattern, and having this ; . , . , i .ir , iNison Esq., and which was warranted : Mt O .1. TT. 1 1 1 But our townspeople are not jubi- Rl a rity. With all our persoa prentea ",In cuai.en-e 10 er power, our streets' look like a sHndstorm on the deserts; : Z nana oyiue nana wished him ail the iuck in me woria, ton of a variety called the Pelerkin, ! afternoon are almost suffocated with ' and declared li n , . , , ;him. "louarv the only one whoever dust siraplv because sme of our mer- . ' . . . j came 10 me 10 asK ior a iik5 saiu Sullivan. "The others liked to talk 1 3000 miles away. I congratulate you. L. Sullivan, the world's champion pu-' 1 , , n , " ... , A l. the door bell of a house on High St., like a coroner s inquest. We planted aout five acres in cot- an(i our lovelv ladies, shopping in the iseason bought largely, we believe we can please the farmers better than heretofore in thi lino. j We are now 'receiving fresh lots of Guano and Acid Phosphate, chants are tooiufernally stingy to chip in toward sprinkling the streets. Mr. A. B. Mclver has recently : bought out the Overbaugh House and to "third itself" when ginned. We had it all figured down fine. We would j fanv sustains the reputation of this make two and a half oOOth bales which j 0 Uotei. $ courteous manners we would sell at 8 cts. to Bob Nimocks make him popular with all, and his Slavin said. utation and I stand on my own rep- want the other day, aad said to the lady who answered it : Won't you please telephone to tl. poVice station for me. I have found a lot loy "A lost boy. How old ! "Abont four years M, tuaV.m. At , can talk, but he can't tell where hs live..' "Some awfully jior child, thy, h i open to fiht any man in the world i The meeting was entirely friendlv. 1 III) IllilU s, a UU AUl ,1 1 . !. , iur ut 1 lien wij JUU Tlt M , a IJ ' A o hungry that ma Le hadn't eat en anything for n week. We thiuk if vou Nothinir but the "Acme", and have never tried it you had better do so this year. or Capt. Arthur Williams; this, would : 0f fare U a dedight to he travel- People an iving at ParU, Texas from his folks lot him on purpose. M 'Purcell and other point along the says they ought to be ent to the Stale !!? Thankful for past favors we so licit the patronage of a generous pub lic and promise our best efforts to please. Watson & Godfrey. Jonesboro, N. C. March 4, '91. ield us 100,00. Twenty dollars j i,1f. public. would pay for our chemicals and with ; joa Hardee, the Chronicle's popu- Canadian river in the Indian Territory prison. the remaining $S0,00, .we .would go jar representative is in town; his mar- ! say that the negroes are coming over . So they had. Docs he give any down street and buy some things. As ! velous musical talent is a perennial from Oklahoma and are begging for name ?" a matter of fact we made one crocas JeH-ht to our people. ! something to eat. Their condition U "Oh, yes. He says his name i bag of seed-cotton, which we sold to j j paid to be pitiable. They were de!u- Burt 4,Jimn McNeill for Gcts, and invests! : CAMERON. ded into going to Oklahoma lat fall : "What! Has he light hair and Uu- the entire amount in three plugs of j ' in large numbers and have found none eyes T' "Queen Ann" tobacco and a clay pipe, j our arljoumed wedding met in ses- of the gool things promised them no: "Yesci. Bat this was not all. During the ; sion on the night of the 23rd ult., but j work, no Government rations nothing "And one front tooth gone V whole hot, sultry, sleepy summer, we j the speaker contested the seating of ! to afford them a chance to earn an. Yeci.r' were sorely tried by our mule. Either ! the most important members, but Ed- j honest penny. Instead, tbey on saw , He tay own boy, Le L, and you he had missed all educational advan- die and old Sim repaired with his ere- starvation at their doors, and are now walk him over a quick as you knm tage, or he was a caraplete well-round- decrials to the office of S. E. Johnson .trying to make their way back to their how! Alo, tell yonr mother that ed ignoramous. He could not distin- iEsq., for a recount. About midnight former, homes in gaish rigUf from left and never did they succeeded in perfecting a lasting j Mississippi and ot Tennessee, Georgia, p ople have become rich minding their her Southern States. ' own business !" Dttroit Free Ire,

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