.ijjijijy'iijjiiAo sr. few VOL. IV. JONESBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. 1891. NO. lO CUMBERLAND. A Dish of Hash. "Oh, very well, I believe; he seems to be holding his ground." "Yes. Well, that's good, but you'd I ibetter watch that case pretty sharp, We have no ambition to acquire the ; or the will be olding him. soubriquet of chronic grumbler, but j Tt . , . . A. I ' - At t It grieves us to have to mention the 1 we would like to know a few things . , , , . assignment of Mclver Bros., grocerv ; merchants or tins place, inese young ! men were hustlers in their line, and bv ; their uniform irentlemanlv deoortment i"A littler learning ia danporous thing; ! , . . , . , . I Drink did., or titfte notot the Pierian Spring," made hosts of friends in our commun- ithat we do not now know. f. full accord with Mr. Pope in his state Iment that DR. E. A. YATES AND FIFE. MR. There has been considerable discus sion about Mr. Fife's reply to Dr. Yates, which was published in a num ber of papers. In order to give our readers a fair view of the whole busi ness we to-day lay both letters betore them. Ed. places for large money, where the hard . the church's 'ability'' that the world worked preachers upon small pay, j i not converted in a dav. The world have had thousands of real converts through ages, and made it possible for him to be there at all. But it seems singularly unfortunate for Mr. Fife to try to convict me of in consistency. As he has mentioned his is better than it ha ever been. Tho church is carrying the banner of the cross around the world, and the na tions are becoming the kingdoms of the Lord and His Christ. The church's "inabilitv," indeed ! I and hence we are in continual quest ,tv of information. Mr. John L. Allen is quoted as say.- We would like to know if our city ing that "Spring and Summer, Fall fathers contemplate converting our and Winter are rather dull seasons for town into a stock ranche. We want the grocery trade," and observation to know if ladies walking on our would seem to sustain his assertion, streets have any rights which cows When a man like Geo. A. Thomson, are bound to respect. We want to with business capacity of the highest know if William goats are amenable order, and with pluck, push and ener to the laws. Speaking of cows, only gy till you can't rest a man whose a few days ago, a young lady was hot- ( friends are only limited to the number ly chased by one of these street gram- of his acquaintances, and whose ac inating bovines. She reached a fence, quaintances are are only limited by (she was a sensitive girl so she natural- , the population of this and adjoining ly took offense), and was climbing over 1 counties when such a man could not in fine shape when her skirt caught on succeeed it would seem discouraging a nail and the consequences were ex- for a younger and less experienced tensive and positively appalling. Of man to try. The naked, square-toed, course exercise is a good thing, but we eternal truth is that the grocery bus- nil like to select our own style of phy- iness in Fayetteville is dreadfully over sical culture, and no you'ug lady wants ' done. If about half our grocery raer to make a kaleidoscope of herself in chants would pool issues and form a escaping from an ambitious and en- sj-udicate and go into some laud of thusiastic-cow. ! manufacturing, we think they would We want to know if the fact that a' make more money, at any rate, they Billy goat is attached to a small vehi- they would have more fun. hide, gives him a license to sample all : plCy W H Moore, of the Metho thc goods in front of a grocery, while dist dd, is a southerner. after our 1 ,1f,V in youiiitui master is insiue investing ovvn heart We feel -like Wonting ' a few words. ni reen cents., no want to Know it . every time we meet a southern man ! plainly, but in kind spirit. sam goat is expected to oosere me who bas the couraire to exnress his -l : To the Editor : My first article anent tho Y. M. C. A's., W. C. T. U'v., K. D's.. X. Y. Z's, and other outside societies that pro pose to take the place" of the church, was written not to provoke controversy, but simply to present to my friends a plain statement of my views, and my reasons for the same, that they might understand in what respect I opposed them, how far and why. I did this because you had brought out the fact that you had been solicited to "write me up," and I thought before the little ripple passed away it would be niy opportunity. I knew that it would render me un- Durhain meeting (which, by the way. j wonder she is weakened in many was a total failure), I may be pardoned j place, when, in the house of her pro for turning his argument against him- j fessed friends, men who were but yo self. He came here as a Presbyterian, i terday in the ditch of drunkenness and the Presbyterian minister here, ( stand up professedly to preach her as well as others, tried to co-operate j Ppcl, and at the same time try to ' with him. But because his methods j damage and destroy the power of her did not work ts smoothly as he desired, regular minister men whohaveborno he teemed to get angry, and he pro- the li eat and burden of the dav, and ceeded to abuse the doctrines and usages ' for long years have cultivated Ktuan of the Presbyterian Church in unmewsur- uel's land and men tho latchet f ed if not disgusting terms but ho still j whose shoes these fledgelings are nut claims to be a Presbyterian! Now. worthy to unloose. there is a jewel of consistency for you, gentlemen ! I am very much encouraged by tho reception of letters of congratulation My syllogism is a very plain one. I and endorsement from some of tho speak of the Church of Christ in its j most en,inent Bal'lt ministers in the various denominational organizations," j S.tate &s wel1 of other denoinina and not. as a recent tadpole scribbler I tionVaud professors in institutions of said, of the one church as the Unman lerunt prominent laymen, anJ w ih,t t,w, t t Catholic. Why will tadpoles trv to be Wst of all man-v vromen- say the unthinking), and short sighted. I '"p 'ore their tails drop off ! My i 1 m to that if theN . But ho amount of prospective unpop-!art is that -The Church of j C- T U- after nothing else but i -i i Christ in its vRiions dpnominiitwnl ' t(mTfrancci I believe most of our ularity, nor monev, nor guns, can keep ' Ullsl nJvaiious uenominationai . 1 i e j- i r i r t onranizations U either vufHeint fnr w,nien here are, and they were not to me from defending the Church cf i ort''tu,xauouB lseiiu r suraciem ior . m . i r all evangelical work or it not Tf it oe Uenommated by tho "woman nf- Christ, or expressing the convictions of U11 eauetll'-11 wor-or u i.s nor. n u i i - . r i i is not then Christ akI IIU niktl.u 1 rraKe power of the organization, my mind upon subjects of such vital n n lue" nril a ,u "is apostits importance 1 made a mistake and a failure But if lhen tbe houW lmve m vcr- Well. I thought that would do and 1 sufficient, then whatever draws j' as lmJ in to write no more; ifmn.it sympathy and suprt is an wore , ir. rueevericK . . j . . . i evil These various 4X Y Zs as MP a collection. Lnough fur the pre but it seems I am almost forced to say ! C1U lum annus --w. i. . as And 1 shall sav them .'ij;auii.i.iuus, uu utaw mm the Church 'iympathy, money and time. i Tl Cm 1 1 T A T ! IT llli 'a. ' M-'lJ llimiwil.- UI'IIL. IF nnvrlwl rpn v I prnr'Inoil tn wmt K. A. Yatii Salisduiiv, X. C, April 27. I rules of common propriety while pro- vievvs with Mdne and the requisite ,:, a,, A';rA t ua A. rtf? tho ! Of e.nme I am alumina that -the : have read with crrt-at r,Vm Dr. Y!' nieTiadiug on our pavements. ! ability to express tLem with pointed- I pas of "Sart-Aleckism" at me i cliurcb is of God." I am not making ( letter in reference to myself and others. Vv ell do we remember a diverting' ncc nnl fFont ATi- frun-n' mom. L.rn , .-- , .. nn vmi ti t v....r i. n-i. : w-m r-. . v.v.w. x.wxv, . . ira.v. rilanctie. anu bwcetheart 0. i"""- ahi nm ;u ir. laics saw ui to r.t- llliiu un luv ill "ivu "vv, . i i vv i i. ... ., I onnmnn nn s Viltw i th ini.in 1. . . . . . . . ' T.-MI l la .... . H ....... .. . II... I ... I. 1 . . . . a. '" l,,oll"' : had gotten through, and then one load """iV4 w si'tiuuwuvciui.i.T. iui iacK lue 1. .u.u. a.? anaasa i. :l. years niro when we were a boy. At . was one of the finCsit addresses of the j of ammilI1ition Would do for the whole ' tbe Ption of Mr. Fife and others, if C. A. man, I saw fit to reply to Um," that time, old man J. K. lee, ot le-y we ever heard. It had the true ! .xnrr j am afraid Mr. Fife has 'ot PUshd to their legitimate conclusions, and he retaliates bv calling me all Ihu tersburg, was engaged m the grocery ; rin There was nododgin- noeva-i r , ti f..i.i- t.. ! makes the Church of Christ a failure. ! hard namns ho ritnvrv w.-ll tl.'.nL- IUV C1'm l.V.V.fc ril .1 111411. " " " " " " - ' A.I . Ail nu sin ess in one or tne siores 01 uie ,; r. oM.-on;,,,, tail- f i,n;..n Qn.i : .. - , . , a n, i.,v;n,( t n r...i.. iw ..i , , " w4 the tro" wanted to Ue an ox, :nd went i-v-11- -'j '"r- oui i iiUM-uim i r .uaiuiew v, j i, old I ayettcvell.e, hotel. It. was early oValty and the -old Hajr;" he defend-'; tUroUjr; the swelling process until he ! A- building in Wilmington, a Y. M. ! 12 44. In the first p'.ave. he clasps one Monday morning and we were has- ed southern principles and vindicated bursted I do not wish to judge Mr ' C A speaker, unrebuked and nncmi-: me with the '-Smart Al.-cks." A tho toning down there to buy some prunes, ' ,outhern action; he squarely faced the Fife unjus,iVf but I amafraid he mag- : tradicted by Y. M. C. A's. up to this ' Bible is about the onlv Un.k that I .m.i with a .Lining ml ling that bad been issue. Hear him : - nifies hU n imi,ortance to a dan- very silly statistics, ' at all familiar with. and as I do not given us to put in the fcaboath school . .Were tbe southern peope traitors? , A 1Ule mQre modera. such as that there are 7,000,000 young . find this word in the "blessed b,ok" I plate theday before. I Who among all ourenemies has under-1 tjon becomin" in him in the ' mcn m tne United States, and 5,000,-; will not comment on this expresioa. A pair.of-goatrt were just in advance taken to prove, it? ThaHon. Jef- face or rainister8 of ,be goSl,el who : 000 of tl,ese are ot in thc c'cli or So I pass on to the "Frog - Thank the of us as we approached the store, The fersoa Davis the head .f the Con- : have speat their life' in GodVs sevvice, ' under any real religius restraint. I ' dear lrd if He could use the "Frog:," billy sampled a keg of pig s feet which federate Government and the trusted and wuose jabors in heat and cold with ' ma stoP here lon enough to say that in MoW lime to show Hi umer and was standing outside but not likmg leader of its armies was seized and small rav and carrvins in tlleir bodios I don't believe a word of it ! Figures to reprove Pharaoh of hi, sin. I a::i the havor he seized a large bunch, of imp,isohed for weary months with the tlie scars" f)f suiTenn "and the marks ! iu tlie nds of interested publishers ; willing to be a "I'rog" to U um d leu top lurmps ana maue on across Quickies of a felon on him, and was f t i t... r,.,.i. : and lecturers, sometimes lie. But tho of Him to show His r,w..r nn,l ..r,r..v.. l iii uwiu ucoiir. in v ljli4. it. --..-.-...- I nun cni'H n hflvd li'iTiil tl)i irn'ir -mHi .... ..... . . ' ' , the torm ot trial. Uther prominent 1. .1 1 1 1 ! . 4 ... A aua.ve nv-ive .urn .us mr- men were arrested, but who of all the ch to nit.s. bnt. iti tin1 11H';l:i titnn flip Xannv i . ,... 1 nmuupr was ever orouirht to trial : speaker went on t hold the following mcn f their Mn. Ueferring to t'ac ing to preach in and an audience to infidel language: "With all credit due the church which has accomplish- 'Ass (assinego): If Citxl could u Balaam's a ( lumbers vii, 2S) to ro- nao mu.uaua a one ouncu oi oana- Xut one. Why? Was it, as has been . .. .. 1 l 1.1 if 1- t. r .i : na. aiiuuevuuieu aii.uipeeiv oi oaiu- said, because of the magnanimity of the "Government !" No; but because they knew themselves, in legal phrase win apples. Why did we not drive her off ? Wei!, that's a natural question, but the 'truth is. we wore so busily engag ed in hilarious laughter at Mr. Lee and tho Billy that we did not observe tho depredations. Tho amiable old man has long since laid down life's burden aud goue to his eternal rest. Whether "storied urn or animated bust" shall perpatu- There is but little more in his article thau a lot of "bless God's."' I am uot accustomed to such expletives as a substitute for argument. The ed such noble work, we must confess j.rov? him t.f sir., and the jaw l:ie of an a in the hands of Sampson to s!..y the l'hilitiuc!t .Judy's, xv, l.i. I n:n willing to 1m? an "AfV to reprove r.i ;i to be "without a case." And in view of these facts I say that it is a gratu- iis inabilitv to reach arid rescue them. Its messengers and mesngrs have whole one fr centuries, healing the broken seems to have been written under a tit "f ;u te,l drying the tears of ditres, of tlu-ir sins, or tlu j iw b .ne of an ji-j of pietism for the single purpose of a:ul performing oTices of 1- v and to 1 iy the t'hi'.iMi:ns who set t)ctrj- saving that I had "changed mv mind," ,HnI clleerJ -vet Wlth aU ',W:,0X) selves again?t the Y. M. C. A. aU other Christian organization that a.: itous insult to call any southern man andf therefore, was inconsistent, and ouner men are not reached." who oarticii ated in that dreadful struggle a "rebel "or a "traitor.1 The only tUjference between Washington and to say "bless God.'1 he was sorry tor So, so ! This has the meiit of lning doing sr much good in our hind. it. Well, I had said as much in my plain. "We must conf. s the cilUircn's As to our meeting in Durham Wing own article. And ierhais I ou-rht inability to reac'I ANI kesci'K a "total faihiro praise th Lord tb. Lee as rebels was that Washington teas here to remind him that there are two ' Tlir.M.'' There, now ! Hume, Iuger- Yates is not sitting in judgement; 1-c siut-essful and Lee was not. The only ciasst,s t)f Iueu wbo never chauire their , Payne; what do you say to that ! dear Lord will do that. difference between tne elder Adams and ,.;,..,.r. . l..-,. f.w.. .4..4I ' flir'a vni.t fli; t'ifi rif li.M liit! n..t Ah to IllV fXl,l s'nr . GihI'1 . m. . vkn 11 1-, u.. 1. . 1 itii 11 1 Fi.-i aim iL..iii w - v x. - - ' - - - - - - - ----- a.e his memory, we kow not, but we jejjtTf:0n aris as traitors is found in the t ,..v;t ; i.rv.it ,uiwt ...v !,.ir..1i " .J.U and PrwpfiiH! r..?Vri... Irth- h i t hot t- i uwtoct in biu? - . , . . - ... . 1 7 'o v j imi un un. uii in c v j 1 ic W VI ill S ' V a iait? uHutnct" is an 0fit f lon.inrs ami as ahoniiuation unto the Lord but a just This is political -ospel this is sound uei,-l!t is-his delight,1 he will not fall; doctrine thi ithe faith in which ot ais reward. our southeru youth should be baptir.ed . A SIT.HEX. ATTACK. Pi,1L BaKTOSb - ' I 4 il HIV II 1U CV .TOiVil V'. WUllj 1 and. pending the repf of the grand jury, one of our citizens was taken alarmingly ill o seriously that he took to his bed and was visited bv a physician twice a day; but despite the best medical attentieri and the most cartful nursing, he did not seem to rally and showed no signs of eonva- : . a a bless God' I neither be lis power and "aLILITY. Hut this er to the ook of i'a!in. close my eye to more light or stmt my t young man (and he was not very young As To my coming out of the ditch : e irto further argument upou any ! either), says that. Christ's chu:ch has draakenne?: I l;!.- God's holy uatu subject. , proved a failure its "inability!" forever fr I'joilmsl. 'Ut bruug.t IJut I am disposed to thiuk he is Suie!y, this sj yaker and Mi. I ife do me up out ot a horrible pit, out of ti.e partly mistaken as to vhit 1 included uot compvthendthe conclusion of their miry clay, and set my feet upon a n tl in that endoisement which he says I i premises. and tab!i"hed my going. made at the meeting in Durham a Year ! After all'the chuich'h work ;md ef- a lo my t.-king up a-collection: I U.M,- ill refer him to the p.p of North In- Carol i:t wh Ii.ive -n ?o ki:;d a : P, S. There is a Southern Coufed erate mocking bird singing in a li - I inosa tree at my wiudow; he stems to ago. I am uot sure that I said any-; tort, siy the speaker, be trying to imitate Den Hardy, of the thing about Y. M. C. A. r W. C. T. ; 00 )ouug men are not reached lh-M? ".". 'tate Chronicle. P. B. U. Hat if I did my dipositim to j deed ! are thcie not about o.Ov.W give me free u id oi.eiing. jdwavs snnetion u -lut to Vi vouur women not reached aho I And A to mv nt l;wz wort ny to u.i- , Dyspepsia has driven to an early without searching for the harm led me ' e nut 3,0i.H).O;0 old men and a many latch the h"? f pl!y. cn-crat-! and even suicidal grave mauv a m tu too far. Since then I hav had more ; "Id women not reached! The sjeaker miuitcii-: I will ndutii it. I am u:. i who. if h hail truil tif virtm-s tif l.lit. m.) nnlil-n Vif.. T '. cnu r.t t., t. -t on l-.t l.i ti-..t-.t 1 worth V. and I rutt eiirtn-j! V orav f r iescence tid court adjourned sine Me. ; Aver-S Sarsapariila, woufd be alive ashamed to confess that I don't "know 1 were onlv anot her wav of s.r- ing two all the mini!.-r of the p j . t In nt o He is now up and about, and "mend-: to.aay anJ jQ the enjlvnient of health it all." I did sav that I was in favor ' things : ' ' piechiag 'Chri-t an J Him (Vucitleu " neid1"?'' It.ls t "oPUnd competence. Sufferer.be warned-of Jones and Fife and the Salvation 1. That he, and many such as be, TU end thv matter wi'h me. A -uen us ways. ; iu season, and don't allow the system Army, and real salvation in any way. had g mc into atidtf pieties aid ' ring Dr. Yates of my l-.ve. I nra Dr, W. C. McDufSe, always noJed to run down. i And I would still be ia favor f Fife ! had not supported the church wx h h; youis, redvtnird by the b! 1 5f Jtt;-. f-rl.U geniality and wit, got off a ; if, like the Salvation Airny, he went! TIME, iioXEY and a II-jC. evA:i: L.:. i W. 1. lirz. right good one the other day with a t Two Italians are under arrest at-,o the siums to rescue the toor aud and had lha weakened the charcU to! Tr 77:77 i ,;r o.ung brother M. D. Re asked : ; Coney Isfaud, charged with eutting the : lov ly and outcasts, and lived upon that extent; and : IhMl'J Wtiible bicilki . liu iUa.- l! geiu.ngou; , throat oi one ot their countrymen. , scanty pay, instead of guing to fit i -.That it l. no argument aaiaat.cr.