VOL. IV. JONESBORQ. N. C. WEDNESDAY, JUNE lO, 1891. NO. 12 JONESBORO DIRECTORY. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JONESBORO CIRCUIT. tier. J. "R- Thompson. Pastor. Charges: '.lomwbero, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 a.m., and 750 p ra.; Sundav School erery Sunday at 9,30 ii.m; Prayer mating every Thursday nijrht at 7;3J p.m. Morris' Chapel. 1st Sunday at 11 a.m. und Saturday uenrc a J1"""' "'.? lt Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Poplar Springs, 3rd Hunduy at 11 a.m.. and Saturday before at 3:30 p m. Sanlord 3rd Sunday at 3i p.m.; Prayer meeting e ery other Wednesday niiiht. COMMUNICATIONS. CARTHAGE. PRESBYTERIAN. Kev. T. MeLauchlln, Pastor Charjres- Jrtje?boro, 1st Suiday 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m. Punduv School every Sunday at 9:r a.m. Pray er meetinjr every other Wednesday nijrht, at BAPTIST. nor. W. T. Jokes. PiiFtor. Joncsboro, servi ce every 3d Sunda at 11 o'clock, a.m., and 8 jt.m. eunaay genoot every suhuuj uv w.o n.m. CHRISTIAN. , Rev. P. Tv, Way, pastor. Charjres: Poplar Branch, let, Sunday, at 11 am.; Grace Chaiel, .'il Sunday at 11 a.m; Winder, 3d Sunday at 11, a.m. and , p.m. Kev. G. R. Undeiiwood, Pastor. Charpree: Christian Lifrht, 1st Sunday fit 11, a.m.; Egypt j1 smuliiv at 11. a.m.: Mount Pleasant 3d Sun day at 11 a.in.; Shallow jV'ell, 4th, Sunday at 11, a.m. Buffalo Lodge, No. 172, A. F. & A. M. Repr ular meeting, 3d Monday nijrht, and the Festi vals of St. John the Baptist, and fct. John th Evangelist. of that, for the greater the piece of machinery is, the larger and more pow-- erful is the crank required to turn it Even here iu North Carolina, he re-l Ho Wasnt In It. ceived a Drize for the best toem. We B M . .... iroro cn(vlm IT a with M Ktiv V irrl I " J A considerable wind storm swept over Wednesday night, June 3d, blow ing down many trees and fences; also on the same night the dwelling house of Adam Brower, (col.) was destroyed by fire. The farmers complain of not being able to work their crops on account of so much rain. We were glad to shake the hand of Rev. S. D. Adams, Presiding Elder of Warrenton District, who has been vis iting relatives in town for a few days past, and whose effulgent countenance, is always inspiring. Mrs. Lottie Frazier. of Sanfordi N. C, who is visiting the family of Rev. J. A. Hornaday, has been very sick. Mrs. W. P. Wrenn, of Chatham county, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. P. Jenkins. Messrs. Richard Hunsucker and Jas. Kennedy, of Roanoke,; Va., formerly of this place, have returned. ,The Baptist Sunday school of Car- JosESBono lodge. No. 127, 1, o. o. F. Reg- thage, had a picnic at Thaggard's mill, u la r Uire ting, every Friday night. . . iusi r. riuay. xuey reptnt a. muu mutr, pleutv to eat, and no one hurt. Mr. W. T. Jones, who has been off for some time selling buggies, has re turned, selling over two hundred. Misses Ada Caddell and Sallie Kel ly, b a,ve gone to Wake Forest to spend a f ew days and be present at the Com- i mencement. Children's Day was observed at the Presbyterian church on Sunday. The exercises were very impressive. The missionary address by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Harrell. in which he showed that the "fields are already ripe unto the harvest," and very pathetically ap pealed for greater efforts in this migh ty work in the future, was very elabo- orate and intructive. We are glad to state that Mr. S. T. Fry's health is improving. It was our pleasure to listen to a good sermon by Rev. W. F. Watson, on Sunday night, in which he very forcibly told us that we manufacture our own destinv. He wimtialb Cranks turn the world; therefore, and are glad a portion of our life has 1 Tfce j brought him ascbene tor reiicTin the do not be too swift to eondemn thpm. I been srent with sneri an cxpllnt I XMT : . . He wamnin it. iurjuuRre .noi an instrument or. so young man. . Let them work for thri v v. . mucli power and usefulness in the The degree of A. M. D.D. was con-1 Thr wouldn't ak hip or any one world's mat . inanhlnArv ' And f nr. I forr-A nnnn T?r J P Wc . f " tteT Mnt wutrt mca roWm mlnut- O J - v"w- "t " " f I TT - ... 1, xuermore, you suouia recollect mat Troy, umo. Mr. atson is a leaning the greatest revolutions the world has minister of the West, and editor of the 150 p"t'd tef0 urht7 t4" ever known were caused by the so-call- oldest religious newspaper in the And he icornrd the rood mth arrrw hi- ed cranks. United States. " I He want la it: T.ntV,oT. -oc o r,rl- Vmf t,,,T, I TV,i JA T T I Wbon mm In the hall of virtue mrt camoucism -upsiae aown. oocraies v omacK aenverea an aoie aaaress on Too hih the mark for him t win it- He wasnt In it. was the same, so said the world, but the "Possibilities of the Future." All to-fl.av it rails film tllfi pnthpr nf I vmont tA a rrrui crorTi frnm fVio .Tnrlrro I . J I --t --" t. r--- - " --t.- i . carrlate err jt down the rtrrrt ooe dr- rnnosopny." oiumous, wno Dy nis out tie went rar beyond tH0 expecta-1 He w in u; untirincr enerev and perseverance add- tions of his friends, and the Societies Tb funeral trarplns made a iinUj- ca iu iub nuuun ucn ucmiojiucjc, uiauti uu uiisitiKo iu seieciiug i uuje i pt. Pettr rclvej him with book and brl! a crank on the subject of circumnav- Womack to speak at the first Com-MJ' friend, you have rurchaned a ticket to igation, and at last met the fate of mencement of Elon College. most such was bound with chains. At nicrht there was a sociable, and I - - - and died in obscurity. Oh. yes ! the the students had a verv pleasant tim. world always esteems a crank most Thus ended the first Commencement after he is dead, for the great adven- of Elon College College, and it was turer is deeply venerated now. pronounced by all a decided succesi. There are different kinds of cranks, TOWN OFFICERS. Mayor; J. It. Watson.'Esq. Commissioners: Dr. E. P. Snirp, S. H. Buc uunun, J. L. Godfrey, J. A. Builentlne, Jiuacs Dalrymple. Street Commissioner: J. A. Mclvcr. Clerk: W. E. Murchison. Treasurer: Redin Bryan. Town Marshal: John W. Masemorc. Douglass & Shaw, Attorneys-at-Loir. CARTHAGE , N. C. rmct'cc in tho Federal, Superior and Supreme Courts of tho tftate. 11 W. E, MURCHISON, Lawyer 1 Notary Public, Will attend to business in the Rujevior anl Supreme Courts of the btate upon invitation properly supported unci backed.. Will not attend Justice's courts (except in Jop.esboro and Sanlord), without C'Afcii iu advance. J. A. BALLENTINE IDSIsTTIST. -well. Your trlevatcr rocs down in a minute. He ru U it. New Building; near Leader Off.ce. Joncsboro. w. h. McNeill, Attorney and Counsellor At-Law. CARTHAGE, N. C. .Will practice in any of the Courts of of the State. All business entrust ed to liim will receive prompt and careful attention. Office in Court House Building. Amicus. June 8th, 1S91. contributed. Cranks. we find. Gallileo was an astronomical crank; yet "the world does move." The Pilgrim Fathers were very, very crankyj but men still desire to wor ship their Creator as they please. "Ful ton, Watt and Stevenson were steam cranks, notwithstrndinff their inven tions have done more to advance civ ilization than all others. Prof. Morse was a telegraphic crank, disregarding the fact that messages are despatched across the ocean with the lightning's flash, and that the vast dominions of the earth are linked together with the voice of thunder. John Bunyan was a crank too; but where is the "Pil grim's Progress ?" And any man who does not thiuk just like you do, kind dude, is a crank, you say; and we ex-j claim, "so much the better for him !n And by-aud-by that cranky fellow over whom you love so well to sport. will have -his name in the mouth -of every intelligent man, and a raonu- jtneut will be erected to his memory in a dozen cities, while nobody outside of your native village will know that you ever lived. Now let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; here it is: 1 A crank is a powerful thing That makes the world whizz and sing. Announcement. THANKFUL to rav many, friends in Moore -and adjoining counties , , .. . , for their confidence and liberal patron- ded whimsical pe aire in the past, I wish to say that 1 im located in the rooms next door to -W. A. Sloan fc Co., in Vonesboro, where I can be found when not called of! on professional or other important r.utteis. A. J. MONROE, M. D. 9- A FULL LINE " i G eneral Merchandise at our store in Sanf ord, ij.cludlng new SPRING DRESS GOODS, wrsteK jrlnirtmnifV calicoes, etc Shoes, hats h:i1 notions of till kiuJ3, -.FAliTC" GEOCEBIES, . of all kind, tchacco, snuff und cigars. ALL AT LOW PRICES. Highest market price paid for country produce. Scott & Edwards, McIveu's. OLD Stasd, SANFOllD, C. 4-4 CENTRAL HOTEL, - PITTSBORO, N. C, A. DEVENDORF, Proprietor. Well, what are cranks ? To whom has tlte term been applied ? Some people say that they are living, walk ing bundles of vanity and supersti tion. Others, ni ore ready to condemn them, hold that they are crazy, delu- rsons filled with a terrible fanaticism; while others still, who enjoy less sense than the cranks, positively affirm that they are men who have no sense, and ought not to be reckoned among intelligent people. Thus many have rashly described the crank. But alas ! these same persons, How It Turns Out. A beach in the moonlight; A girl on the sand; A youth close beside her; A squeeze of the hand; An arm 'round a waist; then A hug then a kiss; A head on the shoulder A moment of bliss. . A row and a pic-nic; A dance, then a ride; " A question an answer; A wedding a bride. - A trip to Niagara; A week at the Pier; A flat in New "York - At six hundred a year. One servant two babies; A shortage in ca&h; A week or two longer. And then comes the crash. A trivial quarrel, And then a divorce This occurs every day, As "a matter of courses- Brooklyn Life. He Wasn't. Depended on Providence. "There's a man up my way," id a resident of Champlain Street to a patrolman, 41 who b the awful erf, wickedest man in all Michigan, and who ought to bo arrested." "What has he doneP asked the officer. "Stood in front of my house and called me all the bad things you can think of." "Then make complaint in the Re corder's office." 'But ho says he'll lick me if I do." "Then have him arrested for assault and battery." "Bat in doing so 111 hare to go into court." "Yes." "And waste considerable time I sup pose." "Yes, but you want him punuhed. don't you." "Y e-s, of coarse, but I think 121 let Providence take care-of him. Th wicked can't live out half their days, you know, and he's about 40 yearn old now. May be this winter will fetch him." Detroit Free Press. The Raleigh electric street cat sy- tem will go into operation by the first of August. of The Florida legislature has passed a bill making the anniversary birth of Jtfferion day in that State. the Davis a legal huli- A man with a paint pot and brush was at work on the front steps of a Elon 'College Commencement, house on 3d street, when a pedestrian halted and called out : The first Commencement of Elon "Hello! So you are painting, eh I7 j College, in Alamance county, came off The painter put aside hi bruMi,;""" .uu.i.w u..jr j last week. A Leader repoiter left wiped his fingers on a pi-cc of paper, l"15 ls owing to the high pncs on th the sidewalk ho nce!4SAnes ol li e- me puunc aumor Jouesboro on Juue 1st to attend. At Qd descending to Greensboro that night, he heard State replied : Auditor Sanderlin deliver an interest- 4,My friend, I am sorry for you, but ing lecture iu behalf of the Knights of Pythias. There is a lodge of eighty members in Greensboro and they were out in full force that night. He reached Elon College at the un seasonable hour of 1:30 a. m., and soon found comfortable quarters. so unfortunate for themselves, were; Tuesday morning came blight and never sense cranky. olessed with and manhood enough to common make them fi;rituTly of Schenectady, "N, Y., and Atlantic City, New Jersey. riTtslxiro Is in the centre of a pair.c country. VurtrMes and wiW -turkev in abundance. Kv i rv contort found nt this hotel to be found sit a Northern resort. Terms reasonable. 31 MR METTE, F A YETTE V1LLE, N. C. A Viuc Modern Hotel wiO every eonrf ort, and a 'i netted for Wiutc-rTiiurist visiting this wou fcvrtuily healthy and ajrrecuble Uiiucte. - T. A. DAUK23UMAXACKK. Also Manurer- of th fashionr.bla hotels on wu otclio Uluoia, o3 E-istpcrt, iU. 51-ly mm Now heaven is not very particular when it wants a water-vane; almost any man will supply that need. But when it wants a crank it is very earetul to select the best man the community aSords. Then, in view of this fact, kind dudes, for it is to you that we shall now speak, as well as to those who bave always entertained higher opin ions of themselves than rational mind ed people have of you, or thwn, please before you thank heaven that you are not so unfortunate your inferiors, (as you regard them), and that you have escaped being a crank, examine yourself to the best of your ability. and see if possible, what is the great deficiency in you that debars you from such an election. Perhaps it is a want J ! of intelligence and ability; or it may be the lack of enough moral courage to be a man. We acknowledge that some cranks are crankier than others very rough indeed; but you should not think hard beautiful. By 10 o'clock a large crowd had assembled to hear Rev. C. J. Jones, D. I)., of Norfolk j Va., de liver the Baccalaureate Sermon. The test was : 'Come over into Mncedonia and help us." It was a soul-stirring sermon and eloquently delivered. That eveniug he went down to Gra ham to see friends, and called in to see brother J. D. Kernodle, editor of the Gleaner, returning to Elon in time for the exercises that night which con sisted of music, essays, speeches, etc., of which may be said, well done ! Wednesday morning the three grad uates spoke. These were : N. G. New man, of Virginia., "Higher Educa tion;" C. C. Peel, of Virginia, "The Millionaire and Hb Limits;" Herbert Scholz, North- Carolina, 40ne Great Need of the Farming Classes." The gradutes received the degree of A. B. The Trustees then confened the decree of A. M. on Henry Jerome Stockard, of Graham. Mr. Steckard is making quite a reputation as a poet. His productions are sought by feme of j the leading Magazines of the North. by keeping your eyes wide open, exer cising all cautiousness you are capa ble of, and always being prepared to dodge the fool-killer you may jo$o(y save your life." W-what do you mean T" Well, you asked m if I was paint ing !" "I did." Well, I'm not painting. I'm gravel-roofing these door step. Look ! Can't you see the gravel ? Isn't the tar-kettle right here 1 Can't you tell ; the dilference between gTavel-roofing ; and painting !' ! The other man looked at him for half a minute, fized him up as the biggest man, and tuied away with : Some people can'f be civil to avo their blamed necks ! Go on with your old pile-driving P ities are unable to meet the incrcv&Mn;) demands, and private charity cannot render much relief. English Spavin Liniment remove Ml hard, ctt or eallouMd lump and blemishc (rom horse., blood pavin, curbs, plint, sweeney, ring-bone, Mi iies, Kpruins, all swollen threat. oMJglm, etc. Save ff-'O by use of no battle. Warranted tho rait wonder f til bloroifth cure ever known. Sold by E. I. Snipes & Co., drujrgists. Jone boro, N. C. The Jews are continually undergoing bitter persecutions in Hukm. They are pouring into Berhn from th&t country iu gieat numbers, and their misery is very severe. The larger por- jtin will doubtless go to South Ameri ca, as it i believed that they have frc 6 passes, but owing to the state of niTairs there their condition will n't be bet tered. The 'Jews neem to be a prv cuted people everywhere. The Carolina Central ilailroad depot and several guano sheds belonging to barn and robbing the house of Joel the railroad company at Laurin bury, Gardner. Oneof the rascals cnfes.ed i were burned eatly Sunday morning the crime and took the sheriff to the -lat. Som fifteen oreizhteen lot place where 3,400 were enncealed. cars were badly scorched by the heat. Near $1,200, besides several thousand iMrwt of the merchandise in the dr.' t dollars in notes have not been found, jwss aved through the effort of M Over one hundred barrel of corn and tter Mechanic, Jrae Msglenu, rf the five bales of cotton were burned. Tho road. The depot bui!d was innr robbers were taken from tho ciUcers jed. but for what aroounj er.ld not I the same night aud svun op, but ! awertined. The Cre, it is aid, w Two negroes were arrested in Pitt county last Saturday for burning the were cut down. There is much ccif e- undoubtedly the ment about the matter yett Jry. rork of an iaerndji- Wilnington Star.

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