VOL. IV JONESBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1891. NO. 18 MOUNT l; I ! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. A I OF NT VEKNON SPRINGS are eno-Ol ! by few and surpassed by none in the State i ., , f,,r the medical properties of its mineral ! water.. Some f it, cures are almost miracu- j h. Unlike many mineral waters, the taste i-j j-leiisant, cool, palnteable and refreshing mi i n.v tiuhb lew uays oeiore you can i ,nj.,y it, but the desire and love of the water , ., awri ( i:n -mi" -s daily. , Jtsides the old springs so well established ami widely known by their great medicinal jir'ijxTtii'K, there have been other springs re cently discovered which contain high medici nal projerties. The Fine- Curative Properties , ,.. w.urs ar tocrewU In repu,o and Kipulanty. The springs are surrounded ! y grint nutuntl bauty, with a high eleva tion above the sea lvel. and the Min ij r-wnc rtlHU in VIUUKAi 1NU. i in l o ri linn a&i . & t . . . . The Management will employ eoraiett t .,H, in ,c .epartmcni, and U determined ,o j iiiukea delightful home, dedicated to health rest and pleasure, when his guests way find ' every aid, comfort and convenience desired, ' Hit proprietor desires to make it a Resort for both Northern and South ern Guests, Medical scientists pronounce this place 'Natures pat Sanitarium and ha re volunteered to testify to the virtue i it-4 waters. Amusements : A nice new Piano, .a good Band of Music, Howling Alley, Luke Boating, etc., etc. Five ! Jnuulred feet 'of Piazza room. Mt. Vernon Spring. is situated in Chatham I l ounty, N. (.'..one mile wet of Ore Hill depot, ill the CillK fc'enrX- VurlWin Vnlti.r lo;i w;t hin two hours ride of G reensboro and Fa ! tfeille, and is a channiHy ' spot to thoe who i - -i'!; (fjiljice of Rest and Recreation. The dining-room has been refurnished and I fit'. d up with an eye singly to the comfort and eoavenieiiee of the guests. The rooms :iNo hitve been refurnished. Address, J. D. BUIE, Manager. Mount rr iu.ii Sjmtujn, Chatham Co., X.C. 14- Douglass & Shaw, Attorneys-at-Laic. CARTHAGE, N. C. I'rnetiee in the FelerHlvSup.erior and Supreme mil ts of the Slate. W. E. MURCHISON, Lawver Notary Public, "iil ntend to lmsim iffne Uj'reilie tour1 i''"i't i ly "sujiporred tint! backed "ill not mt ml Justice's emuts (exeept in .1 -'in l.oro and :i;;!oili, without CAH iu ud- J- A. BALLENTINE Muilding, near Lkadk;; OlFice. Jonesboro. w. h . McNeill, Attorney and Counsellor At-Law. CARTHAGE, N. C. "i!l practice -in any of the Courts of "f the 'State. AH business entrust ed to him will receive prompt and careful altention. fijh'ce in Court House J holding. Announcement. THANKFUL to my many friends 1 in Moore and ad oinm, ,nnntipi " tWir confidence and liberal patron- I " in the past. I wish to sav that I uta l.ie..! ; t.. .1 . ; u - A. Sloan Co., in Jonesboro. i - x.n,v4 ,41 un.-! 11,K1LU Ut'Al UOOr lO v -UM-e I can be found when not. called ; on professional or other important T 4 ! '- ff . : .----ii-'JT r3 2 j aiCJ I 15 I " -wtKiAKER and FUNERAL "nw- i UR. Jonesboro. N.C. 1 d:U r'r"n-tlj Attended Tu, night vr day. VERNON SPRINGS T lOXHOE I D ' x'L me aieif huu men ior several v-ujr uitum uuet es- 4mv-iuvu io i. . r rvf ti j ' the water will be comparative! v!lah.. "r0 f, r , . ' iauu, I'uuaueipnia, uahin;ton and ..-....- W U UI llv7Dr "t obnoxious smell or disa- Cincinnati, and is making liberal con- of this State, desiring to attend the ! W. H. H-UMBER, jgreea-ble taste, boon after the well tracts with able men that can secure Couft-dente Vnirr-n T t- X- R. ! was dug a tank poisonous gas showed business. The principal office of the i Jfcrate T ReLnionat, r r- .-tv-?r?rr-r5tfrk. . ..t. ,j societv is at '"i Kma, u-iv X'...i- "jiluismuh. l.. ju v " n. . t4 mm 7 m nut' JSuSf c t Pa Cases in solid wU t-tr," It,,,",ttit,:i white, und imitation ! 'vn! u",mi"- coftiiw also. Profe M rxKesrendere-1 wken desired. i JONESBORO DIRECTORY. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JOSESBORO CIHCCIT. lieV. J. V. Tknmnunn X., i-n I int?Vndnd "h Sundays at 11 a.ni.. and ;rVVr"l:??Av"' "ndHyatSflO ?Ior "P11-- lt Sunday at 11 a. in. and Saturday before at a p.m. Lemon Sorina lst Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Poplar Springs, .in! Vff meet,n every other Wednesday night! PRESBYTERIAN. lie v. D. N. McLauchlin, Pastor Charires:- Sundt? ,S.umla and 7i p.m. Sunday School every Sunday at &:.- a.m. Pray. er 'meeting every other Wednesday night, at BAPTIST. Rev. W. T. Joves, Pastor. Jonesboro. servi ce every 3d Sunday at 11 o'clock. a.raZ,and 8 p.Hi. bunday school every Sunday at :43 a.m. CHHISTIAN. Uev. P T. Wat, pastor. Charges:-Poplar SSVSlS tflHliVfalSSSW -m' anl , p.m. ' Rev. G. R. Ur dehwood. Pastor. Charges: Chnrtian Light, lst Sunday at 11, a,m.: Egypt i '"vauvau AV A A., a.m.. iM IIIIIL r PUHttnr Id Ik.am. day at 11 a.m.; Shallow Well, 4th, Sunday at 11, a.m. t&?gSfSS-fi& 3C Ta,s of John tne lPtist, and St. John the iiVungehst. ! Joxesboro Lodge, No. 127, 1. 0. O. F Retr ulur meeting, every Friday night. TOWN OFFICERS. Mayor: J. R. Watson, Esq. COMMissiosERS:-Dr. E. P. Snipes, 8. If. Buc hanan, J. L. Godfrey, J. A. BallenUne, James Dalrym pie. Street Commissioner: J. A. Mclver. Clerk:-W. E. Murchison. Treasurer: Redin Bryan. Town Marshal: John W. Masemore. COMMUNICATIONS. EGYPT. Blackberry harvest nearly over and f lQ ttle more cheer 1111 mey aidj but the Weed IS ful mreo weess Deinna wiuat it was at same date last year. Corn is backward, wheat an average crop, oats reported light, peach crop the same. Apples fair to good (where there are any trees to be found in bearing condition). Grape crop re ported good. An abundance of rain makes every thing bright and fresh as an early June morn. The coal company having resumed work after a few days idleness makes the workmen look more cheerful. Quite a force of workmen have been ! nuia me uew uoiei wiiicu j with tho advent of a party of Phila- j , uelphia capitalists who are negotiating for a large deal in Egypt and the ! Railway looks very much as if j tli. fni" -PoTvn-k.1 !., C i. ; l itnucru iij ui xjLrypi inigiic i raise up and out of its long Rip Van j W inkle sleep. The Rail Road from bere to Buckrer is one pieces of road in the State road, and the trestle and bridge work ! shows Mr. J. J. Sickler to be one of the best practical civil engineers to be ' found. Rail Road engineers and bridge builders would do well to ex- amine well the trestles and bridges of the Egypt R. R, as there are none in jtiiispartof the country equal to them j for strength and safety he western I j extension of the Egypt Rail Road has ; been surveyed to Glenn Haven and it ! ; is expected that work on the same will begin between now and Christmas. I -p, . . 1 , "ousetnat ls a curiosity. At times the mineral will be sn strnncf nctr. mai-r, the water unfit for drinking. r "rc r ; oil, sulphur, etc., will get out at times ' so that quite a scum shows on the sur- ! 11 JU ! w ' i j placed by sulphur, iron, etc. The j well is about 22 feet deep and the wa-j ter is cool and when free from foreign properties, is a pleasant tistinir water As we write this the call f more it 4, , . , . . . . , , , help on the hotel is heard in the land ; of Egypt. 191. I : IAOIZ2S i Needing tonic, or children thu want buUdl nitOWSf IHOX BITTER'. Itiipiea.vani wiAW-e.e unt MUru. Indlffe- Un, cad Uiiituiac!. -VL dealers kepii. J Ul: juuiis; emu tti itr a June was ais-i . - . . - . , . . 4 v i - ' . . ... CAMERON. tZrZS,r-y fi Sowin 3 J E themselves Th.L.i. . The treshers are among ns, plajlnff havoc Wlh sheep, and hen nests. Un- c e Jlm is a!ong with his mu..,c box, it s a self-acting eoncern, also a self. .ill I j way uoo, you ana Drother; I. Y. 1 . . oote have my snake -with - - your types until I fear it will not be able to hold all thosa eggs in Mr. Thomas' hen nest; if you Editors don't leave my snake life size, I will report my next one to the Chatham Record. Some of our friends are just now praying for one thousand dollars, but according to "The Book" the money is not in sight. Wo learn that Horace Morrison is very sick with fever, also Mr. M. D. Mclver, of Winder, is very sick in Rockingham. There is very little, if any, change in Mrs. Worthy's condition. SnakesI "Snakes are on the boom now, more rattlers around than usual, several have been killed right lately and the largest kind. Yesterday Jim Harrison came in town with a footer tied to his but: gy axle just for a show, 14 rattles and 14 inches in circumference the two up- j - per iangs were at inches long each. I Mrs. Dr. Farnell killed three in her yard last week all large ones. Not long ago we found one fast t in the , he had . crawled fence between the rail cracks swallowed a large rabbit, then paruy mrougu the fence and swal lowed another rabbit about tb Knmo size, and as the rabbits couldn't get together Mr. Snake was fast in tho fence, we dispatched him easily, he was not such a large snake though; on ly 1G rattles and 2 buttons, G feet and 33 inches in circumference be iween the rabbits. There are plenty of larger snakes than these around. Dr. Blount our M. D. here saw one a while back, that after being killed and coiled around in side a common flour barrell filled the barrell about half full of pure snake, that was a good sized snak """o" iucio art some ranca lartrer around here and hereabout.'' j 1 be above is copied from the Swans- boro correspondent of the New Berne Journal. An occasional suake can be t!fn.il J - Af ..... . .'iuic iuuuiv, een u some fellow has to raise 'era in his b..ots. of the best New Accidsnt Insurance Com- till 4 o'clock there was no one to look ) 'J1 , tl.nil!rr't,ra .tr W"c P.' , f pany in the South. -at vou reirr.nhfii,. i i i entlre Wlt'n guarant,il or i, for a new at jou reproachfully and Mgh and money refunded. Price U ct rk .1 A recent trit of lr T.l- 1 President of the Provident Fund So- ; ciety of New York, throu-h tho Sotl, convinced him of the importance of I establishing for his company a south-1 ern department or branch, with min- ciPal ce at Atlanta, tor which ar ! l rr " 1 . "Vlue-. Am? JT ,P South Carolina. -Virginia, Tennessee, ' Alabama and Florida. All business ; tnese states will be conducted by;to kick mvsMf w"f TW o ' 1 tU f vill be ful.y equipped and under able The Provid it Fund Accident Soci client reputation; has er uas an exc f-.v. iu"ii.-auus Ul uoilitrA lO IIS pany tha progress i mom wire it. t nlm ,1 ! .1 : lTlPm IMirC 1T1 Ulfl-r,mmtf is a ern- 1 at ought to make a steads n the great new South. I'll V I I ! Tl 1 fl Alt .! Mttrk. ImI.. Iltl. I r ..... . . l, vuu,ul,uwu' UU1-? Jlu The Southern Department U under the management of M. Lee Starke, ; aUli arrangements are now being ls " of the uiu represent tne company. rJi indncements are offered to the ri-M men. The best territorv is bein- tak- en. Write at once for terms and se- rnr onn tint -f vnn, t-tli-k-. i Add-es M 7r S-m i Rnnm 7D fll,l Oot-.v! T:i. ;.,. . v'v : . .Atlanta, Ga. j KUDDOr Hips. the bZileh,, been, loom - and int0 olKaritT .ft 'womankind is not satisfied, and ii ; make$hift is in h, fa jin U8e and not , f; the form this t.me of art" a level" ! opfi hi anmeiaiij devel- It is the same old bustle that h,, .nn,, .... : T Uhe ' i ' "l, 7 ? a cwaaiin ai rA i 1 1 1 i v i mir l m a. , a -r , cm m two, ana each side i riu a ia me Hotel lobby. A lady .ho know, all about ,ch fcSlff XheV'' P things told me. She had one on her-1 ii, i Jr. ' , . self, and when I commented on her in-! Thl. v '.m'r0, m-r 3u"Don J- creased robustness, she laughed, bin h- i -,n.J'",,B'' ,L.e,on a ed, patted her hips and said: ' WT i": "It's not me. it'. r.t ! T'" cuff bntton'eott rue ..osuuu. vuo WU nra tVta 1ot.- i . . . f . ,..'. " " V I ... . auktrst. tifttc, aau one mat is VlAAAminn nvn..1. - V . jivjj.uirtr wiin wonaenui ra Piditv. The nad r rubber bags. 'I k... . . A. I venient a, the old-time b,,le, and not much more of a nuisance to we., Go dotrn Ml, v .i i . surpri at ft. 7 abW j -" l,m,.l,;i rcmarKawyj,eroa the dming-room, and each on. the tmKf mnb H f "Why do they do it V1 "Oh, the great advantage to bo ' Rained in appearance is the smaller look it gives to the waist. I don't think there is any other reason. That's quite enough for any woman. "The fashion has its serious draw- backs. tto. Siimptim.i i aronnii Ami tk ,r.. i . :-r". . ,h ""P'easam. A.f lXt0' 1 "m ,n fc" r.n .U Puncture one of the thing,, 'at d f -e will go off with a louu report. Xou can i.na5,ue how lop-sded oue would look after such an , TCcident horbo to think of." I NeW York IIeral d' Why He was Foe.lngso Blue. "What. tl, r,o. ttidiU.,,u ' nartv. .YnnUl.Mn... b "I feel blue." ( "But last night you were the jolliest member of the party. "I felt jolly. "You acted like a boy jest let out of school." au. M your wife had gone away lor lbe rst time iu three vears, and thero wasn't any one to jv a word if yu went hom3 & kickt-d over the mantel clock." "I remember it." i "You said that if vou staved out un- make you feel mean." s' anJ 1 s?a.vo out uutill 4 o'- clock diJn,t Ir "You eertaiuly did.' "And 1 "aVe an InJia lian war-hoop 02 11,0 doorstep?" "Yes, and you sang a verse from a comic opera song and tried to dance '" . "Aad ra3" wife had missed the train. Xow go away and leave me. I want not tak . not taklg the precaution to gtt an af- i:i fidavit from the conductor that she weai the train. n-,., . . -. i 1 asses covenng transiortat;on to and from Wilmington only. Penrioners in making application for these aes i . . .' : o t.fi?.. rd b, Sn- penor ourt Ultrk of tho enuitv ii It -,1. ,1 " hlCh tLc-V retlde to the x their names are on the Pensioners roll - ' county. PleaMS notify hll Pea- MiffliM nf-l'ii rocr.!..-:. W. E. KrLE 0 P V 'SAW -ALV1NR- niAMnMnc ;"Ralse1 Hlm.d Drove Him j from thoHotol. , . ! Charles L. Dav.,, the actor, other- kn0Wn " "AWa JoI!o " " t S n n of to" , TeIUf MJ, gtatttmiu( ' ft 7 7 VT?U iro "cmnl VV in 4ruQl OI mm looted over hi i hi.! ;n nt , !a of aa "inainUnce, whom ln 1 .1 . ..... i ? ,oUu each, and my wife h a trunk I TI1 . iuu up in our room." , The Detroit man di bul that evening by ai '-. T mu am ntl J anch. evening by arrangement with , urrr alone at a J . y " ' Z, Vl. tuicuair. x resentlv, M-V ! eU OD bU Lreast' pi pn3l1 hung cendant from each coat and vit button. Soberly marching to Davis' tabl the seven men took the vacant sect and the Detroit man entertained tU alleged actor with : "Ah, I see you admire our dia monds. This one." pointing to the . . ... frmt.iiicti fUM. ! . ' And , these" indicating the Prbm,. 'Wt 2i0.000 each, and we have tbreCVr j ,(iaJ. ot them at the dc,K,t wailinVto ! be 5i de-tracted." k , Uavis not only chanced U'. tab'. ' l A . f ,al"e The evils resulting from habitual Tkt:T It'Anfia m ftA. 1 ,T " Z ! "UJ" Ka": uu9Uf vnnv; purgnxivr- i- I qte as dangerous. In Ayer's Pi!!-. :howcr' the patient h.vVa mild bnt effective apencnt,superiortoallotlu: .v.j.vcia.iy ior iamuy use. Electric Blttors. ! This remedv is beenn.; n r fei nil known Rml popular as to ne-d r..i fecial mention. All who have umi r.lectric Bitters ting the same song f ; irat-n A tinr m.i;.'. i ' exist; it Ls guaianteed to da a!l that c!.airat d. Lievtnc Bittern cures r.'l eas. , !lv..r an1 14 . th I er affections caused bv imt.n... , blood. Will drive malaria." fn.m ti - S.fstem and rtrrvent nA .T-... 1l .. . i . r.i:l1 f,,vers. For hcadarh,.. con.tir l - - - - - " . v. nil i.i . 1.VQ at Mclver & Da!rm:.!c. Bonitz Hotel, 120 Marl ft .Strrrt, Wilmington, North Carolina. 77.i llo'rl in locate,! in the ?..., Crntre of the Cti. conrem'nt tu nil tf.r L'otttt and Street Jtuitriy. Rates $ 1 .GO per Day. ' Cal KATEf gives orxntv Jin: ovtr-m.-.; on, -Urtic nat. i J'f.rfrr amrl 11tl rf 7 nwi lUmin. J. H. WM. BONITZ. Proprietor. CENTRAL HOTEL, PITTSBORO, X. C, A. DEVENDORF. Proprietor. f .ra. rlj- of SchtNadr. V. an t tk ru City, New Jtrf-y . rlrt.r i in th cr-rrf f a irarr.e c. tinr '-rrrvr-. rvl iriM .rvrT tiponn Er fry ccrafvrt found at thl. tei to I- . i a vrttM-f u n.u j triL. rttul u. I II) HOTEL LAFAYETTE. 1 ' FA YETTEV I LLE, X. C. . A nreM'.-rnIlMe-ithf-irrt'tt.f-ft ! atnj t.! f-r V. 'mTTturtU n,f tt.ji -l.rT?uliy L-aitLy jil pi-rrt.ic .:iiut. . , T. .- CAUKU!. Max ao i it. . A1Mkupt ,r tl- ft. I..-! t. t - -.