VOL. IV. JONESBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY. JULY 29. 1891. VERNON SPRINGS yiuu.n 1 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. NO. 19 COMMUNICATIONS. BROADWAY. Rev. D. X. McLauchlin preached nn excellent sermon at Salem church last to be a sort of "Billv" and "Jimmv" affair. hue Curative Properties; "season" man has beea monkeying I'. Politician: Give, oh give us a 1 stones, marl ami T.lmnW r.i- .... ' .,..7 f7 . . rest, at least until cool weather. j -e specimens; soils, one foot square c can anTwlu be rlT j eep as dVired, box up so as to re- ing to be one of thf f- The Olim rnmrMiwm .; -tain the Mmi sb r.e-.uU,wr,cvinSi t. iaM-a auvemsing our resound .i ! ironi iue ''round. . . . . v rr i i t . ; r.v vu uUr pan to md evrrv : Wood and t.mbcr s,ci.nens, if in Uncc to Lave ,Uiun,v IVd r sawed form, one inch thick. any width fully rer.rr.tl ' "Ct""' "The true story of Mr. Blaine's ill- ?, "n(r"'! V a 'e;,ion. I We say to ,!,. tusincs n,.. ... , . . neSS..iSpet,ingjust a ,itUo tnonoto- j J WJt 2- nous. notw,thstandinS it is different j lanre enoueh !'., 1 ' , ? J !, ! mt of the j every time it U printed. j four inehes, by f.,ur feet lonir. 1 thin- ! '. TV - r"a : " " 1 Manufacture,! from eo, , r Vn7h,, L. .J 'S IT is not encouraeW to nl.l ,,:.ia i wrx.l. Ht c;u- , , ,IISU 1110 dvcrtinir as,! c. """"i ; h ..ijjuf, usu-, ouuaiii" un nf ti.; but it is nevertheless true that the i al idth yrd long; from wood ! building t,Vf every T mmlhv marriage rate is constnntlv or iron OI" specimen of a kind. !d,trv 13 ,Cre!t RmI 11 ' um uie enchant ing of everv r-.t-. i jur.NT VEHXox sirixi;s arr quailed Sunday. ill t.y lew una surpasved l.y nom- in the State W T T tr x . , , , . A D. Hunter lost a horse a few f.-r tin-, iiKf'acul proH-rti.-s ,,f. its mint-ral ; fays uurseaiew -Ht-rs. Sfm r.f its cures an- almost minivu- i rru ' Wi rnlik, many mineral wate, the ta.te ! , battle "Gen. Green" is i.b-aniint. mnil tmit.i.i;i ,wi -..r i about over, and as the smoke clears tiiut y.u do rn,t wait n few days before you can i awa we behold substantial evidence ! 1 V.nt Ml t I . . ! ..'ijoy it, out the desire an.l love of the water l"a" "lCt4U ' oe pientltul iiere ano- iT.i r. uxuai;y. , iu jwr. ouon may be a few davs iw-sidru th? oM 8prinKs so well established j later than it was last year. Wheat is ;.nd widely known by their jrrtat nuilicinal turning out very well from thp trnw rr.,- me, t w have u en other ,,,rin re- j Seasons have been exceedingly fine, marriage rate is constantly decrcainir r irn one a kind. I -.ntly diseovered whieh contain hhrh medici- cnmA nlan i, . A ' to . vwwiounj uttrensmg , ofllff. ... , . . . u,i i.ror.rtie. The ! t P, iave. bfen t& wet' the this and other countries. i ,StuffHl .birds an J amma1 ! i c. tau n oo mat tne Uhio . . , 4 "iiu lain LTiL I HS T , t thes- waters are inertsnsin- in reputation j , . . ? brtlt:! ' .iij.i iiiiiuiiij. xm; springs are KurrHunued j uo, vms, cows, uog ana .y Kiit miturui ijeauty, with a luh eleva-"' snep have been quite common a little Tioii alMive the W'vel. iiml tho North Kacf nln. "r ' " i. 11 " F,ai,r' uumigui seem mat our greatest present ne MR IS PURE AND INVIGORATING. ; strolls and love-making at the gate Li,,,. , . i,0 .. . , , more harvesting and less politics The Management will eim.w m,.rt hare been entirely susnended for v. pouues.. ... - ' .runes ana curiosities: idiotoirranliie t1, . Iviewioftmildinfarm "oney, ouUid.- IS view of the failure of the Euro- ! one of a kind. r ,a, 'ands. There pean crops, and the project! fil. ! The above lists of nrtlel i ! ,U,np Vt lIJ our rar- It juwopctiive "'go ; iijis uj .iriicics may oe j prices for AmeriMnpproe . ..t.i i addod to, both in variety mnl niunti. " " j North East of this place. Moonlight j seem that our greatest present need i 1 ty acoordin to t U produced. ' MlchBan's 24,000.000 Bushel ;strolls and love-making at the grate more harvesting and' less politics ' " ' mmt1 or i each state Wheat Crop. 31auagement will employ competent ut-eu euureiy suspended for sev- -lu ip in each department, and is determined to ; eral weeks. Some cross-grained parents mukra deiiffhtfni home, deiiowted to health, ' don't care whether the mad dog ex r.t and pleasure, wher his jruefi jay find ' citement ever blows over or not. Three fwry Hid, comfort and convenience desired. ! couples are about ready for the mar The proprietor desire to make it a j riage ceremony and negotiations are Resort for botho for many more. You will near from us later. Sam Bows. ern Guests, MidhHil scientists proiiounco this place 'Natures reat Sanitarium BURLOW. When Germany becomes a republic and miser Wilhelm loses his job he might utilize his Recent experience by becoming a theatrical "lhrhtnin" change artist", retaining his present extensive wardrobe. t or comniunitv. The cheapest means of advrti-in-! f , -Mlchigan monthly crop reiK,rt is to have a dozen column of one is-1 , ' w tht flrt offif UI timalt. .f sue of your county papers devoted to , f I,rollle tot! .vieJd of wheat fn.ni the advantages that vour county can I lyi'T' crp offer to land buyers: and lmve one to i ,t .estlraate U -'.I.WS bu-N U. ten thousand printed, and eud to usj", US ,sl VrUhy luw. for distribution among the large num-! art'a l! Uo0()0 crfs ia exor. ber of visitors who will attend the Per-1 f hm" manent Display, which is continuously . at?a I,Iaalf J corn ia A pr open to thomililic. m.l v..-.-' ' cont- ,C!' the southern cuntie tl.a. f , j M..v Ul SAI'VfllIIIll " " proper, to be held during October and i " -v;ir''' nua CM.n.liti.n. ni l have volunteered to testify to the virtue j vi it. water. j Well, its time for the Leader again. 4 . For tne last three times we have writ- .VlllULlllUILfe. ; ten it found its way to the waste 1,.,SV-! l iaiio, a "-nod liand ot Music. ri- c-.m ,-T,.. i ir. - nnco -ill c-i, , i , I f T x ... . . . .. .. - ,M lU 1 rH-K-ia:i.. Li v.: According to Senator Hale recinroe- ity is to be the main issue in the Pres- t0 W dari' October and .J iiden.ial fiffht and the U)i."'- Ior. will e-ect i - w i k in ; t r i - r. . k , I l" st;u ui iuo ronm lia., to n.Ter Acr Uathirtif t' l'- r -mnn ii.. ii ... . . ;ii."iriic 1 li.jt nri reer.in..?! U.w..., Ail-v. Lake boating etc., etc. Five V , tISe . U COU&- ! nU"1L l"e repuoiican tick- j home seekers and Capitals. .led hv the Ut ,.hv,ieM. I .....!:vdi.,.t..f i'iiIZa room. J , appear in tue columns . tl ic is out tair to state that Mr. Uo not wait until October. Take thev are free from n! l i . M:. V. : u,n Sprimrsia situated in Chatham of the paper. tti. : , ihi , an tree from cahnue! and ot!;,.r M. i- I IV Mill lt)r ItW.ltl- ft.. 1 III! .11 I I I'll TatTtlk 1'. k . a . . . i j 1 1 v i ii ii s. i. in ii' ill lit i ii n l - - ill. I. i i f iiit" i it ni'i rumi i 1 :n .. j D;sIlayis now being arranged in xhv purely v.Vetab!ei3-riMlimenN. 7J:1!,. I J v ,r- eiui.ii.ei.i iis uiorou?!i in tl.eir action. t!i-v -tin i- ii'ji' ,m11 l. I-,... ii .i .... A ulc ii'-w I hit ..u-!l . X. " '.. ore'mile wiist i if Ore Mil! il?u.t - t - w a vy I'1V.11LV 11 11111 ,11111 I I flU . ii'i;,c t ;n ( i-1 - Vsidkin Vaiiev Kail Knad. ' . . . . uupreiudiced prophet. crops. Air.. A. A. Kelly has the finest ! ' n . 1. i -I , . i v-iup u; uuiu ne ever uau since he has : been farming. I Rev. G. R. Underwood preached nn ; excellent sermon to a very kire crowd at Shallow Well on last Sunday morn- i .I :i:t-l i- a chuhiiintr spot to tliossc who .i.pJ.a-e "I' KOst and Recreation. t!;i-:h'j'-rwi;ii; has been rt-furniclied- and . AN OPEN LETTER To tho People of the South: ! 1!ay ,wlU ,bc kfTt open all the yi ar : late ar.d strer.gtlu n the 1n,-u v!.":.:,.l , ."v a., mat v uai is ni in at once retarv "fan l'i-i ii v.ilh an c' single t tlie-eomfort -:-ii!cne;. "! tin- "ucst. 'j'he li.oins in IT. lied. ii.if iit -i n k-i i:i-ni.;h 11 1 11 V J. D. BUIE, Manager. '-iriif 1". t tii i i V'..........; I. ..!.... -. y- A ' i ...... ,n . , m.-ii r.ij., IIH III (.!., .C . will bo doing your section irreat trooJ. I jand you can add to it from time to time as you make collections. j Respectfully, j .1. T. V.Tmvx, See. Rakish, N. C. Douglass & Shaw, Attontcys-atrLtftr. OA HTHAOK', X. G. If a merchant has irood.s to sell he A . . . ; I rpi t i , . , : exj.eer a customer to buy uti- i f The Mission Band winch was to meet till b OM. r. , ei u in i, c . i tiu "e sees the quality and price. 1 i at Shallow Well Sunday evening was i tp c i i i i 1 ; v , . s " the South has lands, water powers ! postponed on account of the rain but i i . , 4 ii . o , minerals and timber to sell they can- will meet 4th Sunday in next month ' i i, . i mom"' not be sold uu ess thev are adverts , ai o ciock p. m. , n. . U .faMir and Utter ., ... Mr. James A. Thomas, and brothers ' " i, E,see will be found theopen let-' they 1 ad Wnn nr L r" T im . ' . UUIL.ls; producing and the ouahty is shown to w ,.f r- t n . . , 1 ... ,u Ln"- u nnnan.aKer pn.. by ' '-"e ,. purchase. I : ' - ,-.!i...v Now is Our Chanco. It annnimeed in Washin-ton that Wannamaker ui!l mnteiinSIy r.dth. the appropriation for th fa-t imil fn.ru Wasliin-ton to Tampa. FI.i. This M i-vice was etah!il d iiml.-r the Cleveland administration, and h.t. afforded the South Atlantic Mate ;i f.-tir and U tter mail m rviee t'.. . I . V- C L V 11 .'in!:lo1i;','!,o,k'r'11, fU!,t'riortul,1V!,nme ound Jonesboro. iQrt., i m . .... , . ; piouucuig aim tne qua itv is Scott, and Tony, of Winston, are v . s- 'i.. iA , . . ! itin- tliPir r.n.nt. o.i : i Mw ue8lie trt VrohMC. r of Imnii-ratJon f.,r Vr,l. -...i:.... ... ' , ..." ' it , UUiUSU,ai,u' The opportunity presented to the now Thir f nf f i ; n ,U" M rV,' nn1 'nd.v around Jonesboro. , - . . , " l"ie. now.Lhief of oue of the most moor- riou-lv ,orH. i... :Bl v .. ,:. people of each eountv n tin Smitb t v. , ...... 1 i a.iotiaine South. vy.E.MURCH.soN,--:!; r;is ..... HVVCr ? Xot'an- FllbliC 1 Mr- 3rcIod- of owns a " ,,i n n,Crv,a,. p i with Mr. IWrirk in ur?ir);r the .,'.,.!.. Tho First Step. - " " lL';nnecr wagon. He can o,.lv UU it'Tt ,T'T f-1 ,o see to i, that a L 1V.1,,.., v., : ;ivi;,.,(,n.,i i;.i.ii.:uio,i. Ingram. What is the cause ? , . ,. to the Southern Lxpos-.tion. h'alewlj. , ;-... (f.veti. u. a,i v. ., : .'iK-t. atten.i .tustice-s courts ( -veept in v, v t , . . . 4 , tfelow we give a list of articles and T C l-nb- .i i :. . u,,: ,:'"r "it ml uit. y,. , t. i ... -n.aud sa.iford, without c.ii in d- r or fu this will be lot on the wav ti10 flMunt:fl. . . K.Hi or.I hi , everything i.,r b,.,dlo vmi,.. : ... . t 1 V very glad to hear from Ui Cruth. f,,0 nv.- , , : .. . . v ,, vvl v IlvVA f" farmers !:::e srei- '- d .. i v.- T.M.ie .- .;.! j - ,,. alsoMr. Lle Low and uncle San, ii,ws. ' rt ;-, ri ,lt,0n' al1 : ot grrtin aud grassy of rv va- tri" ''" m ti:,l tU .-v,- .....o -.-lutMusareuansponingtlie.riety, and ee th it it i wnt to Rabi, '"',.v.I"r r"st?-ur :i. r..u m -exhibits free. All that is necessary is ;ls directed M-riv - "-rm,!. ! The Senate sub-committee which is 1 2 v r "" ' mes will visit the Kxp.ion. and U.i-u'M ,, NVrveTniie .in.J Xit-ive 1 he following are among the articles complete exhibit., especially of l r,"t"r,-,l. .".Rd l!.- Liver a,.d K.-hiM , that are desirable from each seeiiou of and grass, ill reap the lar' st n-w-iVl ' P""-. M al,!iV Try a U.ttf... the South to place in the Southern Ex- wlu n... ... . t . ! 1 ' l Molvrr A Dulrym-de'.. .i "'- M"U I (' (IO HOT Ii.-imI presumably to study what effect the j T . helJ 1,1 ,li0 cit-v of the advice and sh.ov little enterprise by law has had upon the gorgeous bath-1 V iV i i i r i . not avno ay display, need nt ex- ' i..S s,.s f .he .hapelv ,.ris who have .luT "" made that resort famous. corn, oa.s rye. wheat, rice, rass seed. AU jHH.pl aekn..Wc e are r.,,ur app.es, peacl.es,, overstml.-d with idle laud.. That we 1K. J; A. FALLEN TINE VOiVfflU DE1TTIST. Li: voiiit Uak-e, Jorub'ot.ro. ...iini. i.r, r.f Pkf.kahh. W. H. Klr.N FWA . Attorney and Counsslior At-Law. engaged in finding out the effect of ...... CARTHAGE, X. 0. the :,cKintv tariff act on thi in '.'I practiee m any of the (Courts of , . . ! the State. All business entrust- general is zow at Narraganseft Pier, cd to him will receive prompt and careful attention. ( i'l'c in Court House lluihliiiq. Announcement. 'IMl . Vl'TH'I . n i in Mmivn ...i;..;; u v- uon t know how much Sam quinces, prunes, cherries, wild and ..r ... ,111,1 ujuiiia-s . - .vvi m.iic iiiiiiiiacir;ug c-nien! Ln-rliMi Spavin I.inim.-nt n m .v... n 1 hnrd. s.ft or calLoiM d lump, and blenuhe tn.m hori bio.! ..iu.. rurbs, sidiutK, eetiiy. rifg-Um... .tj ne-s. sprains. n) so!!eri throa. eouglm, te. Save ?'ti by i ..f o-,.' lott!e. Warrante.! tin. i fill blemi-h cure i vt-r Lru.un v. ,vi t... cultivated berries, nuts and acorns. ! and ,i..tt t . , , ' ,Mr,'s ( -. druis. Jo.j..- t, , . . . . , .. - nm i.i ti new settlers with mean- add boro I I're.-sprveil frtnt in l. f..n't.. . o"io, . ';ell Commence and h bi ni I njvtroii- mn . tl W the past. I wish to sav that I m.,,pnt , ,n r , 1 . 7 Reserved fruits in baif-allon -lass' 1 7 . I-H-ated in-the moms next door to pieent ev?ehst, know, about it, but -iabS j I'rosp,.nty of our native people; A. Sl.-an Co., in Jonesboro. : he said to a big crowd in New York : ' i f , . bllt In n' sections the peopK do not u,e I can be found when not called ,t w.mt to ..1V th lt P Ionnds f tfat'h v".v in any wav try to ,eek the remedy f ,r - iT - a professional or other important ' .nt t0 that no Vlth the ff 111 Hut; flax and hard time.; that we ,-e Vi UT ln:iU'--. , whiskey record of David Bennitt Hill : jate in various stases of manipulation. rwlount! t.. .i,,- i, tu A. J. MU.NaUh. M. 1). vv,n ever get the vote of the South in At'n Pounds of each variety of stlgar; i Xow tSlat the Qh . - , the democratic National convention." ne, pUh!n ot each Vanet uf mo1 i f exhibiting what we have to attract HalKs Hair Renew t r unhr:k'n i" n fine dreeing for th-hair. S2 W. H. HUMBER, foraPairof tCustsm-lUde) from KiiicN.1)a...u . - .......av. . -f.-w- v--!. i.A The Giant monument in S-SgT.' -.r: .Jv'V- : itain that it ever will be. , , . ; 1 ""'""" w.uai we nave to attract 2n noaantj w i fill III , and sorghum; honev, one quart or one o.. t i -i . c-oor refud.i. , i , ne people, and without the eXp. n' -tire of SEND YOUR ArmRP rno AVre to ten pound m comb. : n ... 1 . s Lti4 f??S FOR SAMPLES r,, r i. n. . ! PU,piiceai,weuoU'f.eeverv coun'v n llit. liiaut monument in on- n i I wo ruiiimh " " I " ""'O. Vii 1U I lldt.f!lt& w 11 1... 1 1 1 I - -...iv "iii w ii.iuu.Minetv Miovrn up. IS not at a . . T.illt .l... :. : : len -pounds nf each vanetv of grass: wlmt i;,,,', t i - . , . ,.' . wnat kmus f grain and gra rn.w Ani lcxtridlftt for Sttf-M4.i.M.. PIEDMONT PANTS COMPANY WlNSTOM. N. C.--' but the an-! one bundle, six inches m diameter, of and thrive in our soil. T. it ? 1 f Yi nif .1A aV . a ..I , uUuv,un:iu luaue iu;.i me commit- t . . . , , tacn variety ot gram in sheaf. tu T, . . , . " '"rse '".'"K bo,n-' 1 ,i"y he'! P"Jn l-a nU county newspa-ers i- a -..! ..... uv ,ii5f?,' i-. - i the monnment and grounds as they ; ns, one gallon of each variety d.ied. will take the advice. .f Mr I-a-icV-1 l :i '''O&jS'- ' ' r Burait ca , wU . W'" PI 'tea th. fonar is eom-j ' al sruwia? shrubs n pots. : make the canvass at once.as th.rc i u.. Mtoi'r,;ls:: condition of the ona ! Uq0,Js' rt f ., be '.HrsTLK'!". Th.y ...!t,M . w : ; ought to entice more subscription, JlinVrals. bui:din stones. r,reoi... ' IZ.1.? "'V t ',,,.tSs- a! Slr ' ri un in ti.e jsetii r- i x...-.. ... - UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Jonesboro. N.C. V ii flno line of Runnl Ca-s ia solid i.'L'. oJUl.t,ltl0?' Iss-wMte. luui imit, 'I trVm'n i I.1 -""-lwta. l.iKhlr mount .o:,Ji;""Y:l,,I.,'n eoflins also. lruf.