fflUMO ILe ake VOL. IV. JONESBORO DIRECTORY. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JONESBOHO CIRCUIT. i),n. J. K. niompsnn. Pastor. Chanrrm .j.,n Mn. .-mi mm nunuHys ul II a.m.. and p.m.; Suiuiay Schor,l cp-simday at 0-;w a.m: I'rayrr m-tinjr everv Thurwlay nijrht at ' ; :) p.p.. Mi.rris' Chapel. 1st Sunday at 11 a.m. ; Hml Satunl iy Heforat.ip.tu. Lemon Snrin. lt Sunday at 32 K) p.tn lJTar.rin:w' Sund.iv at II a.m.. and i. m. S it n lord 3rd Sund ni-tinK every other Wednesday night. PKESnVTEllIAN. IN v. I) . N. McLuuchlin, Pastor-Charjres:-1 Jnnrvhoro, 1st Sunday 11a.m.. and T 'ai m Kund.-iy School every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Pray- i er meetwr everyother Wednesday niKht, It BAITLST. IN v. W. T. J o n rs. Pastor. Jonelxro, servi-.- every M Sunday at 11 o'clock, a.m., and 8 p.ui. Sunday school every Sunday at 9:4. a.m. CHRISTIAN. Hr.v. p. T. Way, pastor. Charges:-Poplar Uranch. 1st. Sunday, Ht 11 u m.: Grace Chaiel, M SMiKinv at 11 a.m; Winder, 3d Sunday at 11, a.m: mid ., juh, ' Hf V. (I. K. Undeuwood, Pastor. Charges: 'hi i-tian Liht, l?t Sunday at 11, a.m.; Kjrypt :M Sunday at 11, a.m.; Mount Pleasant 3d Sun 'luy at 11 a.m.; Shallow Well, 4th, Sunday at 11, M.Dl. Bckka l.o Lodc.r, No. 172, A. F. & A. M. Urp ulartnwtiiur, 3d Monday niht, and the Festi val of St. Johnthe Ilaptist, and St. John the KvMUjrclist. JoNWBoRo'liOiKjE, No. 127, T. O. 0. F. Kek ular meeting, every Friday night. TOWN OFFICERS. Ma yd it: J. It. Watson, Esq. Commissioners: Dr. E. P. Snipes, S. H. Ihic hunan, J. L. Godfrey, J. A. Uallentine, James Dalrvmple. Stkbet Commissioxku: J, A. Mclvcr. Ci.ekk: W. E. Murchison. Theasuueb; Redin Ilrynn. Town Maiishai.: John W. Muscmore. I W. E. MURCH1SON, Lawyer 1 Notary Public, Wjf attend to buMness in the Superior and Supreme Courts of the State upon invitation properly supported and backed. Will not attend Justice,' eourt (except in lonesboro and Sanftnl), without CASH in ad- LJOUglaSS & Oil aW, Attorney s-at-Lair. j C A R T H A G E , N C . ! Practice in the Fh-ral, SuiK'rior and Supreme ourts ot the State. 11 w. h. McNeill, Attorney and Counsellor At-Law CARTHAGE, N..C. Will practice in any of the" Courts of I tue tate. All business entrust ed to him will receive prompt and careful attention. Qj'ce in Court House JluiUHng. A U LJ I lypCD W' H' HUMBER, I UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Jonesboro. N.C. Kfvp a line line of Hurial Cases in solid wal nit and imitation, jrloss white, and imitation r.s-wiod. irlasn factdaU'S. hiirUIv mountel j uml trimmwl. r,m,.,u n rfflB nli. Pnf,. i Mnul ervieex rendered when desired C! Promi'lly Attended To, nujht irrday. Announcement. I H ANKFUL to mv manv friends I ir in M vrA nnil niiihtTiUKf PC1 ntlO " V ' h V till Vi IIU JVIHIW W uu . m the past I w.h to say tlmt :I ail! hxmtiMl n IhA rnnms tl PTi door to m located in the rooms next door to . A, Sloan & Co., in Jonesboro, j oi! on professional or other important "iitTo 1 can do tounu wnen noi caneu matters. A. J. MON50E, M. D. 0 Bonitz Hotel, 120 Market Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. 2Ai Ifoft located in the Business ! Centre of the City, anrenicttt to all the lixif awf Street Eailicays. i ! Rates $ 1 .50 per Day. I ! Cr-ECUL HATt2 GIVEN' Ct)tNTKY MEU v.) t hat. Kcuniiouist in isirt; f tn ir trmeaU i" iints, lodging Sxnt. Porters at Ilael meet nil Trains "k1 Itijatft, f"r their confidence and liberal patron-lumt J.H.WM.BONITZ. Proprietor. I'11 111 a ll"V1 -he cab of . jww,,..:..,., a.i t.n.'in, rt strain. th' rt i JONESBORn New Hampshire Letter. I T T TAV XT TT . . r. , xi., .vugnsi lo, JiS'.K Iear Leader : It is more than!let Lls trai wait Vhile the hen lavs four weeks siuce I left tho r.1,1 "V-1 o. , , 1(1 "h htatC for the places which onc know- , .. , tUtlCe Juie IJimi"arly than does anv borders. I have no 4 time to write to the many, individual ly, whom I have often thought of through VOUr columns subscribe f , ! 1 "Wcrioeu tor, OOrrowed, "sample Copies " ami nil T writft tn ' .- ' vat ii luey care to read this what I fear will prove a rather rambling letter. I saw by a Leadfr received since my arrival here, that you had heard from me per postal; as I am running away from nobody I once more let everybody know where "we" are. ' (Of course everybody icill know it as soon as the Leader comes out, if you see fit to publish this.) If I miss a copy of the paper I am as anxious to know why as any advertising agent, and there isn't a publisher in the U. S. who doesn't know that the aforesaid advertising agents are looking after all the publications with which they have a contract. Wa had a most pleasant trip from North Carolina to New Hampshire, idling icater all the way from Norfolk to Boston. The sea was as smooth as I ever saw it'with one exception, and any one who would be sick on such a trip would well, he couldn't know j the steward, that's all. I have travel I ed by water North and South several times and I'm not writing this for a reading notice either but of all the lines I've been on I vote for the Mer chants' & Miners' between Savannah, Baltimore, Norfolk and Boston. The service is A 1, and the waiters, stew- running about to see if they can't make you just a little more comfortable than you were five minutes before. I men- juon these hist because they appear . the oUenest. but the chief officers are no less attentive to the comfort of their . passengersr. and when off duty are the : cleverest of men. Thev know their busilu'ss to- If you come North, Mr. hditor, take the shiu coinniandp.l hx- :Capt. Howes, whichever it mry be, (it was, and is now, the Dorchester). , and you'll be sure of a good vessel f "l to f tnke a man who can tell yon more ! miMwiiniiv crew, it you want it jnnia ii:wi iiiiv oiuer mortal on earth, take the Alleghany this season, and get the confidence of the first mate. He's a "daisy," a rough old fellow, who'll use as much tobacco as any North Carolinian, but who attends to duty, and knows it. Well, I've been busy since I struck home. With painting, trimming trees, seeing folks, getting about ("and n i:t' . i ttWUl' a "wl 1UUC Unpopular bur- glar said he lived in Moore, for whom I was once compelled to ride some for- T " Uim aiggmg ; i i .i . . ! i ( 'that 11 make you grin, I reckon), and ; j all the general work attendant on alter- have had little ! lo uo au anting till now, a i . -tj and am o-mght Menlmg ,t from my Ippti hnt ii.- fif l t-.: uow, p.oV ;M l rr r . 1 Jasl i ccnts for a sllort eeze. Old maids ! snako eharmcr. the living American. J . 1 reiurDC11 xrtjm a visit to rvl gavem. There s a warm spot in my 13 eenb; a r,Wo or for r, P.;, U tl." ives , a Chatham. ;lieartf.my are com.ng to your State soon for a f . " ri iiiuuubjuaiom mauls. Insurance airents ad- I ITZT-il" ' ' t0 'V0U1' Tn,' I i If von will "onlv vito - . t m . and shut up the vagrant hogs and tin . a .i,w ia ... t .If ! o , aucome, it is P nat4 JUoore may be suou as j W I ATT AC kThAr aaum.,. . a! a. ? force that "cusd stock law " !,-, I-okin, ov..r the re4T r of tl, i vvuvn liitii i uv t-n - : Hotel Loverin ' to-night, I was MmC Ci what surprised to 1! friend., e'nrolled tLn Thev had , . 1 Le had puuc un-.f( wiore i saw it. and are on a driving , rip , btoueU . blt ! tton, I had the pleasure of a trip over a j ricu juew railroad Saturday, to Belmont, re tu mi air thi .(Monday)! m o xr-rK,r- tuiMtouAY, AUGUST 26. 1891. evening the same way, with an enn- ! n?r owns a big block and several I 1 I ii- , i u weiiiug nouses m town. He don't ' the -4t eg" ; ! . b I lhlS enneer u. " , , oh, no ! hUo, Dave ! loves his Vork. anna. "i, auu Knowing- him fr0m a bov I can say he isn't one to slight in "ie line of Ins duty. Hi. name that of the town Tilton and 0 --. 5 is he """ ils mucn ot his machine as Ed wards & Broughton'scolored pressman does of his, and that's saying a good deal. We are, so far as can be seen, en joying ourselves very much, and often wish that some of our Jonesboro f rincds might be with us so that they wouldn't be led astray by the notion that the Noith has "five months Winter and nine months mighty cold weather. We are just getting into the middle of the berry season, now, and are enjoy ing them for the second time this year. Don't you wish you were ur here Bob beg pardon, Mr. Editor ! Some how, it comes natural to "call names" once in a while, even if I have so sav "Alphabet" to make myself under stood. I should be glad to hearof the legal element in your community through your columns, (or by mail) once in a while. Whv don't thev sli f ""V" 1 4 vs & i; Surely, they ought not to forget to "communicate" occasionally. This is getting too long. Somebody will take it for "plate matter" if I go on any longer, so I'll just say that I wish you all manner of good success, and hope to see you this fall. Am al lowing myself some weeks yet, here, but may be in the South again sooner than I now expect. My address is as per date, and any information will be cheerfully rendered " Hope the Wil mington excursion was a success, but that's a. foregone conclusion, consider ing the management. Did anybody get left ? Yours truly, Geo. W. Baker. Blue Grass Kentucky. AuorsT Sth. 1S01. Dear Leader: These are squally times, some body said "hard times." but I kick on that. "Hard times" used to predominate i:i this country uuc luc sKm t!int passed into his- tory about the time I commenced wear- but the old skin flint passed into his- ing breeches. Some people who dont know much, continue to speak of the old kuss though, ju.t like he was still among the living. Well, you have heard that some peo ple don't know that the war is over, and its a fact. I wish I knew what would internet you, so that I could write enough to make up for my long silence. How will politics strike you! The political weather forecast for Kentnelrv i- '. Cloudv: Rcntih! IP-ATI t fm UtTfitnrft ill I ,,,. Democratic cvclones in all onrtJ - - 1 w i.u- of the State. Over in Indiana the eh;irel,n -.- S r,.ivim. rr u .ik. i... t...:... ..i... . i ging societies. 7 r or lo cents vou can . .rintr sociotip" Pftr i:,,n8,.ft hag a 10 year old girl two miaate. 10 . ! c vviii.- wkj t vn t hooks, seatin- four reorde mitt(,l onlv a. Zl,;, J.uZy 2'" ' ' , "le r'Iaia trmh we are aH viaff j . . aw txii way out here in the Missisissinm val- ssinpx val 'i- f . i ... - vuii .iirta ni c .11 . .mil til Inn n-,imnn . . rri the summer resorts having a good timf and gras -Wean,,, found; -,r .T-n-t- t - i , , Ji- .o -i . . UowaaJ if "P of iK,r,Tirati.,a oa . 1!?." w,dow! It .,uite : their hrow. To u,e Moore cou3tvi , - , "! lwur imujjiaaimniviJ 31 U:'t"CI- rcmo,e the; e:lt bus-v wor'J. tt'-'t so cany live a 1 " " ' I fatima i 1 .t , ; I . uu mar- men in a great city spend the j ier wai.e thetr families are at j ratering p;aces, drinking in new : summer the wat life aud health? It is a fact vou know ; l.i ; , , . 1 ou know . that although our summers are not , ery one who has a jaunty sailor hat. The offer U ac- the time and a few dollars to spare, must ccptcd and they are soon loM in tbo leave the comfort of homo for the Uirong of dancer, while his friend fol discomforts of summer hotels, because low Hi example, it is fashionable, and make one feel After the danco thev must Live that thov ifa : : . ' . . - "usi li.ive fall Vhn ,11 V V ' fall, when all your friends return to iueir nomes tanned by the sun and salt sea waves, that yon have stayed at home. This U the ease in America, how ever, for our men are busy, and busi ness men cannot leave their business. So while their families sniff the sea breezes from wide varandas of summer hotels, the head of the house is at home in his office and the general gloom of a "closed" house. Some thing must be done to enliven the hours, so he very naturally looks about for diversion to dispel the shadows of his deserted house. Hence the stories of "knowing winks," "sad dogs," and gay Lathorios, that are so" often ap plied to married men and gay bache l. r i . - lors of doubtful age. And this brings me to a very funny incident that hap pened in Cincinnati last week. Most of the families of prominent men of the great city lying just across the river from the Blue Grass, are at the sea shore just now, and you frequent ly meet them (the men) at the summer gardens in the suburbs where iced, frothing beer is served in cool stone mugs and a drttch dinner is in progress, while the orchestra dispenses music to the gay revelers underneath the trees. But there are seven days in a week, and this more than twice a week be comes monotonous, and his Lordship or the Lordships must find other amusements than dining on boilod chicken, garnished with smear-case and cabbage a la deutxehc, for the af ternoon and long summer evenings. ' The river affords much pleasure for these desolate gentlemen, and they can be seen forming a jolly party in negligee shirts and soft hats, on "the deck ot a steamer going up or down the river. Now let us ink., in n f .1 . . . " iM,-J'w "Ul IUP see now u pans out. liardlv are we seated on the upper deck when the boat ejives a prolonged whistle and the whizzing noise made by rais ing the gang plank announces that we ...v. u.,iiv; urn Mi-am Wirouim the i muddy waters of the Ohio Hiver head-1 prnsps List Thurday eve- ed for Coney Inland, ten miles v..'Ulllr T!uro wtr 'l rroftInns Cincinnati. This is a Coney Island that you have never before heard of; nevertheless, it is real, just as much so as its famed name sake, near New York. lights Well, after aB hour's ridi- tb.- on the Island come into vi..w and the neonle. who n atro were sittin'-ni..K- fcool river breeze, are pushing and d - ! bowing their way to get off W boat i aud be the 5rst to land. A little climb i cf vvv Ml) iUL L I t ' un tho Innlc lirin.r,, n tho broad I fT.to-tv.i v t- i.;t. .1 f, - ... .I.- VUU.WRT in ine ' Island -round,. ,n,l a l.r.rt .. ! ithe avenue and v.n ; tfcn-1 midst .f -n.. i,f t :i n . u 4 lULiu .k, i i ami' ii( w fir nnif ' ment. there are haircJ women, t-.lvc toed l' .v. v. ivv. n, , which will send vou twentv ft Jn t-, organ plays "I).,wu went McGiuty." i 1 J - 1 3 iiiii r in i i i r i i 11 i i'. jatiii n in on n.twlntlu ' "w v "-u.. , 1 HO :ey are turowing at the Babies" f like boys of sixteen, with th and h,U off. tLei, Jewelry dird,. ie:r crat par W, "wcatin- like"" 'nigger,' at - nocl one of the fimn down tho other, yell like school boys and him oa tk La-V- i. "-1 i. I . - s- j s a gay wrftt in the uaaemg pavilion and our friends get j into their coats and start for the ra- wonder-most dm-, an vilkm. First one then the other gire ! nauseating. AyrC dU the "dare" to ak a younr women to'trarr. beiar rtt S 1 f T ? dance, and finally one young women to tips hw hat to ! a pretty fjuiipiak gin-ham aud NO. 22- aetuns to drink, and tL. muddv water of tL owv:M.:.... 7 Ohio Hirer is not nearlv so tempting a ls the cool amber fluid called beer. 'The nWned haired Dutch girl drinks beer just the wme as the Kentucky girrdrink limestone water. After the beer, a ride on the roller coaster, and so the time goe? un till the tolling of the bell, summoning them aboard for the return trin. rh. w u m m a k m - r i m tx r w a a k m.. dancing is indulged in all the wav home. Well, we have had a jollv trip and a gay evening, they say. and the stand on the street corner waiting for the electric ear to carry them to their beautiful suburban home. "GunsT but it was fun. and "by cracks!" tlic little girl in pink was a beauty; but what would my wife say if she heard of the dance!" Kach one rrav n lotr whistle as this little .hot went home to the strong heads of famihYs. -Th car comes round the corner and the party is "Mum' the word boys." Nevertheless the following lettcrVa written next day : Cincinnati, Aug. 19th. 1S91. Mv Darling Wife. Two long we, ry weeks have passed sinco you left me with the children for Nantucket, and I have had such a time without you. How can I bear tho six long wcks before I come to brimr vou and the dear ones home? Dnring the day it is not so dreary for business occu pies my time and attention, but the nights hang so heavily upon me in my deserted homo and my loueliness. But I feel sure that the outing will bo of great service to you all. I will con- . tent myself with hard work, and though xi is a great trial to bo separated, I would not have you all at home for the world, for I am not that nclfij-b. 1 our tu-serieu yet devoted hujdwn.L i .... . ice summer, ho is a Tf 1... . . i good mi, don't you think sl KLCtriLLU-S. BROADWAY. Bev. W. G. Kingdom! hi s meetinir and ten additions to th ie church. was as3ited by Uw' Graliam aud Henlv. A new potoflice haj Uen eiUblUh- i . 01 l0 v ' 'ucu nonaWK B. Doug- las as Hst master. Mr. J.T. Brooks, of Jonc.boro town- 1 f Is 1 crop of f",loa w ' br,'J,,lrs arw ! aoth,,n; slow Mr- Go tho begging . n me of u lLc Ist jeek. nut exnio.ted too much . . . .. lu cceiully Ne d' not denier to Lave ew ecn seasons more favorable to trrow- ,aK crops or the iiroiwv-ti mnrt. f'.. taring. Mr; Waton d cbildn-a' t, . , , Birra?M Uvu takea V4V "" "'a' "crt 1:1 ue pt lew .weeiws. ,. iatrndHl n-trtinif but fao,ai Pot M '"St'ly mhl -,. i -. c w oughly mixed " lAJ we confe$ our inability o give jiarticulars ti,,,.. There would have been a littlo row i . . " !, " . i?" C'dtr f?Ait Bow. , " K- cwer causes gray bair to 4uaur x natural color. Few children can bo induci to take physic without a truggle. and no aro extremely on the con- trary, being, j ugar-coated, ar easily swallowed by the little ones, and are. therefore, tU Urorite famUy mcdicia. i 1

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