'.J ' kJkd A.M MM Mjd VOL. IV. JONESBORO, N. C WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1891. NO. 36 JONESBORO DIRECTORY. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JOXESBORO CIRCUIT. kpv. J. E. Thompon. Pastor. Charges: j(im-r-tro, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 a.m., and :;ip !"-; Sunday School every Sunday at y urn; 1'rayer meeting every Thursday night at p.m. Morris' Chapel, 1st Sunday at 11 a.m. H!i'l Saturday before at 3 p.m. Lemon Sprinjrs, jit Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Poplar Hprinfrs. 3rd Sunday t 11 a.m.. and Saturday before at 3:30 i..m. Sanford3rd Sunday at 3-TOp.ra.; Prayer meeting every other Wednesday night. Hew PRESBYTERIAN. J). N. ifcLauchlin, Pastor Charges: Vmest'oro, let Sunday 11 a.m.. and 730 D.m Sundnv School every Sunday at 9:4." a.ra. Pray t meeting every other Wednesday night, at 7::. nAPTLST. llov.'Vi". T. Jones, Pastor. Jonesboro, servi every 3d Sunday at 11 o'clock, a.m., and 8 p.m. Sunduy school every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Frank Thornton Has NOW on EXHIBITION at His r Mammoth : Off : Goods Star Nos. 7 and 9 Hay Street, t I Tho Teachers Association. I ful whethersncha bill can be passed. It reiterates the statements in tlie last FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. which is the Larjrcst. Hadsomeet and Best Equipped Dry Goods IIousc SOUTH OF BALTIMORE, "x .. the largest and Most Magnificent Stock of Fall and Winter Goods over shown inthU section of the South. , DRESS GOODS. The second regular meeting of the , message against free coinage at this Moore Co. Teacher's Association was time, and asks that the present silver held in Carthage, Saturday, Dec. 5th, ! law be let alone. This is also a sug- Ui '91. Several of tho leading teachers j gestion that will be warmly opposed 01 me cooniy ana quire a number 01 , in ootn iiouse ana Senate, by some the citizens of the town were present. I of all parties. It repeat for the third The programme was very success- j time Mr. Harrison's recommendations fully carried out. i for the protection of railroad employe The President, Mr. Mclver, in his ' and presents a startling array of sta inaugural address mentioned several tistics showing the necessity for ptrch great improvements that have been i a law. That is a recommendatioa made in educaional affairs, and also J which should be speedily acted upon, many that are yet to be made. He ; and it will be if the Labor organiza- said that the duties of the teacher's ofltions will bring a little pressure to CHRISTIAN. Key. P. T. Way, pastor. Charges: Poplar Hr.yich. let, Sunday, at 11 n m.; Grace Chapel, rM sunduv at 11 a.m; Winder, 3d Sunday at 11, a.m. and , p.m. Urv. G. 1?. TlNDEnwoon, Pastor. Charges: fhristirin Light, 1st Sunday at 11, a.m.; Egypt The buyer in this deiartment has mnde on unusually nice selection of the latent and most stylish fabrics for autumn and winter wear, consisting of full lines of plain materials of the most approved colorings and newest weaves. Prominent among these are Chevoits, Bedford Cords, Crepon Diagonals, Camel's Hair and Ail Wool and Silk Warp Henriettas, in mixtures and small effect suitings the lat-. ous to his formal election by the Houm to promise that he would so mate up the Committee on Coinage, Height and Measures, as to ensure'thc smoth ering of the free coinage legUlation. This may mean much, or it may mean nothing. Nearly all colds are slight at first. Vtnt til!. I a t - u icujirutj 1.1 IO 0 lOWCr III system that the sufferer becomes a ready victim to any prevalent disease. The ue of Ayer;i Cherry Pectoral, in the beginning of a cold, would guard against the danger. to-day are very great; that they must bear upon Congressmcj 1 Sunday at 11, a.ni.; Mount Pleasant 3d Sun- j est are Relief Stripes, Zig Zag Suitintrs Chever dty at 11 a.m.; Shallow Well, 4th. Sunday at 11, 'I on Mixtures, Serpentine effects aiid Scotch ; A nice line of Plaids and Stripes in subdued una rennea combination, a.m. nvrtAM Lodge. No. 172. A. F. A.M. Ueir- I hIso show a splendid selection of all-wool iuiir meeting, 3d Monday night, and the Festi- ' domestics Dress Goods in Plaids, Stries and vals of M. John the Baptist, and St. John the Mixtures. 'Ihese goods were selected with the I. anjzvltst. Jonesboro Lodgb, 'No. 127, L O. O. F. Iteg tflar meeting, every Friday night. greatest care, Knd I have made prices so low cney wm astonisti you. uome ana see. BLACK SILKS. I carry tho largest and most elegant line of Silks of any Merchant in the State, and my stock this Fall surpasses any of my previous purchas es. I offer the following Six-cials barcrains : CoMMWiosFiw: "Dr. E. P. SnijK, S. IT. Buc- , A.1'. i SIJ'K round cord FAILLE FRAN- TOWN OFFICERS. Mayor: J. R. Watson, Esq. hitnun, J. L. Godfrey, J. A. Ballentinc, James Uslrrmple. Pt?:kt Commtssiionkr: J. A. Mclver. Ci.krk: W.-E. Murchison. Tucasdueu: Redin Bryan. Tow.v Maksuai John W. Masemorc. CAlSEat7e. extra fine FAILLE FR.VM- ALL SILK ! CAISE atiPc. j ALL SILK very heavy AMERICAN GROS 1 GRAIN at c ! ALL SILK Catchemire finish, AMERICAN i G liOS G K A IN at 1 Ji. 25 pieces Black Silk very fine quality, worth everywhere $1.25, 1 offer at UTo. W. E.1V1URCH1SON, COLOSBD SILES. wake up and 'get a move on" if they accomplish the great work which is before them. Prof. W. E. Evans delivered an in teresting speech on "How to get par ents interested in school work." The discussion on "School govern-; quire wto and recommend a remedy ment" was very interesting and in- j for for the evils of our present elec structive. It was generally agreed j tion system. n. It recora- mends the adoption of a Constitution al amendment for a uniform system for the election of Congressmen and members of the electoral college, and the appointment by thesupreme Court of a non-partisan Commission to in- that the "rod" is a friend of education and should be allowed a place in the school room, though a noble example and high moral principles should be tho first thing iu guiding' pupils with the switch nearly as an auxiliary. . This dieussion was followed by mu sic on guitar by Prof. Evans, which was very much enjoyed by all. Young Sherman Hoar, who is a dera ocratic member of the Hou.-j as well as a nophew of Senator Hoar, who is about as radical a republican as could be found, is raid to have cried like a child when Mills was defeated. If he remains in political life Did you ever buy a horse and cot have misgivings as to his points till they were fully tested? Not so with Ayer's Sarsaparilla; you may be sunt of it at the start. It never disappoint those who give it a fair and pcrutcnt trial. Eloctrlc Bitters. This remedy is becoming so wt-11 known and so popular as to need no pecial mention. All who have used Electric Bitters ing the same song if praise A purer medicine does not exist; it is guaranteed to doaU that is claimed. Electric Bitters cures all diseases of the liver and kidnevs. rr- moves pirapics, uous, sail rheum and ifelong, he wUl!?iher1 "T- CaUM .h k . ? - olood. Will drive malana from tho t sort of thing. 8Atem and prevent and cure all malt till 2 o'clock, p.m. At the appointed time the teachers again assembled, adopted a code of strong bv laws, arranged a program. I HWVPr S NotriTV PlltYHC ' IlHehow a very liberal assortment of Col- ; and exchanged ideas as to what would hllul)u c luntUJ 1 LLUXJAy, ored Silks, consisting of Surahs, Cluna Silks, I , , , , . , , oe me oesr. pian ior geiung ine xeucu- ers interested in the work. It was i suggested by some that a banquet be j given and during tho festivities, enroll the guests as members of the Associa te t bravely over that ReDresentative Jerrv Simnson drew 1 rial fever. For headache. cintiri.i A,,c uicciuij; iw iucu uujuuruiu .fi.,,.,... . ilt.. iuonanu iDU!ceMin try Electric Ult I . - - - - - surprised. Dress Trimmings. ! Foulxrds, Colored Rrocades, all in the latest .-u i i., c... KtJ"lt'S and at prices at which tho customer is v:H nttend to wusmc?s in tun Superior ana . sul.Iir;.d v-ue ( urts of tlie i-'tatc upon invitation ; nm rly supportl and uncked. j fiUn.-t attend Jusrice's courts (except in: J ii""ilM)ro tuid Sanford), v.iiliout CASH in ad- ! ."ic'. i Nothing adds more to the Appearance of a . ; lady's dress than nice ard suitable trimmings. I i am prepared to meet tne wants of the lair ' ones in this line. 1 have the nicest and most i stj lish line of trimmings ever shown in this ! market. 1 will not attempt to describe them, ! but simply say. Douglass & Shaw, Attonitis-at-Ixtw. CARTHAGE, N. C. Pnu'tiee in tho Federal, Sui?rior and Supreme . 1- Coi i rts of t he Stiitt "Come and See." Carpets. money refunded. Price GO cts. and m the front row, where he cannot fail to k.00 at Mclver fc Dalrymplc attract the bpeakers attention even j . time he says "Mr. Spenkei", and un-; Ducklcn's Arnica Salvo, less he changes his mind, ho will say j The best alvc in the world for cut. it very often during the.sesion. ! No 'business of any importance ex cept organizing, is ever done during the first week of a new Congress, and bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, f ver hores, tetter, chapped Lands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cure pile, r no pay iquireu. u is gujirnnteetl t co tion. ' It was decided that a question j tbis Congress w no innovation in that .rrect atUfaction, or money refund- . i iiu . e i 'respect; the House adji.nrned from ( 1 rice cents per box. Forsalo box should be a part or each program, . , . r, 4 , . ... iiv v,.iv,.r n ,u, ,J,. tn i . 4I . . k 1 Wednesday to Saturday, uheu it will , D -McU r ya,r3 nple. 491? W. H . McNElLL. a.. . ,, . . . j My Carpet Iepartment occupies a larpre Attorney and Counsellor At-Law. vortion ot the third tloor and heiv you will sec CARTHAGE, N. C. the most magnificent display of Will vctice in any of the Courts of j of the State. All business entrust- j eil to him will receive prompt and careful attention." O'Jice in Court House Building. W. H. HUMBER, 4 f A it m. Floor Coverings 1 Ever exhibited in North Carolinn. Tliey con j sist of Vclets, Ilrussels. lliree Ply and Ingniiu t Carjetiiitftf in hew and handsome detijrns. i Look at these Prices. in tliA fntiirp. W.. . ... .,, , adjourn to next WedaeMl.ny; atd ow- f think tln will ni n. snnrpp rF 4 1 , ' ingto the nearness of Xuins holidnv ! great benelit to the inexperienced . t:.; Eupcpsy. v.vti..i i ins I; wuai voti oucht to hav? in teacher, who by this means can get , I fact you mut have it. to fully eniov .i . e i Speaker Cusp will get the chairman-j v.r,t ti.., i- - J 4 7 tho assistance of member. of expert-. 1 . . , Ihousands are searching for it i. . i i . ships of committee anri'uticetl before . dailv. and moum:n iiwnnt t !, i ence on difficult sentence and kuottv . . . . r u ir ra""p i-canM mey nna 1 . I. ; . .1 . . . I ..... TL 1 m y use rtces.H. ii is iiie n auiue mat me j inn. t uousanus (x uouam are st-nt ih. i.n! will2 not "nnuawy oy our people tu hot that iuey inny aiiain mk)U. i problems by having them dix'n-ssed in meeting. set tons vrk of 40 Pieces Velvet Carpet, regular price $1.25 per yard at only 1. AO . Fiecea ' Drussels Carpet, reg:lar price $1 per j'ard at only 4'.c. In addition to altove I offer a lartre lot of Floor Oil Cloth at astonishingly low prices. SXD GL.OYES. t . III 1 fcJft . 114 ttltlll it k.W ITll 1 I 1 The proarramme for next mcetijig . . . j may 1k had by all. We guarantee v . perhai's for the in.ijn: v tn the House that FWirir I'.Iftt t:.. promises to be verv interest imr. We 1 . . , - r' . mc iwieis, useU aeerIing , ti 4. i II i tltut this'is so h the MMjthing ehect to directions and the us? txritr.l in hope the attendance will be large. . .... . ... . .:n i . . r,,r , m timn aill 1a luinlwo-t. I tii f ha st-rA. win urint" von cimmI i iiit,m w it Lai v; iv mi t vr ir iiv. u. iiii 11 saj-cj - i v i r - ii.t niiu iui iiii'' Though the membership is is not m large as we think it should be. consid ering the number of high, and public schiHtl teachers in the County, yet we ness which now i i . .... exists atnon tlmne utIU,,n "rr" install instead x , t. ii. i t-o J'MTV ricornmemi t. erlnf. who fought so hatd to make Mr. Mill j BiltrrR fot (uPti an,, ft Speaker. j of liver, Momach and kidneys. .Vk. The eight members of the Farmer's ' nn'1 IK r '" y Mclvtr& Dal- irmpie. 4 are assured, by the zeal with which the members have gone to work, that : Alliance who supported Represent. : this new organization has erne to t tive Wtaon, of Georgia, for Speaker; Pronounced Kopoless, Yet ....... .....i :n .-. ..t. r...i i. denv that thev were di.-ai.rHMnted bt- taV0Q. aifi y auu w in uvj iiiaLt iui ine uctr- , - - i I am sole ajrent for Fostesr's celebrated Kid mpnt nf U,p r!ttKa ! Cloves and have just received a large invoke meut ol wie ciuse of thH gtxxts in all styles and colors, every j hope that the friend l - - Cloaks and Wraps. UNDbHTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Jonesboro.N.C, K(hj a fine line of Burial Cases in solid wal ttut ;i". l iinitathai. irlos white, and imitation r.-sv T(H.d. irliiss fe-nlates, hisihlv mountel The largest line f Ladies' Misses' and Chi!- i'n.t trimmetl. Common coffins also. Profe ilren's t'hwiks and Wraj ever thi!iul in the M"ii it services rendered wheu desired. ; Cpv t enr section, heal Pluslics tn long lengths. . , : short cuts and jaeketa, Taiior-madc St(Kkir.t l ihl,rmptlyAtUnldToujhtirtlay. j jnt k. Us All-wool Flannel Hla.er, ( anlel ! Jackets, lleefers. Capes, In Cloth, Astr-achim i aud Fur. I:nirteIStocSiinet New markets with A -v t i nivia r-i- i lind without csj.es and with vests, three quae- i i I II 1UUI IVCI ilCIUi of education. We cus more Alliance members did not p vV'?r wn:tJntV-r Mn AJ ends of education. ! vote together, and claim tliat they will ; ;C7an(n; )ers, will come, join ! prise.some people when any bdi ; -t tied on my lungs, cough set in and who are not member? in the work ana help to make it the ; endorsing any of the Alliance princi- j Cnally tetninatel in Consumption grand success it deserves. X. Y.Z. i I's shall come to a vote in the Uou-e , Ki.nr d-Mr gave me up spying I rot;. WASHINGTON LETTER. I. From our Ilctftilsr O"rrespondcnt.l Washington. Dec. II. 1591. I ter cut wraps in new. nobby rA attractive; pres:aeut Harrison's message to ! ' i... i..MMMi. i - iu. u uu "'u ism". lav? niM i ,: . i opto my Saviour, detet mined if I could : .l.l t . lt , , ; not May with my fiie:idr.n canh. I ; It is stated here that tue old fight ! wi.uM meet my absent .ne bUm. : against Dr. ?Inrune, who is a member ! My htiband was n!ed to g t Dr. nittee of the Ke Di-eovery for Cout;mp- ! of the executive commil m ! styles. If 3 ou desire a Wrap cf any kind see ilAMvKLij to my many rnenas thissuk iforepurchasin 1 In Mnorp nnrl nilioinint eouuties ...x- - " J !- f-T their confidence and liberal patroa- iuro in the Congress is, in spite of its length, a National FarmeiV Alliance of the " " t-oTfry ;or tiut;ui- mil the !i"n CoU?"'nl Cold. Igveitrt trial, t.Mik in nil eil't bottle; it ha4 Mail Orders. ; well written and interesting dument : itor of lhe " economic. thejcurMl m(..n1 thn3k (;xl nm nnw n ' and no man interes tt in tiRtion-a f. : atlonal organ of the Alliance, n to; well anl hearty w-an. Trial bofth-4 4 past. I wish to say that 1 1 This doiwirtmcnt, under lhe management of a - . n , , . . , I be pentd again at the meeting of the ' r at Iciver U Dairy rapVu. Hegti . . -r ... . . . . . . : 1111. iiii iviiiii 11 ktp mai 11 r'iij: ir 1 wx in: - 1 . m . m . . . . :m located in the rooms next door to ; very efficient young man who wm tase picas- - . . . ' executive committee which it to U-' ,ar lle nna 5 -UCJ- W c t .k . in wit'n on thr-.- lmmr t a dtmice ? eranh therein. There is. of course . i execu,ie c' mrouiee wuitu i iu Kin-re I-cm be found when not CJ!Iea i who will drop us a i-stil crJ.rttlnB .iu..itj j the u?ua aifference of opinion ns toj '"--la Here in Jnjuarj. j on professional or other important TLZJZZ ZZZ. I tWe Hia ..f the bh ttip Apiin the air U foil of rnm..r., j, , " ... . . . . . ... - of sabjeets wnich are in dispute be- i aooiu ..ir. uiame s lniennoa 10 write j Vh troxihi .j, Xt umi-. an,j tween the prditical parties. That por- j letter formally announcing thi he j T:!lininill; n liU u-mAth di- dealinir vritli for-' will not le a canditate. and declaring !eretl. I.U 1.5 V lltOrS eign afTairs, which may be supplemen niHiiets 0 A. J. MONROE, M. D. Icctiont us tl.o-.syh they were In the store. On j all cash orders by mail amouuttntc to 16 ad I upwards I preiay express charges. Specimen Cases. If. ( lifTord. S'eir Cat!e. Wi... Bonitz Hotel, 120 Market Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Are always -lctme, and for the benefit of ladies, and especially those living at a distance, I ha-e a nicelj furnished ladies waitinjr rt"ni, a luxury which cannot be enjoyed in any other store in the ciy. nu uoteLis located in af finest M sincere Thanks S the Boats and Street Raihcayf. Rates $ 1 .50 per Day. VIWAL KATES C.I VEX COUNTHY MEU- chant. Hxcursioniits in partir of ta or TiT-ait-aU 2 cx-nts, lodging 25 cents. n Prffrs and Uacks taeet all Troifw J. H. WM, DONtTZ. Proprietor, s jre tcrHierea 10 my imuu tuw iir?iwuwiy the cordial support they have jrUen m In my effort to build up and maintain a dry roods trade that would be a creiit to the community. requires tho assUtice-of thirty-lx persous V carry on the buiiscss, and la conclusion I wtmld ssk a ccttinuancr of those favors which ha been soboundtifully bowed In the Frank Thornton, Fayetteville, K. C. Octcberi?. IL 1 ted noon bv a special message on Chil- ft - ian affairs, is gcnetally co,rnmen c-d by ConirreHsmen of all parties for its dignified language and onervative stand. The me.sage recommends the message of a bill lending tli Govern ment endorsement to the bonds of the in fwvnr of Mr. HarrLvm. It may ! alarming d-ree. at'!e!i!e fell awav. true, but it cannot be Vouched for bv ; " terribly rlucetl in f!eh 1.1 1 and atrenth. Thrre bottle .f hh-e- vour correrndrnt. because be L.vk , , . t... ,.. onnble to ftnd anyone anthonz- j Kdaanl M,epherd. Harri.burg, III., ed by ilr. DIaiueto mnkeaucha .!ate- lirA a runninir s-ire i.n lit leir of tight ment. J year Mantling. Vl t!;re battle of Theelectionof.SneaktrCri.n.wheth i::1'. and M-ren We of . .. . . " , ,.i5aek!, tawba, O.. had fiv large fever nrrr on hi leg, (jxt'rH aai J he ra incr.r- M a A I 4t A 4kfv 1, f . 1 crjuMnrn...,-.., ir"1"' .jnd and trell. John rWaki-r. ('a Nicargua canal companv, and expres-J nere a a DiacKey ior me i resmenf- 1 i et il aspiration of Mr. Cleveland. The sufScient importance rect appr.piiation by monev sncient to build j Iva l.ntlt in nr ntriPP vmxr j anttlrtc lsit 0"U f .r.-tfli f; israir I Hn nfncid. f?r lo I J-J'" - - - -77 ommendation has opponents ir. all par ties, particularly in the Hon of Rep- resentatires, and it is extrezJy doubt- to intifv th di- d3hccratie member of tlie H.u-.e "ir 1- wtnne imirm an.i ' J I . . -. . . i OH bor HueV!n Armm S ei.ra.! Congres of made by .Mr. C evclan.l . niaa i.m tIm rntirrr- Md b Mc,Ter ,)a. it, if it can"10 principal iue ol the tieaker- rlu; ot,- JoaUiro. 3 TKi r. nm eampairn, witb 3ir. ilill a-itne - j j nomination by the caaens and previ-j ...y.j,-,?.,;;

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