VOL. IV. .TOXESBORO DIRECTORY. (j METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JO5F.SB0RO CIKCC1T. v J hornP- tor. Charses: 4'i'o, ';m ana 4th Kundavs nt 11 . 1 1 m.: Sunday School every Suntlav at 0:30 rt.iu: i'rayr r mwtinjeven' Thursday nirht at - U p.m. -Miirris v,ijuih;i. isi Kunrtar nfl nn .: Saturday before at 3 p.m. Lemon Stirinirs. 1-r Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Poplar Spring "Si ' Sunday nt 11 a.m.. and Saturday before at 3:30 j 1 ,.;!. Sanford:5rd Sunday at 3i' tvtn.; Prayer . t uff every other Wednesrlax night. i PKESDYTEKIAN. i K,v. D.N. McLauchlia, Pastor Charjres:- of the rdant .T(((-Hons 1st Sunday 11a.m., and730nm ! Paai SjH'liiy chfKl every Sunday at 9:45 a.nu Prayl! T) ting every other Wednesday night, at BAPTIST. lU v. V7. T. Joxr.s, Pastor. Jonesboro, rervf every 31 Sunday at 11 o'clock, a,nt and 8 ,.:u. Sunday school every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. CHRISTIAN. Rrv. P.- T. Wat, pastor. Charges:-Poplar liranch. 1st, Sunday, at 11 am.; Grace ChapeL M Sunday at 11 a.m; Winder, 3d Sunday at 1L a.ni. and 7, p.m. Kkv. ;. II. U.vdekwooo, Pastor. Charpee: hrithui Lisfht, 1st Sunday at 11, a.m.; Ejrypt :M Sunday at 11, a.m.; Mount Pleasant 3d Sun .laj at 11 a.ua.; Shallow Well, 4th, Sunday at 11, a.m. ... licFrAiiO Lodge, No. its, a. F. 3c A. M. HeffJ resme diplomatic relations with !7 This is right. " . j Capt. J. R. Nolan has tendered his juNcsnoRo LoDnE. No. 127, 1, o. o. F. Reg-! resignation as General Manager of the alar meeting, every Friday night. 1 a-naL ui cue . ;Seacoast Railway, to take effect town officers j March 1st. 1! atok; J R. W ATSOK,SQ i r()MM!jsi)NF.Rs:-Dr. e. p, Snipw. 8. if. Buc-Key. Sam Jones will lecture in Ral- hawan, J. L. Godfrey, J. A. Ballentine, '.,, i James Dairvmple. . eigh Thursyay and Friday nights, of Streht Commissioner: J. a. Mclver. t.v 4. 1 n j 1 Clkhk: W. e. Murchison. this week. Great crowds will no doubt Thkascrek: Redin Rryan. ; flock to hear him." Town Mahsiial: John W. Masemore. ,- Claims are being presented for in- r rr ftr . . nrji oruu : "y from the Chillian government ' tor the murder of the Baltimore's Lawyer g Notary Public, aiWs &t Valparaiso. I Wiii attend to business in the Superior and ! Ma3- Finger has prepared a call .Vii-rcme Courts ot the State upon invitation ! n .u, u c 1 vrM.riy supiTtei a.:d backed. , upon the people of the State for the iilnot attend Justice's courts (except in ' ..... . ., . . , Jc-n-.-boro and Sauiord), without cash ia ad- exuibit or the educational features of - ! the State at the World's Fair. I) 0 11 gl a S S & S haW, j The Wilmington Messenger of yes-Attorneys-at-Laic. t terday gives some timely and much CARTHAGE, N. C. i Pu-tiee in the Federal, Superior and Supreme ' V Hf I I M.MP!I f ' Attorney "and" CounsellorAt'-Law. ! CARTHAGE, N. C. Will practice in any of the Courts of of tlu State. All business entrust- ! el to him will receive momnt . : i i i capful attention . , A special says that civil engineer R. i (i jwe.ta Lour t house Building. ;. :K. Montague was caught robbing the W. H. HUMBER, UNUlmTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Jonesboro. '- -;,s a. fine line of Burial Cases in s t: i imU.itmn, yioss white, and "";5, trhtss fxieo-iilate?. IiiirJitv r-t. 1!i tiiiinju-.l. CnnitiuHi eofltHS rt!ti. PrriAtttnd 7 niuhtiau. .,... ....... Announcement. HAXKFUL to my many friends; in .loore and adjoining couuliesjs : ., . . ... . ' ' :'ir connaetice and lioeral pdtron-' t!, t t ...v ,....-v. 1 ".u if J rv rsssiSr1- ' confessed to sev 1 Judge James Wf'S Cli? nation to the G i'U hvate.l in the mnni ..rri o t. . . dlre am ffdll ! hi t nrr ,n I,,, .n.,,.1,.. , t. . . .. . . ' "rr! u'"',r' ,l,"n vi.ri;i j, o: cow -! van bo tel,! no. called aa1 by a s,xte,,-year-old ! wouW ba .. j,;' ,".J 'u,h. nJ ' ; WeiinB. he Laving W arr.,..,lLv h professional or other important : on February 2, for striking his wife, i Yours to bi-. de Chil'lnn "',ve". "Bel1"1 ca.ion to know. ,Lc Cbarl..tle police ,.n the f.,rme"r J VOVPO'- V I)' ),ho y--s mother, while iu a .state of, hiilv Wintrdom I"n'b;r5 ,bf rpeetive cLrse.. He rmaiied hero in .. . .wu.MiUL, j. 1). 1l" wn,aom. uenomm-ttious. It U or v wl en we .m 111 ... ! intoxication. The voting man is in firnU, , M onl u . until a railroad delecti.e .araej hi - - - I,..;, Qoi , .:. r Burned to Death. t l.ra1 3Ir kan,an' a MetlHKt;t, j whenalK,ut and iniraiaMy charged 1 1 ionitE Hotel, 121) .VwrZ-cf Street, Wf.m'nstcn, North Carolina. o!o( t. located m Business i ' ';"' 0 'A Cif.v. convenient to all i'ie Boats and Street Railways. I Rates $1.50 per day. tls ri cents, lotlsrinsr Seen; nts, liilginjr : -J" Porters cm! ITacl$ Meet all Trains I u,ui ai$. J- i!.-'.V.T. GONITZ, Proprietor. I Fi't:tTVj e GUJtlvro. I JONESBORO. News and Comments. The republican party in this state is waiting to see what will turn up ! The death rate from la grippe for the past two months has been enor mous. ' Salisbury is to hare electric lights. Bid soon be open for the erection Ex-President Cleveland is receiving ovations in New Orleans and other places in Louisiana. It is announced that the Farmers' A li: . i Atiinuce propose maKmg a clean sweep of the State officers this year. Bill Fife is making and arousing great interest in a series of religious meetings at Tarboro this week. It is reported that Italy is about to needed chat "as to the hiirhe.a ! a . , , A despatch says that the old histor- , ic Appomattox Court House building j was destroyed by fire Feb. 1st. The ! county records and court house fur-? . . . ! nuings were eutirely consumed. j pockets of Capt. Blake last Saturday j night at Washington, N. C. He has eral other recent rob- iter H." Page, editor of the Forum, i i v - n-.w,l l?!o;l. . - K ' V k . Y V I 111 1 Ml 11 ILOiri." M. IIKtil III! ins . . . I . ... I . . io ueiueeu, .uooie county. . . .ir. i'age s wite and cnildreu sre speuumg tne winter at tnat place. t a-JajKM t,i t it ,r . !J"-VS. bt in doing dis mity act put an ..,.!, I,.. - i i- i- , inn c..or....n ,! Judfte J"meS"- Mrnmon' of ,he i vleplmnt in de politick. f ,le c nn.r " ' ' I "v T ""t f"'m-'!'""iaa1'' - T1- 715 : nation to .1,0 Governor. The claim de ' Publican mHv ,.T ,... I Z 'J. , ? 1 ""."'""y " ! vwrench and u ik-lifter. Ail ,f ' , - . - eui !ouciieu io oo go as to .Mr. Jo nt-. tU t..t. i i , i ot several western men are being pre- . very u-:y to see m all de.publiek jour- and Wcnns.. uf ,lf .t..;.. ' . . . ' " N.C, ; sented for the position made vacant nnIs of uls Wat nation dat Pi esidnt wnul.l ),m nf..Wl .1 ... i:. ' 1 !,lf, iu L olldwal-i . i Harrison xr ---- -- ..... ... v .....ou,.-, . uis , Mor.v. tells that he suece.d i:. roU imitation : by Judge Mernmon s resignation. , . , , " ow n ulentilicatiori with the dt-nmnina- ! i. ni , r . . , . , . moimtoi 1 . s vin iKtnw ,f ,,.,t;.. i,.,t ; .i .?.., . . . . - mg the lead pr..e winle het.inir to Proles tu c,, pt , . un oi tile ministers named. In form. i. ... e . , . 7 luooune uuiumaews ii.ai v ai- ' nstnrv of , wrl.l ka,l! Tl... T .. . " f loeiu ir;ir.i ; tth c. lie :m vi s vt-'iii m nnriiifi iir.. r ri nil orii ' David Porter, a Dermtv Collector of : . ' - j !" f ; v l,iita,Ka miners, anu there him .J, Ivjn hri j A Raleigh special of Feb. 1st, to the j News was received here yesterday tU y ere r"Int that the train wrtcler. Circumstantial evi i Wilmington Messenger, savs : 4Gen- 'of H rrible catastrophe, near Ca- Ies"Ptr was Methodist paper, denre was hown against him and it In I eral Manager Winder, of the Seaboard -IeV "IiIls' Montpomery county, on . Any the hical column, of ; believe! m .re U U.k of it. i ,. : T . I. . . . , Wednesday uight last. Mr. Miles , rfinc Ues and churche are not to. he ; A negro km jut :u jail ith Bovd jail. nau iiii inirirrnnaroftriirrinfi .u.u..uni uie following promotions: J. M. Sherwood, : ,. .Treasurerof the Georgia, Carolina and J Northern Railway with headquarters !nt Athens, Ga.; E. Hunter, chief clerk burning hou. he was terribly burn-,!10,6' eXCep! Utcals- Recently , trau and Telling uh-re he Ixl hid ! rp - . r t 1 v- ed, and was unnb u to pave his wife "'oe;nmg 10 say or tt:e akI ar.'l . ' , ten or j Cobb, Auditor of H.c Ralegh and : Jln deatlj.s door from - . bytcnan cbmcb. and of ibe ehuent Tl. railroad men r ,U ,n G?stou, the Raleigh and Augusta. ' and the Durham and Northern rail-? , i wavs. Thrse appointments are to?cnred hy Uv take effect March let.1 N. C. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1 S92. Mr. Spurgeon, the . great London i preacher, died on the niht of Janua- i ry 3Ut. He had suffered many years from gout which finally went to his head, and caused his death. He was one of the greatest and most popular pulpit orators the modern world has ever seen. Great excitement U said to prevail in the vicinity of Summerfield, a vil lage on the C. F. & Y. V! R. R., just north of Greensboro, onacconnt of a number of reported of eases of hydro phobia. A mad stone has been sent for. Meanwhile there is great alarm about the victims. What great General graduated at West Point without a demerit mark against him? Ans. Robert E. Lee (1S0G-1S70,) graduated at West Point, in 1829, at the head of his class; and so firmly did he adhere to duty that, at the end of a four year5 course, no demerit mark was against him. The Fountain. A meeting of the State, Democratic Executive CommitteeSlms been called by Chairman Smith, atHaleigh, Wed nesday, March 2nd, 1,S02 at 11; o'clock a. m., to fix a date and place, and issue the call for a State Convention, jand'for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before j it. Members of the committee are urged to be present, as this will be a i 4 . 1 verv lmnnrtnnf mont n, t --j 1 - -"v-""r,. . How Things Arc. 1 Pine Rook. Moore Co.. uu.An j!iDiTOR: l se been tl-.inking uese ,nany days eVer sence Sherman come thru of titiu a letter to um or topicks of de day, and I nm decided to --, "..uiumucuui-UHI 1 valuable paper about de V g 8 wmcl1 am detention of de juess and eommn folks. i ,in de fUft pJac.de Cl.iWuns 'war which roused de tentio.. of ,U ks at Washington, whur Cngie.s stnv--it in.l SmJr.ll,- u t i .lt'an,i -Pha l gt by do ,.ub- nc-K wizdom ot President Harrison ,f .,c .H.t-u oiaie, vno am in ue o- V,hi, VI..l C. 1 . I.iuioii 01 uis writer, HTgti about ft? i greataman as ole Abe Linen, h!lin(l 0ll.,wav. nn.l It,.- I. ! Rib de cnllerd uian de liberty l,e no-.v Sullivan to whip dem fussv Chillurs 1 -".- Who Wont let our fo!l- Inn. J- v- ... . liVli! OWIIII IJ. down dere to fish in rrL-c T i.,.. " i J V, ' (l VI . i i v x i i : t. ii. r i . i it. .ilk . . . . ! - r - . i . . . v.vivv ll.l All IlTrw I I I . ' I T , - , - f .1.1 , ,. di'un it. wouiu maKu em mi km?.. i.'ji Li.vi ue uoiih cone n 1 r ! 1 .,i.i.- .1 11 ,, , mj folks dere to .et free or 110 but st.ee if . 1 ..... rr i 1 ... T , n , - tlml hi. .iti: Ii 1 .7'.. I " ""' . - ,uK cic,v,w 1:1 names, and hi wife on fire and unconscious Iu 'tempting to refcue her from the of his burn. Carthage Blade, 0 , Scalp ut-, i-. ratia trryne are r . 't. f t,' IloIIIan ! U.iirR?ntu vr . .,...1.. Some Needed Chat as to ! to a toachinp pntyer by Dr. Milbura Churches. . j on the dead Prince. j It 15 Mm ply marvelons aci e-uw The papers in the largest Northern : ridiculous how ready ome pplc an and Southern cities print the news.;0 fault-finding and to we slights and Whether it concerns Church or State, this party or that denomination of Christians, they give the news. But how is it in North Carolina! If vou give a paragraph of three or five lines about some movement or some minister in a particular church you are sure to give offense-to ome 4hin- skinned, over-sensitive man; whether memoer or uot. lou may give five columns of scandal about a preachtr in some other Christian body and he will not complain or care, but will read it with a relish and smack his lips for more of tho same sort. But just mention in n five line or ten line paragraph some scandal concerning one of his own "faith," and you stir a nest of hornets at once. The Messenger published full ac- . . was much concerned, . and we heard not one word of complaint from any .. , . . iuau iu nuv 01 iue vnurcnes in the. w t . . , , , " 4Ut,rayof succVffull hope of bagg ng city or elsewhere. Not even the Meth- i,i,. 1 1 n , m . . i- f t H rr , c-ie,V the ha ndonie reward offered. Tonight, odists felt offended either at this'i. t 1 1 . . . i ... . , b'ng in Mecklenburg county ia . U publicity or of others concerning the rUno John It v 1 .1 .1 , it,.,,. , . .one John lioyd, wlio was arrested u members. But a few lines taken from ri,,rl..tt ' . 1. ti -i 1 1 1 r 1 . "rtrlotte just beftire Christinas for the Philadelphia Record concerning s n . , , , 1 Mealing n cow. IJoyd came from near five gins who gave kisses at 2, cents Statosvil!., nl .-t , .u .... taiesMiie, ana no one outside of the each for church purposes, has offend- i; 1 1 . - ct -1 . : police, railroad men and the sheriff ed oze man, and he calls the Messen-! wor ,1.,,, tt, , rt . ... fr Methodist paper. Only a few we. 7 ' !? l Nrth favort'a run- a luutry ior a certain purpose, . - . . . . 1 r Mm t.f 1 1 1 c w ' f 1.- .1 ti i. f i ii and for this we said he should be 'bounced." A few days befo-e that we mentioned that a Northern Metho- ' dist Treacher rroro.e.l t basements of churches for billiard rooms, audit was Miggested that k. ., , ,V. b.r-r.Mni attachment should ho A,A !.. Vll thi w.K1,(i IV at i i: , JinU KU'kllirv Tho truth U the Messenger is fair to all. It. e..!- ,,,, ,,., f . " . , tU'li. Will wliutt ... " , " .1 :.:'' " ' ..? ui; 1 1 ' wj 1 1 1 i i ii us o(.easion is itreenteii There i, no purpose uhVe ver of 'a' ' ' w,u,lur OI a" vontism. So f:ir from this. tl.U Parti- vvi;t.r r.;.i r.. " ,:. : : "j:::zr. ' u cussing the sermons of i v-i. s1"" nreacl.HV .1 Hu!.n. U'li i.' 1 1..HF11 , nn ui r Ll.,.. .11 .. uii ui iiiiuiii 111 11 t ii n l.r VMN Vl . I iwrtu . 1 .t.: 4 r . i , ui v art:, iiiUi now anl tlwn witli -Iat- i . ... . : :J. 1 r IkVITlSkW. ' Wk W . . c- .-v - I . . I. . 1 T . . . .mm.oj. ixeeuer, ur. V. uson. Ur. nm.. i ti . "ulur -uom s j. uoge, nr. reck, ; Mr. Miller, and AmM HvliriTt fililtnria i v . -t , ...... ie;reming uio uaitXTiaml I'resby- .1 , , . . J i.uis, me oi scnooi 1 rrJVttrlan, 1, - ' la:dat the door of this writer. ns!;P , . . ' has washed hi, hand l..n-a,w,f !! y . wntn?. nd ha not , writim an urllele nron an' rniuister fir a hmg i and saintly Dr. Rosier, of the M. th doubt to the guilt of Iioyd. Kx jdist church, but thev were Uth . citi-went rnu hiph in tli Vty. It ... Uecd ve ho?.e we didn.it etT-d bv : . ... . . sugui Tiifitit- to ,i.-tmgJisU. NO. 42 ; . . . ouences when none is intended. The Messenger is willing always to give all news about nil the denominations, and tIxe reports of such events connected with the churchis as are imjKrtant or interesting. It U not hidebound. Dr. j Kingsbury, in Wilmington Messenger, tZ7 Zl. 7. . Jhn Byd th Man' The wreck of the Western North Carolina- train at Bostian's bridge on the J7th of last August, rn which twenty-three livr were hprled into eternity has at lat been solred. The country i around about Statesvitte ha been' swarming with detectives from all parts of the conntry, attracted no doubt by the large reward offered by the railroad company for the detection of the guilty party. With all their ! CUDmnS nd ingenious plan concerted iiviesMouai (leirciives, no onif un t r m fv lt r 1 t.A.A . t ! I . t , V- , . . ;ngle clue from which he could draw I wrecker was none other than Boyd but lhi f h known, and the railroad officials Ma-1 ! ,:nnnji r 1 lioneu in t. 'un iun unit . 1 . . , . .. ""'iu mivii 11 nei worK 01 evMenco around Boyd, it imMssib'f that any mistake has Wen in tho detection of the-guihy party. Th'u work of detec tion a!, - i ;, 1 ' a teciivoby the name of Haney. and is MQetfd a clever job in every particular. v- - - - - on the Richmond and Danville rail- ww. U t44 win wuv wiiii n. irnin rtmi , road, from whom he gained home good ... I,0,"u'"- nf'"r -'"iR Ut a man m hlalcsvill, Im.l in hi, p..,,,. ; hlon a Pka-e which Boyd had left i i . , 7 T' Tl tk"tcc- tive found out the contents of tin. "uun-u uouars hi ::b,,u' st,vcraI at other jewel. r : ttiat is wh.it nnv t..vB tt,. - -, . r - . . v . - 1 . . . . t'1- P Mepthecham w fvidcwe rm.,l around Iloyd and lhe nans of tie parties who he Mys i i ti i t ""bU'a lllm- 1 story is Im connecteil that it leaves nut a " f . f IV ....n. ... s fit iifUiTTr v r 11. ic, t . , ... CIAL ohn llovu. tin? arm .-! tr-i. - - .rr, ,.t... 1., f- : . . . .. wntktr nt l,otiAa .bridge, h :n ;a:l llCil" tl.e puii-e ..f getting a cor..W x ...i ... . t ,on- T'iU "'i a .it- 'Vl.riur . UrrttJ4l51 1 lie nnrro c.me out aid retorted a. fu;i eoi.fsi.m ..f ihv crimr. Bod telliug how and trby he wrecked the trtI-d !. j-eople to think that the nan wL committed thin black crime WJI .t Lrr-e in ih ritr -Vm - - - ' - - ' w - c. - . . . . .ed worth. W- rJ f rrt l rt v ntlv ; n r.