""ST 1 Aixotjy? ifiio (ill liSf fe W ffl H ill M- $ 1 M r. ;so roL. iv, JONESBORO, N C. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY lO, 1S92. NO. 43 JONESBORO DIRECTORY. Nevs and Comments. WASHINGTON LETTER. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. .) f j tz no a o ci a c'ui t. was abandoned, for the present, at an v rato. As announced sometime' Like Master. Like.Man." ' VfYm ritir lli-iriil;ir "Virr-rw"ril..rt ! Washington. Feb. 189:2. ; ap.'j the HouoCoiaasecomtaittee will ! "Look Leah. Sambo b oup..t President making is always one" of ' next Wf an,1,ori2e a free eninaco 'dat ar dollar 'n a h.Vf you owci mc! . . i :n . i - f 11.. i . . .1. 1 j. .ttr.m.;.hun,!Uy School exj-ry Sunday at w There is tnueh excitement in Colora-! the favorite occupations in Wnshiug- um 10 ,H "T"" l" uu . "ooineM graciousi.rsar. 1 han I. rr-. I'rujw in.-otin uvcrv Thursday niprht at - uiuiu t.tut jieai m toiora- b . j Next week the Senate Finance dV -v fnc' I. ftVPr ni'm no nio I vv.vi.i. . v..o nviuvv ..... . special zest to it. Senator Hill committee also act on Senator, "Now look hcah. I c you uadian ministers arc trying to j o-jven the credit whether rMitlv or j Stewart's fre? coinage bill, and thegwinc to swindle me out ob dat ar r negotiate a leciprocity treaty with the ! not I do not pretend to say, of having ac!lon I'obably le unfavorable, money." ! United States. . j made a combination with Senators! The democrats of the House have at j No, I an"t, Caar I w'ar I aVt." iT. v. I. N McLanchlin. Pastor-Chnnrrs:- tii:.: .... .- , - . i uorman and Bnee to couttol the dcin- . "r" "" '-a " 1 .""'F'" TZ&SXiS&g , , T UaS,,nlr-'ocratic nomination, Which Mr. Hill ru,es P'. 'te wbich 'Wi yc Pt it w. M ting every other wnesday niffht, at , duced a bill in the House to put farm-j wants LimscU 'if he can "et it but Seenieil to be aimlessly stretched out Well, ole man, do fne is, dar' ing implements on the free list.! ! 1 failing in that he wants a hand in ' uau utcnuiV Ml "rewmc m uie mem- ix-en a mi-uiy ui corner in gold, an ; bers that most of them kept off the ; de balls an debars Lab Wen cuttiu so dat de money all locked up. ! third -some good Western man." ' WUIU mfXW uooouy seems 10 : "ickeu up whar: "Why in de banks, ob course. Now jus htle on, ole (libbcrtchb. Coal is mined in 31 out of the 44 itv. .1. K. ITiompr-ort, Pastor. Char? i states in the Union. ,,,,1-N.ro. L'nd and 4111 Sundays at 11 a.m., and rich mine finds. i,.m. Sanford.'rd Sunaay at 3J30 p.m.; Prayer PHESnVTEItlAN. i JH" ,:nd IiAPTIST. l v. W. T. Jonep, Pastor. Jones,lxro, , . very :M Sunday at 11 o'clock ,.m. Sunday school evcrv Sunday CHRISTIAN. ! ; ; i .uitiu t.i uu n ii u t o c tiauu tu , ' ri ro l , A- Mi,. , nimmrr tbn m.,ti l.Unn 1 S that HlOSt of them kept Off the i dc t hnro 0 rover Cleveland is a platform him- nam,a? the man. and his second cuoice j 1 SSs'if T. Mrt -lM, ' .Ji . i is understood to be Gorman, and his j escape it. The question now up . yato:ba.m.iself- The party leaders in Minnesota , , , K what next? And noUnly seems to . ; say he is the only logical candidate. Senator Hill found a genial atmosphere ?be inanition to make an authori- Tho lpffUUtnrP nf M;ittSini; 1 frn tU fir.t rttl, ,in,t;n ! tive answer. If there Us men of com- SjVusmHiHV, nl ChSK ! massed an act annronriatin- tho ! Senators, most of whom are bitterlv 1 raandin- I,ower in Uie democratic j What, in de name ob goodness grahu 1 M:niay ui 11 a,m; inaer, M Sunday at 1L, i 44 " m" . r.i i i .i 4, . . ..... . . rntilfi! in tlm 1Tottvt tlmv trill Imvn n lmt i-r.il mr tn .,a. an,l 7, p.au , ! nf cra onn :ne;n " p-,fLioM ! ami-Cleveland in their sentiments, and I T . : : ;": ' . KG.K,tTrnEKWoon.Partor. Chan- j i u 1 until his recent New York coup Le j preat opportunity to make reputation i wid gold, and wid bulJ M Sunday at 11, a.m.; Mount Pleasant 3d Sim- i- iU 1J aza ; SfcaLIow vJU 4th, SuiKlay at 11, nit. TUe political cauldron in National in mo near ir.iure uy assuming the corner! leilmcdat. id de banks, an s an b'ars in a J A. - . appeared to oe raniuiv trrowiucr in t " a ! i i i. i .i : .i. . . ' ... . i i . nonulantv. but nW fr n,nrp. f ieaueruit aim uoiu- lUe country "ioK a neauesan l se iiwru rca r i w. , w-t-. , 1 iJ:"f rAio IjOdgk, jsol liS, a. I . ot A. M. urpr- , . .1 . il;irmf-4in, M Monrlay lURht, and the Vesti- a SUOrt Willie It Will COtDO nii of St. John the haotit. and St. John thn . 1 ; ivauureiist. : Let er boil. politics is beginning to simmer and ia ed by those . friendly to him that he;tbatthe majotity of the House is no j tell inoro'n forty men at wahled inon iuu"i'i nuuii. I.i! to a boil 1 iias Pone to i?ar m so openly showing j his. hand ias the manipulator of the; i democratic machine in that State. No J.rouo Lodge, tto.K;.l.-Q.O.V, Rear-1 A four year-old stallion wasj sbld in nn cnn 4i,inv tbnt b U nn of thJ '.-vy, msi j-KiM5 utss. r TT OJ .J- i , , . , . .. . uuitugiwi, -ivj., uli me .uu luo snrewaest political wiro puuers mat small sum of $27000. How's that for ! this country has produced, but that A Graphic Illustration. ev dat same t'ing what I tole vou, an . dar want one ob Vm treated hiai like iyou dome. By golly, ptiam tone , you might act like a gemprn.au. New York Ledger. TOWN OFFTCEltS. y atoti: J. II. Watsox, Esq. Cijkmisjsioners: Dr. E. P. SniioF, S. If. Rue-i imiian, j. ttourrov, j. a. isuliemine, ; i horse flesh. very fact I may prevent securin nomination of his party, as has n r T' 1 c r n ki. i v,u uur -ucaiu.fi , OL yuio MUiiK , beeu tlie case wjth wire.pUlew .since Biame's withdrawal . card has ' pasf m j ' appeared, the republicans will! iiiuite ' Eyidentlv the Senate Committee ! on President Harrison. Hi' 1 Foreign Relations think the pres ... j r, i i . . I y 1 Chinese laws sufTicient for all r,li!PrHRON M1' 1 Pi'P0' as it has reported ad-! . uitoniouiN, thereafter newspaper men canUittcnd , vors ... -f thu bll, introduced mo-! 'LiVVCr 5 NotcirV PubliC, !aml write up and publUh details of vidinir new and more stringent laws, j and presented a substitute in the shape ; of a bill to continue the preseut anti- ; James Dalrvmplc STiirt r CoMMissiONEit: J. A. Melver. Clk.kk: W. E. Mvirehi.son. TKKAsenKR: Hudin Bryan. Town Ma usual: John W. Masemore o.f r- vV . d U .f A V " - f i T"EKK will be a call meeting of th often sy, &S3C A ! A B.wird of Koad Sapervisoni for of the -XyT .- Jinesbro Township at the Jnneboro I "fcfTlv v'Aa v .w--Ii Leauku otTice on Saturday, March 5, on " X SV-V ';f'V'-vr .u roai overseers are expect - tr vut -a ,w-,.vv.-.-rv i ei iori i uir ciKiiriuan injure or cnl &X jT2lS bv.---A - .it t!ie bn.ird .it th.it lime. t." - r -.-r j. . .- racti-1 lsJ f) j Chiuese laws I'tr . period of ten years-. ! 'Viil attend to bit-inoss- in the Suierior and i !- U rly n:;j.ortel uiid lur!ad. i wvmes - '"C, the Uiatl jttom J r:. si,i-oam! Saufoid), without cash iu ud-1 Maine, has written a Jetter deelming,; Senator Kyle made his debut as a - - .. - - j to be a candidate for the Presidency. J Senatorial! orator in n sot" speech in O O 11 1 n S S 8c S ll W ! He is the strongest and ablest man of ! fftvor of his joint resolution propping : ... . T I v- . ... ii p illl ft II Iv. 11 Villi r:l I, .tu lilt" viiliMltutl'iij ut.uorm'ijs-ai-JMic. ; ma uni. II-s, Chairman. :! i CARTJIAGE, N. C. giving Congress authority to enact who ;iw tl.e right say that t'.ie picture A monopoly is on foot to control the ' . , .. , - 1 J liii: ' uniform marnaire and divorce laws For XtU1' Suvcrtor and Supreme; rice RiilU of Louisiana; also one to j tho whote ountry. - r-1 control the manufacture of jetton; Tbo pariiers Alliance members of :V. H. McNEILL, j presses. Everything possible i . being! Congress are wielding eoniderab1e Attorney and Counsellor At-Law. ! , n . k i i influence in that bod v. Ttu-v have ! CAKTHAGi, N. C. i 111! .,;,i.,i w k r-.;,'!v ,r,..,v i,,,?.!;- Ecctric Dlttcrs. This remedv is becoming mi well v. ' known and mi (Htpular as to netd iit special inenuon. .Ml who nav utti Licet ric Bitters ving the sninc song of ; praise. A purer lmdicinc h,cs not :-i.t; it is (ruarantecd to do all that Tiir. above pfcture illiistrates how : elaimrtl. Kleetrk Bitters cures til diseases oi ine liver and Kidneys, ! lubbed the ?.!axton Union. Those moves pimples, bil, salt rheum and ther alTections caused by impuic i1om1. Will drive malaria from tho sAtem and prevent and cure all mala rial fevers. Kr headache, concilia tion and indigestion ry Kh-ctric Bit ters entire satisfaction guaranteed r money refunded. Price cts. and M.W at Melver ic 1 alryraple. ."i is a iroJ oin Con'ts ;or Grammarians. Do not ry "lie speaks bad gram- Wiil practice in any of the Courts of i George A. Shuford. of Ashevillej has ! sent:raent m favor of the chan-e. niar,' but "He um Mnglih." f the State. All business entrust ed-.-to Ii i in will receive prtiupt and careful attention. (ijice in Court House lluilJing. OSCAR J. SPEAKS, Attorney and .Counsellor AT LAW, Ultllington, X. c. j beeu appointed by Governor Holt to i Caused the IIor.se ' cmi:nittee on the All the unexpired term of JudireU. II. ; Election of i President and Vie.e-Presi- Ul- Not "1 am real ill." but "Iain reallv Tho New Disovory. You have heard your friend and neirhb::s talking about it. You may . 1 r ...T .11 . . . 1 . 1.1. : ,f i tt -h i) i oVnt to rip to re-io-t f vnr-1 1 v -i . ot i i eel oa i . ir.'.i "i i eel oauiy. youn-cii oe one m me many wno xnow i Merrimon, resigned. lie is saidjto be m ni lo decu.t.ro itto.i i..oraii .t , .. , -., i . . i j UH .n!bill for a Constitutional amendment Not "hadu t ought, but ".houldt, t from personal expenenoe ju-t how ill icivei oi uiuc uuu iu aiiuwni . ., i : :. if ... i-..,. ...... providing lor tne election oi oen.aiors - - - . J bv popular vote, but their greatest I H not begin all remaiks with an of triumph in which thev were ablv aided exclamation such as "Well: "Sayl" friend-, because th wonderful thir.g ijbythe inlluencebf all of the labor or-' "li!" '- it i. thit whin once given a j make, no doubt, a good Judge.! I - ii I Tuts. Eflie Conoly, the mother in the courts of the State, wherever i Simeon Conoly. who was so bt u tally : raotice Vh k'csiare ck'inanded. 43 ! . . , . ... J !i: ganizations, was to compel Kcprescta- ' ' ' - . muruered last summer in Line Springs . Heve." but "im n.t troimr. 1 i.ehev,..- after l.-Ms a t.Iac in th horn. If i'p inv; viiii ji iiiaaui;i, Liian until ui ' ' . TUP MOSELEY HOUSE tOVVnsllip? died 011 Thursday jllast tbe sub-C mmittee of the Judiciary Not a "free pas.-, but a "pa-:" y...i hue never used it and shor.M ho hastbeen removed'to Crner of j week and was buried on the follou-ing ' committee which recently adversely not NeivBeginnc.-'. but "b. -ianers atllicted uith a cou-h. or any Wilmington A- Hargott Streets, day at Antioch cemeterv. lUtmer reported Rclpresetitative Wafsons res- "Eh'vated up.' but "Elevated., throat. Inn-or ch-t tmnhV m cun- a Kaieih, N. C. W. H. H UMBER, ft A and Scottish Chief. 1 WM x - . ... .1 1 ... it..TTi.. -i t t !.. firm i"vn it ft 'iir iii.ii i.bitioii fur -im ;nfwti it:on i-f the .ol "l atll tliriU,-;i dinner, nui a oiution lor a.t ,n f sti.c.t.on tnc ., y It i traarar.teed . verv nn.e. or m n. v Pinkerton Detective Agencies, t. ask have tims.ied umn.-r. ' V i ef ut:! -d. Trial h,iU- free at Mel rr r n itt, iil.l i X & . 1 . m. U ' l...t I I . . I. iue Hotel Koyai at tno corner 01 t,c fun committee to recommit the 11 i too t:. n m... . i,atr mple's. U 40th street and tth avenue iti New resolution to the sub committee for iN:i1" " JTT" "tl - 11 hi . , ... w.t '!, i-t-ov'Mmt "It it-.t-'u! Pronounced Hopeless, Yet York Citv. was destroyed by H on trlher consideration as to the jui is- --t M,t.iSt bdt t . t. R. o. . oavci - - !:!;: . . 1 X ...T -l.. .. ....l .. ..l !...f.'T...,.l ,av;,. ?ii, 4 A.r.,..,i uietioa o. ongr.s. s . .? I r.m a letter written bv Mr. T.n1ibvi r.Mn.MMitin-r tlif f-re.-it Cimp!exioiinl." sleeping guests were burned to death, '. I . ' , i V,, "P.. do'i't come to see r:: 1 15 liii corporations ot the countrv heie are u- 4 ' 11,1 and others jumped from tue windows j exercis.nl over the decUion-of "He doesn't come t-. s e Tm .id 1 attd v.i U.NOBR TAKER and FUNCRAL DIRECTOR, Jcnosboro.N.C. X- :i tine iin: of tlarial Cast in sulid wa'l- I !'. ;i:iiituti.ii, jrioss x lute, and rauttion ere Killed, mere verv ai jiirast tj House Judiciarv committee to fa- ij i i i killed and a large, nambcf Kyere vorablv reoori the bid which mal:t a thirty very ndly injured. E. Hu.lf tin t'. a. S. v ittioti-: but Was taken ith n Lad e-.id, which -etih-d u my luJ.'-, cou'jh -tt iu aud c.-i guinir witli r but lir.ally t.-rni!.ated in roan-ption. . . . ... : Pr d 'ir'i.rs jrr.v !:. up s-ivin-j I c.:d t tin;. I give :ny a corporation a citizen of the State in Not "Who ate "Whom are vo; ir ::tir wit a. Not incartectiv "She wrote to Neil live b i a s: up to my Savi .ur. determined ;f I could t :.. i. 1 .1 .,t it...,! IV, !i - i ! 1 f - - - w which it carries on business. foall audi." when y.m say correctly "She not May witli my fri.ndson ct-.rlb. I wrote to me. City and Country. r-! V::U Tuo-Vhites. highly ee.um.-l in New York is increasing w itli the The Hone havi-fadonted an aio'id " M: -i;iu.-j. Cma;.n cotiins ulso. .Pi-otes-i IH L House ua lat, auopica i.i a. at .iu- .-.ti crjv ices roaucivd wtsea dysiitVu i moments. His forces are grooving ment to the rules comneliin the sev- . r-ill." Vru Uy Attended T.j. ui'jht or tlay. Bonita Hotel, j' 121) Murltt Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. TLa First Step. i . with astonishing rapidity, and the;men eral committees to rejvrt all of the Perhaps you are run down, cant !i ..I.... ..... . .. . .t 1 at the head confidently expect thatthe appropriation tu'Is wit tun eigiity days eat, can t s.eep. can l Ui.im, can i uo nn l.a.tv w,.rinn. Tiiai bottle would meet my at -eiit ones above. My hab ;nd va- adied to z I Br. Kind's Nw Bi-H-overy for Conumj ti n. CouIis ntid CdLs. I avo it a tii.-.l. tMik in all :ght lttle; it ha cary.l ri . and ih.-nk Gol I am now a 77, 1T!i i . t j . 71.. . ' 't:tr f the ( it:, convenient to tll ; " ' f J;v):i.'. and Street Hail tea y s. i e ,i Tin K Uii after the announcement of the commit- anvthinvr i vour satisfaction, and you fr,r nt :!(!o-rt'c B!rvmph? s. Itejru- ranks ol tiie 1 1 ill men will oe badlv , . . . , , . , . . . , , , i I r. tees at the lone session, and within wonder what ads you. on houil lar ',;, .A.v. xei v-' 1'- shattered before tne- btate Convention , . , i f ' . . , , ; fmi .i . : ; ill ;i fortv dars after the opening of the hesl the v.arniii m ale taking tL ... Kt 4 . iMepts Febrnarv 'y Cleveland U the , I- , .. - i . v ' i.- Au fTi 1 11 15t TCIIO T S INOIlCe. meets rtoraar i.ie tianu is tne iiTt tessiin, the ctmimi'tees will lirt t:e into Nervous Prostration, . , , , .u . ..... I iif. unieri'n" d uavinif :uauaii as l:est man at present, tor tlie presiden- have fo d sme lively husihr.g to ..u need a .ervej To:.;o ar.ti in t-lec- 1 Adrrni'r-'or ii' n the estate of D. Rales $ 1 .50 per Day. comply therewith, as they have hard- trie Bitter you will find the exact .shield, deceased, genera! notice is ! 1. vi.-t- r r n- rf ttiitin i.t v...i...l f..vv t..i-Irf Vullf TI-rVI'.!S VS l....l.- Vn 111 Mil lil-l Wltll Ilfi.ll?li . .1., .., 41 U fc.. A 11IM IV Vil . VJ V .41 I Villi M t lll ir.-!!'! Hip. i'. ll.v.'V w - . . - .... - - - - - I I. . u-.. mv.......u I. .I...... . . . . . - T . . ' . I: i! nuu i iif uuie l. tt :. . .. -e at wors. of is in.i;- 10 oericei a x .....,,i I, j! ; ; . iri,'.'in:vii' plar. for uefenhug forty by sending March. democratic members of Vour aMetite r turns. giK.d d:gstin t.V.i 1 in bar of their tecovery. All . ..... i ...... - . . . - cut by hydraulic pressure, a stream of So many rk on any of them vet. remedy for restoring your nervous sys- .hereby given to d peitis ho.ding within which thev should ivmtoii normal,! health v condition. , claims Bgaiat said estate to prv-cat ... . , ... , . . , - m " .i .. i . .them, uulv autiien;icttd. for p-y- wdl expire on the IJ, of Surpn-ing results lod 'W the us .J . .'..; 1 ,il ment. 03 ur oeiore tue t i ta oi this great Nerve T'jnre .'.n-.Alterative. jrcnary 35.93 r this r.otice will be a, 4,. VATl f,IVE: COl.-NTia M ril' -enter charged wth electric'v lie Congress refused to be bound bv the is restored, and the Live, and Lidae.- , -rsons indebted to ai.x estate urn re- ' - . i : . - .! . . , - . t 1 1 .s . i t tt ml t m inti nun iuti it: i-ni - . ' . , - t. , , .decision of the caucus which wa t . resume i.ea tnv action, i ry a iotue. o .t iwc ' t says it is a dead sure thing. lie , - , , ; Thu January 2.th. lwiJ. !..... Ml! have bc-en b-!d to-nuht on tue silver PriceoOc.atMcIvcriIcPa.rymp.cs. t , i f r:.'.n.rr - claims that telegraphic messages can .. I . ; ; . , . , ToV- i v c ni'.iJlon c't I'irt il:' -'K -m-!i l.t... r.f II .1 Sni--!c ! be sent long distances without the use i n .i r-it!1 inu ;(w nsVirr-t- Thn Un! nv c21 iwaor. P.hk S: Ad-itn. I ... "f iiii-;ds ixnti, Icxlying 2o cent. Porters and Hacks meet all Trains l Louis J, I!. VM. BOIMITZ. Proprietor .f il ii f !....-.. . :. n,,v i... t. ..v: ...' ' w. i.. iurvu'sun. I Formerly of Gotustcr t. ! . !;! 1 ! I " i- ; i

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