i 1 l : - , ' i. , : Ht! , - n oil In Y. n Ni, M; II K Ml L Subscription $1.00 Promptly S'.-uraLiolicd PER jYEAR. Vol. iv. Siler City N. C. Thursday, May, 5, 1892 No. 311 Ml'- ON APPLICATION. nnr rn& rrv -teas . v n -.-m : : : : , ! ' - I. ! ... ;) ' ' .. ; - h r Cane Fear auWa V iIAIMVAV j Coil PAN Y. fluXUKXSEli SCHEDULE. In f'KFKCT XoVtMBKR &TIlj 1S01. ballyex. iHSiycxfTuilyex. North-bound-' Sunday. Sundny. Sunday. '. Xo.2. No. 4. XculC. J-'.. ( Tt ti: .y.tv (';'. -jlie .In ). K-UOiOl (,P-. n-l.oro , i ii-li' r atfiwr ( tvi Mt. Airy It II!" t!.- lilt? J'.i Mevillc Jt.triii-.fr i f 1 1 ,i x ro 'flf.'lMil Jv U 40 a m ar' 01 p ni j lv a l.V (in lv 4 :i.V m lv. 4 2 pra ar 7 la pin' lv, 7 pinf Iv H 4'.i pml ar 10 4fj pin I lvr ar lv ir Tv' ar1 iv; ur! 1 12 .Vi uin , 0 00 u nit , 1 42 urn I .i 11 am 7 2-" n m 1 10 HID 10 ar, a rn 12 .Vi jj iu ;i:illyex. Dailvfx. Dm sly ox. Scinth -bound. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday . , No' I. No. .'1. i No. 1.. Mt. Airy iv.;iiiut (,'v! , . ( :! -' -r ' (v f.'-t"ro .!iltMt' . iW.-tt. Ville I "i. .-ttt "v i iiiiirfton 1 v Ct a in 1 v h r, ,u m ' ar 10 10 p. rn i:y,io :ki n iii IV 12 4". p Ml H I:' .11 ;pm ar -J ; j m 1 v :i l" i m ar i 40 p in M 4 t. -II M i t- J.i l;(ii4.tt-vlll lv ar : 2 11pm 0 00 p in : 30 pin 4 22 pm Mij'lNoii ( I fr-:-uboro ' tri ,ril'ro H.i:nS4nr lv- ar Iv ar f 2 .TO p in 4 .'!" pin r, 10 iiui 8 2r pi; North-bound (No, 13,) Daily except Sunday l. a ;rTiisboro 10 H. in. J.4 MM- Walnut ov- i 1 V) p. in. Arrivo Mt. Airy ; r V p.m. WAKE; UP, ' f anJ fee wlint i poing'on: Good lot ami latest styles of ' ' SPUING HAT.S SHOES, Gents Furnishing Goods, r i i DIIY GOODS, j NOTIONS, r FURXITUHE, ! 1 ATTltESSES, ETC., .lust rcct'ixo, anl in fact we have almost any thing usually kedt in a first class ! General STOEE. HiKl'ft market yric paid for country pr ducc, '.si.--iaHy Spring chickous. ti NEWSAXD EDITOBIAL COMMENT mvitf a prot rart'tl sojiurn. Hi is in truly ono o( iht jn tti.-t sfcticnp of ,tli country vp' liavc TnKClovflaiiaiMK.ni st ill )uu-.m .VHT i" f'JN iht: j-ojir iirn (, ami it looks now Jikc. lie w ill b iioiiii nat( (1 on lln fir?t l allol. Thk D?:n:crat ic State con vention conveiK'8 in Knloili. May lth. IM all thf dolegatrs go. It is a Pourc- of n j.rret to many of the friend? and admirers of N. H. liroiifihton, f Kaleiph, tj see the statement that he advocates the third party. T ii h k k skeletons woro exhumed at Morfhead City a few days ago. Tlx.y wro Indians, tvom n and one woman,. and wero lying faco downward with thoir he ads toward the north. br; congratulated who are fortunah nongh to own fariiis of such fer tility and grand and beautiful surroundings. We parsed an old two story buihlliig, that.is estimated to hve been built about li?" years ago. It is tl;e old "Jack Alston Place. Tho 1iouf' was built of hand-sawed lumber, and put together with hand-made nails. This was bel fore (he day. of strain saw. mills ana rui nuns. i mfiL- t iliiHD CoDiilF Democracy In.lfnrihonioiiConvriifion. Th aw The unty convention to elect ii'i"'nfn; f"r. I ' I I, .i m ..i.... . j-...- ai.nii ' II .I I I I 111 V U14II.A III IJtlOSfll the State and Congressional con- wok jl ventioiij? wai held in PittslMtro onM:f,-.llJf Tuesday. M. T. Williams chairmail of the democratic county executive com mittee called the conv ntion to or der ami requested J-Geo. Ifanncr and I. l. Hayes to act as teuipora rv secretaries. in respond ,Io reutsts mad by th lalor tiTiratiizal ion inI! r'C tion of ihr country, intnxhu-ed u revolution nvitiif-,: th sr tii-mili tary charaeter of services perform- hV by men iiiithe enqbV of the Pinkertoti dt el iv agencies bn fflGTBH mm jour lUg u It r-1". r j c .V n 1 , p I si! ixoTo.w A pr 1 llaine talk,, like the Hr V, uin not uowu;, iris V1 Mlinn.-iii., nnlhor a lieard whereyor r.-4.i .pjr au invt.?t.iatin of ihHr in-th bngregate. The silvei p: L Atl-U?!l ,.,.; Allianee ,b:ene IWts jK'rsisted in asking that tie but it rako ( the place an interesting One, and ' Poll of townships was called amliHiat of ... - . . ISnmhm & Wrenn Bros. South-boundNo- it) Daily Except Sunday I.( kvr- Mt. Atrv. : 2 10 p.m. 1 ii .- Withiut Cove' 1 C ( p.m. An i (irtvitislKJio ( H 45 p. in. I W. E. K V LE, Gen. Pass. At. .1. W, FU V, General Siipt. Siler Citv. N. C, ' A. 1 GILBERT, r Attorne' at Lni',-s- ORE HILL, N. C. rrn-f i--x n the St at -and jl'-drarC'i u rt . A L. MCNEILL, Attorney ami Notary Public, SANFOItp, N. 0. . m I'ynnciii.ar. roller tlon, anl wnut crcial ln: sinfiami,!. nirimaiiriiuiiKirn i li in.it t.rs flit r ted t- his rare. I in Ml-S ate and Federal court. CALL on J. J. WMt & Son, P e i i i i : s e n t a t i e W a t s o n , (j?orgia. thinks Col. Polk will be the third part v nominee for Presi dent, -hud Weaver of Iowa, will bo nominated bv the same partv for Vice President. One of the editors of the Max ton Union, O. K. Crowson, has retired, leaving M. G.. McKenzie in full charge. The latter has the brains, and also the brass and Gas to make the Union Letter than ev- i 1 1. 'rar W. E. MUKCIIISON, 'Lawyer and Notary Public, .nN3-:snolo, x. c, '. i'J .f: i.Vii.. iwisint s In the superior ainl ii-. r- irf-. 'f ! !i- S:a!- upon invl atii'ii i' rl su .rl 'd .md !aek'.l. ' J)Or(iLASS it SHAW, Attorneys at Law. ORE HILL, N. C. The I'n ion soldier business in the third party platform is enough to damn the partyin the estimation of all men. The existence of the plank is denied by some, but the only evidence :hey give is that this or that paper did not say it was there. All the same, "the coon is in the hollow log." tho old houso stands a monument t lists of delegates handed to sere to th' skill and pluck of our t'urc-j. j tarios. There being no response fathers who lived in darker aes. i from Farrinirton's Mil! precinct in Williams township, on motion ex- Further on Ave saw the body of a large white oak with -a red oak limb which grew out of it about '20 feet from the ground. The thoo rv is suggested ihat a red oak acorn sherill Williams was empowered to t ast the vote of that precinct. On pertr.iient organization, Mr. K. W. i:v .;'o.' was elected chair- fell into a kdot hole in the white j man by acclamation., and on mo oak and sprouted and gr..w therejtion the b mporaivy secretaries wore 111 tlie tlieorv do? (made nermnnent 1 iv ii on n l moos There are many visible evi dences of the wealth and thrift of former settlers, along the way. licriii j publq f are argelv resiKrisi . t K i . v f lor iu : i j a i ne rev i va i . so i o i Theyj rrse. to sujportiiig pxif dentt!,Sri5on, because of hismll know,! fpnosition to tree Civiiiaei are ierfectly willir)jo Blaine without knojs:M2 I s any more friendjVo tree g j I ige than Mr. Harrist. The I y i-IIarrison rejmbHca 's generf rj have also, it seems,li to thi i i acluflion that the, ots ep . Mr. 1 1 a rr i son- ni tM iation is to nominate;r way U the no t vote. Mr. Atwater is one. of the staunchest Alliancemen in the i county, and a true blue Democrat What were, ii: their day, magniti- ; His speech of acceptance was con ceiit residences, are still standing ! servativo, yet intensely Democrat in large groves of -majestic oajvs. j ic. He is a Democrat because the Lovdy, beautiful places they are in tle-ir antiquity. We could not fail to note th' fact that a large per cent, of last years-cotton fields are now plant ed to corn. ARRIVING AT PITTS EOUO, 1 wo scattered. With the exception of Maj. Webster and Dr. Smith we don't know whether our crowd be haved themselves or nofs Wo bad to hustle for a subscriber before party is of the people, for the peo pb', nnd by the people. On motion, the chair appointed one from each township to recom mend delegates to the State con vention. At this juncture it was discovered that Hickory Mountain township delegates ,w ro not pre sent though they had a few mo ments before responded to the roll call. In a few minutes tliey re ported Ilickorv Mountain not re- t 3 1 Blaine;-! ad if thtv can hav way Ur MinneaKlis convejjtn will in ' jtiate Mr l.iaine v better he will i not. W In t! e davs of bitter amj ,tn reasoij partisanship. in Congress it was bositive pleasure tok r dinner, so we couldn't keep our presented. These 'men attended eagle eye on them. Wo got dinner the Democratic primary and were CiiAHor.sof a serious nature were recently preferred against Rev. O. Iivder, of Durham. The presiding at the home of Capt. Exlino, and 1 elected at that primary' to attend the ''through" our fellows cut made j the Democratic conv ntion, and on tliO'oditor blush. It was shocking i the fii-t roll cll answered prompt to our modestv and timiditv. As'lv!' Po!ieh'r and MeLoah were at the On motion, Mr. Isaac B. HtwlaiL ) r i. !.-. iii th- Fih rnl, Supreme and , ii-;n f ih" stat'-. Everything usually kejt in 1 1 T 4. .1 .. rj.ie,, m. i :ue, Sippuui.eu a J abl-, it was b ,o Lad. We must : was empowered to cast the vote of nnuee ,o nueMue t lliJ j apologize to Mrs. Exli;.o, for our II ickory Mountain township, and after pat nntly hearing all thej ,v iiteiauv ppoil l10r ,,,len-i While the ' committee on de VV. II. MoNKIbb, Attorney at Law. c.virniAGE, N. c. i 'in. t ii-.. in vm f h.- curts of the state, lt-m.-s entrust. -d to liiu vr ill receive I i i n i . t aiid er.reful utt'nt K n. ' Dli. IKK H. LUTTEULOH, Siler! City, N, C. !f !- ,; pr'.fesonsi wrv(lcs to th peo . ! liaiu and adjoining ountie.-. k DU.J I) .AVEUSTKIMentist. U .tit lv -f l'rtrft'C rri, now of ?irrr City. - hi-'pr f. usiounl S-rv ice to Ihe people f - .: .-r.and sum. undine : country. All w..rh , Mt.-. d. (Jive m a call. Kxt raetitof done I i u. of elect r!Mt v wit liout pain, "i '! a residence, known as the Ciiicln- W. H. KDIi BER JONESBORO. N. C. K i s a tine h.ieof l.urlal rase in solid and v :.(!,. walnut. Kless white and imitat ion . v. i . i-.- f,.. highly mounted : iMinii'.T.t ( ..lHIll-.Il co 1 lis also. Clls - i.M'U.v iitt.-iid '.l to, niht or day. General Stock on hand, and for sale at rig'pt prices. testimony, unar.imously agp'O that Mr. Pvder bo xoneratt il from it 1 1 blame, and tlwy furthermore de clare that it is their belief that he is the intended victim of a base j did dinner. But if she is satis-! gates tied de- conspiracy. Over "The Mountain" To Pittsboro. LamJbe & Teaguc, Dertlers in General MercIiaBQise were in consulfa! ion, the. wo will trvandnot fd too ! following resolution was unani- bad about it. j inously adoiteti : We mot a good many of ('bat-j Ilesolvtd, that we instruct our ham's good citizens and added i delegates to the State convention several new names to our subscrip-' to use all honorable means, in a tion list. We ar- indebted to Bro. j spirit of fairness and conservatism L "iidon, of -the Record, for cour-i to preserve t he Democrat ic party ! -ios extended us, and to others, in its integrity ami uphold its for expressions of good cheer. We time-honored principles, tor being On Tuesday morning, bright and i hope to be abb1 to visit Pittsboro the party of the people its perpet earlv, ye editor, who had been for i often, and the Leader is confident uation in its purity is necessary tunate enough" to bonow a loi.g- j of some good friends over there. j to the maintenance of, a free eared standing collar and a shirt! We returned the sam? day, prot-! government. front for tho occasion, in compa- ! ty well t ired out when wo got home, i In presenting the resolutions j ny with Maj. D. L. Webster, Col. i but b iding amply repaid for the Judge Womack spoke eloquently A.P.Gilbert, (Jen. A. L. Brooks fat igu- ot the t r i by what we saw j and imely. and Captain Gallagher, -who was I and heard.- j Mr. A. H. Merritt followed in a j short, but strong and earnest ap ! I-al to Alliancemen to. stay in the me old ship, bagged them not to leave nine, unadulterated, uucontaiu i-j perfect satistaction. It produces but-; an(l earnestly entreated those who natcd Democrat ic blood coursingter of the nicest grain, and is easily ', have left to come home. tho Democratic veins of our Dem ocratie bodies was at high tide. Repres sdssippri atlminifjj yictorin tne tative Hooker, of X-U. who is a democrat, "nap) in the House praisiigic ration for the dipb;t jic t has won. He sabU fkvjai iner in which Socret;rv ffd treated the . compMa- lTChili and Great BiMi . . . . 'I 1 ;', ' mi to ne a great sip resoUit ion lo , r;ported to the House, for a 'lou'p tjuiJ they were put btr by'the niajority of tho Ju diciary coinmitUM to. which the. resolution Was referred, with vague tnlkabout doubt of thecoii stituthnalltv of Mioli.au investi gation the const ituf iolial buga Vhx invariably bobs tip when the nit ores t o if t ho b igi co rpr r a t i o nsair threatened in Congress, buf they still, orsisted, asking that the res olution ho rportedY; even if nil versely, in order that they might compel membeisof the Hou- to put themselves do record for r against it. At bat tho committee has docidetl t,reW)rt a .substitute striking out -.tho-allegation, of the fact in tho Watson . resolutitms. but authorizinj; an invest igat;on of 4 he Phikerbin niethotTs. I sVstem an d ma Blaine J tion wi proved man. ' If tliel Cannadian sealors t - :, . -:-;v I ' to avoitp seizure in Behring 5?ea by sailiilig under the M-xica;OF other fhlg8 they will make a CfjU' mistake! as the commander ftfrhe Dnited i?tates vessels will havor ders fo waiezo all vessels ta:ht taking Baj without regard tiKo . - Senatorfj will rece inatianr ( 'level .in l n w Iill is confident; thahe rn r deniocrs,tic iii5l)ln- w r-n , - for President. buftJie J. democrats in Coitfss declare i?nost enitihatically 1 h.f ne - : . .-M i V pven a giiost oi a cuic U your money Jihtlvou .MA It.hl .A ... . the driver, started to Pittsboro to attend the Democratic convent ion. The abundant How of pure, g.-n- has not i "You pa. takea yo If Rc wished t thizov w he could his purp FOR SCROFULA scrofulous humor - in the bleed,. r uiccrsr catarrh, and consumption, - "-' use - j Ayer's SarsaparUIa Tho moot economical, safe, speedy, and ,' effective ov all biood-pur!fior3. f Has Cured Qthcrc -vni cure you. P. M. Harden, 51 ' r.iih iVr'!ntt linn : v P-nritpr mu ia- presen tative E j i 1 oe iV make the public Hth .Commissioner vUum ! not have nccompfMeMt bse quicker or bettefjlnui bi::: HILL, N - w A rr i m.tv. by losing v his temper and il that iceij Itleman a lianas Hd whenlj VRaum w. s on i h$& nl . :. RfiCOS testifyin, I to thecoinniiUe'ijgjvch; Hcaccna'blo. is cbndi of Vvihe nis ail en after hav1 DAIRY SWING CIICRN. '1 he Dairy Swing Churn gives cleaned. In all the time we have The committee on delegate re- nau ours it has never tailed to produce ; j)(jrted tho following, who were ".inousl v elected, " .delegates i Livsry, Sale anOeeH Stablos A. C. JORDAN, Proprietor, s.'LF.ROITy- N. C. . .1 tmi furnlhi nt rexBble rates, w V rt-fu VMtcutioii given to BtocK eutru! We sri- cnrrylnp a eomidtfeime well s-lect-cd stock of evcrvtliluif in eur line, and a.k you to stivk pin here. We tu all kinds of We rode in a Democratic carriag', : ?ooJ butter in a very short time. , j lman; , ' i Tx , , T. I Rkv. J..L. tS.MIlH. . drawn bv Dcmocatic horses. In' and a not melt abuse net usually r dulge iii er, who ij jgation c. idea.-He occurenc Raum ct etimr the nlvehlSifjti Pension BiirWuftnd , "f Vt UVV ff-RV. -ike-Mraum,'- . - - . intincr to" stril i r m .c-;'j ing called him a Lgidid ;- d the matt r. Ional f rer convinces anyb4fly : It ; ... l.; -:, t . ' actl upQn Uioso:wj6;:if-:i it. Reprosi ntat iv- B hi 1 chairman -of tho,vj-Vtr.j bmtnittee, hiis tlegripht' Ua;d after the disgju! ) alludf d to abovs 'Mr. ( JoNiBOUO, 'N. C.1 n,k Viii 'it.M l ibi't. '?' o. i t i :,.,iUtn.ieri 'Mt f i.r.tili"'l';-4',;,' V w ilc f' "f' b ? r ,o "trt' tn.-ii ',mI'I' II - O V ir a t I have made butter ior manv vears,- w. .. 1IT tact Democracv was "m it all; tlon along the wav and throughout the!an,j 1 fim! the Djir SwinS Churn the 1Ki.egates. ! : . . i . .i.. i i , ' !(hlV. ;c-aSJcat ouo i..c uicki cuain anu . JuI)I w 1Vrrv ! Our route lay through the H ick-! the casiest dsJne,!: Ir Sves . perfect (. w FouMjf.J f -r a a t 4. jaii.na.irni uitt.i i.jv.v, i first trip over "the mountain." Tl lij MOSELfeY JIOUSE, 1ms tx'cn removfd to corner of Vtingtoii and Hargett Streets. S. S. Mosklev, Proprietor. "AJ? Kaleigh! NC. ' 1 Hoodar" . i -w-T j ' 1 lionitz jjaoiei- AndlkElarkct Street, AVilnrtPon, N C CD'im PRODUCE a IR mm Musket SZmcES. AS WK JOI RXKYED we were overtaken by Dr. G. A. Smith, Messrs. J. Geo. Hannor, I). G. Fox antlT A.Gilliland, who claimed to le DeiiKK'rats, intvmg ln en elected delegates by a Dt nio cratic primary. We are very glad to state that Mr. Ilauner had add etljist rn wh a t to h i s ,m ra rh rn ft - Mrs I. ". WuiTLHKAH. - The Dairy Swing Churn has rend ered entire satisfaction. We ate well pleased with it andwould not exchange Mrs. Patterson Pickett. -The Dairy Swing Chu n has giv-n me lessirouble and more butter than any churn I. have ever used. It is sxire to Turing all the butter thre i$ in W 1: r B B . ps ;TB Womack ! L J Haughton fj M Mclver ! W H Andrews i A I GilUrt J Geo Haiiner R J Yatts A T Lamlxrt, T t1 ALTERNATES. Jno ( Renrher II M Love J M Kdwards C E Mclean MT Williams J M Gritlin J M Stinson L R Exline A L Brooks I) L Webster S G Wilson T.W egrores summon." A ' A i I tesiiiy, . like any alternates to the .tate conven- s testii not matt have lee who care tuitii to ( ui ui&pru Repres man of tl I Public U bill whicj al Congn! iorieiiurf railroads it l i ..ni.ui.c O'-iii i.y . i t nous wit' road no' ioe hfre in respoii if rem this cotnrijlpt to Vnd' he must jwpeted (other vitiioss. jvUr r. After his srat Jnf ni.- j , Trade any othf jinau Mo may - hrve thijor take the stand arji M-ny re them'--- ' ?!'- putative !tCrno,iair He Hour? cominf e on I t J-ol !i has Iwi JiemrplveV 'isw,; providiujl 1 i of all lands grrlfel, to 'opposite' to: and itVini- ' . ' . -I.. ' . F.ithiiV the . VA. T. ..- .. . . i, .su.durU.p. : iclvir h.olc IK V St. r,..!.-;.. I Joi. '-, -o'-ri ttd nnl 1 iir.r- I".- I' f;ij 114 J:i.L.i.a. iesi. . - , . ' ( i J rii Mk f:ru?tbfe; i ilii.ii. cr SiorHhrrc on ib . fir.l iuti'u' bt- r,t t . aiel I.mi tnii'inervy ;t -t ' .-J.ili:if I' 'r''r"'-'i ""' ' . ti:r2 l-l i dry . c.h;-. i .i n-. -d rent-: furnmU jj - , r-iV ut .oi l Z tvr co-t. Si U " 1 i ' 1 ! uc ran 1 .n,, r -.ti- - o-i-l .M.-ii - 'f Mir. J. -i. Grutebfiebl. r"