IF r THE TROY TIMES a Contributions for this pajje are solicited from all persons desiring to write on subjects strictly mor al or lellsioua In their tendency aid free from ee tarianlsm. ! BIBLE QUESTION'S AND AN SWERS, Will be published on this page. rr - - I' I'LL. MEET THEE THERE, DEAR MITTIE. Wrlflenor Out Troy Timte. : J Loved onel'though lost to human sjgtif. 1 feel thy- spirit lingering near,, And softly as I feel the light , That trembles through each falling tear, j As in some temple's holy shade j V Though mute the hymn and pushed the prayer, , A twjlemn awe the soul pervade,' Which tells tliat wtirship has 1 been there; A breath of incense, left alone j When many a censer swung around. Which thrilled the wanderer like to one ' Who treads on consecrated ground. I know thy eoul from worlds ' f bliss. Yet stoops a wbUe to dwell with me; . Hath caught the prayer I brekthe In this ' That I at last might dwell wi th thee. I hear a murmer from the seas ; That thrills me like the spiritfs sighs; I hear a voice in every breeze j That makes to mine its low feplies A voice all low and. sweet like thine; ' If gives an answer to thy prayer. And brings my soul from Ilea fen a sign That I will know and meet thee there. ; - , . .; ! I'll know thee there by that sweet face, 'Kiiondwtiicliafender'halojplays, f 1 j - Still touched., with that expressive urace That made thee lovely all thy days;. f! By that sweet smile that o'er shed, ; A beauty like the light of evjen. Whose soft expression never flid Even when its soul had flown toheaven; I'll know thee by the starry crown That glitters in-thy raven hair Oh! by these blessed s-igns alone . r I'll now" thee there, 111 know thee there. For ah! thine eye, within whose sphere The sweetest of youth' and beauty met, That swam in, love and softness here, , Must swim in love and softness yet; For ah! its dark and liquid heaps, Though saddened by a thousand sighs. Were holier than the light thatj streams Down f rom the gates of paradise- . , i Were lright antl radierit like tl le moon, ' Yet soft and dewy as the ere .Too sad foreyes where smileii are born, Too young for eyes that leatn to grieve. ' I wonder if this cool, sweet breeze clearlyif It turns a hovel intoapai ace, makes a rough road smooth, is easily carried, and costs nothing. The knowledge of Christ is a purse full of gold. It will pay your ,way in all thd strange places of life, and bring you comforts more choice than any found in king's houses. It will open gates closed to the wise of this world, and unlike earthly treasures, the more you spend the more "yon have. It is a well whose crystal steam makes all around beautiful and pure, refreshes' the weary passer-by, never knows the drought of summer, and from life's morning to its latest eve flows steadily, carry ing joy and song throughout its course. It is a sunbeam from par adise, a smile from the face of God , the song-books of saints, the Bible of New Jerusalem, the key of heaven's treasury, and the passport into he, presence of the King. It makes rain bows on storm-clouds, transforms tears into pearls, and thorns- into apple-trees, and causes the desert to blossom as a rose. It makes the heart larger than a kingdom, richer than a bank, brighter than a palace, and happier than a grove in which a thousand birds are singing. Get this knowledge above all things, increase-it, -teach it, live it and prize it 'ftboVAriiVnAH' for if . i"s vrmv r 1itv piness, your glory, and your life. The Rev. Macpherson. Ilath touched thy lips arid f - "For all my spirit hears and ss Recalls thee to my memory The trouble is, this is such a hard and sorrewful world that half of us don't get time to sit down and think think who we are, what we are ! If a government should go ioAvar ; He dried away her teai-s an and relv entirely upon one branch i stmt her lack rejoicing. j of the military service defeat would i T A sh knelt onee mmv for h1 . . . , '.Iieavenly Father's blessing th. "" """ "readiness of her earthly father t. i J j forgive hr was to her a tvoo o agamst another which makes an I the divine forgiveness. She real attack with infantry, cavalry and ized tUat "Qod pitrdous like ; artUlery? Just as much chance, j the who lctes the omrWs In dear brother, as yon have against your enemy, the world, if' you employ one or' two of the three weapons which God has given you that is, physical power, intellect-1 ual power,! and - spiritual power. to everlasting ftrgtfnlikss. Christian Advtx?iite. Raleigh Advocate. CONDESCEND TO MEN OF LOW ' ' ESTATE. . , "The spirit of the gospel is to take care; of the bottommost classes pt society, Christ washed the feet ot his disciples. This act, of wonderfu I condescension sy m bolizes the mission, of the gospel to open the eyes of the blind, to unstop the, ears of the dear, to heal the sick to raise the fall en, to enlighten and purify the uncombed millions. The gospel teaches that the great and strong, the wise and wealthy, should lay themselves out . In blessing the feefTle arid IfttledelVeudGiTf Jn&y: As the sun traveling in his great ness goes forth on the mission TWO II UNDKED THOUSAND 1 r STUMBLING-BLCCK. Where? In these United States. every ! every These are to be found in city, towh; village and on road side. They are drlnkf hr - loons; iii no sense the country, but in every $ense a 'positive:' and contiliubusv detri ment. Their existence cannot be justified by any argument based upon justice, necessity or mercy. They impede the progress of civilization, ckiucation $lud re ligion, and obstruct all material and moral advancement Ko ear ly training or social habits can bo justinably quoted as a xreason, why these hindrances to every thing that tends to e'levate and bless liumanitv should be permit ted to exist. No huriniri tatutey I should throw around th61r inJlijpK uitous t rattle its brazen pahullum and thus protect them' fixi the of illuminating and fructifying j sweep ot a Christian indignation. the little satelites and planets, ! 1L Li,ut" :ao tno Hu so ought the high and lorty ones ' Prtlve duty of all friends of hu snend their stren-th in doinir I mA,-ntY to u".it and to demand ' -. ; i , : . . . , ui our legislators an -over ourland ! good to tlie poor, the halt antl the blind. The lotty ( Jod, who inhab iteth eternitv. stoons down to bless the humble and contrite of own Woitl, a suppression of these sai and to say to them in the iinned thy brow here for, and whither bound. That ones. As the great river turns the was a wise manthe , picus man of mill-wheel and waters a conti fortune, whose only son was irrdig-j nent without money and with- side and said: "My son, I will settle Jnow; Ftr every hour we breathe apart Will but increase, if thatciih be. The loTCthat fills , this lonely heart Alread y fill ed so f ull of theej1. Yet many a tear tbse eyes muvSt weep And many a sin must be forgiven. Ere these pale lids s-h ill Sink to sle-p, And you and I shall meet in! Heaven. W TCruc Knowledge j my entire estate upon you on condi lion that you promise me one thing. When I am gone, I want you to sit down in a private room for half an hour every dav and ; think.. Take no book or paer to ' distract you, but just close your eyes and think." The young man ! promised. At first he, could think on ; ly the strange request. He wondered j why it was made. But he solved the riddle and became a converted oons, lan-4,Cast ye up, cast ye up, pivpare the way, take up the Ktumhlihir- blocksout dtthewav of mv iw.' pie." Pulpit Treasury. salvation flows freely and spon taneously to bless the world, and it is our business, as Christians, to help this sal vat ion to flow on until the whole world is blessed j If you want to strike souk by it." jii the head, strike a nail. , ! pers Bazar. Xever strike a cliiid ori the head and it may be wi-li to add, never strike a tiiau on the he thing -Har- mau. The knowledge of Christ is a flow- j If we could only take more time er that never fades, your bosom, and it wi with fragrance. It is cheers the darkest nig it burns' the brighter it grows, and fierce winds only make it shine more Carry it in to think; think of what is within us 1 fill your life am without; of the battles we have a light, that , fTi.f n,l fl, Trt;a to fight them with what a different world we should have. it; the longer j Eilitois Ti niVs: The first joy the ChrLstiah feelsi Wliat was the most prom is the knowledge ,of sins forgiven, characteristic of the Syro-' A little glrl knelt to pray, but a cian woman's faith? memory ot a wrong done that day This question in your lastJ came between her soul and ihrist. : TMicriit iu oi.,..... - v &ne naa aisoooj'ofi ner latner. biie ways. I think, however tl rose and went to his room: j she seems to have harl unsluOv rarja;: said .she, as the tears 1111- j faith from mem heamiv edhereresand choked hei words, i circumstance might le coaj vwuic w icu kjii .-Mmc-1 i-u,' ira-M, a very cnaracterBit ic thing that I did that was .wrong) faith, especiairy. as the GehSies "o-day. I want to ask you t'c for- j hatl 'and despised everytliin' giverne. v yiat had itn origin amoi4 th ; "Mv dear child' was t hi sirmwpr Ioum -r i. . j " - -. .. --. .-".i; Jiiii R,- v n; fff xnuuut wauiiuu lo ten inc; l a !UH ac-rjimt Of the matter inrgive you iivejy wunout. 1 Uient Itlilii- lsue us as ?n-i Sider-