! TROY TIMES The Troy Times: Published every Friday : "" by4- v ' I. M. Deaton and Thos. M. Hall, TROY, N. C. Subscription Rates: 1 year 6 Months 3 Months Gash in advance. $1.00 5o .25 Advertising Rates. 50 cents an indh per month Liberal contracts will be made for larger avertisemenst. The Troy Times is entered at the Post-office in, Troy as second class matter.) LOCAliS. Messrs. John L. Hall and W. C." Douglass are attending court at Pittsboro this week. , ... j . $Ir. L. T. Sills, of Eldorado, in forms us that pneumonia is prevail ing in that section. J. RpBlair, Esq. , of Troy, is visit ing parents and friends this week at Monroe, his.former home. ,;. On last Saturday we ty-two. subscribers. Wednesday t wentyj- three, right send them along. received twen and - on last That's false prophet shall have an- If there is not a loose in our town we other wedding in thej near future. At any rate it's leaked out that they're engaged. We shall see. J. M. Brown, Esq. j of Albemarle, is in Troy attending to professional business. It seems quite natural to see him on our streets, and awakens pleasant recollections in the minds of his many friends here. We have received the first num ber of the Watauga Enterprise, a new Republican paper just started at Boone, N. C, under the editorial management of Messrs. Thomas ; It is a conceeded fact that eating is nec3ssary to life, therefore it is the interest of all to know that Atkins & Suggs have just received a large quantity of flour which they propose to sell, for cash, at lowest prices. They also have a fresh supply of field and garden seeds, and as the time for gardening is near at hand you would do well to give them a calk ' A serious affary is said to have; occurred on last Monday between Mr. A. R. Morris, a well known cit izen of Troy, and a large wild tur key gobler, in which the gobler, be-. mg unarmed, received wounds from which he died. We have not learn ed the status of public opinion in re gard to the matter, but from ac counts it appears reasonably certain that the! turkey was ambushed. It is said that "Spike" made two shad ows as he passed through town on his way home. Send Us the News. We wish to secure a correspond ent at each post office in Mont gomery county, who will send us the iterhs of news' promptly every week, for which service we will send such correspondent a copy of the Times as a compen sation. The communications need hot be lengthly. By put ting the hews in a condensed form, a postal card will In marry instances afford space sufficient. The first to accept this offer at his or her post office can secure a coppy of the Times free. It is a Bingham and L. L. Green. lively sheet and we are glad tx enter it on our list of exchanges. Send your children to . school It is an obligation yot owe to them a'cd to your maker. You may not have a fortune to leave them when you die, but if you ejlucate and pre pare them to fight life's batde alone ypu will have discharged your high est obligation to them, and one for which you will rejoice in your dying hour. TO OUR READERS. With this number ends the first quarter of the existence of the Troy Times. To those of our subscribers who started with a three month's subscription we will say your .subscription has now expired, and we beg leave to insist that you renew at once. Our subscription list was com menced during the second wreek in November, si nee which time it has daily increased, until now we have more than five hundred paying subsreibers, and we hope to swell t he number, before the close of another quarter, to at least one thousand. Th is we can easily do if our friends will only take .interest enough in our suc cess to encourage their neighbors to subscribe. We have labored hard to build up a legiinate bus iness upon strict lylegi mate prin-, ciples, and, notwithstanding the hard times and other disadvanta ges under which we have labored, we have succeeded beyond the expectations and prophesied ot our friends generally. And. al though we have realized but lit tle money, we feel to congratu late ourselves on jour success in securing the patronage of the best citizens of the country. We have sent the paper to many w-ho.are not subscribers with the hope that they would respond by sending us their subscription, and in this way We have received j many. Yet there are some who I Have not responded, and tdmieh we must say, your papers will be discontinued henceforth unless you advise us to the contrary, as we have given you ample time to test it for yourselves, and decide which you can better afford to do without, the paper, or the small sum ot one dollar,. We propose U- run the paper, at all hazzards, and to publish such matter as will be of inteiest and lasting benefit to our subscribers, at exceedingly low rates, but can not afford to furnish it absolute ly free. While the small amount ot one dollar each would hardly be missed by our subscribers, yet enough of these small sums put together will enable us to run the paper without embarrass ment and nlake it self-sustaining, i Editors. IT SPEAKS WELL i i We are informed by the Regis ter, of rjeedsj that the number of Mortgages recorded in his office during; the present year is far be low the number recorded during the corresponding period of last, and perhaps below that of any preceding year. This speaks well for our county, and shows that our citizens are learning the baneful effects of the pernicious practice of Jiving .each,, year on what is to be raised the next, and thus keeping at least a year be hind. No jeonsiaerable amount of calculating and foresight is necessary to discover that this long established and much prac ticed custom is ruinous to the farmer, and is sapping the vry life blood from the poor laboring Classes generally. It is a well known fact that the mer chant j who advances supplies charges the consumer at least 25 per cent more for them than the same goods can be purchased for in cash1, besides the legal rate of interest, and ; the fees for regis tering &c., which being added place the price of the goods at least P6 cent, above cash fig ures. It is also a well known fact that the merchant in making these advances takes many bad risks, and hence fails to colect a la.rge per cent, of the amount ad vanced onf Mortgages,, which he must add each year to .' the per cent, on gdods sold to responsi ble parties, thereby requiring customer A. to make up to him the amount lost on the advance ment to B.i Thus it is that tlie merchant is enabled to sustain his business, arid thus it , is that re sponsible inen who give mort gages are made to pay the debts of their irresponsible neighbors. So the honest, paying customer who buys his supplies on time, is unable to extricate himself from this financial bondage and assert his independence. A common weakness peculiar to humanity, is an inclination to do too much trading. Especially does this tendency display itself in the buyer who is getting his goods on time. Time, the mighty leveier of all things earthly, as we are accustomed, in abstract speculation, to speak of it, is, in .4 veler. tls up a not h- "r. v Six If into j 1 fi-oin ! this sense, r he greatest u in ai tne world, for it luki one class upon the ruin o er. We are inc lined to too much on the lutuW mourns indulgence, to ii man who is' hard presx-d for tliejneces- saries of lite, lengthensitse an age almost, when vie wet1 nis standpoint of extivn e ne s sity, but how hort it leiins to look when the crop on which- a Mortgage was givcm for supplies in thespiing, logins j to ujiai ure, and the meielumt ijotifies him of the maturity of that Mortgage! The entire crop that cost him .a summer's hard work must go to pay his debts, and he U-g ns to feel discouraged, and to lose in terest in his farm, and complain that farming is a ioor business anyway. Oftimes the discour aged and overworked victim of the crop Lien or Mortgage aban dons his farm, and seeks emyloy ment on some public I works where he can barely arn enoucrh at best, to support his family, and or the later, store lays by nothing in store contingencies of sickness and other misfortunes that all know must come sooner or and reduce him, whose house is euipty, to extremii want and actual suffering. Such are some of the ruinous cllecU of the Lien and Mortgage syst em . Much more might be said, then the half would not been told. ' It is to be hoped that a you-go system will take its j)lace, and that this era ot reform will date from the 1st of Jan. 1888. Try it once in your life and see If it doesn't work like a cl and have jpay-as- Query Box. With a view to increasing the interest off Kir pa per, and to the diffusion of general Information tunontr its readers, we propose to devote a part of our pace each week to the publication of questions and answers, and have therefore named this cor ner the "Qcebt Box." Any subaertbeij is at liber ty to ask or to answer through this medium any question that tend to elicit thought and research concerning subject and problem of . moral, scien tific and literary character. In speaking of that word that, the teacher said that that, that that that boy parsed is not that that that I requested him to analyze. What part of speech is "that in each position? X. We received another answer to the Query in our last .issue- con cerning the faith pf the Syrophe nician woman, but It came too late lor our "Sunday Reading" page, which is as follow: The most "prominent j charac teristic" of the Syrophenician woman's faith seems to have been that it was Divinely inspired, probably, lor two special pjerioses, to wit: . . S j IstJ To show the Jews that the Gentiles were not to be excluded lromthe plan of salvation, and 2nd. To show the Gentiles that everything having a Jewish ori gin was not to be despised. See Mark VII: 2430. Drew. ft