1X1 a THE TROY TIMES Ml 2T. 13. 1N3 AVOIR, Surgeon Dentist, ; Star, Montgomery Co., N. C. Offers his professional services to th people of Montgomery and adjoining Counties. SATISFACTION Guaranteed. Special attention given to putting up sets of ' Call on or address the under signed at afcove named Post-office J;B. DEATON. THE . DADUEL OF THE AGE IS THE ETew Cheap Cash OGCQD Co., of Star Of J. C. McDuffie Montgomery Co.', N. C. We have opened out a complete line of General Merchandise At the above named place where iwe-will be pleased, to.serve ail per- sons in need of goods in. our line and we guarantee prices ton be i 8 low as the lowest, and pur gqods first-class. We cordially invite our.friends to call and see us before; purchasing. We deal in barter of all kinds. Butter, Eggs and chickens a spe- s ii . . ? "1 .. .. .... ! "4 lu J. & Mo" DTJFFLE & CO. THE TRAVELLING AGENT. A large Matrimonial paper pub lished Monthly. Brim full of vomit? men and ladies wanting - correspon dence, subscription only 2o cents a year, i . Correspondent; advertising rates of 30 words. 15 cents for gents and 10 cents for ladies, Trade adver tising rates, 5 cents per line, 25 cents per inch, (large circulation;) To press on the 15th of each month Address, Wm. H. Robinson, Pcb., Mountain View,N. C. Editors copying this and above will be given same space in Travel ing Agent. f Cheapest 4 Best Bust nets College in the World. Ftekeat Rmt 4 M4 Medal evr en atfcr CottafM, VwU'i Era lUee. ftw limt ef BohK seeing flwiiil Bmtlmtm Ednestteo.. a 6r4ae to Baitam 1 Tnekm mlord. Cm f Fell BsslajM Cnim tartedlag Tattt. BtaUwry a4 to, itMl . Vvaa2eaL KnMHUwTo'iatlM ifraamtMl seeaaMl'to Elubber Stamps! ' I Best MsLde Lowest Prices. Name 8Umpaor kmelim tljll 15 Name and address, or two line, 25c Three line stamps only, r ' - 32c Four line sUmps.only ili, i? Ink, pads, box, etc., extra, ' Nickel-plated, self-inking pencil or oetgtetopT to 3 lines. with CIRCULARS FREE. Agentsnranted, at 75 and 80 per ct. commission. ' Special reduced rates to publishers offering mv stamps as premium. Several fine j printing presses andoutf its for saleat abargain. T. S. SPARROW, )i;r ,; VERONA, N. r. N.B. $1.40 worth of rubber stamps catalogue rates to ' publishers in--serting 8iis and above ; . ' t A H PT7MTQ (silver)' pays for iU w-CjIN 1 O your address in the "Agent's Directory." which goes whirling all over the United! States, and you will get hundreds of sample, ci rculars books,newspapers, magazines.etcl from those who want agents. You will get lots of mail matter and good reading free, and will be well pleased with the small in vestment. List containing name sent to each person answering this advertisement. J. H. ROUSH, Box 50, B oyleston, lnd J!ll:a- w S3 Si ; -gs fits -5 a llfi list ffll S.S 5 trs2 5. - ?3 . o , 3 3 3 Sit fill flit 5S p a 5 Hit 5:2.' a9 8 a o s o o 1,000 Agento Wanted. For our Superb, new Steel-plat e Engraving of MUNKACS VS $100,000 PAINTING. 'Christ Before Pilate" 22X28 inches. Faithful in every detail to the great original. AS.OO Engraving for Sl.OO. Nothincr like it ever before seen. at the price. Wanted at sight. Agents say: "sells it self. Some average $10 to$l 5 a day.o gener al agencies, but orders tilled direct by mail qr express, to any point in U. S., at trifling expense. Sam ple Copy mailed to any address on receipt of $1.00. Live Agents Wan ted every city and town, 'wher ever located. Chance of a lifetime. Write for full (4 page).descriptioD, Agents terms etc.; to I GEO. M. SMITH te CO.; Puts, 175 Washington St.,Boston, 3tass. Migliest Caslt JPriee; PAID FOR 9 And Lowest Prices Charg f d for 1 GOOBS! Have any thing you want, and will be happy to serve the good people of Montgomery County in any way. j - W, H, "W ATKINS, Agt, . Columbia Mfg. Co., Columbia Factory, N. J . ;M The Good JLuck Lumiijous Dial Clock Bepresented by above cut Will be given as a 1 .... PREMIUM to any person who will send us a Us V of fifteen cash subscribers to THIJ TROY TIMES acccmpanied by $15.00, in cash, on or before Jan. 1st t 1888. It is a bronze cased 1 uninous dial clock and sells for $5.50. ; This is your opportunity to obtain a good clock free. No humbuggery. Goods warranted as represented. JOB PRINTING At Prices Lower than the Lowest. TIMEN OFFICE. EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD! THE Pointed CEHTFIIEE, About Sabbath arm Jourar East of the mralxr travel road that the guide take tourtoto and PilKTima otcv when on tbeir war from Cairo to Jeranalem haa been dlaoorned a moat wonderful formation of Crushed Buck or Sand, that in tha funds of an expert artist can be nioaUW Into the most beta tiXul PortralU, It beta entirely differeut from any rabntano yet diflcoTered rrat attMition is beiuy called toit brOeoloirisU Sdeotiata and Explorer. - The rtr1oQia very wild, and dan. serous to those not trsTellinjr in the rernlar CarsTana. It Is the, only Stone that emits a framnt odor or Perf one that we have any acronnt of. and what is wast remarkable no Arab miner can DeinaaceaueatertbManaitarternibtiau.astney are saienititions enongh to beUere that there har been heard cominir ineraruni aoit strains 01 tntwie use tne narr GKK. r. H. GHAUT like the plajrinr of this 8io there ex i have been in con. larrs. 8ome natirea believe that beneath iata sa Eternal Garden, in which Flnwera ha' Stant blaom since the nmliun. UiMirintiariM anl TnnllM who have yiaited that locality state that the fragrance from, this wouderful Sand formation fills the sir for many nifles around, and tourists (nmnfrv natifln and dime curv awsw small piece to their homes in other lands as relics of rreet slue. Br a procews lately diacorrred thfs Errrtian Sand can , beTery bean Uf ally rrraeud or formed mtoTableta of Molld Pert me Mtene, and it can be moddled Into any form de- . sired by an Artist who is an Expert in Carving on 8tone n Cameo. In Erypt they have moddled this Band into Portrait Head of the Kavkmr. and the Awstles: in Turkey the Htono nwiwiwii s-wnrait ox ine Boitaa m maao xrom turn trnua Band and now tnimerloBw are happy t formed into IM so none. The Portrai style of thnee vsnowa urm Eiryptiw Band haa ee ot a tew u the exact else tea Here. We n that tan rat like. are lawpnn Free. 1C JM niierl aecarat ne rtraila tans far Inert of Geo. Grant and Geo. aledaUloB ot the fa- Jj .1 jLlexmmter the Great ri and they are Solid perfnme Ston. Woaderfal worts of Art. It wold cost a bnadred dollars to rrt aiVirtrsitcvt in mar bleorcameo like tbeae. They are larmr and thicker than Silver Dollar, and bans the appearance of beta carved oat of Solid. Stote. This Erprtlan Band at the anm Color as tbn C59. BOUT. Prramicle of ErypC and what ts moataincalar the Hand I imnwuMwiniH ni oriiraae rmirni. asm yon roomeontsinlns: these Portraits yon feel a if ron wet eereruMra rwwer Garden in bloom, and this Perf Blue I ill penetrate ern the ciothtna' roe wear. If run hoM one tbeee Portraits in jronr hand a few sainntesit isdiOenltto wean tn lovely odor from the akin, and it has to wear oft. They ere jrreat Korelty. and aboald not be sold for lean than fx earn, as there are so few of them to bebadTbat if yoa ylU f w oij r OatalonMi to a few friends we wlU send row One kledall ten Free. Tow mnt send n the foUowis ri,V 'vuBMurauciMiir lornorinevma and other expemtw. tSTl'ltliS. M3 "1 THIS COUPON ORDER I.SS?S?J5Sift?vCSBS- -2-a pnvuev. doiih eno nucrniwa iioscas aterc any one ot t a Tnlrteen rt raea funwl ml iiita J Offer U made only on condition that yon rroinfco to bow this Ctrnilar to a fw of ywr frWd7 t Soisa. 1 I 1A I