: , THE TROY TIMES . : ' '' r, ' At-- FARMERS! : MT7GILEAD LOOK ..THIS5 WAY! "'.:'':''' ' :'M j-'P ; ':&,' tin- DlD'88C!lE3ai ATTORNEY AT LAW t f &e 8th Judi&al Distnci Also in the Feder al and Supreme Courts of he State. And jrfi give prompt 'attention to the collection of claims I from other will lnvtstitd and per fth?,tities to mhTdiiproperty. J. K. BLAIR Troy, N.C f r Will practice in the SnrjremA an Superior Courts of the State, And in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States. Management ot es tates and collec tions a specialty. Sat isfactorarrangments made with ex ecutors, administrators and. guardi ans. Prompt attention given to busi- tOfflce North-east 'House;- J . ' v-i . 1 r of Gonrt WILL. H. CROWDERL PRIN. , r With a Corps of Efficient Assistants. SPRINff SESSION ! 3 uecrius vv eonesoay, i on. 4. ioo. This School is located 6 m iles Northwest of Troy, Montgomery Co. U..-one oi tne neaitniest commu- i nities ,; in the State and1 morality of' the community unsurpassed.; 1 : 1- - COURSE OF STtJDl f Me Thorough and PwusticaL, J ; , f oxjRMorro . "Know Something, Do Something, r-,;' Be Something." " ' TurrioNfrom $1.03 ; ) 1 5.i 3). Mo. Music $2.50 per month. ( ' ' Good board a $5.00 to $6.00 per Mo, ,VfVrtunhep,,parctuarp, address 'M:. wrxxJH: cwpER.rpRiN Cagies MJ.iis,iN. u. 'if l , . 4i , JEWELLER yZ Star, Montgomery Co.J N. C. Special attention given jto repair - ing watches and clocks. iam dtiuatrriemnflCPOontheTroyand Columbia maUoute, which afforda s convenient way of Bending watches, jewelry Aoj fer repair All las of work hi my line executed promptly and at short notice. Charge for sending paid by me Leave your work for repair at the Tim office, satisfaction guaranteed and prices low. WILLIS KFREEMAK. Smith and Silver AND MUSIC STORE, PAYETTEVILL.E, N. C. f ' ... ' , Yow can get all kinds of School Books at bottom pr i ces ; Boohs on Sttite List at ( CONTRACT PRICES. Piam)s & pgaag Sold for cash on om easy . in stallments. Organs in stock from $65 zip- First-class in struments arid Guaranteed '7PidhoaZl inices from $200 up t catalogue free up on application All kinds of Bookp, Papersr?tationerii Fancy zlrtieles; 'Music and Musical Instruments al ways on hand 1 Address, McNeill. & co., Fayetteville, N.C. "A. Jm Barker ; Sons, Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Sash. Doors Blinds Brackets, Mouldings $6. HIGH POINTN.C. Notice! K reby tif y public tht we are Pre: ed to do all kind of brick and stone work, such as bulldinx vaojta, chimneys and underpinning, also plastering and whitewashing. Satisfaction guar anteed by Willis Freeman & C. W. Vanderburgh v TroyX. C, Feb. 18, 1888. 13-ti: NOTICE. State of North Carolina ) In Superior Court, y Montgomery county. ) Before clerk. : ' v - -. ; .... - Mary E. McCallum and Johnl MMcCailom infants whe sue by their paternal guardian and nxt friend Nelfi McCal lom, PUT s. - , Sarah 'A. Jordan , Jacob S, Jordan, ' D. A. Munn, John C. Munn1 John C. Lewis, . : SdnthlaiJBwis. ? . , and thebetrr at law v . of Elizabeth Lewis V Petition to sail land . . for Partltioo. Deoeased, erts:: -V It appears to the court In this In that the Defendants, Jphn CwMnuv Johri.C. Lewis; Scinthla Lewis, he heirs at law of Klitabetb Lewis, names nnanown, are not' to be foaad jla the county of Montgomery and cannotUuVr dne . dOlgenea, be found hi this state, and this action 1s brought to sell land hi said county in. which said'partie are Inter ested for IpartlUoo THref or lhe Defendants abore named are hereby notiSed of the purpose of this action, and that they are 'required to appear before the tier '"ID -the Superior Court of said County athIsf4ehiTroy oBthendday of April A. D. 1888, at 12 o'clock ML, and answer or demur to the petition of the Piaintlffaer they will apply to the Court for the relief demanded. This the 15th day of Febrnarnt888L - W. R. HABBI3. i .rCi C)'1' i f f 1-" Clerk Superior Court. . Allen Jordan, Atty for the Pl'ff. Veoeeed "NATIONAL GUANO, Manutactui-ed by S.W. TRAVERS & CJo., of Richmond, Val, for - CORN AND COTTON, - i. t , . s :-fi.-;"' ' Is as good as the best now on the market. This Fertilizer has been usei by many of oar best farmers the past seasoa and It has proyen Itself bet ter adapted to the various soils than any other Gu anos I hare need or sold, and where yer used It has gtren general satisfaction. - A ; : It will be sold at the lowest possible prie for cash, or on time for cotton, by - THOMAS DEATON TROY, N. C. 13-80 V,-' . JDE-EElDICa i-sli s . . v INSURANCE CO tOPHR tJ. a Mt A ! X i . . . . . . .. THE MUTUAL RESERVE Fund Life1; ASSOCIA- . Tio'N,bfN,Y; . What It has done: " - During the past seren years the Mortuary cost for each $1,000 Insurance, at the age of 25, for ser-ea-years has benn $41.25. At the age of SO, the Xortuary eost has been bat' ; $83.50, One-fourth of -this tarn has been covered Into the Tontins Reserve or Emergency Fund. The fund now amounts to $1,82, 83S.06, and the Association has paid $4,198, 471 in death cUiims, The annua! rate charged under the Old Level .Premium system for ordinary Life Insurance at age 25, is $19.89 per year, or $130. 23 for seren years, and at age SO, $47.18 per year or $330.26 for seren years. The benefit of our system is thus shown by ACTUAL RESULTS,making a to tal savlnc to our members, since the .organization of the Association of more than Fourteen Millions of dollars In cash. , . ' " , PertonM wishing to insure iciik tk$ oboe named company will pUcut confer pith,f : : H, T. C ARBOR O, Mt. Gilead, X.'p. mm READING. We bare an immense lot of story papers, maga zines, novels etc, which are Jnst as good as ever. To close out and give every one a chance to get good reading matter cheap we will send a large bundle for only 10 cents. Address, F, C. Johnson, BoonevDle, X. T. "ILLEGERORGAIS.': ht?r mell. Tula brautifiil. m yumbrmt Cm. 4 Mf F' W Orxn tor omfr $4&rCd. ; Warranted tar -mr-, tmmrf Stool, mnd lMtracUoa Book ire. Om trial in your hooasbefor yoa bay It,a4 U not Htf'x ti.ry I tH tea It aa. Cataibnafrw. Otcrat iww,fl,w. stiitrn. aoyay i!, i k 4 ..!'.JJF.EWING,PR1N. Mrs. Dr. Joiner Teacher of Music. Turnos per Month $1.50 to f2 50. OOD BOAKD is to $7pr iminth. Those who wish can rent rooms and board them: 1 I . 3 if FbrfirtAer partlcviar irriU to tk$ ItUdMrf 'ft ri 'j-V-t , - t,v : -: , 4- 100 acres of valuable timbered and mialng land foe ate muea rrom Troy, Teanns easy and prices reasonable. VrvnartiJ.' lava .all a. 1- wayou urn wOTice,lToy, JJ. C. t TOBfiGCO: v: - t THE MODERN TOBACCO BARN ? ' 4 ' ' i-; ) ! Saresabout fl)eaV!eithatnJual!red each plant, the primings when cured In the Moderfi tuirn are wortn double the price of filters, Tae htgs are made the best tobacco on the plant and bring the highest pflce as cuttefs todwrnppers. No trash tobacco in the crop. The top leares mature earlier and better when tiie lower leaves are removed as fast as they mature. One cord of wood will cure as much tobacco in a proper ty opnetructed Modem Barn as 8 cords wili .hi! the'. Common .lor barn, on the stalk. The bard lis fire proof arid wOl eort If coa- strnoted of the best material $m. if "a farmer' plants twenty acres of tabaoco it will pay the eoet of construction and 50 per cent r interest the first season. ' ' Address: ' Address: W J High Puint.'y:' c.1 IJITADDaBG-BS) - nr witboaa rateast Index. Tour Attention Is Invited to the fact that la par hating the latest issue of this work, yoo v . A Dictionary I ! ; aaaaa aa aa&aaay 't eontalamg 8000 more words and nearly tOC-) mor UmstraUons than any other Amerioaa inewnary. A Gazetteer of tho Vcrl J eoeUinlng ever 23JX.ThMsa with their pronuncJ aoon and a van amount or otner iczormsnon, . (recently addedj and A Biographical Dictionary aSBHafaBBMBVBBataHaBaVafaTaBMaBaBafayaBaTflaBTJafaa giving pronunciation of names and brief facts concerning neany logooo xotea rersons: aiso vanons taotes gmng vainaote iniormsTtnn All In Or.3 Cccl:. Webster's UnabridaIMetionarr hi i d by the Gtate Bupermtendents of Behools InM 8tate and by leading CoUere Praaidattta of the United States and Canada.- It la standard Ao tborlty with the United Ctates Bopreme Court, and in the Government Printing OOee. Unas Iwsnnlmlsillneieij e alien fltsiernix lis have been made for Reboot a, and ia the Diction ary enon which nearly ail school books are bsaad, ii Get C:3 Lztzzl and DcL It is an Itfratnable eoispanlon fa every School, and at every Fireside. Epeclxaea nagae and teettaanabls soft prtrald en application, ruuuhsd hx c c. niirjia a co., IprHigaald, Cats D. $. a. 5 : .'rfZrSf' lt ...iv-:.i 't' '" t - ' z 1 " - -' : -- . its