JTjii urn- . 9 1 '.J -r ft '4, V. T Advertising Rates ' OP'TH B ' MONTGOMERY riDETTJS. TKOY, N. 3. .TxCHEa. One . Two... Throe, i ffour...; M Clnurt H do. ; 1 fall eol TUO-Y MAll'L DIRECTORY. ails leave ad arrive & place as follow: t 1 Tom LlL8T3LLi; eaves daily.,Suadaysexcepted,7 ara -Arrive do f Tor do do 6. p. m. lAsnBBono. ' "Lea res Tuesdays and Fridays 8 a m -Ar. Wednesnay s ao Saturdays 6.20 dm . , . . . - . j Yoa TiAGGTOW. Leaves Saturday ' 12, m. Arrives Saturday 11,30, & m Fob Bostick Mills. -Leaves Mondays Wednesdays and Friday-. -j . -" ' 1 ip.-ro. fArrirea) do do-ao 11, a, m. , 7";.;' 'r W C a"eth a era "T ,!J. ;Leav Mondays abd Thur. .Arrives Wednes. and Tri. - 11. m. Foe Colcmbia Factoet. .. " i i i leaves Wednesdays and Sat.l p,. Arrives do j do .' 12,, p, hi. Fok Albkrmiili. r Leaves Tuesdays k Saturdays 7 atua. Arrives do.j do. 4p, m. F. M. Wakxbb, P. M. OUR TIMBERS. J The Winston P.cA 'e&tive Fat- ner truthfully -says t mt "North Caroljna is one of the best limber ed States in America, , 1 lie almndaucej but in liol piiry in the variety f its growth. Nearly every tree that grows in the Nortli American forests is found! within her limits. all f which flourish. f iFrora the liaiidsof the scale ven to the summits of her loftiest mountains tlie trav eller may ride day after day through a ynrigated foliago4such as is seen noaherp upon the face of t lie earth within the, same area. And there is none of this wood without its coniimercial value, some Mof it very high. The white oak, (,bickorj cypress, walnut, maple, niittlvltrtlTft'ir'wQrUi wufe rep utaiiou,and are shiped in large quantities to meet' the demand in our own aim loreign couoirie. There is doubtless great wealth in North Carolina mines and beds of ore,' valuable as they are ; Vut there is vastly more in the forests if properly cared for and guarded as they -should Jbe. The tree that el!s for a noniinal price to-day will sell for thrpe or four times as much a few years hence, if owners have but the patience, to wait, and the good senco not to give away what they have or , needlessly de siroy it to clearj new ground rath er titan improve and cultivate the old Better double the work on the acres already nnder cultivation, t:iid redeem the old fields than cut lown trees to make new oiies. "Until within a few years tast M'paratively buffTittle value was iput "tipdin)urTrest growth because .f the lack of transportation, for timber ; but additional railroad liies, reaching in different drrec- tions. have opened up new markets nd made the timber much sought rafter by mauufactureTS aind spi50- lators, who are getting pissessi reaching out and u of all they can, onetime8 purchasing under con wLrtctSj, giviiig them a long lerse of 'years in which to fell and remove mix. They thus iiave ample time to tit i I "ze or ijm cl u late u.in 1 heir juu chase, as they choose, in either event with fair! prosjieet of profit, as the outlay by them is generally mall. A ne vr lines of railroad are built so will new, regions of 1 1 n ber be opened p and brought iw i t h i iiSvach of market a nd ur- chisers and speculators will turn i ktbat direction. Our timber own-ah-ould not be in a l irry tosell at leasti&riule they, get a rea- in able price. lit will pay to Jiold 1 tn..tttb. 3 wiW 1 C ay j Ijw'i. k.w' i f ft oo i i 4ooT Ye oo . -y ' ' ' ' 8 30 I 4.50 .! Ifl.lW W . . 3 75 COO : ASO-V 50 VArk.T 5.00 ; 7TV0 12.00 15.00 VAajrl." '" " I BM 1000 I KM 1 2 00 10W 150 2a..10 1 37J , I a a: ru i f 'mi iwi I 4;vaa fl rr: ui I 1 ' stvoji-mrr i i Tbejn ,1 it, for thera is4io danger of tl 'r nitrket being overstocked, and 4io iliijjf that aiercluui table timber, 5 1 ;ts is wanted, will not Iwing &)4y' 'iHoe moueyj two, five, or Ui years heuca than it dots new. r 8 l 'V J Int i to holtl on to, v it ir.il wis i j?ts:i a jr de mm is i I i j will take pretty coot I of itself anrtil -a buyer conic along who nll "offer a fair Drict i ir it. - i The "Hand Book of North Car oriua' published ty tins Stuti Agricultural Dqiartment in the early part of the present year, shows that our eotmty contains an immense area of valuable timber lands. We have oak- maid, wni- nut and pine, the Iatler Wedomi- natjng aud of the vtry bH for building purposes. It is certain JoJ ur. m nut that larein (lice : Mvnt gomeryTa greatt wealth. All that Ls need to develop "U and rapidly 1P-?apbuihl uj our county b a railrottd. 11 m I . ' - I - Can we get it ? , , COMiHNICATIONS. For the Vioetie Jin Infant Criticism Messrs. Editvt ft : Iudeetl. this is a fat time ! Not only can young men who know aothing of the lilerary world fry P'e nd droffnd. Farmers, mer thelr hand in the columns of our;cnantsV every body is gloomy. The iR'Wspapors on reports of" "so-called ! croP of canditates and blackberries, Commencementr ' 1T hurli whon!.. but even those whov have robbed the topmost round f literary fame condescend to come down h us in ferior ; people, and comniMnicute with us thitough mir cca ity1 paper. If there is any thing that makesa poor man proud it "w for a iHillion- aire to step dowii from his 'mansion j and come into bis humble cot r tagc awd cimiuuiiicate witl,i him. ooitja'witii us. We are trim toioels -di j have j these great literati speak j from their pintle of honor and give us weet ; uoss ; of .. rttet- r through the newnaMers. We're n-hid to fee these revereiid critics J But j i. :..!: 4 . mm . . this is not common. There are not many who have the -bravery io cri ticise an unpolishM yuuih who is as piring to literary famethey say he will die soon eunugli without ttrL iiHi. iutu.ereaiesome,anu oiieias .? i i a. :i : ..... .i i . sirucK me i inienuonai or uuimen tioual I don't know which; but any way, 1 iu struck, and I do not know whether I'll--survive the blow or not. As long as "Shad," -whether it is he, she or it, has talven this, pnbjic occasion to criticise those whom he terms - Bombastic young writers, youn literary aspirants, my young irienas, ami .me line, would you allow aie a short space for an answer,- in order ,to refute some of thee criticisms. He tells us "yoHng writers" nev er to attach Professor" to the teachers in our high schools with whom "we have the honor of occa sionally meeting. Must we wait until he tells irs to do it, or shall we ask him? He should have told us these things. He says wait un til yon have the authority Who gives the authority ? Our critic does ; not onlv criticise us, but gxs out of -boumteawt telfei us that' a great many men who are : training the minds of our young men and maidens, in the capacity ; of high school teachers, have nev er been sheltered through a single rainstorm under, the roof of any. oollege. To my mind this is" not true. 'How mauy high ."school teachers do you know in Mont gomery county who have , never attended; college? A nil yet, people say it is the most ignorant county in tire btate. He tells us that he .'loves plain, simple expressions; and yet he soucbt tire whole citohu?e of woixls in search of - Webster chok ers. Our old wise s;ivsc 'I must -a- mr tell my young friends that coloring beyoird the natural and real, fades long before the type wili which it iset." I tk thoe vvho witncss'ed these exercises whether or not the rejiorts which the YiDtrrrE cn coutainetl exagerated lUeni ? When ever "Shad" -says they do, he is very unjust, ami the jniblx will tell him so as quick as wv pen does. Jf niy riling fades and. tiie paper on which U is iulel decays, there is one thing at 1eat that is iaejibly written uon the mind of oue living "Shad ; He tells us, as rogs -can't lay the Atlantic -cale so we, young fools, can t pass jadgmcnl on a man hs an tea tori i hi old "Sha is j.'alons lec;ise the frogs cin ytll'or f ur appliciitions, it is Kaid, will a little lmuler than he can. - J I ouly expiejsed a rivale ouu RaI TROT, N. C, on in regard to tle roan who de iivere1aii .address,- and said that 4ie could -not i sarjnts-ietl as an orator by any man in ihe State. I haw iceii to piidlic atteririg8, rtiramcuccmonts, &c,i Iv'e 1eard North Carolina orators,7' eays he. So have I, and tlicreAre I fay Vial gemleinan is aa oratw. I have written more than I ex cehd but these are some things I wanted Umuy to "Shad "and thoe If an lM nUe.rmp wrote the criticisnv I t haak hiru ; if a young -tripling-. Which I prc-sume it was. I say, G it, my Uuby l Go it J" f Oscar. For tho Tidette. TROU MECJCLEXJiURG. JJkffiniws, N. C. July 1st lfc. Ifessrs. Editor: I write to It t your readers know that our wheat and oats crop is al most a failure, and the -present pros pect for corn and cotton is very gloomy. Cotton in the smallest I erer saw itt this time, and bottom corn is nowhere. tnd stiHjt rains even the grass look's owevrt is large. It amuses and hurts me to meet with a candidate who wants toSbe "T1" ana aon K1107 noT: 7t r ' 1 i 1 m a Ij wawu v d v v aao w i m iiuvisi gr'ins, and. it hurts me when he ffqueeees my hand out of all shape. f course if J was even a prospective camdidate TM Ratfr inn irl if woutM hurt so bad but having rather an antipathy" to the office-seeking dis-' position which some of our biggist splay with so much zeal, 1 cant squeeze, from my heart, unless I do it in self defence for I am begin- , n,nS learn tnat a rascal. can grip as I'tigatlyawd smile as gracefully as an bonest man nd tht an honest man is nearly as "hard in find n rv erf w mm mm vu a-a W a X m nan we ought not to stop at a mere grip-of t1w hand, or "its a nice-day" grin, we ought to hug h ira and kiss him and icarry hen: ia our arms if J - . " " better than the miser loves his gold; care for him better than the mother does her child, and honor him more Hian we4King and Presidents; for I say we might do this. aud. then not lose much time from our daily vaca tions. Capt -Robert W.. Andrews, a notive oTiJumpter, S C , paaed'thrDugh our county this week on his way to Bos ton. Me takes it foot-back, but as he is only ninety six years old and has already made the trip via New Orleans and back rne, averagmg 21 miles a day, it is to be hoped that the old man will be successful on a second jourr aev. He carries with, him nething tmt a -cheap satchel -a walking cane and a fice dog. llis little dog seems content, and is very devoted to his aged master. The old man takes with iii iu a geod recommendation and expects to rrite the history of his life and travels when he gets to the ""hubt cityi' llis love of quietude, in his o!d age, is probably one reason he fooks t. and he may be short of - - "V"" 't"wu Kkd Rtjut. An Indian Boy1 8 Logic. ! A teacher in one of the Indian schools relates the following inci dent of an Indian boy's quick) thougliU'He had askel the mean ing of the word ""mis'." To miss, I told him, is the same as to fail. ""You -shoot at a bird or a mark, and do not Jut it, you miss iu You go to a tailor's for a coat, and'yotir c at fits badly, it is a miss fit. You hoHe to enter the middleIass next i i year but you caunot ftass lle ex a mi nation, and so you iuiss the promotion, - . Ii is, face wore a pn riled air, aixl he siiook his head. "Then," aid I, "there isani4ler meaning f missv We call a mar ried woman madam, but an uu married woinau miss." His face brightenld. He smiled aud nodded. Ah, I see," he said. "Sue inu, mis d her man." A stauding cure r Xkison by poisn-oak, ivy, ete, is t take a handful of quick lira4, dissolve iu water, let it stand half au hour, then junnt the parts with iu Tiitet 1 cuie .the no t uggiiivalcd ouees. - A. Y. llcrald. JULY 15, 18S0. A Harmonious Vurty, Jew York World. . The esu emed Tribune seems to ie exercised about the want of barniony in the Democratic partv. i "Turn where .one will," says i he great lilune organ, j,e discovers ;t a Democratic rawr a-fl ying throneh the air, iilmed by a Democrat at a Democrat." , Ther certainly have lcen a few tricing domestic : mrsumlerstand ings in tle Democny inly re cently. But Mr. Uandall drsposotl of them iu a very Mtisfartory man-i-er veslrdy ",wen alhiMon w;ia made joUe fxrt-rliat his'wing" of.tliv party 'seemed to have the bst of one of llte fiiirily ij-irs. Candor compels the couAssion that we cauiHit tiirn about on our Republican friends and twit them with a lack -of accord on some mat ters, at least, at the present time.! The Republican Senators are found shoulder to siinuhW in entire har mony inopp n Mr. B-.'ck's pro position if prinbit members of Congress frotif accepting retainers as attorneys' fcr wealtliy iibidiz d railroads which are seeking by every cimeeivable tlerice to cheat and rob the government, after en joying large amounts of the peo ple's money ami enormous ' grants i of the public I a mi$. The Republican me.nbers oil 1 vjvMJzress. wun vej v inniu? exceiv- tion$Kare seliillyl united in favtr of allowing 'the. Pacific Railroa.ds, which have been for years evading the law, to makea ntial settlement with the Government, which means a clear gaiu to them of -me S75, 000,000 midcr the Debt Extension bill.. . ' There is r.o dissension in the harmonious Republican party in . mm relation to its opposition to the jn-t, fur and uu!lke proposition j to impose a 'jriduated tax on in comes of 5,000 or ?10,000 a year and upward to meet the .'expenses of increased prions, for Union sohliers and ?;aiiirs The Repuhlieao party is as solid as n rock iiV favor of ut earned sub udie? to favored 8t-eaship lines, aud ofvery i)roposition to squan der the public money on i lis of W mw doubtful oomtitu!ioaality and un doubted inexpeiiieney. rouchin.tlie' ura-tter of rrohrln- tibn, Biaine'b eondideev, Woman &uUiige, b roe i rado ail the Son- day -laws, there is home lack of harmony in the Republican party, but il is fair to presume that tiie Tribune will be ahje, aa usual, to rec mcilc all difieretevs before the campaign of 18ii8 ulriy opens. . III 11433. Traveler's Msazine. The following is a hi-tory of a I r?lrM-wl h'Ki which, if tnit is V v gobd o its kind. Wl,,. Mr.' ...... Li. Is. ltice. who was afierwarusi President of the Michigan Central Rni! road$ wa the General Mana ger of the New 'York Central, he received by mail an expired pass, acnis the back of which the hold er had written, in red ink: 4t,Rla mv'elrsil no more on th trt -rm v4r? hne.? II" z4'.::. ,bJvJ - wuiva 4 m si iiwv sjvw- w n v ui i au" vice, - And end me a pass by the raail.. Without a iiiomcui's lusiiation Mr. II ce turned the p:t.ss over and . I ? . 1 ?. I. . . ?. C i inu-eii iii rfu iiik uii 4i luce lliei fallowing ,kThe conductor will pass this bun dle of g8 F.om J uly to the nod lie of Lent, Like any dead-Lead, without pajing a red. Let him rioe to his heart's content.'1 1 he pa-s was never taken up, nd is lo-day kept iu the family ot the holder. The New Orieaof limes-Df mi- ornt says it needs Uit a short tiiji thrtmii the S"Uth "to siiow one on what solid foundatioi rests t ie newi 4rospTity of th'e Sitb." Such a. trip, it continue, wifl con viure tiie int skptical that "Southern prgre-s is ikj n.ere boom, Uit genuine and homst.V Ti:e Timvs Democrat is correct. No section of the omp.try hi driv ing ahead as rapidly as i the tkiuth. That is the lcs;iuionv iu-ariv every iiun- mat, iias visii .h1 this sect...... Nrly ewerv dav we Ke articles in NilUrrn pajHitv cltiig forth the advantage i f thr South as a field fr tuvetmeiir. AH li Smtii ha t do i to at tend vtrictly to lu-iie.-v If on- Iu 4.. !..- Il'li-lll U nil.. ... II if ijviva jug I I havr. aril the capital she neciU. NO. 28, Turtt the Rascal Oil. Xew YorkUB. At a. meeting of th cxfctitire coramittee of the IhihrrlioKl of Iilway Poetal Clerks last week, it was d cMed to send a telegram Postmaster-Gcm ral Vira?, ask- ing him if he would receive a com mittee authorized to present the grievauoes f the brotherhood. The tehgrnm was pent, but an answer -aKti't,-aw!-)!!!!! will make an'afiort V 'jWutcrriew It is liih timcftir tliese Rcilllh-, Hcau jKtal railway clerks' to learn that the. railway mail service can be carriel on Without them, and that the Post master-General is not to be hulhhtzed into keeping Re publicans in in .fiico. These inso lent fellows should not be allowed to resign, as they threaten to do if the Postmaster-General, doe not comply with their demands. They should be kicked out btfore'tljv get a .hance to -rcvign- The idea that Republican ofHceholders have a preMripti'-e right to ome nerds to be knocked in" the head. They are tenants by sufTernnce only, and the sooner they an ale leave tin lietter They are kt-eping men out. bet l ir Suloribe fur thc'VlPKTTK:. It will co-1 but $1 for 12 months. Tkor, K. C. June 1, This is to certify that I purchased a Pelton k Co. Urgau of Mr. W. It. Jottuson. which has given entire sat isfaction in every resnect. and I b- Iiev it to bw a first-claaH instrument tTOffi'Xuld KJIK WW I AW . A. biiu. A. It. Coving Jox. This paper ia none of your go-back-ward sort Send in your $1 aubscrip tion and the Vidbttb will tell you whrt in going on in your county, I your State, and the wbolet:ounlry . OUrt AGEN'IU For the convenience of all who; may -desire, to take this paper we name the following gentlemen as agents tortceiveaud receipt for sub Kjripttons, vix : Dr. J. G. Christian, at .11 Gilead. Thos. C. Ingram, K. ic Jfills. G. W. Joutgonicry, Scarbnro. Cant. S. T. Ut her, Sulphur Springa. H E. Shamburger, Candor. Je.ssr8. Angus Leach aud P. L. Shamburg'T, Hunsuck-er' tStore. J. W. Steed, Auman'sHilu' J.G.Cotton, Urhnrricj. . , . r . yy'' uVl yji UT' iN. . 1 hayer, h. D.rad. Col. John F. C.tlon and V. F. Harris, Eq , F'apj;low,, Geo. L. Unsrsell, Girnbrwok. Jno. A. Jv l tetter, Fdinb iro. rs. . A. Smith, Nails. J'is.V. Kwiii, Pei.i.i. It. T. Rush, Harriviile. - i j." d. Hr,.t.,.,,,ovii. Encc.unige th ViDBTTEhy endiH a venr's subscription j I .1.. A "1 -....I m 1. trrtll ! -tiniv - unu iv n u" w VALUABLE LAND FOR ShVA Upwards of GOO Acres on Rocky; Creek, 4 mile from Troy on the Vlt.J 4tead road. A thVee-hore farm, and 1 nVentv of valuable timber. There i a god corn mill on Hie pmparty. Also a blttm engine of -"O hore pov-er, with a cc jeon a corn mid attached. Both in good condition. A targam ror particu lar confer with the -Vidrth Taor, C. lOts. TO DEBTOHS AND CltKOlTOnS The undernffued havmg tni ir qualified a admiautratora of the of by ffive uotire t a!l preon indebt- ? - i ed to said late a n-av imme nvTe PVTnient;. ar,4 a:l Per,n havlnr clairna apa'nst the lti5 estate wi'I .recent the- duly aulhen'.iraUd the unHerirnd i-n or- trfnre the -u day of May, iT, or 1 ti notice will S be pleatrd m har f th T rectrvery This Uy .7. a A: li, Ilaati Adror,. of ti.vt-i llarrii lUc'd IHQUCD 110 015 LIFE & PROPERTY The vndcrtgnrd is authorised an redr to rereWa prHeation for In urance of Life ir Prupexty in anj -Uompanv,' turojin or American and will -with pi earn re -explain Hid plans and show the coiof inturaac in an? of tb ysriaa paaia hcj represents : - W.K.BKACIIAM, oarburo, N. C K.tf HALUBCkT. X. C. MANUFACTURER AND X Kf REPAIRER Tf STtLLS-fdU All Xl4 wr 4 l;n wuK: norsK uoerrxo. oxrr k ilk. AUa rWleri4j U tmr ll4 4 i f U- He elU priirnl'T iitwtt ie Jfh .G J JV"1- l"-r btrl mJ thrr km ljl! l ' mat tlurbl vvum Ifrail.v. and cni 1L 't?-l WILL TAKK IX XX.. x . Wwftu. Sim! .! tiM mmA m Ulr U 11 Hl WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Main Str't, Salisbury, "N. SOLICITS t 'ha Trad ' of Country Mcr ch an A Iwa js ca rrln a full ami complete line of Proprietor or, KluttzN Tobacco Iil nl men t, CT'Prifes current at Tit on appH linn, it nen iu ftaiiburv call on m. Dee- 2i, lSfc.. . , , FOK 8AL.IS 11 Y e Va AWWi-' AL STATE AW l FARMS. MILTj, TOWN I)IS, l J. It. ISciivflj Kiorv. UMrr.-li:fj, 'Wholesale Denier Iu II K A V T OROCEHIES. S.illml Onlry TrmAm. imm l.-l- civil &26t:iin&t J. A. RAMSAY, Saliabary, !t. C; ATTENTION (HTt f 1U1 F.UM- Mtrjngf Tr mm i m irit!t tuA ytlrat of V.Mf Tit Vr-rm AC tfevfiov kf 41 ill PUhh. 4m, mm 4 mi nl to tS arrM llmcnlmrry, BUdm Uf(-rl. 4e. DOUGLASS&SHAW, Attorneys Rirf Ounsdors at Liwr. I OFFtCr- Conav llorsa, T77(l l'.N.t'. Ptactice in tie Ceurt of the E-giith Jud ciaU District, the Suprtiue aa Federal Courts of th Sute. ' Titles to Mining property iuvti Xicd and abntracta of tit'a farnihd. iipjal alteativa giveu t cnliec-tien'i.- . 1-ly S Q Q fa Q (Q COTTARS . Has attafnod a atarJcrd of ezocSetMM wUV adnJia of no urcruc . 1 1 cwntidn cvfcrr tiovriocnt that lu.wv feslua, aliil aod mom? c-tn itwIoob. OUQAJf T.KllTED TOR: nvx Ifl TO ' ' 'A- 2 .' i t. a" yl, 1 ivn mxt taMMe m licown, cfiaf w uyxarixm racxxxnra. jtuxxxx3 voxtiLanr. Ttm H ATXKSAX, - coxaaTCB. uAMJt run . TUT? PnPTTT, CP nfTftM t.. A W-i. ua wa j lastrccliea BaaV.t trA r.i Stsolr. tHliUM CCTTiCE CHSiS C2J Cat. Randolph and ttu. CWCiSQ.X V

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