A V-vi si i ii sr t on orrtjMiiilent ! The Wi!mifii;f :i Mr-enj'r f THE VIDETTE, of I he News Observer Kirs that Su unlay ihe iollouiog jIIKAP IOFFKK ! TROY, K. C. DrjC. 8, -6KI. four repreiiPntative, H"ii. Joo. 8. Mjw hi from F tyrllcville, bu.l j iq ft HOAS I'ED" C'OFFEI a r P33 I . ,,AAfKrrsfiii:iifLr.. T era Clark for Gorernvr, TUp Jonrnal will a canoidatefnr Governor, but it will occaiionally tel tile fav ( 1 1 ioe w not 'nominate t . 1 . I . . I - t .1 ..... I i. !- 1 t . i I ifJniinl lilc lll.l lliull is the senior member of i he 'North about fnr this "Min-" 4 While at j jC oe uiven tbe ch;iirnbwibip Kii.slon JaM week ve lienl ;eve-1 uumUe. it: is ral leading citiz-n express the le-1 .- ,i t ; i t.oim n ' lire to see' JulKe Water Clark the I pancaking, able, neln r.o.H .a..r uli.it the neo- Carolina (lelpgaii'iii. II. lie gel- iu are talked hi) ib-ertrf ami tbe Stale her due-. AS'fJOOD AS RIO Oil cal over Hie 31. r. , vniT n e Vml over this eilr nt ibe Midden JAVA SELLING. AT CO COTS j death of Kcv. Dr. L. S. Birkhead, I A POt'N'O. ..f Wii.Mo,,, N. of heart" - d 7Y( slUWlied hlf the ' -.T 7 15 .; ! SOITIIEI CHEMir.u. ;o.. 1 ll e ttai 111 C'Hlff rence tin mom Char! itt . . i i. . i i:lii!i:iu i hit. uiht-, i . . . sire lo we Juoge iaif r vui 1 1 . i ; nig ami in Hie cm:intt e r? n ! ...mli.W of the ueWratie purly. ouil-ioiicioiw, ruircnl:Uive a:ni ,rioij xrT" M. recants can - - - i - t . . . - - n J c Tbey want a nve, rogrt-fesi v, , llM,u a nigti ianu in mc i l;f.ai atll lg il.t ami fl ee: tui. : " cam inquiry. fenrlcs4 man fr !iovertnr; one,o nr(.;l!!; j wt.t t. kiim;.- ai 1 bii:? j 4VGin . who ba iiJeaH of bU ouo ami re. of Mr. J. V. WVJeli. ilraiik a i-V tj.o.irro ..,' One must Ibink tliat tluv Jeat jti,! oti r, ci'irphtiiuU oi being u -j imiii hh: ENT u u u j WESUotM, TRAINS ijiimi 'O ' iM"H. ll.Ji !Cv.C N. C. 1 ! 0.trur, . 4:.i t . fct quotations! "''C iCtHUiaC-; rhi . 74., cognize" tbe fact tljut tle country ey6t of GoIlboro i(s a part of the Btate.f North Carblina and that I be people there aVe entitled to some cousideiatioijl by the chief ,,f Jzi Piiikxtone and the tv'iti- wel , and asuil to be vmu-v , .' -I '... .1 ..'k,;.t ,S th He n liied to hi vp in, ;ind -iv.v CUI IIIUliuniiw, iMiuui-.n . - . trreat framl Hase ill inlet fere yiib John Sherman's deceitful bowl for "a free ballot anl a 'fair n-ciitive. Tbey believe Judge Clark is I. ...... .l I lial 1 1 u twcr (11 T.. ' ..s-.i..l . Kir .lpi.,.iCrHiic e.unt" in tbe Smith, when it 1 le- party. Since Mr. Curr, who w;s prominently mentioned in coiinee tiou with the nomii.atiou, ban per emptorily declined ko be consider- "w. a candidate and rcconiineinli Judge Clark, it is finite likely the Kabtern eop,e w 1 1 11 begin to cen tre upon the lattef gentleman : fine Berne Jonrnah Fronr remarks we have -.beard I Upon jiiis Miojeci yc are eaiisuco that Hon. Walter Clark would be heartily supported by the Di'ino crats of tbis section and with Hon. W. J.n Montgo'niery, on the .'ticket with him for Iieutenent (joverner, Jklontgomery county could be saje- )y counted iik the )einocialic ol urn 11 iu 1888. nrenibered that in a speech, a few years ago, John ?aid, Any tiling U fair - to beat the 'Democrats." Now jibe moii thin? old hypocrit is wanting to tee a fair , election in the South! He wonhl, if heconld, sieal every electorial vote next year j 1st as he did that of L uisi anna in 1.8 8 . r rapid'iy oi- ai d expired..' Tbc-i-ad inieiligi nru spread raj idlv. and the ineiuberf of Cottier erne, a well as the entire town, were soon plungid into the deep est s now." Unerst ; Air Kuil.rfti!titi;M rI7TTiflI .. . May 1iU V .. . . 1. u -i 1 Why H Should (jo, Wilson Advance. Oiie of the strongest reasor.s turned why the internal revenue ;OOT''tX. And Lowest Prices t'harped for (;OOI)N ! Have any thing you wnt, nm1. will te happj to serve the po! o f ! Moutjrouiery County in any way. W.II.WATKIXS, Agt. Colu.ahi Mf. (.'.1 , Columbia Furtoiy, 2s. C Nov. 5th, lis-7. Sm. oheit nnh-rs lnnn D.-al- m,i.v. l' l.iii-lnin, lMi7 Ve'ar,, !,r" I' M 4:. p t 'irl.iro, t ' Hact!rt . S r.S - j . . UKUt (ioorls ollVivil, ami isr Arr iirft jin.ti ig im-s diily. j W'v inalu- tin v Ctmi- s t. COFFINS. should be repealed is that it is the 1 ?,e umlersiRne ! maKrs pejialt; ' , 4 0 t'F I NS, anl 1 1 is his purj o-e tu rm St tlangeruiis enemy ot btute s ; lea.J ail oihcr m this line. I aui suy rights that we have' to co,ltend Phed wilh 10V,ar' l,I:e a'J wiili. The fact that the llb-ers of Hlark AValnut VoOlnn the national iniveruuient leal di- Poverty ami Slavery. Quite an interesling and truih- All contrast is draitu by the Wii- pMugtoii bTAli as tbllows relative to the diferenci in the conditiuns '.of 'those who. have to labor for . . . - i their daily bread icr the North and. iu the South; The South bus-loss money sbv a very great deal tlfnn the Nrtli hue, --'In fact, the South is quite poor in this worhrs goo Is and barely shabby gent?el as compareil with the pluioirait and bes-es in the rich Noitb. But tlie South is oorer in other thiiigs than in mon ey and splendor oft show as com -oared with the Norifr It' is Ijii less of hplendid iniiserv and gilded iiu and decorutcd vice and oual- id poyerty, and languishing unfor tunate. Jt has but little pauper. jam and no "white- slaves" now. A long time ago Home one CVr belt it may have teen pnbl'slud A Library Hall for Trinity. Commendable effort is being made by the students of Trinity College, "to raise funds Tor erecting a suitablebuilding fr a college li brary and the use of the literary Societies. We can hardly conceive of a purpose more' laudable than thcone tin se young gentlemen have iu viewi and as in past years Trin ity will continue the alma mater to many of our coatity's most tal ented sons, and within whose clas i ihir.I Wool for tin ;-ts of Trn. No. (nir r' r y 1 1 , "-' Mm t.i l-ani f,.. 1 ' 1 OUT u)(K;s, wliU'll HltlVks- ' 1 ''i. "ti.nxlM.ro ajij t,tLcl . en C. Y. & V. . Hy. 1 M' them niotv lur:ihUk. At Wi.irfci.orn its ir, . 'I ruce I.tt fur- t. a. : COCatalop'ie an tiiliil on app'irntion. .Sept. v '.-7 - Jy A- 1 of nil Sizes ami rinahtos. Will l ; pleasel to fu. inh M ult?niti-rv ami 1 recti y wi til the people ot t he llil- !ijmiii cnnMcs. atirct!oii 11. ,1 Price and Quaiity Guai antet-l. Try Tri V T a .1 1 .... 1 . 1 ' " ,, ' f, . I tr.m l.a.c. ! 1 liiou;;), v'e j.incco. l rir,ti W, "tii.ti. 1. auU Cuariottr and Clit I. C JnNKS.Sut erintri.,J, ferent States, as they do to .collect jme. W. T. 11 U ft illNON, Parjn llotte. irAl)ErflP)il()f X. C. the revenue tax,' nrikes tho power and it.tl tence ot the government 30.,m more, severely felt by all. The centralizing 'influence of. ibis dj-iJV ' !L2 12 33 ! partineut of our govt rmnent, w believe, is an exceed. niv dcriirei ous ii fliience. sic wal:s several of her young men I &TllKfZM)2,:' SSiH: are now traininii tTir the bibber Presents for ba.lies. Misses an.I n9 a Govs : -AT-.' M. AV. & II. L..STr:i:i)S, Aixm:i3j,?i Ilill, IV. V. W p are now receiving t:o bnrfp;t. llandAoiucsl :;d rnoM 'nruil block II re is another f:!. t to i-ve l!.;.t l'niuiMl, Willi a tol.,l ' I llilii ii nt AMt.rut-. tbe old :ub-ge is t rue or YU SeJon lr;in M ihJm, At :t ST I-; Ttii-J School ik lot air I at Ir i M.i.'p.n;er romiir.N I'.. i.iir ..t4 ,' iiciittMr! CMnMiUtillr in tlir ! (;i l H...r ocity l hecuu.ii, .,1 ft.r tin mTal tone. . Goi'ternl rVJcrchnn .Ion and useful spheres of lib"; so that we think an opiartunityv is here offered to thoe who are able to contribute to eiijiise, but in thedist ofeontribuhus the name of j TOYS ! ' TOYS.! TYSil Spot Clll Prices. the grand old county 01 Montgom- A.K.(-ovi:;(iTci.N&c, : (TiK (roarsi. ofmf bavp swept d.wn pti.r.i,i I i-i j s 'J'll iimtt o , ', Children. Ilats. Kihoon, Flowers, br.,HL'hl to t'lii. si-rfwu. i.f mm.. !!.. ..V, -, . I ....... 1 ! Pol'iU Ptoilcl to rnt.r Feathers, wus. Velvets S, ks, Un. 'lrv. liavurj; iuivh.-fil i 1 thr Ntrtti- " V ' ,do,r , Cl-, Cll , , derwear, Kintroidery Article, anil r.irl ,.1 0 r i'.i - . ... ti... 1 1 ' orrj Cloves cver.hi,,,. for U JXJX ,"l V..i"Ju,: ! r-"" " .-. ' and OhiMieii s w.ar t i-lnnainit lh i),;.,..,,. .! .t n .!, ... : Kn mt v-i,. w;m..:. ,v ) not only a good low rlr.es' . u w,n l,:,"Jon 10 u;;e Time Pilule., in huv .d oli-o,iie ! t . 1 i-kn for iu.i.. n .t , 3ur selections early to avoid- the c,niIlut K, . c. ,hL.,r cu -,oiK-r the l,e.:e- i f' J II Tt T U C T 0 Tv a ll ! N W' ': ,rr" dotngso, to placer in rush. ! tit of a c.u efui .sckctioi,, houuht at j- e. Wol . PttA M .,, rrr nitt,k ery. v . : We believe this matte'r eminent Iv woi thv of consideration and of Not having: any room to Toys we have opened our nartment at, the corner of iiud strct3 GRAND k ll'l l O ll. III. Ilf f. K !... Q 1 display our' hxpenence has taught us C at a ' - ,r . oy I)e-f Jiuie us.i.e has l;w.i .maUrtory S , g , ; . , nrUi to l.oth Di!iier ani I nso.u.i r. m u t ' I ;13. with a .have ad pud ihe 1 u e, tu.aii l'roli;! , , , ., . , ; ' , ,.- I'leb-K that vi'ii 1 l 10 I - - ,NO ASor?TP?i:?4T ! OJl CASH OI' 11.1 in ej:. ' . r : White Slavis f )Ie who -delve h volume on "The oglaiMl''-ilie.jco in the niines'a thousand feet in darkness beneath the arth. There ure white slaves in New York. The Sun says ther.' h between. 10, QOQ apd 60,000 sewing girls in the vait pity who hae to toil at stnr Vulion pripes-sewing a shirt and Kewjng a shroud -;o borrow the idea and words.' of m Howd, though not in their proper arrange ment, perhaps. So poorly -paid are tens of thbusan Is of this o;as that the dens of pqllntion are kept supplied with theiri victims, and the number of persons dependiMit irenero.is iction oil the nii-r of on r ! e?te(1 whi,e i" the th ;o make; ltisnetde-s to nm fm rite arts'c mt. nTes, :d rb-e li;m.s, : isenelolis action on nit put of ou i . the hu:e oneK ha such as j ot the dUitrent hues e oliVr to tlu-1 - i , people, and in our humble cajuci-.DRUMS, DOLlSj j I b!c. hut , u o e hnnd w oep. wi ! j , j,;N ,. x u:,I,w. 'i'l i;,r.-. I . . 11. 1 ii . niyrni c; ,(-vc i V t h 1 1 a ! 5 aitc'eix kiit in a First- .. ty we stand ready to do all in onr PIS 1 ()LS, ( L N S, CiasSSi.ck of (ic.ci al Mirct.ande, ! . .....l ..i ...... , -.,,; .. . v ' i. ...! GAMES. WAtJOXS. w,n ho r,o.,.-,i h,r.. w u 1 1 1 1 s. ; i i ! ' t,,,,'Mt " !',ll,,"! ; . ,.,ei l uuic wuuay m, HORDES, ItOCKKRS, Uhose h.vni VotVon to m-M , hat. we I t i ' i i 'VI! i aHtCceSs. BLOCKS, TOPS, and Av''" l'a-v the .11-ghe-1 Ca.s; Puce foil -ll bM.ug.it to i adrboro. , f i i t-.. At. . t. i . . o a i the same. A cood lut of New I 4 '-v'- u ix us eApmmeu oy mc young . aiecnanicai toys, ac., ic. ,iTm., v t. . . xn-ir-c- I i o lurihrr in f-r m i om ..!.. R I. MARSH. Pm.f., ,1. I- : o.; , Tho . . '. .3. 'll. Tin. v It. M.AIJ.U IN WATCHES J Mechanical Toys, &c, &c. il.-i it .: ' . '. I K Mil rp nrsrt nmlro n r miatnl-a Vnl uieii, iiiui tieir purpc.se is ,not to I --r on haml at owest figures. Co inrerfere with the endowment and Uoods at j Yarn, Plaids and Sheeting kept in COTTON RAGGING AND TIES tton that they will receive stibs-crip-tions only w here they are not made to its detriment. An excel lent plan, we think, is suggestetl in the citcular which has. been TAYLOR'S BAZAR,;- 118 Mai ket & Con err M auk ut an d 2nd Streets, AYlLMINGTON, X, C. n-5 v r nu. i ot. j . ' . ( i. . o.TVuuruiiM, ocnoois ana issued. It IS tnat triejids ot tins i airs, supplied .at a lihtral discount institution iret no AVslivals: coneerls rs carefully aud prompt- C i . j ----- - or a scries of lectures, th proceels from whiclibe devotel to the ucw building. All contributions will solely on thtirjieei ed annually, thns flifficult the stiugg battle for bread. The South, than les are iucre.is making more e for life Mre KB to a benig nant Providence aiul the character a r iw. . . . . . i i . i . i . v ly tiliea stock at lowest market rates. In connection with the mercantile business, wc are manufacturing . HAXD-XADE HAKXESS of every description, from the. Rest City lan Leather, aim jruaianlcx tat ihfction in eyery particular. Having uiTen our attention exel sively to the mercantile olivines Im 7T" jr r"m ri rpi VOl rnivVvoRTii, WlLMiyGTON, x. a, be credited to the proper source in goffer at VVolesale and at lew the 'Archive." The. Attorney-Gem ral has writ ten a letter io the Slate Superiu tendent of Public schools, concern ing tiie duty of tax collectors to pfUie people, knowls but little of collect the school tax, and pay it mis source oi coin pt ion and this 'over to the count v Treasurer 'bv i . f ,f . . . - -- --- j form oi extreme dSetitutiou and dependency. There is vice and there is poverty anl there is suflVr ing and there "is iunger in the Scutbj but no one need to starve ET i rrv a a ar FULL LINES OF Groceries & Provisions, Consisting of Coffee, S.uKr, Flour, . Bacon, -Molasses,. Tohacco,-'. SnufT, Soap,' lye. Lard, Nails, ,IIoop Irorn Cheese, Crackers, etc. is to keep everything the pe-p' demand, and sell eloe and 'pbae vcrvlnnlv. As Wadt hbi o is-tl'. j !iet cotton Pjrirkct, we jiropo-.e f-. j ,l" m-ike' it tbe Led Dmrr i.immi.' Ol . - I a nuintier ol years, we l-el couiiuoit v - r... ...... .11 i'.i . i fcftvini? that wp know what ton: ' ! V JKWKLKV, i SiLVKU AM) SILYKIM'L.VTKI) X.M srix r'ACi.K.s in sayinjr people of our eot:on want , and have made it cir study to sujplv tlcir wants at prce"i that coinpelc with all" dea'ers in tirst-c'-as pooiW Our thanks art- due lor patro. age, all we asl i. Call and m- us -i..i e cony';nnel that- e Mean What We Say. Rc-j ectfu;l v, j. v. & ii. l. sti:i:d. Auman's IliH. N. C. 4::.',o V Al! A ti k in "tlu- ""..t.l. .....) I..., v t Line nt:tllv doth', .aid -.d- Ma'i ! whollsai.i: an-j i;i:T.ui. i)i;n;,;:s. iiat'ltoli Lr:i;ir.uitr;it. WAli: IK)!lO, X. C. ,o: iIt r iswnpllv ;ttt id.d tnj or steel. The verV noor and i ho lu lplcss are cared fi.r, and those disKsetl to work caln generally ob tain a place. 4fr nil the distribution of fa, Trs is not o eqtuljas many be lieve. The South Js really ,- jropn lated by a differeui raceas Tour gee saw and is giairleil by mb- ami principles tTiat are also flijtuilar to those prevailing in the more popular centres. Jt Ya lee? greed, less invention, less love and intermeddjing less money, JehS influetire, Ipss y ice, less cri ne. less oflicial patrMtiage. But then It has to compentatf juore love of iruui and honor and fair dealing the 31st of December of each year. The following extract form his let ter, -a Indies to all the c.nintiVs in' C7"ShipmenU of Cotton solicited. . for -which we promise Full Market i hit oittie;- . . prics. . - 4:-3m In niv oninion it is the dntv of l he MX collectors and sheriffs in i every etiunty in this State to eol- SA NFO RD HOT Eh, First-Class, . bet aniijvay over to the treasurer "IL ' 1 ot ihv,r ie.peclive counties "on oi j ) A'J V i before life thirty-first dav of De- Sanford; orth C arolina. j eember of each year the whole TtSRftV! Ir ! IV C. .1. .. I ......... ............ .v.i.vi , tm nuiMii pui pir-? i j- therein; and to enable them to li(rg( eM!lTp!C XVJGHlSj bo,iuey nave an uie power and asi tbouity to levy and sell property conferred by law tor the collectitm of other county taxes. It cir wed 1 For DRUMMERS and TRAVKLErS; IpH & Potrw av-v tr: . Ct.; -i ' t - zZ? v J vv.ay . ti lit vv 1 J W 1i J- rangements for more than two days. pe vl Liverr Stables in connection. I "UiTe ps a trial tat refaction .Guaranteed. Webrters Weekly: Mr. Joe Rlack- well while out hunting last week ineu Terrtaoie wnite partndite. J " vji.t..tti. i. j Th 1 CAPACITY of house 4X:2 feet two ! - -o-' - nuKiamriai principles; oouin inn lan. ' f"! l"rp-I''ii " we " -Mr. P..ron. th. .T.rcelist is Ijeverfrom all we lf!ur. 6tv j B.u,k rsi'on 'XuiKh BU(J read, im.ro rali i i ' -."e'w-M mc jlii-, v- crowas a iien a nis meetines I KJ 13 O 1 1 & i I i m r v.i 7. I I !,n "t"! U ta oia-.real3!ra. It M cr.rt -!Fl ?T 1 SR r l-pteio. Si.no ncriTsr. ! Era ltei i:Ki ar ..2 a - aaaaai r rm i 1 C0:ly FT 13 A g VAll'X GRENADES, a Orzr Sixiy Hiiiiora S;!J. b tVi2rl-. - tf J ll X . b N rib 1 t-i ir.tt, th 1 t x -i m 1 1, f ( i;m:!.i i r .V . BAKER'S 8TAFl " m TuljUr File Eilngffix esjr ou.Lm:s ciru.- SNSVfca.urc.f m -r- (Antr;il Ili.t.-l limMi'. Chariotto, ----- N. t SIX SN;S. A LL I IIK UA'.i I l ' n. r I . n.Ml Ii W.nr. MPc5lS;gIH rile sort. It is expectetl that Itev. C. Dur . . . - paw will, for a time at leaat take Heated by tire-p'aces, stoves. ana heaters. Koiii are af o veil and neatly, fwruihbd - with new furniture. l$e . ding not surpassed it, the State. tri! there have been tnan j professions P?pr -00, the icpes an4 Qbtstrp'i Tbe only house in th? place where says. ' r j a lady prsidtf Tran arr?e fn-m . .i - . m . . . i I- iu. to I D. m. fruui Fa tttetihe. Ane saieoi Mepben Qurch, a Tlich- Greensboro. Ra'eish and lliiu'n, ,n- Cbarge of tbe BJpt st Libefi.irV1 cDty "chint,-jtm rubbed kins due comiectiou aud alk ig am fit lialeiffb woeiiiic.t buniay night of $i.7o0 by somebody ,,lue fut 14 1 1 " ' - (whokucw tUecviuibiaa'iioa: Table Fair UnuipasccL 3 5 hi a4 ti Uiroc.-h s tot cl Will not fiei. .--.' rr f t Prlco, 5GO.CO racb.J fokl 3 'Torir I'.rll 1 L. I 1 ... . i. . ...... t. t 1-5 U ' bet .1 Your .; 'fV.T5 3 A.-., ic I fj tn r. .M'v i:n;i.am ' r. i . . . .. . i i f . 1 1 1 -1 1 i i . r ri i. i i . .. .. is..r! '.v.'. ut 'rr f i .vi.o 1 rir rr, r - a --- . txTiNP'jifHrq vvzi si 1,1 - ' 11 rra.of.'M ..... . - - v - " I LJ .. .!ti.l-r T-p J!,r 1 e'O;1-'.. ;j etc. r-ril'r-'.-iv ll I .-. -m. I MuTlrr, a:.d ! Krsu'atf. 1 Tt.'c M-l Meitl-a-i.. I Va!jafal3 Land .... ..... i IV'V- ijl -t'r. t r.-- .ab'r pt.'.. 1 A, r. fH ..r i;a. di ' iMfitiiU t -b c r-d It"- J' l :V :iA.i Send fcr TG-Pao ILLUSTRATED CATALOCOB t . ! i I r y v i . ... t. .... ..t. il i ' , - - r 1 r- Tm. 3 ...... c ll LlWral ilxrjl-il :- t1 H l,rt. '-'-. l.d ' W,r, ' MENTION THIS PAPER. Literal Oi'-rrni a r fl , l,rt '. -ji.J al KiV.-?.rb-fifc,2r. 9 a:: lin a:: lina ( i r fkjay a aw a -" ' " '

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