v uinrrrr I m-oide of Charlotte in that city on THE W ttrvu 1 . iwiiviiav Mmi-hCiMi. next, is in-'the f.itdin'' of cxciedin.a!ii- valu C B LIS II LU M i i niiioio AT TROY, N. C. ..mv'M'.c !iVvVin;v F.Vtirs 7 t;w' of scnsciuJ'TioN. "J. ml- at I .u :i-l TliOlit!: . il I A ' I i HHL "-- . -it. . v- List OrNKW Ad's: Tlx at ..I- rl... luihlic is called to 1 1. loftowjng advertisements m tln paper: . . Sale of a town lot S.-.J. Mnith c man Assignee - Noli ctocirditors Ca.vm Mon roe. Adm'r. , i;ccutor's s:;l- of personal prop cTtv S. D. I.rak. lAt'r. Tie V--i-kly -Nfws ami Obser ver" o.Tcrs spend low HiWiip -don ran- ;. I. from now until . i s i of .Jan, 1 rts. - J: Tne Charlotte Chronicle rejiorts 'not think you any more in mr way crivaed the county but onc, then Sl.OOO In, Premium. than a fcnat in a tar barren. 1 Defer - a a C aw4 t Ka i.tin I K r t si rt a 1 1. .a . . , t ..it ii i .1... ... I j "-.-, ....... , . - iere.uu:, iimi - p 'j'i. u...,.,. . . .i,..ni.nn ..,., , irtoie in ntiiin, a-.a nm rakf; i-iuuncou in ut oath t tra r.n. A-ttrl Kbr-. t I i. ou-ne. ir lurrtt ifulai i - k. . . i ' . . i: . wei ui to bat an raiit. rr trVi r . " - " to nnl it carefully, onsnU-r the tory lot ol 3n-isrs. I.nutt .nar.u, macu cinvt but !......;.. ..I,. 1 . it. tl..i ,-tx- T!i. .i;-iv-v v:i i Could. l.iheralUrn I J . . ! rill S III Uitl (Irlpil -il, wljat thy an- willing to lo ac n!'!!tal. out Irom a sir.a:i r ..iitlirIej hn lltro,dm.c io se-uie tlis i!oiosmI Iiailroail. if :l hl'e lo k on tl:e pn'tiilM'Si, n.,! at yru, JFr. Ion:la.? A. p.lr.i frooj ihc ihvr L'ott done the cst I oueuronr moo ttittrj ri.ihf , "I). n d.llrr ul idlh anS '.! lL wa ouc of toe i I-n, h ..ffrrr.i l ji tn , . . Mti f..L .KiJ..- i.iiMmt ft r M r.c the !sigt ktar. atr, q'lantity ufluu cotion cn une an. .,f n,uo,i,K fr Uata and llreM lo Hot know what amount of tivo ihvts. of unw iM was taken. suhsci iti:: this county will be The tliscovery is n-oited a hav-a-ked to make, hut it will he w i-- in. rivatcil juiti a eiisation. ran (el a for us to S4j:nl ileh'-rarcs aiul, at any rate, asccriain what will he eviiccte! of us. . A Ca'd. Lcarh. Kpokeono time lor hnne.f an I '.e hnr KairrMin Puuo n . r .k' oiLti. Ljr inriu. .n i.. iLt ihP taxpavers. 1 hate howled thre !-,'e li!er Orgm,, eir-tn, 'frit fai-urc .f a !ar5 LoTeaV times at Ihe wnttr. The writer oT . 5ri.ljtj,ort Or pat, and t wo ..mt li-U.n Mar.ute turin; I ... tj.ro.- this imperfect tetter cares but little J mr Maehit r. are the premium ""K nl - d m (iaui, to the aJ a.ut his burial if he cm life an Jion- l"rrcd, au,i.uiaiij as al-of e taud tu t t?r e'ow. orab'elifr, and he thin W there i dif- j ",.) A a rn l l h rt K thi hoae't!l P' l the am. but of an) ohr L.s j sii n,iin Am-nri if jM mt 9t. ,h ..!. aiMi i .il i.ji cM)l ten vawt.T fuarriel id'e l.ru r.'tnnf mnii..n Martins Mill. Feb. ICth, ls. ', ,ercnre " n'cn; ow' lr' To iwj fetl,nr cltizm: ' V i:. It " repreeni ..am.n,! j One, W.C I)ou?U5,in a card dat- j ht ,f 1 folllti ik.nk I ih, If A TTC xv nnwx! v r mm v aval' m m kii raaii. . 11 11 nil fi 1111 a biii 1 s ka l j m " w w mr w r mrm mw .uiiiv. w . .v..--- ..... , . V w u " i tni aa, i wouiu.in.ow u-iwn my ienf ... . , . - - - ietaiiie or tl.i fier. . t.. COMMITTKK. N au-hej. .mo.ulH . ,h !,t T,.,,v V. C. IV1,. l.-.l1...1JW..'o,:..h..iU Le.ch. Ht ul.jt for lU.T.Vl J L'l ..'"A '.i.- -f ! Fir, J,uflrv nf I Vrrv .W,,;. ' ' " V'f' :".""V:'-'- ch.,.l.:. The nu-.nhers f the Democratic. rhdiemin a lWten Tr reLf ,?nd 'tkki slurn u. ...!,e' l.alxV K.VaTa." i-xecutive Committee of Montom- Jro;;1 la.V, V,i ".p"; JffS: W cliV. od:fn;! m SlLf " l'",A' U AK ,..aci. Juvu C,, N J. cry County a.e iequested to ,neet U baiven hi.u, thea'.d Leach, hU " ,iloTntI,VeliI,r ir ii ukh ' L4 ':l J - in the of,iee of Douias ,V Shaw, ll. ht in oppostt.on to wrong with- JRON an o Wuoll rl.o KS N )T I lv ! Troy, N, C, Momlay the oth, ly . J" Vc.li'JnT tT uuderlffi lU'L,glAJ 7Te ! l.he;nrn SH-VKU av ;.Ol.l TlllMni.ES By virtue of a M,rcu-r Drro Et,. of .March, lrt.S.S., at 12 o clock, in. every wrinkle in his heart.- "ht is All iiM-mhers are especially reijues- hla-phem.v? Can my .great earthly ied-to he present, as husiness of urJee te"-'' , v i v , ,) let us try to look cajmly and miporiauee is m ue iiaiiurn:u. quietly over his card, an hecon es a TlIOS. .1. SilAW Chlll., &C. inan that is silvering Ter f-r vast ' eter'nety , and see if we can think of any. on that win still me tmuia i waters," as. Mr. t)ouglass thinks 1 should hate done in ni first ' I have no other oil hut trutl , 'i atj dc ir- o giye this patient. I gave Mr. l)ituls- a Muan uo-e in mv uri cam. ana it We Ale iiiileht.eil to Hon. J. S. .Heicleion for v;ili:ah!e puhlic (liMiiii.ent s. Keal the call of the meeting ot t l.o Demon a tic lve-utive Coin- mi; tee in an.it her column. Mr. JMwanl Wood, son of Tli. .1. Wool, Ksq., of" Scarhoro, eiifeic.l as a student of Troy Hitfh School lat week. 'I'hcie is talk of a inectin;: of the citizen's of the town to -morrow ni'lit to talk over the new Char lot te & Weldon Hailroad. One of Troy's carpenters says: 'If "them Cliarlotte folks aie in earnest tell 'em to o ahead I w ill have the depot l.hnilt a;inthey gll hcie. !:cv. V. A.Sharpe, 1. E.vwill preach, (provideni e permit tinr ) iii .the Methodist church in ihis place next Tueday ,nij;ht, ylurch the Oth. ' ' Mr. Peter Maner was married at "the residence, of the ollieiatino I list ice. Mr. Deaton, of Moore county, to .Miss Julia Johnson, on lat Mi5uday nijjtht, . We had the pleasure 'of a call by -Dr. T. CI )owd, of Fork Creek, JIandolph county, "yesterday.- lie is on. a vis'it to his daughter, Mrs. A. li. Moon. We had a very pleasant call last Mondav bv'-Mr., J. Creen. of Norwood. He, thinks our little town has improved very much since his last visit here several y ears ao. ' Mr. (I. W. Allen, of Allen's lh!el followed suit, and .has erec ted a 'nice iost anil 'Jam) in front of hiv Hotel, (iood; a few more Mu h and our little tpwji can soon put on city airs. ' " , Mr. II. I. Woodhoue, son of the lateM'ant. Jo ui Woodhou.-e. of . . .. T .- " It All. BO il MEETIXCi. TltoV, N. C, Feb. liDth 1888. Upon the suestion of C. C Wade, Fsii., we hereby call a mass ' seems to make him wure. It mar iiieetiliK f the citizens of the that I haye not given him enonph 'i countv to meet in the Court House, , Nw 1 '-ve card before me, and I ... . . , . , 7 ; will try my microscope. It is but a on Monday. .March .mil 1Nv, st . verv poor one, t'just like the owiut of 1 o'clock P. M., to discuss the pro- n,) 'hut it has lasted iue '7 years. Mr. nosed Kailroad from Charlotte via. Duiass, at ier the ue of his mn-.ro- ' ... , ! , scope n-'my cai d, finds that I faded lroy to U ehlon. , to explain "mrself in saying he wax This meeting i. ealled in com from Mime other parts of the World; pliance with the request inane m ai d in saying thnt I would not (obey a Circular Letter form the Char- hUrdtr,)' ieign until some of my ... ,v , ,. i-i own county men baid so. 1 his ex- jotleUiamberoH ommerce, which ,,,aMtU)n was itJt out with no inter- has been received by several ot tion to disfranchise Mr. -Douglass, our citizens, ami which aiso re- . ou niMmiauuii, umi t uau n ipiests that said inectin-.appoint :,h0,l,,ll ny mind that he wa not 1 i i a ctiz n, is Dot true. .Mr. Doug as, a number ot delegates to re)ie-, j lnlIlk . nows tltal t WOuld not ex tent this county in a IJail lioad po;e myself in that '.way. 1 mention. Meeting to be ludd in Charlotte on td 'hat1.,!. was rais,ed than ir. ii. lies oi i roy, to snow tne readers ot who are receiving goi-d reward from theTreasury fortheir sericei? Havel we no Ksther in Monieomery that dare! to approach the Ku g'. 'If you think this writer a reform Democrat I shall not be mad with you. True o v tax is small now, but when you see the tax list of seven children that I have raised, or tried to raise, ai.d the twelve I hare given a com inon e location to, then yru may think the seven who have paid into the Treasury ther share of the tax. may come near making seven times as much as Mr. Douglass pays, and t x cuse the old man for beD careful how the money gog, unless te was rceiv ing $100 r $1J." dollars lor strvicc in some other way than with Uammer, hatchet and saw. Now, Mr. Douglass. I must close soon. I don't want to scare you. and vou may think you can scare the Scoth by saving you hae "cannon balls back" for this; but before you tire he suie to look well to your own dotuicil I and see if it is vitrious. Mr. Douglass you proles to have found a ireat wrong done to the county ry me. You say that I nresoded oyer the joint st s sion of the justices and Commission er. and that I -made mistakes that caused more loss to the county than ! all the Finance Boards of Die county ever saved. Is that so? Did Leach make such a mistake?. The truth of i T 1 1 ill a 1 ?t . . a m m m . - ol 1 I t it l I. .v I r. i l . i r. uiri n j . i. iilvrir and w.fa , K'MIKS am. SPOONS io ey Delhrry toW.T. V. adeai.4 Difficult Watch., Clock and Jewelry C. C. W aIe on the md day f Mar, lUpainog aSfecialtv. " " !, and du'y rr.idrtl in the off, NVn-t Ttmli- Strtet. of the Ktgi.trr iLl.U f.r the cohu. CllAltl.OTTK. N. C' l 5f Mortg-iuery . i;..k K rf '-. .- . . i.da C.ed to Aa.on and Ubttiiteii , ? I I W , 'S-ricned mil! r!l to the htgL- -.fJi J Ia et bid.ler for cash, on the preiut. nvivnn -o v cirs of land n.-r r le adjoimttf tJv7iL2S the land ..f W. 1 . Wade I l!ro.,Jno. Mt. Cilcad. N. C, -"I. lLitlej. II. T ;reen .nd other.. ror a full deci -poi. ot aid lanJ U ATCHKSCLOCKS rd Jemelr trfriei.ee l Qi.tSe to the i!cv..id ol the Kepa-.red- Satisfaction guaratiteed. .Mortgage a i... nti. i!,o, tf A A lio.N A KII KIN STEIN A -j:ii-e of Mor tf e. Sale cf Valuable AUCTION ! 'I'l I 'W 1. 1W' ....... II.I C I lllllvll:l I ' 1 I I - 1 1 1.11 II. I I I 11 1 If .. it . '. . . ... ... v. ",'v,. , " ' VnV - - the MDF.TTE that mere was men whothis matter is. Leach never seryed as onel tome all.. ; ki ew me better than Mr. Douglass (Vhah man nf tlw Joint Sissmn nnlv MAXV ClTIZCN.S. - did Mi . Ueuglass says that he a, assistant. The Chairman of the i t a ns in the same, language that c a we charged rum l hat is so; out did you stop then? "Read your tirst per sona' attack on he FinanceCommittee and sec if you did. Vou say we cen sured thecfti:ers;whal did ''you want us to do, if in our judgen.ent they de The hi) years ami JO lia.VS. 1 tie tie- hatred to Mr, Douglass.: or anv one ceased was the wife of the late else, when I wroi my card, is not . ' ' . . . . . . . T t . . I i naye ims io say. i give m an aged gentleman, one that L reaom! to believe was Mr. Dealli of Mrs. Monroe. ; Mrs. .Martha Alonroe, a truly oootl woman, died at her home ne:ir this lilace till Satllldav. Feb. 1 ' 7 - ....... ...A . v . .... A Ktl. IM ..C .lf.,1 SCIVCl V,HUie .Mil ilHU S8) i,"'.-l",,"l "l "o-- i. ,0, nation. thA I have a nnrKnnil i .ii .1 'r l. .1.. : . r years ami -o oiiy . x ux- tie . ..I ii . Mm iri li if flu. 1m? i .ivi 1 . ii:ij i iivj iuv m . v ... Malcom A. 31 on roe, who die'tUthe lru1' 1 LMst day of October, 1871, leavino- V !.:. r..;.i.r,,l .....l . l. -1 ,-.v; , . , , . sense. ui.s i.tiiiiiiii mu uuuin u hi iw u uciass menu ana nine, ana -loia i,.im r ih . ; board of Co nmissioners always acs a's Cha rman until the tax are levied. Who did this great blunder that you c.all lpose management. A Nathan said unto David. Mr. Douglass, thou art the man, for these men pay you as rNOTHi;: Stale of North i ariina, Montgnm r i. .!,. I.. I... 1. .. Bv Yirtue.fadeoreeof the So perio. .f ,. Court of Kandotph county, t,.,de it. , t p,errv A(rijr.. thecau.e ot K L. v urne v and oi ht-r. oJ UfrUJaiMM(l DcUi ry , dtc'J, ex parte. jon i cbruary I'.i, wi J yN otkr W. II D.'(';rcen. FOR SALE AT PUULIC s. Iij.um. oi. It appi aunt: to the Court in thia !trriiliiir that llcthrl at.t! tl on the premne, t, the hphet ttd- sarh II. lh thrl. Mullin .d der,27 Acres of Land lying on Deep Wifr Arieinia Milena, V ra. Ddtci P,ierin Btowers 1 ownh-p. Count Ty , David A Dilhirv. Ann K. lr of Randolph, Slate of N C, known Rn rv , lU.brrl L. DrMerrj , Ikir K as ihf Joshua Poo! lands. This iDelhriv, Henry Drltt-rrt, Marshal one of the most taluab'e Liium ir ;,t u tty , the hen s at la w .,f IUn- this part of the county i::urh of it M i( lU-rr dec I.. i runki.nn being comptised -.f low lands in culti-0lt. j,cir at f Marv M IU, vation. Also mi Fob.uary Jl, wc ,lted. wife of Jaiuts . McRae dtcd.. will in like manner otfer for sa'e at ,,iIK,, unknown ibe he.r at law of the Court-llouse Hour in no . ril(hy Rod diol, wife-.f Diury . . . .... t: .. . II i .i.. . J . . - i ....... . . ..iiit.IV t- I .r li I 1 I II 11 .1 I I I .. i . - - . . I. .1 l .iiuii ifc.'iiu i ifmh., ... i . j,-, rtl iikii., iiiaii.t- UilkliOw U I III and Fifty Aoresof L-nid, heavily tim- i,, tllt ..t u ,. .XUrth Autir, ).ur..l l,.n,r loaf V I t tr i Ii til lie Sllnltil . I ..'.I tr . f .. I T ... .. t .. ' . 1 .11 their counsel, and you should have I a,ul ,our U1j?e Norths tt of Troy. i,ia,es ui.l iium.t.e hnr at lavr on thw Steed Koad- them posted. Now let me close by saying we both proftss to be Baptist and Democrats-, and isn't it a shame for such people to be rangling. Rut I tind the card of Mr Douglass to represent Solomon's temple in one and as the Queen of She! ha bathe onlv gmmliail ami protee- him if there was anything there, that explained, only some points hinted tor of a larue familv of children, TwIas personal to erase it from my card. at 0 the fair mindtd deonle, may not ..,,,1 for li;v4 N.lu.l'.nv.lv fmi.rht Jfe 18 a schollar and Itl.inK a chns- h under n de'.'Mon. The report I t "I 1 0.NtMls11,V,1.aAll ijr5t ,,an m3n. irltd not want to make hear, lhat Jr. 0 C. ;Vade assisted llle s battle, and hem endowed i the matter worse. me in getting up mv card, is utterly with more than an ordinary de- . 1 aua not a native horn Montgome fa)ge ne nor anvone e'se, but the !: .If 1 t L... J .. : a -rce of 'enertfv. succeeded in edu-iV"" v uau guessing .or a - c. ' I 11. Ij. If. carino; her children, ami lived to Mr. Douglass says that I was the ! see most oi them married and Weil hrst nian fr.-m Monigomtrv with settled in life. She became a whoR Vie bcm, acquainted; that I , , - l. , i - gave him a -ordial invitation, &c. 1 Miumoe. oi -nits ...i.m """""" am not ashamd of thnt. T found hirn the t 'oneord Us q last Thursday Stewart, He v. ( formed the cerei ion v. tt r, was married to Miss'. 'Mamie M. Payne per- writer had any thing to do with get ting up that card, or any sentence in the same. I mention this to save tiouh'e hereafter. Our county indebtedness has in creased double in the last few yeari. f. f ... l. ..,.i.. i:- l.,it l1At ; ,.,,,.,, . i ,, . . , , , ! ne cry ui some menu, mure iiie". eaily lne, but about jeais ago:,n good company. He looked lil.e a ; Fonr o;ne thousand dollarsfor coun puned tiie Presbyterian church, clever gentleman and he, I think ., ; ty InlFp0Ses should make some how which e)iinection he . imiMitaintMl ' ?ho,l'ld praise me for that. He s .y s , iu 01ir county. This is what, or aboi i until her death She wis a o,t I taS ma(Je a ll1g and lltends v. hat we pay per annum. lllitin.ll.tUa.il. . aa iCHt.tostay here. I say stay as lnR . Now, let mem this whole trouble suherer tin-six or eiuhl weeks be- you please. These old grey headed ' came from a very smalMhing and tore she passed away, but durili Leaches dm t drive men from their j should have heen adgusted in the mf mat t am . a iiaiiu mat tuc vvnv,i 1 ni n l ed de-ree ti e o iHenf and 'r y n'au:s,V T I Vare ,,ot the Report of the Finance Committee niaikMl tU-ltl tla pat (,l t and . ,f you make vonr millions; but my j thrfillgh the ,)iess was wrong, as this submissive ' resignation .oi the true ; agfe should allow n,e to say to you, committee by law was required to christian, and thus was an example ; " write such hry woids pinst!pul(ll,h their rCport as found D.J i-.i.. ...ii: .i ..i- ii'. i lhe rthl nian without a suthcient cause, ' ,v,ov a n.JwV " i t uv oiiwniini ioi iiniuv 'a, t iii; (Ml t It rijiht has just re- ip to Ciieenshoro lof his '-Carolina Mr. John W luimii irom a ti in t lie interest. . t I I I W..... ... II 1 V -II II m.i.u ..n aim iiriu. ami is jululaht ovei the encoiu aement a id suei-ess he met with.. Died:, at her home,. iif this county,' on the 'JJd, tilt., Mrs. Kliabeth .Munn, aed about TS years. Ti e deceased was :i vim v estimable old lady, and for many years was a constant, member oP the Preshterian Church. Piom a letter received Mon day we reli ct t o learn that M r. 11. T. Scarhoro, the County "Organiz er, has beeu too sick to travel and 'attend' to his oftieial duties. AVe hpe soon to hear that he is rc stoied io 'ood health. i .1 . . ... ou nave mat. oeit au av. tint i u i. i . i i : Iwi-,.. II.... 1.. f .,.,,1 .,,, iw,..'i . , . . " 1 womuoe. k ui 1 1 iu c'lise mv inie:- licr. lie lastndwas that ot let .rs return to the suhj,ct, ou fcct letter with the puff that I receir- tlie blessed. kind and Ifiving want me to tell y-u where ycur citi- ed from my apponent, but cannot sav hands did ail thev could to soothe Jensn,P resides, iour question wiU as he did: There are fewr men ln lh-e i- i - i P unanswered, tor l am not such.a ' wor;( 1 i.i-p" ir r)oiifrlam- for I fear diseases lackino- onm ami the c.,,a . i i t: wor'u ,,Ke .r. uougiass, ior i iear j - IVMM fl I U tlear ones lor whom her life had that sort been soent pontlv ami saillv c-ntidence W-t mm - Jm. - A -,... smoothed her dyinj; pillow, and' ,r ar'e -01 e now ui .wart ii a loin . net. u.wiicoi 1 liin Also on February Vs, we v ia a ll i,,iu. drt-'d., ji.auie uiikn.ri like manner oiler for ae on thefc,d the hir of Lemuel PtR.riy premises, about Seven Hundred A"re dlc'J . nanifs unki.oMu. s.me of the of Land, lying in the count) of Ran dtf,., dauta thnem air i. t to be f..u:.J do!p'. and Slate of Nort h Caro!inf fn M, Munt. in, ry Ci.uiity , aid ca:.i.ot theUwb'arrii River, known a the alter due diligmce I e foni-d in tt.s Wm. Ruiiiey lands, inclu ling ti e Slate, and t'.i- pr ee ung broupht Wm. Ruruey Homestead and the Rur- r the puip-se ol c-MrOinj la'..J ncv mills. A large -pirt of the .nuitid in the aforesaid t out iv aia j lands are well adap'ed to asrr'cultui al State, ai d in Inch tl e ah re-aiJ p. r- purposes, and also lay Uninediateiy tit s lia e an interest . into a l, tor in the gold and mineral regions of the purpose i.f rnilt'.tni: t .e hIimii'.,. Randolph and .Montgomery counfe trator and pttu i rr llnom topn, tf and ai e believed to contain v aluable the mdebtidnt ss nf In hil int. tfr. deposits of that metal undeveloped. The di fei dantn abo"e tiiod w.Og The mills and Site are very yuluaole. take tiutne that the pn.vcun t...- rP.lMll nf lh'- -OlU-tllirtl 150,1 ,,,! M''""-d as .oe )... t.re 01111!? OI ,.,UL OUC lima Cou,u,i need bi ore the t Urk .uo,r.r Cilsll ! Court of Monliinii.t-ry Couott ln-t a . .. pnipo.e above mentioned and tt. Rallanceon credit for ix monThi, . ,lrUvtUu u ,,, further lmkfe n. with bond and good security. I H e ; h. thry rf. rr,rjirvJ Uh reinmcu uui r- at I he .i'"e the said i'fK u- tnoiiey. . . . . . penor t.'our I ol said C.ui.ly u Any or.ede-inng lur. rrnation with , th ,u .jIC,. ;, .d ..,. regard to title can '""'M' I'1' or deinur lo ,U lat.ti.m .f p!aii,i.f M. S Robhn., Ahe).oto. . t ., fi eJ tn ,,ai f.tli . r ,j,e p;a,,,rt N. Murchison. Siler tity .N. C, t, p;vl,( the c urt for ti e re.uf uc R. R. Kerner, msto", .N . C. n.anded in aid p.-t ti.-n Convsjionk'iK-c Solicited. This the tb d ..r -yr . 'k-. J. M. WORTH, & .S RR A D- t ferk Superi'.r Court f SHAV,Comrs. Mun't'-tnrri l".,untr. : January li, iK'f, DouzUck A Shaw Atiornrj'a; ,,.... ..,., o.v iooi as n unnertshe to locate ines ot :r .ii i . iiir i nic uiauv oiav ii l v it icii uirui lou say y-ou have implicit of their fanits will rage as he did; in me. and f.at the public For widejs the gate, and broad is him oe or me puonr ,he way lh. leadeth to destruction .a.iix.-i ani manv their be which go m there -.. - niri inn ii , lour unjust assertion in reference to at; and narrf)W is the way hi h K-ad i . . . u. n irj aiia va, m j No longer can those brave hands tire; VY PrI,,nB 'f!ur tln" on V e aay elh unt0 lifei aod few th sorrow assail; 1 "f"""' 'V eH,u m pari unirne, tjnd lt.. "Few men in th No longer can Pain, and even death must retire As s"he takes up the siithem :AIi hail!' Joinedwith the heavenly chorus. She now siugs her Sayior's praise. It has' been evident f.rtwo vea 8 and during tin" "Northeaster'' hi- nuns. ow come the great elephant, politics. Is this your heavenly thun der you spokeof ifi your hymn, in the CnnHnPllPOniOtlt tC V.tV tiirmAn 1 enth that President Cleveland is dire t- , will stand, Mr. Douglass, and you imr his attention to the N rthwe-- ai d I sooner or later will rind our tern Statis with the view of pulling ITwrTV y!Ith1i'1 -'" Iffiwi!l . . ay hat l have tilled a number offices, two or tli ree ot them over into the j both in State and Church, bv the vote Democratic column. And his work'01" the people; and to day lean sav is -"b. ginning' to te! I. M iebi-an ' i" ' ""'"t 'a . .... i i- i Pper, neither ha e I eyer asked any and W iiconsiti are tiemblu.g in the ( man to su port me in any coi Vv-mion, balance. Congtessoian Mnffatt, or office, any where, except on H-mbi;, lv,.0li,v.i.l ; .l,0 tine, stand as a speaker. True ray ...,,.. ,...., y ,nime has been before the people of evetilh ilislriet ot .M tchian in 1886 Mmitcoinerv as a Democrat a number bv 4,000 mai n ilv. lie died, ui (1 of without my advice, and I am iiteri..i,ivv.vvACi.-hi iiM.iHi oh.-.;,,., vv:, 1,1.1,1 mm iLo -;1"1 "!".lmra lo ieu. lh l,,ug- V".v,1r,k T. . 7 . ,ass 1 ! a l.rgeand re si ruiioay evening, j Atjo to um tne vacai cy. n.o n sptctabie v i,ro Ik ffha iVA a gr A li L a and the greUer part at that. And . P. I.e-!.." Mv f--V is that Mr. thus your own insincerity i brnu'ht ih..,i..,;.r. in ii.ia n.o.r . I m. - oviuia.-ii luiiintu iii in hii.i maiivi tau i to light, for thegraspmg was done by hope that A p Leach may n,.tbeone! ,vki iai i ivamo as on of thft Knnken a n Matthew vit. " 1 A I MITE i MAR8L and l4th. Now if I have erred in this or in my first. I hope to be forgiven by our Great Preserver. I do, not ak Mr. Douglass to dot!" the cap, neither do I ask him to look over my wrongs as long as he cherishes his anger against nie. Come on a level with reason, Mr. DoueiaH, and ee if the o d man Leach will not forgive you; if not, then howl his name to the ends of the earth Respectfully submitted. A. P. Leach. A mid winter cold wave struck this section I night ote of the Caucaion race. A Family Rlessixo. Simmons Liver Regulator, the fa orite home remedy, isJentirely vege table, and is the purest and best fam ily tued'cjne lhat is compounded. No a ICillllar parties pill in their best work, a uf was defeated by the- Ethiopian error to be feared in administering; no vote. Theie is, at lea-t. some satis- n peo- Tbe Democrats of ,.n..i.t : . ..-1 1 11 1 t.i iru ' 1 1 n ii i.i.r.. . 1 1 .1 . a t. ....ii ...k.i.fl....a. . . -" . 11 It li 'At, I . l 1 V. al M J I I .. .IU.. .ill lllj- f. ... . . 1 llclit trail ir w n-, .. !'. : ... Z ' 1 anion in Knowing lhat my o , T 1 ut "i'winei -tjoriiy u 4,uuo lias snrtiuK to a ; pie respected me ..... wv.i wnnr nihlor 3ion,iav ami Momiay night until ,,lunm'-ri the thermonu' IV1 past eouple of weeks, had ndicated a spring like tempera ture, tell to only k;o alnve zero. 0 IME.m-STO.VJ2S and T.lIlIsRJS. wt a t..nr, vr AND 1JC1LI)IN(; S TO NIC OF KVKRY I)i;s(;lMPTION. C7" Agents for Iron Fencing and all kind, of Architectural Iron Wr.rk, VKUUYUILIi V JOIl.ASTO.9 1'. I 'lirade Stret, rilAHLoTI', N- . For (Irncnjtfion and 1'iUe Lint upjJy ut VllU.l TK UJicr. S.-ti. -jft. l?nlr Ider Monday m j .ritv of 100 or less The lestdt our county have run me for thce le itil Tni.siPiv ; .. " i 1 . . i :canethey trad confidence in me. and n i -1 i ? g Dem.Krratic victory Jls. . ! hof!e;toact in a way that those m -n iu ier, W IIICU tmctly a Cleveland victory. '1 hey .whoso freely gave nie their support . r-Through :, unavoidable mis take, a texv eopies of t he AT 1 11ETT K 1 last week wt'iv -nrinhi.l xvbw.l. can't tl him down. vi lie ;stne uan-""- ,v ..,.u urarmt. . oeen a JUt-ionc I'emocrat. irom nrin- r. I. .a . . . . ' . ' 1 .... . .., . a. injury from exposure after taking, no lossoftime. Itis the best preventive nf Jicme ad safe to take no matter wl.at the sickness may prove to be, and. in any ordinary d:seae. w.H ettect a speedv cure. Demand tbel (ienuine, having the Z.-slauip on 0. L.r S A Y L 0 ltrABE3B0K0, B. C, f M AXUFAC- ! TURER i i i ..i . i i oaruey iieiiiar.aco v nei) lie cinle. not for t.rKc I wa nn. r .i-l t .m-, . w- . , . . w.v,. iii ... i.,,-:ii i. "':,. .oi.:.!n....f.k.... .i... km' "vni iJt.ii5 Si-itMi-ilU I . iii.biiirl.- firinin Little Rm er Town-hin. as a Democrat, bearing the list of chat 1 - .. J lw I'll . a. r j icmj;c. jtnij wnru i axheu ine rauseoi AMIOUSKKVKR. The .Weekly AVtr and Observer me rauseoi i . ........ challenice, the reply was. that he (the ls ? '""ii . I" rr c ' illicen underfitood I was eoo.g to vote, puul '.iel Mi .orili j aFoirna.. it the Democrat ticket. Now we can j-s a Ct edit to the people and to. the . i i ... , . - t ,. i ' ril.C imin! :0 Imnncntii. , K,ll m . . . . ; . . no error in time to n tin? j-j. n. i4tu an;i iotn .March. i . .- ., " t t. .. . State. 1 he iveonle should lake a eicivct it ii n i -'l i i i ' ion nii'p. . ii vou, .nr. uoniass , . i u in all luit the few conies 1 special rstti-s have leen .iuade over wiU trouble yourself as tou did to pride in it. It h u!d te in everv llll'llllilli...! l . . ' t a . . . . .. , . " . . u. mi, I'lea-iint lapel 1 a I railroad and steamb- at lines it) ni a ,n st receipt you wi.i nnd that ianulv. - o u 'lead, and is. wo a.'. rb,.l tin. S llwL 4,Urv.ir,: m Kpu'can r.e gh'.ors care, me a I . .. -v wi.a io v..,. o iviv ion - v w am. y:el. Ins brother is .h-,,1 -b.w. Hated that Mr. lMeastmt Capel of i A Fh, Oyster anl Game Fair v Rjchmoi ,1 eountv was tlead. We Mt New-lh rue, X. C. is io W i eld 1 bamed ot the error in time to i 1'3-h, 14th and loth March. It is. an eight . '.age ' chock full of the best ort ..f WAGONS AXD BUGGIES H0i:SEU0EI.G i:kiiiuixg do.ve on sit or t notice, , .1 . . - . a- I a. I r I lei . Ill 'rini.l 1 ' Iii l i ! r I t i u,.r"H6 mir, iui oiio ii i jn icii ,. . . .! , . r: Ml nealtli, but Jesse i of nh, ovsteis and came, there cratefu! to them. Jod'e Fowl w as nadniif .matter. Uvr. market re- I i 1 111 vi have already published. i,Z '"r-Hlr letter to the cit-' "'111 OI S'.o. ,. - - will bv shown native wonds, farm? rfefteI hT oneof the Kthiopean rae- ...jris, and all tht. You oimit!tit I .vr nl.w.1 i;.. ..- i ' " i i. Do yu Call ali men conceited fcols1 ... , - - , " .. ( . V products, live st.c and poultry, lha,J are lefl al home? If o, Mr. th.rd.tn he wiihout It. I V cv, ! nun, -a.nl: que relics, faocy , work ..Douglass i! left in t e sarae prei.- T25.aear. We will furniah IK f I ..... . .1 , 1 ( OI,'uttee selected for the nhligatious to the Secretary r"i"e, a -kin -VUd deh- Mont.romi.W U'd art. .Manv .valuable nremiums nient as smne ot ni. netstib-i.- a . jlr u e-uu Artr j oi J Obtrrvfr mi- ' . - " . : fur mv fhinl-imr vitv rill r. in'mr '. . .. - ' and - moment- l hnv rthe pepJe of Mont? 1 ir :iiiiilr cov. Allr-5 I will hell vou Om-JIoryu v.nona from Tl.irtv-fhV VinXy Ihillar; 'Two-IIorM? v.iioiis a.sJow a& aiit-ue in iiiiH liiaiKti. x mean wnat i kiv: IXe. and ,t h... . " i 1M T' ir : l w r nr mv thinking you wm be in m .. , " . , f . . ftl c , im iim -hide iqi Leimniei tx)iumnti J Si lif-'A.: rl'6 l'i ami other counties, from u are to be oflired. We are tinth r h. Vt:.trubT V nl Januaty Is, 18afJ. hr $1. fccml tint,vrmXt tri fll, . tr , . tW . ,, ... . .r? kllig thes counties to Pr sidcut fot Cuuiplitut-utary libk- t h more.scne than to desire ra"es to ' m.v. i ' - uch fooN a Tou-rjndHahe.writ.-r e; . ' ,to nteet With the eiS. . v but if viedo meet iD'acaiupai I .Wl NtWi A:p Oisi:i:vrr:r: Co , lU!eig!, . C. ".J Sff tn kf ,r u aik a puichaac. (juararte lU.wcrk i !d wnltr a fall D. L.;.AYLOIf, V A v4.

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