' Mil 1 vol.. in. TROY, N. C. APIUL12. ISSS. A DYE li Tl A" r; r a'TES OF THS . . AO. 21 Advice That Should be Mm e the dt-alh o; rv,.r y, ...... llOXTdOltEJlY TK'tV, N. s;aiu. .Jus.h,. Il:lci ha-A.-,,;'! ONWARD! IS TH WODD! Tte Shelby Aurora pives its readers the follow ins: j Tor pension act of 1.ST0. institution am! HMtrl.o.v ; ' 'I !ll . I i :. xi i ..v. Ji ,y,lmi'nI ctherj extent the people are abTell rX? i ,.r voe,""-in: to tax themselves foi TIDLTTL. to the liimtat io u-o li m-5 hools. I may, however wit c: jiMii- the timeto.July l.isso.asthefproprietv say that, as a ostein oi - h!u'st itilU- l"V tiling claimsunderipublie schools i.s vf.,i ; ;IIP rn . uriw . .cisuw-1oIIOWIIIP "liolesom to which the 1 :". ' r,r.r advice whieh ti.nv v,i.i ..... ... sav -'"- fveri T. r . fclM" 4M" - 0 mV I I-J C-r j JO.lrfl- u ' ( ! l .vi 12IM j l.'.'0 1 t : j . i here u a 4 several bills of -this j doing- at all is worth doiiitr narmo before the IJoue Commit- it is tlie part of widom ta n worm t , ' wen , , v v 'r' n llailnn 1 -t 1 tv wt.i to bred: ilia-i U-en iivi-n(.( , ,,1.1 TVin 0., : ... . "(MVini , ni'li,..- 1 .o., -r . IM t) .i- . .. ' 1 . J '1 m . 1 it I j . 1 - ' t I. VI I CO Oil I Mjsioi)S. V 1,1 lv w win noon ie"i!i',i: 1 , . ,,:inTn ' '-wuu; ' :Lth! i:l,t!:L"'iat?:""'''-. '.:,:'-;.r::" Kr 1 fa!i ! r. w 1 r. M 2M I TIM ratutes er ftietnraTMl renoi-t the full i.m. 1 smlieuMir ... r. a' M nie la- imi.n,....; : j.e ' r r wnw tr .. ' """ii u iiioiiev. n on;. 7iiv . .1 n i .i.t;;u s. - "MV?si,,.,s esthnu,, that it j it io make tl.es.lXol" nsC ." '".! , itl;.ta:,.li,!ff ,b, farf ,a, BXrR8y,rAC Ptegr, - amt WWKlO.OOa to pay all the J1 schools will , m.i W v ,t , J0"1' "eijrli-: ln hWh l ... a ,a . VlKr:.- shoumtLclimfiafloii rim Wifri W .r0 1".L' 1 1 lo,,ot supiwsn b is -!utia:iy tlirh- .,,;..,... ... --:"-ikia :,,. Ti.: :::r. s' ; a,,.i ,n him .i.ard!Ti.yill,iMjV dl- -s"-! , A r- on.i".".v .nuiuri mi enueavor to rinir cause as a ru e. tl. i-ftiintw ;.,.. " .. ..... mr use mm., ... . . ..r -o v i about iiailv larmonv. but it w!ha, in : ' 4. "T. "'"on and 'o, the l:nl, a of tl . LI " "V - .r. . . . '. . ' - v.-ici iiiiiLii i iiiiij. I'll'sl lull i i .,.i . ... i t ....,-. i - i- .., 'J KoV M AIL hlRECTORY T; !.e n;tiU leive an i arrive at tiltr c n fo!h. v, s: -v f,R Lll.KRVII.LB. . L-vr-i .h,i5 y , uii'li; s excepted, 7 A rn vc ln io Jo C. p. Li arf , Tu-:-;layN. Fridays-' 11 - i Fn I Ai;i,ICW.N. L?a vt i t u r'i ay a vcr. a:t . fai Iuiv. Tin j.m i-,,.., . .... 1 .... . , Foil I'.osth k MlI.!.S. s ...Mdiular-. ,'edneadavs an. ; S lo fin iln 11 r. K'li ( ' A Kl H A 'i SC. x L- av.f Mondays arid J hnr. 1. p iu. Arnycs V nines, and Fri. 11 am. . i ..,...- i caucus ivantafe of one liviuir in tl, ,.iiiliavA Ri.u.ti.; r " '. J ,44Mt " . ' ;V I" " n,em l.y tiu- jo., even in nn . i..v : noine. ,,,.-' i t: ; t , t t ; ; tl !i ... i ...i, i - v .mi iiiiaiiai i ii ii r in ,h-,iuu uikii-'.n..i .-..i i n . ' i.i , . 1 " cunt ni ior :n;v ," rauc. .! ti-.. . . ... .: l, ' ... . . t ..I 4 Urn t . M .W U. Vnf!ht & Uro.. l.CA V An ie -iill 1 i i i 4 f f ! . a V" f. . . . . i . b.o :V-;s, ., " -, yr in..,,., X-'. aisi! "- "2" ' - " -.- -r l.llUl II' . I', 1 I llkll l,IIIll lll4'd.kB. ...... A ft 1 : .:p::i,lw.ll,','i'11'1 'r!'"1.'" M''.a,.s rim.i,.ai. i.u imir: : , iViMinn-.r, - l ,..,;,.! '' .T,!ai. miiiiw:i) .kik U-ainmir not i,...r..v. a will not -.1 1 I A' l , i A VI I. -a.y ,-.,. ..,, , mOwHiH, il.'iJS !' 1' !!'; K',: 4"? tlFE TOR ACCIDENT K..H ,., F4,IORr. j r :1:'l-'i "." n,.,y,Iay w.nk: !,, Vil'-Wt niako U Zn P L INSURANCE l.cnvt, T.-,:,y - . t,rdayS 7 a,d 4 l'.H.iu,XU:er Henediet iS now farts. Our youn people he , fc 'S X JA ?! UuV.J Aljivcs vi,. 4p;m.ir:rai'-' :';the e:-bt liourjtau-ht to think, reason and' ob-' The new federal buildin- to 1 c vi Vvf-: H'i. Ma-!" i!", 1 c,; J .M. w uiNKu, iiv iiJ '' Apartment of theiscn-e for themselves, and any oro. Cm";cMl in Wiln,i.-ton. X, (-.. 21! J'j:Z'-J'.'"1 ir AM'Hi kv.N.c. - p; -"nn ent 1'riMlin- (iilire. The cess that seeuies this result will wi ai the lot on which the S fJ 1 l?f : : UAS5!3.T-;v-i 5.E;TTI-;u I ,,'r, !s vtded into rtrO sections, , educate tlieni. pcoj.le of the town held a -rand S V f, ) 1 T ! Vr t t r r , - . , , ' , j an.l contimr.n until I. M., with about manual and industrial tnin ' torel,I'J?"t parade, in U,e ff - ' V '-W'A w, j,.,"'.;,, 1 J'J ; -s ,,a I.n,,. an hour for dinner, the oth-! ig in thepuhlic d,o of the ratilieatio, g ! ? J '--m.. VVu'.l J'- ,lunn. t'cv. innin at 5 1. M., and leading ai-ument in its favor oit lie treaty of (Jhent ami (leu- 5 I: A i-?2 ' :;itn ,; ' -f-;-. u...icrf.ni.nc. I;, i-',' 'l1'::::"11:1 ,! "t-'kVS- i i that in the exercise, inentratidf JacWs . victory at .Vow . - - , fmi:;,S;:' t.i , " , ' a -'Vd " V':v -,:,!:!I,.,s t,re;1 alrea- idsysieal, of doin- work with th 1 ()l'leans' U ih" reatMst FJFTITF?3 OAY' TSIAL "n.i Is n:rnhN :,::.,:':;;- , : a V!11, hands the yon,, 1;eope ai.! ;;;t event in the history of theUown, j. rlc7.r AN..ku;. ' y. : . " ':;;! ; a:;,;oun;,,l,is re- only developed physically but are f.1"1 inhahiiauts ted 7 CCCQ1 trSI'i P fV FT n 71 i-.... ,.,,, r.e nrctai, ta.i-ht to reason, think and ob. t: r.v ,ol it with a low of . lr U Y'llD C0- ... , ;,' . , . . ';: .': l:'vi o-r.hM.mie.-erxe for thMn-.elves. and in pnde Charlotte Chronicle. j C u ii 5 fio2J 3 3 iL0 BJ :-4 ' - ; ; - - ; iiiCiihv'iviMo.,,!,: ;,.i..,, I . Profiw;.0i i. :V ui c.., . N.r ..,.,"!! i ... , . . --.' i ' i i ii i i i j I -"niiiill V .1111-4 in,- u, i ,i. i,, i . . .... r:. Vv ws : A liepubliean applied the -term! 1 .r , . . 'i!-. , W.V' :u.4' pr;icij.a!!y lo i;-i ': !:( , t-;i t liar ;1 ( ' - ' ; v.fr.,;-,- v.-.v.l-.lv .;..,i ' u M, h tiite, I .:(' -.!;!;, lKC' i.r il. V... c .: . . !i .,.t.,i, - . process ti " ' " 'Mill. I I IMIHr ,1 - - - ' - " ta. a i v il iiil'.l i.'j.iii.L.-.,:, laulvs. a-aiusj Hso Hy lhoe who si no boy on the! a n iarm is ouf tlmm.,1. i i.',. v. .-i..4i. jo-pno- ; -:: v.um uo., n. u. loaid know, ifanvlfhat linni; Z .lur' ;Ui,v ""a'1 wl,v Jt was that the Uruuh-: . s Pr..f,.-4 serrK(.s . ihan M.- n, i... ....... . " . ''""V A"ciail- Ilea f. - - - - -- ".' ill ; t ' ..:i : i!,i-... . " . Ik Umuw. m t uuev . hi., i . . i miii . . i . .. . ... - -''inv.-. lit- . limn . . a. . i 'ui uvi'i, v i vi , . ?i ... . ... .i.. .. .1 .i '' V" ; '-' i,i!..,..!t!...a!.I,it.a.,t i,su,,n r .ivr 'v, ?1 " 'I''" ''Vt11'11. -Jnst a s:! item. It .-a,..",,,., C'DOl. GLASS. k- - f .aln-MamMax,....:,.,.!.,, .,,:, al ml !,n M,'. CimclatHl t'i.1 th(. Imiv i!.- i'' S' all.vli,ij; they 'J'ho D.-monat the, " i 1 ' o ! sn.., r, UKCR'U Clt)C-iPf5tttO .'..iMl. ,:ulT,1;,.,(.s ,. ; ,!ljs .. So.a. ... A,''.VfaU.iotarivo!traW Tl, D.'mo -rati,.. a,tv J, X "i.V'uVm C .-V ,he M,,l ! l"!.-t ln,l .'.-u.iKT 1ms h ... M.i' t- -Jand jstitntion is as follows: or do anv v '. , ti ! lanfl svsti,n '('t one of nlouopo- '2 J! ",n ?"a,t,,.r. ;,,:f ,..t,iM . .,.,,v u,,.Ur,;i Jn l,;rJ,;;;j K ami. vet wa" w an. " "."-r -V-M- -vri. ri.... - lla,ll ..,,.,,!!,.. -Many w;!0 have com, I V 'J'" -.- - .- ',. 'tift i : i i t . ..I..,. ...... I . - n'luiiru ,, a idi 1 1 c r line .in, .. i . ' -i i m 1 1 :.i ; i i ir r 1 1 iioinni, -ul " ' -. j ii . ' ' " ;' C.UIO e. 4H . t!... ..- ., - .....iul-u sue-; ., ... . . -i- ; I i ACfCS fif i ti he oIUhI Hi tin 1 1 1 ' i c t- . i' ,'.;,.utT1 iui i!:c,uvni u;( woik. , ''"nu i.u lioininauou. ! ; ; Vm U or I, a 7 1 Sai'' :,M"m ' Speaker Ca,n,h. has a .i of ''", . i ii- nil. icaus w ho I j.- t), aApiiv a.ion to o;iiIs. J here are so ; to debate the MilU Tnvitv i.ni Y with Mr. NelJi u!tm! ; o "h :J'ty, city,, many things to he done in held! Ml1 "' .-n-Miuh to insure the :l,s;...,. iinn T ; . ,,UI11H"l,a! rpora- a:id house that the hands and! Floatin- Item: The. XoithCaro- i - TROV,- - - - Land. I I 11 f 1 a i . I I Off -rs Lis pr. R 1 , lj.M.iiir - - - j . . . ,, . ' .Ml.. I-",'.. J -t!.rr. for fn. I .;. .- .it.., ,4 1 , i'Md, m ,.Jr If. I III- T nu r. T . f T .... t 'llhdl.-if:hevd, ..t V"; 4'',;t''aeits school hrams ot the irirls aIo may bna Teachers Asemblv now .... :. .r ' 11 ' an1 :'"V ' :" ' h tl,.- W..mIu... -t'.i...... ... . .- . , ,M,1' n :,Xlltl,"N heytnnl the kept husv. :nwl u-;n, ...J" ' .. ; hers :; ..niii ,4....i. " "uniry. - . e mm ,- no. i tl 11 , ' "'"l ii Hi l.'.Tlll iiniltiltutti it lima t,, i,, ti...: , ! :.. a. . - . . CT i I flirt tti I ). w , r c . ' i . ... v ..... j i race. : . , ...y.., .,,, u,- iu im-n mental ana physical i -"'i' 111 11:1 ia;e is Siuu to Leiei- t , ' r -'i- ar- i ... ... i- . T!,.. ... .. . . a,k and MVure imm tl,. r:.. !,i0,-..i,., . 1 - 1 .... i ... ' ner A Co. . r t. . . i- t .-t.x. Waysa.i.l Mean." cmpu Of course I do not mean to dis - 'T"" I ZJL the Mills ta-iM hi'i 'i-l . !,)- th' 'f'rion to the voters. ! courage look-!eanr , " 1, r I i ' Th Convention Jn. 17, l'?7 hmv ! reaiar urel v n.a h. ..uirv ? A nn:!,0,;jr-v ol r 5le Uaaliiied voters mean to say to the chTldiei, in t! 1 his ihU'k't i,)V thv f j f v:' c--'"d C'r l,l r north..! it has no:.ht,. ue; . , -V1 1 ir- 'rural disr.-N V n i Ie-atcs National eonver. M . J .. r,'"1-:- ' J ,"-';t- ::.n.M. .should I e sj)i t.; i.i k, . l! Mhools are a permanent terms as do rL.. .a.iia r i : l-ie-h May .;th. I'KOIVN KL.MH td u .,tl (i,iW JJu::m, V"-',!!!!!,, " I. vlj ,.,; . .. - '.v I llllllll- I I I I II i - - It u.ll doubiless , .Kt.r . ..' imS,exrc:i,Iin- t . Clt .vet they have education:,! The Richmond sUter of xvl...... ATTKNnv. AT-I..WV. ! ZZZ. u-sionfe to reve. " V . ' uur 11 0,,as per annum, ' advantages that citv ehihTrt.n ii 1 the lfelii.lo,,. n..,.,i.i '.v , A Tt v Li U M Lfl 5 "If-T.V ..".T-.'.VT i. , ua,( Ul". 1'urham. not have. It is n o-,.,,,! ti.;.. ... w,... ot... . .. . . . .. . : fc 3 If d 0 -i- f I , m'cnshom, Winston lo,.n: l..., , , i -i am ui practice in lit? hurr-m .n " r " " - .... it wii f x'.... ... ' oi-sion, Jicitisvij e. learn, in si-hnn -i.f i i . .. . n . . v..,..,.,i. r ' n 1 - .. t - ti.n, !,.. r, ,.,i v aarioiie, and Ashe- teach, but is PfMniiir - i .i . , thr ( ircuit ar.Vi Intr,rt t. ... .. .. .. . ,"f "'"rt- iiii.i.n Villi . T ----- --.. a j,ihhi i lliurr "ma,, iiucsi iiu. ; ljae 1 1 II 1 i- . i -. . '. :!- n.r - - ... :r ; (. Piii-Nin.Miu... ... -to loam to worb . ' n .-..- ... ... . . , . v n.ir.j -iiit-.. jjir.s:ff:,fflt ,......-c, .. . . ..,t it (.r v and la t simih.r .v...a?...! ... i . I01" !rnon ot the growth of oar.bave it in the fuiuie." ...fu.ry .rr.,,.. . ' ' T;.. '-r 1 an, r.iM.w.ii , - ;-v'"'i cnoois are con- cities and inan.ii-sr.t nri?..r itrutcr. .,!:.... ' I", :.'77. .. . ' - .-. las h,vn a .nvu .,m. , " ' L Uu' general lsduetotuenerseverpuce streMrh ; 1 -lv was a nu-ftin? of the e.- ,-- I'rf?.?.t ttni..n p-cn .... i,u,. - . ..,.,..- r-;e,r. ..l-VsWiMiijundssuppleiuented of chapter, and s M.i :e'"mi l''"tie of David.,,, i,1;-; -' i.or;L-A ,t , f r,rl :;.7'-.;V,r f.th. l,:,,lI'.,:nni!;i:,W;hl!i11,n held in this eitv Lc.r . "'" - - - I II' T' . . f - m - i it f II " ' . 4 ? 4 t ft ill" : I 1 I si! if v j wil . 1 i lie Xitvipi,.. 'iiaue UUUlV CiHlVt .. I,u- lVeidei '" Fri-lav to , ... . -' 1 . :;,,r 1 1 . i v .,. , 1 " l . 1 , ' J ' j Ol Sill'.' V '.'."C.1. h u e . ti I IO !!. If.;. i . i ... i lav Ja? , : i t , . . II .11 I'M' ll.l'l 4i i'csen.t at i e: was la ixt'l v l ne , o:i appoiT- trained in the country. ; night. Jt is -ratifying to Irani ' 1 11 li "ue. They . "m 1 1 :., s. ' . I I I a::,."i 111 ! , .. ! .i . 'r indie, ' of t-oa.t delVu : A'-a;-. a.v ti, he lUVe I'l l.'ltii-,,!, 1 . . .1 -':,;.;;r7 .r v .-7:7: ...V7:,7r;-! asi . , .vv1'.' '' ,rr... 1 . ,. ,i.-.i;.n .u.eeuv seii.Mils Le "la-hnllv lJ "p-;oi:s f.ia-; f . .s i C i LJi,-.. '. "".TTl' "."' -.'.-.l !. to !oaWr terms an.'l to ''i.'...-CU,.,!..c t,W,v,r. j y.V; )' .V. C, a, ,,1 pi'li'.iiasi. of il'il. l enpK.;,:!,'! al'lal'ir'i.i' "th!- vo',.'''' i!e',i!'''':i'! I n-"' y'''1"'""""1 Star say-: "..,v. ,7-,,e . n;;' 1: ;: ..At'..!: ;-;:!). - pnldi,. scho..is llur '.,;,r; ,'t a piep;tra;;oii forpracti- says that he is not a candidal for r Al:" . r? . 'TrVtIr " ?l r:tL i "'ii ai-o to th eal suet e-s 111 earni'i ' -i li- ;n.r i' ... M . . . . ,..: u', . . f r r-t ' K - i cue:,..:;t.;, ;S luraiion j., r m!1 ti-. . ui t a.n.a a li . .n- t. ,;r:,r. ant, .1. not d.-:;e the w.r; f,.i tI.a ta e,. r VL chihh,:. wiieu niHinunit;e7 tke s ,n 'e:i7.;. 17.., u -d .Miniis! and snji- .f -MVUiiaV - IV;?W ,lr n:t ir Pablie y-!,. funds ' ': - .n4 (, by taxi.,- themselves or by c thar it sL; ia i:::virri .i! n... i ' ' ' hear the h" Lr ,r ;,, ;" u l '--Um aiudie.l h, ti..- :'ri-at!on. ami it is to In- h;i:etl M. Fin t;t Sunt. Public 'I nst ruction Thnmasviiie Gazette: lie v. li. T. noiuinaiioi or the oihfe; hut that n put upon him v,ithou: hisa-in-u he Would ted Unuid lo aeeeot it. A- C Covlr.frton". f .- VAHTINC J J !. St-f- uA. I'ftl.vttt, '."!.. I: uf;.r. at T ?.:-. :rrr ' i ire. Caii m ct J.-. f.. S I FKitr, V iicilc-rilt I ! itirit, i.ii .r , a. C, ' .r:.I f f Pr;cr hi. I. Je ir t; I. ...... B . - . as rue-tr lo.iif- i. .i ..i . i 1 ' '. examined' ...1 ' auiAiu !!l,!1;7 !;7!i:;r!ar s,'u""u win ''7 U is iict ior n.c tb ay to what . .t ... II 11 Tv .. ana, me iapnst Kishop of Wake ' ni. l rMiciuH r, cisJor Forest will preach the commence- j l'ie "ew Vork 8:ar, ilieil at meut sermon and deliver the an-j VUIUsll, Ga., Monday ritin, of a nnal address far Thomasville Fe- bidden attack of px.etiiooi.ij, at d! male College this year the' ser- 1 year. He h:.d Levi, i.i Con-1 mon w:ll he preaeheil on the hist and a etecti-! Liiit. iia .i 7 I in ALLLN JORDAN. .irfoi:. i-:y jt lju: " rrT?v '2T' v . t i,...-tt; .40. 4 .1 - 4 S-nidav in May. and the addn -s iiovVnor i f X n V..,k i i 1; t!elne:ed the Tuesday after arils. iivkvt uhh (Juv. Ti:dco TIH.V. N. C j Pr.ct;cf. in ttel curif the mU , fl -t-7 u , , , . . L777 Juci.M.i.irict. ArdintJ.er.1,,. PAII.T?ft!;..CIILP3IRTa i Ol ' V I '.... -- PA4U,ln ivw, -WvwtTT