. ..V . W is..i TROY, N. (X, THURSDAY f JULT 30, 1908; V'v 1 i NQRTH STATE HAPPENINGS News of Interest Gleaned Trom AH Sections of the State and 4 i ' Arranged for Busy Readers ; . "It K Peace Mtfng In October. OreeasboTo, SpeciiU-rA peace con ference under-;, the auspices. of the North Caroline, Peace Society will be held in Greensboro daring the cele bration of .centennial week in Octob er, a 'formal. Invifation for the con ference to .be1 'held; here at that time having been lencf.fd 'by the 'board . of eentennial .managers,, and accept? ' ed for the" ocietJby President Hayne Devi. Messrs. Julius I. Foust, Rob vrt D. Douglas; nd A. M. Bculee hare .been appointed members of n exe cutive eommHiee Pto .make prep re. tiona 'tot ths'TM?tinBr. ' .1 The list of ''ibera '-scheduled tfor the conference embraces a number of distinguished 'men land women among them.: being! jfvExtftovernor Aycock, Gen. Julian 8- Carr. Mr. Locke Crate.' Mr. W. W. FJtchin, Dr. W.'I Poteat, president of Wake Forest College; Dr. Jamee A."B: Schorer, of New berry, 8. C; Prof. J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Senator Lee IS. Overman, .who wjl speak bp the -subject, "International ' House .-of - Representativea,'.' Hon John Sharp Williams, "The Modern tice Walter CUrk.Xhe international Judiciary;" Hop. George ,.W. Norris, f Nebraska, trA, Practical, Plan; for ; International Peace j'.'Cpngressman. Richmond Famon '-ndbsm,' ' Ann tration-and Armaments;'' Mrs. Don . aid McLean. - 'Peace and the -Revo lution;" Mratf Lixzie George vHender son, ".The Daughters of the .Confed eracy and Peace ;"j Dr. John Frank- . lin Crowell,' formerly, r president of Trinitf Colleee and now editor, of The Wall; 'Street ' JournaL - "The ' TPnnninirT, Salvation of . the-- 'N tlons;?' PrlrTBomasHume, "What Professors Cah3Do. For Peace ;? Prof. v' Horace II. Williams; "The Ethics of . Peace;" Unitedtates Senator James - B. McCrearyj ,-ofr- Kentucky,. 'The Possibilities -of, ihe Pan-American Union ;'VTfaildV States Senator ' "Bob" Taylor, of Tennessee; Speak- - -er'E." J. JuStice, of the North Caro-,1 lina . House'V of " RepresentativesJ - "States' Hights and tne .Navy;" J. Allen Taylor, Ibf Wilmington, '.'The Waste of .War ; ' V William H. Taylor, - " Peace ; as r'a "Practical Proposition for Practical ;Men." ' n . Another feature of the eentennial celebration , which is expected to at tract much '.attention will be "Pyth ian Day,f, .vhfcn ; members of the Knights of pythias from all over the eountry wilt Be invited to gather in ' Qreensboro.'-'The local committee is planning for a parade-of, 5,000 or '.. more membefe of the order. .' The indications' are "that Greensboro will be supplied" 'with two theatres next seasorik "Mr'AS.1. A. T3cbl6ss,"-who lost contrite ''-of the Grand Y Opera Hou?e w he that place of amusement ;' ; was leaaed-toMr. H. H. Tate, is on ' ' a trade vuh, the directors . of the . Bier Elected Chainnani " - ' Raleigh, Special. TheState Dem ocratic executive committee - elected Mr. Al H. Eller, of Winston-Salem, chairman, to succeed Mr. Hugh G. Chatham, resigned and Chairman El- er reappointed Alex J. ; Jjieia, eecre- tary. The committee named the fol lowing central committee composed of four members from each of the tea eongreftrionals districts: First E. Fs:Adylett, W. Bod- man,, W. H. -Hampton, Dr. E. -A. Moyey Jr. " - y Becond T. W.-Mason, J. W. Graa- ger,-HA. Gilliam, Dr. JK Green. . .. Third T. C. Whitaker, A. J. Max well, E. M. Koobee, W.McWebb. Fourth J. A,- Thomas F. , tJ. Spruill, H. J. Olive, H. A. London. NEW REFORMS IN TURKEY Turkish, Ruler 'Takes: the JEleina Into Sis Own aandi an Restores the . Constitution Tof .1876 Annonsce ;' meut of His Dedalon to' Oonrok-J a, v Palioaeoi - Canses.;V Seas Jon Thronghont Jhe Emplra; ..L ; ; - Constantinople, Jsj - Cable. Start Cng as -was the sudden duixnssal of Ferid"; Pasha from the grand vixier- ship and the appointment of Said Pasha in- bis . place,- this - step was ss nothing compared to . the . senation created in all quarters by official an nouncement that- the Sultan had de cided to. convoke a parliament; VV 5 ' It was felt that in view of-the gen eral revolt in the army unprecedented in the history of the Turkish Empire, some change. was inevitable, and that far reaching measures, of reform yn BOLD MAIL ROBBERY Car Entered and Rottfe. Asent f Bound and Gagged - MUCH MAIL MATTERrRIFLlfi Two. .Desperate Mn: Board TJkter Zbcpr&s at Edge of Oat&U Moos tain, and After Disposing of Matt ,. Clerk Peck ix an Original Manner, -Loot the Mail Car Posses are .in Pursuit, Seeking the Robbers ' In - the Mountains,- Where '-Thej: are 'Beteved to Have a Hiding Place. Albany, N. To lSpecial.-A report from Grand Gorj?e; a conntry. station ther.ceptral government were bound 011 ,the pdge'o' the CatskiU monntain. to.oe inaugurated. But the drastic ae! 6 " ,BJ l"u ura1 mM ruc tion of the SulUrr, who took the reinel hersheld np the Ulater Exp. ess be intn hia nwn hr,A mnA h ti .tmV. I tween there and Stamford, and after Fifth-C. O. McMichael, R. L. Holt, of a pea suddenly yielded to the de- "MWS ail.d fcgwng Mail Clerk Peck t o -'tr n fk;.i. ; I Mjinila i9 fii tMint THtir a-nA MatAn. I and throwinff him into the mail box. ea tne constitution of 1876, has taken I luejr becureu, wcuv the palace clique, the members of the lurousa man ana took everyining diplomatic coroa in fact, the entire I .f yahe. They also took a wateh, population of . Constantinople com pletely by surprise. Sixtk-E: J. Hale. J. D.1 Bellamy. James Powell, A. W. MeLean.' Seventh J. A. rLockhart, A. S. Dockery. (Other two to be named.) KiKhth Dr. R. S. Young, Edmund Jones, R. A. Doughton, A. D. Watts. -Ninth J. H. Wedington, Maj. JbL F." Schenck. (Other two to be nam ed later). ' r - s . - ' Tenth-G-A. -Webb, W. T. ,Lee, Marshall Bell. T. T.:Ballinee"r. - In accepting the .'chairmanship Mr.. Eller spoke -enthusiastically h . the outlook and expressed" confidence that he would have the -hearty support of Democrats, all" over "the State. " The chair was directed by a resolution to appoint a "committee of five .to revise, the Democratic plan of organization ttnd report to the next meeting of the executive committee, s ' " . Govempt -Glenn, called ".on for a speech, expressed the wish that some of the enthusiasm he saw in Denver might be injected into the committee meeting and . into " North Carolina Democracy. - He never saw anything like it. He said he believed enough Western States would be carried for Bryan; with the solid South to assure Bryan's election without New York. At the -iMme time he believed the Democratic financial and other planks would -so -impress the New York fi nancial and other interests before the campaign is. over aato, go. a long way toward Democratie majorities in" a number of Eastern States. Fight on Freight Rates. Cincinnati, O., ' Special. Brasilia aside all intermediate modes of ac tion, the Receivers ' t and Shippers ' Association of Cincinnati has carried its war against a general increase in freight rates directly to the President of the United States. . A communica tion was . forwarded to President chain and $25 from the coat of the clerk, which was hanging in the car. After rifling all the pouches they made their way back to the day coach and got oft at Stamford,; taking road that leads to the mountains! where the sheriff -and railroad deteor tives. believe them to have a hiding place. At Stamford, Peck was miss ed, and a- search by the conductor and brakeman resulted in the clerk's extrication from his tight quarters in the.. mail box. An alarm was sent IT SOMETIMES TAKES A 1AKGE CEEST TO MOID Ml OSFS MAll -Cartoon by Triggs, in the New York Press. Millions of Germs in Cracks of Dishes Roosevelt -last Saturday at - Ovster I out all alone the line from thin m'tv Bay and made public here asking the I to Montreal, and posses are looking Iff. Mei ElMlmeiltS OH CMEiaVare Men rtOIE tHflQHICi LQHCI1" KOOlfiS tM " Get More Than They Give. Raleigh, SpeciaL State . Auditor B. F. Dixon expects to visit within the next few weeks a number of the counties that for years past have been receiving from the State in pen for other Chief Executive whether he - intends to enforce a decree issued several years'" ago against - certain railroads, xorDiaaing increased rates. 11 so, ne is asked at once to cause the Attor ney General to bring proceedings for contempt against the Missouri Pa cific Railway Company and the Chi cago, Hock Island and Pacific Rail way Company. Denying that politics has anything to do with the letter at this time it is explained that because of the fact that certain general in creases in freight rates are to become effective on August 10th on certain roads, prompt and positive action- be-. came necessary. Jealousy Drove Him to Death. Norfolk, SpeciaL Jealousy . drove j young Claude W.. Allen, of Roanoke, to suicide, at his boarding house here last 'week. He told his troubles to a friend before he ended his life. He saw his'" sweetheart at Ocean View with another young man Sunday af ternoon. . He said she would' take no riotice of him at the time. I He -re- for the robbers. LIGHTNING KILLS SIX I Hotels Cans ol Appendicitis Chemist Blames Unclean CondlUon For Many Inflammatory Diseases Urges Better Honsenold Sanitation. Terrific Storm Strikes Encampment of Pennsylvania National Gsard at Gettysburg The Dead Members of the Mit'.tia A Score or More In jured. Gettysburg, Pa., Special. As the result of & terrific electric storm which passed " over the Pennsylvania national guard encampment here it ia reported that at least six troopers were: killed,. and two score injured, some of them seriouslyt by being struct by lightning. The known dead are: . Private Morrison. Private Barbe." Unknown Man, Tenth Regiment. Ihe tent occupied by Governor Stuart was blown down as were . a number of others. Several friends were sitting. with Governor Stuart when his tent collapsed, but. the party ' managed to hold' the canvas and all Washington. D. C. To those who leave their offices each noon to snatch a hasty lunch, the Government has a word of advice to offer. It is this: Whenever a restaurateur offers you a cracked mug and a chipped, seamy plate on which rood is served, nee it as you would the pestilence. In the recesses of those cracks lurk thou sands of bacteria, and they draw- no dififinrtlnn between the millionaire employer and his $10 a week steno' grapher. The Bureau of Chemistry, at tne head of which is Dr. Harvey W. Wi ley, has just concluded experiments on cracked china utensils taken from the lunch rooms of Washington. The conditions they find to exist in the restaurants -here are -duplicated in every bigity. In New York and Chi cago, where trade at "quick lunch" establishments is much greater, a far larger population of germs is. be lieved to have taken . up its abode in the cracks and crevices of the table service. The examination of the chinaware ly as- many this year, although the tax 1 valuations as sent in from the counties indicate that - values -have been' considerably raised, the whole - - --- , m . I piie vaiunuun in loci uaviuK uiuio uFwDoro Auouoran, vmpanysiorjthan doubled within eight years. 1 1 a 3 a Hons, scnooi xunaa ana lor oiner 1 monst rat eJ 4.. i,e -nJ ,- nro-;. .-. , t7f 1 , . I Ane examination 01 me cmnaware pwrposes more money than they have T t J T i,w -um 2t tSSSS pea mjary. The campli1 flooded by the Government came -about as a !s3r. Ti. cd t0 8ee him later, but the young and tdeeranWe service nrflAti-illv result of a crusade beine waeed r r ----- 1 man was not Ransnwiwiin inni amii.i j." a"; -m - - m r a cronncn - no ar rirA aomn 1 a 18 Drain. I naniM fTa(7An ' " TVia nofl ; The coroner's jury found , that s he penetrable and men are wildly run uiea-oypisioi snox nrea. oy.nis.own win?... about through rive of wateri taxes. There were forty-five such eounties lasyear and fired the " fatal shot into his brain, 11 aeema now mat. mere wui do near- section of the,.hnge.buUding now in course 01 constrmmoron-the cor . ner of Svnorw. and Forbis- streets. It is probable .that. Mj, ;Schlpss will lease a section of the auditorium and. convert it into. avtb&(?ewiih a seat ing eapacfty of 3,000 jnore. 1 Extensive Street Work Going- On. t . " 7' ' - Winston-Salern, SpeciaL Extensive street work Js now going on in. both Winston and. Salem and other work is' contemplated; as 'soon as -that al ready' mapped . ouhai been compjot ed. Never, before in the .history-of . the city has "jio. much, of this kind of work been goin t6n at one time. Some improvement IsJbLn mad on prac tically every 'pHneijml "street'' of the city. Salem will put-down' eonsider- , able bitulUhiopavement-Jn..the near intore. The purpose of these visitations will be to personally look into - the situ ations as to the assessments of prop erty for taxation and report to the n.A 1 . v m 1 1 ix aiaie ooara 01 equalization at its adjourned meetine- August 4th. Dr. Dixon went to Boone, Watauga conn . - . . ' " 1 r f it 1 iy. to aeiiver me aaaress ior tue clos ing of - the bleachers' institute there in. which sixteen - counties -were rep resented. Then he will go to Valle Crueia for ten days'.'' rest,- daring whiclTfime he will work on the Con federate pension returns . that have eome in from .the. .county boards of pensbni. Thereafter he " will visit BurkeC Iredell 'and other, of the west ern, counties that are "in the column of V State ' dependencies" in 1 that they receive from the -State more money than . they pay in bx State taxes. '" " - hand with suicidal intent. A letter J addressed to his -mother in Roanoke, sealed and stamped, and apparently written just before he-, died, ' was. found in his room. This was mailed by the coroner without, being opened. Alien nad been employed, nere as a tailor for some time. , "Farmers Oppose Immigration. -Columbia, S. C Special The State Farmer' Union convention . adopted I ; n-j seeking, the injured. ."Every tent of Battery B was blown down, but no one in the fcattery was hurt.- The regimental guard tent of the Tenth, regiment was struck by the lightning, and, forty men of Com pany C were badly injured. The field hospital is full and men are lying about the camp waiting for aid. ; V .The' Young Mens 'Christian- Asso- resolutions ' opposing immigration to the 'South and demanding the aboli tion of the State Immigration Department..-Another, resolution calls, for the establishment of a State fertilizer factory to be operated by convict la bor. Still another resolution adopt ed is as follows: 1'. '-'Resolvedi That it is the-sense of this onion that our.eotton ought to be compressed at the gins men and women: who had taken refuge "lrom;"the7storm,Cwas razed to the Ground, but - far as known no one. was seriously, injured. : I BI Lumber Company..! . . Raleigh, ,Spefiial,-A";icharter was issued last week ,to.t Ihe Tar- Riyer Lumber Company of Rocky Mount, with ft capital .of $300,000, ' all" sub scribed. The company 'will do "a gen eral lumber business, erect factories, dwellings, etc. t-The principal incor- Eirators are 'Kate J, Harris ;' nd oraee E. Parker, Elmira, N. T and .W. E. Groorn,". Bockyl Mount. , , : - i union- to take this-"matter f.ppl and press, it tO"speedy;eonclu3ionl'f Injured ia Ennaway Axsddent , U Mr T bpnwer, epemi cam rearee, agea v - , , . ;: icr ts V Spout AO years, m aeuveryman iprt H Thaw,g priTileges in tha fully : injured' in;- runaway accident r t- 3 1- -iai. . Assist ant U. S, Treasurer JDead. '-; Washington, SpeeialMKdrJame F. Meline,- for sixteen yean past the Assistant -.Treasurer of. Ihe .'.United and cotton I States,' died at his home in this city bagging be used on" such ebmpressed I late Friday afternoon, after a long ill bales, and that we ask the national I nesa. He was 67 years old and a native of Ohio.' He will be buried in the National Cemetery at Arlington; " Richard Croker, to Come Bsct J New. York; Special Riehard Crok- I er, one-time boss of Tammany, is to return to New York this fall, accord- against . nnhealthful- kitchens' and serving rooms in the' District of Col umbia. With the -approval of Secre tary Wilson and Dr. : Wiley the Gov ernment chemists were turned loose on the' At ail. They discovered mill- Jons "of germs In the craekS; Dr. George W. Sules, bacteriologi cal 'chemist of . the department, had charge of the testa. - Several .dozen cracked mugs, plates and saucers tak en at random from the counters of lunch rooms and from the cafes Of hotels were examined. -The result was that Dr. Stllea discovered twenty- three distinct species of organisms lurking in the cracks and seams. In the final test it was found that these organisms " ranged J in. number from 486 to 14,580,000. .to every square Inch. ; Nearly all of the bacteria belonged to the family of bacillus coif. The bacillus coll is blamed as the cause of many inflammatory diseases. among which is appendicitis. Many of tne otner bacilli round in the cracked chinaware are due to un clean conditions.- These may not be noticeable, - and the- kitchens;, of "the lunch rooms may be clean and spot less, but the impossibility 01 cleans ing the utensils thoroughly when they are cracked leaves tne Daciui to in crease and multiply. The presence, of tne. breeders or disease ts Just as mucn a menace to the girl who has left her typewriter NEED STRONG NAVY President Roosevelt Expresses His Views SHOULD H AYE AMPLE DEFENSES . Ts a Notable Conference of Naval Officers at Newport the Chief Exe cutive of tts United -Stfttei Sett Porth His Ideas in Regard to That Branch of Uncle Sam's Fighting Equipment.' to snatch a substantial meal of cocoa and chocolate eclairs as it is to the man with the drooping mustache who resales himself each noon on "coffee and sinkers." The bacilli are no re- suector of persons. - Dr. Stiles, in discussing the result of his tests, says: "This is a question which must necessarily appeal to every responsi ble individual who seriously considers the matter of eating clean and whole some food. When we consider the exeat number and variety of organ isms studied in relation . to these cracked mugs the question of house hold - sanitation becomes more im perative than ever, and a study of the sanitary conditions in private, and public life would in many Instance! turnisn startling results . Many of our hotels, public res taurants and cafes are particular to see that splendid serving rooms are provided and elaborately lurnisnea which ' from exterior appearances seem to be all that could be desired for the' welfare and comfort of their guests, but let one go behind the scenes In many places and note the changed conditions. The picture may be entirely different from -that ex pected. .y ... ! - -TTne sanitary aspect 01 reirigera tors and -iceboxes during hot weather may -develop conditions beyond hu man, toleration. Why -people "do not take better care of. these places 01 storaee is difficult to say. However, tit is a regrettable faetthat many such places often contain mgniy Djecuoii- able material, and 11 not mtenuea ior immediate use it often contaminates and ruins the entire contents of the icebox. ... . - 'In concluding it seems mgniy ae sirable to eliminate the use of cracked dishes for the reception of food, mate rials, and to make & appeal for a more careful .tyse'rvance of. the known hygienic measures to protect our food from unnecessary and un deSlrable'-contamination." , ; -Dr. Pasqualo Grillo takes sharp Is sue, with Dr. Wiley. "Of course there are germs in cracked china," he said, "as there are in everything else In the universe. " 1 And It may be that some Of these are bad instead of good. The nronbrtlon of bad germs to good ones is as ' to ; l.'OOO.OOO.OOO.- The bad germ may 'kill , you; the good- ones may be eaten by the spoonful without harmful - results'. . A healthy- person will eat manyiiIibns a day, or at a sinele meal: without ge'tting so much as "a suggestloa' of the.' stomach : ache." ' : .;'-v-i"-'' Newport, R. I., Special. Pleading for popular support for a "first-class lighting navy," a pavy capable of seeking out the enemy-and "hammer-" ixg him'into the quits," President Roosevelt was" the central flggre here in the most notable conference ol- American naval officers ever called to gether . to consult and discuss, in a broad,- general way, -the - future - of United .States battleships, v The Presi- dent spoke publicly' for mors than half an hour, and then the conference went into executive session for one hour. During this session the Presi dent took a leading part in the dis cussion. He argued as. a laymaa, he explained,' and did hot attempt to give adviee to professional men.'- r The President said in part: ; "Admiral, Mr. Secretary, 'Gentle- men: I could not speak to von tech nically. I can speak to my fellow- countrymen, who are deeply interest ed in 'the American navy, but who sometimes tend to be mislead as to the kind of navy we should have and. as to what the navy can and ought to do. "For instance., there are always certain numbers of well-meaning, amiable individuals, coupled with others not quite so well meaning, who advocate merely a coast defense navy. Such advocacy illustrates a habit of mind as old as human nature itself the desire at the same time to do something,' and not to do it. "No fighting was ever won yet ex cept ty hitting, and the .one , unfor : vi rc . ' :. . . . XSection of Dr. SOI M Presldest :l m Spencer , Fridsy,'-After 'running half s mils.with the lad Ihe horse tip. set .the wagon, and ft heavy . pieee of glass from the side of the wagon fll across, both bis feet entting dangerous gashes in each Snkle; ,v; ..u. AsJierille Hit : by V- Stoxin.1 k: Balegh," SrclalTbere ;'is' Vncht grauucaiiou ampng . ino, ,aiuntti-ot this city over the election of Dr. D. XL HiU as president, of the A--A ;Mr ', - College, Dr. Hill bss been with the " collejre since it was stablished' eighteen years ago and haayever been . x. .faithful officeT.'' 'As professor f v. English he has done much , to raise the standard - of Jthe. .literary' depart ; ' ment, and as acting president, he has .' - ably filled that position. . His friends ..'re confident that he will . reflect .: credit upon himself and the instita- -; ' : ZXIsd hjT Ennwy 0r.'r ' . - "Waynesville, ffpeciaL -Lat Tues ;" day evening as the tram ears of the : . CbwEpion Fibre Ccttpany were eom lag down gxadi froa Q-zhnl Town to Haz(lwood,.the xaaa.exthe rear car, fiadifig he had lost c:.-..roi of his tit' iTT-?&- scapuJ2.V i-j'iry.His r-r erriej Izto the csr ia -f r.t.cf , 1 . -.7 . 1 .... , visited: shortly after4 midnight -"vired nesday night by thd rheaviest; rain and ?sererest jeleytrieaistorm since: the establishment of theweather' bu reaa. 'here ' many.. earSv.' .ago. . t Tha storm eame, out of the east and sud denly. Ths electrje lighting plant' was put ont of business temporarily 'and great damage. , was ' y done -. telephone wires. . The Aaheville Cotton Mill was fired bya bolt and five hundred dol-. lars damage was done before the fire could bo put out. Nearly two inches; of .rain.: felj. - -A' Good fihowing. v tl""- 'i Ksleigh, SraaLCenaidering:ithe panicky times, the otaaals in ths,oi fice of the Secretary, of State- think the number of charters granted t.o eorporaliocs holds up very well this year as compared' with last year." The last one goes. to the Tar, River Lum ber Corrany, with $CG3,000 cpital r-r I .Tiarters St Hocky ?' .nt, -. - ' - . - - .. f eounty Jail here' have been curtailed rilil bg to ;ft 'New-York :Worid special, prisoners. He . permitted to; e' While denying that he Nvould take an eeive .as visitors- only- his attorney active' part in the campaign f or Bry- and his wife, and is not allowed the I an, Croker said he hoped the Nebras--free-use of the,. jail; telephone,. whichikazr -would Twin ' and -thonght his he had .top to ft short. time .ago. -.- I chances good. -'Bight -CsitBts Are TJismissed. - West PomV N. :Y;Special- Eight eadets in' the United States , military academy here -..were . sent -. to v their homes as a result of hazing. members ol the fourth ilfi They we're .Win. Ti Russell, -appointed) t .large, " and Sensational Murders o - -'-Montana IS In Commission. ; i Norfolk, ;SpeciaL-f-The.; new, armor ed cruiser Montana was commission ed i at the' Norfolk Navy Yard last week.-. Capt. - Alfred ' Reynolds is - in command. '.: The Montana- .will begin taking on stores at once for her shak- inor Anim-- trt OnAntjTlllTn. rhiba. tiarry U. weiteroi Aiunois, members 1 which will -occur within, the- next two of the first clas; and Byron Q. Jones. New LYork George yf.- Chase,' Is ew York Wat. : .W.. : Prude, C Alabama j Isaao - Sapulding Oklahoma;.-: "Wm. Nolle. Virginia, and ."James - A-'-Gil lespie, -of Pennsylvania, members of the third class PopnUsts and Independents.' ;t iStrLouls,- EpeciaLHThe alliance te tween ths Icdepeadence party; which holds, its-convKition. in Chicago Mon day, a!nd the" remnant of tha old Pop xxXst party is .-ia-onter'iUUoju-;- Tf t tr.ica riiy d:pc-i t-;a the o'atc: a f 1 c-'ueracs to. be tela cere.' 1 tr a f i c ! t5 "t or threo weeks. - l it is expected that the Montana and her sister ship, the North Carolina, will form the nucleus j for svnew armored erniser; division of the- Atlantic fleet,- and that: they will j shortly be joined, py the'JTennessee and 1 Wasgtonrvnow on taerraciae.- --.New- Enterprises Tor Eockiz siaa. -ockineham,-' "Special. Hardly day -parses without some sew enter- priae,botbiDg6p.;Eoekirs;-sa cer tainly 'has got- .the right ' ' go on. it now. The : Rockingham - roundry- & Uachina Cctrpaty has ...fceca , organiz-. cd-and il tui! a gereral fo-rrdry arsd ir-aclise works i witUa tie co--e of a f ' wec!a-- The- cr - try wl j v. r ' . .-r t'; 9 ertl r - - tcf I - T - " : - -' , . - - -1 - -- - Mot Summerffheir MoUycs July J lAndrew Bergen; Cropaeyot and kills bis wife at No. LH9 Elghtyrfourtb :streetrige.;?- July 19 Mrs. OttUlee Eberhard killed, her : daughter' wounded at Coalbnrg. N.'- J.t Oustavus'.Eberhard, f'NewTork?atrona1y uspectedi stlU t large;' rMeTy.::V . July 18 The Rer, Q,;BD. Prickett former Recorder al?Metuchen, N. Jv, shot and killed hiclArchibald.Herron- whm he 1 had. aeStencedjJC July 12-j-Hazei Drew muruereu, nosy-turowu iu. v"" ..-?. N. T.; jealonBy,:8upposedly; tobim'ln : June Dr. N. H. Wllsonv.of PfeUadelphia potsonsei bottle of let revengevrfeWr.; Vi-V-V; v l-f i?ZXl - June 2 1 John - Klevens , 8extoa:or-,the rChurch -oj - the Most Holy Trinity, Brooklyn; shot wif e. kllledseltj nsurahcev; n v Tnro i aijol!' H:,Blackmever. out of s iob. kfllecl his mother-in- law and shot his wife rNoi44-West One Hundrednd Torty-fourth June 8Brboding! pVwlie.ssdVtts'oa-'tlislr neighbor's Jit-r. tie daughter Mrs; Ienft Wtanetti'4upietqnKiueoner,.oaBna jibt? 'self; humiliation.- Stf -r W'tcfe i-; June 7i-Sarahoten ahot and. kittled Drj MilnW-Axispttx,lIa IK " - June 6-4-Frederlck Kosatage. N6M81 Union, avfcntte, Brooklyn, ahot .wlfe.'kUledtmseU,tiarrlSfg SftO,000 la Gold torJQeopoias, From Private Estate in Uganda.' tosdos, England,i-A' dispatch to, the iKsndon Daily Mail from Entebbe, Uganda, .states that two shl;meata of gold, valued at!$30.00&, have paMed. through Entebbe--from r. they Kilo, iaines, ia King Leopold' trivate. do m.ln in the Cono Indepehieat State, from" which" forelgacra are risorously arxluded, -' ' s? - -v"Y-' -- It is- sufctsed "ti;t. tarriry- eov frirsr rHsra ttsi a ltirei r -s ia l.-itroYlic? tf-f?r::.:"-'.. xl ' ii giveable offense in any man is to hit soft. That applies to the individual and it applies to the nation, and to those who advocating a coast defense navy, are advocating that we shall .adopt as a national principle the principle of hitting soft. I hope with all my heart that never will, this na tion of ours hit unles it eannot pos sibly be helped.' But when this nation does have to go to war, such war will only be excusable if the nation in tends to hammer its opponent until the opponent quits fighting. "For the protection of our coast we need fortifications, not merely to pro tect the salient points of our possess sions, but so that the navy can be fool-loose. A year ago, at the time it was announced that the fleet was to go abroad, there was a certain number of newspapers, especially in my own cityof New York, that rais ed a clamorous protest against it. It took at one time the form of a mis taken prophecy to the effect that the fleet Would not be allowed to go around the world, , and one of the reasons alleged was that to let it go around the world would leave .New York defenseless in the event of war. "We .have. taken the . Philippines, .but if we' had. not taken them, not particle, of difference would be made as" regards the seeds of onr naval pol icies. There has. -been a division of . - s this people as to taking the Phillip- . pines. "There has been no division on the ' Monroe , doctrine, no division oft build ing, -maintaining, policing .and de fending the Panama canal; no di- ; vision about Hawaii and-Porto Rico; no division about keeping Alaska; no division about asserting our superior t rght to-defend and protect Cuba, - - not one or tne courses or action urns outlined can be followed out except- ing with a .first-class - navy. "The Monroe doctrine ' was in 'danger of fallinginot merely- into' disuse, but - fj- into contempt, pniu we oegan to ouua t - up our navy. The -Monroe doetnne unbacked by navy is an v empty , boast. ' ' ' -' . " -, . '", ' "If we have a' coast defense' navy only, we had beter at "once" turn over - the Panama canal to some stronger and braver -Tiation. and rive no" Hawaii Porta Rico and Alaska, and . - jsay : that wtt had no; more intereot in', - fba? than the vSmallest J outside . -powers.;s.v;-v;f;fi.;l;a,K-- h-- . We do not want any ttavy at au - , if -it is net1 ft first-class-one, and such - - - ftr navy, .will be necessaryrfor ,iis just- , so lons? as we demand theright to ladminister omr .'national affairs as we a ' l.f-It is -very possible that we shall have to exercise a-continually greater, -. . supervision, a eonrinnaUyangreatex"" s .exercise". ,r thewngnt ot;; rejection, amone imitrrants that oome hither.i- and shall,' it; may be, take an uttitnde .' ' - that ui tend -at nmf ; to provoke . v - Parls.-Mah's best friend, the dag. rs beenvfound-.ft new occupation ,a J ir'j; that of museum keener. . r TMMAd CMMirf or. the riae Artsi tas oeciaea. xoi- rcll l-a that body fox.terrlers for.tr cf? Luxembourg 'lluseum.. They wul act Bj-a-!tilla,viea to tie : u-:ia it-jv ci-'s, s.riy t?'- r-ny t!i-t a -.-lie c. -::-ul rt. -..' " c! Georcl Baptist OoSegs Bnrni " La Grange, lia bpeeiai.i ire ear ly , Sunday desttoyed ,the main build-. ing and collets chapel ox the- bouth 'era-' Female College -(Bapt-t) here, entailing. ft loss1 estimated at ?",C'j. Tere was no irufaace. - Ths era Fertala Ccile- IZil end ,l-s' -1 was cr; .a ia 5. 1

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