Montjoraertea PcblJsx Company 7 n JCJ P8INTTNG it, iiti t V K - I I I I I a not th best-but's just aegood . You'll be "profited by doing either. f : e ,r 1 . VOLUME 1 8 NUMBER 4. -. TROY;NrC4THtTDAy;SE;TEMBER 5fI912. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR." - i J - . - t - RIFLTLICAiN CONVENTION. ( Situriiy Wu tie Tiae-Nismj I Nusi&eei bPithtki Ends - About fifty - delegates " and spectators . assembled In ; tbe court house Saturday. The-republican county convention was in session. Chairman N., V. Long called the convention to or der. , The roll call showed that one or two orecincts were not represented and that there were ' no contests which obviated the necessity -of a 'committee on credentials. . .A committee on resolutions was named and while this com mittee was out reading over, the resolutions the chairman called MrI. E. Saunders to take the chair. Mr. Saunders didn want to preside but finally took the gavel. Mr. Long is a stand patter and Mr. Saunders is i mooser". ' - Immediately after leaving the chair Mr. Long sug gested that while the committee was getting ready to report that some one make a speech for the convention, evidently expecting the delegates to call for Long, but no one called. Mr. Saun ders was "Johnie on the spot, and with abroad satisfied smile boldly announced that if anyone had a Roosevelt speech to make to let them have it but no other kind was acceptable. The dem ocrats present enjoyed the u nique announcement that silenc ed the mighty Nimrod. After a .term of silence the resolutions were brought in by the committee and read by , Mr W. L, Cornelison, which, were in substance to the effect that the convention deemed it wise to ap point a committee to nominate a ticktt for the various county of fices at such time as it might see fit in the future; and resolved farther that about ten -or-a -do-. en men whose names were called be appointed on this nominating committee. - A voice called out, "1 moB the adoption of the re port.". "I second it," says an other all apparently by instruc tions from a superior. "All in favor of the adoption of -the - re port let it be known . by saying -aye," called out the chairman, About a dozen voices were heard to vote aye", and. the chair. dis Ejy nt E Gimsor. Columbia; S. C.,. Aug. 30. Though Governor Blease has a majority of about 2,000 for elec tion as governor, there is a strong probability that ho never will take office. Charges o f wholesale fraud have come t o State Chairman Evans, of Spar tanburg. ; - It is alleged that the vote ex ceeds by 6UAXM any ever . cast in the state and that the total bal- ots, more than 140,000, is great er than tne number o x wmte males of voting. age in the state. I n Anderson ' county '4,000 more votes were polled in t h e gubernatorial race than i n the other, contests ,.and the county com mittee has ordered a recount. It is benved that the state com-J mittee will throw but enough votes to insure the election of Judge Iry B. Jones as there are charges which will necessitate a recount in practically, e v e r y county of South Carolina. . ' - - - - , y - - "" What will be learn with inter- Nevs Ffta (htcie tie Cwaty Reiiew- c4 tsd Till ia Brief For Ou ' . tstf Readers. (, In the superior court at Durham i i. t i Tin ji . : 5 criminal cases, were disposed of - - - - , - . ters school. Ill iwu uoja. mu T. icmiiu-i v- . ..n WD lfi m;... J k.w wnD?,o v in - ttoi n annonncemem tun tm-nxmiwi. mi . v. . uwbi wi ucaujr o'piminnln ; v : SOUtnern Kauroaa VXMnpany nas i ir iuuuku wuero ub euuers fcuti decided .tipon its ronte in the A. &-M . UoJiege. extension of the R. tk& -S lines of theJ;Toad;;iThei"nte over which the extension of I the , Charging criminal libel, the grand jury bringing in a true: hill, Q, - K. Nimmocks sued Capt. James D. Me atter was Disced under a one thous-t road to Uharlotte-wht. pe ,jnaae and dollar bond." Both men are can-ihas not' yet- been; made -pubuc. didates'for teh state senate. I butrthat the roadwinlae extend- Oniva few years aei : two school jed nt from-MVGaeaS is cer buUduigs accommodated-; all thel tainty, as deeds for lbs right-of - school children of the Charlotte pub- way have already been, "secured Girenur Kitcki it EUerfce. Gov. Win. W. Kitchln, candi date for tbe United States sen ate, will deliver an address at Ellerbe next Saturday. Septena ber 7th, at 10 o'clock a. in. Th Governor will speak at Rocking ham in the afternoon. The peo pie of the npper section of Bich mond and the lower part o Montgomery counties will have an opportune time to hear North Carolina's' chief -executive dis cuss his side of the senatorial race, Supendi ReEgui Dirinf Cunpsiga. Solicitor W. C. Hammer, who was called "the large gentleman from Randolph" in the conven tionor iyutf at unariotte, was here yesterday morning on his way home. He had made a visit to Democratic headquarters. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. , TEE RAHXCAD EXTTTCN, 1 Nt Gileid m Ee 3a iHiia line- Deeds Tb lt-TOyBiife PERSONAL KENTION. : KewBuk at EUerbe. " Monday, ihe 2id' The Bank of nOTe&entl if Seme if the People Wio' Ellerbe at Ellerbe ooened ita doors Bite Came ud Gone ua Re- I for business, a new and up-to-date ' coriedDsriniaWeeL.. Mr. C. B. Loftin ileft Satur- ic schools. The coming autum will find eight schools open and fully equipped for work; the new . struc tures being modern and up-to-date. Luther K. Durham, a - member of the firm- of ; Durham Brothers of Chapel Hill, commiteed suicide Thursday by shooting himself in the head. ' The dead man - had - locked himself in his room and when it was broken into he was found dead. The hunting season is now open on the Roanoke river and deer and wild turkeys are being . made the prey of the sportsman. Deer in that section are not as numerous as usual, owing to the freshets last spring which caused the drowning of some of the young. and turned over to the i company Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Capel and little child of Biscoe were in town a short while Sunday. : Miss Ada Siske returned Mon day from a trip to Yadkin ville and ether points. - v Miss Lizzie Winslow, who has been visiting her- cousins, the Misses Lewis, returned to her structure solely for the purpose hav ing been recently completed, "furn ished with modern banking house fixtures. The bank .was organized some months ago,' and as there was not at the time a suitable building to be had, the opening had to be de ferred until a home could be built. The officers and directors are: M. W. McBae, president; J. R. Ben nett; vice-president, and D. A. Par sons, A. T. White, J. T. McLeod. J. A.' Hutchinson,7 Alfred Baldwin, R. Bennett. - K. L. , Bennett, J. Wall, Z. T. Pearson, and J, Owens, director; - . - "' -: S2CXT LOCALS -- - J V J. R. by i t s attorney.' This; means home at Asheborofiaturday. that Mt. Gilead will :be on . the main line of the toadwhichever route the road may be built over from there. The location of the depot a t Mt. GUead; wUl be changed, deeds for the new site having already beeirledrrhiB assurance that Mt. Gilead wi be on the main line of ) the road and not on a "spur? will b e learned wite peculiar interest by the people of that section v It has not been learned whether the road will b e built J?y way of Albemarle and Concord or some other route, but the , people of Mr. and Mrs. J. . 0. Hurley and Mrs; W. L Nance attended the birthday dinner given Mr. J. P. Hurley near Star Saturday. Gererner KftcKi Sept. 17. . The people of Troy and this section in general will be given the privilege of - hearing North Carolina's chief executive and candidate for the United States senate on Tuesday of court,Sept. 17th. Governor W. W. Kitchin Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McAulay -will be at Troy on that date to and daughters, . Misses Katie deliver an address to the voters and Helenr passed, through town of this county in the interest of his candidacy for the senate. Governor Kitchin is a forceful Sunday in their automobile. Mr. Boy den Siske left Tues day for Davidson, where he en ters his junior studies at David son College. v Mr. C. W. Eason of Smithfield Tie Graded School Opened. speaker and no doubt he will be heard with interest by many of Montgomery county's citizens. arrived Monday and has taken charge of Troy Drug Store. Mr James H. Hunter, a carpenter, of ihose be?tions are of the opinion Eason is a registered pharma- Charlotte Blled himself Thursday by cutting the jugular vein in his neck with the small blade of his pocket knife. . The act was commit ted in the rear of a restaurant. Hunter had become desperate on ac count of a continued illness, and be lieving that he was a burden to his fomily decided to end it all miss company these can- two that the railroad not afford'to, towns. , The railroad company has not yet decided upon the route over i which the road will be run by Troy. It i s , thought, however, that the company canr be given inducement torn niythe road Under authority conferred by the through town, a s a, t; present, Dost office appropriation bill - Post master General Hitchcock has in creased the salaries of rural letter carries on . standard routes from increases to carriers routes. The order will fective September 30. on snorter become ef- 'the without giving time for the cussion or calling for the on the question announced 'ayes' have it." Promptly the steam roller worked and these words were heard, "I move we adjourn." "I second the motion," came the refrain. "All in favor of the motion say '.aye'," rang but the chair. ; A few feeble ayes" were heard and without giving time or calling for the "nos" an- nounced adjournment in short order. ? - - missed the chairman, but caughf If UOOOJo f U00 ajeiuthusa Senator Simmons and Secretary mg 30,000 men, with proportionate Brock. Each told him good news from tne Hammer view, and he was perfectly willing to leave yesterday morning in tne midst of his usual sleep. Mr. Hammer isn't entirely un like Col. Baldy Boyden. of Salis bury, in his habits. Each used to make his debut into the cam paign by whipping some very objectionable fellow,' , and all through it nobody held . them to normal language. ... Mr. Boyden ia an Episcopalian and. used - to send his rector " word thaf he could either attend church or quit cussing from June, to No vember. It might have meant anateham marantha in some, but the Republicans of Rowan were enough to make a preacher cuss and Col. Boyden often used lan guage. . . ' . - Hammer's religion was like wise good enough between cam paigns to keep anybody .from While in a delirious condition, Samuel Bv Hayes, of Charlotte,aged 34, jumped or fell from the window of his room on the third floor of St. Peter's Hospital late Saturday night and sustained injuries which result ed in his death. It is said that the nurse had been out of the room for only a few seconds, having gone for an ice cap, when another . nurse in the building saw the man's body on its way to the ground forty feet below. letting the location of; the depot remain where it is or near its present location. To obtain the df sired grade through town i t wiirbenece8sary,.it is supposed, to make a number of cuts and fills and also to change the cour se of the road in some places iu order to straighten the curves. ..SttfUm. Prof. Edward F. Green and family have returned home from Demorest, Ga , where they, have been visiting their son, Hubert green. Mr. K. A. IS aH has a shipment of new bicycles. Mr. Johoh Leach has purchas ed an auto. Mr. Carl Morris has returned home from Pennsylvania. Miss Grace James has been cist. - - Mr. Earnest King, book-keeper for the Bank of Montgomery, is taking an outing in and around Asheville this week. Misses Tecy Beaman, Callie and Ethel Nance, and Mr. Reece Bell left Tuesday for Guilford College, where they will resume their studies at school . Saturday- till Tuesday friends in town. Mr. W. P. Lewis, formerly of this county but now of Alabama, where he has been for many years engaged in the turpentine business, spent several days in town last week with old acquain New Parcels Pest Liw. The new parcels post law will go into effect January 1, 1913. Under this legislation it is provided that hereafter fourth- class mail matter shall embrace all other matter, including farm and factory products, not now Leal Newi (ktkered in tad Arcul c Ice cream supper tomorrow night. : '';ku:.;):j Mr. Fletcher .King of Ashe-'. boro is in the county looking over "r timber propositions with inter-" ested parties. ' Quite a number of people from the county were' in town Mon- " day attending Commissioner's ; court.-':-':: '.''-'.. '"'.:. ' An old colored man, Crawford -Parker, of Uwharrie ; township died Tuesday morning at -the age of about one hundred 3'ears, Mr. A. J. Fletcher of Sparta, Allegheny county, a young at torney and married was in town Thursday and Friday of last week prospecting. The Republican convention Saturday was fairly well attend ed when the division in the par ty is considered. The visitors were too numerous to name in person. Mr. E. B. McCallumand Miss Victoria Parsons, both of Can dor, were married on July 31st at the home of Mr. J. B. Ear sons, Rev. N. L. Seabolt offici ating. The marriage was kept a secret until August 27th. sre will be a picnic at Em merson Springs, about four miles west of Norman. Saturday, Sept. 14th. Everyone is asked to attend and carry a basket of eatables. There will be plenty of refreshments, and a good time is expected. - r The Womans' Missionery So- The Troy Graded School open ed for the fall term Monday morning with all the teachers and 172 pupils present. The pu pils are allotted to the teachers in the following manner: Mrs. S. H. McCall, 51; Mrs. R. O. Fry 29; Miss Caro Mclntyre, 34;Miss Bessie Reynolds, 33, and Mr. Ranson 25. Mrs. McCall has the little folks, and there were 20 beginners Tuesday morning. It is expected that the enrollment ciety of the M. E. church, South, will reach 200 before Christmas, will give an ice cream supper Mr. Ed Thompson, w ho holds The need of a new school house Friday (tomorrow) night. The a posHfe"; with the Southern J is keenly felt by all the teachers supper will be given on the va- nMu.ysaM oyeuutsr, spesun j roi i ana papi r .----r -cant 'ttwroexween tsmitnerman with An extra teacher is badly need-1 Store Comoanv and th railrrvul ed, but owing to lack of funds near the depot. Everyone is in- and proper room it will be im possible to provide the teacher this year. The principal is mak ing an effort to do three years of high school work, an almost im- rmaeiKla fact Mrs "R.nnsrun ;n o vQ nr a . hSv. the old one, especially Vt 11,1 uuu J (viiu ui it vvu uvw ing the third year high school pupils, 6 young ladies, in French and English literature. . Mrs. Ranson 's music and ex pression class started off well, there being 20 . pupils enrolled. Here again is seen the inconven ience of not having a new build ing with a nice pleasant music room connected with it. The school vited to attend. .The new schedule went into effect over the R., C. & S. lines Sunday. The new schedule is almost a complete change over on the Mt. Gilead branch. Sunday trains have never been run on this branch before, and it "will be of considerable convenience to the traveling public One' passenger and five trainmen were killed, two other persons were aAvtAiiaKt - fvi-iiiMul An I tnranfv.ATta were sliriitlv hurt Sunday when I 1BI,'luts w. l emuraceu uy iw m nucr tu pupus nave ro leave- ue train No. 112 oh the Lake Shore di- J e past week. first, second or third class, not house during school hoiiis, or be vision of the Chicago and North-1 - Miss LncilleScaroroof Ashe- exceeding ; eleven pounds i n deprived of the privilege of tak- western railway, ; running, thirty I boro is visiting Miss Mary bear- J weight-nor greater in size than ing music lessons at a time in miles an hour, was derailed two boro. . 172 inches is length and girth their lives when such instruct- miles north of Lyndhurst, Wis., as J Star now Tias better railroad J combined, nor in form likely to ion is very important. theresult of a washout caused by a facilities than any- other town injure the person of any postal Despite the fact that the build- ciouaDurst. Tne locomotive, man The County Commissioners had a quiet day Monday. A number of small bills and ac counts were passed on. The committee on the location of a bridge oyer the east prong of ; Little River reported that the -roads leading to both the Suggs . mill and the Auman ford were rough and that it would require . about a 150 foot bridge at either.. uiuwuik ivuib mm iw. . uut m due . .t . . i . TkaWi .t .. . , - . . , ; ; JCoacnieiiine,CTacK ana "v ww6,0 awaeu. conmcts ne scmeumes oia ininirs j ","vj ' vonuuww, nawuMucu .h.t onenafia . Lne ciercv. une and walked out.: No delegates to Uay he whipped a fellow and ne iI5 or K008eve Conventions thcm maw him. ThA anliritor .... - - were appointed. No speeches all but the I uio. MuuuuK uuu, wu had Wgfr fignting point. - And op f rotn now unUl th Section over the delegates that took all power from them to represent . their party ; by choosing candi dates for the various county offices, the naming of delegates to the State convention, etvf: - ; It waa noticed that, a number of incuenual liepUblicians of e county were not present' their absence has ; caused BO&ie - of the Republicans more or less place and that the expense would on tne line, .(connections are i em Dlove-or dam acre t n e mail line is in a had condition and tne ha Mtiiai- haanr tha n.snt car, baggage car, smoker and a day J mflLfip: here with trains- eroiner inlpnmnmont or nther mail matter. I onninmont, in:nmV. the ''t.Piuhnra I rru . - . . 1 C I - 9 UVVUU W. M WUV - VI U T V ; - all directions. . ; r J and not of a character perishable and pupils are going about their road machines : purchased for -' We are sorry to note the death within a period reasonable re- work in an enthusiastic manner, the townships of the county were of Mr. Elsie Shaw'sljaby. - quired for transportation a n d and they hope to make this year paid for, the amount being $340 We are pleased to see some- of delivery. . -;' '"-' "., ,i one of the best in the : history of for those" shipped. There are our, Okeewemee neighbors -i n - For parcels post purposes the the school. They ask the hearty two more yet to come and to be town this week. - ; . j United' States and itar territories, co-operation of the people, ; and, paid for, -Remember, that school opens 1 inclndincr Alaska, but : excentine making the. best of - poor condi- The senatorial ' campaign : which was inaugurated last spring when is a good Christian, but St; Peter in when the fellow smote Hammer November, and it litiapected that on one cheek, Hammer made the) the friends of all i three: candidates smiter think he had been struck will become; aggxesBrve.4 For six by a cyclone? V . -.; . 'I months Governor Kitchin has been The ' cher : came J doWn to nR -rH--" see h pond?rous parish- 1 i f eerrana piano. ixrif,un- hereon Sept. 11th. We have, a bargain in a second I the Philippines, is to be into eight postal zones. ; divided tions, i they are taking cour age, and looking to ; the future for brighter and better things. concern. 1 !. ' We have bargains in two tiew organs. , one Kimball and- one Snipman. . pixie Furniture Co.:- :v - 'J:;;;SteciiitJIte ; . Steeds, August 28. Mr; J -S . t Spivey," who has been- on the sick : list for Bom time does hot '.seem to V . improve. '"'' '- :Mr. John . Kennedy, attended the meeting at AcOrn Ridge -last Sun :.' 'day.. v V -Z: ;X ; - ,- -'; -;v ' .Some of the fanners are harvest- pon9?rou8 parish- ioner - , , .r. m . ar, ''-said tne ininist? r, peeklj, L hear xyou oave oeen tgaucj,;-- - Yes,?' thesoUcr-r : said. . I had to slap an ;imbpdent Radi eat 'T'r-r--i.-:' ''And I hear that you have been taking the Lord's name in . vain that you have been swearing, Mr. Hammer.'V :r2- .i .i : IVa a; dr-rd wholtold yontVthe Randolph ; churchman replied. News and , Obseryer. (he last month, - and -: Senator. Sim mons' friends have spokena score of I times.'; Senator Simmons i will not- himselfget into the.-fhrbtx::but.:hi8 -supporters will, and Judge . Clark, who is tied down by ..the 'session of) the Supreme court, will make week i end'tdnrir hi the interest of his can- .1 rfjEaoli Irt His Own ph.: - Tb man lrho sweeps h steU Is doing as much errle$ to the state as tke man who fins the pulpit or sits in the senator's chalrv Pifr; Spriap" lteBL"1-.;; vJPopiar- Springs, S ep. 2 A few people of this section : went to Big-Oak Sunday; ;'-;,':;: Sgi Creek Items. I Suggs Creekt ; Sep. r2 Some of our farmers are beginning to Several , from Troy attended the Farmer's Union .picnic at Little River church, near Pekin, last Thursday 'and heard two splendid speeches, one J by . Mr. J. C . Thompson,Pr esident of the county, uniohj and the .other by Rev. T. E. Staley. These speaks ; Mr, ; A.:G Laasiter attended- Pa" Ioauer 411 "ms un. . - ers said many good : things : an4; Pempcrati&fOftndidate ad We are requested by' the pro gram me committee to announce that the prcsram for the Unio Cmi it Atlrt 5t)irdiT. . Hon; Locke Craig, the Demo-1 for Governor, i iwUl cratic candidate and the next rtrea the Tbnl governor oi js ortn uarouna, .wiu I ui tta k : A-x,ZP Court U0U23?. at r dolph county at ' Asheboro" next lneSt Icnaay,.l l50pt. Saturday, the7th.; The! in will take : place i some . time I abou noon.;: i The 5 Randolph j i. cir foddcr'-"i.;-,f xV.? . I .-. Cecr Ker.nedy:. andjiamily at li d'clocl: a. in. , All arb Invited: tp!como put Ucz'.irz to be held at Liberty cotf democratic ; convention and hear .; ITor thf . Caro lina's - licit Governor I Hill churchr Sept. 23-23, . will be publiiLsd jiext.- week-esd - ell takesplace Saturday; Cbngress- ds.b Page will be present at tha the protracted meeting at : Pine Gtove lastrweekif;K Mrs, W. Bikes of - this sec tion spent a f ew : day s with her daughter MrsV E.' Mr Brown, ;of seagrpve jast weeK. - ; Mr. C.-B. Deaton ot this ' sec ttottXI sclerkine inMrJjF. Deatqnsstore at fBiscoeP?. There was a boyibora to Mr. and Mrs W, T. Hogan last" week without; liands-andSaByeat . yirnere -mm .. uttnouisy ksy .;: v :' BouttOTm Eetter aot isr to te t Fashlca loteL '-: Their till ct fare la la Ftench. C tare 3 rrll . (lrl.rat- I-) I -c ?. ' t-.. ;I lis J -TstuCii -E t Ti ' , i ;t :-C : " f'i, t I ' civtrr .X". f'. their.Tdelivery was good also. They spoke like old hands at theV,-,.- Mrs.' Fannie Starnes and fam ily of near : McFarland; were ;vi- siung fggraans .1 i uuwubbs. -ri ire w . w wo Jiwuauiy x 'jMrrWfer BroW got bis-lip the table which- looked to ber,:; , very badly cut; Friday while at near, one bundred yards long. r mrV'ft'-Mw'lTarsvi RMffht was loaded with good things to' intawwheelD andfwasthr fprds Everybody seemed to en joy the4ay hugely. " Next : week gainst him cutting a: gash about ;MriE.H;Needham"wasv visi ting in Moore County Saturday rtilus jSimmpn been in Alabama returned home1 afewweeks iz-kt:'yc- .tvt -t tie tv the editor hopes to : little on the speeches that were Z&vrm Cure- tor amsl'yostLJ; rtti'-firorst.6.'ot; ssar :x xti'l tmri;la fsur eay simr-7 IT ti x. t of erf i ct trrtar, one ouce C!:--:!.t i .b-a't::ittf vz"::?rtti:. tt 1 , v bar r't.i" j tr" f.'.'.Btn. ' 1 t:.a rr.::tir.T ii Ur.5 1 1: "if. rc v ? " 1 to ZZT.1 cc -.rebtibnland will also ; deli vjr I

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