4,. The Montforaerian-Id Weekly ti JOS fRINTINQ t SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISE You'll be ' profited by doing either ? Ji' o the best-burs Just as good . ' . VOLUME 1 8NUMBER 6. TRO Y, . C.. THURSDAY SEFTEXIBER 19, 1912. Newi ttm Outride tke Cauty Keriew ed and Tili ia Brief Fir Our ;J! , Bm -Readers. : ' ' - - ' -Two million dollars have been . scent thus far this year by the various political parties and can didates for campaign badges, . pins and buttons! G. D. B. Reynolds, republi can candidate for congress from . the eighth district, ' and R. L. Doughton, democratic nominee. will make a joint canvass of district.' ' Hon. Locke Crahr has received a challenge from Hon. Thomas Settle. ' progressive candidate for flrovernor.for a joint Canvass -r'of the Atate. Because of wide division which is alleged to exist between the Roosevelt Progressives and the Roosevelt republicans, it is said by his friends that Jake P. New ell, nominee for elector at large on the joint ticket, will with , draw. the Got. Kitchin'i Speed Tiesdij. To an audience which largely fill ed the court house Tuesday after noon, Governor William Walton Kitchin delivered a speech which was lietened to with interest by his hearers. . The Governor was introduced by . Hon.R. T. Poole in a short talk, who spoke -very impressively of Mr Kitchin as a candidate for congress sixteen years ago when he was ' the only democrat elected to congress from North Carolina, and he refer red to hia record as a national legis lator and as governor for the past three years. Mr. Kitchin arose to speak and in his composed manner dwelt for several minute on an ur biased talk for democracy. This feature of his speech was imbibed by all of his democratio audience and was- sanc . tioned with ' much applause. ' - He then took up the -1asues pertaining to his candidacy for the United States senate. In the beginning he announced that he was going to re iterate the statements relative to Senator Simmons' record, which he made in his Raleigh speech some weeks ago. This he did, and he talked with emphatic sincerity; giv ing the sources from which he gath ered his information upon which his statements, or charges, against the Senator's record as a national rep resentative of the people of this state, were based. He spoke at length, on Mr. Simmons' position on the tariff question, saying that he had failed to stand on the platform of the' parto, the same platform which he had endorsed ' before the public in his speeches and otherwise, Mr. Kitchin mace his statements in clear and unmistakable language. He told of his challenge to Mr. Sim' . mons to a joint discussion in order ; That he (Mr. Simmons; - might ex. plain to the people or deny .the statements that have been made a . gainst his record, and be expressed regret that the Senator had refused to have a joint discussion. He said that if his statements were untrue - and could not be proven and that if he was not in.' harmony ' with his party, he would withdraw from the - senatoriai-raea. ; TndTit Qipel E2t j In the wee sma' hours of last Thursday morning" a gloom was cast over the student body ; and faculty of the-University and the population of Chapel Hill when it was learned that William Rand, a freshman who who had enrolled at the opening of the University last week was dead;' the result of a hazing prank piayed by four sophomore students. Young Rand and - bis room mate, Robert Wellon, had,: been taken from their room about one o'clock . to the , athletic field. where the sophomores were ".in tending to have "some; tun". An oil barrel had beea rolled out upon fieldWeir.a was or dered to do the first stunt and he finished without an accident. Then came Rand's time, and af ter considerable protest on his part, the sophomores succeeded in getting him Upon the -barrel to sing and at this point the bar rel tilted, rolled from under him, throwing him to the - ground where some broken ware was scattered about. He was unable to prevent falling, and when his body bit the ground a piece of the broken ware pierced his neck severing the jugular vein. Without possible medical - atten tion, the blood oozed from him and death resulted in a few min utes. The young man was the son of C. R. Rand' of Smithfield, and he was a bright and promising student, the third one of the family to enter the -University. Those who participated in the feat that accidentally caused his death are: Wm. L. Merriman and Arthur H. Styron of Wilming ton, Ralph W. Oldham of Raleigh and Aubrey G. Hatch of Mt Olive. They expressed their profound regret : and grief at the tragic conclusion of their hazing. prank. The young men FELL FRO!! WINDOW, flr. Geo. (ia of ndartda Ma j Die As Result ef FaS At Keeh; bstitvte, A long distance ' telephone message was received this morn ing from Gi eensboro by Dr. Da ligny stating ' Jthat Mr. George Coggin of Eldorado fell from " a second story, window in ; one of the buildings of Keely Institute last night and received 'injuries which will probably cause" his death. - The message said there was no hope for his recovery. Mr. Coggin went to Greensbo ro Tuesday to receive ' treatment for the morphine habit. He was subject to delirious spells and it is thought that while under one of these spells he fell from the window. and WraterGoods. J. i. ';'&urns & . Ctompany General Merchandise.' . Mrs: H.f T. : Cranford Pattern Hats. - - :c Peabody.-AcadentyVOpening School Term.-: t : t r W. L. Mann Big Sale of Lots and Houses. V "v.:' . W. FiXaiears Jefrelry Deati it Aflredi. Allreds. Sent. 16. Miss Parthena Wager V Clothing Company Pail PERSONAL KENTION. Mevements of Seme of tke People Wkt Hive Ceme uA jCone tnd Re wrded During! Week. - Mr. 0. J. . Blalock- spent Friday of I night in Charlotte on business. - v ' Mr. E. M. Overton and little son. Hill, of Mt. Gilead were in town Thursday. . Mr. C. B. Lof tin, a student at Oak SidM Afletlld We JCowirds Cwjkt ge Institute, spent from Friday - - . . . - . . , I lu ouuuajr wiui uuuie xui&s. Cincinattiqf Sept. 15.- v, T Handcuffed- guardedby three L . " stalwart detectrvwand l accompa- a po8ition witha 6 firm. lT gave the: poUoe: the clue to Miss Anna Robinson, who will be it was announced, Mr. Poague, their hiding placed Sidna- Allen of counsel for the commonwealth . . u ' -w , ni popular milliner last season, nas re- turned to take charge of their milli nery department. . Vict ADen tod . Wytheville, Va., Sept. -13; -''Not guilty, was the verdict rendered by the jury in the case of Victor Allen, charged with participation 1 in f the Hillsville court house murders on the 14th of last March. The announce ment brought quite a demon stration from the spectators, a large portion of whom were women. The argument in the case was completed this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock and given at once to the jury, who were out 30 minutes considering their verdict. When SEOXT LOCALS and his t nephew,' Wesley Ed wards, who took part in shoot ing up a court at Hillsville, Va , on March 14 last, and who; were arrested yesterday, arrived here Miss Lena Allen returned last week from a trip to northern mark ets in the interest of G. W. Allen tonight f rom Destines on their & She also a whjle with way back to crime, rne the , 'scene of the trip, proved -une- f riends in different parts of Virgin ia. Mr. Leach Russell of Leman, Moore county, who formerly resid- addressed the court, stating that he and his associates had no de sire to do more than their duty and that with permission from the court the other indictments against the defendant would be dismissed, which was done. The prisoner, surrounded by his four small children, received tne congratulations or many in ramons, oauyuier ui bum - Mf ,, nhSof nt Tiatari.i PrS. Simmons aged about 25 years T. i 4 7 Z l IZrT a;a i.. s Baldwin stating that the prison- was buried at Suggs Creek Sunday were ideal in behavior and in ed near Troy, spent a few days with khe courtroom, and as he shook afternoon amid a large crowd of tar from a dejected frame of relatives in this vicinity this week, nands witn tne jury tears cours friends and i elatives. The burjal mind. With the; exception of He was returning from a stay of led down his cheeks. services were conducted by Mr. A. Miss Maude Iroler, whose love j several days in Davidson county. This is the last of the trials W. Hulm. we extend our sympathy j for Wesley Edwards led tbe de-k M-. and Mrs. W. L. Trotter re- Krowmg out oi tne snooting up to the bereavwd. tectives to his hidine place, the Unmod Snnrlnv tn RromahAm Thv of Carroll county court last Mr. E. H. Needham was visiting I entire party apparently relished made the trip in Mr. Trotter's Flan- March, when the presiding at Worthville last week. Mr. U. H. Deaton and family had the pleasure of being entertained by Rev Frank Morgan Saturday night. -. . Mr. Claude Wallace and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Wallace's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud . Martin. Mr. S. C. Deaton and son, Alonzo, made a trip to Troy last week. "" Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jordan and son, Gearney, visited- Mr. Jordan's brother, Kendrick, in Moore county Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Frank Morgan filled his reg ular appointment at Shady Grove Sunday with sacramental service ' and a delightful sermon. their food and even the exchang- ders touring car, which he recently judge, the sheriff, the common ing of jokes was mot infrequent purchased from Mr. Ernest Leach wealth's attorney, a jury and t onthe triD. of Star. witness met death at the hands The younger hi the . two pris- Mis8Bon Wade left Friday for of the Allen clan- For mur- oners as weU as tne girl nersell Quitman. Ga.. where she will spend aers. o men nave been sen were solicitous in having a rum- several months visiting her brother, tenced to the electric chair or denied that sheVhad dliber Mr. O. M. Wade Little Miss" Jose- Floyd Allen and Claude Allen, ately betrayed, her sweetheart, I pmne waae, wno nas been spending iatner and brotner oi tne man Weslev Edwards Detective 801116 me w,th her grand-parents, I who was acquitted today. Two I t J ji r S WWT 1 . Baldwin corroborated their I uuge ana jars. v,. i. waae, return- other members of the clan, Friel statements and told the story of with her 10 Qv- AUen and Sidna Edwards, were the events leading up to the cap- Mr. W. D. Allen of Summerton.S. given long terms in the peniten tu re to prove that the girl was C., has been visiting in the county tiary. Sidna Allen and Wesley no traitor to her lover. He said 'or a week or more. Mr. Allen is Edwards, who escaped, are still that when Edwards left Mt. remembered as being register of at large with apparently little- Airy, N. C, the girl's home, he ?eeds tI several years and a resi- hope of their capture. . Mrs. Mary McLeod, who has been had left $50 with her to he used quite sick several days and was lm- to join him when be "was safely dent of Troy, moving to Summerton more than a year ago, where he has were held by .the coroner's jnry j proving some, "is nor so i well 'thii UecreterTieoyTa- to; been engaged in farming. Thursday . morning, and were placed under a - bond of $5,000 each for their appearance at the superior court at Orange county October 14. The tragedy has shocked all who are interested in the time honored University, and it is thought that this gruesome out come of an innocent attempt at Local News Gathered ia ud Aroui Tewa-Social and Other Itezi r Told ii BrieL , -The annual x camp-meeting will commence at the Love Joy M. P. church on the fifth Sunday in this month. " ' The recent change; in- schedule gives Troy two freight trains a day. . '-; The amount of freight handled here "2 is the largest that it has ever beem' -". Montgomery superior court is in session tnis week, Judge Cook pre--siding. . This is a two -weeks term : : but it is likely " that : all the ' cases will be disposed of this week. : " A protracted meeting which will .Sv ast ten days or more will commence . ? at the M. E. church. South, next v Sunday. The pasvor, Kev. C. R. ; ; Canipe, will be assisted by -Rev. J. -P. Rogers. Special daily prayer ' ; , services are being held at theehurch, , commencing last night. i We have been requested to an- . nounce that prayer-meeting and Sunday school have been organized . at Vestal school house. Mr. S. P. Deaton of Troy will conduct both. 5 Prayer-meeting will be on Saturday nights and Sunday school at ten o' clock Sunday morning. All who ; will are invited to take part in the services. The largest snake that has been . killed f or some time, or that has been reported, was killed.. Friday! morning about two miles south of Troy by Messrs. Ran Hurley and Sam Smitherman, Jr. The snake v was of the species of the highland . moccasin. It measured four and one half feet in length and three inches in diameter and was four inches across the head. We have been informed, with re gret, that the people of Ether failed to get last week's issue of The Mohtgomerian. We cannot under-; stand why the papers failed to reach that post-office, unless they ware mis-sent after being mailed. Thi papers to that office are addressed with a mailing machine and it is al most impossible that we would have morning. Inn an4 T han -,anlrtaH anrf in I this manner Miss Iroler's father WaU,inB JM f "I1"' learned of It. Detective Bald- Mrs. John F. Revnolds MendennaU, WnO witl stated that hA had two Of Thnralnv mnrnincr at hsrhnma his men working on the Iroler at Eagle Springs. She had been Saturday farm and in this way learned of I in declining, health for a correspondence between tne montns, being anected witn a Tke Rudlefflu News Sispends. Mr. J Ed has. for the past few years" ably edited The News at Randleman, has become editor of The Ran- ajtage Class Concert it Biscoe. , .The Montgomerian' has been requested to announce that the missed them without missing those singing class from Oxford "Or-1 going toother offices, died pnanage will give a concert at Work has been in progress for two Biscoe, in the school building, weeks or more filling in the trestles night at 8 o'clock, on both sides of the creek at Denson Avpr.l Sept. 21st. ' 1 creek bridge on the B., C. & S. rail- This ia a most worthv enter- road between Troy and Star. A 1 WU I large steam shovel an d two forces day. This is one of the largest dolDh Bulletin at Asheboro. The U.i m., iDrise and should be met with IISt&A "u uMnunuoi i uvruj uucauiuu ui uiscoocot auu i v i j , j siiBTienaion of The News is re- mu :J L ...i. . U.h mnat. hp9rt.v .nnoi-atinn nf of hands are being worked night and . i iub icuioiuuer u rasv. biuu lur huuul n luuiilu UKiure ner - - --j B i Dcuuwiu. vve waiciiBu uer. laeain naa Deen seriousiv sick. u"i'vv'i,"'uJ "uuv'"""v'v- 11 ;a 4.1 j j .i 1.1. ii- i: i :n r I v: a I . . " ttt , , i ,i . uuuges uu ure juau auu wuai uw wumBiuunu. xuioy-x vu Pper uieu ui mi Btuuu( when she left .these two men, To those who knew the serious- weunaerstana tne program is work ig eomnit,ted the hridM will is mi ue reKrBi,vu iuur uy wub Lucas and Monday, followed her ness of her illness her death was "y P nign stanaara oi be entirelv of 8tone and steel a. I . ' i n si a i i .1- " sity. people oi ttanaieman ana com- and t waa rJirht behind them on not learned with snrnrise. excellence or lormer concerts gtruction Jf-w.. " tne next wain, ion mow tne Mrs. Reynolds was, before her YCV T , Mr. J. Marshall Lee of Dunn, who : rc vi gtorv or tne arrests, and tnatis marrkm Mia .TCi.Kot.Vi wi . aiu" iCO w" ue umumuui mon,a,w.imni1M1, A. iL. Hit 1 t. C J I 4 Jt T)..illnmnn I I D I , , I " C - un me loin gi August mias aub iumB biju ui uouuicmau. I air there is to it." M511an momW f fho woll. very one snouia avail wem- Drni. cter. p.;,!.. , . . t , 1 . . r ttt T r m . . 11 I I v- " I .... .. . I ' " uurey.tneoaugnteroijar. v..i ar.Menaennau gives as me The party left - for Roanoke, known McMillan familv of the selves OI tms opportunity oi a Saturday. . He was 'here on bud. Un.Un Twwr mo a mornorl tn Mw I - X 4-Vn " t! L .1 L. A-" 1. I . rJcTA' TrT"r "1 tr buh..is ..uo Vai at 8 0,clock tonight over the Cross Roads section, this coun Western railroad, fcv. She was 74 vears of aire. rtoriedliRileigk. Ervin Smith at Raleigh. The. mar riage was a secret affair. Mits Hur ley left Troy for Raleigh on the 16th, no one knowing definitely where she was going, and she was met on the by Mr. Smith and together: they . . a " a . SO toat tne nnanciai aia was msam-1 Norfolk and cient to run the paper and make a living1 at i t.-There a r e a 'thousand and one'' things that a paper does for a town which expecting to arrive there tomor row at noon. . high class entertainment. The class will be at Mt. lead tomorrow night. Gi- She was born, married and died in the month of September, and her marriaee and death occurred HwL M.-5all ti Speak. Note if Tktnb. I wish to express my heart her marriage and death occurred within about a week's time of felt the anniversary of her birth, will speak at Mt ness relative to the drug store and the name of the store has been changed and it will be known here after as Lee's Pharmacy, with Mr. C. W. Eason, a registered druggist, .' -' At.; in charsre. Mr. Lee left Saturday Hon. J. M. Sharp of Madison for Richmond, where he resumes Gilead Satur his senior studies in medicine. thanks to all the Wadeville people which was very co-incidental,She day, Sept. 21st at 2 p. m., in the S wnt to Ralehrh where thev had ar- can be aone oy no omer means, ramred for the marriage ceremony, and after a paper has been dis- Miss Hurley, then Mrs. Smith, re- continued thepeopleof the town f)r j, and help during had been a consistent member interest of Judge Walter Clark iumwHiroyin iew uys a u m wuwm the illness and death ef mv dear f t.ho Tlanat. nlinmh, fnr nhnnt. t,!.i-t, v, ttt,; fiffM ivr wu ui uuee neww ww vac oucn l tSUuiXAX vUClx 1UOD., CtUU nuvac cr I mot16r ox her marriage, in lact, ;, sne naa ioWa who enjoyed - the 2 paper Dera Henderson. joined her nusnana Deiore tne secret which,maa borrowed from anoth -The epeaker received constant ap plause during the portion-! of his speech in his own behalf, which is a manifestation that he has a - good number of supporters in Montgom . ery county, - His speech was clean ii , ' and free from boorish, wit. ' While ;rV'-' his attacks on Senator Simmons . were forcible,; they were not person ally abusive, and this was very ap pealing to "many of his hearers many of them" Simmons' men who had judged from -newspaper2 com' - menta that he bad made personal a buse of his opponent in his previous speeches. " "-;.,,r ,''.-."vi". .. n Governor Kitchin received a warm 1 welcome hereby both his and :Mr. Simmons' snpportersT and while his ;f speech may not have won for him ; many votes, he lost ' none, 'and the . people have the satisfaction of know- ; Ing for themselves where he stands " and for what he stands. His com- ing here helped his cause.. " Mr.Kitchin spent about four hours : in Troy, taking dinner at - the Ce,n- tral Hoteand meeting a number of y people. lie went from here to St . Pauls, where he spoke yesterday; T An . unusually ' larze 'number ' o ; horje irr t ere taking vs.- proved to be a certainty and before q Tfmllhen regret ,lfi . herfriendscouMbeconvm VJi w v w AMvyiuu o opwvu - ehe was married. - Mr .Smith is . from Indiana, Pa., 5 T th nunAT. And th business """. r w " T hi' ...l'L' ti - m j men who didnt beUeve that ad: couru uouse uere Muay Attention of The Montgomei uui readers is called to the ; advertise TTiPtita fViaf xnriMF in fViia ioano tmtt at a. i I . , . I . . niby years, uV uum a iew years senate. Mr. anarpe, wnue not they are asked to peruse each ad- ago noiaing ner memoersaip at so weu known by the people ol yetisement carefully. We can re Cross Roads when she removed this particular section, is one of commend all our advertisers and it. in TTlttcrla Rnrincra " Hap hns-I v w p f ow" . uu v ww0w avMauk 0uvaaM au w-v i v nvtvuj vi siu-e wvev ,- vw band, three daughters and : one 1 state, and coming in the interest nitibn of the buying public.1 . As an son survive. The children are: of Judge Clark he will no doubt advertising medium, rThe Mohtgom but for sometime he has been in the men wua amu ueueve buai w-i- . Mrs. Oaai Dowd of Candor. Mrs. hb rAtH hv Tnnnv wWn ar-o enan is unexcelled m this section of fess empley of theNojthern C. C. Martin and Mrs. C. R. Har- supporters of the judgeas well state, and the people are begin- raiiroaa as civil engmeer. ronevHi"J b Ll '.x-l .u..4 . "v. a ri nf Fai-Ia Rnrinirs. and Hon. th nt.w .nndiHtP fm th ral weeks in the early part of -the losers. The Newa-rmnrtyf-ii " " , , 1 . mo ,o 7 " "7 " . . ''.i, 1, .i - .s- JBwTcrFOfaicrlfoTir vearaiG. D. B. Reynolds of Albemarle, senate. AH will do well to hear year ne was amemoer ox meBurvey- oma juhu ppn m him wwuua "' " Ro a a i nViViati.n wifalw-. ing force for the company which had and Randleman. will soon cejrret W rruomnirc soine - peopie - - 1 headquarters in Troyf The couple its susoension. - - ' - were influenced by it support ana motner ana wui oe greauy Mr gharpewill also speak at are at present making their home in I : 7 the Governor.. Itwas a.splen- missea m tne pome circie. ce- Troy Monday night, Sept. 23rd, Norfolk. - t 1 nessyienu nasier dwauei. - did effort if he vastoo severe on swes Mnose oi ws immeuiawjandAt Biscoe, Tuesday night, RtW. R E. SteeL castor of the Senator Simmons' record which! famUy she has numerous reia. Sent: 24th. CU Keiry IM ue Wata. : ? . Presbyterian chnTch At Lumber- be declared was undemocratic, tives wno aiso survive. Old Cousin- Cy has got the ton, died early Tuesday morningrme larger par oi. ine auaience r .interment, was in vross wans watch question and - gone o n. of last week as the result .of tan- were ior oimmons ana tney cemetery j naay ; morning, ,j,aa Men have the promise of'resur- ing poisonous d?ugs. tor sever- gave ine speajter careiui ; aiten- ianerai Mryic peinKponuuckeu rection but I didn't know that al months past he was thought tion. They saw in it the effort j by Revs. N. II. Seabolt : and S. .uu - nrawtt ...MMtu .:,t tn' hftVA hMn menta v -unbaianc-1 to- exDiain senator oimmons' uianam. : a urge crowa s- orirint fn. tW tn ed at times hut he filled the pul- record so as Do make it 'appear! tended the burial. die and 'after -death the renr- pi of hischurch very ably, andl bad;. In this he id Mr.- Sim- rection, then the , judgement, two eunaays Deiore nis aeatu ne iou juc.. ovuie vi us p m a convermatlo Thm watch was resurrected and rpreacnea anunusuauy aoie sert ueareio wn-u!.0 BUUBw ; vUok ,rfaU wetrte to its most GettiBl Rid iV Ctttk rick. Government experts aregrad- ning to realize it- The Sunday School and . Epwortb,' . League Institute for the Rocking- :"-; ham District was held in 'the' M.E.?::-'"-:..:: Church. South, here from" Friday night to Sunday night. ; Rev. ' 15 ,' Constable of Durham gave ! some. y able talks on Epworth League Vork , andMr. M. W. Brabham,' field see- ' retary of Sunday School work for .; the North Carolina Conference; gave -f:; -:' a number of interesting lectures en ' ually pressing the Texas ;: fever Sunday School work,' Several dele-;; ticks - into smaller ?z confines in I gates from other chnrche8were the South. The work. Is , being present, i f: pushed this; summer - and De- j Some weeks ago an item was pub- partment of Agriculture officials I lished in The Montgonen2nYto ths believe that, with the continued ieffeet that deeds and mother s papers Federal and that had been registered in t3 r.ZTr.y , iudged and found to be good and mon. For several-days "he had Kjtchin, somewho werej JQtchin Kanmon iighv-ti'.wariniorswar- cooperation of the Federal and I that had been registered fc i-3 yWKcnteM&to bgby'1U.4id seemed menentaway;notgfor SSJ? ?! - . 1 . 1 - j Aa - m i-tA m i r t rrt - a nn anmca Tirova inrr. . a rtntir x t niiur i 'uiinhn m.ii m.i i ei uh.i. . ii wh . 1 m i " - - ar r mwrn rw ma nrn a - tho - no i in ni-.ii-iiRKLr khmhi. LIUU titles tol tl f UlUli cua bvuau w di jklv - a I k . - K.t. . - w i - w . : . as it found them --v - - IsesU-'ABd tUa th apology: JTrar, Next Mondiv at noon Senator k1 .mind.'?' I sww sad yon pray, but who received the talents. -Well ending oi his ure came as a anr uuue, muu kw mu iwiuiuieer- r - . - ' . 1 .7. . ; z 1 ietthcr of v miu much vant, thoui bast . been' faithful f Mr. eteeie wasadyearsoi age, pimmona wui spen ia toe court undoa Clironlcla. over alew things, l;wilL makejana isjsurjivea oy ws wue,- luariuoase uuui wuu wisu- ;u .near daughters and one son. Uis hie J both sides of tis uve discussion was one of many activities a n d I should come ct to hear him and ha was vfell . knswn throushoutUhcn c:-3 uptv -'r.cizc? as - to tV.3f-:ih. - " , vLl.Lth:jpr:r .-U-;r::rt. - by if the ruler over many tLicja. Enter thou into tha "joys of thy . "---X w-' Old Eezry, Cahdsrt !T. C ; I ' German Unlvrtlty Leads, - Tb TJrlverBlty of Berlin ba a" tt AtxX rc;-.'3t:a t ,853, wllch la a r-r y tlr?a t"-i a Urr J t it it Y:!. mated iLt tin fW (VY v im rm ierrea jo tne wonout. ooutc:. 000, may.eventuaUy be eradicate 52S' ed.. The magnitude of the task e : roadl wts ia apparent f rom the fact that Ranged to the latter. E-ltlji the mother ticks brood , of ,pne risr'hk: '- Th r : : season may be 5,000 little . ticks, the rsilrc 1 rc-iirj th3 r each dne of which is a menace to I Churls" 3 C: Z -;thrn t :.t i: : :v r v -. 1 : Iby c? KcuVij:- . -. .