r .' -r - - f-Z iA.AA l7y;- "' A'.t; The Mont Mms "-L'L': (ilniiif lVnnM 'JOB PIJNT1NGv:-v;'vr- A-A. V-V - t ' '.'A ' -A - ) 7 .v--.:-."f.WL- v. SUaSCRIBtfr-ADVEBTISE Y9u prpiedbdowg either' - I A77'-A--;A.-;:- -At;,'"" f;AAAs:; VOLUME 18-NUMBER 12. TROYiPCCL; THURSDAYS: CTOBERSi; 1912 7 ONE DOLLAR ArYEAR. . (AA-5; EAXSIS GETS WRATHY. - - cow About that eoxd? SEORT LOCALS -1 1 A 2:s Receiving Llany Enquiries Every : Day About . 1- .tne young. Thousands ol votes - ' a; j ; v a - x - Already Balloted 7 ?-:7 Who Will Get the $10.00 Gold PiecePTrade . ., 7 With the Troy Merchants Who Give a 7.; f -Xi -j 25-Vote l Coupons 'Judging from the interest that 1 has been maniXesteiI Ia the urea t name to this office or b -.-rc- iriog it iQ os- r4: . wi1 tjerson and it will be entered. -4 It 1- - ' mViiA matters ao if she be married for the ilO in imld that will be OT smfle- A;nis 18 Popular vw giyento the contestant having contest-not necessarily a the larirest namber of votes on J '"VJ" Nn 9flt.h Th .nAnUl nrl U Keaa tnemies ana regmauons worth winning, and the contest- n another page and govern ithta realize the f-t. ' yourself accordingly.. Some one TW th ..tot. u o ,pMa is going to receive tnese v prizes : . ini,... vi I sua you can uciu ueuuu wuu m never heen a content In this, lo-1 u First count in contest will be nres have heen ofFered. or Auesaay, ov. u, u!, wuiuu where there was more strict ad- time W Sld wiU be, warded a to the contestant receiving the on no rt;nSTnt Th Mnnt.mm. largest number of votes. WU pM IHVJ UUVWO MW ; MMVMVQWHB erian desires to emphasize the noint that everv contestant will I . m il a A. be afforded an absolute fair deal. naiea. - iney are , aninoriaea The names of the Indies - of accept , money for subscriptions " I mi II : 3 the contest will be announced W AUB muutKumciltt" " soon. Bear in mind the mer- receipt tbereror chants who are eivine coupons Get busy and vote lor your with every dollar purchase. When choice. The contest will be con you trade at these stores be ducted squarely and no partial! 3 1 M " I . f sure ana asic.ior coupons. .m lir . ahnn t .nmnA. TV erv one little niece of naner bear-1 . - lu tiunr auu uxLf ouuit vuo - ivwp These are the names of the contestants who have been nom ing 25 votes may win for some f ri end of you rs the beautifu 1 $400 Obermeyer & Son Grand Piano. Get your friends to subscribe for The Montgomerian.' For each one year new subscription you will receive 600 votes; renew als for one yearr50O votes; for "eachone year biSF'sub'scrlptrort -VttaninrmKifiiy. ' ... . A. - I Hlii Mtrtok Monroe. - " . L .. I Mil) Mabel Oldham. . Tbere are already a large use Miss Jesa TaieaV7j" SSt'lhZ'i Mra.-Nettle Morris, a Mist. Nora Brton.i 1 f?-'A ,ilis Mary DeBerr j, Route 2. s ; TMias Fr'ancia Ssaabw'?;--7'-:' Misa Annie Wooley, Route C- 1 ;MIaa Mary'McAalay.V-;"i"r.?'4.- ( Miaa Edthep Overton. ; ' ' .. - manquma: K MiaaVlrgha 'Staabai&A.; ; " g V rfc-- . - lEJKXlf '"Ar " ' Mlaa Bessie Sneed. .V A A - r tslIlanrkQSei : Misa Bertie McCallum.-A ;: - Miss Annie Fox. "A.'- " :A s Mrs.'J aaper Seibplt. 7. Mrs. J.-T. Lasaiter. ' '-: ; . Miss Ida Pittman. A , J The prize bottle Nylotis toilet water will be given" ;; Nov. 7 12th instead V of Nov. 5th. Lee's Pharmacy a A VILE S( EE TO GET VOTES FOR . INDEPENDENTS. The independents and , those who are largely responsible : for that ticket seem to have realized that they have no' shadow of .a chance to win out on Nov. 5 ex cept through the persistent cir culation of false reports" that may possibly awaken prejudice to force all of publicans and some democrats to vote that ticket. . ' . CtsE&tt Ttittf&iZ Agitata JSs' The opposition tb cy ..election on November- 5th 7 i : zms' ta- be waging" nnreasoc ible nntrue, unfounded and nnfaii. fight. Not being abler tq flnd .ri3.J niy past sufficient grounds to oppose my election they have cbiei down in to their own sordid and : corrupt minds and in their ownr corrnpt and-false ioanner have drawn np jjrjDin:anL33ooe ttadfe toeliiservesA JE&jt fVwonldlhavjs you believe that they ; are the great prophets of tbe - day, and that they, without the -'slightest foundation can tell ", yon, of my full career if a ' ,member .vof-"the next general assembly of - Iforth Carolina from Montgomery coun ty. If in the past i had - proved a traitor to my people and : had been an enemy to mankind, the false prophesies they are so busy scattering broadcast 7 might be listened to with " some, "consider ation, bat these very enemies of mine have not accused me of any such traits in the past," but tell you that there is coming in .me a great transformation for evil, and that if I am elected it wil enough open up in me against tne peo- the re- pie whom I represent. I ask. could a man be treated more an fairly? . Now. my fellow - voter N. Earmjlade Speeck tni Ciard 0. B. Dutia A Eeiitj A Rascal md - TWef. Mr. Dtaten Replies. 7 According to thoroughly reliable reports Mr.T. N. Harris of Troy made .-a vicious. .. twenty minutes attack on me during i a speech' at Shjloh last Saturday night. He charged me with being a . thief 7 and emphasized it vigorously. Now it the benefits of this liberal offer The nominations so far made are as follows: TROY. Miss Alice Warner. ' Miss Mabel Morgan. Miss Alice BelL A - of contestants, but tbere is op- " portunity- to' nominate others. . Fill out the nominating blank and send it to this office. - Also cut out the free vote coupon and cast ' it for your favorite. In - order that every contestant may fully understand the votes of this con test. The Montgomerian wishes to state that the contestant hav ing the largest nu mber of votes during tne contest will be a warded the piano as first prize, .. the one having the next largest 7 number of votes" will have first , choice of the other prizes. The ' third largest win have her choice of the remaining prizes, and - so : on nntil all the prizes have been distributed. ) Use the -free coupon in this issue." If you know of any lady who has not been nominated whom yon think would make a - good race, use the nominating ' blank in this Issue and send her Mrs. T. K. Sutton. Mrs. S. H. MoCail. Mrs, F. S. Cranford. Mrs; Percy Nordan. Miss Lizzie McConnell. ' Miss Olivia Johnson. Miss Lizzie Kelly. " Miaa Bernioe Liak. Miaa Fret Howell. MIbs Moral Smith. Miaa Hattie Beichardt. Miaa Blanche Morria. Miss Caro Mclntyre. Miss Nealie Mclnnls. Mrs. Wm. R. Oarris. Miaa. Lee Warner. Miaa Alma Burch. Miaa Edna Dawkina. Miaa Bright Thompson. Miaa Bertha Moore. Miaa Pearl Oeaton. Miss .Lizzie Nordan. ' Miss Katherlne Burrow. . Miss Nannie Spiyey. Miaa BetVie Bailey. Misa Lydia Hamilton. Miss Myrtle Dennis.' Miss May Davis. A Miss Bon Wade. Miss Sallie winfr ' Miss Grace Smithermao. Miss Alma Williams. Freely Talkel That C. S. Beamaa Gave j Bond U Delher RepcLHcaiii t Independents. It has been no secret all along that Mr. G. S Reaman put himself under a bond; said to be $500 00, ; to Mr .t Frank Hurley - that he- would not permit a republican nominee ; to be named for the office of sheriff 7 ut this campaign. It has been talked is hardly worth attention,' coming freely and we have never heard it as it did from a man whose judge-1 denied. ., It was talked first among meht was blinded byprejudice7 He I the independents themselves, : and if read my statement in the paper last I we are not mistaken, by Mr. Hurley eek but preferred to give all of his J himself."' If our information is cor- argument in stipport 'tM sore it ;ie MKi Har- am confident he believed to; be I ley was rather proud and boastful of false.'-;; 7" '' i . 7 1 the fact that he had. an absolute - By making the charges he did he I guarantee that could not be broken becomes a party to the - circulation which would deliver np the republi of slanderous reports gotten out for I can vote to him.- Doubtless he felt no other purpose tnan to prejudice 1 that he had played a piece of shrewd republicans to the point that ; they j politics - can be driven to vote the lndepend- L But wait and see, There are yet ent ticket.' in Montgomery county some true He is equally guilty with the orig-1 and honest republicans. They are inators of these reports and displays I not fools. They are not Mr. G. S. a vileness of prejudice repulsive to Beaman's slaves. They are not his all fairness and justice. , 7 I property to be disposed of by sale, I want Mr. Harris to produce one I gift or exchange. instance of theft by me of any kind whatever. I offers liberal reward for it and challenge him to produce it ? a IK?,? ermtot Still In JaO. Local ; Newi .Gatnered in and Annnd fffSt A-Town doaai and otker Items a $ a;;;1--Tild k ftneti: Tuesday of next week be sure to ; ' be on hand, -;7--a;A:'- ;a ' ' .'i'frz : Mr. W. L. James of Star was a -7 i;A-: Troy visitor Tuesday. ; . -a;. . Mr. Ernest Leach of Star was here - Tuesday. - ' - -"' a"-'. Mr. R. A. liruton of Mt. Gilead " was here Tuesday. " K - A'--" Hon. R. T. Poole was in Raleigh , . " 7 " . Tuesday attending to business mac-- . 7-':TJ ters. . 7; ; .77 7A . ' A new coat of paint is . adding to -r I - i ' the appearance of the -front of 7Si7ffK:; Montgomery Hardware Company. . . "7-., - .-- '.- A';- r A C f , This time next week The Mont- - erian will be telling its readers what . ' ' happened on the previous Tuesday. ; 77. Miss Julia Warner left vesterdavA- 7S7"?K& for Cagles Mill. Richmond county. where she will teach the winter term of school. Miss Beatrice Wade of San Mar cus, Texas, who has been visiting relatives in this county for several weeks, was in Troy Monday. "-A.k- ;:'W-A O. B. Deaton. Have you tried those delicious Nylo chocolates? THE MX. DEATON DOES NOT WANT TROY TOST OmCE. For some reason or other at this particular time some of the Mr. Wilson is elected president I will want the Troy post 'office if I am not elected Register of Deeds. That is nntrue. I do not want it and will 'not apply for it whether . elected or not. But let me say in passing that I have no reason to fear defeat for Have you not noticed that the! I have this to say in my defense only food the independents offer against one and all of these pro- is something rotten something phesies that may.be used in this false? Their issues seem to be J campaign against tny election. void of cleanliness and decency , am a true citizen of Montgomery They se k to destroy and not to I county, having pever lived else build up. " I where. I am deeply interested We have no way of knowing I in the development and "progress the originator of so many false of Montgomery county. I am and - slanderous reports that I sincerely interested in the moral taste so good to these independ- and social advancement of our ent fellows-but we do know citiienship, both young and old. th ffi f Register of Deeds some 01 raose woo are aiaing in a neufsvs ia a gumim ujr 1 v jt Jso comes to me7 that the circlalamgem, nwy ttmrl wrerpeopte teHfeiopiei repoigmnghreeV-. tnere are iaise, oui, wiay maKes auu i;iu mix wut j do not want the office no difference to them, for in their 5th it shall be my purpose to un, myfjM that t will . try to ttet it desperation they are feeding on selfishly serve the- people of for my f ather4 That is Dn. anything vile and wretched to North Carolina and Montgomery L . father wants the . . I J. 1. - it . 1 A. I gain a VOW. county i tue very uest i. iujr 1 ffi j fa fc d nothint. . The republicans are being ap- aDiuty, Deing guiaea ana aireci- f it and j am h doeg proached by some of their lead- ed by the will of the people, and Th reason f r tnese reportg ers wun aimosii any sort 01 a acuoif ia uie iBsr ux .uw onnn(,h - nnrat.M . ialse report tnax may be caicu-1 oa or ine universe. Sincerely, Barns Allen There was no preaching in the " Last week The MontgomeriaiiMethodist church here Sunday, a gave an account of the arrest of good number of that congregation four Italians near Moratock. The attending services at Biscoe. men were not Italians, but Ger- Hon. and Mrs. J. R. Blair return mans. They were arrested on ed Friday from a visit to "relatives" warrants charging them with at Monroe. Mr. Blair also attended fraud, that of leaving the Iola a meeting of the Democratic Execu gold mine without paying their t:ve at Raleigh last week, board bills, some store accounts, Attention of our readers- is called and other indebetedness, and to the advertisements of Judge were, placed in 3ail Wednesday Clark for senator, Troy Supply Com- A independents are saying that if 1. to await t h e preiiminary pany. W. F. Chears and Lee's Fhar lated to prejudice them against the straight democrats. This is done in order to- carry out the agreement that the full republi can vote would be delivered up to the independent democrats. That's the point. They must circulate any and ev ery tnmg tnat con id by any crook, turn or chance injure my candidacy. Why so? The main big reason- is because I told the republicans the Beaman- Hurley -Smither man ring combine had cheated them out of their Star 'News. HOT AND COLD. The independent candidates have blown hot and cold until they have about blown awav. They would he irlad to be classed cheated them out of their party as democrats under some circum- rights and the shameful attempt stances and as renublicans. orrennb-lto force from them their votes Star, Uct. 29 Mr. and Mrs. llican candidates, rather, under other on Nov. 5 Z.T.Wright, attended the Bap-1 circumstances. a O. B. Deaton tist Association last 7 week a t Tlje truth is they are playing to Stoney Fork church. both sides and are not interesting Election RetlTOS at ClUTck. w tja Cf;iii T fleimersidetoanyDreceDtibledeCTee. I - ireenarxiro rmmii a Tew nava m . " . town last week, a - S ? 7' 7 A very interesting hall game was played" here last 'week- be- tween"8iscoe High School boys and the boys of the G. C.&A. I. I The score was two to three in favor of the Biscoe boys. ' Mrs.; L. P. . JByrd and -Mrs. hearing Thursday. The trial was macy wmctl appear m tnis issue, made before L. R. Lisk, J. P., One of the di ay horses of Mr. A. and the men bound over to await P. Warner became frightenedTues the next term of Montgomery day afternoon at a train engine puff- criminal court mg behind it and created some The men are apparently all fright on thepart of some of the j . . , . ... onlookers. The horse ran from the young and have been 1 n this d acros3to the intersection of country only a short while. Only th gtreet leading out by 1. C yne ot bu wur m muii imgusu Nance iivery stable and was stop- -and that is very broken and hard ped just in time to prevent its rqn- nnde'rsfand. iris . 0TlCterstoodi"viitiir InterMrri'laiiiia'jLj BrarfiTv ru- that a few weeks ago the men about which was being driven by were brought from New-York by Master Howard Nance. If the horse the management of the !Iola or had not stopped when it did, it Candor mine. Their transporta- would have run into the runabout tion was given them free under with possibly serious results, but as conditions that they work at the was no damage was done. mine six months, and if they :' - young couple from near- Mt. failed to do this and left the Gilead hied into town at an early mine in less than that time they hfF Mond moin? d fff; were to pay their own transpor tation. They worked one week ed the management ot Troy . Hotel ; and secured lodging for the remain der of the nicht. The counle Awas - ' and becoming displeased at . the nXinilig from parental objection to conditions under wnicn tney their marriage and came to Troy labored, decided to return to where they had hopes of both, se New, York, and left the mine curing the license and having the without drawing their wages or ceremony solemnized. Both of the : paying their bills. A Troy citizen couple were apparently very,, young who speaks ger man s a y s t h e and not having anyone in town to : men thought their wages were identify the age of the young lady, sufficient to cover all indebeted- exr hPea weret niaturedas the UfonafA whs not nhtmnnhlA Tnnri in r hess to the mme management. intention they left on the af Mr. Jacob Polakavetz and one ternoon train for South Carolina, it or two other citizens of Troy have is supposed, where it is very likely age" have no -use' for7 a mushroomjof a Metnodist iiipiscopal cnurcn written the trerman . Uonsulate their semi-romance came to an end, ticket - I at Joilet, 111., proposes to give I at New York asking his aid. in Give us straight ' goods all the those who wish to take advantage I liberating the young men, a s, I Four $1 bottles Dr. Green's time. Let it be democrats straight of his plan, the returns of : elect they say, neither o it he men Sarsaparilla for $1 Lee's Phar- or republicans straight these two ion on the night of November 5, meant to commit fraud Tsy leav- macy, dates will not receive much support from" loyal republicans and" loyal Floyd Taft of MtrGilea4 were jnjdemocrats who think and act for Send this Coupon toThe Montgomerian office . witWn-Is ' I rn F,Jdy days from date and it will count for T WENT YtFTVE VOTES. ; j No money is required with tpis Uoupon. .---.Ai- A- are enough. - ,- , 1 anVrnnnded bv inflnencea vastlv ! The hat and cold mushroom candi- ifferent fj.om those found in the , saloon, t He will have a leased wire run into the church and will get returns direct from Chicago; He has prepared a' menu' for the j occasion : including, "republican ing the mine under ing conditions. the prevail- themselves. ALL IN TEE FAMILY. - . 7 Had y o u thought J of it?. Mr; Smitherman has his son-in-law run ning for sheriff; his bookkeeper, who obeys his every- word, running for " Vote for..i.f ;.; OCTOBER; SI, 1912 Rev: J; S. Butts isuildhiga U.- V p-S sa.V " ' The merchant of our city are H P6 ;4 K . ., preparing -iur : v a e -isurusviutis 1 " v" vaca. i,, ;Ki.. , t- A XT .knn : r every uay. -A 7''-.;- ' Cv 1 0'CIOCK. :me time-was nrst set ior a1ttt- il nnnrtittXn tA the salnhha u-JiT-i. ZJZZ. - 5 .11 v a e," r 1 oaiuroay mgni, juu u. - uie . u teruuuu which he said would be open on I ed a pigi as-a musical - at the home o f I ..vin mm Khottor f nil m. is Ait;m, 1 ; V ,: hkibition Ticbts. aa I . have national '7 prohibition electorial tickets for distribution i to those who want' to . register their votes in national . election againsi the . legalized liquor 'ball, moose soup," "and Mr. 7 Macadam ' arranged the .1U X - - Nominating renrn VOTE CWTEST ... it . , I.hereby nominate or suggest the name of ; A;-. " i.7if-': 1- 4t if 4 '..'"f xliA. TAs a lady worthy to bexme a "candidate in: your Popular Voi in" C- ' " I present tV;3 name with the distinct under -rcc aent ttit tza editor shall ccfcivnige my, 3 r.t or .12 C3 ux any way wrisvrr. was-a ProtJEdward P; Green.A Every one reports a nice phJgTami Halloween Oct. 31stL: 7-' 7 t82t, ties.-i&&yP-&& w Mr. Page will . probably Troy Saturday night. . Posters .beptttnp la.A ;':A;7;'; news as an. attraction for patron- at j age. will register of deeds and is trying to iramc oy wuiyu rK reveaue v get the Troy post office for one of is collected every year, v . aJ . ? , i his daughters. - . , ' If yon desire to know whether 1;! ' That kind of piggishness has gone j the prohibition of this type , is. pohtical question or not, look7 m . 7" 7 your dictionary for the definition. 1 of the word politics : For tickets , ; .a AS usei VBarKS rwu - a- , write or can on 7 me, yours 1 orv ; Poplar Springs, Oct. 2-Elders Wm. F. Trodgon of ;near4Ashe- boro and Morton' of High Point preached 7 at -WhTte ' Oak Springs Saturday land, .Sunday; t The school starts here Nov. 4th. MrCWUliaFreemanf TUther will teach the school." a-' r - 7': Tbe -pe cple of this section 1 are busy? exr: heatllsSlJ Mrs; X ' i: Gatlin : 6 f near Suzss Crc ;'r vz-i' Elder Wm. F; atJIrAlLT. -Citu'rday) irSr7?!7:U ni-tt Mr. Allen met many : rumors: that 1 national proniDiuon. were afloat sent out to injure hisj . v . W. JNewby, The republican lead ers and the in-candidacy, lie answered every, one m. wiieao, uct. zo, iyiz. ; , Aaa .- u.x.cf ail f or tnem successimiyr ne nas pui i--misi-" - -v -1 111 AgftaAA- T.miTlM Fm--7- AAA. uc-'--,.. i aa.J , - :.7kA . - A.:.7 - ..4-iiM ?sms!a-i rti wnnhliftatM in the eountvarfrnot l mem to Bnw?s:-?K.t4'KnK EftSn aeMeiA:rtisyt3: xy epewaA. arniuBciueui. w.tM yet reauy w u uuiuy W-"!:-: a When Mr. Barna Allen charged in The Uontgome votingconteSti chants of Troy" good for 25 votes with every cash purchased Dixie FrmmWmmml BeamanroseaM aif helcould; Troy zZT2ij.&-y msjth& LirAiienjTtai Tror Jewelry andMUUnery; Store, tjcAey jmowwnat it wney swered that he-thought? he? 7 Jacob rolc!:avetz. up as - mercnanaise to mux "r"1-: t"!10 r . v.rt in Trov offering him 'the Jfull ollarM anotoerpartyThet w they please and many of fheml will the repuwitis to fT. out on the independent ticket Mr. tUa ftnln evntoltt' tiolraf nnmho. maK6 tnem TDW1 HIIU CBUS UltSIU vu i " .- . , . i. . , , Tonu8.ca.k ::y.: are I at ralcl of theToCherxme ;; .f?--? As.a : ,r,rk - A. - t-.J rJCanRy;..Mri7,ttn; - A rza i3 cot mecessarilj; t i -:s .ta.T ' -rs-ta 'C'-.r-. sirs t Immt or learn fuUyitsTconte Iff he cad acce3 to Uie7; f un . statement hewccli Utths pitlic have it in full ' Kiitag'ilcf tie cortunity T,j r::.n czr. r-c:;::-..y -trsrera i -.couia and that he "'as not hard'to ;nd A:l!r; EearrTCiuttJred a :'ssr.i;-' discontent"' end szt downjll 2 , that h3 1- J vdturJ"t? f:i .1 v:: tD t3iT7:i': i. . 1 3, T' It : , t tv. : IT!- f'c-;;: : - t : V Art3 e: "3' CO,"' :1 1 I ' , .7 .. . A; A:-,- -A7-'