FOR THE INTERESTS OF NASH AND EDGECOMBE COUNTIES. VOL 7. ROCKY MOUNT. N.C.; APRIL 19TH. 1894. NO. 50.: IV hat is I T S lit S , 11 ! V f t CiU-iorU is X)v. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta t : 1 CHit Jren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor '." ? Narcotic substance." It is a harmless substitute r Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant. Its ctiarantotj j thirty years use by UilHous of pothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fevcrlaunoss. Castorla prevents vomitlnjr Sour Curd, cores Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic; Castorla relieves toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. ' Castorla nssltnllatcs tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy .and natural sleep. Cas torla Is tho Children Panacea tho Brother's Friend.. Castorla. ' Mh'll An excellent medicine far ehlt 4m. Mot bora bar repeatedly icM me of" Its goaaaOuot upon tMr cUldrao. Pa. O. C. Ooono, . Lowell, tUm. " Castorla is the bel remedy tor children of which I am ata.ualBtea. IbonetiiedarUnot far dliUat bw mothers vtlloonslder the real Interest of tbrlrcWWreii, and unsCaatorU In stead of Un wiomqiiack nostrums which are drstroj-tnc their krred oneaBforcloj opium, aorphiue, soothini syrup and ether hurtful stents (Iora their throats, thereby seodtoj tbew to prematura craves. , pn. j. r. Kixcnaua, V Conway, Ark. Tka Casta Company, TT A CASH PRIZE OJ? $150.00 110 induce people to lwcome thoroughly fiiniilUt with the Christ mas edition of The Hoiueteife containing onr prospectus Tor ISO.; wr will ia v 1150 00 in gold to the person who eorreclly counts and adds toifether all the 1 nmeniU hi Hut i.sue. Ifyou have not secii the t'imt was WoMWir.y write U (uiich)iiiff three two onutsfsuijw lo piy parage) ror a coiiv and examine it carefully. Count every number on all the puge. including the eovtr. Each person mast enclose 00 cents for a ysr mbtfrH'l'"" 'T7ff 1Ioift AUt) tl"ir oou"' bl'a iUjrch . . f.t . .t.. r 9i.;ii nrt vrv .11111 who tlopx not succeed in eorreoily ootmtinff lbs iiiimbers will reouvn a t;t nf twolvo novvN, w.lMcnf,wn wniora. A lint "f U'e.e was pnblished in , August House wife-" Durihjr the new year Tho ll jn.ewiie onw a wwe riW v. ; tides of valuo to thu llomeand J'rapiical U orni-n. . , , - - WAYS TO MA1CJ1 A t.U'lNCr : AVill bo fnnd of great hilp and full of sujjifslijns for women trying to get ahead. ' j ' . Alia. a vvj...- GHioji freh. dali-htfn' fatres add a;traclivem.w to the hon nuoderat cort- Aiticic.1 from emiu-'iit roluto.,ts mskuiy; a .or awellin- an 1 thoir srran-amuuie wiilbe of p-Usst value to tUsc .bout to build 0. al,er,tl.uirhouS.M IlluHtratcd with vharm...- dt-sig.-s. .. ''.:. cake on Ts eioit: ;: "r: ; y,' V;'" And Ileailh For The Home, will contain plain, carefully written ad vice on treatment of .-oh;, season's, from tho most .m.ucH jiliytiiciaus. : .. Z'.'J'- ' JMVBOVINO THK OQMPtXIOJI ' : Is smonir tho scries in The Mousemfe for 189. The Toilet, woman', dearest perso,"! inteiest, has a treasnr, of hint, towards womanly ruces and physical improvement. THK HOMJ! & AKDKN - Includes advice on Groif ing Plant For Profit, and tho Tasfas! Arrange. S of "luL bhawiuj how to make the most ol villa lots and small place. .i TUB EASHIOS SUPPL3MEIT ... .,.,1. mintb natterns or the newest and most tasteful dresses, wifS d J n"kc' a"d th0.nountor.natru. required. r .- ' rtmne the ChrMma, Jlouteme "car, Miff. It tri pv3 you dl. you r ssre to get the 150.00 or tireles norels. 1 HEvHOUSEWIFE. 81 W''en St-, N York city 1 of 3 Castorla. , " Castorla to o well adapted to children that I reeomiiieBd it a superior toaajr prescription known to ma." ; IT. A. Aacata, M. D., - Ill &. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. : Our physicians in the children's depart ment have npokea highly of I heir experi ence) In their outside practice with CastorU, and although we only hare among our 'medical supplies what to known as regubr .products, yet wears free to confess thattha merit-" Cafiornr mtftirtk tolotkTrlOi favor upon it " . - . Cxrrna Hosrrr at ak DisprxataT, ;.': Boston, Mass. Ail G, Batra, JVea, --- --S Homy Starwat, Near Tark City. ft AXAAAAAAAA wVVhVhe A stt OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS Have a larger' sale than any te:i brands cf Cigars ' in the United States, md their sale is constantly crowing.. Last Year, 140,000 a Day; This Year, 300,000. These figures are evidence their superior quality. 28 try them: pivn for tdm cum A WOilAN'cJ .WATCH. Krcry body has his or her iihk Of nirtitnt deprission whew the world seems to lose its Uri plit iicua that is SO happily Apparent at oilier cuius The outhnist's skies are sometimes clonded just a liUe, ami the songs of the birds, the mur mur of the brook the croon of toe bees fail to chidden Lin as they should. " The average man wooid be nshnm ed to confess it, but thero are times when he almost wishes he Were not no Hbimatri thing, (Assessing the living, intellcctuttl endowments that enable him to vote, build the kitch en fires, calculate eclipvs and hus. lie for t Li co meals a day.. But t li ere i g one 1 11 au iirm te t h I d g h 0 does not ca-e to be, and that is a wo man' watch. A woman who is not emrnrrcd in business and who does not wear her watch regularly wiuda it at when ever shu happens to think or if, If it be convenient to do so just at that time. If she forgets , it to-dar tomorrow nha will wind it op tight enough to make up for loft time. Any first class joveler who haf made 0 study of the question will tell you that a woman's watch shond have a three ply .'boiler Iron case that cnniibr) fariiittea into-uwder any circumMtnuces, even with a can opened or 'cull'- kit Of burglar's tools, It shoul be wouikTup to to a hundred years when she frets it and shot Id be So const 1 acted that it may be used as a nat-cracker. a trek bomber or for most any other all rotidd domestic purjoe. hen the baby is uot usinsr the watch us u plnythiug, the timepiece utuiilly lies open ou the d render where it Is forced to make a collcc. tion of dust, hair, bnrnt matches and other brie a-binc. v The owner of the watch Is always bnppy to open it at any timo no ihiit those interested may wuthe, the wheels go round. ' -;. If the watch t-vcr gets more than its capacity ortissh, and nau no longer ti&iimilale among fir mechan ism 1 ho itfusa crowded Into it, then if It darn to stop to catch its breath it is pour. lc.l on the back uud shak en until its works bfoo unloosened ani in nkc sucli n tairry sound that the baby loves to use the timepiece for n rattle. '.'Then If it t!osn't go its owner pries' sbout rainnng the parts with a hairpin or a tootnpick. Finally she tafics "the menu old thiiiir" to theji'weler ghu cleaned and repaired it three years asoand gives him a blowing up Ix' ie didn't duow enough to tlx a ' watch no it would ruu a little while with out stopping. - , :: : ' We nil have our dark days, hut in the moments of darkest gloom we should think of tho unhappy fate of a woman's watch, nnd thanking on lucky stars that we are not- to bad off ns we tsiight be, press Joyfully 011 to the smiling future that twaits us Nixon Waterman, in Chicago Journal . HIS CLIliS OUATITUDE. A good story is going the rounds about a lawyer. . The occurrence took plice so long ago that it is not within tho recollection ol any bnt thn oldest inhabitants of .Black stonp, so it will pass muster, even though it be a chestnut. It seems that a tramp was indict, ed for'stealicga watch.' lie was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Having no counsel aud being with out funds nod a total stranger, the Court assigned his desence to the attorney iu question, The tramp was as guilty as man ever wan, but as the attorney was young in prac- tico and desirous of grinding off some of his wire edges sgaiust the District Attorney he accepted the task at his demand. De had nliso lutcly no defence. XX'li client prac tically admitted tho theft, and sal threngh the trial ia an littituda of deiectiou and despair. Nothing daunted, tho youurt ftt- toi ne v rose before the jury to sum nn the disc. Providence had en dowed him with a tongue capable of linot anything. , Uc huJ hi.- address at his roiinue'c end, and U e manner in winch lie ! J it i T tt ii,! 1, nun.n in ti e CO:: Jlighest oLall jn Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 r-ov -a k ..11 ABS011TTELV PURS true' spellbound. ? They gaxed at him lu opeu mnnthed wonder. Al ternately they laughed and cried, and peopl hi the audinnce followed their example. - lie pleaded the hopeless cause of the guilty tramp with all the eloquence of aSnrke, and when he had fiuished the ed ibuaiasni of the, spectators seemed to know no bounds. It is said It took thu iurv eiuht minutes to whitewash tho tramp aud provide biin with wings aud a halo. The verdict was for ncquitaL The tram p so thoroughly nr pnscd nnd overcome with emotion that he could hardly seak, : roe fiora his seat, tho tears streaming down his cheeds. There was st'-Jl- ness in the court room. "Mr. Law ver," be exclaimed hrokciilr, 'yon don't know me, and I don't know Jon. I I wantTto thank jou, I I ain't got na. jnqney biit buf here is that watch. r - - : IS THIS TRUE.? Charles B. Farwell, one of Chi cago's successful men Is quoted as saying:. "There is nothing in glory-rand fi lends!' FMeudsl I oau couut tuy friends ou my bands, and they ura memb-jis of .my own family. There Is uot such a thing as friend ship in tho world. What yon call friends are bn tie; Hiesr They Tiover around you iaaunhiue, and when the jdiaaowt comaheydisappear. If a man is saccessfnl and perfectly independent of everybody, they fawn nnd smile and Insist on doing gomething fo help you. If he gets a tumhld-they ...Immediately lend their -.ssistainw to keep him rolling down the hill. When you realty need them "they desert you and have uo Jaith iu your And I can prove it to you every day of your life. Fricudshli is all theory. If I myself want to make a first class enemy all I hav to do is to help a man who Is in deep trouble. Will ho be gratcfnl! II will hatelme in the end beoause I am in a bettor position to be of semes to him, and have placed him uuder uiiich obit gntion. I believe, after tho , llfty yeaxsof experience, I am what yon catT a pessimist. Better say noth ing about It. It sounds bad."' josErn cook cn caud TLAYIKQ.. Joseph Cook bating been called ou for an oj.lnion on card playing and dancing, wrote recently the fol lowing letter which appeared In the Union Signal: "There Is a fauiois French proverb which says, 0u la vertn fiuit, la commenc le vice' Whcro virtue ends vico begins.' I sen no virtue in what If knowu to day as the rouud dsneejflr, so cial card playing. The?en 4 chambers of mischief t,or(t forill8 aje not themselves the okeel,0,u of aiiscbief. It Is safest j oi sucu ameuiiaiuueio. ' .,nsB I am assured by U, nortDnitv .IUSU aww work has given them lflw.hMllf to know the facts at tlt,)Ura hare that hundreds ol Ka L,ying tUe lounu lasu-ouiiute car.. . . , beginning of their road q( t,)0 ahio that the commonest; of thou uuri'portable dogradatiofl omea uas gauds of abandoned i aud rodud been lu the modern hall dauco. itasn that A-ui o..r, a.-..j. '-if,.,11IiMnrn the curd playing cud L.g ,eolIe cu ty nespeeiuuio jut may easily abui between them aud other am not so respectable, t snaie to t hosts who arc ! 1 of anion Wople who ud so be h et m their larelr experienced je t!:qi:'s and r. t i j t -. A lazy preacher is self-called. . Tha front lew dou'l always con tain the most godliness.' . Quicksilver snd glass shows your outward self ; Gods word your heart. . When a pet scheme gets a man it i o bobby; when a hobby ..gets a man he is a crsuk. : V -"Our Father", on your knees means nothing if you don't practice It on four scales and yardstick. , Tho most modest womau will of ten march down the church aisle to the amen corner to show a now spriu'g bou net. Storm Prophet Hick's Paper Many persons know of Kev. Ir' SL Hicks, -the eoted storm rophet. bnt are not so well acquainted with the faot tli&B his monthly 1 paper, WOED AND WOHK8, is one of the most attroctive aud instructive jour ii.aU in America and is doing more to educate the people, in science I haw any other.' It, not only contains ItcH'cks' monthlj forecasts, com plote and, nimbridgod, but nls-ar tides from hm pi:tj on astronomy aud ' planetary meteorology, finely illustrated. There is a cormoii or religions articlo in each numberit- "ilorno, Hweet Jlsliie" department, editqil by a lady, a "Youth and Beiiut j "department for boys and gills, "Queries'' for those who want hard unts cracked nnd many othrr good t hi 112:8. All this for the low price of $1 per ir. . All subscri bers who pay for u year's subscrip tion in advvncA will receive free, ns a premimnr-te. III 11. Hicks' Al maiiao for 1891. This benk nione Is well worth thesnbsaiiption piice. HemLiix cents lor n snmplo copy of the paper or send SI for-ycar'n-rsnW script hm to Welti) and Wokks i"ul. Co., St. Ixuis, Mo. A PHESV.NT TO KTKRYIIOnY. All our readers should send to tlm Publi.luTf of Ihe Home, 141 jViIU StrrHttr-Ooslon, Jlass., and get a set or their uYautilnl -Stumping l'at terns. Thry cnu be used for.Prii broidery ouilming or painting. ' Ail desirable nnd good size; some 8x1 0 oilnirs 6x8 Inches, 'lhere nrs nineii (91) one different patterns and two ulpnabeU, oue a lurgn forget me not pattern. . With this outfit the pub lishers send The Home, a 10 page paper containing Stories, Fsshions, Fancy Work, etc., for 3 months,' and only ask for 10 cent to cover cost of postage on patterns and paper. Oua illtistnited Fremium List of 200 premiums sent free to any ad dies. . Tn ko advantiige of this otter now. . , answkb This QUMfioir Why" do sa" many peoplo we see around Uh seem to prefer to suffer and be mado miserahlo by Indiges lion, Consiipalioc, Dizxiness, Lost of Appetite, Coming up of tho, food Yellow fthin, wiicn lor isc. w win ull them Shiloh's Vllali;er,guar.iii teud to cure them. Sold by J. M Griliu; Drnggist. 52nd year. THK SOinHIRN CUUIVAT03 - , ANl . ": . Dlkft FARMtn -. oTu Gsat FiBM, Indistbial and Stock Joukxal r South. on mi fOR it. i To every subscriber who sends us tl 25 wa twill sfliul Southern Cul tivator lor one year and 20 full papers of choice Garden Seed. , Saroplo copies and premium list will bj muilod Tree on apphcatiui. to THE ClT.TIVATOr PUBL1SHIKO CO.; Beo.l,tf Coitii. Atlanta, (i a. Y f H H n a . - 1? . S It i r ' s Ik1; : J CCPYKlljriV? .,,.. lo ciili4 iwaa- ,,:.('.. AU. M-O....C A ..wi,.!.. ( . i.i ..t v- be. ' ' r ,'s MTAJillSHED 1S7-5. Tobacco Flues gborge PRACTICAL TIN, CCPFER Dealer In Tm" Ware, Cook' and STOVES REPA1KED aud repairs furnislud for any Stove mado 1 also keen tn Stock Sheet Tin, Zinc, Tin ay width wanted. TIS ROOFS PAINTED with my RUBBER R00FFAIHT at a h figure. attention to ROOFING and QUTIERINQ ; n;l if you want the best work done iu my line call or address -ROCKY MOUNT. N C- MURDER WILL; OUT And so will the old Reliable . W. H. WORSLEY & BRO'S. Give us a trial and be convinced, Goods delivered anywhere in the City frue of oharga. , RIcYMOUNT;t N. C. NA-THAI Agg ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Ladies hair .. dressing-Bangs trimmed iq order. When on wish an easy shave , As good an burlier ever gave Just call on me at my saloon At mot ii, eve, or noon. I cut and dress thehair with graca To suit the counter of the faee "5Jv toom Is heal and towels clean Scisors sharp and razDrs keen. A .,1 rervlhincr"! thiuk you'll find To suit the face ami please me '. Ulillll. : . s And all my art ano skill can da If you'll just call, I'll do for you THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE IJJSUEAJJCE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA 13 A FIEST CLASS INSTITUTION IF YOU WANT INSUEANCE IN THIS COMPANY, WHITE TO, . OU CALL AT, THE OFFICE OF THE PHOENIX. FOR SALE. Call on G. W. Smith, the CJ Reliable at the stand oi-tjccnpied by Wallace BatcheTor for tile very best baiguius lu eeryihiug iu the way of meichaudisc. - G10. W. SMITH, .TJasbville; N'.C. LA FAMOUS I Ather Garvey, Proprietor of . LA FAMOUS, Keeps constantly on hand very choice line of old and purs Whiskies, Brandies, Wines &u'tQ..Au ele gant liuo of the best Cigars. ""Oys ters' m any stj le-Quai! Beef steak &C &0. ; Call at La Famocs. Vou will be pltased. GUANO! GUANO IS All kinds of lest biainls of Guano. for riant Beds including Old Do minion. Owl bntud. Sea-Fowl JU JLc, for s;.'s by ' r ' id - r -Tobacco ..VV" . r: dixc::, AND SHEET IROH WORKER- Healing Stove,; OLD CVOtC Galvanized Sheet Iron and "V allay I also Rive my personal and special i geo. r.bwo:j, BIMETALLISM AND MONOMETALLISM- BT AnUBIBHOr WAL8II, Of PUltttJf, ... IBsXlXlX ' . rtimn to icWa-rcat : demand fo? Archbishop Walsh's pain)hlct on monomotallum atd its ruiuons ,ef sin tho land '"Tenantry cf Ireland" we have reproduce! if on fdegant book paper, iicatlj .bound; containing 80 pages. It is one of th trinat lorricnl. tirncticnl,- illus trative and convincing arguments in favor of "iiiiBetaliisui mat uas t ver boon" pubIishc4;"This jm;" phlot is linvinr. a w'ulo circulniiou aud should ho read by evey citw zen of tho United Stater. It has .uirHftril t!io attention --f Europu and America, and 1 one . f t U most scholarly wri2i sadon oTipi tsq tOCC. Illinois. Ktn!riL f Coin's Hittidbooat i ttrrttisfic on tho ' lor 1 "Td snd silver. It co Pr T alJ ta,'dnrd argnmeii an swer to tbem. L" reviews tno Coinngo . L:tvs Vof the ... United Stiter; beRiimiiiywiih and copy ing the first CoinHgo act of 17'J2, and other "'valuu'Wo information.. fi i S . 1 t - n.llllnn containing 44 pngtai', rntly nnd dnrubly bound. This is sn indis pensaLlo and. valtblc book fo public speakers and students oi the financial question . Price 15 cents. Agents are wanted to sell these hooks in nil parts id thu United S'atcs. They are rapid .sellers. wti-j aro making f roS,. N jf, lo lllJ, TO-y-""- -T..rt- Wri to for : tc ins aTRftt-i"' v i - i ? -t lir f - ;uin i uuiisiiiiiigo., xij iitoijiou Sircet, Chica;o, Illinois. j Tlic Coin Piibiisbiiiff- Company is rcliublo, iiiid ail who send their money will cet tho books o ilered. - ' Henbv G. JIilwjb, WicePiesident for the jVineiican Bimetallic Lcaguo for the Stuto of Illinois. 1894, THE SUN! ISOl BAITIUnltT The PapksTthb Vkoplc. FOB TIIKivOHL b axd1 with the Pfcon.K. . ' . ... noxEsT is Motive. FkARLEKS I Kll'EtSStOX. , ' Souko ijt Pnixriri.K. . UNSWjSBVlXtt I? ITS AU.K(;tASCE TO , KieilTTllKORIESA.NI BlOHT I'RACTICKS. Ttjk Sur PniinsHES All thtj News All the Time, but in does not nlh.w ilk columns to bo degrsd uVby nnclean, immoral or purely sensutioiiul niatler. . Editobially, The Scn is the pnil'l"ArEI,T ' 4 H D tTKCHANIKG FOl jL ,, pn .DEFENDER OK nopolit s or . cv eiV dependent til all lliius . uoiic. ,,, By mail Fifty Cents a aiomn, a.s Doltars a year. . A. S. ABELL CosiriTtT, Ptibhahe.s Proprietors, Baliimoie, Press Cosvesi'iox Kin s. Tho -im of no less than r.-.i cents per loie will b cha;.-- ; cards ot tl.nwis" uim li t ,. ., i respeel" ftul 4,bi'.n.::'.V p--. 'J ; for obit u:iry not :re which the i-.!'.' or b in a r v J- id.nrfU .