i cloth i : ;tt lIi'tliiii',; '. I- i" . i ' ! iinrn 1. 11 , iff 1 in' ..' - oi- ili-n from S'r'i'i"!! i'v !! - iV .ml ob Keed'n Sons cf lliu lct louses in the Country. 1 ami prepare 1 t make suits in lie very licit maimer and the latest :L. j'.Q ..j a ASilASD EDGECOMBE COUNTIES. eylci at tlie Low ksi 1'kicku. Call. tin or nd examine nice pal terns to select ROCKY MOJINT. N. C; N0VEMBER45TH. 1894. NO. 32J uiii and Jc vo your measure. VOL, 8. i J. ft CUTIIBELL. j L& mrr.nsrs okX J , J $ . - . .k e I'-': :m.xj i Irop4, Oudlrey a Ounlui, Bamy ao-called Sootattaa; Byrapa, and ' mo-t ruiumllea for children are eocnpoee4 at opium or morphine f r,gotr that opium and morphine are atupofyfnf it arcdie .1' ' ' "T tht " oouatrtaa : IcUjilBg Uiew polaoaa f T"n T--?Tr that joa should set tijalaea you or your physiclaa know of what It ta eutnpoeod r . ? Ygi Know that Gaatorla la a purely vefotaM prepnratkia, ead that a Eat of ba ietfredienta ta pui.Uj4 with tmrf bottle f - ',"' r Tow F"-r that Ca-acrta la the prMcrtiitloa of the f.raoee Pr. Bawarl rttcaer. That it has beaa lu use for a-erty thirty yeara, sad ttat awn Caetorie ia aow sold ttast of all bor romedlca for chUdrca ooniblnaa I Pe T Fumr that tha Patent Office Department of Uaa bated States, and of other oonutriea, havojaaued axctaarre right to Dr. Pitcher asd fa (a Mates to aaa tba ward " Catariaad!ta formula, and tbat to Imitate them la aetata priaoa oOaaaa ' Twi T-tirw that one of tha roaaona for grantlnt thla tmm nimait proteoUoawaa . bonuua Ceatorihad ban prorea to be oaolntoly kmraaJUeaf .-' Ta Ten ymw that S3 atrairavco doaea of Oaatorkt era fnrnuted tor U la, nr nim I a ilnaiif ' . Vo Ton Vnmw that arhea poeaeaned of tlil perfect prepare) loo, yonr diiktroa may fee kept well, eud that you may havo anbrokea reet t Toll, tviie tfr-ye are worth knowing. They are facta. , a'-.- of Liajffl&ZcJUM wrp: C: J.'cn Cry far l7..0,:UILSKIS0n1 FIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Rents Collected. Agent for Remington cmdard ri4 ,nd all Ty wevriter sup; :Iic3,' also Victor Bi- ' " ..: , olec. Offico neift to v . - - . - : r-ughtridge & Rob- II1G. ' t : , .; Li i Hr-n. rjE!l ' 'Cf-f Absolutely ' : j l. ' t Wcfnd .f;C-r " QV ' Superior naterial ,;;iv. Every Ma- Cf nd5,cicnti?icWorlt' :! -..W'f1-rsni1-4 I f' i mnshiri. . . . ETi.l uiiluivn drumrirtj ara out peraalttedM aril aaratkf ' permit any mwllHne to ba fraaa yoo csJK Fitccr3 Ccctcrla. j AND Typewriter 4 a I -r.y,. V;. V s t: rj v. c t.-,::.::::3. " ' i' r t.'r j.;.,-.;.! ( f.:.--oe A k " ,"",-- C ' " ' . , . i ! tv. - J il " :-.iS .,C '.'AC1, ILL. ADAM ASD EVE. A ClIARACTEBISTlC Sl'MMABY. ."'"- ;' ' (JtlAPIItlt I. " TliacailieU information wliicli have of nitfu in tbat lie win cre.ued. Having sbauotel biiuttelf r-all' inn Hie auimaU uaiom be proceed (o go to deep. ' . CtlAPXEtt ' IL . Woman then occara, and lir first recotded act waa lo appropriate one of tbe man' own rios for' her owu couveuaiier. CiiApraa III. -Wotnau is now at tbe aumroit of reuimiue terreotlal prosjwnty. She poaae-sea tbe only livinjt man and ahe inbabiu tbe Paradise of Pleas ure. . The next fneideut, tberefore, ia an inevitable aequelicf. Swaying from aiiaiu, Evo enUra into twnveraatioB witu ine oniy oilier talking creature in tbe gar den, Die Serpent, the niot rillian oa loatliiouie and veoemoua ani mal of all! To enipliaslr.e tbe mtoution, HiU particular aerpent ia Satao tbe principal of Evil. . , - VHlrTKB IV. Tbe Serpent deceives Eve, who. po8xefwiii rutira bnpDlnea, cliar acteriiitically exebaneea It foi some tblue new. 7 ClIAPtKR V. Eve rejoin" Adam, prevail upon ktnt to make a fool of bimaelr, as already had of herself, and hiding leave tbe man to tell be first lit-! Cuaptes VI. Adam and EVe are summarily expellotl from Paiadiae. ; Tbns opon tbe first day, tbe first ilay the first woman fell at tbe first temptation, ruined the first man and accomplished sufficient mis- hief to endure even nutil tbe last trumpet ah jH summon tbe last man to attend the Last JndsinenU ' A very creditable undress re bearsal. - . . ClIAPTBaVIf. ReDroduce the Ingredients of this epbiodp, with ingr-nions elabo. ration, innumerable billions of times and you have the complete "Hlato rj of Humanitf," -from tbe first ui eat h to the last sigh. . - .". iJ -'Addbxda. " j ; ' . - In the course of the first day the first woman invented the first fashion! - " FisiS. A clrcunintiuice of interest is that Eve Inaugurated female dress with a IkJT and since then till recently Fashion has coiHinually added to tho costume which a civilised wo man sb-tU wear. It has been re served for this century, however to reverse to the process ef rapidly undressing her, and It may be, therefore, that tbe end of the world will occur when woman reaches a ciin tbe inexpensive starting noint. At tbe present rate ibis may be estimated to happen some where about If 97. Or it nay be a triflo earlier. Visitor. A DEFENCE FOR HOT BBEAD. '- . N - . - Dornoch has been said aud writ ten about tbe ' beaihfulness of cat iug hot bread tbat its lovers ' will be comforted to know that the doctors do not all talk the same wav about it. Dr. Troitzld writ- iug to a Buasian medical journal after care.'ul examlnatioi be has fonnd tbat new and uncut bread contains no uilro-orgauiams, a the be.it necessary to cook tbe bread destrovs Ibem all. After bread lins been cut and allowed to stand h - mi,! for s while it quickly col- leots bfCletia. as it is an excellent iMtlitHii f.r them to thrive on. U'hpat 1 1 c. 1 Le think", eatlicrs 1. 'eria f.; :.r tliaa rye, as the Hi" r 1 i i " s ' It t T i,ow all peo. t 1 1 c n eat it f '' that , " at C . ' i f - i' III Shot of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov' RerJort. i j BITS OF INFORMATION. There are 110.000 ioie of dunK Uncle Sara has 6,000 postmUreffce. Ktnne bridges were built in China 2.000 years ago. . - - The world bos thirty -tlirea mogoetm olwefTatorii. . . ' . Jilotliiiff imiwrLi us loot cotton ra(p bulle.l wilb audit. .. During the Crlnio.tn War of 1854-55 78..000 men were sluiu. Clocks sere worn- as oar peudunU in 0. ritmojr iu tbe dura of Chuiloi V. llilliouaot bnttorilioxare oaten over? year by tbe An-truliuu aborigines. Tlirco of the firat fonr iroi.luU of the Uuittxl HtaloH ruarriod aiilowa. . The firat book atorootrps,! in this eon nl ry nas a Iw TestauicEt lu 1814. The bWl travels tlironirh onr ar.er. Ies at a rule of abont twelve fejl Mr aoronib . . j There am anid to be aliont two thon- anml variotioa of apples raised in tliU ootiutrr." I. : The le.iiiwratnre of the plnnot Nep. tana is estiuuttod to bo 000 degree bj- low xoro. A cherry Ireo at Elkin, N. C, in aaid to mo-uinre tweuty one feet ia circum ference. : The Croton aqueluct In New York snrpaite all ruotleru engineering efforts of this kiud. Before the War of Indopendenoe all tho eolonloa, which afterward booauio Stales, coutuinod sUros. : Fluce five hundred earths like oars side by side, yet rWtnrn's outermost ring conlil BiLsily Hiinloao tuoin. On tbe Islliums of Durien oithar sex can do tho courting, with the uitinrol reniilt that nlmoat every one gets imir- . JCrly Ttattwar Trarellaa'. ' The first resnW train servioo in this ountrr eommeuoed on the Uvorpool and Manchester Uailway on Friday, Ucptember 17, 1830, two days after the opening of the line. It was not on a very auibttioua scale; Uu-ao trains each way on week Oays aua two oa riun.iaya wars deeawd quite sufficient The nov elty of tbe thing, however, at first, and very soon Its provau saiety ana inci- enoy, led St ones to S macn larger tru- So Uutn bad been anticipated, ana as the' couipaoy could obtain rolling ttock the sorvioo was increased. For a limo the people who had ventured to risk their lives by the new mode of con veyance were tha objects of admiration for their courage or of contempt for their foolhardiuess; but ono by one the loaches had to be taken off tne road and everybody went by rail. Tbe time oeonpiedjn tbe journey was at first more than two hours, and often less, the distance being thirty-one miles but even this rate was too font. for some oeoule. lor S areutleman, writfuir about ix weeks after the opening of the line, says the speed was too great to be plea- ant and caused hi in to feel sonio- what giddy. Xlie traveling was not very comfortsble ' undoubtedly; the coaches wore at first only coupled with chains, as wagons aru now, so that they jerked tbe unfortunate paaaeugers nearly off their seats at starting and dashed violently against each other lieu the diivot put on his brake. When fairly in motion, if the speed was any but the slowest . the "very short wheel base produced a pitching actioa to trying that if the journey bad not boen'a short one it would have seriously affected tho popularity of the railway as a means of passenger tran.iit. Corn bill Magazine, , -.' The Of-Coat Cola. Few of the present generations have anv knowledge how the present one- cent niece came into circulation. Prior to the civil .war the coin which repre sented one cent weighed exactly half an ounce. There were plenty in circula tion for the population at that time. Dut when the war broke ont it seemed as if coins of all denominations had been swallowed up. Tokens Of various kinds were made first, of -card board tlien of metal. ' . ' . ' '. ; A small .coin about the size of the nrpsent one-cent piece was produced. having npou it various devices such as - Not ono-oent," Good enough for de fence." " Our country forever. ,from nil hundred to one thousand vsrietiea of these tokens were made and issued. A a thev were taken -to represent s rent hv everTbodv. those who had cop. per enough on hand, and could make or procure moulds or dies, realized a Rood pront irom me maaiug u nam ing of these tokens. The sie and weMit were convonient, anil tho United States Govei-nmeiK saw that the people were better pleased with, tlie sniallel piece, sjthongh comparatively valuclesa, llian with tlio one-half ounce coin. As the object was to keep the sub si.iiarv coius in the country, and sa th people were co,itut to use the smaller pieces, t.ie experiment ' tried in tbe iitvae of the turkey bfiziard" mised nickel cent. Thy were lar-r, thicker, d hrwicr t':n ttie prv-"tit emit, an ,; ( n-it j ira-e as W-.-U s li-eti-V'- 1" i , ' 4 ..r (, , t .-. cf . . GIIEAP207 sion in mm. IS THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE- JACKET 8T0RE. Full liae or General Uerchandise Prinu of all kiuds Zeifjler's Shoes, Hardware, Earths, aad Tinware, Carpots, UattliiRS, Tninka and Valises. ZW Walt Taper of tbe most beautiful aud Artiatie designs from 7J cents a toll np borders to match. . W. L. F.'ilDCLETOM, ROCKY MOUNT. NO IIT--S-OTT Want a Cook, IVant a Sltaalion . Want Anything, Tfaut s Salesman, 4 Want a SerTant Girl, IFant to rent a Store, - ' 1 Van t to sell a Piano, PTant te sell a Horse, iFant to lend Mouey, . K TTant tobuyaHouse, , IFant to boy a Horse Want to rent a Hoiio, Want to sell Groceries, .Want to sell Furniture, H unt a boarding Place, ' Want to soil a Carriage, Ifaut to oorrow Money, Want le sell dry Goods, , Want to sell Heal Estate, Want a jo'j of Careiiterlng, Want a job of Blacksmithin?, Want to sell Millinsry (iixxlK, Want to !! a House and Lot, Waut to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece ef Furnitnre, H ant to buy a second baud Car- v rlnee. . '' - Wot to find anything you have J lost, Want to sell Agricultural Imple ments, Want to Advertise anything to Advantage, Want to find the owner for any- thing Found, Advertise in TDK PHOF.mx. irti'ri us iiint u t- It ir I--4 tuii in i. t" - Itir f'Ha'-r IV I UI pi-r" fe Inn ti.-.ui l'-ve 4 r jr-. v r-' -'1 n i f y i i t ... ..e, ..,-.t. t,t r ol i M I. ---4, ESTABLISHED J875. Tobncco Flues. GEORGER4 PRACTICAL TIN, CCPFER AND SHEET IRON WORKER. IeaWr In Im Ware, Cook and Heating Stoves,; OLD COOK. STOVES REPAIRED and repairs fnrnishtd for any Stove ma Jo I also keep In Stock BueetTin, Zinc, Galvanized Sheet Iron an J Vulley Tin any wiJth wanted. TJS B00F& PAINTED with my RUBBER ROOF PAINT l c'lewMree.ahio give my pukoual and special attention to R0OFIS0 and QUTlERTUSt and if you want tbe test work done In my line call or address ROCKY MOUNT. N-C OYSTERS HUBBARD & CO. Oyster Planters ana No. I. 11.40. lackers Dealers i n - lish, No. 3. D1.10 Straight, OOe. (Tr. 70e. SUFFOLK, VJ- LOWEST FRICEO 0 1ST BEST : GROCERIES Thi Brbt Floub f VT LOWEST - v -: jrrt'ce. Before "tJJ llirt. Gall, aroand our store and look at our goods and prices. . Give as a trial and be convinced. Greek gbockriks, Fbtjim COKFKOTIOEEIKB.. OBOICI Limb or Cioabb. Goods delivered anywhere In tbe City free of charge. 7. H. VORSL Y & BRO'8. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. A Six-horse power Talbot Steam Engine ia first class condition, suit able for Peanut Thrasher, Cotton Gin, Creamery &o, &C, forsale on very reasonable terms by Jno. D. Odom. oundry. It is on standards at the w "-a.J Wniskev?; wt . , ' erl at t . . i 4 . - ueul.rswn' ? P' I Tobacco ri::;- Fine Select, rV IM GEO. IL.DIKK.V 1891. THE BUN I 1804. Baltimore, Mo. ,.: Tm Tapes of tub Pkople, Fob tii X Pjcopli asd witu tub Peoplk. : HOXKST IX MOTIVB. FCABLESS IX EXPKESSIOS. ' Sound nr Pkincjpi-k. . UssWERvryo iIts AixgaiAscg re Right Theories amo Rion-r Pkactices. The SfN PtTBLisHEs .All the News All The Time, but ia does not allow its columns to be degrad ed by unclean, unmoral or psrely sensational matter.- ' ; Editobiallt, Tee Bub is thk Consistent a k d tjnchakin champion and jdefendbb .ob POPCLAB BIGHTS AND INTEREST! against political machines and mo. nopolies of evei y cbaracier, In- deneudent iu ull things, extreme in none. By mail Fifty Cents a month, Sic Dollars a year. A. S. AB.PLL CoMPAWf, Pablishtry a ad Proprietors, . V.WJrophet Hick's Paper Many ptfi"' "" of Kev. Irl R. Hicks, tbei?vl?forn pfop'ier. Imt ace not so well ac(TW.Ha?'1t the fact that his monthly vxiicf WOED AND WOBKS, is ene of the most attractive and instructive jour nals iu America and is doin more to educate the people in science than anv other. It not only contains Rev. Hicks' monthly forecasts, com plete and mmbnd.Ti, but also ar ticles Iniui his nn on astronoiny and plauetarv meteorology, fjuoly illisf rated. There is a eeruiott or religions article la oach number, iv edited by ii lady,, a "Youth and hard uuls cracked aud many other good things. All tins for the low price of $1 per yeir. . All subscru hers who pay for a rear's subscrip tion in advvuee will receive free, ns A premium, tfev. Ill It. Hicks' Al manac for 1894. This, book alone, ia well worth the subscription piice. send six centa lor a sample copy of tbe paper ossend 41 tor year s kuU. scririlon to Woed a.ni Wobks Pub. Co St. Ijui&, Mo. FOR SALE, on G. W. Smith, the Old Call Reliable at tbe stand onoutjccupicd by Wallace Batchelor for tho very best batgains in every tiling Iu the way of merchaudiHe. GEO. W. SMITH, , , Nashville, i. C. 52ud year. THE " . - ' ' SCUT HERN CULT1VATG3 ANl lsxi? mm DOlil tji'U FiBM, LsTlf SsTKIAL K X Stock .Iovknal f Sultii. (l. I FAS ICR fl. To even hiI-m-i '-er ';o si:,' ns 1.25 we mid semi t-'oitcrn t'r tivrt.-r for f e ye.T at.J :o i j . ( 1? f 1 il o Ci.H n t '.