n T""i r r. . iUE FIDELITY MUTUAL UTU INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Of PIIILADIXPJIIA 13 A Fins T- jLAssjNSTiTm'ioy. if Yor: VAKTCKSUltAlCCiJ l Ti. , JOMPANY, YV4UTK TO. Oil LALL-ATlliJISpFFICK CI fUE PHOENIX. ' ( 1M - d k0 ; FOB THE INTERESTS OF NASH AND EDGECOMBE COUNTIES. ROCKY' MOUNT.-N. C, MARC 14TH. 1895. mm V0L 8 LL. ,-LL .Lb A J 1 A-L Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children, Jtcontoins neither Opium, Blorphjno nor other NarcotU imbalance. It 13 a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Props, Soothinff Syrups, and Castor Oik It is ricasant, Jts pn8,rontoo is thirty years' use by Killions of Mothers, Castoria destroys YorinsauiI allays fevcriishness. Castori prevents vomiting Sour Curd, jciircs Diarrhoea and Wind Coll. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Cortorla assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach nd bowels, givlnj healthy and natural sleep. Casl Joria Is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's 'Friend. Castoria. m Caatoria ii an exoc-Uunt medicine for ehll di.o. Vothrrl hire mdlj- toM ma of Ita good effect upon Uwlr chi tdna. Da. O. C. Oeoooo, - .'. . : ,' !-.". Lowell, Maae. ." Caatoria t the bent remedy for children of - rhfen 1 am aequainted. I hop Uie aiy n rot far oirtant when mother will oonaUor the reo I jntarcst of their ctaiUren, aa.l bob Castoria fa ir d of th tr rtoua - u ir'j iko-rf rJBii wh Ich are (j.wtroyiuf th Ir loved otma, br fordo ori"ra. morphm,, nothing ayrip and o'.'t uun: U aaonta tiewa. thrtr throtaroiy readier - thorn to pciauature travaa,'' ' .', Pa. J.T. Kicbui, Cocway, Ar. Thw C.ntanr Company, TI U, 8, UILSiOSOIl 1IFE, FIRE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Rents Tcllected. Agent for Remington tandard Q to ind all Typewriter sup plies, also Victor Bi- ... . - cycles, Oflice next to Dauglit ridge & Bob- ! wvi-l-t nnd f, - .v' - - 5- : Lilly. Iery AU- v' ! ! ,,', ,i i. . . ICEpi-.'imr it ' " .. " " rCii C yc -.-. ! N " Caatoria la ao well aaasied to ohndrea th I recommend It aaauuariortaaay preacrlvtioa known to me. . i - H. AAacHaanl ".',: ' 111 Bp. Oxford St, mookla, M. T. Ow plirekJana la the ehiUreo's depart ment hare apokeo highly of their azperl; coca in thrlr outaido practice with Caatoria, wi Although m only have among our lucdieai aapples wlut la known aa regular rirodooVye;. we art freo to conies, that the mrrwe (! vaaurm kaa woa tie lo look with favor r"B U." v. - ,UTn HOCFIMlt i DlirEtun tun C, Suits, JVra, KoT Stieot, Ne-ar Tork City, Typewriter - .!..X bupenor natural and Siicntific Work- "? r ' -i r - ' r- . , v ,k of Art. i .'" i. . ... . , -. : - .' 3, til- AXNIELAUUIE. Slio was si s creature ef itnftgi ii.iiiyii. but au aclthtl vcrlij, oi whom HtitsfNlrjr honorable mention inciitiun tsmnde in Scotch liintory. Stt'pleu Lnuris was a flonrinliing iiieicliitril o( Duuif rie bt fore Jnmo VI. became kiii. v Prior to 1811 lis uittrrittl LMaiioii, datiRliter of Provtfot Gotsh. Retting with bur n bamlaoiue nnirrisge portion. Be ing a 111:111 ol many acres, be took the lti nation i Maxwelton Wnvmg-61 hir-tleaih his lands nd lilies toiiie!let on, John. TUe next head of the hoae wii Robert, 11 baronet. Ae was twice marriod,' slid had by his second wif, tbr son and four ilaunlilera. The Willi Of one of the latter in llinseu. teied In (he fnil register by lite fthi: ;';.' :-V - : - V'-'-" At Ibe ileame of the Aluiigbv ty God, my dangliter, ; Aiutie IiHit ne, was born 01 the 18lU day ot DecetMber. 1032, about 0 o'clock in the rnuruiug, and was baptized bv Mf Gtoipa Uuntcr, the utinisierof ' This juiua'e is worib quoting, a the Imle etrsnrrcr whose entry into lifa it announces grew to be the 'most twauliltil Dunifi iesijn htdjy' fbt: day, and the linotue of a sung -whlqh has loudered her chitrais.tiii inovul: . ' ' '; ':',-, ',;' uHvr brow 1 like the euowdrift, - iler throut is like the swan., ' Uer face it is the fairtat " Hint t)Vr the sun shone on That i.-Vr the no clione on, - And dark blue ist htr bye, ' And for iKiiinie A111110 Lnmle, I'd lay me down aud die." Tlic well diiown lyric, o. wliich iheHa lutes jorm a pait, was coin posed bv Mr. Douglass Finland, uii dent ndinirer of ; 'honiiii Annie, " who didjuot however, jeturu hix sQ'eutioiift, Imt -Karried his livM Alexutir; Fuignson. Ex. ' " . r;fll4 ' GREATEST THOUGHT ' OF A GREAT MAN. At a dinner at tho Aslor Uoose, 'heu Daniel Webster was Secrcta ry of State under President Filj more, elter a period o( silence which fell upon the coin pan., of some tweuty uiinuteH, one of the guests s.id: ' v: J-- "11 r. Webster, will you tell us what wile ; the most important thought that ever occupied youi iirnill '; .v. -- '. Mi. Wetter slowly passed bi hnutl over his -forehead, and in ft low tone inpiiireil of one near him: 'Is there anyone here who docs not know nief n "No, all are Jour friends. "The most ..important thought that ever occupied my wind." said Mr. Webfter, "was that of my in dividual responsibility to God." And after speaking 011 this subject io the most oolrinit strain for about twenty iniumeo, he silently arose Iroui the tablu aud retired to his room. 1 - This liicideut relaled bj Harvey iu his "Kemiiiiseen-Hes," serves to illuHtratu the. attitude of great minds toward eternal tbingit. Great ineu aie not scofiurs. The men or flippant jeers and godles jeats are wen of sin all caliber and aud shallow eotellect. It is not the tviac man who has said iii bis heart "there la no Got)." Sol ' A DOMESTIC MINSTREL. What a cheerful little sound it l1 No wonder that 'ihu maker of it xhould qe regarded with favor. Its bright dit'y ulways brings to mliid siit-.ii pleasant Scene, and a welcome 'nTalwiiys given to the "ciicket 011 the hearth." 13ut what Is a crick et ! -To most peoplo it is rareiy more tliiiu a pame or a sound. The insert i'.self is o srlilom seen thai only by if 9 clietry clurp i!i we kuoiv little cieatuia f gouj uii :i. There is a good dt-.il of jio i'! a. ..'.mirnt end supers: It ion sur n, in. ll,e crtcker, 1ml it is i-.'.y ! !o ms-.-t, 'and very li ii l 1 i .1 i:'. 0 si .,) 1 :.,! 'y !.. ' i- s . I' ' f ,:' 1 ', if. i Highest of att ia Leavening Powers- Latest U. S. GoVt Report be diirkueaa of the uijhtt when all is qqiet it goes in seaich of food. A few stray crumbs areveiy ac ceptable, aud sometimes a bit of animal food is relished. Ita only the mat cricket that is gifted will) a voice, ami lie ae it chiefly to oharui the ears: of his ludy-love. The one song of Ins life, is it pas -lionate love appeal. Oa the under under surface 0' each of the leath ery wing covers of this domestic pet may be seen, even wiib the na ked eye, au enlarged nerviire, jag ged like a fine sar, - On the upp er side is a Brrrrrorh proo'iaeut surface. The ruhoijig of the harp edges 00 ihe under side of out wing on the upper smooth surface of the -other pioduct s the sharp clear sound with which we are so familiar, and has lesuhed in giving the insect Ibe Greek tlnine, "Acheta," signifying shrill sounding. Ctickets aie also bUuiit'riwitli ml least two sets, ol eara, These are placed on each of' the hind gi eut legs, and are a po-, eufmr KluKKj't mote or less, o.'al, drum like rit.-uclure.Kx. . OPPOSITION 1 0 YOUNG MEN. Everybody knows how common it i for old aud middle aged - men to trr to keep young liien from ris ing in the world,,!) sneers ut the yotuhfuluess of the aspirantM as in the case of Walpolc, whose taunts against Pitt so signally failed to de press the latter, and served but to "pauin thtir author to everlasting sbainc." There in 110 von eg man of tal ents but has had such enemies as these to tncounter ineu who scrui to take a certain fijiidish delight, and. cherish a malicious pleaaure In seeking to depress anything' like genuine enthusiasm and bou.vaut ambit. on in the brigh.t boy, or the brilliant young man. This' arises half frnni glipar ignorauce of the nature and temperament af genius. When the. climber upwards has gained bin place among his peers, then It is that these miserable flat' terers ciinge anil fawn as basely us they maligned and ridiculed him-j and would f'uin crowrh out of Ins sight his old friends and staunch adherents. In his gree age and budding seacou the ,-outh ol gsuius crsvns ami rerjirea sympathy. '.It u with him especially (and In a raejaure, with all men) an intellect, ual want ns evident as the coarsest necessary eleuinnt of existence. Dixie Optic , THEY KEPT THE ONE WxTII ULUE EYES., "w '"' .' A lit tlu Harlem boy who has an old maid annt who is very fond of cats has been in tue habit ofoflid atinst as executioner whenever kittens multiplied around at hi auntie's to a degree that even that venerable feminine pat fancier oou'd not RtiplHirt .. A a natural tesnlt he became very expert at putting kittens- iii a bag, together with' a big paving stone, and .'onsignlng. the whole lot lo the lender mercies of the Har lem River. A it happened only the other day tue Itulu Uailoin bov's mother presented iier liu-h.iud with a coup le of daughters in the shape ol a pair of twins. As a grunt fnvor Jwlinny was ol. lowed to go iuto the room to see his newly arrived sisteis. lie gazed upon them with a lan guid Intel rut for a few moments, ami then looting up at his fa'.her said suddenly "Say pop, -let's keep tho one with bins eyes. It was fci'pt. Ex. ODELL BROS. Wholesale Shippers oi Fisi, Oysters, fruits k Produce. We are well known as a firm de voted to onr businvs, who work to give entire satisfaction aud oar long experience aud honest dealings with our many facilities hove won for ns the confidence of onr patrons. Quotations and information of any kind cheerfully given on np ll eillon. .Place your orders with .u tnd wa will guarantee entire tis4 ruction. : n- " -:L-. . . . " ODELL & BROS.. No. 9 li 11 Nivisoar 8r, MOR FOLICA. WAIiTED. 1 In Older to introduce onr work, aud secure agents everywhere, ws will dye a coat, 'rest or iau;s for tny one lu the United States free of charge. In scuding goods by return mail, please scud attmps for return (ost age.: :r ' Address . Efc HABRrSS STEAM DYE WORKS. .43 311 Sosth Blount Street, - - Raleigh, N. C. "THE OLD RELIABLE" J. J"- BOBBINS W'OLESALE PEALEB IN FANCY, SHELLED AND OPEN KD OYSTERS, FRESH FISH, FRUITS, AND ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. ' Orders by niiil promptly filled '' . !'-- No. 03 Qranby Strcel, Norfolk, Va. K. J. WEAVBR' has oonstautly on band nice lot of Timber or different kinds which he will wll very reasonably. - Esti mate furnished to Contractors and Guilders,' Saw-aiill S miles from Rocky Mount .011 laud formerly owned by Jolly Bonn. JU3T OPENED ill OVSTKB &AI.OOX Where von will be' served at alf boms, day or night, your patronage, solicited. Your friend,- J Charlie Ma'.thews. OYSTERS :' , - - HUBBARD & CO. Oyster XJlanters and '0. 1. fl.40. Ao 2. IM0 Str J 90c. C: . 0f. laokers nd Dealers i n Fish, ESTABLISHED 1.75. Tobatco Flu ci. GEORGE' R. DIHON, J& '. - ' "'. ''.. -': '.r . ,: PRACTICAL TIrl. CCPFER AND SHEET IRON WORKER Dealer in Tin War, Cook' and Heating 8tove,j O.D COOK. STOVES REPAIRED and lepairs faraisittd for any Store msic. 1 also keep la Stock SfceetTin, Zinc. Gslvanbsed Slieet Iron utid Tall,;" Tin any width wanted. TIV ROOFS I'AINTED with my ii (: ROOFPAWT. t tew figure. I also give ny peisonn2 atteulion to ROOFltiQ and QUTIERIXQ oi roi wv. ' . work doue ia any line tull or addrtsi ; . ' - - ROCKY MOUNT. N- C LOWEST r' . .... e . . .. . -. . BEST v GROCERIES iHB BK8T .FLOUB l tkt VKI LowbT priee$. Before buying eliowhere. " Call; around at ar store and look at oar goods and prices. , Give us a trial ami bo convineed. Gkkkm Geoceeiks, FatjiTS Cqnfectiokeeies. . Choice LI.V8 OPClOAKg. Goods delivered anywhere in tbe City free of charge. , - - Y. H. WORSLY & BRO'S. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. . EAGLE SAL00I3, WEST RAILROAD STREET. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, - FOR r Pure Old Monti cello and Stuart Whiskies, Pure Nash Brandy; L anier's Corn Whiskey, Wine3, Boors, Tobacco Tobacco FIiice GEO. H. DIKQil, TELEGBAPIiY sillr and antrkly li.-n 1 M. pay rood muM.Mt'i -i th tart blasI tm tuoiut rt- ,t A. j . . '4 LEXItfOTON. tt. Whits Ton FiancciAae. CAPE FEAR &YADXIN VAL- . ... E AILWAT . .JOHN OILL. accsiTWi.. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Ia Eff Kor, 1SJ4. K or til Boua4 IHTf WUmtnrto Arilr Fnytiiill " . Kftdve Fayltsfvill ' !.av fj-wtuTiila JvacUo Jjt Steuford, Lt Climax Arrtva Grmnboro IsaV ISIokrwUl ' Leavs Walnt ov tecmv Sural HU Arriva Ml Airy Boat). Bound. , Leara Vl. Ainr Unit Rural Hall ArriAe WalnalCove Lwi W'aluet Cor Lar 8uk.MlAle ' Irar. Trn'iiiiiMi . IjM.io :lhnax . . ljmive Kanford Amr a.lt.vill Jnnctloa m rajr.ii.uili. . Lmre Fir.lt.rlile . arrire Wtlnuefttoa Kerth BoantT Mo 4 r 1 . lara Itrnnetterille LMire ja.Ttsa Leave led Siirtnaja Lare H.p. illll. Anlve t'vtuiiUie, Soata kVl Iat Karetterille -lar Uo Mill. Lea re iwd Spnaca . Lmw M.xumi Amr JlMkU.ttrvai 4.M lfortkBovnd Di ' Lmt IUm.Mir Lev Clmax " Am OrrabOTO - Lrnva OrtwMisilMini Ijbt MokiMaW ll.o . Arrtv Miultswa T kl. k ' - - Boath Rooad . t Iailf Ki . ''.'. BaaH.,f- Lnrf Mmllioi IS M v. u Learw H(okdat 1 . Arrive itrwavbaro . . Lra Orrnbr 0:1 ! JLttaWV t IlllWlX --.S5f KORTU BOUND TONNE iTIOKS. . Trntn No. S un IcOnntrtfctrtyiitnlll. Junvuea with lh Allan lie ;Coit la lor All oinls North etnt taaf. Trma No. 2 connect at 5anford with Uia r a hoard AirLmworth and South hound, and at rrn,iH)ro wiih Ktchaioad A laniil R. R.. North anu South huaad. and at V Ala at Core Willi th Norfolk t Wt)trB R. K., Io WtnsR-Salm. Train Nu. IS canecta At Madmen with th 'orfVJi A VVsrleni R, it., for Koaaoh aad t potota Norihaad WwU SOUTH BOUND 4X)NNECTlONS. Trata Ko. t connfK-ia at Walnot Ccv wuH the JSort'olk A Wmern R K to I'wiujs aw-i all rainu orth a.o wm intlaKi; -!!::'! -wiUt tht KwUapond A lantli R li U .-4 South Bound, and at Saoloiti i.if s- Ixnid Atr tor all pouits SvnU ;tnJ Son, atd at Knvvitv rill Jua'Mioa vch ih Allan' Cofwt I, in Irr t.'hai !"Mou .! t. t.. im 111. ; and nil Kloruia (to:..1 ( v- n - n at AHxton with 'A. wnht'f'J s tJtiaiiotl., Atlvataaua .t iOiUi rv j.w.m, 10 r-vi: -- Pll. -.- ' ' ' ' . ' ' . I S a. m . " . M.ia " lei, " II 11 - . - ' .. -. I.ltan. , J t s " .' f s.ia ' : ..! " 4 a, " ' SIM ' I t.U " Ho I. ' llally. Iltt.a ' i' 44 2 . ""' i,,1 : : . '. 'A 1 " ' V 1 ' .:. 1 1; . .-- i . :it- I ;tveou leu eeius to C'I cn Ge V pr-'i-ii ;e tht? I , .-.-.I ir, a id t J d ;y you 1 , .-'.. i i ! and C

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