:m PiiOEWix, tVi, cr.U'MoX FUICK, 5 Year II. Six Months sa. CA.15I JS ADVANCiS. tl.e University of tho St.iH' at Cupel' Monday next; others, ami their ' l!ill, where li was graduated ith views are ll" more prohibit, say EATE3 OF ADVERTISING Oiu- iiicu.on week,........ ...fl.'W Uili'inr.li one month .. - One iuub, three months.-..... 5.C0 Oiia inch, six month,. 7.50 Liberal discount will I madi. t r !ai (rrtr advertisements, aud for. ton tracts by tk yar. LpsaI not.ees ltteeBts per lime, lor cuii U insertion. Ail lexers and liemittanoea ahould be addressed to . THE PllOKNIX. Bockjr iltwnt.U C ii(utt.'tiou iu 1S:'U in n cla.-a with I ihat the session many incu W'luo til'u-i wards ticvunic j several day. king liis degree mil i ..JL TnussD.iT vs. March 1Kb. 1805 J MO. As. JUKWIS. KUiiisr. TTItf THEl iKE CXISU KOCTH. First; he .few England mnnufac ' titrers hve realized the fact thai the mill iuH be riaar the cotton fii'la nj thu aave the freight of S3 a bab- : . ;.- . . fiecomi, cheaper labor tan be ob. taitied iu the South. Toe working classes can live more eenmrniicall y in tbe South thai in the Korth, bo cause the weather i milder aud not so much fuel and clothing is ncaes- ary. Abe day art longer aurt more work can bs) done by daylight, thus aavin? '.he exrunna if 1 i rl. t : mr th . n i o milt. , ... Third, tbe Sew Engird Htonl mill export a Jargoajioiint t their (Cotton goods to tbe warm countries South of as, aud by locating fit the South they get nearer their market. Fourth, the climatic ooiuiii ions of ' tho South give a finer trxlui to the cloth, Fifth, the laws of the ! oulhern States sre mors favorable to manu facturers. t r Sixth, ooai is cheaper in lbs min eral belt of the South. These solid fact are presented in tort and poini -d manner. Coma to North Carolina' and ee what V openings the are in this-Statertor such indu-tries. Ririuiiihaia Age. Ihs Liberia fever t-ms to be breiklog out ag-sin. as it periodi cally does, among the neuropil in fsrue tor!;onaof the South, Act's travel around sniong' iherj giving) highlyvolored descriptions of Snuth-j ern Africa, and the untold Induce- merits it oners the colored man. all of -which is svgerly listened to 'and Implicitly believed h ifif onso rt-iatMsaiMj people to aliolo it in tolj, aud tbe result is eftAiteniurtt ylncu somctiouis awioinos the pro- porUUB: emiraijoujcrj Bome cmHyI otf't'acrii min'mter have don miih to add oo thu craze 1j Jtrgmg a wholesale emigration f Southern blacks to Afriea wiili out ever stopping : to think of the -. 5 .... jiiagniiuae o me joo iuy propose, or the eapicily of tho pcoplu interj 1 ested to carry it out, or their ability to take care of themclvea after they bad drivea taks in tbe land of their father, where they will bo fore many years huve to contend witb the gTealer cfcergy, greater wealth, and superhir inldligeiico of -the white & in as t)iev have here For forty year effrt have Leen znade to ettabUsh a colored Hepublin . in Liberia, which notwithi-tandins the intsrert taken in It by friends of tbe negro in lhi conntry, has proved a failure. Iaoy of those who weat expecting to find s fond literally Sowing with uilk and hon f T, were grivou1jr - disappointed ' and were gl-ul to beat their way . ba-k the best they could. . f'oi. Lly thrifty, bxlliug, intelligent ne gro?, with means to wtahliwli them selves after they got there, might cuceecd after tb-y got there. That iiri'i can do pretty well in any purt f the South, lutlhcie movruients vhen excitement take the load of I eminent. After t ho reiul.i.iw with ihii'llun. U Mi. 11. Haywood ol iiMlrigli, and was ad Niittsd to th9 Har but 1i,tieef praciist-d his rolpin. Literary pursuits amt the duvejiyunent of bin pluutinj (iurrtftf-, bad fur greater atiraeti n for biai. Iu S39 be was ehcted to repre. snt the Comity of Kdseomba in the Senate of North Curoliai, position Ut which lie whs reflected contiuuoMsly uutil 1861 Io 1858 slid ill I860 be wh made Speaker of that body, and as such he became, tt eficiu, upon tbe death of Governor Job V. llis in July, lSfil. Goveroni of North 'arolina. Tbre wa iio ofhee of Lieutenant-Governor at that time Hi llm Btate. Tliis ' uffioe lie luld until Aufiiiat ITfiJ, di.-whuiging its onerous doties with (iitingni8lied ability during s period of grc&l events and the eravest respuuab bility. lie was nut Inns U his la bors for the enlistment, organize tion oi)J njulp.'iient of troops, and ill providiug supplies ntld means of (lefeuce; ssd with hiui.,nnu with bis ' Aitjutant (leiieriil, Jamea G Martin, is snid to have originated the M'heinc of th purcbaM mid owning by the Stnte, of blockudw ruunilig steamers for lbs obtaining frtm stirodd of cqppliea for itit oiti- ten snd soldiers, a scheme so stio csVhfully tarried into effoct br bis successor, liui hi Goreiuor Z. jt. Vance. " ;-". - 4 An incidrnt of tbe wsi was the punder of Gov. C'lii k's homettr.id il the lafiug waste of hi propurtv hf a raiding party of Federal cav 'alry v. , ; ; :': : Afaei the war he was Again (in 18(16) fjectetl, to the State teuate but tbo enactment of tbe odicu 'liefonstrsut ion Aifts,"' slinitly af ter, shut out effec ually for'niaiiy Team, inen of bis elinraoler, stand ing wiiil capacity from pnblio 6er Vicu Ol ' llfUut'. . .. ,; " ? -Gov. CUik died tn April, 1874 Iio whs ilii-tiiicuislicd, not only in p .hlic life but si u man of litem rt tastes and altsiumnitn. Hw hintoi i CU reading una knowleiliso were widely exMnled 'and accurat", and as an un'i'piary an J gunuaTngUt lie had few huperiors. lie wa a uisn beneroluiil and kind in linpouion, attraclive in manners und bearing, and xingularly engaging in addresx. G. D. ;r.o!i.y iHHitiaets n faU'ty Chiuse, I which eitiMin tt lo Nuiko gnod iiuy be.ontn.uod,,ml-"-' ! . The calend.it j.s tei.jft, J;,Kt msltram.e vxpenence,-with with bills, many nfju HaigiN for safety, and khoulil the die, Ufore rrschitig futur 'XM'rieiic liUt;r Irom the naiH. and a dcOvtuncy oi-cur, i. win bv chiirgi'd ratably lo the liiBiiicd, and m-li meniler muxt pay Ihm .i.r ir'ithin ll.iitv dava from dale CotninisHl-.Mrtt- tus ropuiists nf notice, r the Hinount, s ub In I. ... I . .. ..L .11. (r.iil airultwr. llid 1 1 n hi wo ....... s ' ... policy, and d.ituiiteu luenirom when ilt bre.omes n ehilu. Tin! Kidelitv's resouiBea for the naviuciit of dentil elniins are gi.'at ef Itian tliosn cf any U gal reserve company i" this country. A comll tion that would caiie sr. impair meiit iu the equation fund ol the Fidelity, would (-lace the utioiiesd und k-'- old-line or b'a! -reset ve com pa n v in I tin hands of n receiver. Tbo Fidelity's nafcty clsin h the couiiterpHrl ot thu iiismauee. law of Great lirilKia. Valuations are not muds there as iu tl0 cno oj the o'.il-line compitliieH In this cniin try s a test of soivenej, but sim ply to de'.ermiuo the bonus enrn incs.- If, in. Ilia judgment of the directors, tho funds of t!t company me insufficient t enable it to meet its obligations, npp'ieat ion is Jimde to tho cont to scale i s Ilnbiltiy, which scaling; stands until the uu , psirment is cored, when it is re moved by llio couit, and . failure is tluu avoided.. .'' We bv no laws. in thin country w h tiWv cronded which will "da.vlihi" St Mil. J The caucus of Republicans held List evening decided to concede the Kiiilrnad That l.sves Hie plsco to ohm of tw ien,Oibo Wilson or nnk''Kiicli en. Which wilt will It tocf Oilxtis leading by neck nor. Jul Bliggs and AudeiaoM lletH, coin jtosing the Brlggi UitUdins A Man ufactsriuic Company, to day uiaif surrender of Ita ptoperty to Mis lloltemao, who hohW :t umrtgage of G, COO. There sre other debts and judgments sggicgnitug neatly tioOU hav been cutt red so far, STATE NKVVS . The Monroe Enquirer says that William Parker, of Union countv, hn'a a cajf eichteen months old, which weighs GM pounds. J.. " nreTTTibticai Ileeorder is dead ngaiust the Individual communion cu,. It char.ia(eiiz it as '"this new form of a general : lebelliou st!itint the i'loly Uilile "::rr - - " Raleigh Fre: L'.lo this after noon about fouroulck the Sujireme Court affirmed tho deoi.um of tliu Sajieiior Court in regaid -to the Mills ease. The jiJgiueiit having been uffi.-mcd by ilin court, it only leninm for the Governor to set ike tlaie and George.'. Mills will dangle from the end of a nipe. Cleveland btar; Mr, Julius Phi for who rectntlr purchased onfl acre of monazlle laud irom Er. Ephiaim White,. two mill fiom Shelby for 1500, has bought an tlhcr at the sain price and says that if. the whole farm l as rich as what be b ta purchased, he will buy it all at the satEf priit). Five nundied dol lars an acta for common land that could before the monai'to was dis covered have been bought for Cf teen dolla's p r aero. ' Kale:gh Aeic and Obcrrer: It is learned ilia: tho ladies who bad a t ill introduced luto the LshJa ttirs providing for a dinplay of thr work of the women of North Caro- Castorla is truly tt maividons thing for child rVu Doctors ire scxibe it,' inedk'.al journals recom mend hand moro limn' s million mothers sre using :t in pla( of IVregorie, Dateman's Hron, so called 8ttothiugsyntps und other narcotic n nd stniiefyiiig remedies Caxtorin is 'the, quickest ti.ing to iVjiu'sto the i-touiaclijiiul howew aud give beallhv slceji (he world haa ever seen. It is plciti nut to the satVe ird absolulcly haTuiles, I relieves constt(atioii, quids pain cares diarrl.ee i snd wjnd colic, al lays leverishiiess, destioys wjiius, and pieveuls convulsion, soothes the child and gives - it refreshing and uatutal sleep. Castoii i is lh cuildrou's pauaocii ho uioilier friend. - Castorla is put np in one size bullies only. It is uot wild in bulk l)or,'t allow any one to Si II you any tLing clre on 'the plea or promiw that it is ''just b good'' and ''will answer every purpose. , Uee that vm get CASTOKIA, Tliof" ' ' ' -la on vltiiili' tur every Wrap. pur. MtOOKLYJI, N V, ,M,iy 13. 1893 GKMI'LKMKN: I lioicby send jou my bab's pictnie, to recommend Csstoriu to i hose who do not use it Shu was n small, ilehcate child When she war boln, and slarlcd to' be Hickh, no the iloclress told me to tise-tjttstria, aud -1 dune as I was told She gained Iu a very shorl time, she was only t-ix mouths old ivhcn flO weighed I n euty-fotir miuii(I.., and now she is eleven nion'lii old and weigh twenty nix pound-, and is a utrong beaky child ss you see hy Ill's picture. MBs OOEULE, TJ'J Hopkins Street. judgment, always' end in failure, if j ''. " Atlanta, hpUo I he fact the not disaster Wil. Star. HTA2 C0TEEXOU UESET T.CLAKE. bill was tabled, have decided upon fa mouit appropi iste and ankle exhib it nt the spptOiiching Exposition. - In the rooui aigtied to North Caro- ih rrlfia, July lSaiJS62-' j,,,;, iu the Woman's Build ng at rh units Life 8i.J DlMUiguiKlied: A(Iirili( thej. prol0we fi) place a "" - - j huge bare piue table, and upon th liable, ina frame, the petition and I bill whu'h the fji ua!p wi promptly til.tcd. aud in another flame a pic- 'ark w Ml 1 - i":-, ! ' is born in l.i1, ' I FinEl.ITyMUTUAL.f-" SAFETT OR ASSESSMENT CLAUSE. -. -f ' The Fiieilff w-ns organise, d ns t. protest against the legal teserve or net valuation system. To this end, it is compelled lo-qua!ify under t In law governing assisameDt or natdr il premiu ii insuriiiice. The net vnliiHiion syRtcm was directly responsible for thu failure of eighty nine Insuraiius coinpanibS, who nt ths timo of fiiiltire, laid iid mitted ass'uts nggl'Cgl'lltltig f 100, 343,307.00. 'To lilustrau-: In 187", thu ilieorcl-cal net valuation show ed tho liabilUK-R of Miu Charter Oak lu bs fl3-ri7,077.i!). its asxets, np. proved by ths Insurance Depart ment, amou tiled t o 1 3,23 1,44 1A 8 mdy- deficit, inn,54'ot'. The company had 807.308,733.00 insur. since iu force, and.tt would have fakeu only i B7 lo each 1,000 in surancu to wake good thu deficit. Under the law of its existence, the company could not levy 1 ho small tax of 92.87 and although ita cur leiit premium income was nearly three times pi eater than its current oullay for claims and. iexjienKes, u receiver hud to be appointed the pulicy-bolilers lealizniK the munifi cent sum of 10 per cent, of tbe com IpanT'S assets. ' The net vainstion-syHtein, wiiicii w compulsory upon a certain claxa of companies under existing laws, has been denounced by legislative committees, niKorance'coniuiissiou eiT, officials of life Insurance cem lianiei, including - ilr. e.Curdy, President of the Jntual Lite, nmr by the leading aotnaries of this und oilier countries. We quote tha fob j lowing from tho. proceedings f the Actuarial Society of America, Which relates to the subjectr ' '-The legislation hich neodh-Ksly wrei ked so rainy companies (lurin-r the last score of years was, ill n large degree, the uroduct of iKtior- hiiw, haste and passion, nui we shonld now endeavor to correct tho rnistnkes of the pan l, bint they bear a fresh -crop of evils 111 the future " Th-i Actuarial Society of America FRED A DOUGLASS and Machhfnists Supplies. REPAI3 WORK OF EVERY DESCBIPTION. BUTCLE BK1-AIRING A S lrE C I A T X- - STEAf.l FITTER AKD KiCHISIST. .''i::;:;fr,i:BYiiEs,: HOOKY MOUNT 7ST. C, Ths sseretary of the Elkhsrt Carrlam ' ,iiriiin'i... . & I I SicK? 1 inenia ns suggest a curs. ; V Ten to one tha trouble started with your livttr. A torpid bver causesKJieumatism, neuralgia, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Head- acheaudadozejiotherailmenta. f 1 goes straight to work on tha V liv T. It elMtUM ,Kb nrMn t '4 makes h active again tbe acid ksrayoii' blood and yon're rl cured. Teatiinonial below: V T.R. t. I. THORP. and Harness Mtir. Ca, ol Elkhart, lnd., J - '. Informs us that their pritcs will ho lower r.- T .i.! - tr 1814 than ever. lie withes us to ask I Va-OI16ral -rrjtCtltlOner, our readers not to purchase any.hlng in ' nereis , ttntlMT V iicvcies or i - - w " v OfTee hou t, :"6 a m to 4 p at. Uli.ee ilays. lq-dsy Bior iogt tnS Jat rdny a s . ' oitc la TUoip'a old Ding gior. Juiltl ng It sideucs rerer- of hsrek and thorn . -t.stU, bt i esa tra fov s uifiht. . - ' 4jrU li... . , , j oui !" i si asvw ww ;uivuai tail J xs llitj III lull ntbnrtse hilcu ! the line of carriaans. wagons, bicycles or i KiiM-eediiitrs imd the Fuleli'V bus,! narnas unui mey save sent cenw in ' tlKiefoie nicoriMlintJ-d III Its lly- catalogue. We advlss the readers ottUaj Laws und policy contract ttie rigin paper to rememosr nis suggosuos. to (b that which the laws of llrilmti - , reeognizB n- 'he Is-st possitilo way to avoid Isilu're and iecelvershis- New-Sale I nrd my wife of Mvralrfft of V even jean' atantiloc by the dm of 3 jour men i cine Biter u B. V. PARinSR. Att W. Prmtk Sti-Mt, ClikclnnaUt ( At Ywr OiiKMitt srHarahlirt fm la rm T nw stctTTtw i ltf Mll.il.rn OE I1C TT ilUUlf 4 T. -y Sol Proprletsrs, - Knoxville, Term. f ... - - ... - - v tlOSSKT nSTTI.K, T. T ThOKNE UATTLE Sc TtlOUNB. Attobsbyh at Law,' Will : 'practice in the C'unrts ot - NashEdgc-oaiUe shd M'jluu. Cflicts 11 :ck Mount sua itarboro North Carolina. Collections a Specialty S tables.- tn f Uiir..l.( ;'. 1 i Mi is cf the Sei.ate i composed of the artnanes ol l ,. r. I nearly all the old lino life i f'.i. es. but no; V li lt is a'linittcd bv tho ,lvoeates oft' I. ff.il-nservc '.-!eiii nteds no NOTICE. .The Episcojiiil Church Aid Socie ty, will Weplaxed to receive orders for; 110 making of gentlemen's Un derwear, ;-liil5Ml'a clotlTes. ttud ! bun or fancy, WQik or all kjnds Meuding ahtl darning for nninarried men will W carelnlly attended to '" Address ::: "!-. ' Mbs. T. W. IiATTLB, Pres'mcnt, MK8. A- C, Uowabd Vioe-Ples. Mes. M M tJHAtl. Src. & Trens ..THESOlN The first of American Newspa" pers. CHAELES A. DASA, Edtter, "Tlie American Constitution,, tbe American Idea, the AmericauSpit it. These first, last and all the time, for ever. . THE SUNDAY SUN, 1 -TIIEGKEATEST SUNDAY NEWS FA.VEB IH THK V.'OBLD. OPENED AT DAVIS V7ARE "r HOUSE-, ffonsjss and Mules Alwaijb oa c- ..,'-," . :-....- ; ;..': jn-.r 1 " Hand. : 4 :-. . . - , v-. - . - AAII Stock Giitiranteed as Te). re sented und sold very chise. If 'bej- don't coma, up as repre sen ted, horse can beTetuiut'd and money will be j-cfuiided. ' G. w. imJunkv:-' D. VORTHiNGTON, - At'lOKNKT AMD OliJUNRELOB AT- Law, Kockv Mount. North Oarolttin. Jllafllie Coast line. WILMINGTON WEirONiUi. AND rRAKCJJEF.. AND FLOKENCE UAIL KOAD Condensed Echedule. TRAINS G01XG 60UTI1. oiTtn. ' f? ? MurrU . 1KJ, J P. at P. M P. M. Lfr WIi!ob... -ll 17 sr. ltok Moubi- 1S47 , mo A rriv Tsrboro... - , l.v. TsrUiro IS an lit 5ffs A. H. Lr. Roikr Mii t-i cj L tv ll.un. 'i L.sv tinm 6.1 I.V. 'tlr'ltrvillr-4 9U ' -l It r'Uirrnte. ; loll II w. 3 HO , i . ;...,.-. ........ ;.;.;.';...'':; ;..a . . -, r-.lt. (.mm Wl'ron....-.; w , .... ( ; , l.y, (U.!,.IK1V. -t id ., J 70 Lr .;HrBtlla----ea Ar W Ibubiciu ..-4 an , li M U. A. U. TRAIN'S GOtNO NORTU P- H JSnrob i, 'M i ,': P. M. P. U A M. P. M. J.var Flowi.e -T La 1 nj-iu-vine --1-ftVt- Ki-lma.. rrtv Wlli-o..,-. Lvr . Turljuro I - M - II SI 1 -u J1S M. . - - ' v .-iifsll,-, P M ,- P-JI. 7 .. rS - -. IS 1W P.M. . s.1 r, . r. . li si ita; . ri.7 il u- rrfce 5o. cspy.TiyTIiiil. ?2 a year. Daily, by Mail, . " " fOajcar. METSlDELSllViDlPIDW. hkap'this AP''IKK it'oveb! Wc want 1-09 men who have ener gy r.nd grit, 'We wtl( give them it sitwatioii in 'which they can make money rapidly the Taoor being light and employment- tjie year round. ' Requires no fcspital or great education. Some of our Inmt sales men are coniiiry boys. Voting men or old will do: Remuneration is quick and snre. We have need for 100. meu within-the "next 30 days. Do not want time, but write at once to U. O. UUDOIN8 & CO-i Publish ers, ATLANTA, G A. D2. w. n.wniTEnuD GFFIOK ON TARBOBO STJtEET, Busilciice corner Franklin Street ' and Sunset Aveliue. - Jotis L. Brldgcrt ' Jo. H. I!ak- rr fRJD(J5RSi&. bakel: ATTORNEYS AT LAW, llocky Jlouut, North t'arollua. Cmcrih-. KmIi. Ldcrcomb" and W :ii i J, J. UATTLE, ,' Dental SottqftON. UffJoe over old Post OUlce, Roclty lloniil. N. 0. JAS. A' FARMER, ATTOBNEy AT LAW Cihcut: Nash, Etlecombn Wi soli niitl uilj, lining eounties. - Oulce nt llriuk Building 9 doors nbove 'A, W. Arrtngtoh's. A. WOOOAkU, tf. t. TUOKPs THE DAILY CAUCASIAN Will bo sent on trial at the speoi a raW ol tl-00 Tor 'i mouths. This will cover the mitre piooudiugs of tlicrLrgisbitun. $ We not only give the full proceed ings of the General Asssnibly every nerning, but wo tako the Isles, news from all over I lie world bv telegraph every night. THE C'Al' CASl!f Is the only 'opuiist Daily In the SoUta which lakes thu Press Dispatches. 1 Send 8l.")0 and try it for two months. - THE WEEXLV CALCAfJtiN Will be belter than ever. It will centain a condensed sl;iteni-nl ot the Hews of the Lextslilivc piu- i cet-iil.lfs, which appears iu urn Daily & Sttiidy by Mail, fH a year-! u.,;iy . Price, tl 0!) a year. Ad- Yy OODAIlD & THORP, CoitXSKf.ORS & ATTOBMiVS AT Li-W iKOCRT MOVNT. H. C. - . .VAsuriixa. n. o. (ESTABLISHED 1853.) EMIL FISHER, CHEMICAL SSCOURE (OBIUINAI1M1-OHTESSOF TtllS 1S1UTRX.) a.vb aoemt for Lkwando's FkenchDye Hotjsf, NEW YORK ai BOSTON. UH1.. US W-t. Payftt Street. Bel liowurd Sv Pork AT., BALTLVORK, MD. ' -A.H.. f.eavr W(lm'ri"- 1rtT Moatu4tst l,te aahlvboro- II rriT WiImib I rs " Its f A, V, A. T. Roclt JHI.-. 2AT Arrtve Trloio- S 49 ttiv Tarboro ; Leave flock? Vt llnilV tXCf-Dt MOBftUV. f ItBlW afSiXHit SlIslilslV 4 Trutiia oo SotIauU Nck Umnvh JlotiU Irmvo WvUlou .4i I. Hi.. llHlifns 4 el n n arriva t-icoilard Keck til 4 i.n .n., arrwnvillvi. iv it. m , Kiiinn Z.36 p. m. HfiunHBf cnv Ktsttti 7 'i n. m.. IfavH. Qrit'nviU8 22 .v m., iniTim Hullliix i to dit a. m.. VVs-tdon m.in.i tiailr i miu un w usuinrtoa iirnnch l-ay vv atrfu ton 7 Ui m, arrive iiriHl ft -I m. TcritMiu 9Aort-tiiritiAKfai -Tai t-wro 4 fl i m parml it 10 Wavrriw Waehictn 7 KJt p m Daili except ttf u rune ta. - Train leavTirbro,N.C ,vlit Albwrstartuaad -rtnlflsTk. It. I.,J-Jii, x).t C (isd;ty, 4 Ait i, u siiMiiiiy W p, in , itrrirv I'lyjuuutU V un p.m Sh'Zb p in . ItrHtrmrr lmrp Hly mouth tiu.lv, r-pt ontlay,0 W. , Sun.lay 0 SO a.n. hrriv Tarboro lo.5 a. m , anil 11.41 1 nt. Traia on MidUn.l, H. C , ll-an-.ta IravwiftsltU Voro, M. t; , ttttlly tscej't fu.u.y, .ti4 a. m , r rne Kimthtl. Id. N, f r 7.30 a. in., Hurt- utM. lRTea SmilXdHld, N. C 1.90 . .; rria Oolrishoro, N. tJ., 0 iv a. m. Xiain u Nf avtllw atTmcb It-aves Relcy Mount At 4 j p. m., arrivff iSmfaTilU A.Oop. m., kr'- iiip p- m. nt-iuraui? ir-arf-s -.nite flop .tw a' w.- Naxhville (.U u. m-, arriva r.t;Kj oitai t.ufia.i.. daily fxrplSuiiiiay . T rut a oa Lattrt Uniach Kionce If. It la.rf . Latin ft 4 p r afrtrv I unbar 9 j r p ta rwurtta lug h-ar bunhsJ 6 a m ariiva Latu 7 sW a m 4:tilv 4xcpt Suaday, - 1 rninon Olisttais KrrLQrli leavi Wanatr for Cltiitva iJni.y, axopi Mitdii , ai f.10 p.m. Ke ' tiituiiitf lavoK Cltuton at I 3 a, m., cvaaefimg ; at Uitrraw wttb main tin t'.-ini. 'Liui No. 7 iaak clostt cuaaLttn ut W tJoa tor (kit poiuu Korih daily. Ail rail via Hi. b'nond, undtUily vxeept Astsdrvy vt Prt awu'.n and liny Lan- Also iu riveky Muti( wt.lt Nwrfullf und Carol is a Rail fond f r hoi .iaf ' dAily and a pwun aSotUi via Norfolk daily a-. -ptauud:v. Jous:K.iiviKfc, " v " ' fteneral 9 apt. J.K.KEKL1. Qea'K Mrtaar. T- Train Wa-arer.- , CON DENS ED SCHEDULED Dated JiAB. 3RD, 1891 No, 10S No. 23, Lv. Ar, Xo. 7k Ko. ll 1 i l i w i a m. " Nirf ilk ' i vs v m, lo u a n 1M t.i film. rini 1 ' lolo ' II il 19 l)rlTi r 9 1:1 4 1 i (ti - 9 44 ' ' Suiuik t 21 " 14 " 111 IS " "Cit " "141) " 4 . 10 a " " 'I11.il 4 II Jl 4 3 " IIOi " A..ki M ' I II " 4 44 Jl 14" " Auland.r" S 41 7 e i '11 S7 ' Hoheood" 1 OS I l 5..J " II Kl ' Ar,T.iibore " I 41 ' I .'. ' 6 25 p m 1IM p si -;K ky ml., 1 i I ju Oally, U.itlj 'cept HnJy. No. 23 uak eonueclloB l Kucky MeuiUwOA ' V. A W. Traia Iio. :3, lor all poiuu Sooib, iuiS Ko, 7ft trato for all painu W ortS. Q. M.SU.PEI.I, J. m. KENIT, Oi'B. AtHBaxer. Sup't Trauvjierutioa. '" . X. M. iSKHSOX 'res Pain. Ajtenl. Atlantic Coast ! 1 TETEESEUUG RAIL Iio A. C05DEX8E SCIIEDFLE TRAINS GOIKti HOU TIL The Weekly, J AJilriS il a year. TEE S Tue CArrsiA:?, RaU-tuh, N. C. bated Mat. .'tm, l.t tf Stoii.-y l'i i-i l I,f . Vt! l:t I IV..., I.- .vb i.--r . , . A., : ;h' i if t;..... If Of A.M. 1. ; . l ...It''i. " , .. n il " i t,, .. 'J P- M . '- v l.-'t I; c 1.x- . .-. t on our ; .111, u he I ' it w ou; f-i: i . . - .-. 1 " i Iv 1 j ,1 u 1 1 u u lie 7,1 a rt. i :' - ) - :-d li'"l l-ii ' . : ; to t!t- I

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