.v., V;- ... i. , 4 1 1 I-:--.- TTst v.,: ;s:-r: For tho beet result - advertise in THE NEW ERA! Itis the Peoples Paper y; - Subscribe, to 9 3 THE NEW; E1" ! Y It is the paper - jV--- For the People. , Devoted to BimetalllKin, 1(5 toll; Agriculture and Government by the Ecople. Vol. I. Xo. 1. WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 6, 189G. $1.00 a Year -1. L 5 i i An ,' 1 i i n " -rv.-Tr-. '. (". . ' is fit? - - - - - . - . , 1 . . - "Honest Money," "Sound Money." flo Man That is Honest Wants Any Money That Is Not "Sound" rhetor the catelr nhrasr m t!t giII standJird r;uikH, vm- p!yeti to deceive the r-orlr Soman wlo i hnt wants a:iv mon.v lint u iiac Kound" nml Iihum! " itttt 4 v ' w l - -,'v W wo may houtIv ditTrr ns to"l what cortitutrs monev and do .ttTer from the ulira and radi- al cold cranVo'n that subiect. 5r.Tt.-v iViTii4i;Ht used to ef- feet our exeh.mL. h. utid its p.wer as an agent t do this it purely legal, and is theereatur fft ft hiaw. w natever the law sars represent, measure and ex change.the valuers of the people, and ?hall be a legal tender in rUy payment of debts is money u Uhiti the realm, whero the law i.H o jerative. 'Hie A metrical) people are mak it law f.r themeltu. not fr KngLunl or Kurop, and they do not propose to li t either Kngluml r Kurtie tltctate to them a tloatictvil ivltcy which in the outgrowth of centuries of cen ti viiiation, th etTeels of which t driven to the ho.pitcible .' !rcs ef America, hundreds of '. Mounds olf earnest, laborious ! inttdligetie iaeu who came f r thT rin-tn th.tn to ; .'the onditios which the u ld standard couutritii of Kn 1. ud aiul Kurope. are now try- 5 irc upon us ana uicni -ihrt rw tM American vh . itivWollie. 'r,.v rrrfetT t!;c bondage once, but the relent l ?s enemy of the sovigtity'' of the leople of the jjewl old tcotcn utH'trme that " a uun s a man for a that and a that' has now secured a powerful ally and the scorpion's whip.and the taste of blood, and the love of plunder, are driving them with tho frvhy of a newly act ui red zeal, to new triumphs over a la Iporious. intelligent and liberty loving people. If Kngland and Kuropo do n t like our money they can let rea- -2-tv If we owe them any thing we propose t pay it antl p:y it honestly in the money of tho realm, precisely as it was when tl ;e del ! was con tracted. Any other payment w ould b unjust to ourselves. If Providence has so smile! " tin us to endow us witii inex haustible mines of silver with v. hich to discharge our debts in accordance with the letter antl spirit of the contract, it is our I a vi lege and our duty to use the 2.-.ens at otir command and not :JtIimraway. There Is not all Europe wduch.if they luuf our resources, would not utibze them, and for r.U they are worth, and it is neither business, common sense nor common honesty to burden u irselvcs and our chtMrcii, to demonetize u money metal simply bceauso we happen to h ve 18 in abundance. If our gov ernment had enacted a law de- b i-ing lio money stan!ards 4fter its ilebts had 1hvii con tiuted. then the holders of thoo liabilities would lutve g hh! caus'e for greviutn e. but t .ts the govertmrrnt has not ne. or attempt to do. but t"..r etTort f tht, gM tan lard .auks now tj. awl th n-putn t li.Mp thirty ato lie if a!!it. to ; !. i crn- t- . t t ; I?. ,h"r"'s o f I I I . ople vrhhout any cousidem tiou whatever fr tlie f hnnge. The situation i Wholly anom :ouj. If you hada y who v otild make such :fxl of him- ..If a to as;ree to pv.y two dol t .r for one without thonhadow a coaidration for assuming tUo ailditional burden you would rl httxniliateU at his lade of common ense. What ever the law ay was mony and a legal tender in the payment of debts at the timo tho debt was con- tractcv, whether Kold, silver or paicr, was "sounu money, honest" money, then, , and is Lto-day, and to multiply words will not destroy the logic of the contention. v Watch Out for Dcvclpmcnts. 1 no cn" "d 'or a gold f ""f' tuiiTuiuun in oouin Carolina to bo cmiood of elf- lPPntI ueltates is-sum vivih itui(.uiuu 10 cause I aniuseinent, !Ut it is also inter I a w " " H,Il"IM WI m a,l ImlH that Pervades tho ranks of l"oso wno ,,avp "ndertaken tho Jouof PI"J? the interests of ,nc mov p"fer against those "1 ",w prwxucfrsi aim common pcoplr of the country. Keeling that tiieir purposes arc- undemocratic the gold standard men have resorted and are still res rting to tho most undemocratic methods of com pelling the people to advocate republican dtctrine. In Ken tucky we sei them bolting a party caucus and defeating the will of the people with respect to the election of a United States senator. W e see them m Geor gia disfranchi sing. the ooplo in the counties where they can con trol the executive committer. In Sot;t?i Carolina we sec them proposing to hqld a convention of Self ;;psiiitd delegates, each representing uoldy on earth but himelf. to'pr.sH reslutions indtrsi!tg Mr. Ch . Kind and the gold standard, a. J to i lect a contesting dele'ioti to the demtHratic convention in Chi- ca Amusing as this scheme is in South Carolina, the fact that it is characteristic of the attitude and purpose of tho gold stand ard men everywhere gives it a serious interest that it would not otherwise pox-ess. Hacked liy tho money power and the in fluence of an administration that is entirely reckless of the interest of the people, the gold treu are prepare 1 to stop at nothing. The democratic party is nothing to them anil they do not care a snap of their fin ger for tho will of the people. If they cannot rule the party they are prepared to wreck it. They have the republican party secure as they imagine, and if they cannot force the republi can gold doctrine upon the, dem smtic party they are prepared to wreek.it. Kven i ieorgia. where the gold men have not yet unfolded their scheme in its entirety, wo shall see some such developments as tlese which have marked their campaign, hi other states. If thev cannot enrrv matters to imit themselves .o shall find thcra making some kiud of dem onstration as strong as their struggle is. agaiust the harmony and unity of the democratic organization in the state of Geor gia. ( There is but ono event that will proven t such a demonstration and tlm ij for the democratic masses to rise in their might at the June primaries and bury the whole gold standard scheme out of sight m far as this state is concerned. Atlanta Constitu tion. The only hope for the restora tion of silver is for thoso who want it re torn! to leave those part ks that annlit ided on it and vote for tue candi dates that arc noiiiinateil :.t thi St. Louis cutio'n on July 2jnd, on a . .Ml t At I to-l onn rnai wu 't mr 111- t of the Am--rican. people; or Knligh and American not Llt nrolnvAlv. 1 Ed. v ,ji1,, - J in von would keep up with tlej Liiu- subHcrilnJ to The New Eil . Sd.oo per jcar. Agents wai ted everywhere. Y "u call especial attention of tho e v.-ho wish to nlako some mo ley. ThUyou can do by so li cil in g sabvrribcrs to Tiizsw En I. Iow is your chance. Index to Advertisements. OROCERS ANT COMMISSION MER CHANTS. D. McEachern. C. C. Covingtou iS: Co. D. L. Gore. A. .Newberry. M. J. liver. R. W. Hicks. N. McKinnon. J. L. Croom. . W. B. Cooper. West & Co. K. E.. Ward.. A. S. Wintitead. II. II. Lovo. .B. F. Keith Company. mix GOODS. " C. W. Polvogt&Co. Big Racket Store. L. W. Davis, and clothing. 8. & B. Solomon. M. Rosemati, and clothing. I. M. Bear iS: Co. Capo Fear Manufacturing' company. SHOES. Geo. R. French f Co. Chesnutt & Barrcntin. Peterson te Rulfs. . Mercer & Evans. II. Vonglalm. CLOTH I. VO. A. David & Co. S. II. Fishbluto. I. Shricr. B. F. Penny. nVut.-s. J. Hicks P.uutinf-. R. R. Bellamy cCo. if,i5nv.'A'a:. X. Jacobi Il.o.hvarc Com pany. J. A . Miisehist.u. O. F. IV' .v .' o AMennap Hr ..are Com pany. Hreckenr. . .rry. book st::s. a::: nakv. C. V. Yu tv .... P. Heinse..'rier or.. Meyrs Sf r .v ,. ut li.b: ; .... I Roger M- . J. T. Ril: v ( o. A. Ac J. W. A! i'vman. It. . Love. IKNTI-. Dr. A. M. P-M- ?n. . Dr. J. II. TV. ht.1. ME A I. AND KOMINY. Ho'nev ll.irprr. II. F.Mitchi.1! t!o. Sneed fe C-w Monnc tv: K'elly. Tho Puree: t. The Sutton Ilou-e. MJSCKLI.ANKOl'S. Hamme th'. Hn'.ier. Willianl Uag O. H. N. Svet t. Salt. J. W. Iluirgiii, Jewelry. Thomas H. Wright & Co., Bicycles. .Ii. Cronenberg, Artist. J. S. McEachem, Feed. Vollers S: Hasongan, Brokers. T. W. Wood, Sowing Ma chines. Sam Bear, Sr.. Tobacco. Free Coinage linking Powder. Wo ask this special favor of tho readers and fronds of The Nkw Era that they will patron ize those who are kind enough to advertise in Tin: Xew Kka,&s their patronage hrlp us to put tho truth before to people. Wo will tako no manV ad. that wo do not believe will tre t their patrons right. The Eest Lloncy. If the best mom-v is tlio dear est money let us malco it 100 times dearer than i is now. It could very easily he done. Just pass a law that tho gold dollar shall bo tho .only legal tender and that it shall ronton 2,580 grains of stnndar gold and tho thing is dine. m tht: happy days that would fallow it would take 125,000 busiu-is of corn or 40,000 bushels of v hcat to pay a hundred d-d!aiM of taxes or in terest. Wo;!d wv not havo prosperity vs : l!n would own the-wo-id all thero is in it? It vovM lake all tho wheat or on cattle in a whole country to pay e debt of $10,000. But that :Jnd of money would 'besf mo::y according to Sherman OlcKniley logic. lndepen den I , L in . i n , ; Aeor. Agents wantel i' every sec tion of North Carolina to solicit subscriptions to The New Era. Special rates given. Send in your clubs and make somo money while you aro ex tending the good work. Our F'lkQinn VJUl IOIIUM IS tO PllSh. Wilmington Must Go For t , m . wara it nas advan tages. it. H.rbcr F.einu.. mF!e m An, - quired Volume pi' Bujci-Wc Invite . - .... , InveatleaUon to Our Grcot Mmtttrml Ad- muntaz- , Tho mission of Tli: New Era is, first, to tell the truth fear - lessly; second to present the ad - vautages of this locality," not only to investors, per se, but to . v men witn Drains ana money who want a location, which of- terpriso second to none, on the j South Atlantic coast. It has i one tho best harbors fordoing a direct importing business, that can be found on tho South At- lantic coast. The reliable stage of water to the port of Wilming- 091 fnof o .nrio afoarr. V S A-A A - AAV " mm A VsV iyUiilAV VV UlU ers and sailing vessels of the heaviest burthen, and stens arc beincr taken to ii;?rease the ! depth to 27 feet, tho original . antl normal aeptn lor more man a century. ' The railroads out f Wilming - ton for the purpose . of prompt and activodistribut n are tht- Sea boa nl Air Lii: . Atlantic Coast Lis'.e, Wilmii ;ion & Wel- don, Wilmington, ' olnmbia &' Augusta, ( -ape Fci r & Yadkir Vallev. and Wilmington, New; Ileriio Sr Norfolk. It would t.e difficolttofind on tne -liHJitic coast a sirable location fc.i large irn porting hou:es doi.: busines. with the South American ana Wat India ;orts. or even the v ' rT,HJ li1"D, 7 ;:r i "7r . - lyv theyeventics of-wivtcr weather 1 " , - , - t The Imrlmr fac.nt.es only nec.1 U.u proper cumulus tc r.l (limn nmi n . rf nil V to ., , . quireu vommo 01 i.asintss, uuit 1 a. nf Iinn f t y wo ! .KrkiiQo niir. .u:-: wnn'honsfi Diir- f , , . i , . rp, bo bought very cheaply. There is a disposition among property owners not to "kill no goose ioi the golden egg". but to treat in- .quiries for investment with an open frankness end. liberal spirit which invitrs investiga- tion of the great natural advan- K6'3- Tlio climate, the harbor and ran iacniues ior aisinouuon : make Wilmingtonnot only the paradise icj importers,, inu pre-; sents attractive features for the I establishment of muaufacturing j enterprises. There is plenty of good labor and cheap labor plenty of good coal and cheap coal; plenty of r . w materia ready to be utiUV-d; not only cotton, lumber, turpentine anc' tobacco, but undeveloped re sources which have never yei been utilized. There are bedt; of clay, rich beyond compare, near the surface aud of easy ac cess, to make th- drain til-' needed on the Southern planta- tious, and the sewer pipe needed I for its growing cit! , and sup-; ply the cities of thti old world : cheaper tnau they ooum manu facture it, coupled .rith cheap- est possible transportation to Liiti iiix ii i ii. i i . rL." There are beds of kaolin, pur ; .as nature can nrod'.eA it for th(. manufacture of the finest china 1 ware and porcelain wares, ' heaped up and waiting for de-1 velopment. In portions of this i country and largely in, Franc I would such rich deposits be fit ! tingly appreciated. These arc- j t4"1? " i i g.uuaxiuj wll dirrtrd fTr V In rnll well directed efTo.t to malo llmmgtoil a. ventable hive O. industry i ' i j " . ; ( The topography, of Wilming ton is well adapted to a cheap and effective sewer system, which will make it as healthy a city as there is on .the continent, with a climate, unsurpassed any where. I : I Street impovements are claims ing the attention of its'commonj i councnand these improvements will be pushed onward and up- - s war? to the - highest perfection : Ul.BlfeeiS cUIU IUC wair o. As a ! place for business or icsidence ! it is distined to be the peer of ! any on the South Atlantic coast. J Ayhv ihe people ofl the North K. , ', , . ' . T i n - should be content to work all i summer to shovel in and work ! all winter to shovel qui is past ! comprehension., Life is what j you make it and what you get ! out of it, and the greate t results j are secured when the barriers i are least. " . ' - ; The "Citv by the boa" wel ! comes all. t Vote on Silver. There has been much said ! about the Democratic tmrtybe in ff iu favor of silver,, but the j following vote will snow now ! the Democratic party stands with regard to silver at ratios haaneriner." from 1G to 1 to 20 f ; t to 1: For Against ! Ratio 1G to 1. 124: 100 ,...'...102 - 104 121 240 239 " 17 to 1 " 18 to 1. ( " 19 to 1. 238 222 : " 20 to 1 1 The following vote was also had on the unconditiou xl repeal of tho purchasing clause of the snerraan jaw, tne 01 iv law ' which gave coinage to iho stan ard silver dollar iii uy man- ner: - For ..140 Against ' Vote on 1G to 1 110 : AI"ee coinage 16 to 1 ..124 .110 13 ...11 22 G of Demo crats voting... - -1 110 Jfo. of Republi cans voting... XT . T- 1 " -i. i i10- . opuiibiB votmg.;... .000 v In 1802 wo had another vote - taken ona-fre3Xoinage bill, on jjarch 21th, with the fdllowing . , pary vote, respective; :. emo . crats, 83; Republicans 6; total . aejainst silver, 154'. D(iiocrats - J-opulists , P er , I ' ' Thus it can be seen :hat the i on record as bemg opposed the free coinage of silver. j fa c . m i j Vote as You Tlimk. - ; Rev a. C. Dixoii j ave us a ; clear idea of tlie con barative ! resnonsibilities of a ctizen of tho st; - and I citizen j Qf ... , il government; whcn ntJ ulid) .j shall be sorrv for the Czar of Russir. and the j Emperior of Germany ;nd King Italy and King cf Spr ;n when they stand before Goal They are 'responsibile for zb much, t11 t fiv,oii iat oe inrrvF the citizens Gf the United States; u :a ,-llci aa for he is just as responsible. Through the ballot every citi zen of this country is a soverign and whether he wine c'r not he is responsible for his 7ote. A Christian who votes as he thinks Christ would not vole is un- wortnv tne name.- mat is every word true. Thru citizen who surrenders his sovereignty to a party or a party l;ss, . will be responsible for thr? result; the citlfcen who votes against what he knows is besi for the sake of erettinf? a friend or a fel- iow partisan into ofaco,, that citizen commits a wron.jf against himself, his religiUi and his : country. j-Biblical Recorder $ . i j . f Our Gold Standara Imends. We notice that OUi' f Jiends in business who are it relent gold standard friends are anxious to sell goods and receive silver in payment, and they squeeze the goddess of liberty so fervently that she is about to thier a com- plaint forASsault and battery. We will appreciate! v our ef- lOTt mxtendmS th,e Circulation j of The New ha.- j.It mission! is to put forth thos a that: - -n i T . will be for the best interest Ofj the people of North j Carolina, regardless of party j hot- es or of- fice.seekers. If "y ou kve inter ested in the best element ruling us you can help on i the good! work by extending the circula-f tion' of The New Era. l. w. bavis; Wholesale anil Retail-r- Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, &c No. 13 market tfFfiEET g"Satigf action , guaranteed! Call oHS. w . ... , ... . and let's bo faends. Yollers & Hashagen, 5anufacsurers' and Packers', Agta 4 , ProYisions, Flour, Sugar, Grain, Hay Warehouse on Atlantic Coast Line Track, : Foot of Nut Street - WILMINGTON, X.. C. JBJCorrepondence solicited Scotch Sxmff ! Kept by Grocers. Use once, I you win nava j&v uiu.&i I Manufactured by W. L Vena bis & Co., . I'etersburg, Va. Headquarters fo.r Base Bali Supplies Hammocks, Rubber Stamps, Stationery, Sc. j jT"Best stock and lowcs nrip.fis.in tri .state. I - Sf . -, . ' Myers and Lewis 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET , . : , M. R0SENM ANN, , MANUFACTiy:ER AND JOBBER OP Men's Clothino, t ........ r . j- , . V Dry Goods and Shoes 5 a n d 7 Ma rkf: t Street WILMINGTON, IT. C. g'Pants a special. Orders from . ' . S. H. FISHPLATE, KING GLCTHIER, 22 and 24, Front St., WILMINGTON, N. O. Hint WhIT HflK nllfl HIIUKllinK Prices Guaranteed; Any purchase yo:i make and dot satisfied, come ack and get I - -. ? ' your money. . - W, Polvpgt;& (Succassors to I WE fflAYE SECURED - from ' SEVERAL .LEAm5rO, iMPORTEn? I. ' . -jiiujnal Aua in oraer 10 aisposo ' i tnem rapidly cost and will offer, ty . se goods the coming week at prices below comparison. Colored and Black Oress Goods 50 pieces Spring Novel s leu, 30 inches. special far next week' at i9c. 3- pieces Woolen Dre.. Uoods, 38 in. wide, cannot be bought; tor less than 69c. will Jbe sold for 33c. - . " pieces All Wool lhiminated Covert Cloth, 52 inches widey ior Bicjcle wear, reduced'from"$l to, 75c hiv yard. The balonoe of our Spring Pattern Suits we will allow a dh".-iant of 10 cents. reduced from$l per yard to 89c, a special foroneweek, ' ? A Black figured Mohuir Effect,' 40 in. wide, special at 39c. Look at our Black Tamise and Batiste Black Figured Sicilian. 50 inches wide, before you purchase. Remember that we arc Sole Agents for Butterick Patterns and W. B. Corsets. Every Fiqday Qur Bjargain .Day, Those Desiring good, solid and honest goods con find them at my store,. 109 . Market street. I continue to carry all The Finest Makes v; also. Good Shoes as cheap' as the cheapest. Do not forget the .place H. Von Glahn, lOO MvliotvStroot - 1 backed by the. money capital! England and. Wall qtreet, N. Y. yer was-betrayed and since th ' up to th present day, ,s!lsa been loosing its t- purchasing and with itr has brought d manner 01 iarm nroaacts. coin cotten goods, wool And woolen v and provisions of -all kinds, i y wnat wewwi aj Bav --is hub; are no politicians, but live dry g merchants.'" The downfall of cot drv foods lias been wonderful. Wt . v i wj.m m k m ii iff n - 2 iimiil i. ii im n ifi h it ii av iv w r . j .1 tdi rc . , are in' a position to load in lowr r niri?AKi T?.ftnd tTiorn ftnrl oTinarfl V with those of other houses. 25-iinch pids, heavy weight, at 3c... 36-inch wide white liomesnun. smoth and fine, 3Jc a yard.' , : I i 36-3nch Ilocklugham, a. a, very nice, 4c a yard. ' j . 27-inch heavy pants cloth, at 8c. ! - 30-inch wide, a. c. . a., red tick, war ranted feather proof, at lzjc a yard. 29-inch blue duril ties, at. xc. r! 27-inclx heavy blue cliambric, at Cc. 26-inch best shirt waist Icalico, at 4c 18-inch beautiful shirt jwaist silk, 2 36-inch beautif lawn, pretty colors lOc 27-inch heavy quiltinff, at 5c. 1 Marselles bed sprearls at 83e each. 39x72-inch opaque linen it indow shades at 25c each, the best goods made. , . j 30-inch wide matting, 10c 'a yard or 0 J by the roll. - - . 26-incn Ulorla umDrelias, at &uc 26- inch job umbrellas, 25c. Boys' Palmetto hats at 8e. Men's wido brim Palmettohats, 10c. 12 cakes Turkish soap, atl8e a box. 1,000 dozen best lead pencil t 8o do; TiAts iinri i-knnri I : Tint , Ynrr. Ivuur Or 2 j 1 Pretty white note paper rulee, j ar lc by the quire: 1 - K Shops of.anv kins. sliDoers witA tipSfcS hole lace, pretty geo4sjj at pair. " - .. -. i--. I $ j Ladies' button dongola; , pat. nicel 'finished shoes, at 43c 3 paifv i Men's nice . high cut congress land sho6s, very pretty styles, i)5c; a pair. 6 balls of nice sewing thread Iotrt( Bays' suspenders from 5c upi, rjob. Ladies' su roKicr-caus nhcler vest, Ladies sailor hats at 0c each; in band- ed "high crown, in black or whit, pretty styles, at 25c each; nice trimmed hats for ladies, at 50c each; trimmed in flow ers and silk chiffon, nice stock; and nice styles,: all for 50c each. ' j -5 1 i A verv nice and lanre stock of jfrnll- m linoT nf nil lrinla linta nHfiiiim'3 '' styles.. ; ' . . V" j Clothing, gents' nice grey suits, at 4.80; ". boy's suits from 39c. to 3.50 ) J We have 1,000 pair of men's odd panfs for men and boys from 15c to S.tfOi Wo hav all RiTPfi nrfl rrndft. -l j .'We handle every class of dry goods from the cheapest to the best. Wo are 4 friend to the poor man, we want their trado.we sell goods to all alike, oho price to all and that price; is the lowest to be had. , , Silver is what wo want, it is the- poor man's money, we say let tnore oe sil ver ana goia both. . i on w.ui una us ac 112 North Front St., Oppj the Orton Hotel, ii 111111 Props. WHmingtoiTTBIg Racket Storj P. 8.r-We are Ileadquarters for Cheap Goods.; - v . ' Katz &Polvogt.) bargains in v;a we have added but a small margin Specialties in Silks. I One ilot Fancy Silk, for Waists1 and Trimming, former price $1, new 69c. ! Black Brocade Silks and Satins 98o and MM $1.25, worth $1.25 and $1.60. '. . A 30-in?h Black Jap Rain. Proof, tho " -I- very thing for summer wear, at 00c and 75c per yard. . j See our hew line of Dresden Bian Silks fdr Waists and Trimmings $1 and $1.50 per yard. : i : Seen those new Dresden Ribbons ? ' . Very busy in Kid Gloves just now. ' It's a pleasure tp buy Muslin Under wear as i w0 sell It : . - j''f Would like your opinion on those new Waist Silks, ; - ..... t- v i Clean'fresh case of .Percoles Just ar rived; Ithe yard-wide and. fasf colored kind., r. .-j - .ti.vii; . 't,.- Need; we mention Corsets? Vou r all know the. reputation of this so well. '. . .. .K. V ir j ; I : .. r I ' '. -'J ;: 'J ' V I .' :.j I 1 i . ... and rer .-' i A ;: .'-i , . .... . i 1 ' , A. -'V