Oolnmc 16. H I.A I> THIS. % i'or ]»{iyiii«'nt.- in ;niv;in'". ]jiji]• • 1 m•; »r«• I'«•! 1 1 1 1.1 1 \1 > t.. I i j j,. «, j]j 11 «it »11 * 11 »11; i r will I"* !'*iV'*'l « 1 i'ill piiy -1,H.1,1 IV»r ">" . v " ;ir - Att " r 111;11 flit*- tin- ivjrulnr price iinist Im- JKli.l. lIK K«>l:\ I'KINTIM; CO.. | I'uMislicrs. local IRc\v«. l^ss. Happv New V. :tr. A long :]• v-iir \ ] ~v \ . y V' *i' liov st a A Martin Mi W•;! \.k, of Asli-\ ill'*- wa \ i-it:it"' fi '■ n«I- in Hi.-fcory ia- f w * e k- M ;-s bi/ /a e Mi'l om b i-> visiting fi i( . vl- i:, ('oncoi d an * 1 ( 'i-urlot t-. L (f ~ - (> \ ,-iv,>;i p. ices take the I chlil oil U y-1. IAM li t I*l - Mi Jenks I> n: «1 leturned to I Hickory .luring tho holidays, aftci some.* y ears in 1 exas |S Major J. (i. Kailew. of Lenoir, has I'M been appointed a I'. S. Coiiiiiiissieu -1-1 B (•]• in Cahlwall founiy. |pß Married, last Thurslay. Vance A Uo.-k. U a!n 1 Mi - Minnie linos*', by l>T. .] M. Smith. mm M i»s Mary (icitiiea', now a teachei jfitM in Sab-m A cade my, spent the holi with her parents in Hickory. ttlM M'. ami Mrs S. L Patterson, o Iffff'B Va ; Valley, B n , ( ., 0 , , t i„. .ousts of Mrs. .1.(1 Sunday was tin* liist t'.";\ - tii % ! t!fiiM tlav of t lie inontl an .f tin* week Win n will this orcu again * Some one inform ib. Ii 11 Lanier, long a saloon keep« in thi* place.- ami last yt.ir at Plow \ v ., |Jock. died of heart disease i S>i*lsl»nrT at 1" rid ay |»,, •, SS nr 1. (' Mosrr has lesigt « I a* a t. a-'lier m 'oimordia ('olleg at Conovcr. and Professor 1!. \ ,j, i ! as bta n elected t > t*i ! his plae Married at the Reformed parsoi .• in Maiden, l>y Re v J. L Murpl on ('hi istmas day, Mr. M. I >n ' nid Mit-K Haii i*t K lVrk. r. both M lid* n. Mis*, Mattie Aberm tl.v, who In teadii i.: music in us at home duritij? the liolidny (i V\ ;i :..-.i •; fi i'i:ds were ' *ttin.', in s. ~(•! in r . !.. ra- a music t ncuer At i e il unsour lan 1 on Mo di\ i• .e ' 'a! t\\ 1> t bridge stk. p; oniv t ?'1« 1 « shai '1 j ;]]]. 1 i has hui t the bnd« p « • t \. M V v I .in ke ilrCoik'.e h |, l.t 1 1 H r :i- nillsic t« .el. ,I. V .U a 'e-■ 1« „-e and at ( !.u ti • • •\1 fie ei ted a like o'ace 1 i i W t i, -i i? . M• r■, ] St j .nk»* - cliuieii. Iji coin cmnly. on P c - at •» o'clock p in • I'T I^ 4V V \V#tmor« . l>r. (». Alex Hainso;ir, 1 { [i VX Urovk», N. I'-. to Miss Nairn '» 11 H ko. i \ \ I>i I T. Hay and I>r. 1» I. l't p.* . .•.▼»> t>j an ollice mt v 111. 1 -;i IVS » it dy to re, ( i\e CI for tlit";r : io|es- ; .on i! r\S auiiouncemei.ti in our adveitisii I »r. Inyold w ill hold set vices id 1 the I'resb ttejian Mitirch Suiiday. A ilr a« of uinoty-f»n« luules »1 thi » i^ r h I)ee».glM r '2lth for the southern market. Heart warmers in "very corner of n>ir »tore. Roy4'T & Martin H!ck»| orv X. . Mr. 1> 1 presented his faunlv ▼.:!!» u raluahie "( liristß as eift," l»y moving into his new house | •December 21th. The College Visitor i« a year old an 1 Making for "solid food to make it grow fast. It propo-es soon to increase its nuniber of pages at any rate. A small boy in Hickory has discovered that only two figures make the date [SSS, ihree bring the .same. He further says it will l)t; one hundred and eleven years before this will occur again. It is our pleasure to extend the compliments of the season to vou all and announce that one " jjreat stack > »f mark down "overcoats is now: 1 readv. give us a call and bring the familv along, \ Martin at tli% White Front Hickory N C. The Clrand Division of the Sons of Temperance will meet in Stat.es vi'.le on the 17th inst. The (i. !) v pavs the travelling c-xjienses of one delegate from each Subordinate Di vision, and it is hoped a full repre sentation will be in attendance. i- A ▼cry pea-ant was given by they^\^>i] s () f ( I ]are in''M on the ( ,t Dec. am a iaju>r-* iiihi appreciative audiema it to the tidiest extent. Tin pupils all pei formed their parts well i,] but the vocal solo bv Miss Faucette i t - the instriiMiental solos by Misse Link and Shuford. and the recita tions of Misses Warliek and Linl 1,1 deserve special mention. Professo A Hottenstein and his a>Bstants ar 1M doiinr ijood work, and we are r- y " their school i- well patronized. li fe. Joi!rua!i*itic. Hon \V. H. Kitchen has th , Democrat to Mr. K. K Hilliard. wl. becomes editor and proiirietor in , thw pap«r. Mr. Kitchen tiud* a ( the of his experience tha " bit tin en of the \ i'«*ss are the hare e-t worked, the poorest paid an the la st abused clas- of America as citizens." "In leaving the editori ■a- chair of the Democrat." he sav i's. " w do so without the shadow of i -t' will o: oti ertl.au b;otherlv f» « lin ami Kindness to every member t i « pi W-S. »n -->ar r Not i 'c»'ivm ir the first je Clvde Register we went over an got one. It is a '-pier sheet an starts right ofT in the f.r-t issue t booming its tow n. Brotl er .T W if 1 • iSi o'» tier dit or end l roi>riet re is a j vial, matter-of-fiict. spiai d. i' i ai 1 cVnr head- d man. i tir* iv to .('• vi r tii !h a Il pub'i l'rom iis » i utatorv we «pi»t»- tw ao -e- !ei c S which, ban It git - Pel Mil |; licanism. we heartily H (l f says : ? We t erei re neutral in a?o tl it g. and of coulee* w»_« :t »dv»icat« 1 and eraleavor P' pr p l: it te- the principle* of the Republic* wn We nball ardently support tl mmiiiief - of tiie Hepublicnn part 1 i 4 national, slat ■ and county. | >i - o*; i*•• ng they are !. r.e>t. sln. pa'r t * ' Ibichorv, "IHortb Carolina, Clnii^Oav l , 3anuarp 5, IS6S. Th© Hoard of Education in*t in ; Newton la.st Monday and apportion- j ed tin* school fund. Coninjitteeme n can know the amount due tl.js dis trict bv multiplying the number >f scholars bt T."j. and adding to the product, 531.11>. This gives the amount apportioned this vear. to which any amount left over from last v eat is to t)e addt d. Jame. 11. Wilfong h n -on.e tie ( -red oat - !'- r -ale. lillst Plo »f. Red. ji so ]>!ae'k He tejok the fir*t premi . nlli ut the State I'air oil oats. •• I \\o .-oil- which beat ;i --lias often been applied »aeh se-\. but now seems to be true of tv,> iadie-s in town. I»y «f)tue unaccotu t able and invisible telegraph v. when one i special I v wishes to sne the oth e-r, -iie very soon knocks at the door. If one writes a ne>te, expressing a d#- sire to see the other, anil elo avs to hasten it off, the invited one is mov ed bv soiny overpowering desire to see her friend, ami sometimes gets there before the is sent. For want of another name thev call it "sending e>ut the soul to tliv absent lo▼ f• d one. Tiie Attfinal Supper. I or some vears past Mr. J. (». Hall, President of the Piedmont , Wagon Works, has given a supper to the employees of that concern at > the do r©f the year, and this appro . priate acknowledgement of their . sei Tices and re-union friends too > . place Saturday night, December 31. I'lieie was a social, gathering, music, e'L'it and ;i shot t spee calle j el out J. P. Min rill in Shuford's Hall b tween seven and faighl o cioek, whei s.ipp«»r w- !y and waiti g in tin 1 | I upper story j Jolin Lattimore" •resta:;; ant. And such u a-upp. r ;i j I kings ami congressmen h'ttg for. bu ' eeielemi see. John l.attimore know 1 ow to up a sujiper and we ti.ini he did iiis lere-1 best on thi- oiaMfcion i- I . jSpaie 11os, souse-meat, chie ken turkevi, i> i: t 11d■ • es. Ijsii, m, ] !»*•-' »r ~ \ ' . a:i, tiie* Inn st of juv-- ums. and a ; prepared in the la-it of stvle. v\it i*• . 1 : bread, potatoes, puddings, pies an enl-ie? to match, and coffee in abumi nice \ l».es>!iig was a-iked bv lie\ Mo-ea an 1 ti.- table- disrui«st i b ie 1 lev. Mini win n ill titm ix d t ;o Shi. ; 'oro's Hall to d.-.t and hear nc . f a is from A. \ Signion, Kev. lieiter, 1 '• 15 A.ev.iiidel and '!'.(.! s li \y;j 1" indei I a happy evening and we wis 10 t he- pal ticipant s manv I appr ivturn ill ... ■ut j !l t>e. H'k tie Ue-er mg a t J•»; 11 ... i and a.l Wfetii hoint* s'>l mil happ\. look ii- to anotlie 11 yeat's p! asant and }i lltat'le en ig p; vme nt n l t > the i.e\t nnnm of supper. t«. nuiiihsiont'r's yi in a . .(iinu: r> i HKS. \ i»rss?nt excei t A . '>. orpe. i •j :ng. A. M. Hew it; tut he eii .st. 1 Or. , im! that (i.C. I» -nniwel t e i-e.I from >.ate, CoiintT ai To 1 -j_ Schoo ra\ on SI,(KH' i ".orth of J>e ~, s., j iip.-rt v. i\ - n imrg'd t• • hi j SS „ \ r-. I' nejs uis .. • w' *i 1 f i- . . : it ■ 1 M otiia 1 .ouers t ro d.tv s t ;i i iici burial • xp*Mi-« s. ! - A M >r -.in was as fern {e i\ers« •r at 7" tents pel mti;.th. ('. ii. bp rw as grant, d retu : i .. • • M.v 1' \ t» 1 J, • ; v a * t»r s U | -j L I , x*' (. d | j ge. \,« . - eHi . r . if), d jf,■ |.l r; M » • i■' r 1 $2.50 t - ( ler m; iU l'eua ot.errui, colored, w;is de- C: aret 1 n patlj»et, ami allovfeti 51.,"il I« j i per month from date for her snp- ( w port. (i 1 ne jury oitiered at previous nm't- o ing to ln\ out a public road from j'l the Kings Mountain road /it Salliei" II |WII s olel Held to the Morg mtoii j road, near the e»!d AU*rnctli? sclmo house. Ml d their report locating the; : road with t; e c'ountrv r » d b tweeii " s..id poinfs > and allow ng no i iin 'g es, whit h was approved and ..rdered " tiled. Ami i* was ordered that !'• i-t. 1 I V vb-rilethv and Osborne \\ Ills' !,s \ iitllit iieajip Muted ova rseel's t» open . . 'i I > ;. ■ t and c Mist rut t smi i oad, ami v\ i n orntnaml ol wl! roatl Ininds w:t!i;n two ;illd a half fillies , f *aid I'"ad to do t iie work, ami report t • t i 1 • • 1 J.»ai d on l>t Mi miaT iii March, l v I h - Sheriff nn.de sett • m i t tif ti.. State taxes w.tl tin- Hoard, • . . , a snow ing t lie net annular ed >U.ite a tali s to be jiaoll n',l. A number of lulls an 1 p t iper | claims were amlited ami ordered t be paid. ♦ ) SiHitlaj Srliool C( lil>iaUt>ii and I'ic-iiic at Krtlic-l. Monday, Dec. 'J(>, was the* day »•; , apart by the* Sumlav school at lietli ed to have their e'ele*bration antl tuc r 1 s n ie t., , 1 P»v 10 o ede)ck the edmredi was ~ 1 , packed to its utmost with bright le»oking Sumlav sciiool Mtdiolai-. whose faC's spoke' that tiu-v had been well trained. • lie*v. Lewis lieite r was prest nl t«> tho Christmas service 1( . Revs. C. M. Muivhison, .1 L Mill 's l l^ ami Mr. P. A Hovlc had been seiectt d speakers for t lie. oceasioi . . and especially were the chiidia ri iorikitig for Mr. Hoyle, our j opubir ,j S. C Clei . a» he was j,» ad Ii * t hem. but ti e\ failed t» appear. Mr. Li iter c inducted tiie ( }i. i-1- mas sea vices. as-i>te.i La t|.c stdioo' i wiiitdi was w »-ii pei formed. Sv ra vei y appropriate pi*a > were w j sung b> t in- sta.ool, b- 1 b v ti • i - | galiist, ' i ss \lattie Voullt, v\ 1 id: added greatly t> the prt»gi'ana Mr. lieiter gave what. : • « 4 a* j , /IT-ilitlitbd atl 111 ss, uj;a ,i . n g 1\ e'onnne n lal ' •, a t' r •. ' eii w t itivit d t i tn» i!iii i■ 11 \ 11« I. wI a i a l * i- 11g table was Li n ;. ai i 1 ~ '-:tt • t> the r-' " l tilings li.e !a 1:-. 1 1 |l" j i ar- a. Here* a i had apntt ij ei form, ai. d th• \ 1: i it w • .an i ; t i j a. i 1. ad e at» 11 t . i-i • wa - 11 g»* \ t>v i i t we: Te baskets ! ak» nUp f» ti tv ci 'hshes. i Tne n itii ieti:i jit i ; > i!i « ..n |(l and heard .u.'-ti i i:h» s- from liev , Mr. lit it e|. ai. i oI a- C!r g.i id n u sic 11 \ si an 1 th* clos.ng ot t lie- ( hi Ist mas ►»»-1 \ ici - Neit wit hstand. i _ t. * - j i ike- s. e t ea pt Mr. Ken*:, is *d to come. tn» Mav ti. it Sai )tv - ii H i # \'m mi.- r ' 11- inst met 11.• mi it' n ami strength »nt he i*i pi pa- of 1 h tlid com imm.n A Pai'.taki.;. South Foi... Jai: d, I^-s H I • 11 K ut iierford t ollc-j;c ll*-ui««. Christinas was a hij py -»a-ot, here for both voting and end Ihe citi/t-n" 4 had t ( hi l't mas t r»e m t he* -'• ciiinfh n > r ' T> e t jei' ni. 1 ■ ! i»*' ia 111 .. ln i \ ip- !,-nt gilts. icii v%ere distributed eii among the .ng *n I>.. p- ; by -m P .f L i:.-t r Ab-in. -..y I W. e T (' e. ... 1 i »y M:s s J.mmie •a Ann K~t -.11. Ci .1 1- c 1 Vm? Johnson. ! Humbcr i. On ast Sabbath Mr ChailieAb rn« tuy ar. i Miss Mat tie lit m pit ill k-ere unitt 1 in marriage at li. v M r iood s. Mr li ' 1 t»t!ic;atii g \ s >ll the s:ime* ti iv. Mr Adt. pi,us Hd '"1 bi a i a. 1 M,s> !>c..e* It'anl w**re uari'.t i at Mr. alvan i." i k s, I»i li Abt i nethy officiating. On last 1' a-sday .Imiik S 11. Me aughlin. aged » o y,-ais. lied, as iuppo>ed. with heart di- ns#» Rev J A. In k, who came from Monro* sixteen years ago, has ee>m m 1 will n turr to hJ* old 1 onic \-r n lav, whi i a brotl »i i; law • ■ > till h s I la-e a> } e > leaf. his , bet i !t . ! tie ?■»};.. ▼ h ;s. c llread v H M Johnson, formerly a ci?,/.,» ii* ie. but who has 1 »e»-n •no in 4 • uk i I 111 M 'i ga? !on '■ l a ew Teai s. j-, t-iriM Ito p t! , J f,» j ir, ei. c a -aui md w ill run a t baeco factoi v h« re-, iml probably start anotiiea » a j er at the eauleire n e st»*l ilay * ie»! g« all old I'iti/a a oi b ii i i »\\u«hip. tbed at bi.« l oii> I>i AI einet\v is to cos ine t t: e ;ih? s 1 s»«r \ ie* ■,* t, um >ri t>w ut F; if! dship chui'tdi. at J>! 11 s War!lck^Mjj at anc! ion all ?he j ,s{ un k. P. v. .1 \\ . Hrowning. of the Hol (■■oaf, » ne-. pa-vsetl down ' the road to-day on a risit to his people in 111 ie .. 1 lu ~«• is I e-ing I. pa.r. d and some , ; tla» lo m« Jij-ailtf d before k.-! v OO, op us «.|i the ! uuth of Janu ary. 1 ssS The prospect for a large ""S.ein - > «11 1 Ji ( aro.ina during la- t tl'Ur. and the pi i>mihe «.f -{ j. th ait sha I> til o t | - he a e a; In i is r mai kab \ c ild. Dect ,1.1,1 :n. ISS7. Pki oar, r E U nis. '• r ' V\ J . a pastil, of I OIK-OI 1:a cmgr. I J in i c>min iM m iii. v. ( • • i met i leceiJ Ime-a.-oJI 1 ■' is i. igi, m;,llu winch I l 11' •: II i '■ ~f Pi >f. P. \. \M m v 1 t y i« cent ' re« - •♦ : p i t - \% ♦ •! 11 11.. ' li. » Ii A •i• a has elecline dtH ■ ii \ .1 ( Mose'. Prof, Voder s . tlie-r ng!• guru i.s \« ish to retain I im, neut»t .« i;»- • u.d not aa t t. We; ha I a Sunday heuenu Cijrist ais 11 h •-1 eou which n > pit .iij!i ■veil' ] .t ell » j t for Sin lav rdiooj 1 til. .it n ana a who were* too I sjnai. t i attend Sunday s ii«,t, ( > parents aie memije-rs tiu; congre- I 1 • tf» e " l - l eoili piete , . jr- J •• s- i : '•* »s a ].ri/e ».ff# r»-d b^ F Mosei ML wou d rafli '.e tre*- M I ye«^B m ji A I

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