The Press and Carolinian. Oolnme is. local flews. "Taffy takes—people in. Listen for wedding bells soon. I he Liiicolnton people are moving for a roller mill. Rev Mr. Pearson, the Evangelist is preaching in Statesville this week. Royster & Martin have the lowest price •*clothing." S"rvi-(- - in the Reformed Chnrch Sun 1 iv b\ Rev. L. Reiter. Our Hotel men tell ib that they are crowded most ot the time. An as.->ertment of school books at Rovster'n I)rug Store * ii' -it and corn taken iu exchange '.othing at Ro\>ter & Martin's. Mi,s 1 ;innie Eckard of Conover is visiting Miss Fannie Payne. I or oils, paints, varnishes, paint briiohe-, Ac., call at Roaster's. * There are more strangers in town just now than at any time this win t r. 11' >y :il and Patapsco baking pow ders at Rwyster's Drug Store. * Mr. B. P. Beard, a former town*- man spent a day or two in tow» this wt'fk. t We notice neveral large droves of mules aiul horses going through | t'>wn this week. For pure and fre»h drugs call at Royster's Drug Store. * Our manufacturers report that tliuy ar« selling their stock vert rap idly now. Mr. Johnston say* he will *OOll have Asheville uiado a free delivery * » post-ofiice. T.andreth* garden seads —throe five cent papers for ten cents. (). M RoYftTHK.* After 27 deaths in* Asheville from Meningitis the papers say the disease has been stayed. The editor was telegraphed for at tend court m (ioldsboro this week and left Monday night. ■K full an 1 complete line of ladies and gentlemen > purses, pocket books iVc.. at Royster's Drugstore. It is said shwrifYTuttle of Caldwell will soon resign and prepare himself for trie ministry. Overcoats mark down to $2.50 at lievater iV Murtiu'a White Front Clothing Store. Hickorv. N. C. v M unroe Brothers repre senting the "Imputable Life Insur ance Company ' of New \ork. are in tow 11 A fud Hue of stationary, box paper, r*Mii >rand u m books, blank booK-\ visiting card-', :it Roy>ter a Drug Store. I have sold Harrison Rros'. ready mixed paint for the last eight or t«u years, and I am willing to guarantee every gallon of it. O 11. Ro\>iik Mr. Will H. IVackin is on a trip through Alexander. \\ likes and s 1- ioining counties in the interests of the Haithcock Tobacco warehouse. - The celebrated " W. L Douolas T* Sh >e," also a full line of his other ad vertised goods may be found at Link Co s. Agents. Hickorv • Runaways are getting fashionable La>t week two teams ran away, doing some damage to wagon-, but not in juring any person. A lady in Arkansas wants a bottle cf Mrs. Gtier's Hair Restorer be cause she saw it advertised in this \ i|>er, and yet some people *ay ad vertising don t pay- All the latest styles of lamps and lamp goods just received at ROTS ter's Drug Store. * Jesse' Huwn killed ft pig last week ten months old that weighed 11*7 pounds net, and yet many of our people eat western bacon. t The celebrated pearl top lamp chimneys (same price a- the old nt ▼]o, at Koyster's Drug Store. Mr. L. M. Totten. WHO has 1»PPII confined to his room some weeks i siowly improving and we hope will be out in a few days. It seems the Watauga Journal hag died iu infancy. We expected much and predict a similar fate for Home other new ventures in the same line. Some body says Newton has the largest bar room of any place cover ing two and a half ftcres. He had be*n idown on the u swapping ground." Royster tries to keep everything to be found in a dr«g store, and you can rest assured so far as the price is concerned the bottom will be knocked out. * Engineer. Charley Edmunds died ' in Salisbury Sunday the 20th of Jan uary. He is said to have been one of the best railroad men in the ser vice. An Alabama paper says that the man who deesn t advertise because times are dull is about as wise as tne one who won't eat because bis stom aehe is empty. Married, at tke residence of Mr. J. E. Keever, in this place, on the 26th instant, by Her. J. E. Bristowe, Mr. H. Mclnturff and Mrs. Laura K fever. Solomon Stinsou of Iredell ('enti ty, aged 75 years hung himself on the 25th ult. lie is reported one of the best citizens in the county and no cauee is known for his act. Greeley, the " clerk of the weather was put to his wits last week to keep the proper signal up, and kept them running up and down nearly as fast a> an old up and down saw. The Stafcesville Mail alludes to a man who walked out of John Latti mors socond story window H.- a " Ilickoryite. " He was from Moi gantoti, ami full of their whisk v. Thanks to Senator Vance for a copy of his speech on the abolition of internal revenue and tariff reform. L,ik« all of Zeb s speeches it is good reading and sound politics. T1 • Mariou Bugle has res«>lv«d to •'O out for cash onlv. Sad experi P • ence teacher us that is the only way to keep even, and we have resolved on the same plan. At Black Mouutaiu la*t Thursday Januarv 20>tb. Henry Vungam sh Bull Wells three times, one ball en tering the left breast and lodging in the back, but not considered fatal. The cause ws.i -a;d to be trivial Uvular services. on next Sun lav are to be heid at • the Church. Rev. J. C Pastor: the' Methodist Kpiscopal Church, Bev.J.E Bristowe, Pastor; the Pre byterian Church, Bev. C. A. Monroe. Pa>tor. IMcherv, llorth Carolina, Cburstviv, jfcbruatr 2. ISSS. Take Police. Let all the overseers of Public Roads remember the Board of Su per visers will meet in Hickory, Sat- , urday. February 4th 188 S. The Marion Bugle say-, the ware- ' house at Mr. J. L. Morgan's distille ry two and a half mile- from town wfi» broken into Sunday night by some unknown fiends and übout fiftv gallons of whiskey wu* destroyed, and carried away They were a> 44 dry set On the headwaters of the Top rtv •r, in Yancey county, a few days since, \V in. M. Stepp, while hunting crows in company with John Stepp, was caught in a steel trap that had been set in the brush to catch bears. But for the trash on the trap his legs would have been cut off. His companion released him. Mr. Stepp made a bad step. A ragged boy. about fifteen years old. and a blind man, said to have lost his eyes in a mine explosion in Georgia, were begging in Hickory Monday. The paper the boy exhib its looks very much like a put up job. If the man did lose his eyrs in a mine, it is a shame on the mine owners and the State of Georgia that hs is left to this means of avoid ing starvation. There are so many frauds now it is difficult to know a real ebject of charity. Married, Oil Wednesday, Jauuary 25th, at the residence of Mr. J. F. Click, Mr. Charlie Fry and Miba Mat tie Davis. Miss Davis is of Rowan, and Mr. Fry of Catawba county. ! The attendants were 0. G. Watson j and Miss Nettie Adams, Jeff Fry J and Miss Delin Hosier, O. Click and Miss Etta Murchison, and Avery Whitener and Miss Bessie Fry. Th e reception was at the resilience of the • 'room's father. Mr. John Frv. 0 MetliocliHl Quarterly Meeting. Tliere was a fine congregation at the M. K. Churcli last Sunday night, it being the first quarterly meeting ' for the current year, and the new Presiding Klder, Kev. R. A. \\ ill 1 preached a good -ertnon. and made a fine impression. NN predict a successful year. The paint has been secured for the new parsonage, and the bru-h ik now in motion. " X". CoiiTent Sold. We only had time to -ay last week that the Catholic property in Hic"kv>- ry had been *o!d to the Ohio Lutheran Svnod. The paper* were signed Inst Frid tv an 1 $">00 of ti.* money paid The balance to be paid ill .Jtilv or :i» soon a» p>s-essien of the ] ropertT is surrendered A 13 -ard of Practical Seminary of Hiek orv hai been npj ointed by the Ohio Svnod to hold the property a:. 1 run a school. Tne j a j en- are publishing a state ment that Kd Kay. the mica-mine murderer was Been in Biker->vii!e ;n 1 Deeembei. and to"k his family away : t h hiuj We don Ib ,iuve aw'>r 1 'of it rL t-r '• are as > 1 citiz* ns in Bakwrsvillt- a- live in the State. an 1 if Y. \ Ray w*rt> to ma »■ hi- i; ; *ar ! ance there he would b_* arrested or s me bo iy woul I bt» k;ae 1. It ' iiae the story that g >t in the papers s >:w n. t_"•> »nat Lay an i An lerson were liv.Dg in H:. 0 land ti.eir f*mil.* -. *h'-n »»« know the families were I ville. liev. Mr. iionner of MorgauUm wfi» down last Saturday to Lave a ; tooth pulled He wanted l>r. Mar j ;er to pull the wrong tooth, but the Doctor insisted on pulling the one 1 that was causing the pain, and after it was ili hn Mr. Ltouner wri-, more than ever oonviueed that it i.> best to go to one who understand?- hi-. « business than to a Jack-leg. I - Important Mrilliic. The Catawba Industrial A-s'>c;>» tion will meet m Hickor? at the • Mayors Oftue en Thursday. Feb INBB, at one o clock, p. in. Kvetv body that feels an interest in tin- Association is invited to attend the meeting, as matters of importance will come beforw it. The mutter of the old fair ground is to be decided; and, also, steps taken in regard to ' holding our next Annual Fair. Let everybody come. S. K. Kili.ian, See. An luiiocrui HM in Trouble. , , .. 1 Mr. F. A. Wiley stopped a day in town last week, passing down from Asbeville, where he was called in be ' Lalf of his son John, in trouble on account of having traded for a stolen watch. The Asbeville Citizen says: " The case of Wiley, charged with r*. t the theft of a watch belonging | to Air. \V. S. Thomas, was tried m the Inferior Court yesterday. The evidence pointing to the absolute iunocence of the accused was so clear and positive that Judge Moore did not gi\x* the case to the jurv, but ordered the discharge of the prison er. We ire glad of it for his sake and that of his father. We did not believe so good a father could have a son who would dishonor him. A l usr for tlie .rancl Jur> . We heard for the first time la»t week of a serious ca>« of alleged homicide, which occurred jint before Christmas on Zach'a Fork. Two nieu of this county went at night to ilia hous« of Thomas Absher, and. knocking him up, were admitted. They were drinking ami ha i a jug of whisky or brandy with them Mr. Absher dia* !: with them and they gave an oh 1 , tniu i:'r: ? et. an idi > 11C I I*\'. ) w who h • 1 :: * - Absher'*. some of tiie-pmi* ' n"v insiste-l on his drin'ing an \ ph® t him w.ih it aud hu contin :e I to driliK a good deai of tii» ni"- th" ugh Mr. Absher tiatf 1 with hi:n and alv:>ed him t» «»j l , After awhile Swe-t b«*« une in•**-iih:- ble and remained in that con !:t; n until he died next d-tv at t i»» t; »-h'- t*•! n •>ii. - Lenoir To[ ic If iK li la ltd. lhepatr-»ns and fi iejjdi of H igi - la:. i A . le:ij\ a:e 1 r .« ».ie \ l-i Tjwit !!.• -*lj »>\ :t!; ; an i h* at n then ! >y- ai e*r/• ss i , company with Hi., ai. i I lev I. j ii'i o -.r f.r-t % -»t i ii-4 »v an * *.» .*. . -i iecitat. »ii from a Latin c..i-- thai ei 1 UjaLv a in the h.gbei Cohere- Al. iUibel of the b\•» h - claimed with credit-* to t'.em* ve and honor to their teacher. Our people do not 1 *>k enough after the educati >na. interest of i:.*.r children and not a tenth ■! them know to day. anything of the quali fications of the teacher we have at Highland, or the encouragement an J suj port he leserre- The doors are o\ •-!. to friend.y ▼.-.its at a., ti:n**i. a:. 1 patrons and fr:ei. i- are only do mg the±r duty A they r:-it the *• boo! . in re than thev Lav© in tn© past. We tee to Professor W. i.. A - rcj .\ to .-«»ue without rep*st or tion It i> tho b*-t thing w«> ha?e -••en fr«»:n Kuther'or 1 loll.aud shou. 1 br r» nil by ft . who w,i:;t h.-ht oti ihis'nnportant question. Mlart a I'uprr Mill. W hi.© ot %r 01 ties aud t> •w : - u. t!,«' Slut*- an- building up lunnuf tcturn g r*i :tl !..«*.. t * of . UtV i *:. l .« i| 1 >t-1 i HUfip i 1 a .a i I T 1, • nud. It -t iSI t itic i n"j> in the liaii, • t liit- ui i .n;i▼ instance*. in th* bui.imj uj> of iut old. Mat# Ltlid bOftl All) >hg .1.. tin- \at~toUs establishm* i> t• •>w proj ctfel iu thf Statu wt do not lttneiaber to ha*« ti.*i an* ii*\s j aper imiis ha?*« l>vn mentioned. Hickory Las many m Wantages for a } apet Mill and a -mall capital would j ay ui such an in*o-tiu«nt. \N ate: j o*tr ih abund ant aii 1 can !>• HOC ured on ea*r t• :: jl. -. The country i» full of a'il the demand f• >i' j tj>« ris increas ing every day rhere m no over- Htocking the j«n.j»«»r maiket, and be f m * > >mo other j»1 *• ♦ ■ -t'uts :t paper rnill. th*« enterprising m*n of capital in Hickory should tiio?«« on tl nt line. Ihe Horse ford Mill property, threr miles from town, can be bought cheap, and i- a ii>o»t excellent place for any machinery t» be run bt wn ter The l.«prr l.lceanf. lii the " I'rrsa ai 1 Carolinian of the l'Jth, you say "it i.-> \teli knowi that Mr. Lopur ha* u >t l eeti a resi dent in Hickory for t-onn month*.'' And the* the law require- an appli carl for license to retail liquor, to protc a j>o! moral rh>irict*r be foie the c 1 11111 \ coinniiH^if)!if»r- lit'fiiKf. Mr Clin*', Attorney at Law, of Hickory, represented Mr r.Djxr I>• f« »i»• the board of r#»uiitT commissioners on th Ist Holds? "i t!iiyear. and I mi|>j»o»;* the hoar !. (at tliosf who *oted f.»r inferred that the applicant wan u re* i lent of Hickory, and ri"t of Winn ton. or tt.»'»- w uI 1 hu\«- heen a lih \oi(- I do i: t retnemher of h»-;trii 0 ' i t > t ; .a;' -'i! 1 about lit in be:n c r iti Win-'*!., I»\ to repre«eu t l • "! »': V • !'- t' (■ l 4] it-# r.tutive. pro ! . • 1 a -•'•rt.fwate 'if I re Hit* ruber t l . - ;'?:#'l } v rr.• of Hickory h i• J'- it me:; with whom I am uur» rjuasiit# 1 AH to j>ro# >1 of a fj ../ in d /iir«irf. r, I ha** !. i i '"•\ii-h • to Mti*f} rr.i that H'j a I n rttl ■h• Ir• i■ t*T mil dtl out 'A »/''/»/ j- >i" ' t i-tt f w I.jUTi A:. 1 •*a «..»• :« *ii :r: ' . _'ior or #Lo!#«aling th « s • . I • i i«lei 1. i; to b- -I i„' ti* vt rv thjnj;. '! !. law u.r- ct ,• i ji t infi.i -l i. :- » chi 11 \! * s». t ■ l. :!./*• it ■ iv i f the " 1 ■ a- i. >ii t\ •» {/r#v..i. i, I i,* \«r i. i»- *ll I by '# i „rar*. MrlT, w , v i!c f/ia' v 'il l ! . !l JOT .:i H. «> i * i a \.* i.«-1 w • - * c you an -a_\ t • u.l aj j '.:(*nhi * inJ th*%r represent/it!?*--, t? ht tl.« re li one ol the " Loar i who wiii mt it *. - wbeneTei j ati r:.a 1« . v e L.-* term iaht- M A A; v k i. :>! l. . M, N. (', JauutUT 1 %>>. * I bare 5->r -a.e 10HJ i>rv 4 .t Hides Also oii»- tir.e Jersey bull, tire*- fun .. L Will cL#*aj for cafct, or for grxxi faxuily lio-r. J Caas .11, CLe«t«r S (' Humlvr 3.

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