I l-lit «.o»rl K«-rtHO»i-* T1 f. m Constitution gives J* - tri. v it favor a a ( d reason - rr , , ? the iut rr:al revenue \v'e •>.!«; V >gx*- «iib it «bj» " ~ 1 ✓ » tr» C* . v . ■ \V. fm«»r ti.- rspral » Uie T t uu. »>.•! in tb«r 4 ftl ofj •' an 1 control ef T A «' • t9 . j_ •* :ax» !bv the-e law,. i u iin ae -1 Uf-cauM- such a 'OJ.n is coi • w.:h th- pj:nrip>softhe I>emo n '' I-irt ▼ , t . >•#»:' revenue J J>' • 14 " ' ' ..,. r . »- ij. ] assed by lav. a. ♦ «ar . r, j T.-h- to rtit* war funds. and , i vni i r j ' surplus in yr .1 i, a!. 1 - •' • l - ' r> i ■ i . . . . •., h « jri ther* is now DO ~ . ..IT ! ri! ■ Ti. ]i,inu-« u.'.v Ikw- Uve 1 j bi \ a: d*n ub 6to hui.d: *« i. "f O'-or-ia homes. li e eft use the Stat# should get , • . .. t, ..* i". j ured into !,'♦ !•• 1 a A 1 ai. lip * iv *."•• nationa. :;ea- r l}> t' • I • urv, thereby i>w «>i 0 » l ,i"„ MutA !; lX '- I."W levied "II the f-uii*!, the laborer. the mechanic, * i il* 1 y u-* ' 1 f ."''tC ,(*■ ti.A :ih 1 1 * t y i»i.-s - urn. lig' ft (Y.l fede rate I'm- Stat*. wl « b i*- not ww able trt m>, but whirl.. *ith the hundreds th li-ut- • of dollars it no\s annua.- T tun H into an already growing j'.Htim ait: •a>ui y.ri'iild pension thera jir th ) 1« -erv«* , such taxation by the I i twr*. ' rnuient. wht-n no neron h.l\ ti a:•for exists, is without the ».-.h*r« "f the governments duty, an.l r«.n.«- absolutely within the S. oj • »-f Siatt- initiation. 7 I; *. n aru oi>por»d to the Tfinn.cnt foHteriDy the iniquit ous fat on tilt) (.ppressive revenue jastrirtions placed >■ th« people c»f and other States. ,s Ht-cause the St;ite ran better i« ulate the matter than the novern ment. •' i urn 111«- ltahi'HlH Out." \\ ho tears oj>en and reads our N.w Voil tlaiaei" Post masUra or what n»t,the\ be careful or we shad take ateps to lind out. This y(ivernment ran and wul protect the until matter t)f its citizens. We run i weekK ]>aper and we take our New N w \ot k dailies for the \ urj o>« of huj p ▼it l' ourye.vd- with the regular prrs bv reading '•:nn from the mails aloiij_j tI.H wa v. Don t tlo it any mo! •, gentlemen ! If you do there \v;M be music Jeflerson N»wi. Wa rail th« attention »>I the Post otVice l»epartment to the loose man ner m which the mails are conducted :ift *i ~ * .k\ in_; tiiei thee here. A sub scriber nt l'teeman says he his I iipri aometimes twice a week. \\ e ha\e com] iainr 1 bi fore, but it did no cania t de..ver the papei let the Pi»tmabt«r (ieneral put «>n i>erson» who ean i.uin r ton N e%? s I lt.it Mt'iiu, Htluji* t 1hh«». We are to know that our sub sri ibsi> aie kind to the pot r. and w;'.l } ersoi.s who ale l »t able t" take a paj wr t* i« a\ 11 Stnr. but we do t. .j . th- \ w ill iler eto r i\ e that n.aai . thi aiu\a'. ei t. r n.ail : t to r*ad t: eir i - jap» r. ai •>! p>rtu iut> of j : . th* .1 \ aper. \\ • ** t t. .:.k t : w-'Tss in a U: than to refu-e to ] ationize hi> c ..r.' v j iper, win ti h* l- al le. and ti li 1 n u ,t t": m 1 - i.»i*hbor.— Mordant n A • . • n * ■ n -p-. : It nt >.;o -ts the i rime of Hi i John S iers * : the Govern* rsbip of] North ( ina Mr. Henderson b*s 1 1 « in i '.u .k. ; .> ih.! „* a >t f• \■ , » t it .ai i hi> pet ; e can : atTorvl to l > witl o.:; i ;•» serviees iti tl..> cat a* .t n We u .hi t i v sui 1 ' i I pv>rt Mr. H •:. u i son * r a v but wi' t: .- he can dt> n re | i:: t :._T' !' an . a*. \\\ here e. -» -j i'oucord i i...-. if hh He Turned Dtmocrai? The Washington Critic says : Hon. S. B Elkms, Biaine's political mana ger in was recently asked to give his views in regard to reducing the surplus, and in reply discour-e 1 H° follews : " The re-ult of my thought and study on the subject leads me to be her* the internal revenue should be entire! T abolished. Thu would re duce taxes about £100.000,000 per •annum, save the expenses ot their collectors, about jf4. and i.lispenae with the services of 4.000 clerks and officers. I have been in ! favor of this for ten years. It is a war tax, which lias never been inrok 1 r d except in case of emergency; l n when emergencT has passed S\V;IT " . * ; the tax has been abolished. It i.-> ob jectionable, and lias always b rn re ( garded HS odiou> and inqui-itoria l 1 and against the spirit of our free in . stitutions. " Nearly a quaiterof act ntui\ ha* pa»sed since the war. lla© « - is. not how to raise money. 1;:.t 1 to * pr tent )t* accumulation in ti • treasury. The government do -n- i need the internal revt nue tax. : only reason for it was the net e.-.-i; of the go\eminent. These me. ties turnish the only foundation m j law fer imposing it.' - I.lability of Distiller* wlio Distil (.rain or Frull not l»roclu. eel on Tlioir on I'artiis. hl'fitor Press and Carolinian: DHAH SIK :—I happened t> hold of a late number of vour ex K lent paper, which I always read with pleasure on account of its high posi tion on the temperance question, amongst other good qualities. But I am a little surprised that you have not called the attention of th*» gener ' al public, and especially the officer | of the law, to the late decision of the Supreme Court in the case of the State vs. Patterson and Kennedy, in , which it is held that all distillers of grain and fruit who diet ill anvthin-' ► ir> not produced on their own farms and sell in quantity both over and 1 under firo gallons, as they all do. are liable to a tax of $250 per annum. Now the? question is, whose bu-im is it to make these gentry "fork over i Another feature of fir thing in which the public are inter eated is that all license money i \«* j • the wholesale tax goes to the com mon schools. Let us try and hav. this law executed, and in so dt»in«\ 1 O think we will get rid of a large num ber of the distilleries now in opera ntion. Aery respectfully, J. T. P. Morganton, X. (\, Jan. 20. l^Sv Superior Courts TENTH IRI-ICIAI. MSTRICT. Si KiNi—Judge Gilmer. FALl. —Judge Clark Henderson—Feb. 13, July I*'. Burke—March T>, Au» 0. Caldwell—March 10. Sept 3. Ashe—March 2l. May 28, Aii" 2d. - M atauga—April 0. June 4. Aug 27 Mitcheil—April in. Sept 1". ancey—April 30, Sept 24. McDowell—May 14, Oct 8. ELEVENTH Jrni HI, DISTRICT. St i:in'. —Judge Bovkin. 1 Al.i. — Judge (iilmer. Catawba—Tan I>s, July lfl. Alexander—,lan 30. July .so. nii.n — # Feb 13. + Feb 20 *Sej t 17, + S«pt 24. (iaston—March 10. (>ct s. Lincoln—April 2, Oct 1. ( .eveland--April 0, Aug e. Oct 22 Kutherford—April 23. Oct 20. Polk—May 7. Nov 12. TWELFTH JT'PICIAL DISTRICT. SI Kite, —Judge Macßae. FALL —Judge Boy kin Madison Feb 27, July 30.t Nov 19 Buncombe— March 12. June Aug 13. Doc 3 1 :\v sy,\ 4!1 11 A} ril 2. Sept 3 H IUVO 1 A JM i! 0. Scj tl' i .1 ickson April 23, Sept 2 t Macon —May 7. Oct 1 (. ay May 14. Oct 8. ( 1 erokee Muv 21. ()ct l" ( * ral am -June 14. ()ct 24 >WUM —June 11. NOT 5. *For criminal ca»« s only. - ' • 1 • T ca>es only A M interesting experiment f entirely -uc hat be«n made atfhe clinical exhibit; n ' ■ th'-College of Denti.try in this Citv. I': \iu k Las p.uccet-de-l in trnnf>plan • t'eth ! r m oijo j>•"!- • "i'>¥ t the suj.plv of -our 1 teetL being obtained from inmate - of re *>* - i*'*• t« r\ it: ii> where f .] > 11 - Uy thus obtaining from th outcasts of so* ietr (Le means of per , petuat:n 0 ' it, b* iu* t. »ci» nee 1. i> b-ft . j ilj '* ''J ; ttion the >] ] scrip tu: i. j-iw of a t th f>r a to tb N*w York Star. npapt r huspt-ndt-d. ! '' J'»ui uh;, started a: B .■! " ]!. I> ceiiibn . has susj. ended . A >}i; licau bar. been formed, witi. ••upital s . Jiicit nt to run a newspaper. ;and at nn aarlv day they propose a new j ap.-r with Thoma ■ a 'orm« t m( mini of il u ! • v * atai;_j i eountv. a tt.e editor. S »boie successful as u ]' 1: ' i i. saitl : - s i \ tpor," full of woo, * art * :i P«1 •!. i lists a»d goes " • ■"*>!' 1 bit white a-b c- al is 1 :»r .J> o: al» >ut ad •'• 1 - i: ■ • 1 ' than in Xew Yoik. , "Thiitv yrars a r ..' sivv the Record.! :> 'c"a! wu.M-etaik-d in Philadelphia ■ s•> -»a t• 111, and miners' wages' wer « abo »t as high then as thov are' i he added tax of S-I per ton pay dividends >n watered) ■•ii- Ito . ii-1b) n the grip of an nsive rt». 1 illegal monopoly.''j • —Washington Critic. War tbeing wage.] against the cigarette. \ oi]] has been iniro duewd in the \ legislature that mak - it a misdemeanor to sell cigar- ! •tt s to a boy uider sixteen years of age: but the cigarettes get there tilt* same. I hey are leaving I hit hum at the daily rate of 1,700.- t KM' i 1 uiin in ! (ec >rder. I (nt we>t. young wonmn, and "row 9 i up with the count rv. Governor Swiii]>le, :i Washington Territory.' has jii>t -i.'ind th»» bill extending t: " :. i.i'i - i>l lhe ba. ot to the la * "s, *» bva- i premium on fe ll.a> 1!: 1 l!i: g I'at 1 Ml. EXPERIENCE WITH ELEPHANTS. .V ( .imp Kaidcd at Ni^lit —An Klephnnt In a K;u-. \n of r'.epliMntino fewity, ' «•«»i111. : n» * 1 \>,th s'f»ltb an-! h"' re«'!n -s. Oi l tirre !on our trip. si\ of us were sr:\tte"f'(l throu«_'h a wood in searrh o? of the pro- •£••♦- f el- phants. wb*u a "solitary*' sneaked out of a junirle wli- re ht- bad beet: L: 1 ill_r :n 1 l up'-n my hoi s.'. I w - t au;iy, ! it - • f th'- n i'iv - -iw tli" j"-rf > r, i:- ance Hi- -a 1 the el.'j :.ant rek - * ruv-r ;t> sti a "I. !v a- i la , r> ,r i :y «•>- r>ron In- ! the ' -t- •. an 1 was only a f»*\v vanls aw;iv wlvn iisiov« r-'d. Th* nhe trump' t- lanima le a rush. Ifis ft ?- leu app traiii e —to vtrik-' the horse v, ith t»*rr»r. ar. 1 h>' iu.i 1e m > !■ *v ■ t■ t S'-ape. Ti.e uT-at t":n' h ! i' t •e In a~t chart: *b strurk the hois - a ''side wipe" and u* i ir n r' •*. ;:. i he W ;S Hi • s »ne! •. *.h n 'he .•>! kn up«*n him n I kri*-ade-l hi*a into itit >■ *vpu p. Wat n h.- vengeance wis satitie*l he rogt* tp an 1 r- treate l to t l •* same t i- k*-t. sn akinj.' al*>n„' a« if he was -fp iiii? to !e h*r.i . It w s in hour .at- r vh'-n I r- .i !.*• the sp->t. a* 1 I was v > iin k " v ov*t the -iea'b o' st 1 th.it nothi 1 th*- n.ea : i-y would "♦» l:.e fr •::: ♦•n'« r :..4 i-.- t m .ir li of the :• .~tr y.-r. Joe {■ lit.we i me, h'-arit _• a pttn. \ botli «f - w re r- a : »r at.v tri- 1c * - 1 *-a>t n ::h' he up ' >, ' U * r • ' > • late. We 1 the spot wher • he ha i -to df- r h>ur.- ar. ! fr a vh. h h>* i 1 »Jil ie-i out to at?.-, k the } ' *. ! h.t-i juirt v sneake-l » *•' .••: . u hen purs .. n.' an -d aar -i -t! -• 'he f leav* - a I r'V behind httn. lit- 'n- ' : u; ro>ts sm.dl tre*-- ;«n the p r : b; c feet tonldbe fo -we it n h '-e i at a g.tl. p. 'lfe.. w h.i . K ' foft'v that we we'** ha ' .»n } >■ r " : in»j up his trail. Ti.ere iv-t abr k- ti i r.in h, and he *.a ! set h.3 ; - t • with the utmost tare, an l see vi th • har-h-st s-• i. \ft*-r c-t" nj a .uart» r - a uiile a*a)' Le had pt-iec'.el a iv. *y r.d.e to tiavcl c:.. an l n' to-,n lest h.ia ent.rely. 'ur t amp wss a l, out three n from 'he -p tw : err the hr 4-- was k. •• rtlway- bad one *; lard an i a ro ;r- e of ; -f«. n.as ; ;.t*rr - u.i v t r.y w._ Or -.s -j t - i"-.k out :or, w Lai i" per:tri t content. >n th:«in r ffht, vor. after mi ru-ht. t e trnard a.* «cr ::ie a:, i .-t -t- i : - -• •.iriL'-r n; en ace* the a P- i; '' * ti.-aru wi.at hr I eve * }•>■}' >: men lurking al ut, and the butloefai seeuiei at;v t-x .t" - • * k • " J jar -ustv. as .u.etly as poaßiOio, the tr*** , j were a.'.owe! to lorn !u>r. an 1 :n ash :t t- ii" the statements Gf :he sentinel were 'vn ed. >o me body or something *i . ..'K.ng about. ■» ia the lion • on n try but the were i.tavy for the k:n* of \»■a.-'s. The noise ;. Med clear aroun i the can.par: 1 back, a.; ; then ai ijUifL \\ e w eie un :er s • •' an Lour, an 1 -ay d -wn. an i all b :t the mt.- I : t.nei u .'re »on as.eep. An ho..r .»:er; a- >•. i leniy, a* ii .-h'-t from ' the 1 s iitarv >f the day harv* i ir/o :r a.!i{ trumpeting lite the ma>td !.* m a o-.oi.v-, ani ev.dt.'lv :a a gnat rage. It was h« who had "been lurk.n a: -out for two or three ijo.r-*. lie lit 1 appr avhe-1 the oamp as caref » as a ' .ui com i walk, an i had pa*oe i ar und it to .ocate everything and deiiue ou a I o.i.t to uarce from. A hen we g t the 1 . -.anil, lie pu. •- . :n the sh.iu w oi »iiiie bushes, and tlie natives, who examined the spot, *aid he *!ood there . lor an hour *na a had LuoVii.g a foot. I B1 ody an ! destructive work f lloired t: e charge of the elephant iie strj ped . '.nan i • :u.-he : a - eepiug na'ive, jim i a s-iond up an i i,i>he i him tot e tartU ! a Lorise, and br ae the back of a th rd jw no vs.>3 try to t out ol h-s w«tv, He wa.« soon amonjj the bullocks. kn{ k j ing tiieiu an i .est with ins U r Jf.e i L. >w>. an ; then I ui\ gun re.y'v. H- c charge h.d been so -u i ;en a:.d lit ri e that we were aU deii.oran. e 1 ! r two or three minutes, lortunately for tui ail, : some one had the s» n-e to throw iig,.t bru>h on one of tne dying iires a., l start d a big blaze. Th.s'seeme ito ;ss •inert the elephant, ani he si.owed j signs of retreating. In this iie wa> en »ouraged ly two of our bullocks, whj dashed at him iur a light, and raked h.m ) severely with their stout horns. 1 was dancing .tbout waiting to get a shot, hnl I'll teu you what I saw that elephant do. 1U picked up a buu«Kk , ug at leaat pounu-«, ani tnat with his trunk alone, and swung him aloit as easny as - ou can lift an axe over , %our head, lie ield him in the air a minute, and then Hung him clean over : our C ape toiony wagon to the groMU i. Ihe bud alighted ou a heap of freshly cut grass, and was but litt.u in jured. 1 opened on the elephant just aa he flung the bullock, and iie at once lolte 1 out of camp, carrying three buileta w:th him. He had scarceiy tlear when no stepped into a hoie in th- ground, hm lied forward, und went down With a broken leg. before he could g«-t on his feet ap:n I had given him his death- blow, lie had killed three men and lour bull ocks, and his death j;ave us deep satis faction, f"h« Tobacco Plpi In CLIWW The Chinese use a handsome little water pipe maoe entirely of bra.-* or silver. It is ail in one piece except the bowl and neck, which ia merely a tube with an upper chamber for tiie tobacco. The merest pinch of .ong cut touacco tills the bowl, and one tilling is on y ex pected to provide one or two w hills." The hodv of tne pif>e contains a neat com partment for tobacco, ihe long, claw- ' like naiis of the Celestial are i.sed m reaching in this little box lor a p.n h of to. a* co as deltly as a pair of tweezers. Long stnps of prejiared pap r are u.-»ed i for Uiiiit.ng. 1 his paper slowly, and w iien required lor lighting the pipe is b.own into a tlame t>y a peculiar j>u.f. Any t elestial nian, woman or chiM «an produce tnis llau.e with a fingie pu 1, but a i.uropcan acquires the saine ability oniy by considerable practice. As each tiding provinces only a coupU* of pus, the pip • has to be rehlbd o\er and over aga.n to oM.un satis:act.on. 1 \»-ry time a pinch is so o>\ed tne remnant l- i i >wn out ty lilting the tu >e .m i blowing vig rously through it lr un the lower end. 1 he rapidity with which a devote# of this pipe liliS it, pulls the paper into a tlijiij «*. lights the tobacco hi -wi the paper out again, hits the tube, blows out the resus , tills it again, etc., is quite a re mark.! le performance. Ihe co.imon ( h naman us -s a pipe of primitive pat t rn, merely a s.en it r |K>int of t .tniixo, with a lioie bor 1 in tiie -Me ie tr tn.» c losed end. A pinch of to a co is laid tu thiS hoie, adv. iuig otiv tr tao wnula. Tutt's Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid 11*«r dvmnget tbe wliolcnj*- t«m, und prod area Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism. Sallow Skin and Piles. Tlier® Ii no better remedy for these rummon dl«ea*e« than Tutt'« Liver f»iU*, t* trial w ill prove. Price, 23c, Sold Everywhere. Wis FITS! 1 »*» ( t »* I ' * '"• r t/j it- p the-a f.* a; • ' » . c : - r^- lurxn I y» \ * \ I. A ICAL C> i.u. I i.a-e '• ie FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, k !!?• ' -£«"• ' * I vr .•». v- • -'' ""t V 1 Crt> tbe * «• ' ' ' I *»• t :.o ' • ■ * * • v **. Send (I ooee f'r a lr*j • .r. r n : M ol rrr !*r»: 'nu P.» " s ' »» F - *«i :.r a tr_i. , d;I *• • f'* 7 ' M.C.ROOTM.C ISJftAuST.ttvfMi ' i? tidiness S professional.' II C. HAMILTON. | > 11. REAL ESTATE BROKE 11 w K ay «• J •• m « ar. 1 la& '■ *- >or !«r HICKORY, - • • NORTH CAROLINA. i CLINTON A. CILLEY, iV ttoriicy nt liAtv, ! i«> :n -• h «"*r> »• IWIU KK IN ii !• K »RY FKIPAY A* f* *ti * ' t'%*) ***■ » v a-t*r. A3/ a w .. -a : a --V • * ' "• 1 * ' - !t* } 1' i' n l*r • *»ra Do W. C . bill Vl> , AT IL.A.W; i Lenoir. INJ. O. Prat n ( * «!w' '' »i ii ( atawWa unci nt; • Kcdcrsii iiuilal »L*Ut>*illa. THE BELMONT HOTEL, HIC KORY, N. V l.orntrd on !t • J'uMie Sjuare.3® >U*p* fr at • K I. l>w[ "' 11 a* N-en thoroughly 4.s r !I,4h!»*-1 and put in oid%r 1 ~r j * uf tli«* public in solicited. fii:li> 15 1: >s.. Ja: - :.. ! Ir PKOPKII-'.TOHS F. L. CLINE. A 1 P Y ii'OI'NSKLLCII at LA W HICKORY, N. C. Will ptactico ip i ;i. Lincoln. Hu'ke aldw« !, .md >ut;roui ding rounti«-a jki-«© b t: « Supreme « ourt and thw Federal ( out t at Mat»*>\ i!l«\ >;: • t .itlent ;i• 11 iji \ «*n to tli w collect ioa of clam- in an) putt of th» Mat 9. and rata rat prompt!} mad*. C D. MORGAN, Painter and Deeorater. )* Piperis £ iti Virietia. FINE ASSORTMENT ON IIANi. SATISFACTION OTAHASI I .»* » • 1 >; ■: a.- • fvt LI •] Drug flt«>ra.3 HTcKOHT, - NORTH CAROLINA ••ptaal.ar at. itar JUDICAL NOTICE. Hat' j n-» 1. ur •»!»»• Join tly hi tha pr««- •"'» ' hlma «> uo i iriMgi* a uffWiun «ur ■ it Maa% a. d t»* pdBLIC QpfjEF^ALLy. i lh-r i ' ■ r fc , fn« MI n !>• 'anad at oax t Ai« U A, a ' r«; i.'.r rw"ji-tiTc T T MAT. W I> i» i. rKi;i-i.k*. v i». JntiaaiT jio, --4 af. DR. J. T. JOHNSON' 11 i•!»«> * y^ ■ -■. : \'k* y '.») ui»l» d i 1 ' l'• ii • * ef( r# th# v»*r, n .1 I nvii g -j•• i I thrre rr;»i,fl,B FPCI lit y in i OHK.i; ,V IIOSIMTK Tlfj o, •» it# h,» r . r f.w pr> pnred tv •*t 1 » »m*«. upon tii' m.*«t, a. pruvrd J>l SKA SI'S rr/TLIAR TO WO MI:N AND CHILDHKN A *ph CTALTT. PII BM till!) WITBdI FiJfi. Hakcij 4 t.r 2v 4 T '-]-O y Yrn " y f Vf i y > '«o»j AAAJI A f 'a A £uryk«lj ShMil.i,Ad..pi the Fullowine: If* : »; —'H at a! Mi. »»*r I »ra airk T »' ' w fir n.j B.N]i. C»! i *'. ; j- X■: '■>> 'i a' 'w».« r I • Ut ?ut ■ • B»r* and v o 1 w to go the ■v nd j. t tfj^rn ;f .1 I Ml tuy rr.v • ► '• ' og l»owdera, r'.rrar.if, •' . *• *n j.fw !rH( L' _ 1 ' *• ' I *»' tW»J M■ ' ■ • r «ti' • \rr I w. l k' r » to th»>* n» w -T* 1 "'- *• d I > I l-OITH -T At mi.u I V ,. v rif • iny f o. lamps '' I • " ,r ' * ! k- |e j * ] X o ' ;"* • * drug n »r.d r«-t tf *-m l . -tk-T'.-J « v S. s. HAITHCOCK StCO. Hickory, N. C.