Tobacco Salt-M. The weather being unfavorable, there was but a small break at thf "Warehoure on the regular sale day, Tuesdav 31st, but what was in brought good prices. I lie parties which sold that (lav had sold at two previous r-ales with the present man fibers, which shows their confidence in the market here, an I entire satis f u-.tion with the ] rices obtained, which were fi* follows t Four lota. $15,00, $16.00, $20:00, an 1 Sm;.OU. Two 1 and 52.,.0 U. * Druinnif r'H 'l'alU. While traveling through South Carolina, I had the good fortune of ht>] ping wiih our former clerer citizen, Mr Howell Cobb, who runs the Carolina Hotel at Hock Hill. The hotel is a new, commodious, thrce-s'tory brick building, well fur n.ahed, and excellent table. I can cheerfully recommend the Carolina Hotel to the tratelinj; public as a fjrbt-eius* hotel. Very truly TO urn, JULIUS FJ.AUM. I Wide Atta Ur . " Children cry for them," i* what some of the advertisers say of their medicines, and this can be truthfully sHi lof W id« Awake, t utl of beau tiful engravings on elegant paper, an l tilled with choice literature, no . it.a a/ine more appropriate ftSr the youngsters can bo tound, and the old folks also enjoy its pages. Send for it. and please yourself and the children. Price .*2 -40 per year. 1> Lothrop t oinpany, iVJ Franklin St.. |J-ihton, Massachusetts, Publishers. ,| 'M.raud l .itliors 1 lock*' That ** was too tall for the shelf, and stood ninety years on the tloor, lias l>em sold for *''•">. Nearly a century a > one »! the old sty.e clocks that .stood on the tloor and ... reached nearly to the ceiling was bought by Mrs. \\ ilfong's lather in law and has been in her family until this we*k it was sold to Mrs. Wil liam Kiddle of Wilmington, formal ly Miss Florence Hill of thi* place. Many of those old clocks have re markable This one shows the changes of the moon when it* machinery is in order. I'hev are excellent time keepers and in their day cost money The old "heir loom will be missed in the \\ ilfoiig familv l>ut will no doubt be more highly prized in its new home., SrnMtt»r Vance on tiie TariH. Senator Vance may be right, j osition he takes, if we understand him. that the retentien of the tax on whiskey, be«r, cigars, \c., is ,the cause of the retention of the present Tariff, la this so 9 Then the Repub lican 1« aders, shrewd, cunning and able as they are, are very blind. Sherman and Ingalls ai; 1> theis, 'a T or the ' of the inter nal tax. and they d> this the present Tariff So their " I.! • - IK • t 1 ;: -1 1 > i-d with >« i.a >i Vance's •• •, Wilmington Star. IhHE£ Z 111 |RJ||D ,r A T*T?s ~ X, • c : 3 A a=| Shoul 1 be ■>! :l few 1..»■! .Lt .■ TC ' -•• •-»- 6«:«i for be* ' To MV>TIIKK*." TAXA**'- BTUVRIXUT HIV/VI.ATOK CO. AU*EU, W*. SUMMARY OF NEWS. —.T};l?.'ne arrived at Venice * n Monday. lie vkiil jeuia.n here for komt ''roxn Prlnc* Frederick "Wilhclm ii confined to hii at San litmg Lv a »i.^Ll cold. 4 TT,i' r« r,' ia'i«t?c de«ijrns upon lb•• . "! th>- >' -*n I'rini.eof Ueruiany at -"run !!•:..> 1 re . n an'Jed. —Th* *» rjr ,'ion of th* city of Dublin ha i ■ nferred the freedon of the City Upon Li r i V } t; sfi ' J■ hn M- r.'-r. The Kin? of Kby-sin i has summoned Rasa, ild an i 'the (hies to a council at Akow th to . 'r i; „'f- for a "orwi rd movement w nen the main body jo.ns .Lassa.ulf* * fort e A * rii jra. —The Spanish Minis'er of Finance will propose in Congress a bill imposing hftTj import and octro lutiea on alcohol and pe tr - . i. TI«- l pe» thereby tj cover hiif wi tlie next dfchcii in ihe budget. —The Sena'e on Monday, confirmed tha appointment of Lamar as \s«-ociate Justice fft L>- • ourt of the I nited Sitates ; Vilas ms rotary of ihe Interior, und ii;> •:! as I'ostmaster teneral. Several Italian *tafT officers are at Ber lin consulting * th the »erman m.litary anth ri ies. it is i»-por*ed that 'heir mission is in i onnertion with s undertaking to tend 1 ./j/jUO troop- toCialicia in the event of war. —The terrible blifrard which swept over the northwest, blockading iai!roads in live •■tates is now over and th> victims of its fury aie being counted. Hundreds of lives have 1. en i. riLccd to the uwlui fury of the b.iz/ard. I i.e ho i *e, \t • d ii> 1 ay, adopted .1 reso lution dir» tin;; nin vcsiinit on .. kinds of trust-. —T a hotels and the opera home burned Wed: •- 1 ■; •( *-u>«jut haua, l'a. Lo->s, ibO (>00. No itiMir iti'-f. Mr. i hortias Sexton has sufficiently re cov> rt- i h s stn ii.'th t i b> able to affix his biguature to otlb ia! documents. Local option was carried in Allegan, Mich., Wednesday, by over 1".0j majority. This ii. tkes 11 counties that hafe voted for local ojr.ion. —'l he Sutfalo Kubber Conipary bis failed, giving preferences for s~>3,)•*). The assets are not knowL. The liabilities will probat' v reach f!0 i,ut>J. llcv. J. 11. Liood, founder and president of Heidelberg peminary, diet} at J itiin, ()., Wednesday, *ged He was one of the ino*;. prom.nout rciormed church ministers in the- otute. A train on the Smith A Fovr lumber railroad jumj I the track. Wednesday, near ''t • 1 i akr, .Mi ,i. 1 ive men were t-. r.ous ly ln.ii'"' tl, and «iD and Jainei idoriiS' y i;iii d. 1 tie negotii;tions between Trance and Ita.y lor a tr> it . oi comineree have been lip 11 r« i. l'a. • igreeil to a cept but so ot the J art it le co.ered by the old treaty," hud I hex. oni_. at niereafceil larilis. The Toledo, St. Louis fc ('it* ro.itlis' Uti i; down exj»t use he.iv.iv. iwo pass, ii _ i i ti.. a-- i,a\. !>eeii ab.iiilone*l, ami il ti ii•» i>■ • i .it*ii, wor kmy in various t ;>.i' .ies. iiave Itt i. di-ilia i lO'.i. It i> ,. nd to Oe Hie iiile-litloii o. tile t ouipaiiv to Opcratin •t xp ...' down to j"u a Jay. A special from Key West that Havana i> in a turmoi. ami on tiie of mob vi leiice. owin * to the unscrupulous acts of (lie p esent novenini' ut. «>n >untlav there were ]J i> n i.r*. one sui• i ie, eight h iul l vi iy r '» .-lit an. t ■ :i; ,>t .bi>iii a : r.. v s in 11 a an i and aideri 10 I lit- situation ia becoming nit re ai i he auorncys of the* d rur der' r Max well liave eeeived rom the ather of tlieir ..nil', m i.upland tne fol.oHiug >atu o. > '1 his «-- il" '• ■•a.e«i to e lu :oi t M v. i « h>t .jint. hopt it. ami do. ? not s -ei. i to r a i.a the uttei ; opt !• s,su» »- ' ern . k iic11'!:• > iiic «, it r- jiufU l, i.»>l t«» .ii 11•: *v\ . The Home i !'■ sp.mdeiit of the !\ ( orrespomi' iH e mv* that th' - eic veiieai t»n the st' i i ■i. : i o lilt- r a .n,' ■ masses. On win- ii l!,' I'opt ha-- iu-eu > year w . ivo at- the principle of >;.tt ii"' rvi wtion in avor o artisins, and willexh'.rt' athoiies to sup| r: tin ir l'ov • rn nn nts in e!!orts to I liiiL' a tout s- cial re lui nis and to alio Ilorate iiit c >udttiou of the working t asses. —At ' o flock Wednesday morninga terri ble v * plosion occurred at the dynamite factory* at Itctliaiiy station, l'a. Ihe build inff WMS entirely and the srork lat'ii mowii ni. re t ion • v oun_' in a n 11,1 •;f | J t>l: n » I Ist . ».l« tlie III' >t Si M. «;y hurt, tils s ih arm torn i'. H xf ' ; l be. Ihe other iu jure I inc. i .. -. Vt I I very paue ol gla*s v. .tii.n i. i.. a nub as hr>k-n. T'.arb 'ir «v os thre d mills. Allen t .yvn. I' - . v d.N' v. red to I• ..ii tire about 6O' ot k. W ediifsdax tuori n_* I; spread ra; iiv and it no n was 1 I urniut; ab th ■ l'li it w s t' t - h' i i. it r ' outro!. . tj _ i• • • r* iv» t> >oft'a xin the huii ! n.'. Ih- t-ii.. ; is iut t ut.relv it -1 I I t • ' • V W, 1 » r tine.l I \ th« • -r> - e . ' the v i .o *Of 1. i W . -eor •• : • - I lie n.... tl • I i«t :e« n j • -i. . i-to have st ; r:. d \\ • t- l v i . I lu'r. Us 11 ; ' e 11 ti 1..* !h' f. l . »' tile 'fe I- il o 1.. t, • i I ' hi'- i " wa> airt_»tt n.. I .l. ...e v ; . i i K r ...rd. es 1 S vr, t■;s. ;. \ . to a I.e.i ~ ' • I » I " i •■'!*' I iuW> t-c air a .Dc y ,«'r ' t ■* ... a : . —1! • Let «■••!. ..Htkt s p, st • • - 'e-1.1 * ■ ; >ll. ■ • * . - . : ' « „ er . l: * : ; »: . I I. A n * n . ' .an 1 ... I r*t > i'• nt ie a: 1:o K j ; t ' i I.Y . t ! k tM (ft' .tl. . 1 * " •». V - r K»: •v- has re \ rt j •. f- i. i ,es It ni to : i: a rr t tri al . . ft'.' on t r :r ; c : Ie!•i. ire . • hn i t er* ' e. Xvr..a - .j-s .* I • il te. 1 re 1 tr rc ;a! of : *i - : ► i: ri . • tre» iry « h » h * } y* i * teat.l.ei >in t;.« iii ;ug. lit »..t itu uj p 1 ii r t fi v ' y i-■ i y ! n .» n ported that ' - »» ; ' r I «or * ana da. About 50° men fcatt ftnplnr.'l in * '••* Merra* • d •: .in*- o! -.he uu I'a.'.tic ir ■ i « h v*» :j*now. l r. A. i . Highway, a w#-;i known phv§i »» ' i' r t r.. v* . i, ;it .j I( * r ! >u hKia in-ati, '1 nur*..aT uf b-. art 'j .a js«?. 2 red W. Knight, an a-tor *V..» ha« be^n 'h 1 • I. i ['.ir-.n • Kl, «. • . atn«• i ' e '• - r ' ".uuious, O. fit tr w » au;.c:«i v. UU ■ .h-Ump i u. -'r: ►"'.ir -.-d 'J2, untuarr; d re« !'ng in ii u i» »tiiic ■ h> ppn.g in the -a -. d* *v ■ « *u- Oi ti,- head : y a.' fr« nj v*tiii.n iiriti t.t *l,l prooat.v ae. —ihe .a _••• , ng-r i»-j-«.t me Nt# Vo. s i c t ». i ,iil ■*.• v at N j uara 1 ». « ■* a « ,i- . • • I oil t.r»* at 1 oY.o- * ljjuri'iay a.lernoou, and almost entirely des'.rcy 1. —A in Ir ona, Pa., has u>t ,ut a •quash w rich weighed 14U pout, U It cue ot a amiiy oi u, ai» of wbnn grew on a k l' ;j:e \ .Ilf, .'tj'3 the sma-.tst oi whil k weighed iii pouu.d*. —la k: i.u of en. y .opvdiaa, the academy of I'emu l,a» got up one ot those trrasur ej o: i, ,j mail An V i i_ e wu ch i avts tiie Bri l.nulea «r eh,nd s jar a.a bult. .a coilCcXU t 1, oe»ng .u i A>,tAA, volun,cj. —Wh le the funeral of Benjamin M ini Jay Hi p.ogres* at -"-pnngtieid (j , ihursduy the •[ .:.> 1 team ol hearse h i; « ran away iiiil to.liued * ,lh a lamp poit, bri ice it snort oil and overturned the hearse. The Mm ster of War announced to the German M'ich-tag committee mat tue loan required on aco u;.t of tile new miii.arv biL wou.U'amounl to mark*. lie be lieved me f;o\ rniuen would be ,rd bv ti.a Jin lo complete Urn military urjaL.ia t.ou. —The Crant monument committee adopt ed ti.e Oi a circular lo Oe scul to &u architects and .sculptors miiu may d'siie to compete .or the iioiior ot designing the memorial lo Ueiieiai Urant. 1 i.e esiimaletl os k is lUatead u» K'UU.oOU, tue ord inal ti^ure. —John King, colored, was lodged in jail at Mo., charged .*uh the murder of hiH 7 uiuuiUb old tlind. Kiug whipped his bauy w itn a leather strap and a switch Le fore retiring at o clock Wednesday night. When tue pareuu> ntit morning the UlUu was Uead. A terrible ex|doion of dynamite about ten niiles iioin uungitoli. O. 1 htr foreman placed twenty sticks of dynamite uu a stove in a shanty m which me Italians were lounging. An explosion occurred and the ihauiy wiks blown to piece*. All the Italians weie more or Jess jjnjurwd, iwo, U is cl pt cled, w ill difc. —Teh tons of iuperior Texas cotton seed were shipped ironi Oalveston, I exa.s, con signed lo tue Cierman l.aat Alrican C oloni talion ?>i ,et_., /aiuioar, Africa. An exper i«-n> > d p.anier ,u on.pained the seed lor the purpo.-e ol tlie natives jLti Aauai in the cuiUvalitfU ol the cotton piaut. —t larissa Jackson, a colored woman liv ing near 1 iiidlay, Ohio, became a grand mo her at the eariy age oi -■> jrais. .Mrs. Jacasoti was married when but II ytars old and in 1»«-1 i-tli year gave birth lo a daugh ter. 1 Ins daiig-.tcr, imitating the example •! her moih* r, married when U years ot a„i , and when lJycjkraold, ga\c Linh aiso to u da ,gh;c:'. —('. ilradb y was nrrested on Friday of week, and tried for vagrancy before ."-quire t ochran oi Mnan, Mo. Ihe charge was subtame i, and Bradley was sold as a vagrant, lie was sold for a term of bit months, blinking *» cents, \S m. Mi (. lanahan being the puicti.iser. lliis is the second iintlaiu e oi it e Kind ill it e\er happened in this eoUhtv, the other having place about thirty-live' y«a s and the party -uld br rents. - • t: t'!e th the wor ,1 fot the v' ir ">w > in '" ■ r ' the I nite l bt-t-'S to the imount of ;6 . 4 . The 1 ivor f ".,rk. Ir*'• -n 1. h:is Vo-er («, rv ■ I w.t ii a -vu n. in >n> ■ •• rI a ;! '-i. t f, i- i .i,r a-«-a,i t 1 I'oli em .h ox on January I,'. I he creat loan of i I«'"hi whi hth' N.r ii;.ai t'oncre'-- ■ ;'h -ri?* I I'M -i .. Nt i' ./ Me.xi'O, tc n»*_o'ia'-, ha- t n "i m i t. 1 ihrotith the (jemian t.naniier, iieir t.,i hefoeder. Kri lav was the twenty-ninth nnniver«ary o f the 1 i rt 1 11 i v • I'rn e :ituof • er inariv, nnii be w.i. appointed a ma/ir rai an I i >• i.mander ol the -eeond i>r:gade of the Infantry V.>uaris. l>read, alia* James ileKnight, murdered Dukf ( on the . tit. r - raneii near I'u i eel I, 1 1 lit pursued by a p>-*e. l'.eihjf hard piessed, MeKi.ight turn* 1 on ll.ei: an 1 fh» t HVI K 11 ! »• i two (>' the po«se t'r-Ii re he wa* brought do en. 11 is dead body » as t rought into jaines\il.e. lhntiia> S. iardner, the proprietor of the t Imago 1 arm Journal, who wa» urrest e i a-t A | r.l t v the 1 n.',e t -:,ites jiosta, . i thoriue* !nr a Iran iu »*nt nse of the n.a .n, in i ■ ii-I'i' liiig a lottery m: i g ; i u erj r >»-. wa- lotitid trus m ng in ttie L niied t'.ates 1 'istriet Court a.d u• 1 j Aj. Kri lav night a par'f f seven r rc«pe 11. g i oa. miners .in b. >. 1 * farm, («ixteen u.. e* »en ia «' "to' « i r . A short s er t,.e t.e drii. .ri ie } etro "J-.. «t" j ■> . g to t. e sur;ai eat t..« ra e of utr ; y t. -'e.» an hear, and has show u a •:ea iy u, i.nce. —As men wr» «• rW::.g in .-.n If, ga ■ way. ut• N I ~Oi. a 1 . ">' e '* ** r ■ ■ ! I 4. i \ ' I ' ~■ . i . . -• • c * * « ' t «. : 4 : . • rn i. Th ee -:ner i■n »e ifrKUu.y .. >ft* i. \ ta: - 1 - . •' • • ». . A i * *■ m - \ 4 * • t : : f -' » i .i, • - ■ . na v- r «• m _ ' r 4 iav a^ a -• t • .. .i all i ' e v t e '• . . .*» «' • Ji ,r l • TiS ol 1,.* I f| »JI i ii > , ii t Id.t- * k ill KOUT I'ltiOllClißlir.r. ".'T• » M ' A • l I"-. • II ak# •| •.'* i - 1 " THI"KM>\Y. vitßHi AKT 2 ISM. V • k - J * 'l% :■ - - • » • -r • * ' n i * • "* • H » * •- "> * : * ' » I • Vf 4 0 - * »n 't I *«•"!•». * * >"ll » »- ■ n •> »v ** ha " • *' . . : * A i or -N a - ;q « a:-» H - % , . J > »"> 1 k Pot * " .» *t > v I' « * - v :. 7" - I -a • • .'.III jw db 7" ' * « »" "* • > I Kl.O H— i' RS > M l bt -1 t f'iru » 1 W d «-* • itra 31 • u W ,i - *- • *• Kb* ir»« si k-i GIIOCEHIKS. ( i 't - K ■» I' JJ .*• 1 H»ilt—»«» • } I*. :" »p« :?ar : v J 'C'" i i Le»th«r —"tiilo* k j>nJ l ,rpp.r s:tn? W Nrw Got*» 7© Porto Rico .... Mtol S i?ith-r.r. V- > •*'* ! Lrt'l I' »• i'lhjwt to * HICKORY TOBACCO MARKET —fOHRF ( TF D WF.ri! PT it fl. E. 1 laithcoek - rrn;iri» ! or» i>f— H VITHC OCK'S WAREHOUSE. -o- I.Ujff, i nmmoß $1 to ?"> p»r hunilr*i milium tn fruui't 7 :• t ill*.-*. i-ooiinou R 5 medium to B 'i : 7 12 u. tf •« . ns T° 25 f> n r .4 W rappfri- iiikliuii to Roud lj .• fl nt* IO ")»111 r .'5 4.i Kxtrn 11 ii** 7fc I'. mftliil gnoi!. r»a ir »*. > hi g.«>il n pri.»> ' ■PWfPfPfffraFffMVfPWM Shui'oi tl 11.-inlnaiT ( o II it L>r> . i A BARGAIN IN LAND / \ M !II N I. I > \\ fi >I">IN ' \ >1 VI \ \ f 11 »f. - \• > - u ■•• I- ,I,' nil 1 I I • >f bo r i in I i,- •» '«. iiijjs RiifJ b .(! ■i ■ -»» i-• uV > if; *.r> i■» * st ' lit *: i . I n* t • .t> ■• v I !1»- "I i- I » ■ »i; i i , • ; ■ i f. r - • -■ •« .*•*>, !..•» r « -.*• - , ■ k i i • i .i ri.« ; >r. ... i: ■■ >, u- N 1 V®) Will Color One to Four Pounds •Of Dress Goods, f J Garments, | II Yarns, Rags, etc. \ CLNTS. A Child can use them! :- ' PUREST STRONGEST J P AST EST of a • • • Djre the : »; ■ * • . . - l I.i A ! 1 ' 33 Ifa 1 fa - •: c-or». 1 -■ . - Btit a Cheapest WRITING INK I °* :E QUART LAUNDRY BLUE , 10 Cents. I, r- • «. f- ( ' - -I • "a; 1 ( -t ! - ».«»■•:* A . 4 t fr }■ » a:. ; - • , " - "»' '* WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO.. B - igton.Vt. Y■Gld-c or D- * 'cY -' .' A- * *' Sli DIAMOND PAINTS. *®:d, S.iver. bronxe, Cor Per Oa'.y IO Cent#. - O" If ' % v/ J AV> . - . \ i .V H* > V Lh. ' LINK, MX ' >Mli & O will otter Special * Bargains clurini* the 1111 l in all line of goods. A special reduction in Clothing. 100 suits that will he closed out cheap. Blankets at $2, sl, and the Celebrated Pat terson all wool Blankets, S.> per pair. Jobs are also offered in Toboggan Caps,) AU Ladie's Jersey 3, |' At Misses" Jerseys,; Your Children's i Own Knit Goods. I Price French China Tea Sets—only $lO. I>( icorated.l vo ry ( ham her Sets s :{..>(>. A well select ed line of (icn eral Merchan disc always in % stock. r only place in town that 111e(irahani 11 oin e M ad e Shoes and the 1 )ou> I a>> Shoes can he had.

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