w* IK* C . 'i 14 T> 1 \ I*' « «j » •» r '* C J ,i | . i>. ' ♦ f ,■ ! '• rrr: •• c f 1 f.» I j f > ' » I I * « ' • . of ('» Mil Hi n : j ! • li • : •• >h, ' t„ • ■ , i .• •I •* u: ' hto Call t1,..,.. 1 .-li: •' •' ■ I"! f 1- • a'l« 1 •» . "v. lorn ' t . ; - IJl:ii llh . . }„, f.r-1 ' K V C rt e I >]' '• 1 > 1,1 " 5 - lA | lie u . \ L ! . : .! ! : i n-tioll, I j . . i« . I^ 11. . : • ■ - •' ai tic : I , t, ,! !,I f•! !i •.. mr.\ I-' ' ii- 1" -t ' I I (it til' i{>til ll Mlf of . ll >ls • t t 1 I ti >-t w. ftu «i: •i. i.» t iw : • 1v '' lii•■il, 'i!i 1 j u u.iil : • ■)■ -■ - Christ i- I , t : |s,; ~ ii liv . g :I! 1 i ii iukinj_ r j r.t' j 11 • II i 1 ' illt tl.lt ' H I .... 11 'i t hat . v, .. . i ■ : V.. • I .I ' li'! 11111 ♦ • I j i j1; .■. i: cm we i tncile t » j inconsistency ' Y- s. T~« ■ i i'. h ruts, a- my f 1 V \ , in t':* ■ lbbn-w f-r . ■ \ \ I\ a' i! 111 () Sll lii j w I; ' > i • meed. it i> t » n ti.' ; " ii is a itiu'ker, , ill i; ik 1-> I .lj Mi„', ill I\\ >tV 1 ' • - l!i>t wise " I I' ri l t xi 1 ''s ihw ot her hatnl ( \t .. :i •» - : ! I. n: -h is Used, wh i'h iur i s tin- pure unfernifuted " bl r, i of thegrapes " nrp\c:i grapes in flu4»i - Tl - kn. 1 " maketh glad Iho h«»*i I, l* " g l lll 1, l- a " bles> i:i n r . vi I 1' i il a 1 v i LI r I IJI ?9■ runotlif s The otluT -it, \i. N. .•> > "mi xI wni" 1. it; • • . * I •' !'.'. k - T« rii ;; *• 1 •• n'.: . '. k I .«*'!: ; "kui I ia -iii 1 t » « ii« tl. kt «c*k'th " mix o I 1 i > !:,«»i:.- . - wine iniiti) with luvrrh, 1 n ▼. -j-;.- r ativ Tf 1 n»iit :•!. l«r it in ml L>tei; t ■ * h.it 1- - ii 1 of t - w I: •• • ik- t!; '*» 1 tl '» •»»-. "I 1 ' .Ik 9 S 11. 1 stii..;«'th ..!%.• i' il 1 19T' . " il#»r> •th . " nmkttth ill unkot and ** nri 1 . oh «■ '. h ... •• > iii*.. *' 1 W ll.« I ' 9% • V. 1 •• \V .ins 1* wit I. ' 11 i' i l>« W1 it t !.■ : ♦ 1;. r: ait I v b « ]:i « • ■. * V ■ j d 'hr \ v w » • • k : 4 ],• II -t 1 ! '. i ' •' ' . i-'Ato i»* n u it * :1»! \ . ; t Clip of t- ~ >;:•.* . Ho 1. ti.e •• cw '*» 1•- w . Joul'i it : I. Ti > S ■ * •.. r ■ ■ u#. miit-lo fr th# 9 say t! \t I 1 • - > .v. - « , i 1 i\ •« f :• • » •• v i 1 :? *v. . ■ • i * • 1 en • t " t ' ' ' t•■> 'A - *'• 9 > r- 1 # i wine was ukn wn bef r« the Ho 1 1 . an lilti tl first n ike ai :m»1 by N ' i • 'i'• t» ii if tlie ros::;t. It :«s a in}t.rv :.% ftic:. i can eij aiu how tl >■ bai • •p •, , • ( t.»r r arl.' d a th •,!, ' * *' - S ■/• // 'ill * I >r. - , ■ r ' 1 * ' ) r l 'i (>1 I ti 1/ • I confers I fail j ■ !w! T ti.« or-jaut of ' ' '• ■ ' v ] »a']tifu]!v ♦ • 4 4 • ' w r • u.i-.' f tail rtunata Jog Ih# I hi* * , (,; (' : ,-t - .« not a j ;t. il >ne ; nor is Le left .: it i v « men. 1 Jr. t i 'j.iliv ~av« r " 1 Lie v • the ex . i;, !. (.[ a prohibitory law, IS kill UK ll )N I'PC)N THE - wjf»!: or 'i nr. Wf)i:uv ' Dr. i j v. In- it !- u. uii »*i» 1. lrmk> ju v i i «i.-puto tii»* t j>t \ i i .M.-'i tu *•}. .ai -i a 1 h»- r* * • .ti.- t i '.uiio th »i v I iiarn r,l ti >',•. Jilt -UppOSta WO should : tiit t ail j o-ition, that in-- i.tllv made und recommended fer .. ;ti- 1 vsiiie ; it still does not nffect 4 >litioa! and social necehsity of ■ ; hibition. That, way 1855 i ■ there no distill9d liquors ; f. ,r the distillation of Alcohol w*»i in veiitfl hy the Sarac«ns sev9ral cen t'i lies after ('iuist. Drunkenness rar9 and compared with the' i ii ->»-nt day mii/ht be «ail to be non | exintint 'I hero w*s no iau'er I then, .as now, that wiri9-drinking 1 a ni, 1 [ ni Iti'-e that iiidnci u jx>tu which 1- * Is to the drinking of wliis ° ( k« \ and brandy. I am perfectly fie from fanaticism on this question and am willing to concede more than many of mr comrades in this fight. I admit—or I balifcTe—that if the ! art of distillation w«re lost to the world beyond recovery, we could | saf jly i almost), encourage the manu facture of wine. I am willing to concede that even now in the great wine producing nations there is in finitely less drunkenness than else where. I have no controversy with wine dimply as wine; but rather as it is mtrodactive of an inaatiable thirst that soon tires of its introduc i rin t •• presence of stronger drinks. 1 am profoundly convinced that no i..an is sufe in this aire who forms the habit of wine-drinking; but that ,t is the be-«t h eei 1 tl ic seriptuaal ad m )iiiti»n : " J'»e not among wine -1 iiblioi i. And further, I do not j think there can he u christian in Americ.u who bwlierew thnt if Christ i should { , om» in this day he would • ncourage the drinking of Alcoholic wine. In a great American city I have -kkn tli9 following metamor- many u time. I I have >een young men and—women too i f tho wine-parlors, and spend a | quiet evening over a bottle of ( " M imm s Dry or somo other cost y imported wine. There was not the f*mte>t t»uggeption of drunken tu«*. and they either would haT& i k'• 1 with contempt upon a com , i.. >u Irunkard or a low saloon. Yet oy m u• } >»wcr (>f this " /V - you p.ease T have seen ti.OfcO young uu-n find their way t i ■ ti.e . nv. brothels into the T«-rv gutter an 1 those women, 119- t! ire lof woman's nature find their way ; 'a pi st. iq worse than hell * : tv ' >t> 'i'c-enacted h*.art-rav ■ '■ • l ' nuns enough t ) convince m, gilded and • v ' ! ! ' iy i. 11 1 ~9 • t -war Is I,rV: - greater it • ; - i ' • ▼r? Ie of \aieri • t ' 1 ' v . .. ; • • 1 - ■> 1 . ( ) jtj,. *•, 0 1 \i ,v M 1 1 ~ l!t : " *o • --M t1... 1.. : ; : *r.- . I It I , 1 ti • \ ; •'''>■ I « s . 1 . y •I y 1 • ; 11:et.t. cl. ▼ tl 1 i J ite ab v • 7 ti- 1 t , ' • ' r -0 1 ' 0 f • v 1 • • - 11.» i' •• • * '■ •• .a i' e i t 1 1 f li - -.t,: ; - » . 4 r- * j. »a* 1 ■ 4 ll« >t .• V•' ti, •' ~lf 1 .. - ' ! 7 ars .11 the Senate I ha 1 1- _ ' * t Li} tW \ \ e w WK' r. - j , ' ) 7 t v: If ;n 1 him c:.e Li-rlt .ll'V mg in a g itter f *■ it *nnt fr friond". from horn#\ R* 1 h°! * I* WAS NOTHING lil'T \VHIsKKY The " organ* of involuntary >tion Lad pra ' !••• 1 •• ? ' * • b-r 44 S )ior:ion - Pr'-T .* *: * *. r * 1 too many. Now n? c •*!. l, or.c* personal r mark T have known fr'»ui cLi llif. . 1 t ... . -uan w i » has au>e to chimp: -n the forlorn I.>j* nf A!' f ohol iu liurkf-T T bar# ever ha 1 a l.i-h n-jm 1 f r Liui, anu no word of mine can I>- tnrnf 1 i into rti. I l •.*w Kin, whfii a t'-ni] e! aiicf iirtii. an I I am sur* he taught tem] «i aiic«- in ? .s family. P»ut T a«k him in (rod - naino: D>es not whi-kov do eyonrh harm in l»urk* without I is very uf-h endorsement. Tom Paine sent the ' proof Hheetn of hi- 44 A of Reason *' to 1>• ti h i snklin. Ben'> reply wiih something like this : " If men nrt .-o bad with Christianity, what would they be without it 1 I>on't turn loose this devil."' And *o I Fay to my friend, this infernal Fiend will hare blood enough, without pleading the endorsement of Science. \V. E. ABERNKTHY. j llucklen'H Arnica Salve. Tha best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Ilheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively ' cures Piles, or no pay required. It is {juarantued to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 2.3 cents per box. Sold by lioyster. LADIES ! DO TOL it OWN DYKING AT lIOMK WITH VKEK LE SS I) YK S i They will ily* everything. They are sold everywhere, l'rn e lo cts. .t strength, brightness, ; mount in pack »r lor fastness wt' color, or non fading qualities. lhey dtt not crack nor smut. For sale by .1. (I. Grant, at Marion, X. '. Pensions! Wll l liU H »iRKKNK. flit.' Aa*ia'na; Chief of t!I V\ extern l>iv:niou, I s. off!. v i■ no.» *:i 1" 'hi* j>ro*pi utiun »f |»eu*>lon ru.• 1 ai utL«i »oldU>i' claim*. Hi* thorough i*xperten*a in The otti w fiul lu 'tie pro»»>. utlon of t ■ biiiua r.*n • l»-r-i »:» iall.y vitlunble kpe i*l a t« ntioii to the work nx uj of or ahitiiilniKMl ( Inline 01. win. h other Htturi'Ts ha\ •* faf "I t'o-operatea *ith respertable nt.torne»« throughout the rijutrrr iu . jw* whitdi n i at tention .it Washington Many pensioner* vtbo nr>- entitled to in r. *«.* do not obtain it beeaiiw th>-r fail apply or beeauae th*ir • ase* : lap parly : • tiruuir Htr-nti-n! /■»; Ir o sii' /i ■«>•>. No lev jiile«f * !• ■ Hr.»ful f'r»w hv [ • r'tii-si'»n to Hon. K. W Towtntienil. of H'inoii. Hon ' «' Mut-ion, of I nilinnii Hon K N MurriU, of Kan*ii» 11 on I > I:. i i' i\ i■ -i --iinn l» H lltn.lTitoii, of low# Hon J.niifii I liril. of N'»br>i*k;t Hon 1 % St.; aMe, iif Iow«i A h:r' H in. R. (•rci'iic Washington. It Administrator's Notice , liavlnir obt»iin»»tl lettorf >f .t>ln. ni-Tu'; m on the «tat« uf Hubert il Lanb-r. «! aeed. uotloe i- hereby irlv-n *> til ji.t-o.isin iebt' Ito »:ii• I "«• ttitf to uiak>' paymeut of - i:n» to m»* i:i Kali-tiu ry, anl ill p.-r~-• n•* having • 1 aif ai nut itaid Htattara notitted to pn*H*nt them fot , .» •• n • | a the ■■ ue prescribed bj law, or " !iis no ti«*e wid be p;- id in li i." of - i.i-:. .1 AK! KS H IdMKIt. January 3ih. I>4—No l -t Adminirtrator DISSOM'TION. I rnuK FIKM haretofon *•• ' en F B 1 \ i!• i- • :ii 'I 1 I v ;fo- i* t• i- ut :i I »ol»«l IT:. • ; . ' t r i: MUX KN! 'F.H. i: I. SIN K« »lil . » • NOTICE. II- Tor Hi It • . IT A ± 1 ' I • ;»—" •f ' ' -i.» ■,l >' ,i" o •« i ■ ' •- > t tw s 1' 1s - ' ' roii SAM-:. A - •*;;* r» rruMTcni:. 1 c s'rr.v \ >\ A M crr.u:\. A ♦ i {*sl It r*f C c / P AW 41 W "VV ton. X 3. C. ♦ ; nil: i.\ i: ; i i:i>\kt\ii:m A* ~ ■t ZXpEf^JS. 1. 9 . ** * i'*- • R 1 WEAK NERVES W C. M *- ,*N rr'Tor> ei.T a:-1 ■m 'Wr Vf \ ►umu-anta, it V ■ # raines RHEUMATISM I KIDNEY COMPLAINTS impound Prostration. Nerrcna Headache. if r • Neura gia, Nerroua Wtakr.ni, S:.:r.a h . '• 1 rjC^ists aad Liver Diaea.ea, Rhcumatiair . Pya- ' 1 M • \ 1 CO. Prop's p« ? »ia, ai J all a2ect;oc» cf the Kiiaej a. »•—— B^KLLN r, ro-N. VT. HALL'S rATARRH g^URE ■HMHOKT' IL BY PHYSIC! ~g| QO REWA/iJ VlJ * A lT T ° ▼a kiu.» W'.art and Mil it wvii a positive Kunrantaa that It will cure any ••••. aad will forfait U« at*.*« anl i*» n a single Instpnc*. unlike *>*7 *• 4 ; & taker Internally# actinjK tt>G blood. If jom anj Iroobltd win thU •%r*«M w&m**. wk r« * - 1 H MO UITAT!)* urmrrrrx'TF. !f L« tsu d t u* rri©*, 7i cacU p«r bo* *- T— _ . . rt ohl| _ F.J. CHEHiY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. T^***SJl - ' ■ «T' * C * —————— iptn's Fatniiß shears«SGlssnrL\^-'-'^^) rXUXLITIO WiHUAk f. Muck ShiMM-. Japar.net Hand!* a:*l Fi*«l Bjhl*. SO aents. KnibrobUrj Soi»«or»,50 renK. TEEKI S SJLVKK MTEEI. RiZOUi, Fail « Hwed. dropped and Ra«d| for Tac, H~.OO. S«ut wn rao«ptr>f Illustrated aatalostia trw*. TfHKT A CO., 113 AA*VJIBM Wrwt, TOL81X), OHIO. M. MER>HON, I'rc*. I). VV. MiULiE, C'a*h. ,1.1 ,LO>tn, A«I t('a»h I}ANK OF HICKORY, i HICKORY,N.C. + RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT to PA Y M ENT ON DEMAND DISCOUNT NOTES. SELL EXCHANGE ON UNITED STATES AND EUROPE. ALSO DO AN INSURANCE and COLLECTING BUSINESS. lJiivr one of tlif brt Rurs I a rProof Sflfn in \Uklcru Nirtti (' m rul ib a. >nfrty I)»po»it Vinlt* tor iiro'.-*t» I by ti* • »nt I) iublp ('o Timo I>*-kv wj.. ijj-ii ijan—g —tt-3 —rr — i —-— r rr -r-zrj- . t-" 1 .•.■j- 7rv»-T PIANOS. OHIiANS. SIIF.ET MUS 1C All the NEW POITI.AIt AIRS in itock. NOVELTIES RECEIVED WEEKLY. rt J£ W INC MA. Cli;j X XKI .J T_ E S A J AAA' A a'AA'AC.. AAAA 'A A , Siuger neodlrs 'J6 cents per dozen, all other# OU eents per doz !m. Inlirrior needles are dear at any price. I do not keep tlirm 1 can aUo furnish PA UTS of any Sowing Machine. Dont for tke place. J. L. STONE, April 7th 18-7—ly RALEIGH, !f. C SEAGLK 15It »S.. Manufacturers and Dealers in t k v*Tb^^/TThTTA - r vJ rf % v\ J * v "* ' - ' "-L* T:** ' BOOTS, SHOES SHOE-FINDINGS. Keep ;n ;tck a lull Lrit cf &]] giades. includ ing ZLIGLER BRCS., BAY S'iATE, .. MiI,ANS' $3 .SHOES SHOE-FINDINGS SUP PEIES, &c. ' Saddles, Bridles and .Harness. • Remember where you can get the best goods

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