t oiigmMklona'. I:. S-.i i.tf Mr Vai.ce' I re-e..t».l ti.,■]•!. l. I. Sat!..:.:-. M»(.TJ'!-r. , ti/.er. o'. tb« UUtrict of Co! in prmjiog e .mpensation for injury to Lii property m West WtoL.ngton | , IW J liv cia !'.l'k street* Mr Vance alnopresented tb«pet. , r , ti,e f.*",. IV ' f I)»'M"'" * "•' pr.1.1,' I''-" P****" "" intern.t.o. .1 PJ n K bt 1«« 'I he I 1 - 11 F* nslon 00 Iy • vly to tl** w.flow of Gen. John A. L / i!i ** H y®* o*' 0 *' ! • • «if V J r \>M. (1 like b l .. ( >li IW illOll i} 4 * * . . ♦/, 12.000 a ?eai the pen* j |c i .!., l« "* - , . f e t [ r w - low of id. I riilik 1 JP, « r '»'n pa*--»e '■ I rj ~ if ,ane il r I£owland intro .luce 1a 1,i.. I" 1 nn: le f-r HicloMUf,' (i ,T. ri.:iieijt r—»r,ati » »t 1' " r! ,1 i j -f'* at S''litli] i' rt Mi K »wlan \ also introduced a bill , •' J;e t : Pi't 1' I!l>' 1 ,l 1 111 ''" To, J I ; , ii ?. it "1.-l • 'tt- V • ,„ .t j■ i iiif '1 a blii ' l ill i« tl I- f H ( Ult,l f. lt \, w I>i .to rep.a- * the ret. St. vhih Mi S.mu .• 11- nl"> intro lu.-ed a bib hr h. t: « «!••{•• ••'tors of tl.'' I i, . ; fj. - at. 1 J rust Com -1a,% ; i ■. - u.o ii re Iby the fail liip f -ti l coin| any. Mr Siiniijoi - uls«» introduced a bib j,, ■ >• i,l * ti.'* \fl of btamlard mlvei for certain of tiie I nited t „ , the legal-tender ~ t«-r ■•:* tiie half dollar. arid to perm.t the i'-m' «»f s»U«r certificates llj ! i !t j O-lt- of tliP -.III!'': Mr .l..iiii-ton. fioiu the committee on j ;1 ic 1> .iid lllj..'* and ground*, re. j • rt 1 * 1 hnck with arncridinent tlio t>nl for thf ♦•rection of u j»ui»li- in tii" eitv of Ashevnh?. Mi. Hcmh i -on. of North Caralin i, from the coiuinitt' • on the judical}, r. ported the hill to amend th internal revenue lawn. 1 louse calendar' 1 u it ,-t present th* hill abol ishes all minimum penalties fer the infraction of the revenue and confers upon the courts discretion m the imj osition of j>unisliment witiiin the limits tix*d hj the ntatue. It forbids the issue of a warrant in such easp.i upon information and belief, • xcppt upon an affidavit made by the collector or deputy collector or re*e nue and with thm excwptlon r1 > \T. ii rants are to !)«• issued except up on >\r >ra complaint setting forth f »r{-» >i . within the personal know! • {_;• of the atliant. Payment of f. i > fi'r wu i *i.t -i- forbidden, un>s> tlnie 1p a cou viction or 11 « prosecu tion ha- L en a ith'ori/ed by the I'ni tl'd St;ite-« Attorney, or unless the joo>w ution a■» b\ informa t; -n >r m 11a• 1111• !t. l iie hi ! makes u.! \s :ii'! ant ict .irnab'.p b fore nenrt >t ju in a". otlic» r, who mav make i relimmary examination* and di*- ch bail • r c >miuit to j ri-on pri -■ >n arr» -t■ d ('.rc;iit ( • irts of the l i t 1 State- at. 1 I>M rict Court - are a a.;th : i/e 1 t- ru joint as many coiuininsiouers in their districts a- mav i»c n« c»*>*.ar% >the 4*7 th am the resolutions mtiod.'.cc i w,ia on* l>\ Mr. Hakor, .of I..it. iuec'iii t ..«■ committee on post o:l.ce- at; i | •■ -1 roa !•» to mij lire into the exiHshencv of reducii f 11 • postage o-i sit ia' 1 " f !• I n to thr. e cents the f. . f :v * o: ii r-s f r >t- :» . ir- i : .v > I low fir I.ouLh oii I >4. 1 ion. its t 'inmcn's , n Nances s| eeeh in favor ■ f the r peal of ti 4 o 1 nt«-rnai r» \p: t* tax. v :.« ti ink that t * Star k» 1 up. ii a » C'f us ft-,.. »w.» n. t!.- ti bacco -it wj.i- N * Miction m i ral ai N»;•» « v - o! stiiuputs ;n ] nti'-ular. a> if »p havl blockade a] j e Hi'» ' v reakfust, nu.onshir.e c- rt. wl :>ke\ f r dit.n» r it 1 did I. >ti.i: ; t • res' of tie d*y '.eft aft«-r eating but v :.e \ unstainp#il tobacco, oi in ' ther word- t: it u'.l *i. •. f :IV r t': e rej.eal >f t :.p liiti n.a Ih venue jaw » • in - .*• •i - "Oi e 1 *%• 1 '.i\ s' l ti c » ,■ • , .... 1 > oi it .ii. .i j•iu ri i -i. I Irr In >if VorU. Jan. 30 Broadway xm»s visited at r, Jo o'clock this morning by ti o . _♦ fierce ar. 1 disastrous i.ie ti.at i.a*i occur* d in that fare for 1"> years. In one and a half hours, despite the sending out of a general call for file apparatus, f ;r immense business liou-es weie destroyed and others seriously dam a •1. Tiie total 10.-s u e-limated at J'J.O'to.oo About half an h 1 ur after the fir»- via- discovered an explosion rcciiel. by which A-»i-tant I* ore n.an Michael Reilly. of hook and lad der No. s . was fatally injured and reveral otiur- more or less hurt lill▼ died at 12 o'clock. Ihe tiro discovered at 4 o'clock by an i fficer of the eijpdit precinct, in the b i-ement of the building Nos 549 and r>sl liroadway, occupied by Henry Holers. The ofih-er irumediately -,eiit out an alarm, which was fol.o-.T --i d bv a •econd and third, and tinaliV tl.e famou-. "three si\«-' or a.ai in. called for tin • s i'.ui ed south of Four teen th street. Ihe fire wih not finally completed unti[ aftf-r 2 o clock p. in. Till* ItlKKtst Il;tr-1* oi in. •• Newton has the bar room , of any town I ever saw. said a stranger, the other day He had ev idently been taking in the town, for he says "just walk down behind the 'old depot and you will find one which covers two and a half acres of ground. —Newton I.nterpri.-e. From tin? number of persons with red noses and tlannel lined eyes who come stepping from behind the street corners, licking their hps, one would infer that Morganton might be considered a* occupying about ' one acre for this same purpose.— Morganton Star. " Thar, now. If we had said ei ther of those things about our neighbor's towns, they would have ° * r •> been "down on us.'' The same pa per says : " A gentleman from a distance stepped into a certain barber-shop in town this week and asked if there could be any whiskey had in town. The barber told him to give him a bottle and the money and maybe he could tiinl him some. He was gone a few minutes and returned with the whi-kev. Now, have we a bar room within a few minutes walk from the public square. We pause for an an i s\v*r " St rlliiu r'* Maua/.Uir for l'clirn ar>, IKKH. Contents Felix Mendelssohn liartholdv. frontispicu : Mendeli .-olm s Fette« s to from the manuscripts in the possession of Felix Mescheles. 1. By William 1.. Aj throp, ■r ith portraits rihl re proiluctums of drawings by Mende lssohn ; Ballade of the Kind's Way. by Andrew Hus.-ey Allen ; First Har vests, chapters 4 (>; Fpheineron. by Mr- dame-T. Fields; The Man at Arms, 11. concluded): Love's Ways, by Henrietta Christian Wright ; Nat • : il Select n, a romance of Chel-ea Village and Ka-t Hampton Town, Bart 11. with illustration-; The Law and ti,* Ballot, by Joseph P. Bishop ; Volcanoes, by N S Shaler, with il lustrations ; The La*t of the Ghosts, by liarrett Wendell, with illu-tra t ion -1 Sriisililr C'haiiKr. Wa-hin ,r- s. I> C, Jan. 30.—The H -e.» -t c mmlttee on election i'ie-. It"nt. Vu-tt-president and Hej !. se: 'ativ. s i n has ttgre* 1 t rej >rt favornbly lo the . II ;.-t tl.e ('rain resolutioj proposing , >n.e:. mu-nt to tl.e Constitution, . - instituting the 31st da> of Decern - « r :'oi the f urth (. f March as the mniencemetit and termination of the official term of members of the i use of Bepre—-ntative*. an 1 provid . i: m '.i. it ( : -.- ». ai; h-1 1 its annu , al meeting oi. the first Moi.dav in .Taa j nary. r lLejiuvm r■ >.-e ,a-t Saturday eve , : " ; '• v eclipsed, and all i. t ft ai 1 « t'i"Mii hree/e ha 1 a .\ i T.e\s I :.t* -na .e began to - n s'm -irk. a:. 1 by s o'clock .. : i -ftev t> i 7v ' \.r ■, j * as e*«r I. X. pi onion of I>> uamitr In >■«• port Ifarlisr. B -T> V. Ji .. *>!» —A -{►♦.•i t'. dis- J'ltrii fI« lii !'j iv;i]*'!u'C, II I . h«\- ti .tt : i.. li:.-1•» . V tire:.. Ka»t Greenwich, Fall River, aud other Bay Si le towns were bud v shaken up last night by a d\namit® explosion in Newport Larbor. lij many places the i-b"ck resembled an eartbquake, and report 3 from the vg r;ou> l >inr»s to lav st»« - »k • ? it a- a v • genuine, eaNl qu tke, tlx- onn>f- not being generally known. No other cause for the shock was known here until today when it was learned that in Newpoit harb>r efforts were be ing made to cl« ar the harbor of ice fields. It i- twenty mil*- from Greenwich to New York and thirty from Providence (Mi College hill. 1 'rovid«-nee., hoiw - were shaken v» i \ perceptive!▼ Bristol wa> sliak en t'> it- very centre, and much tin* -.in ' exp« lie • - w . re had in *! ♦-♦ 11- ui. h 'I he icf- i- considerable ci ack ed ip in Bristol 11-t! b«>r I>\ the e\- p"«ion 1 nti,» s off At Full River the earthquake i» described as I e gining with a concussion like a thumb r-clap, and the ice in the har bor cracked Doctor Otin I". Maiihou. This gentleman, an accomplished physician, was laid to rest on v®Ver day afternoon in Hollywood, that beautiful "City of the Dead ' As has been previously stated in the | columns of our paper, Dr. Manson was Lorn in this city in lS'2'J. and removed to North Carolina at an early age. He rapidly achieved dis tinction in his profession th®ro. and when the wur began his learning and skill as a physician had become so recognized throughout the Stuto o o that he was, at th© request of th® North Carolina authorities, commis sioned a full surgeon in th® Confed ° erate army, and appointed to take charge of the North Carolina hospi tals in this city. So ably, so pa tiently, and with such skillful and tender care were his duties in this position discharged, that Senator Vance, in speaking of him, said: " Every man, woman, and child in North Carolina loves him."—Rich mond Whig. Colonel Tate. Samuel McDowell Tate, bank in spector and formerly Colon®! of the | (sth North Carolina Regiment, was in town on Thursday last on official business. Col. Tate has many , friends in the Cape Fear territory. He lias many in all sections of North Carolina, and deserves them all. He would make a mighty good Governor; practical business Governor. As gen , tie a girl, he was a lion of a soldier. His head is as broad as it is long, and he is as patriotic as he is astute and clear. H* has got a heart as . well as a head, and would be a dan- I'C-rous man for politicians to trifle 0 I with. —Favettville Observer. Bandits in Mexico slew the hus band of Mrs. Janet M. Baldwin, oi San Francisco. She is now in Wash ington and s®ek. indemnity trom the Mexican Government through the State Department. She ought to 1 ave it. She is the daughter of a distinguished, noble, high-toned North Carolinian, the late Hon. Dhl i«l Turner, of Wairen. Her mother was the daughter of the famous Francis S. Key, author of "The Star Spangled Banner. NN« had tne pleasure of an acquaintance with Mr. i Turner. He was a hue specimen of a man, mentally, physical.y. socially, mora v. He wa- an KpiscopUiian of a high type. He retiied from Congresa vs anUuily, giving the same r®a--on ttiat buv* :l.: I i« ' ; knew he was Sob* r an 1 : hon®>t. and h® wUhe! to get away from Washing!**: in time. Theie at % \® r v few 1". l•* a 111 I' u.4» y s . ' , Dsuiel Turn n * u r ' ' Star. The I" S. \ ostal la* relative to printing on wrappers or«nr«lop®i »f t...i ! ..i. i f iii 11: r *«•«. umtu-r, a 1 > it wl.ich t • i.;t~ been c«—icl era'./lt » in u. * hi- in* >nv enien^e o? .ate, has been re; ealed by a re cent art of Congress So that now v 1 1,1 ran print wi.ii' T»u like on en ▼elopes and wrappers, BO long as you leave r '('iii f"i the address and the j ctagi -Ump. The papers led and (' : jjies-, ai-teil pp'i«pt ▼ How many merchants and other business men will aektK w.cdge this set vice of the press ' Set aid 11 imund*. has an article on "The Tariff, not 'For lievenue Onlv. but also f.>r Protection and I h veloj'ineiit. in "Harpers zin* for February. an i its very co gfut and convincing, but the S»na tor doe-- not show wherein a tariff !oi l'i"ot«-cti"!i permit* *" 11 ;ii j ? - Majjt/.lt e to be -old for thill \ tiv« cents in A\.» : i-a an I tw«*ntv 1\ * C'-llt> It- J'.: g.ahd There api o! lein foi the Senator th it a gr>-at man} Amen ■ iti> would iike to haw >oived. Washington ( ntic. I o I fcin«i 1 i Certificate WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 —A bill was introduced iii the House bv Mr. W i.- kins. of Ohio, to day, authorizing the seeietary of tlie Ireasurv to issue fractional silver certificates in de nomination.-. of 10, 15, '2~> and .">0 cents, not exceedn a -urn which i left blank, the same te be paid out as coin and made « legal tender for all government dues. Hare Mlncr;il. A t are mineral has been discov ered at Highlands, which Dr. Smith says is cerusite, or carbonate of lead. Tradition reports the existence of lead and silver near where thisdis-' eovery has been made, and traces of old workings of the Indians who got 1 their supply of bullets from the ' neighborhood are occasionally found —Franklin Press. The northwestern part of the I Hi ted States has experienced the most severe weather lately that has tver " been recorded. The blizzards of Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin, hare been the cause of untold suffer ing, and great loss of life, reaching almost into the thousands, ha* been ' reported. What can make people go to such a count! "v ' * A l allurr. The present system of working the roads has been in vo'ue for P. more than a century, and it is now, and has been for y*ars, clearly dem . onstrated to be a failure. It is evi dent therefore that a new plan must be adopted.—Hilleboro Recorder. A singular case in which a strong spring went absolutely dry is report ed to have occurred near here The spring, which was never known to ' fail, bubbled up at the foot of a very large poplar tree. A short time since the tree was cut down, and the spring has entirely failed.— Matthews News. Savs one of our exchanges: A good advertisement in a newspaper pavs no fare on railroa Is; cost* noth ing for hotel bills ; gives away no boie- of cigars to cutaomers, wires ; drinks no whiskey under the head of traveling expenses, but goes at once and all the time about its business frse of ex pet *e to Ha\t %nothrr I.ln tit WA-HIN.TOM. Jan. 2G—Senator liansum was this iu ramg author.z e i bj tn- C won ittee ■>u C#mcoerce, to report favorably L.s bul provid ing f r thee instruction of a IM/> light l.ou l t! Cap* Hattera-. l'h t;u> 11 I , Jan. 3u—Hope \ SI.T > re port- an e.trt L- J .ias e •- LO k at 12:40 this »ming. Shocks ar u..-o rej rte 1 from \ iiiou* \ art* ot the State A fir , . ro ke oat in Tarboro on th* ni'-ht of tl.e 'J4tli. burning wvertil ).ou-e" inciu.ling the county jail, '.»• 1 coat S3O. Ther * thirteen p-i-onera i» jail. including one under •mltnoo of deatli, but all were safely removed. Onslow county voted on Tuesday, the 24th instant, to subscribe SOO,OOO to the W O. H R-. A lar P® majority We hope the road will be built in the near future, for there are old men there who heard their fathers talking railroad. John. Daniel and William Mas-ten are tLe names of three sons at on# birth Newburg. N V on the -2nd t>f January I hesi* muk# e t\en chi ldr« 11 to llar-t* n in fouiteeu ▼ ears. pojAl, p VA Lrf POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel »f purity, strength and wholesoineness. economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he »old in competition with t)ie uiut - titud* of !nw test, short weight aluiu or phosphate powder. So'.ii ouly in eat l*. KOT AL BAKINS I'ewer.a Co., 105 Wall tet. N T, no4:l H tir RACK ET! RACKET !! RACKET!!! A .Mercantile Earthquake ha» placed the undersigned on record as the twenty-eighth "Racket Man"' in North Carolina. If celling Shoes, hats, v good*, notions, tin-ware, crockei v, Glass-ware, and, in fart, everything usually k# j»t in a store of general merchandise,at prices, twen ty-live per cent below their true val ue, make a " Racket Store," there the great ''racket" of all "rackets" i« to be found at the " red flajr sitrn" in O f> Hickory. Wrecked on the infernal "sand lai of "credit which means little les* tL;iii "highway robberv. #ither for the customer nr the merchant that well selected st « - k of goods, heretofore offeicd in a regular wav, is of.t-red to th* •• ,'kers of genuino sledgehammer bargains, at such prices as will a->tonibh any one whe can appreciate rc al »oliJ values for little money. Everybody is invited to come and purchase some bargains, those who come will find the largest stock to select from. I'. 13. ALEXANDER. AOENT. Hickory. Jan. 2, I^B. Established 1853. Rutherford College, Hutherford;Collcge P O, NORTH CAROLINA. z Term oj»en« the fir-t Wednevtay ic January. Kali Ttiu peni firnt \\ t-dne>*iay itt August. !'• ' i d T'ji a . exj-er«» , fr n |«j '1 eit;on f r«.u. 11 to H. I BuaincseCol eje Drpertn ei t and a M ,u ry I)e; artment arn exed. '1 he Si ' .« I ondenotuinat tonal and n# &e U: a-., t- t r -iy moral a:.c trulj piou", A ;,IJ .a altriMtat f;i tn 200 to .' 4#. Fct further j artif u.ar- *\ jly to r.KT K. L ABKkXETHT, l'rr*i denl

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