The Press and Carolinian. Do! nine 18. Xccal fßcws. Letter from Crossiag wi'tl appear next week. An assortment of school books at Royster's Drug Store. • The " Lodge " missed cne meeting last week. For oils, paints, varnishes, paint brushes, iVo., call at Royster H. * Royal and Patapsco baking pow ders at Royster s Drug Store. • ( atch our prices while they ara down, Royster it Martin. Mrs. Merritt of Lenoir has pur chased the Gibbs house and will move to Hickory in a few days. For pure and fresh drugs call at Royster.s Drugstore. • Ihe sale* of leaf tobacca were quite small last week on account of cold, dry weather. Mr. A C. Jones has baen appoint ed ganger and "store-keeper in this eounty. Laudreth's garden seeds—three fivo cent papers for ten cents. (). M ROYSTER.* Rev. Mr. Bell of Lenoir is still improving and is now considered out of danger. A full and coinpleta lino of ladies an 1 gentleia-m's purses, pocket books Ac., at Royster's Drug Store. " Capt. Waddell haw so far recover ed from his wreck bruises that he fook charp#> of his tr"«o MoDdry. A full, line of stationary, box paper, memorandum books, blank books, visiting cards, at Royster's Dru^ O ' » o Store. • All old well on tha Godwin's lot, aunt of 11 L Watson's, is a nuisanoe to which the attention of the Sanita ry Committee is hereby directed. I have sold Harrison Bros'. ready mixed paint for the la-it eight or ten years, and 1 am willing to guarantee every gallon of it. (). M. ROYSTEH.* The calebrated " \\ . L. DOUGLAS SHOE, ii full line of his other ad vertised good-, mav be found at LINK Mc( 'OMII iV Co s, Agent*. Hickory.* Thw citizens of Wilmington last week organized a society for the prevention of cruelty to animal*. Uev. D. 11. Tuttle is one of the Vice Presidents. All the latest styles of lamps and lamp ''(>> d» received at Roys ter s 1 >rug St >re. * All. W." V. Justice, formeily t.'f Ash« Mile, has located in Hickory, and call- the attention of our citi yens t» i.i> business. The celebrated pearl top lamp chimnevs »ame price a- the Old at vie a: K.iv-tt r'a Dm-' Store. * The lovvrs (• ! a good cigar will thank Messrs Haithcck A Co, for there enterprises in furnishing this market with a tine elas* Havana To bacco Cigars, at a moderate price call and gat one and judge for your «elf. New it comath to pass that a Judire who makes an erroneous de cision and is over-ruled (Stata vs (iie:>ch ' fails to r« cegnire his farmer acquaintances of prohibition procliv ities. Wonder if Jim Merrimon spt aks to liiis ' T:.e !vli« s of the Reformed Church wi.l give a " Pink Tea. in Shuford's Hal. ■ Friday evening. February 10. Refreshments will be served from 7 to 10.; o'clock. The proceeds to be devoted towards buying lamp* for the Reformed Church. Admission free. heat and corn taken in exchange for clothing at Royster Sc Martin's. A hog weighing "JOU pound* was , sold to Bost & Co. on Tuesday last. Jim Cornelius, a 14 yaar old negro, was hanged in Louisiana last week for murdering a 4 year old boy. Iha \ alentine season draweth nigh. Being Leap yeas it is in order for the ladies to pay for the pictures There are times in the history ol I the family when even a brother may not remain in the parlor to read the papers when there are only two others present. Royster tries to keep everything : to be found in a drag store, and you can rest assured so far as the price is concerned tbe bottom will be knocked out. • Married. J. L. Lyerly and Mrs. Malenda Miller, were married in Hickory by J. H. Bruns Esq., on Tuesday the i 7th iust. Tobacco Ntill There were four thousand pounds tobacco sold at Haithcock's Ware house on Tuesday. Not a pile i was taken in. All brought good ! prices. ! We are glad to see souie ot busi i ness men taking an interest in the j I , sidewalks. Several are preparing to : pave the walks in front of their bus:- j ! ness houses with granite. Let all along Main Street follow their ev- ample. Sixtv three arrests were made by * the police in Raleigh during the month of January, and anti prohi -1 bitionists will sav that is an evidence l that prohibition increases crime when the rogues were arrested for 1 violating the best of laws. Our Newton neighbor admires our ''discretion in not making a person al investigation of the haunted house mentioned last week. From | earlv boyhood we have had au im pression, that in ghost business, dis cretion is the better part of valor. We dont investigate their doings. Leap year is doing it* work. That hardened old bachelor, Thad. Man ning, editor of the Hendei son* Gold Leaf, has been captured, but it took a widow to do it. We know she is handsome and good, or she never could have trapped such shy game. Our be»t wishes attend them. The N G train stalled and had to leave the passenger coaches at Lin colnton last Saturday night. It WHS overloaded with letters from Mr J. K. Wilhelin of Atlanta expressing his i gratitude to friends in Hickory for kindness shown during his wrecked I condition here. His arm is healing but he has very little use of it and fears it will always be stiff 111 !.au|{h And Cirow Fat. A rich liteiary treat will be enjoy ed bv all *ho go to hear Prof, T (, rd in Shufords Hall on 22nd anil 23rd inst Tbev ara not tobe bored with any straight-laced ecture. but to be happy and laugh their les sore at recitations, dramatic readings and such humorous per-o lationa of cha:- acter as will both instruct and amu-e. bv one who ha? wen applause a:.d fame among the Literati of our land. Sue a extended notice in another | column. Go, hear and laugh. t>ichor\>, Horth Carolina, CbursOav, februarv c, IS£B. Spring overcoats at Royster k Martins White Front Clothing Store. Hickory, N. C. Mr. A T. Summey of Asheville was in town Tuesday, to see his sie ter Mrs. John \\ llfong who is (juite sick. Senlces Sunday At 1') a. m.. and 7 p. in., in the Baptist, Episcopal, Mathodi»t and Reformed churches, by Rev. Messrs. Gardner, Mcßee, Bristowe and Rei ter. I.and tor Hair. e fall attention to the advertise ment of Mr. E. J. Rector, of Connel ly Springs. There was an error in the prico as given in a former adver tisement. i he Narrow Gauge traak has been changed to leave the W. N. C. track pa-t of, and to run north of the de pot, the work about completed as we go to press. Successful Florlsta» We call the attention of our read ers to the advertisement of the old established florists, Nanz Si Neuner, Louisville, Ky , in another column of our paper. Send your address for their free illustrated catalogue. Ihe Atlanta Journal has been sending out letters of enquiry to the weekly editors of Georgia, and up to date 54 Answers have been re ceived, and all but sevsn of them emphatically favor tariff reform. Straws khow which way the wind is blowing, and editors are geaerallv 44 men of straw. " Ihe ilmington News, reporting the cases in the Mayor's court says. '' I men and one woman, from Jerusalem, who looked like bandits, and could not und rsty.d English, were ordered to leave the city. Offi cer Turlington was detailed to per form the pleasant duty of seeing them on the other side of the line. '* If all town and county efficers would extend the same courtesy to k the pilgrims they would be glad to get back to Jerusalem to rest. . Mr. Pcanisn In \ lt«*d to Hick - or> . A meeting of members of the dif ferent churches in town was held in the Presbyterian church Monday, whan resolutions were a lopted. e>tr nestly inviting Mr Pearban to visit Hickory, and a comiaittee was ap pointed to go to State-Ville Tuesday night and lay the matter before bin . We sincerely 1 pe their efforts *i 1 be crowned *it success, and our people will soon i ave an oj p rtunity of hearing one who has done so much for the Master's king lorn in othr places. About twenty -live of tiie your.g people of Hickory n.a ie up t e cr .▼ 1 which enj' ye 1 the honot of "complimentary tickets to the leap vear { arty given by the Misses Mer. zie- last Thursday night. On ae count of the iuclemency of the weuta er. the party cou.d not be carrie l out according to the strict leap ye k r stvle. but a- far .n was possible tije voung ladies played their {art- Being unable to obtain a fu.l list of those who attended, we publish no names The evening spent very i leasantly by a... a:. 1 ti.»- >ii.g la die- ad led fresh laurel, to their - utation as enterta,Lers. WUcn to AU\erti*c. When business is dull. heu you have nice goods, and ■ people to know it. W hen you have a poor stock, and w - ant to sell it to get a good one. W hen people that advertise have a trood tra le and you have not W heu you have a good trade, ad vertise to get a better one When you are busted and want to sell out. I When t«* stop AdTcrtlNlug. When nobody else thinks, it pays to advertise. \\ hen you would rather have your ; own way and fail than take advice and win. \\ hen you want to go out ef busi ness with a stock on hand. When you want to get rid of tho | trouble of waiting on customers. Whea men stop making fortunes right in your very sight solely through the discreet use of that mighty agent—the PRESS A*l> CABOLI- I MAN. ; A IMtttiuguUbed VlHltor. Hon. W'm. M. Robinson, Judge of the Superior court of Houlton coun -1 ty. Maine, spent last Friday in Hick ory and honored our office with a pleasant visit in company with Mr. j Had ley Fairrield from the same State ! who is spending the wiuter here Judge Robinson is six fbet four inch- j ies high, and well pioportioned. He has a beaming countenance with a | bright flashing eye, and altogether ! is one of the handsomest and most attrautive men we ever saw, and shakes Uands with a cordiality that is winning, and a grip not to be for ! gotten. We did not talk politics but feel sure the Judge is a Prohi bitionist and a Democrat. He was on his way to Hot Springs, Arkansas for a little rest and bathing. ♦ se » Hickory Dramatic Club. Ah. there! The y are going to get there! The Hickory Dramatic Club is on another boom and we are going to liven things in Hickory. On the 14th instant they will appear before the public in the melodrama. " In* Charcoal Burner," and in the laugh able farce. "Area Belle. I.i tl;. st two plays " Shorty and " Lengthy ' take principal parts and are we.i - :m port dby a troupe of artists. S: • t treat as t:iis tho people of H. k >i v 1 have not h«i I a chance of enjoying. • ami we feei confident tbev \s ii! turn out m full force, esperja. •, since ine proceeds of tue e.uo at •* for *h»- b» ne:;t of th» j " Hiok it * o. - net J>:in• 1 A band is Koiuething Hick r\ ' has long need'd. In-re .■> ' bar i.v a t -v\n of a - :v «./•* along tin line that has ti-it got a \at 1. and .t is a slam on Hickory that we 1 1 be behind i?. t';.!«. whi'** '.vu ar»« ' ahead in a., of her enterpi m »st 1 ave the band, and m n pi use she . 1 be b*re 1 thi •i, i T l. b ati i llie grave ot *ach ine;nl».-r . be ke: t r r»»en for the ai 1 the\ a'e 1 I O f rar.dermg the "Comet Band Ti.e. perf rmance of the " Di amatic (,'.ub ' ' will be in Shuford's Opera House Tha prices of admission are popular a:. 1 the number of tickets limited to fifteen hun Ired. i>e sure and buy . 1 vour tickets from Link, McComb k I * 'C' .. before tbev are all ifone, where | ; a full assortment of dry goo is and groceries can be found at lowest prices i A full orchestra will fur -1 L.-h music for the ecoa-ios an 1 new y •can-ry fro:u Detroit, M:chigan. will greet the au lie nee. " Let er go, , ia.lagher. I ■iouHcs Wanted. are net more houeee buiit for rent * People will ru.t come here whf-n they cannot find houses i" which to lire In f act we kuow of one family that will mov« aw.y becaus® they cannot gn a housed A dozen or two of pood dwelling could be rental quick!* nr.,] * e should have t!iat many m»u- inhabi tants. There is no letter u\,s{. went for our meji of means. than a few houses to rent Who w i!l Luild ? m I'frhonaU. I Mr, Joul Keever, known an i'«»t shoe-maker of uur t it*. i» I now engaged m Ai.«iuiLj Brothers shoe-shop, situated 0»,. r their beef market. Mr. F. A Grace, of Detroit, Ui. h ig7*n. has arrived in the cit? f.>r the , purpose of frescoing the new lUuk of Hickorr building ami also the handsome residence winch is b»:ng ei»et«d by 1) \\\ shuler. Mr. Grace is a professional in his art Ha ss j ®;so painting the scenery for the i Hickory Club wrho will , present the "Charcoal Burner *' to ' public on the 14th, 111 st. Miss Lillie Jones, of Happy Yal ; lay, who ha* been for r-ome | time in Winston and Statesville, pawn ed through Hickotv ou her return home mst Monday. .Mrs. (1J Holienian returned fr ai a short visit to South Carolina labt Wednesday Last 1' i iday Hickory was invaded by a looking crowd from ('aid well county, and iiimy and varied reports were soon turned aloose as to the intentions of the mob Sotue ! thought them to be n crowd of out laws who intended to rob the Hank, an 1 the police officio's were warned. Ajl these rumors were, however, erroneous, as the mei> was only a portion of ( olonel I'oik s law school, passing on to llaleir»h for their license to practice law Wu are tflad the voting gentlemen made themselves known, for until tli>*\ «.]i> 1 no, no one know of the gr it brain power which w'as then :it rest under those lorg locks and f !.n> timber' which incrtif d t.eir h heait" I -ie cr«*w consisted of Mr Y. 1 I >. (":;ie, of Hickory; Mr Ju'.i is C. w.n, u. r . Mr If I» Star buck. of Wj'itton ; i Mr L A. Tr" r. ' Mar nr. 11.. M. L. M .tt. f Statenviile. and Mr lie" Lluim. of Ta\ who ■1 -o b !on ' t • t'.»- r!a-H. will join t »ir comi.tlen .i. li.iei'h, :ia 1 nil ap| !-y fiw.r license We them all Arthur'* ilotne nngaclne. For ; » i ruary contains the oj ci. .jj.' ehHi«t«*r>» f *' Champ, a new se i u: y M;-»i M. ( t M- ieiland ; tf.e e« -i .u In./ chap?* i " Ja»{ er ! h -*t n '• An incident in iJam h J..'--. an 1 »«-y»-ral r-f rt-f ne-. Iheii.u 'rations uc ::.j x!.;.!!./ )re!«h'ti-> ( iir«. a I„ tt.o Mother, a!. 1 Florence ar- r*rv fine The Hou-»ek»- jer i aahi >u anil H Jtne I>e jratK n I>* j irtm*-nt- ar'- full and instructive, ."send JOcta. to 'J-U Wal nut .St . i'tii.a i a, for -arupl# coj ▼ Attention > .inner*. iLf ry Farmer *i Club w.U at s School H *•»#, r n Satur lay the 18th, to eject of fic»-r- a:, i 1/ tr^:.-». t otner impor - is den;rei i L HEi*4«, i'rsn Humfcr o.

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