The and Carolinian. Uolumc IS. noc a I "Rows. I hut -col «• ''IT. Shelov anl ynrsville have the In 11 1: .}>- ( rllf —.i We a? e getting JI 1 : UO OIK* S l.t 11.- U V lit I.t ifl ♦•. An as. of seho >1 books at J ijs -I • i - J)i ug Store. .Miss hmma lug oI d is visiting rol at • aii 11' :"1111 - iii !ancolnt on. . ; 4 -. ▼ irni-l f paint 1,! .! • . 'at )['.?>> 1 V .\ . t :. f 1 1 I'lii* 1 ( i. .1 ii eV • I Inlay ilif »l lUIlg. i I\;I. nn i lata) ID bai ilig pow h i ![o v ' - !'iUgSii »i c. . . : 11 ! I 1'» !'l\ I - I,ili t-> vol y ; .. ; • i\v. s' b:r ! hunt i +> ]•: * \ #' • lOrpn n all-1 f;■'•!; irug» call at J; | J >I I i ' St ore. * i . .! 1. I\!t -. « >f ('iii aA 1 >a, -p nt si vi'i ;ii «i. t \ with her parents and ot • i i .■ i!. \' n Hicl. >rv tl is w ek. i .• :it' i pe-irl top lamp (1,1:1,1. i • 11 ce u-> the ol 11 bl\.e ; at ii »\ Mi S'.Oie. * (1-orgt Wa i ir .'ton was horn 112 \ a:s ;i •) m ..t ril ty. He still lives , I i,t• i:t* !its iif i iis connt l y liieii. All the latest styles of lamps and I;i 1111 > j' received at I toy* ter's 1 >rug Store. * i > In ir Prof. Ford to-night and he instructed and (-literlained. He great. I ! will soon lie time for the town oil! i to lix up tie- Iron Spring. Sauiim r is almost hen . A fuli aiel complete line of ladies an 1 gt ntl' it • jit;l'm s, pi>cl.'t hoi >ks Ac . at i; iyM' s J Vug Store. * Ti. r ■ w-te ah nit I.OOO pounds of tim !> it tohaeeo sold at Ilaithcock's \\ .1 -h« -nsr last Friday. Fan 1: f-th'-i ir Vn s-f*d- -three fivi .- .1 [ . > f >r (en eeiit . O. M KUVSTKU.* \ li- w; - caught near Morehead (,: . t . ui k thai was •*0 1 -c-t long iv, nth to It was v a wha.e. \ fm; line i»f stationary, box p;iper, mf-: ii' i hi nt Im > >ks, blank hook s. v • :! g e-ii'i 1 at li •-l s 1 >nig .• . m St ■ ire "! - I . I'l'"' Ve lit Mr,' tto II ■ k rv " ist 1 us - ]\\ after ui .J K ist. I i,a\ i kr 1 II i:*i !. l'.; -. reaily ▼ »., . : f . \\ ;! t-> t-v \ m . ■ it oM.L o-1 i... * 1 v ~t vitl ;ah.» pewi rin v . - 1 ;i '■ i h I Hi' -11 _a_ e s;ih on lift ll pa ;»v K vervhi 1\ >*|\ s it is t! iie t! at 1; \ ; t A. >!.il't.i. an 1 .1 it a 'll c]i >t 1 ;;' I*-. 1• • i' ■ t !>] 1 1. i 'W. ] , I>. iH \s j-it S a.s, 4 , i; •i? ) f ; t hel H. I vet: i>».J l-i .i> i«• f .iii. lat LINK Met A »s. A_ - : *s. H ;,k ; v * s in-' t'.e t: .a- in the nfliee of r )s t M . 'tel t ' ne' a', it is s. i;i ] We l .a'v j ■ a! eit .]> i.«» lOlii^e! afti 1 the f v. t! if M uoh K -v>ter tiit's t>» ke» j trv»-r\thing i f . I a ii: * _ r >i«•; e. 1 Tt»r ai rest assured so far aa the price is concerneil the bottom . be k:i out. * i t .-j is lit..', hut a hi v. t: i > fi ... 11.. h./v 1 ahits i f i*« •_ i .". 1 f '>• ws ( *• 11 ■' Pavi> O'-et* ti*. i es ot hunting ..i« Jt!vl. thin' - it a; i i>;vt- iating. Our .spring stock will boon spring into prominence. Uo\>tar A; Mar tin, Hickory N C. A A Shuford was in Monroe us a witness Tuesday, fruiu whence he went to Danville on business in the tOhacco line. Services Sunday in the Reformed, I'iaptist, Kpiscopal and Methodist (.'hurehes*, hy Revs. lh iter, (iardner, ?del>o and I'ri-tovre. Mr. I). H I'rt-siiell, H. A. Adams. Ks.jr.. and several other tobacco raise! s fnun this ection, are wit.ii their crop- trying the Danville mar ket this week. Hiekorx i)iainatic (JJub again on the L'Tth. N'.-vs scenery aud a par tial change of the program will gleet the audionce. KveiT body sht ulil go. Mi. Ahel Shuford has improved the sidewalk in front of his hardware store by paving it with granite. Why don't all along Main Street th> likewise • The lamps for the new Reformed ( hiirt-h building, which were pur chased with the proceeds of the pink tea, have been put up. They are very pretty an t there is no dark corner for backsliders. Rev C.-T. Bailey, editor of the Biblical Recorder, has purchased the Western Baptist, of Abbeville, and the paper will he merged into the Recorder. Rev. R. l'earson talked to the peo ple of Salisbury last Monday night a"week in behalf of the Y. M, A., and .f .100.00 was then and there sub scribed for a Hall, says the Herald. Messrs. E. B. ('line and A. P. Lynch, of this county are among the tliiity young lawyers sent «ut by the present session of the Supreme taunt te help suppress crime. Mr. A. A and Miss Harriet R. J'iowei s. Daughter of Mrs. Adam riowers were married by J. j". Dt t\ii» Esq. at his residence in Alex ander county on the 12th inst. Ihe editor of the Park Chron icle excuses a want of matter in his paper because he has ** been engaged in 1 iisim -s a: 1 other matters." A h-in Isome a man as Brothel* Banner si: >u.(l he ah,e to set tle t hos« " i>t hei mar."is ' \»i\ s, H )(i if hjj, politic- Wt i > !. t (ihji-rtionable. o \\ \\ Leic ir passed through town last wI I k foi R-ileigh to a 4 te» ] a nueting of t!.e Trustees of the 1 iiveisity. ami caihd in to r* iew his subscription. He says the peo \ aie ui.animons in del: ainlii g a lepe :1 of tlie intt revenue, and t! • re-ni'inmatii»n «t ( liie'and I e i*te ativcs of Mr- \\ nfoi jr ]-tt j'li-st 11- to :lckli. Wli doe t l>ir thfllU s to t. 1 e ]»»i pl«- of Hick -rv for kind at t * it' ns to ii. eeased dui ii _r he: i lia ss, and th» hi -nor paid to r re i;ju: n s and t: e ass stance ii c« nveyii g the s-m.e t«> tln-ir nnal restin-j p'aco in N» \\ ton,. 1 r tne r' ■ :*n a! • n f • * l? . i-r tr;»niis we o;v»- much -pace in t.'a- ]»-t;e to an »\t« *s; •.\ j .» , tion »f the w. -riv* of ti.e Ajricultu ral ! xperiment St:it:ot;. by Director 1 hit t i We are al*.\a\s w. 1 i». : . • : } .rt ti uar h bettering the cor-h?; r. • f the farmers, ai 1 we 1 e an 1 believe a cat* ful n ading of s;il 1 article will be a benefit. Tbichcrv, IRortb Carolina, ChursOav, Jfcluiiarv 23, ISSS. lilockaclr r* tapturod. Mi. Harris. I. S. Marshall, and hi- posse captured five raoonshiners in Alexander Saturday night. , Mr. \V. L. Killian, our Catawba county nurseryman, was in town on Saturday with a fine lot of trees, and will be here again next Satur- I day and Saturday week. Call on i him and get some line truit. Wily Tlic> Will >fov«. When all the brethren ypt through ' publishing the fact tiiat the "Sisters of Mercy will move their school from Hickory to A-heville next Sum m» r." tiny will probably be glad to know that said --ehool could do no mighty worh among a people so full of the spirit of the Information as are they of Hickory and the sur rounding country. The memory of Martin Luther and his co-workers is cherished in this land. Hence the " Sij,t rs ' go \\ est. ' I>r. J. Nlierrlll. Ihe Ashevile Citizen notes the presence in that city of several voun^ men. among them J. G. Sherrill, of Newton, on their return from the Louisville Medical College, where they have graduated with Lii«jfh hon ors and bore oiT medals for their proficiency in the various branches 1 of medical science, Iu a large class ( °f graduates reported in the Courier- Journal, wo notice the second prize ' was awarded to J. G. Sherrill, of | North Carolina. We suppose this is " Ge.fland, of our friend 1 Miles O. Sherrill, ami we are clad to I publish Lis success. Be true, voung ' ( man; your profession is next to the " 1 sacrf .1 ministry for tloinc "ood. » O f The package of this paper directed to Oxford s Ford last week failed to ' reach that office, several of our sub scribers have informed us. Thev were ma: ed here and plainly direct ed. How and when* th"v missed the short route we cannot under-' stand on any honest h\pofh-i --15C M * Similar failures are often reported ' in many of ur exchanges. an 1 tLf» matter has cau-td a demand for in vestigation. We have suggested be . fore that in "turning the rascals , out there ma} be some idiots put 1 in. and if such l- the case, thev also . should be turned out. There are eiloUgl. ( Llcat( d P'' I 'j 'e 111 these ( r.itfcd Stats to handle tie mails - >. the public ii *♦i -1 - d : and that; only such shuild be t»u-t* 1 du*y Tu> n the idiot s out. 'niriori I'.nlcriir Ive Sul)*«t rilji rs. \ nil know when the Malie;. El terj.l .se >us] eiji!* ! the li-t wa -11 Hi -f»IK 1 t t i .IM «N. Yt I \ ' few t f * I ."U l.I;\ e O, ■/ 'it I : ' . "" • '' ' • tl. »■ !t w v.! i. I \. . t nwin ai i cat - Wt wih h- _. . 1 .f a ; will i ♦,!.» w S. i ] i ; - ,> , doluti to ]ay f i til I !. t♦ :j : ai. 1 f j : '( ' ! !N N f ■! a \t .il :j. Iu t: e : . , llat e (■: ui -li'i Ml! t.' ! . \\ j ,cl % I 4 we •' > n t k t a;. 1 \\ hich Mi sc.r; refu-« to U.. n.- ;i l 1 si. •»" t pay f : til- } i| »r. -fi : . tu. expimti r f Ihe af ■: . - I \. . Ai v who do t t w:>!i p, (, ;e t i':ii this jq or v ... . ]iy •; u: ; - : lei it -t j : 1 1 h -« wh" »• i.t.i it- to t .ke : i! -e w t y :. j . j;. it i we !.' [ e a.! \u ' .in s> - .. n, *t • ••■ *. ?!;■'! iv" '■ r-:n aJa] . j , we La\ e t;i,» >tii* r >• 4J ;■» n w ,i - h haw I! in o'i: : i t .»• : itt- i t y3 -ui -'.'i, . a:.d ' the amount pa: 1 f >r the Knti rt r.-» to wh >m p,iid aL 1 when. Early spring noveitieb id clothing and furnishing goods at Rovster »V Martin White Front Hickory N C. Someboly sent je editor the same comic valentine that one of the I printers receive 1 last year. How the sender managed to take it from the office while no oue was looking, a I mystery that will probably remain forever unexplained.- Lexington i>is- I patch. Is there no "devil in your ofiice* brother* "Cash catches the bargains at the \\ liite Front clothinc store. Hickory N .JiiH Itrcakhin. J wo gt nth men of *• > or, M« --i •- Ike ( v>u ter and Iderth. wht» w re confined in the jni 1 in this env ia>t week, attempted to break jtu. last Saturday night, but were tiappe 1 before th«} completely escaped. Mr. ("oulter cut hi* way out of his cell, and was kind enough to then let his brother companion out. Mr. Calvin Abernethv. of Jacob'* Fork, a brother «t our townsman II IX AI )ernethv. died on Saturday, the 18th instant, from a protracted spell ( of t\phoid fever. Mr. Abernethv was about thirty-one years old. a trood citizen, snd one of the most healthy and robust men in the conn ty. He leaves a wife and four chil dren to mourn their loss. Personal. Mis* Nettie Holmes, of Salisbury, has been visiting Miss Essie Fry. f this city, fo«" several days pa-t. Messrs. Starbuck and Cline, two young lawyers, returned to Colonel Folk's 1 ast Saturday night to take up a more thorough course of reading- We are very glad to .see Mr. 1.. M. Totten out again. He has 1a 1 a - lions spell ot sicunes-. a: 1 ; ] very bad, but with the Hickory cli mate it won t be long till will b«* fis fat as ever. Mr. J N i'ohannon. of Hal! ' Iv. hannon. returmd to the c:'\ \> t(rday from a v-!y succe-.-ful til;' i' Eastern North Carolina. Miss Greenlee, »f Green 1 e. N. C . is visiting the Mis-es M- n/ii , of t liis fit v. Mr. Si 1. 1 'roj st. an empiovee ~} tlif- liui lit W igon ( ' .Ilia 11!; i ger cut off in a planing mudh: "lit 1 Friday. I.«MiaiaT Vikl lirii'K li-> In • i.r i t issi e we t d f '. ■ • r ll* t y f i Sn :t h - 1 1-e 1 \ men '»r 1" -. a r, :t» Nf .t I't tit J'hi; Lciwi iii . a: 1 Dan lililh I*\ Jl wi f ♦ s €•! a-! '! c the I'«ck 4 T tit i: fa, . - ll,d !! i '■■■•■> !" " f !! t • dty thev I' t fi • 1 10l b« . a -oloid !J. ill I.Jilrnd A 1 \ $ Ite. 1 "i! 11 e hichwav r.t -o Iwj \ r. lb I(at eu; t N» w • at. . • . c ita vat .ait and I>] ut t , v, . j I). I' V unt 't t l .-.'t ■ t V. .I!I•;. t• a! 1 -•:; ' f ' ' I» L icf n^h 1 idtl ■n, 0.-t - thev \ al 111 'c 1 ■ trd i «.o :T a-1 i.'.}' Th v w. le 1 . • ' 1 . :t «. 1 | td in N» «: -. i.:. \\ ' t: • ia\ r • Tue.- : t \ : lah'..:.- h*-h • H A Forney 11-; 1» ,f w • 1 t \ it . the I». 1 J e.'l-e .r • . t• 1 « is tix> 1 r i . . S;. .:i. c i-« w t- c n; .• :e i !.' 1 St it- t 1 1 - liv. -vh. • • e .1 t;ce *: Ight the i % tdel:- • .!!, * -• . tljt * i tG: i:, i.l ;rv . • j c n :Lilll* 1 the lef. n i Uit f r ,1 { i. :h- . i.' a; A ' A :'. r*r .. d- man Sr. » e uaaj : - n t:.»- t - ;.y. only mie f W ... . . the St ate. ha- i fttJ h' II i A vourijr in. it of iiiitown, Messrs C 4; lA, . •»!..] i i;;.{ i», n.- 1 u in >|K>rt to the amount of alvnit £1 » \Trth on© who \va* victorious. I tilmcco ltoojuiii£ in n u ory, ! AO >:l. . IXI OliO »] IV 'II Tu«»*dnv. '2lst. from this n, "i *' ♦* T! ''i ! !:11I• . fi!!♦•(! witii tobaec . I •». i» • 1 in! » H i;tucok \s W .r. L0r.... until t b . u t 11 o\ \,-k. " 5,( 1 ■ •*« fV V'. lit 12 • •' ' r k »th 1 W OTIS C , J|,, V• ' • ■ • iUI I»• (•' u: \ ♦,) jJi \r" II 5,4,, " ! 1 s »>. \v*ii •' «•;i'• off 111. ut - ' « .c i li ive i,w » 11 • J*' 1 n »;JI- m.ti >ei f r t n.- ist ©ral ,i• \ - RII ultl prove iwo i «» l f i - t it • \ ii. i,ii,. lt , ~u f 111 UIV ft! HIS II! Ml I ')> \ f»!j „ bipted to the lifiovvtii of fine tobacco. aijd that it briii S «: >od j r j,.,. s * ,\] ;lt Hurt!. • »••! s A i'l- .n i in t'tis ]»':n*c» !l!«ck:itU'rs \rtiirl and Delimit. A ;.>?)* !• ::i.'tn r ' »nj i ■ t: t !,■ •• i T ,«n --: shiner's territory wa> m to An a .i A ti.iys us -.oni • news Iloiii Lin iiiivi ot til*- happv I) m*i v - I he * -,• ;t i > banded to and readv for an* sort of \ihit»i-s. 1 -i'a l>o ly in i»arhe eouu j tv know-, Alex. IVrrv is no coward, j lie and a companion were in search j toi a reported blockade still up in I ILiu South Mountains and found it. It was not only half full of stands and material, but of men also. And the men all had shooting irons of 1 greater or less death-dealing appear ance. They toid Alex, an,l his friend they coil id come in and look as much as they wished, but if he went to cutting down tl.eir concern, there would be shooting. Alex, retreated In r'"'' oider to k'et up recruitn, ni 1 our infornnnt -aid the - m ...» '■-hiners were increasing their forces and ready for the r--inforeed to. 1, are some wlio claim church nM'l '''■ ' ip- and one is the son of a , r: '"' 1 n rof the (i -pel. fh i >-,'•! ,ni' : J r ht 1 b tter aboliih tlie j tf-rnal rev* nu ai. 1 sj»en 1 the suiplu.s in v work. '>n the lii-ht of the 1 sjh instant, l'eputy I ol lee tor (i»-oio' W .M« tns, "f Concoid. with I>. putv M vishals I : • ;u } .S >•. ai.' >ji, ha i ht c'l' l ul l !',> t. i'l OJlst llfl 1 I' 1 1•» 1 ■ I - . . • ' i> ..i, au.i.- l.iliu I xj.4.j in tn, m a i'i' k'i'le st!> j in i> ii ke. n it tiie " ' f 's " ( nty C: n .au 1 ari.-,- r ' •• .1 '1 »W!| {:.(• -tiil u! 1 s!V '' 1 '•'/ 1 ea»ls. ab It !{.»»• • /a.-ons, ' ■ '" ' ( "lit 111Ulh_' t :«ir -.*■ ii ?h» ''l :t/? • I In: Inigh? t!.« \ d I' J at. ii If .bl ;111. Sl' > .-m, ( i ,i •.• -s M ( 'lliiii-. •! ~(■! « ]. 1 I >,i •, 1 Ul - •'!. . ai a i. t..•• Lite li an 1 atau ba 4 il,e. .n f1 . -It' •, w :th -. it t:. i . \; le «,f ;. v 4 ;j. » > 'J ■ r- v v . . ■•""t o 1 Vf-ry ' • . • u» 1 U.i.00 | ol the ofli 'l • •1* .. ■ . an 1 • ''' * - ' i: r t;si i• a »-. si- : • 'l• | c iI• •. i , .■» ; le. Jhi •• >■ ■ - :i t .e-n lit i' t,s frt e, ocl. > |fi I iy l;j>r ' ' -. m -tr Nf : V \f f A 15 if TJ Li .. :l a " , utr ri •!- ■) ' • -'. but I• ■ a 1~1 ..r 1. t ■ .' , •., ~( l. , f ar. . - >::.*• *' »i .. •» u •. •. t- >• it ai ri J ... r a . bwf ir I S. Com mi . • r L M i • ii k.'>ry »j i. j 4V , ar uy ■ ii.'l • i t'■> t••i" • lei al „rt ii. a'. >•>■. ■' t•• t ...r 1 M- ij. ;iy .ii Api i*. Iflumlvr £.

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