The Press and Carolinian. Uolumc IS. local mews. Everybody says it is true that Bovster iV Martin are the leading clothiers. Hon. John S. Henderson keeps us indebted to him f-c public docu ments. -- *a-ill catches the bargains at the \V!iite Front clothing store. II y N C. i i -i v. as a man ot truth. Does >- . .. .v ..t *, M - mean far from the truth ' (j, ii' , i :.... ': • 1; will -oon spring j. • , -iii i| lie.-. !! »v-tr*r A Mar ti' . 1! -lory \ C. Mr. J. (' Welch has opened a bo 1 ;• ! ~ • i ir the Hickory Si. , ~ .i 1 S.i E . rly house. Miss EUen Men/.ie, of this city, is villli;her !i lend ?liss Greeniee, of Greenlee, N fvirl-v spring novelties in clothing an 1 i'ii iii '. 4 :it ' B"y-ter A M I till White Front. Hickory N C. Big breaks and big prices at Haithcock s Warehouse last week. Here is tin; place to sell your to bacco. Mr. T. J. Jinkens will speak on temperance in the Town Hall March Bth (Thursday) at 7 p in. All come and hear him. Snow covered the mountains Monday morning, and the breeze therefrom brought to Hickory, what Bill Nye calls "climate." Messrs. Walla.*u Propst. and M. L. Clino urn following Mr. Lyerly fi plan and painting the fronts of their l>ric\ 1) lildiugs on M lin Street. The celebrated ' v\ . L. Doiv.i.vs $3 Snoi," also a full line of his other ad vertised good may be found at Eink McComu'iV* Cos, Agents, Hickory * Miss Essie Cry, of Hickory, left to day for Concord, N. C., where she will vi -it friends for a few days and tin ugo to Charlotte. She will |» I >»1» t ! M 1H * tfOllt* till fc* 11 i1)I il t • r y\ u . c' oil arrives an ( |, !"• h ] >i t>•. i'i »- !'« rfoimanee will be . imlc.l by the is w farce, " Turn Him Out." («ive the company a l»ot' I -u •! a- i w • v. i 1 have that ban 1. Mrs Sallio Mooie wife of M. V Moore Esq . die i *>u l lie morning ot the 22nd ins!. i;i Eenoir, N. C after u j.rorravi d i.':;''-. nioui ned by h«*r husband, clnldi* ;i aid iauni* ral-le friends. . \ \ 11:' e • f a HOW - , j>■ vatic paper just star led la 1 \. it* vill* 11 e lit el bv II M i > > ' n :i! 1 11 (i. M) ro ve!. 1 i •. C. i' c tilm - a w- V . 5 S'i a\ IV The -a.- ti - t Heniy Biink'.ey. a • n'st w:• >m ! lei • aI *• s t vti a. "r -dictuiei.N fi'i alii t\ s. d* i\d him lip to tne sllcl ii ia>tw e* K i . 11» 11' to !v« an« w 1 1 i;e,was mimit te.l to ja;• x v t >n Entei \ rise. The Mv 'i • 1 i Wi mii-ton d* -ire in fori: ai io:i c a cei la; g tut w here ab ::ts of .la: Ma-.*, a tailor, who ii\ d in t .ell city -e -•• ••• • T years ago. ll,s wi.Y. w\.-> wtes from E-mdon.'.and. is inquiiii g aft' r ' uu"s We . gi iil' >« •• ihai -U ss; s. O M. K \s-.r and E:t:i A IV-.r 1 arc :.g the s de walks in fro: t tit..* A b ; . - 1. ->-.s s \ \ \ i\;i:g • « i • * „ii a it w.tu gratiii*' i\ * j 1 -'' o the liii • an i v.* :.. SOOtt have mc* side walks Brinkley unci Lowrance were tak en last week to the Charlotte Jail for safe keeping. Sunday in the Reformed. Baptist, Episcopal and Methodist Churches, t>y Revs. Ingold. Gardner, McßeG and Bristowe. Mr. A. A. Banks, who has been running the Bost Hotel this winter, left Wednesday for Gastonia to take charge of the Falls' House, Mr K It. 80-t has assumed charge of the Bost House. Newton Enterprise. Tl.- lawyers in this section need •• protective taiiff on office practice, lit v cannot compete with the Country Squire—home production— conveyancing, and live—in any legal stvle. If this thing goes on as now, a lot of the young lawyers just out from Raleigh will have to hoe corn, wojk very cheap or *' go west. The Catawba Industrial Associa tion met last Thursday, and fixed the time for holding 1 the fair this vear September 2o to 28. Thp Sec retary was requested to notify the association at Newton so that the two fairs may not be the same week. The committee on by-laws weie re quested to complete this work and report at next meeting on Thursday, the Bth of March. '• Black John " "VVhitener was in town last wevk, as he said, to sell his cotton »»nd pay for his " fertili zer.'' He explained that the pay for the "fertilizer" was due to him self. He had put leaves and trash in his hog pen, m which he had only one sow and her pigs, and made ma nure enough for eight acres of land and killed pork enough out of the same pen to'feed the family. If all our farmers would do the same they would be better off. A man stood on our streets last | Saturday evening with long hair shabby clothes, but full of whiskey. His son, a lad appearantly ten years old, ask* d for money to buy some meat and flour and the man said '* I aint got it. " and walked awav. Had he spent for drink what he should have spent for bread for his wife and little (-ins ? This is a coun try and men have a right to yield to the temptation so-called Christian mt n vote to s« t before them. He Knows not Wliat lII* VsUh. Mercv on us! We have had de linquents to deny that they sub sci ibed for the paper, say they could not pav, and some would not. but the hardest blow yet is from one who owes three dollars and de u. a. is lis to send him our "due before lie will pay it. Of course, we don't mind giving our ••ilue 1 ill " for the amount he owes Us. but what on earth does he want with au * ditol s *" due bill He :::11s * 1 y :..!! rant of our habits. °.nd knows not what he asks. I".. L' In " Ito5» Tow il. " Al>. it tin (.cl*uk Tuesday r.'ght 11 t j e alarm failed at tent ion to the 1 ui nil. ' *• 1 Wallace Bnd^ r * 1 s r»s;- deuce i;. the extreme Southern part ot tow ■ 1 i.e tire started in th* 1. ;.1 w lit: d.sco vert d was t> .» fai a ; \ .i ta *1 t • ■ •'t cht «*kt .1 by t i .• in ear. s :.t hand. Most of the furniture wa~ sa". t»i The house was a two st iy, four l am building with mi "E ami t .rte brick chimneys. The loss is heavy on a poor color* 1 man. with nly one hand, and we hope he will be liberally helped to rebuild. Tbicfcorv, "Worth Carolina, T1 ie say Dave IJringle, of Salisbury, tried last week to commit suicide with a doae of laudanum. He has been trying whisky for some years. He need not despair. It will down him long before he is pre pared to go. f\»l. CJ ii. Pickett, National Lee tiller and State Organizer, for N. C. of the Farmers' National Alliance, will speak in Newton on thefith day of Match " Tuesday " 1888. on the importance of the Alliance. Go and | hear him. ' Make I.ots of It. Next week the Asherilie Ice Com pany will be turning out tons of ice, made of our pure mountain water. 1 hat s nice. Ashe\ ille Citizen. Make enough to sell. Hickory will have to buy ice this year. IHeci. Entered into the Paradise of the rediemed at eleven P. M , Feb. 23rd, lssB, Mis. Charlotte .Dun!jp Sams, widow of the late Carleton Clare Sams, M.D.. and daughter of the Caspar W. Wever of Weverton Md. Scliool Ivxliibltion. There will be speeches, dialogues compositions by the pupils ami an address by J. F. Jenkins of States ville, at the closing of J. L. Martin's School at Sherrills' school house, near Rocky Mount in Caldwell coun ty on Saturday the 3rd iust. Pa trons of the school, and the public ar invited. Hickory Is Coming:, Too. The Durhai; Recorder sa3"s, "When the last ceii.-a., was tnken, North Carolina was a State without cities. Wilmington now claims that title. Raleigh expects to do so by 1890, and if we are not mistaken Durham. Charlotte. Asheville and Winston will be close in tow." We think Asheville is now the third in population in the State, and by 1800 we will not be surprised if it is second. It was about sixth or | seventh in 1880, the date of the 1 census.—Asheville C'itizen. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. Hickory tins a ho:i oti. At Kent. Mrs. Charlotte Sams, a widowed sistorof Dr. P. H. "Wever and of Miss "Virginia Wever, died in this place Ft bruary 2'Jrd, after a long and pain ful ilness winch she bore with most remarkable Christian fortitude. She. with her si-itr and an elder brother came to Hickory from Ilillsbor >, Oiiio st \ei al years ago. The elder brolln i di» ,1 in July 1885. and then the other brother. Dr. P. 11. Wever can.* to .iv>> with his si-teis Mrs. Sams ;7 years old, a culture*! iml leiimd lady, and made man\ wa; mti. . j . J it .r t. ( w home. At her icq ;« st iu - hod \ was taken t«. her old 1.1 n.e iii (>i io to be bill ried by i:( r i.Usliand ai d childreji. to rest t: 1 i the Kes urrection Mum. 'l'll*.' Sinarkst C liildren. Na-aes of puj i - who are >n the Honor E.-t. having attained s a. or Ul' ue. f •]' -ei. "laislilj and ilepoi't for month ending February 24th, l y s> Maggie Hall.lh;. Lois Seag:e, '.'.'f Min D:x n. Seugie. Lo\ i« S:gmon, 92. i 1 Chandler. 4 ( iiar.ottt- t .uard. i'O. Fannie Dixon. B'.V Faanie I: go 4 d, ?ei tru h- Hall. •1 >-ie S:- m»n, >7. Anna I .ark. s«'-. I ioieuce Halluiai), ht». I MRS. THUEST 'N. . And AnderMon'H l'itiiiili«-H. The many statements roinL' the •J O rounds of the press caused us to write to Bakersville ami in reply we have from a source entiie'.y reliable, the following. " RaCs family !4"t here for parts unknown last full It was reported he come after theui. but in our opinions that is no* - • rert. " Anderson's clnl Iren an at Capt Bowman's, but at this writu.g (Feb. 23rd.) Mrs. Andeix a and Capt. Bowman are on a \ - ; t M adisou county. The s;• is that she will see Anderson before returning, as It is g. nerally lieli-. 1 that he is in hiding" iu M t lis mi ty among so. ue of lu> re i iv. - Ray and Vndei'sou botii n.aiinti daughters of '.'apt. ]>).vma:i. *a h > lives in Bak* i illt \. I*. >. Pearson's \V«»rti in Ntatesvllle. In our notice of tho distinguish* i Evangelist last week, we f ua- 1 t » report the result of his f v > wee!.' labors in the Master's vine\a; 1 Statesville. There were 210 n a conversions from the world to a >n fession of Christ, and over fiv#» hun dred re-confessions by backsliders. On Sunday, after the close of the services, there wero one hundred and seventeen added to the differ ent churches in town: fiO to the Presbyterian, 38 to the Methodist, ' 15 the Baptist and 4 to Assoei- ate Reformed Presbyterian. A larj/e •/ o number of the new converts were from the country around and joined the church of their choice near the r homes. Mr. Pearson will have a va cation during the summer, and if his health and strength holds up, he will consider his abilit\ to a -eM our invitation to Hickorv durin"■ that time. If he cannot come, tli'n 'previous engagements keep him fiom u « for a }ear or more. Everv Chi i tian in the vicinity should pray for his restoration tohealth and strength, to carry on the good work, for which I he seems peculiarly* fitted. Tlie V.ast of I"i\e The 4 ' Coi ly boy s " are \\ ell know n here and in the courts Their fatE ,er wtis adrunkm d and so i" ; 4 1 his five soils. It i.s generally I>>-ii« \ ed that r-n' was killed by anotl * , i , the rtMitl while both were dim few years ago. 'hen two of them got on a drunk here iu town, iusa f ed some ladies oi. the street, eil arrest, stuck a knift in *>: ie of our best citizens, hi> air.;. ;r i '* painted the town red genera *• They w re jailed and after hem. admitted t)r bail, one left tic* couv try an 1 was tinal;% repo;t«d a- kil, ed. Iwo others are lefuget s froi . justice in 1 e\a> els.-whne a: i cn.y tl.e \e n j* s;. A;, in . .;•• 1 a': >..t » :ghte« it iai s \s a- '"l t.» woiiy tl »• a r * i mothei. ; r ~ m f ... confess' . !i i troubjes on ti •it a* 'o.rjt. E Ist I* iay at Huds .n A. lr -w was drunk and m n.e h u e one was • ultn to ; u*e» -t' • be.l In:,; ar. 1 ] ::Mn .* the tami,\ n l. t'-rror when tt.» ys. , ( t ;• .r Mr .1 (i. A idel ho.t t ' et't n.'ij t.v i\ . M;. A 1 lei holt til' i to it'Usoii w.' . ( ; JV at Ito get .hna O.t oj 11,1- n • j-. r ' blt C"UI 1 i • U 'thing ! ! a!: ! | left the boo e, Conly contiinii 1 his woik "f *l* sti u t:oi. anti Mr A elf r 1.0.t v. is s« at I >r. and w; . »■ Ihe was trying to get 1' >u y .t . i i the hou-e was struck tw; ♦. a:. 1 ! charge t up :. t»y C »nly w;tfi \. - •ij « n ;.n:fe A hi« rh >jt ietr» i; i ; th j at// t. ai. it-'. 1 ( n.y i.i a kill mm if lie ca:;je on h»m v..?;, • . knife (' nly ras!.. 1 at \ 1.1-*. •Aft- -i ta: 'i 1. A 1 !e"i. >.t - .r -reiidert i t » tE♦- Sheriff. I s • t .-a (u.g lx ft»r* a-J i*. next day an.l wa i discharged v, ;th - '..t ball. P * * %*: I \u\ Jatoli'h 1 ork Ileum. •Ui Mil: !>.» iol 11 *j ■ Mailt has - i!.« lci*i it . j IJ( j 1. j-« evening ma] wiJ j ; .v.s l.i> t;me awn\ i'\ w l it | ill*,' a s ii( :t a! Jul the jaj er. I in order t» «.■ ive the i i'ux of this nee t ton. 1 hei e i- ! rt little new- of mii v Kiiui at j lesei i that w ou!d he of m t« r» .-t to \ 'i,i iiiau\ iciuins. 'l•} # , i i:* i't i- -«i.. •,c ,-ickncss uiuoiij 1 •' ] ' } ' • >i-' i' as had e .lis tin«l i' ■' • 1 • ! I 1 t* 1 M . v ! ai J> s old • s"u 1- \»i v ;»w Hub \\ Inte rn i - \\ i 1 ;i- ! . i confined t«» her ! ' " ' ■ in a ci iiu*ai coii '• 'I i>a! a , U.ill'iMl and I>.•] | »« ;jU« 1:1 i i.a\ e «at ii , st a child bv I!.' «• .il at •' i\ hand of death. * « I a 1 «] ' ■i ' i;LC I\ IS n«!, iu, r nni oi John Kistler, were 'uarric d on tin- Kith ; (i. M Voder, K-q . »lliciatin«j. A 1 a.any of tin' fitc schools are now Prof J. M Cham j'-i. - .-• ; j>» . w .ii close at Wesley '• • 111 •' M J; ti oj Mai rli with a ' \ :ul»itlon. S A 1 ».tl,ai ] has m»M hi-i iai in to I*. A oil. r f>r £ 110, and is contern p.atihj/ moving to Kurke county. Ihe t 'Lief .J Usthe. -J. A. Wliite i n»'i s from l'own, mad© a living \i-ii to their relatives m \odtrtown on last I iidav, Saturday I and Sunday. Jhe (. hi*»f Justice himself appealed on Sunday to tak« them home. •I. A. Kfned\ Iris moved to Iron Station. Lincoln county, wlieiu hfc expects to make his future home. 1 he farmers are {-owing oats an(? prt paring tlu-ii cotton land anil put i''o "P tbeii' compost ready for the cottv-L' tieid. 1 ne iambs hoiu at the sale of Ai>- vt'om Werivf . deceased, was hid off t>\ 1 A. Oder at >' 110 an acre. 'a! viii Ala i nethy died last Satur day evi He was a highly re s*'i ef 1 ma? . a good nn 1 excellent cit;;'ei.. ai d Waves a wife and four small child) en f * | • i 111 T ■ I I J. as ma u all i ni pt'' v !IJ f !1 4 ro his saw mill, and now has a circle saw. i'.'ei and i in Set once jj.ive fo; !."1 a c -partner.-hip :e the business 1 utiiii rdiijer has surr«*n • * 1 t i.»- 'w..i at lit;:— 'ui •. and J) ii Kamsour has taken hi* jna'e. 'l. irle- I'hillips, Hi otla i in law : I' \ If tyle, ha- moved from Km i •«»..i,ty .i fo fh ,i > town-hip o'ir ( >l. i. . 1 1 ii is hi j, ta!k -i; '• tlj t ;'ie,.: ; .a! •. of th Citi/i'iiS of Cat tw m roili.'\ sn ! /11 1 to the p'-fiit 11: .vement to tin* it Hou-e in N»-w?oi. A yrt'ut i'.y ire of t . ?i t i' thf '•: i/i-t lit e » 011-iit i > h>- cuiii d to li,» • at the ( .» t ll' U . Ii the ■- • *. . . A , t - * r. i 1 t».i:,': that ;t w u. I la a 1%. iV f,v t'j* Mi/ • r it- * to -I • -i t . • !i .t- • i I ■ , the C(. .':!%(' t ~ , f ; -i l« r t' •* ii t* i . a* 1 -i next r.x et »! 1 1 • .t -o :1 j ra ]J t r '- . ! •' f 1 i Ir) • .-el-! * - i .?t r \ it i- t W-Jl W -if •? :: 4- ?... M r it. - i' | *- • '-r \: « it w ill n t t li> a : e'i e• • lif-i ;t . ! , j, t *,u,t t i' . j _ i;i At' a* ■-u arid 'i Vf* t ! •' W. ! ' I . f.'. :. ;**fi »•» - I h K)Q c.:«- vii a weatij. f ;- in I iiefc. w.. •' • : t«j- : t i■ " i i; i v 1* . in _' r ' t wf t ?» ! i • } -1 i i in 1 iiivea. the ot ii«-l •if ■* »- h . \ Jiiteriml OJJ lb- ' > * t J' i•! \ *>r ri . a*»d uII6 it Miip •tei i- i .. M j ract - Ca 1 -. X th !.l . ? r the 1 e->| |it' . ti? j 1 h »- ;• * t t.i'ii.-- -lO ;♦ ! - W,. Eof - d' I .t r - u'^o. j y T I ehrjur\ 2i)Ui. TRuinbci 0.