ft Tjj'lT— -1116 Jrress 3,11 a (1 a rol in i n w kj m; a % .g- CI/ JL yJL «s> JL J. *A) 11b Uoiiunc IS. 10 ca I IP, cvo s. ( F'ak was in town Saturday. Ja ter cards at Hovs.ter s Drii" V» ( , Mi-- .]> nnie \\ ilfong '-pent sev ral 1 ■ - jii i f tckorv this week. - ' l>u-he'- of sVH t potatoes for -e* I 01 rat mg at ]a»-T tV Co. i.iai Sli lift»l"« 1 has been \i-it ;• 1 i- iij the count» v for -onn* soap ; t 1 Ito vst er Drug W*. ]!. law, of Ashevi, ;e. • t» longh 11 itrko v oit hi-, wav lit la .it Fiidav. \ tali stock ot eye glasses. specta r . eve shades etc, ;tt B v-1• i - I )■ ig St 1 >re. V large crowd of the \oung people of Hickory spent a pleasant day pick ni king at tho river last Mondav. We claim that for style, elegance, and novelty (ur spring clothing is linkup i-i-e 1. Hovster iV Martin. Mr. (). M Hovster is going to tear out his brick front and put an iron front. This will make his building much more attrrctive. For Faster bargains in new neck wear, the White Front Clothing Store. Several wagon loads of sweothess and spring Howers went to Baker's Mountain on a pic-nic Monday. Biiv earlv from a clean, new stock. Hovster A .Martin. Judging from a short acquaintance with our v ring friend. Dr. D. L. Peep'es, we predict for hiio an envi able position in his profession in the near future. Bead his caul in our ad vert i-i ng co 1 u inns. M agniliceut exhibit >1 Faster cloth ing at B -vster A Martin—, Hickory, N C. Messrs -J. (i Hall, Frank Clinard. ami llarvev (teitner hlt Hickory Sumlav to represent tic* Piedm »nt Wagon Co. at J lie W agoij Makers Association, which »s now being held ■ at Nashville. I run. All the b--.i shaj t ,s and hading c >]ors in tine " Ftench braid ir. cost er st raw It its can be had at !»o\ st i r A. Mart in - White 1' ront i lot h ing Stoil lick >i v. Nt .1 m HclVimr. a paitnerof Brinkley an 1 I j w: anc in di mk an I ci ime, \i-i- 1 .en 'l I 'sti'd il: 1 , ti'ed :n S C. !O! • 1 : *• \ :!. m' > h»• • ' ■ \ i■• 11 -1 «i n till Si ge. I he-e IM>\S have BEEN run 1 1 t : •• " ri> in* rmln-1 ry ! N w nig clothing rig! t I. -m the " Bli/ I'd." at A M ir -lin's Wi it- Fr • .t. lhc %o-\. \ i . M . (irace ts ab it ccuplet* i tic wtir.i of fi • -C(Hn g the new bank building. and m pit have ha 1 their curiosity -at is tie 1 b> a peep at the wall- The woik is beautiful, and can t be excetl. d in ti « Stat". Mr. Shuler ■wai! occui>v the building very S;»iiu_r novcities m»w open an 1 it tractive dispiav in our hat depart ment Hovster A Martin. Hickory, N ( V • a»i ! ■ . • • ; - ] it {>!;»• n. k I in t • •. \i Hr rm ;a i tiii- - I'-. . a fv.-h v K-..1 u. t' r:lt ' >'• ! • 'i. a doth. -,u N\ ;-h th« tace at i i o • «t deal, th i"'*. the bttitr. •.. i v. i{ e with a s->:: .t' , The elTect is wa tdei .'u' a lid ii s'ai;t meous. I I !t»- ct>]i ]>i;lle 1 *W . IJ I>.»roi \ * S3 S u> if. aso a fuli lin»- of his othe; HI- goods may be f(»uml at LINK MI C ON[J. IV ( A _ '-NT -. Hick IV * I he Kast( r \id» a itrt-iiuniiniite 1 L . I la-t W( »k. 1. a -1 »-{ wei* p«xi:t - | ( !at d dyed by • at.he-and ]»ecked i oy the boys, and one voting man s f ai tei to hi- " I \s:tii :i pa]ua* -ack of appV-s, an 1 before he got t here t (ie\ itltu ne Ito Fa-tf r f 'J ' ' m 1 he Bost l{«ai--" iit N »wton i- i i fact the "b' .- hoi:-e. a- the | or leis c.a:: it. i. i i: is in 'barge, an 1 !,l- wile knows iA> TV to a ta •' e. Kvij! v t m'■ :** clean ai 1 nice, ar I | repall 1 in t ite n• •• -' t«■::. pt i llg st va■. Sa>* is evident,v the i .j ht woman o, tin right plate about a hotel. V C oiuiiiou Cotnp lainl Ihe Favet teviile ()bsei ver lias numerous complaints about that pa per "not leaching its destination, being missent, Ac. It thinks the fault is with the route agents and mail carriers, and i- tired of the fun. The Star, too, sutlers wofully from soui( bodv'> negtigf nee. W ilmming ton Star. The Lenoir Topic -ays thfe Kepub licans of th* Figth Congressional Di.-trict will set up Tyre York or " some other good man like D. C. Feaison, of Burke. We don't think any of them will get there, b it if a Republican should be that lucky we hope it will b» Cam. for he is a clever fellow, with good blood and liberal ideas. r i' ii.i ii ns. The undei -igned hereby tenders his sincere thanks to the good peo ple of Hickorv f.r the s\mpatlivaml substantial aid with which they have favored him since his !0.- by fire. The P-almist sj-ys: ** Blessed is he that con-idereth the pool': the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.*' H. A. CoOKE. It i- said that tifty jails i»t lowa are empty as a re-uit «» j' piohibition and that many lawyers are out of emp'ovment and complain ol hard times by tL• reason of a decrease of criminal cases from which they their work an 1 ining. Better that, for the lawyers an find something In Iter {o do than to 1 the ja 1 s J fill? 1 with criinina's an 1 tin cltit dien of poor widows to erv for bread. Aa I sti;l -o-'a* net-pit. sa} prohibitum wo i't prohtl-it. da!-. ; at d a- it giows o dei it glows in gi ace It \woi - . • il • -pti. n i»i and h«">| * ,a time ,t may favor other measures which in sure tie greatest ga> 1 to ihe greatest mimbei. We wi-h our 1 i't her the g: at» -t sucv-ess in hi- tigiit agiin-t the h pjor traffic and a 1 (-t! r ! i. ina-s to good g e )•;[• e»;t iUu tii . i is,.- of l"» llgioi. and m >rality. Don't fau to r" i 1 •• Tae N\ o d- 0 f Ihe Nation, b* Zei) Vti, •*. on the 0A » no min living em t • :tl in cXj : g its . • ; 11i - ( > er a; - !'. f 1 v - : i r * - -. T - ■ t\i ; at • .«▼.. '. .la wil. j reeds anything. HMchorv, H-'.orth Carolina, flrrila. ISSS. { > M. K. \-ui \ ; • , • - i l —- 1 - 11 - -'I an prom» u \ for t .. , with th; -y.ui *ca. 1• a cuiat 1;. tilted. " A '/.fa. 1 a- preacher, wl > loved ; -mok:> g as we!! .- i.e n-b I!.ea t * i tlisCf ur-e ex* i i n,» h ain 1 • ' his rifle at some of h - la-ai-a-. f», i i , J in **f i. t Lei ♦*!>!• sleepit cm on t! mll ail. 1• i 1 »rv." O of tla d* : . No. bi. ti i. ! M m .}, !• ith* r " I iit r 4 w ho a v 1 t*s;i « ? ■. r i t_i ai f Ha koi N 1.., a , N ;;;;; \ F a \ \! ai t'.- i, ha 1 M «\• iln A ] : ' 1 it st;a • f V re. ;u«f -t' :m 1 to b prc- nt. •I B. Ibaan, Jii. April 1 s {sS. Sec. pro tem IH-atli »f Clifloril Sp;itt!c! ill . Died. April 2. at the residence of D. W. Shuler, Ci irFuiin Si'Ari.ntNo, aged one year, nine months, and eleven days. Clifford was an unusu ally bright bov and Mr", and Mrs. Spaulding have the symiiatav of many warm friends that they have made while spending the winter here. The remains were taken to their home in Charlotte. Mich., on Tuesday, where they will be interred. ■» Tlie Jiitljce Ila* Quit. Judge Averv is being muchly boomed for a place •• . the Supreme Court Bench. If he vriil tpiit that old pipe and promise not to smoke in the court room we consent to his nomination, though he don t know us.—Hickory Press. 'The Judge has reformed—uses tobacco in no manner.—Fd. Char lotte ( hronie'e. Thanks, biother for that good news We had made up o:ir mi ml to "go for him. pipe and all. and now we know the pipe is left we can do so with much more grace and vim. I'ainpaiKU Ratt's. W\ have Established tl f(%i!ow;iig rates for pi {V-, which will not be de parted tiom : locall am 01 a "[.in "V: ssivc citi/en," when it is known thaf-he i- lazier than a gowrnnunt mule, >"F7•"» Referring to ; de . cea-ed c:ti.o n a- a "man who-e place will remain unfilled," when he know - 1 e was the Ve-t poker piaj. ei 111 town. >'J IT Calling a female "a talent* d and i f;:a 1 lady, a valuable acq«ibiiion to society ' with variations, sl. T~». liiiL a man a iai !■• a 1 co oaign : o advirtise • im. - » Cei.tr C'lili; g a LL'W laale WVI i "a .I:a..a .t. t w i .om tnepi of 1 — soa s; 1 , 1 fee B - h lie: a.•!. \ Valiiabiv- Ut-nt.(l\. lue time for ring bonm ts diaw tth nigh, and a- soon as the pants are otT th'-v are carefully examined, for 10-t button-, holes in the pock et-, i\c. 1 e poCKet w ts lit iiv\ aij 1 a ti.i ill of " % anticij-ated i who.e tloiiur bonnet with led llowei s and , blue -trings. Her tir-t luty u,t- t> sff tli it ' 'Hit Tl H'ri»"t Wt- -OlilJ ;. SiiC ti.rust ::i hand and juil.td it "i.; a '.. t-• a . ~'a. :" J -tat. w .at 1I; « 1 h you [wk : f#i ii• - lit was / X T 1 \ , » , - .*. i t 1 * . > . - t , « I -t a\ r \ .f - • i ; w . > La\v. It st anything to tr\ it- • \ Card i»: Tli.inKs. To > ir n. IT v fr.T a 1- in Hick n. w i > s,. |v ussi-t» 1 a-n't: s•a r 1i» ej >-i rr*' w. ■ * •'> k •o ' ' ' " * 1 -ho id this ti tl » \ •! b • \t)i:i», i-.av ' a♦ eavn 1 ha d Mi: A Mi - Vr.xsy s, l.ood I rida> . 'l' - hi'- i- g .1 i\ aiv tin V ! a . c. r ri; Jewish ] • .a a d of pi' la* t! »! for Iv.-1 at 1 wts ' f ) Is, s; , [ *l*- •4 ' -p- - ti pi } -I fr« m a vei y ,»-ly p, It w as served a- a day of rigid fast a- d of soV-mn aad melaticlioly cereitir»iiiai, and to sotae extent that custom i- being re*i\a d m this couiit* Thioughout Fng 'atid anl Irta'and a a business is siis pe'.ah d on goo 1 Friday. In the clnirch of Fngla l d it is eehhiat.d with specia' solemnity, atul in on» country it is more especially observ eu in solemn !>\ the Catholic. Lpi-copa! and Luther«in churches. When ehri tiantiv was e-tablished in the Bonian empire. Con-tantine ftirbaile thejlioldiiig of law court*:, the I opeiiing of the markets, and t-iohib ited other jmblic proceedings on (Irood Fridav. AVilmington M rr * o j senge.i. Attend t!iv ConYt-iitioiiH. "We published !iist week the call for the township and count v com en tions. '' lie i»lan of organizat on is 1 o now purely Democratic", providing for a vote from each township m pro- 1 portion toj. its Deni(»cratic strength, and for the s lection of delegates who will represent the wishe-of the vot is. hvci'v Den>o( latic voter in the township has a right and it is hi.- duty, to attend hi- township meet ing. and if he has anv choice for the Legi-lature. for SheritV. Treasurei or any »the!" ofhec.' j.a.tke it known Jive one d;it to voui country, meet with your neighbors and fiends, talk over youi preferences, md .agree ••a the man \>u vant to send to tin Legislature, to mak* -hei'®' 01 tj t» nier or for other otliaes. and rad deicgatcs to the countv coiivet taa. .v\ i o wiir: \r * yrair w :-he- 1 : 1 i i w 111 da thi- wf- wii. have a ta and t.l a' cn\ ej 11 »• . •,. pi t tag a j.. wi-he- .f a larg? mai- il'» of t!a j % voter-. 11. 1 it Ijo ;ot t a tit >t ch >;ce in \ 1 y a-e. v. e a 11 latr the choice of tin iuaj >i i* v aad -! loa i o io• "f• n' i* 1- a a a'"• ■i a wijic.a'a.l are inUre-t» 1, anl li.u country fatmei more *han anv or** T , • -• t.O ;- !• . 1 1 na t' .» ii.i 1 iiii i on.-u t .i.ad act for ojir con me»n good. Our government is what w make it. and if the best people take ■ no part, the woi-t people w;l; u.ar.e it wlatt th* best don't want. ht-\tnlli I»e *i» »tr a♦ it 4 «»i »- \ I'lltiOtl. \ convention of 'he D. raoci.tf iai t »f the seventh ( oi.g!e--a>! *1 distrn-t will be h»■!d at > ai-bury or. Wednesday, June 2(ltb next, to nom iri it a cal •!". : :te for ('• Qg r !e-> g .t - * * - "* ' • *-■ .' . , _ I ' * * 1. J 4 I •4 ! . i. .1« iUta Oliit*" f' t ' • f ' \\ .., I if' t' C ** I Uid. _l. ■ * r . ■ v. \\ " '• »*» u- * \ i i >+a. i .vei.!. liv 5 "J i ! f tic- tx Ci f ' - I' ll I > Chairman. , >1 llmiv X c. ! * 1 "•' v '' ' i s •* :, t ! i». | \ iia■* !•!«' 'k. d op ait ! tri. 1 on - mo oKI *•• •«! { !•"• i - H ♦*»'" t' ■«; s\ i»op»,js ? 1 ■ ii• t. \ tt«-r triir.- tie* • - . . •• M :.i c M » • , , r f ft t. a n hll tit!. »■ N1 \ Jerftej ! '■'• !•! i ■ Mr v j* M._. v as \ •") .i, ru> • in M --.Si v st ,s, f m j "V •' '• n ? nd w-- I »,i, l at 1 " I i. oi-o. s. j n i 'i;♦ Me i. :1 « »: ..} , - :! >i: ' I; " ♦ tlVx j i ' ; t!« ui.i':a I•is i • ji.>i 4 1, j ii ut ti js ~, »jtin.' is to s»n. 11»* J i»• ->I »'■- ih {.it t ■ rhf : and ClOoliS 111 ti is \ fI'.III til. continue. - rait - f u»i-k. wero t;.;m o\» r known before. Ill*' bridge ,i '" - Lit Jon's t!r k at ! »r;t' I:>urn A (i-t »; , mil \\ i' i ha% o 11» 1m- i« l)iint. I li«r ('ata w hti a:: 1 St >it >.:!• t«> 11 1 lid.e at M«)I bo was j ii» It washed ' away. W ii C il'l ."t Jacob s Fork towg "•in p. me» •to Woji Ici t'' work in Iho cotton mil's'iu machinist and mana of the lmi.ds. | u v. ;. w. r ishor i> \ .siting re la tives and frier) Is t:« »r Monbo. ami preached at O'oncord n Sundav. , 11 i - w.-rk is in Rowan circuit, and ho has Ih 11 dot a nod bv bi'di \»ai« i r. i Mr«nl >i». April lijd.sss. cr I ictus. 1 lio season is notv horo for «jm ia tions on the farm to bo«'in, and far i • m«*rs are making moves in that direc ti"ii when tin* weather will permit. A mule is sonic what liko tho clown's witiiout ])(•;». si ook >r barrel, fi»* :••> oiis almost anywhere about him. Mr. J'sh Voiint was hat. !!m ; one tho otlior day and was about his when tho mule i.i'-kfd f'»r ward piid si jit Mr aint about livi stej)s t; "ti:ej \rav, modsurin r hi«» lon, r th on ti o gioiii! 1 }!- w badiv 1- it t. o\c«*j t a few - r sal. >u* lii- fa»*»'. NS at oh a iiiii ] I *jt i*• n» 1 1- vict-s in ♦ »• i'i , , '« cliaj*j (if>»d i'r;day. I i •■>. J \J SrjKth proaoln d l\ it.; t-r. Ino st i uion was iiit« i I'iof. \c !• r has tJj # • f; 4 .«• ~f j iiouso ah i: ;> ai dj a 11. . *,\ .t!. > 1 x>ardo i, 1 .ratm j'i • - . • ; it. how n. « • ' \ - take ' > \ .-n f t • b . J' : !.!.»- r,i •. . t •»!! •.* th' v h t\> -'ot 1 i * • s- ii>N I. ' :V • - - ' • ■ ' ".l ! av% P ' i~ il t X-I I ! ' I•„ ' ii.-t: In** j 1 sf (}:t\ ti 11 . i , i)i ii\ t iil- ' '. ' *«•#•:: tiiOU^i. ' ■ sUal. Mi - •* i' Pi. . w. y siu tte in re t: is -pi n . « j , - .>t t> dr J. H B >yw M Pf • speoto t«> i»-Hv« si >i »n "i' *» -■ ■ . St u st, .. ~ u r-r*' :r «mj ht i »,• . . - ; s . -t,., f*t n« ssv\ > m i . i •11 j, t n»*v will come. Mr. 1 i .nk #i >i i ~ v» . , !// i, «' Ul V) - . il.y '»! ti S l || I ,j , J !{]'• i>■ i.K'n - J »:• M . ■ , ; • ' L'l- ft «- horo, Ou] *»t }.• '.Pit , ; 5,-1 ■ i 1" t :.o t . * ,■, , • if,. . .. . • '■ i.. •: « • * -u. *n 1 31*"*. S i , !.. t ' - 'li r !.'! ■ i . • • •■ - • ■ ii t -inor'r • a 5 ' '' , ' - i * w-• L- 1' • ii .■» i > I > - ho. Ihi - % ■ nn iw- • tt r* 1. jst«-r S'jud .v K. • April 2. TMiunlvr 14.

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