f f.ONTINrh!) } l:oM -i oM> i ) that Wtl'ch ( U:!iot 1 'fi 111 ♦*li 'I % \lif . « ] .1- '.j- dee j~. \ dmlttm g. thr n. that a tariff for " f . \: ■ i- • ;.-i it 'it i« !; ;1. and is a r.' ■bv u\bj"' . tge from ' t. I ]e-it t I t i.t' g ! eat i' y r u. f "t l.g ti ling -i 'h .tw - - j' aloi • i! 1 e fining them '» » !'fM- di'J le '-til 1 ii bo 1-. \'■ * If; 'd / S> t K til.i'f I >0» rat* - -i Unepiallv. It i- -•- l! y pos •. - ' ' frame J' a* w ill iK-Uf • . iI wei _■ i.tot e\ ci v mat . • s I'A-U'rS till . h;; i-lato! - .it'- I .-s citoas in -triv.i , r foi epialirv. Ithet•'. i | ' 11 1 •')". t) L" IVf *' •! ■c.: t - > '>• Ji. J v at. advantage over anoth ' • ,t • il. I ;>*■ difficult v »f . : '.' ' t I. :i dens al ] «if :-i ' . .i.« • 11 j'i::t it-*- a!': ads !• ; !.. ' . • 1 13 . i;t v. ()', . > \ i 'f i.-tice ,\ tax atioa a i i»l t : t tl • lli'i t t;] • \ i-1 :j IJ i j V l l] piopoi tieui to lii- abil !- t' > - iV. lilt CVCI'V Cltl* i; ' St .' 1 • -;. ;i 1 CO Si tTIMJ t C to -•: the 'Vf•; il me 11, ' • f .'H "i"t i winch lit- l»a- ]»i ot(ct ■' Vccoi ; i fii»* j ! '{(•■} i »11 i)l > : p i il- ; ! ill -J ( !•" . - i 1 t 1 i s i ijf |'( ! -oijui j t \- i ). . iitif • it! a'.i M it t;i\' - oti • j »-'•] Iy t !.■ :.!i. > h \ i«- la_ t. h-t ii. 1 1 ■ i s - iii a 1 \ aiot ctti t • "i ita._'" is li. ta\aK* • -i ( ;c i-; t, utli' r w liicli - w!.' - }i £ ....i - \v;!h >trirt iiistico. N'iai'vi.i ".II America would submit i. cil a t nip 1 o auy ot !h r in t: levying of .Inert ta\ s. A 'lilt- t •. \ ii pt i-otis i'ti'i j>i opert v w'uii-h '> rjJ.j.mcJ. as !uu«*h of iujustic • atcl I'l.-tlil a- i- f"V« ltil I>\ our c\ist . laiifl'iaw- would }H-)vok(; Jtnrtcil ■"--i^'aiic•• a 1! mi the I hiteil States ik '.o» t!av>. lint tlie fat ilf mctlio.ls »f» .u i-t t I'l'ji. il>l* to. the ot ihnary ■ fir.. M" liti. 1 price-, pcr hut attributes it to natural *au-cs j{e does not know tiiat they c 1 } . 111 j tu-iaily produced for the beu- L't i'.i h\- neighbor. If he did. that would j>ei liap-. liear ** some ltyp io>:ne line juoniiiii"'. ) t * t't p iu i*ure of tar \£f tar.atiuii Jt i>- said there i- no ■ *-u.' i■ •I' i.i'oi e pleasant and >ooth . than that of bleeding, yet there *> nothing that more certainly ends leath The (if pavi:ig without knowing ho - .\ or wh r n > vVjiiu'llv scotliitig, but if- iuevita »}• endiLie n etiuallv certain. The J . bJTic .y i- f.lway- great of awaken • i t'.u j ; t>) the danger he i 'during. The chief inequality of a tariff irises from the fact that it is a tax ij oa consumption. Whilst it is true 4 Sh-ii TI.OT. l/j not consume alike and '•]ually, the in their cou -omptioti is not nearly sp gieat as • -Lir: Jitlei ence in then - wealth. If W a certain and weli-estab i-(3»'d ratio between wealth and cou ->• inj»tion. so that the greater the :.e ju>t >o much greater would be the ot her, t lien consumption would In »-• fair a mt asuie for the imposition •f iu\fs as any other and as conve- nut there is ?•«> >uch invaria ble rrojit rti »n : i. >t only so. but \ fr«*.)iient.v tin* p >siti >n is in •■•si'ted, and the man of u i-t wealth thennAst taxes. I>uties •• v *i fo »>1 md c't »t i ing will illustrate ' . \ c c..m n »l-iy I ibi ier w ill i: 1 It .i.iv a- . it i 1 a ear is -tCK i'.t>i hing a- imi >»Jt ai: e. 1I; e ,v -litb letKa i- t ~a-t the ujin on ore cost.u r It • 1 aisd laimtt.t, .. * ' herein ]' 1\ - I::•■>«■• t1 \ : b . t I 1 e j 1 propoition of the amount which 1 1 t si >u,d ltyi-by : > m- oh • • vi. 1h« \ aie m: es a:. 1 milt - i t 1 ' . lotax each one m propor to his abi ity t»> pay wciuld take 2r.> v "j the :aa wh »• ineonu wa- StW.),- • #§ per at nuui hundreds of times as "tick as w rild be rej lired of the /'adorer wliose income the year i-ciwnd was Si I per wetk. Estimat t'ttal such a man pay s annually *.-'•iff dutit s oji what he consumes at so low a figure as *lO. .t is not in the capacity •{ any >t:ie human be ing t)•') !i s !!:.»* - . 11l «»f t'lXii'le t tie!» s as to bi ing the dut \ on tbera i| to tiv» thou-rid time- ti.a' - im. I'r.'.t ticai 4 \. 11j♦- d- t:» - oti con-'.iUi]'- ti'»n wI i ieii -uc I j a Uj'i !i fj- liuarii) has ;- ii t onote'it . T. s r t:. ,t. S H-iai conditi- ti- a: i ti.e \aritble d is] to-i t ion - o{ mt j) •\eivwinie gl a\ ate the-e "i !.♦ -iiiaht a - I !:•- l;jai. ot n. m.» . .t» !;»!)!- • i:d a falljii% consumes var-t.v niore tl.an the rich tuan without a la'aiiV or the Jills* ]. Ije wht'.e JI j«- due of tl '■ fa! met* may bf.ai.l ofteii i-. exj»en 1- (•'i .n the eo>.- in.j t• ■in tif d ltiable O»o '-. w ili.-t tin: ... •! ni »• -pel. I - ■ . t.. t i» , hoiM \ plate ai l ■ • e.rv works i>J ait. %i 'ilea -. -t'»cks at l . . ]■} not out .0..a. t>t he -u[ p »rt of til" goveiiiuienf. \\ i d ii or> e s . cii iiUt d t'J his liUibs 111 d -t l' ij_' „'.i 1 g to bui .-t tot tl), c uld lmt ma.,c an liOn-st man say that kind of taxation is i lght all i j'l-t. Vet -ucji i- the o| f i tt ion i'l tai.ii J axe.- t\er v da \. even \ ith th im t ;tidicitus which can be ]« \a d. and w ose imi.v aim 1- the I !t.p( 1 ujie of It V« 1: ;e. I here i- 11 wa\ s ttj ;• ii ei. ie,t\ ei 11> uiei t the f' •!'■• >i lit - t Lrsalei at ,t Iby t ilk of tli.-.ct iminating in favor of the peop e .it Siii til mi in- bv imposing" higher duties on luxurits than on the nece--ai i» -ot life. ll\an if thi wa- fairiy done, and it nevt r is. it coui ' 1 not by any possibility remedy the inequaiitv of the tax. for the reason aheatly statetl. that the rich man cannot in the \erv nature of things (a)itsume as much more than the poor man as to make his taxes greater in the pioper proportion. In short, it is physically impossible to attain to abstract justice and euuality in taxation by a duty on consumption. In our present laws it has not even been attempted, though the talk of discriminating against luxuries is in evtrv man -> i • mouth whenever the subject is men tioned. Liny are framed with special reference neither to the wants of the government nor the needs ot the people, but to the in terest i»t the manufacturers alone. 1 In reality, the buhv ot whatever dis ci lmiu it on 'hete mav i>e in the ila a i - a tiii-; tii.- ileeessaries «»t tile a I In ii> . ! I*l iU X 1 lie-. A g ' ' > ■ t • .- : s \ I'p• i t - i»i , tin' i'- - i i,. m , > 11 ; , v in v one ot IJJ I - i.. in )-1 W't.Oi.-ti i- lu,' ' gl'eatel the co.-t lia- a-- t i» • dill v . Iron ami s{ i« i goods j>a\ four to ti\ e time- as much dutv a- g«)ll and sil ver jewelry : common spuits live to six times as much as tine wines: ; common cotton goods twice as much 'as fancy straw goods furs. Com mon woolen goods pay fifty per cent, more than silks and satins, whilst common window glass is taxed six ° times more than polished and silver ed plate glass of the same size; a homely illustration of this species of iniquity may be found in an ordi nary whisky toddy. The whiskv (if which it is the chief ingredient is taxed in the neighborhood of 400 ° per cent . the sugar which sweetens it is taxed S2 per cent . and the nut meg which i- grated upon it for lla\- oring is free. 1 hat is a tail sample of the discrimination of our tariff against luxuries. Nutmeg- cannot be grown in the tinted State-.th it lore a t-ax on nutmeg- would pre feet nobody but would g > straight iiit 'the public treasury; therefore to tii t* t xtt-nt it obviates the nece-- sity t>f taxing -ome article which i- made or grown in the I'nited St t!t - . therefore it -lands m ti.e way if -ome : there ft re ti.t duty on nutmegs is repeal ed. an i. j •» it is placetl on salt, oi truce chains, or children - -lates. or some otiitr item of prime .. , 1 , nece-sity. ()t ail the wrong- con tained in the existing tariff th l e i not one more rfagrant than the al - of tropical luxuries free of i duty in order to force the heavy taxation of the necessities of life. 1 Th«-n* i- ? 1 1 . . . i f li\ inf. uii'k i v\ i.: .t . i • i ♦ u.;er in v >! in >i - I- i> .n ;-1 t • i!. t. • .. I. •s. . i*• •! t• ti \' " it is ? \ .. b■ i ■.. i la 5»• II :t i-« i i - t . 11* t b« !_ ■ . t s Vk i ** i I • i i *i • >i Ki* * » i „ ; ...• 1: is -• • ! iti u -t ; i *• . .>• i t : ■ •. U. " ■t. h t «• t '• ; ' * .. >, !i_i\ •. .t >!i , .t ■ r ' - . . .» - iiUit v J; it ai. .(-v . : h- , i >f . a!i C !,'! V -•. \ f !1 » All • ; : !l. .'V ;t! i-v -.v ■ . .. .Mot i i.'. t,: . :V, i:. \ t iii r Sr.- J : •' -> :»f- 1 * . ' • ' iit • i!. tl»i ty :> . • ;«t» u-» s ■- > i. * i i ■ ■ : .j ■ !»'%« i? \ t • .( .|. j is IS l'('llit Vji i ! i 1 t. ' • III!' 1 ] -fli , t it's !i ' 1 - i 1!» !. - " i{)ut *i i * *[- I h. * *•. . t!» i i•; i i 111•..;i .-. • ; »• v» •.i . ' iII_ ! L- .\ ! 1 ' ■ ■ . it t h;tl t'll ,tV itll istl i ■ IS-- t t ~ - let' !' ' ' t!i*]li»'S til'-" ;. 1 iI will fill'l it... !.» : -I it • I t> i * !l l* . utid 1 >;i -« i n; | >i !: j«* ; u i■•*i t - I) s 111 •i j ;.;) - . 1, i . , •., i, *. _. • - ..lis 1- -•i 11 S i 111 r(,!iM i f ' li ;! 111 'hi ])»ili* lJI»!> . No Hint t r i o(i i,l i U ' 11 tt ■ 1.! i■• ■ t Im' . 1 : > (i'ii t ■i• i s ■i • ! ;i i . i, iA , i i !nt tln ul> 1 t !i' 1 !' t! if ci t; /t ;i \ ! t f . - » li»-t 1 H 111 i • 1 .11 j; l-1 ic. li .- ] - I:' > tin- j:t tr i 1S ' i >Ut sii * I tii» ciii.rcit. S i tliti'ij j-i !i> security fi'i i!ii i siii'i outsiilr of t );* oi L. r miiv* I,t >' w'iicli 11 ili'.'lli t »*«"*■— J 111 !il. }' oi t "_•»(• 1 # i> t liiiiiikih' liti- \ nivi !■«i t•.it • i.t r;»_; i l;iu will nvuiL'C it s» j. It hert foi'c, we violate the iuaiiiie.-t dictateol justice in the matter of taxation, we may lie Mile that Olit i' the comimuiity will suffer in yr* i[>ort ion to the benefit which has Ik en iea[>t-vl l»y another. \\( v cannot escape the great law (,»i c »mj;('nsat ion. We must r a}» whatsoe\ t r we ha\e soap. if the seed be injustice, the bai vest must needs be sutTerim/. 'J'herc i'or. t"> recapitulate, whibt a con stitutional tin iff is at the be.-t, oj.cn to many find seiious object i n.-, ami ha> tnanv avenues to monop oly ami injustice, yet as it ha- be come the settled j> ) icy r>t* our coun try. no taiilt n burner to change it for another. But we do d• -11« » a ii'« st. \ tc> r -t "re our >•».->• t'ln toj;> oi a! aiid only lawful object s. to t on ft i m it to jus t it* and humanity, ai 1 ma!,e it as neari\ a j)o>sibl» In. frotu o]i[uession ami a;l kinds ot inctimality. L.i shoit. we stiive to luidie the taxing power of the goveiiiiiidit the sLield and support of the j eo]»le, ami not t'e tlormant partner of the manufact ing firms. /.. 15. V\nck ICleclric Hitters. This reniedv is becoming so well known and so popular as to nee 1 no special mention. All who have u>cd Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise—A purer medicine does not exi.-t and it is guarranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Bimples. Boils. Salt Iltieun: and otm r ,\tb tions caused bv impure 1 •]«>«) I.— 1.l drive Mai.ari t from the >y-t m ai. 1 prevent a> well ;b care all M i'. uid fevers. - 1 >v cine of }l* a1 t L , ' >n stipation an 1 indigestion tiy Ml » tin - l» ttei~. -l.ntil - ' - a 11~! t' ' it'll guarrantee 3. or mom y i»-; i:. 1- 4 Brice ct- an I>l '»l» pr b.'t* li \ -t« r's l>i ug Stoi »• Tne situ itiou at the present tiein 4 » seems t resolve itself] into} tbis: Shall America be foreignized'or the fortigneis Americanized The vents el tha past two year- nnve de* mou-tiatt i that th»- \ roblem mu-t be grapple 1 with an i a >oiut;o i ef fected ' " "" Don't hawk. Lawk, blow, spit, and 1 disgust ever) body with your otftn-j sive breath, but ustr Dr. Sag* ■> Ca- i tairh lit-medy and end ;t. i >3jTs fi Sißkt 7 OUC o,' , , 3 3Ah ALTERAT /E &(/, _ ■ H ALi.XT,S iv I / V J r-- JF "V • . * So oi Do un d For The NERVOUS ; ; ' The DEBILITATED ' The AGED. wel.s. * fl kJ .. \ c . !S nr-CQVVFNPED EV FhYS!'. :A NS! 3I GO REWAIii • '/■ ' T ' ' 5 ! '• v •*> ; l positive Guarantee thot it vw. 1 cure any case, »"'! *p wilt ft, rf ttiH>aho u if . i »ing! instance. - unlike >V|, " ; rt.c.••\r-a •• iv, ,s -taken intei nnllv ac.inc i?pon the bloocl. if you tr. it • i s 1 ' 1 ■r No imll vi. iv i ; h|- i> ;•; i. if t . I amu- dia.it y. r . u r . ! F. J.CHiir:; ■ Tou do, cnio. * Tei|s Family Sjeare m l \ i.rniTl 1» \\ t lilt l , «■. »> 'lt h shear, J.ijm! • CiMaplptf linllttn-litilf.VisMtri.Kl.tiO. ScivMtrt.SOft'iil*. 'II Hlt%'.H Slli."I I.St STKKL K \ /ORS. Full llonwl. Mrnpiml iiikl for I •»*. S'i.liO. ift_Zlt on r>« ,;>t «»f 1 r : . •. 1! i- ♦ r:il. « I :ttaloir««' free. if it Zi I' A (0., 11.1 V tlaisis Slr.t I. TOM IM>. 4»IIIO. M. M 1.11.-HON, 1*1« >. I). \ . li, C;i- .I.N .JoM -i, A>N I »sll 1»A \K ()F 11K K( >RY. HICKORY, N_ C. 4- RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT to PAY WENT ON DEMAND DISCOUNT ItfOTKS. SEIL EXCHANGE ON UNITED STATE!; AND E'JIOPE, ALSO DO AN INSUhANCE and COLLECTING IiI'SINESS. I!;i\e one n! 1 lie Inst lo,i'«lar I'rt'i'f S.ifiv in WtMrni \ rlii Snfel \ D* l t'-it \ anil st i ' list t>iii»M s ]>-• i iv ti • . i - ,) .i i • t i sttliiliite«i I iui' b"t*k s * PI A \OsTT UiIiA.NS. Tilfll ("SIC. Ali the NKW I'OI'I I.A U A I lIS in -t.. k. NOVELTIES RECEIVED WEEKLY. s. i; w i n M A' 11 ixi : n i-j !•; i> i, i; s '"i > ,T * v ''' V» « u«r»'»t |I S I fi. ' ' v A > AAA' A A'> AA ' AAAA *A , , rSill« r t*i" i:I i ( dies % 2~) rents per dn/tMi, ;t 1 i others .")() cent> pi r do/, en. Inirrior net dies are deal' at any piiee. I do not keep them 1 csiii aho faiiiisli rAlil'Sol any Sewing Machine. I'ont lor tin 1 jdare J. L. STONE, April 7th lssT—lv 1» A U'.IC*I!, N. C r r^p n t s:■ '■ p f ' V*a Sk'UtL - - l;l J i J ."ill * rj U7 >j n 3 4 *■» ■ j-A :jsioiu>G, hakim;, ST KJ K r 'V'"*'■ . est IM jL 5rT ' • ' r M'an. ri \Ni>M;*:r, * b O WIJWS.i WMK.iI Kl •• inul;icturfd Of / / ' St. LouisStampingCo.St. Louis IRQ I" r Sal '' '•>" :>H Stin'-. >liirl»iiri- ami ' House !; .:!« i . -> ck Book ard Pf, e Libt Free or Ar ' pi,c,,T on 'f' Be Sure to Mention th*t Haper. THE ALLECER ORGAN. •top them for a time, aitei ' . r*- SjS^^L, FITS, EPILEPSY or hH |» FALLING SICKNESS, "f., A!!f« T »Ai'.R»s ;o P Crp.it *• 1 -:■ m fca*« (iHMis no rtiyon for now r'."eivta| * cure. * 'J* 8«nl at once for a treat: «e ard a Frk r ht/rriM r*+ l -nr. '- -• f** Cm ." • tt my IxrALLIBU RkIKDT. >!»» Eiprats " V.- roi Ml »» »1 and PMt »C«'e It co«*.» you nothing tor a :,' ♦ e""' * i trial, a^J 11 will eura > . - - M. C. ROOT. M. C. IS3 PlAii ST ,MrwT»« V ,Li.ra« 1 1

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