7JMMU CRIME Dr. Talmas About an f)]d, Ila-iranl. Monstrous arhi iMaholica! Mn. ■How it Taints all the Occupations and Professions and Even Enters the Home. JeaJousy in the Law. in Medicine, 1n Politics and in the Church. X'-'-.k: n", \p- 1 I"*. -The hymn sir 'Z jiwf the ' «'i on in the la wtd^ 1 •ttoty morn ii- be.'Uis . ii Ij'ool l«f '}■ it. \ j-.,' ' I >nrv Ire l I -r- ■an i* n re • i b*r fjt-1 i!. (i '» . all i. tl. i i•* > r '• • 1 • •- 1 1 ir ex; o . 1- ! -»: xn T'-y ri! to the ••■fa', r >: • > an > .KfiaU, t ' 1 I 1 e i ' > jire h }.•'! o . the ~u ,e 5 j lakni_» hi- text fr Ma I f"\« ; i. . ; r jt: o a i. ' Sun.' - u • • - a r - _ ■ ."> t tern* w tai t • : f" . on.- Win': ■ r !.'(.■ r i -«i " for Mdiic r - n i- .fit t • t ;. . Tbii ll. urn n_- ; -k n_' vour pi I' aid n the air. 11ti» •»: •>•:. I wa: t to p e it. Tli re >• an o.d - u. h t-Vard, furious monstrous, end ca , that has .or \\al-.f . an I crawle 1 t. t«* ♦*nr a. CDinbines ;i. i that is o; II \ o.s i's th»* races 1. •: ti »an, iad» tip** i. I. rn:tho «ail. reptilian an-. n-» t»lf*, l.o' ii • t .m%» d. hoofed, ian.c t, Minted t;»'• «yeof ;» laiKiii-k, tlif t>oth of ;»n 2itll r, the j aw • oi a en»■ odile, the eruslnu.! .Os of an *riHr tela, t;. *' s!yn ss of ;i M'orpion, tin* tongue >f 21 o ra, :uid tiO toil of tin* n 11 att never dies. It ;s in ev ry ODmmumty, in every church, in ev ry legislative h dl, in every inon tary insti tution, in every :i h'veo, in «verv literary an 1 jirotesfiional ire! ft whisj>« r-. it it lies, it • i*-1»i11« li - s, Jl blasphen.es, it damns. My t*xt naiiu'S ft-when it s2iys: ".lealousy is the ra«;e jf * rnun ' It is wrrief :st thu nij> ri -nty o: others their Miper.or ty in talent, or wraith or b auty or elejiunre. or virtue, ®r fo al or ial or political rj- n It in the shadow of other jjeojiir's hi ce.s- It is the shiver in our pm pomeone else's porketbook. It is twinge in our tonru • because it is *nt elo |in nt as someone else's tongue. 3i is the tiuttt r in our robes because they «re not as lustrous as someone else'# sdlh-s. It is the earthijuake under on r jfconse because it is not as many feet f; nl de« nas our neighbor's house. It is -the thin er of other people's popularity omirr the mi kof our k.n in ss. It is -tl«' father und iiK.thrr 1 oh »f one hdf - tit, nnl outrage l *, an I »!e --ftMirtions. an i I>hi kruptnes. an 1 iriaies, an i v oei o! the h mian race It was anteiiluvi n as ?■ urh ns it is ret ilitv ian It jita ro ti kinth « nf 1 * of t e first l oy tliat w.is ever born nsd S2i >1 to him " Off, ,un, \\ hen \l>el ■am the other wav. tr sh in his «kid'. tor h:s s cri re has been a c» pt» tl arrl v u r s rei»M ted. And tampa ke 1 the »'i k :is though )u t to walk \\ith St an 1 ffh.le M»el uas wat Imu Rome kird in the treetop. or va/ n/ at so e •wterhill, down ame the 1 low of th a»sH-Muat ion, h hich h •* had it* echo ■dmmut t n rairi td»». matri 1 les. uxonei Jlm. homicides, and regi "«a*Jes o! ali s ami ad nations. 'llns pi* 'no ealousv m> di-ttirl.. t'alicnla ml the prominence of some u the men o' Ajs U e, tint he cnt anm h a Inure.i "wri 1ro:n the ol tin iniiMtus an l dtook the fini roi lere i collar iro i the •«'k of lor iUHtuo. and had Ptolo uncus jkilh-.i because of his purple robe, mii ch attracted too limb attention. After 4olumius ha i pl.e ed Amtr.ca as s ffm in the S'psi..sh crown, jealousv on the "pan »ii courtiers to depro **«te 1 s r li pvfucnt, an I aroused ■HH 'WI:! 1 * ti I the ceat 1 s. over- rha 1 4) a h art r ken t med on i-y this ha l ■yar on. hionysiug tla\ed ! iato be ause wtt* w >»• r than hm self, an-1 I' ho\ •tiiua l»e -anse his music was too popu 4ar Je. lousy na le Korah he about ■wr , »!nl -ue. ot i depreciate iid-on. Jeaioii>y ira'ie 'he trouble between and Isa i. .hat hurled . osepn the pit. That stra. k the tw ntv •»r e faUi wound- 1 int > . uli,;s ( - mmt That ban Mie 1 Ar.stedtS. *1 h'.t Antony a^nnst i u er«> T'.her u «ided an ar. h:tt ct b«-c. uso t t[ tic ho g.n for a b . utiail p.'.n . •Oil slew a po tf r h:> !.:iy tr. iv Tii-t #t > un raije a_\*.nst l»a\ i lioar pr p!iic.i!!y the }\ puts it when Mm*--* ' "anley.«l lUvil.' It wins to pW' sj on ui o: t tys and n.;.k-> Aherii and 1 :rn ike" two j»ortho es mi b«1!. ">aule)etl l>a\id.' T:.at is. he looked at lam as :uu ss to >ay * Vo.i Jitile npstart, how dare \ a attempt ■■jyt! inp great ' I will grin i y«. i na. r mty hie. 1 wail e\t rmaiate >ou. 1 i fw * lseral le homuncu us. t'rm ana'. sl:n». int.. t.aat rat h >h» 1 w Mpmt h w >. ii - *.. ■ r VMK instead o >a s m mis, but I 'avid : > *e.:> Uhtii \ ulti'.rc I.tvi i that . r-.- ; i*eat was for k 'e". n_' him an ; jut ♦ttrrarv admir. t . aulard d Am a.l'l. til.- •• . ! t l K * *" r o: !l 5 !,, ,i ~ ; . n t!i ■ r 1a m »i. t ■ r - , , r •r «i - - tf st : , t,, 4 j, M t«> the ! r s.an {- »i "e. •J j t , - • j !-V»H ' ' O ~ ! \i; , ."»ii • " :r - if-. • i h».s w 1.1 ii r»*t ' "• , u t w h> -1. *at ed «» win Ji" \ n,r ot • o » w - t -s i • tnro t ', j hat -ta o ed tl.*- L" » :t. »-i .. r j r ,;jj | at tii ' .t' «i 1 Oor ** t i ho >'*" W . U Tit* r • i—• l • ' 1 I 't.' 11 * ' u .. | . i ,-t *-' i ••r • r>" li r •>>]# .i n«* n ,v.n I • rit AT >' r '-t V-'.ti t" - • h -a pio.n_'ate AV ■. 11» »t I ji ;•>- ■ p. .ii i nil ' r tiif .»r 1 . j -r:i»t lowe . tiij tar ii a.,d ami ! ?h • o i '«»Pt thunder tl it ev r shook the no-;:.' ;ns an 1 an. I t >*• w i**»t (id«h ot ;^htr; n? tli.it ver bhn or fet st.nt'i the in'ions, h' n up >n two pifC9 4 o' TO :i! h iu M. ■ r • ic Q( JtniSijltf the kindest, purest. lovinsest nature that heaven o - ; Il •*! *"■ j-• t►*, an I fi 1 ■ P ?'"* t no until ti.'-re w.is t; • | o*er iHt,. r r in o i nvft.iii 10 hurt til,* dc.i * I >on oi • • oh j he »n of ;»*a'ousy, livid. hun.-rv. Un , a;k«* i, r on. an i t now p• r »-> the e.trth • a ti*■*i v oiaiiu t r an 1 en (;r'.--s it i. rv * * a r« imiereiK-e. it wants t Hit l i '-M -II i'Ti's. it \i ts tlx' it wo .i i. i it *o • 1 rapture t-,*• paiace uf '• ■ \ an I i -:h on-- . t *- h■»• ah. an ! chain th • A ..fry :n ex ati-i a !«-r t :te 'i» i •» * «>n «»' the un; v»*i • u>.. . try: ' ..! - i 'i a' !a>\ h«*n- ! a n ! A io»J»'*! th • un I s:.uh"i • i ever la-': i : I. '' \ •.» .4 t-a, ■ •* 1 » i nia '."i i u i,I I. :--ia. a i.i th is • •aO 11 (>t n ii O'is r j'.n i ah of thvia , a, .- oi Amer i« ii. in .»*.r 1 t!::p.i-sV.n of '-aW.i«v i'» !-> a,th • '■-> ;t A'»l 1 a 0.1. it : 1 -! -• ■]., :s «>: n >r I i h -n i wiiii i ...-;e ,'t . i.f i-« mi • i-■, ahi.at live th'ri-m . who ar* • '.o i-oi ' ii'ivcr ( levela;i«i, an i woui i hke f or» I'»"Vf him oi th.* eares o! ott'ee, an ! a t- r the nominations oi ii'-xt fimti.er I. iv»' he i u a !♦*, a w.pm n.iim o! it*i in it »: i, st urr.i t v . ii.• *r• • ! r •Vfii.'".! i h )'J 1. 1 to:.in. v, an !.! «ir*-1 res i *•' ti will Of tiirn M, l upon th.- -m !. ii •t ii iahout rh- i .- j iri, .\ i in*> r rv• t«• rf:i>i• th *n o v,i., h s:. ti or' th»*:n f r • n* ' t: Z «*x* efst as t » ; - file (in volf», \s.i ij oi-> .--e itr n a th i h;iii i p a'.lor s an 1 tho people • !.•« M.m.l will be to'«l tli it th • tar n ii -1 : e lor tlio advantage • i \ ii' imm i-uj.tr : th-p 'opleof \ j w.il bf toai ii..t the t iri:l must Of ar r n.'etl forth - a 1 vantage oi Ann ii ■in toba eo * i.ii'l tlie people of fnn«yl vania ! will he tol 1 that tiu tarill nui-t bt- for the advantage ot Aun rii .>u iron, an ! the people of kentu v will 1 e tol ! that the tari i must be arrant- i for the ah ntaire of American whisky and the people of Ohio that the tart must t entranced for the advant «;e >: An.e.' r.»!i W'M 1, while Mass i:h Sett.H Oi ' t onia ctn ut will b- promts * i protec-'.ion for nianufat tures, and a:l the monetary in'eri'sts, ~ ortii, South, 1 a-i. and W»st, will bt told in each neighbor oo 1 that thf taxes mu 1 tariff' will b * lixe>l to suit them, irrf-p c iveof anvbo ly »*ls *; an th • l r> i • ntial elff ion ov, r, all w I Ffttif (U.vn as it w«s bf o" ii von think that all this di.srus.si n in puuli plai ♦*» is from any dfsire i»i tbe wellare of thfpfopl and not for p0.i..c.il elicit you i-r • f vouslv nriistakfP. (io into ail occupations a i pro'e-sions. and if yo i want to know ho \ . u ii •-i on- yet to be cxt.rp tf - ; ma-'. • hui di r what they thinu of ea« li otti-r • lio ;>f, and nifrchants what t.t ir o .n ion is lit mm chants ii the sou otu* t! hu>i a-ss m tli.* same street an 1 a.sK oc tors wii t tlifv thin of do tor- n .liw vers what thfV tlun ; of 1 .wy is, an mri > ers what they think oi n.i iist»*'> an I itrt.s's what they thin.; of artist-. As Imu as men and worn n in any d* pa'tnicnt k ep down an 1 hav.- a h.ir fit thf imnar.v will be: "• di y »; h* is a 01, flfvt r sort of a ffllow." ". h • i r thcr. vi's somewhat, quite well, 1 c-a> say. to • r i >iy nice kind of a woman. Hut lft him or her LVt a httl • to j tn_n itii 1 o '.'ttfs the is.'ir;n: h a 1 by soc.a or onm.cr ,al de ,I itat o:i. l.fiuf.n er that envy dwells mo*.o: smati d»*'icits of t-haracter tnan oayreu for ib iiUM-s more ot th« fact thnt i run itian anuisf I hims- b by tra 'saxma rt :e. with hi* penknife than of ins ;r .»i on • ii tttin bin of the fa t th t h-j cre.it ■ t l npfi >h • lc or.dor.os; mora of o'.»• ii | i ::u habit than o: h s writ n: "('hri-ta'n 1 and" iieAn-'iftit dann r t or •oith■ f : t that A«1 di- .n dr .p..-c t»o i u h than of the fact that ii • was re at'i.or ot tli* >p*ctator ; ' mora of a mans peccadilloes tiiau of his mighty ene j.es. more of his defects than ot h.s vn tor t s. l.K»k at the aarred and heaven dfs cende 1 science of healing, and then s*- 1 r. M icken'.ie. the llnuhsh -urj.-on, who I ro.onjfd the life of tlu* •• town i'ritice o ' • r nan v unt 1 lu* became p ror. an i 1 hone may y« t cure liini. po ill -t rm ma\ for ma y years overn that r ,_n.ti. n 'leriuan nation, than which t:.er- is no K'rand r. ft so at «m* the m«*dical jea >usi s that i r. Mackenzie d.tre not w .ik the strecta of Terhn i!e is un h-r ii iitarv >ruar l. The mcdic -.l stu iciit of (.er uany can hardly keep their ban • o'of i. 'n. iI f 1 i oi • .er. Ny H re wnt inn? with m The fa * IS ttiat ill PiViti* re lcn- v a li: » 1 r nit k nr.!"* save . the pea*.'• of ! u*"op Th.-re *:«» not, an mtf.l ■_* tit m n on • ith r sid • t e o can thai .. ut: • i for the resu : if t e thron • • 1 ir . wis■ an ; h» loj i ir p.- ir VV . i :" • ■" |! 'a xp t.i tit ir'.ia lso i. 1 ".tii wlie i ' r t e :. e : h tr • :n ir of I»r M i n ;e, th" i. row a . r.n 1 r !«*r « t'>o; t e t rii e. a wave o t - t; ■ and co-■ tideime ro c 1 over •i->t»*n lo*n w .a* shaii tne won i io w th tne d> t >.• wli . savfd h;s h: "t Jh, .r. • i out * medical jeaiousi s of I ur ip*, h:rn of t-'Urs -. .estr ov h " -at a .t itai .« •*:ie o: ea! -usv w ha : .nt :..s co i ..' v w nen i'r >1 lent 1 i" • -ay n in r • w» - * la.lh ; y ...:,s • • c . t • r •t . r ' ' an 1 > ' cI th r h hth : • : '•' n to t.t •: at:.'>•• 1 I'hss and I! ion and A-new went ::. r . i inx ••ties an I to;.s an fit _• 'es c ih a none a* 1 • I iui !ap pr*» ate. Nothing pleaded !!.my of th :n •»: .u pr jte-- .> 4 The do tors in hrg• • id >th ng right. We who d:• 1 >: s-e t ( a-• n w bett >r than tho- • w u agon. * i over t :n the -i k room f>l i any wee 3. I. who never ha 1 any is >g worse than a run-roun 1 on my thu n'o, w lie i 8 •*•. ue 1 to nit- at tiie tint • w - v r.hv )f a.i t:.e n:.on of t e ( r.';r: medical frat-rnitv. hit my own : a-; to how the . r*si tent ought t.» in- tr -a!'- J. An i m prop »rt >n as physi «.an- an i lay en w re ignorant of the i .-• th y wer •gir th. 1 treatment pr;v • : vs.i-a : .i-t.ir. . An . v.. -i in p.-: 'it rt ath * bt;.e*t iroppe i out of a dif ] !'-n*. ? art of til; >o ly iron that in w'. n it was 6 to have been >ig ', aho ;T twi hun Ire! thous.tn I poop. ■>h • Hi' \"i to- ivoi so ' "liier •, ir. if.v ;t aI; the t ue. Tner* rre some doctors m ail r.tj.-s who wo lid rather have tin* patientdie un ler the treat uent of their ovv:i sch os than have tJ.eai get we I tin .er s > e '»tii r pathy "i ea .o ik at tli • clerical pro'"es-ion. I a*n -orry tossy tii it in mitt rs of jenl (» u>v it is no bet' r than o-her protes - «»iiJ ii ri art- now in a!, den > ; ,t to:;- agr -at tna y \oiin.' c ergy imn wh • « ! ave A faculty for sup ror nin ■ »»-«* But t are kept d »wn an I k- pt back a i rippie t i>v o » r minsters wno !o.ik a- .an at thes" r nir evanj ! : .ev I arc sn i oe i. J hey are .o .•• i. ] hey . . . I are pttroni ingly advised. It is sug- L T estei to tn tii t they ha l better know tii" r place If here ani there one , with inure nerve an I brain anl con-e --• rat >u a* I divine force pa-t the who want to keep the chef • t .e vontii? are a in the W'T-U ('! >cr;ptnre to '"TarrV at .Jericho till th r beards are Th-y aro rharje l with sensationalism. '! h'-y are compared to rockets that no up in a blaze an I come down and the brevity of the:r career is ultilantiy prophesied. If it be a denomination witii bishops, a bishop is implored to sit down heaviiy on the man who will not be molded . or if a denomination with out bishops, some of the older men with nothing more than their own natural heaviness an I theological avoirdupois are a I - dto flatten out the innovator. I i con'er -uces and presbyteries an i as -o ii' ■ >ns an i conventions there is often > -n t •• •: o-t la inn ible ea o .sy. Such ecc epiasti, al tyrants would not admit i that i'-alonsy had any possession of them, ! and they take on a heavenly air, and talk sweet oil and sugar plums and balm of a thousand flowers and roil up their eves with an air of unctuous sanctity w hen they simply mean the destruction of thos 'over whom they pray an isnutfle. I her • are cases w here ministers of re h.-ion are derelict and criminal and they must be put out. lint i:i the majority of cases that I have witneg-e I in ecclesiastical trials there is a jea'ous atteuipt to keep men I from s their theological fellows, an l as at the Presidential elections in counti v places the people have a barbe- * cue which is a roa-ted ox round which the people dance with knives, cutting otf j a slii e here, and pulhnsr out a rib there, i and saw a beefsteak yonder, and ha-.'ing a hi.-h time so most of the de -1 no ninat ons of Christians keep on hand j a barln-cue in which some minister is roas'e while the church murts dance i around with their sharp knifes of attack, ; and one takes an ear, another a hand. I .II >ther a foot, an 1 it is hard to tell , whether the ecclesiastical plaintiffs of this world or the demons of the nether wori I most enjoy it. Albert Harnes, tlian won no mftn has aec«implished in.-re -jood in the last thousand vea-s, ; was de. i ed to sit silent for a y ar in the 1 p k w of his own chun h while some one 1 el s;. occupied his pulpit, the pretende I oTens.' lh.it he did not bclievj in a li uited atonement, but the real oM'ense the fact that ail the men who tried him put together would not equal one Albert l»;i mes. Yes, amid all professions and busi nes es and occupations and trades, anl ] ami 1 all circles needs to be heard what i io I savs in regard to envv an ! tealousv, w ii h, though not exactly the same, are ! i w ;:is ; "iur y is the rottenmss of the bone :ere envy anl Ir.t- * i- there is con usion and every evil work." "Jealousy is the raire of a man."' My hearers, if this evil passion is in any of yo ir souls, cry mightily unto « ro I lor its expulsion. That which ha* drowned kini and emperors an 1 apo-tie* an I re -1 f M iners an i ministers of religion and thousan Is of good men an 1 w men, is j to > mighty for you t) conten i against " unii lel. The evil has so many roots. I o! such infinite con olution. lh it nothing 1 bit the enginery of e (in pull it out. Tradit: >n «avs that when 1 Mos"S lifted up his hand to pr y it was all en*■ r is'e 1 with manna, an 1 no sooner 'doyo i pray than you are helped. Away with the aecurse , -i."hf ii. t»l ickenmg. d mining crime of ealousy. Ai;ow it to stav an 1 it w ill eat up ail rrv o 1 all : the reagiou you can pick into vour sou! i j for the nevt h ilf o»*nrury. It will do you • n ore ii -a ii than it does anv »n • it lea is yo i to assailt will !elu ie vou with j the i I*•:« tit vou ca'i build yo itsel' up by puiPng so nebo ly else d iwn. o l . j w;il make more out of the «u« ces o: otners thin out ot their m »rt mes. "peak w til of every Poly. >tai» no man n tie back. I'.e a honey bee rath r than a sj.ii r; bj a dove rather than a buz.'.ar i. s.i-»- y thi« worl 1 is large enough for vou an lai v> :r rivals, 'io i has given v»u a w orii to do. •>o ahea 1 an i do 11. 1 , \j ii !in r own t>u j ness. 1n a ; circles, .nalib.- nes-.es, in a profeasions there s r •• :i tor stra ••rwarl silcc»*s»e». ea'.oe.sv e.terta ne I w.; not on.y t»e jw a r \cir* • i i , hi* it w i it "Ui Noir : 1. neiii-a:i yo ir ey •. Pr p 'icu • ;n -ss if [ii; .mo it vour o-tr i. g .'e a ai c irl to the p an I xpt i. o . your :.i e tho tliviue ; uige .a which you were , ;{ » h \\ hen , l he..r i man or w » n:in ahus • . driv • i:i n t'.e d-fen 1- 3 s. ; Wate i -r >r ex e encies in •>t er- rat er than iv.>r ■ •* morning g' r: s inste 11 oi n g_? tsh »le. If so ue ♦ q f,k 11 *i iq you. v »« i i\ ■ II tvt> i •• . . ; 1 * U»- ';e hai r ■ u i :. : i m y ; tar.. t :.at vou have not s > great stewardsh p to. .i .sw>-r or lis) ; e • »n- » .p .n i s • lal pos tioxx than»c t»od that ti*o«e wuo r • i'. Aa ne n far a .« i: ne i g«-:» _ r o:* -sn i. : >•> "tat • •. a \ m .>n *i'l there are not s* l .my io wish tor the hastening on oi r o "»e oi. es. I i* l' i-v • of hmt/ig m inxir ous • 11' err - wa- \ i-i'" ib>api un h ea n i to »ei';i |j> tr.en i fro i ea.o . ' I'uke s a "Vou cm hi.e ml. 1 ve : y » i w ui I tw nty p.c -so ! u . l-t me ».io t at yo i a it ui ir - i ■s. • \ . r.. sl 1 ii s ne"id. •V»hl. si itie l» k*». "IO g m :n. v ' o .«>rs I 'a - t on tiif bat'.ie ad i i ore h atio i- n g i.r i not mor • ! . . t*l. !> .1 > of. \ * in -t r - ;;a I co*-gr g't »n c en '' i lie : to a mi* ;>'er ot a*g > o:i jreg i u a ut tti • r-ea -s •. atteii I nt-. "Ah —ll i the ■ •• ot large i. 'ir ' :iiy vii, vo i vu,i li i 1 in tae • t : g lit tti.it yo l ha I "ju.te ii" i; . p.i» t »ie ;or wuoin to be held ac ■ | : t.. i »i • '. -;.t it • f>r jeal msy an « levating i : i.i. n.r others g>> 1. let u • o e : u. r. .-eeing ot --rs iud i-«t i t us work u»ore ho ir>. >eeing hr ■ l»« n •. oii-nt. let u-> r so \eon gi vmg , irger percentage oi our mean- for > r.tv. dav »«o I put coiigiat ilations •u' i n "-s into our right hand and cheers •ii our ps for those who uo brave and iseiul things, l ite is short at t elo is.es! j l.et us ah b* til.e l up with i.elpfuiuess or others, wot k and svmj> thy fur each other - misfortunes, and •> ir arms be fud of white n.antlfS to cover up tfio ■ uistakes an 1 failures of oth-rs. If an c\;l rep irt about s ne one come to us i-*t us pit on it most favora 1 - J con struct on. as the lihoiie e..tf rs 1 ake he nan loul and comes out i-rystnlliiie. . o :ot bu: 1s > muca on the trans.tory !■ r-n es o t!i - wo;i i, tor s 'oil it w i .. . • o 'I. :Ii r nee to us whet . u w hid t *ll m oh i• * r- or ten emits, an i the t- i's :n ow .. n the tui. : • o. i • i>o-j --'mm s i-i ei ;tre U-t 11 e t i • a>he-« . o w i.i . toe tongue ot the vei .est staiumerei went. Il vol area-stile I bv ealousv make i o answer. lake it as a com; ..merit, or peop.e are never jealous of a t.u lire. I'nt 1 your work is done vou are invul nerable. 1 .'eiii'unher l.ow oir Lord le haved under *-u• h tliey not try to catch him m his word .' I'i 1 t ,ev ii it call hi II the victi u of intoxicants ' 1 -. 1 th- y n-t misinterpret him tro:n the winter of the year 1 into the spring o; the year that is from his first infantile cry to the la-t groan of Ins assass nation ? et he answer** 1 not a word. But so far irom demolishing either his mission or his good na ne, after near nineteen centuries he outranks everyti ing mi ler the skies, an 1 is secon 1 to none above them, and the archargel makes sa!aa n at his footstool, t nrif-t's t>loo ly antagoai-ts thought that they had finished him when they wrote over the cross his accusation in three languag s, Hebrew and ireek and I.atin, not realizing that they were bv that act introducing him to ad nations, since Hebrew was the holiest language, and (•reek the wisest of tongues, and I.atin the widest spoken. You are not the first man w ho had hia faults looked at through a microscope and i is virtues through the wrong end oia teles, op •. Pharaoh had the chief butler and baker endungeon -d. and tra dition say* that all the hutier had done was to allow a fly in the Kind's cup, and ali the baker ha i dote was t > leave a gravel in tne King's bead. The world lias the hah t of making a gre t a loabout w hat yo l oo wrong an I lorg iting los iy anything about what you do right, but tli • same (in i will take care of you who provi.h d ior Merlin, th- ( hiistian mar tyr, when hidden from his p .rs iers in a h«y-.now in aris, and a hen cane and lai l an egg close by him every morning, thus Keeping him fro n starvation. Blesse 1 are th -v that are persecuted, alt ho gh persecution is a severe cataplasm Ointment may s uart the wound oeiore healing it. What a soft pil.ow to die on n when we leave the worl t we can fe*d that, though a thousand people may have wronged us, we have wro .ged no one . or, having made envious an 1 jealous attack on others, we have repented of the sin, and as far as possi le made re paration. Ihe good resolution ot Timothy i*oland in his iju tint tint exquisite by mil, entitled "Most Any Day,'' we might well ouan.moui«ly adopt; We'll k»rcp nil i ami >ol withiu, Our woi k wilt tln'H lie lr. e fiota »in; I'piigiit *i'.l *4ik throiijti thick au'l linn Straight on inn way. I>oa'. .iu-t with all; the 11y-e wf 'll win niiy ilay, Whfn lie « ho ma'le all thin?* iu*t rijrht Shall c.ill us hence to realm- ot be it morn, or nami, or cvtu uigat, XVe will ohev; We'll be prepare 1 to take our flight Ma-t auv day, o-,ir lamp* we'll fl'l h r in f.ilt of oil I ii it'* if • i I :iu I pure that wotil I not -poi!, Au 1 keep them buruiojt all the while "l o hlit oar w.n ; i »ur vrark all Uoiie. we'll quit the soi Mo»t any .Uv. A • Woman * l.etter. A girl who had taken the position of amariuensi« to a wealttiy society wo nan was a>k»* i how she liKe.l ihe s tuation. * Well.* *he *ai 1./' alter being in a ous niess o hce 1 tin I it ra'iier diitu ult to ac uetom my-e.f to this particular k n i Of work. "How so "We! . for ins?in~». Trs !'. l.aa a w.iv of d elating her iet'ers very r. pMly, mt-rsp rs ng t "ii with evplanatOfy «j muriiti an l-o ueti i,.-- 1 tt iVf toun i i; li hcu.t t i s»-p irate the chatf fromtfie wheat. \t fir-t 1 kindly remonstrateo, it .t tfiat ii i i.o gi»o h n ntia iv a t-r w.* ha 1 ,r«*ache t a J»*niit ot no ne fami.iarity, i "liow-d t*er. L»y j Tact. demonstra tion, that th.s was not the best in-, tho i of dictation " \V tiat did you do "Oh, I o:. epit >n everythings + • i.d, an i she wat i-e iat ttie resu.t a^ neV' rto f» 'jet 'he i*--on >he .et me ».e p :h-> .• t: r . ri >s tv It In«t r . ii- • liii.'h urging to in due .her t- ■- . « tile .etter, which I. J "My ttrar drs ' v. I deeply regr*-t that . h .-t de i ne vour km 1 invit ition. "She h.is invited me to a lunch fxtrtr.. an I I a n sorry to miss it, f >r she has it lieu Krv'ii h cook. • I kii > a well how successful your j.ar tie a; a ays are -1 xceot that one when Colonel I'iper foun i -i button in the uiavonaise dress iii; ■ And feel that I deserve commisera ton t>r mv loss. \ou speak of never tin mm uie at borne. -tiuw tan s e exp ct anyone to be v >::>!e at til** unconscionable hour gbe chooses tor \ isits •■lt vol cou!.l kindly *pj>o:nt some time for co liing I should t*e ou.y de lighted to make my c«.n»enience your • ml v I hope she won t, for I shad bo tremea lously t»usy this week. "v an we not together to see Mull er's wotulerltil picture -Most latiguinsj business to look at paintings - It bort*s me to death . j With renewed regrets,— - Wwr all, I'm u al 1 c~a't go!) • afle tionately, - ••she always herself so, and I suppose I must. ' MIDS OI Till-; NATION. I>lhcu*m*-c1 h > Vinu t . \\ •,t T, ~r •I . I :■ I.ll. - lit M '!! t> 1* IV. I [uvil g M-itu wi.ut « i 1:: \ i'U-m il tli«' ii 1 ii' \ :c» . to |!i i 1! -mi . d iii" rotis t tub lid* s «•! ta I ill Ihv.i P tioi . ev li uld 1 t! e ! ro.«1 'a \« !a ; and w»\!-guarded cm dit mih. w now « \amine what is >aid 111 il- far r. The pretentions made for it hi t most lemaikab'e. The) fr ijuentK do not stop at tlie absurd, but ap proach the miraculous itself. If one-half that is claimed for it b« > true, there should be no excuse for poveity or suffering 011 e; rth : for there is no nation so low in civilization and intelligence but its statesmei could enact high tarift laws or pro hibit altogether any tiade with for eigners; and that, in the opinion ot protectionists, is the secret of the whole process of national wtaltb And what a cruel and unjustifiable thing we did when we sent a tleet of war ships to open by force th« exclusive policy of Japan to thfc commerce of the world! She wa.> merely imitating our own policy in giving her own manufactuies s home market, and trying to get rich.- by trading with each other! What are the claims put forth by. the friends of protection 1 Let not mention a few, with the understand ing that nobody is permitted to ! laugh. They say—first, that it en courages our infant manufactures | that without it they could not com pete with the pauper labor of Ku rope ; that it raises the price of tin farmers' products ; that it lowers the prices of manufactuied products;, that it raises revenue by taxing th*» foreigner who brings 111 the goods . that it keeps our money at home and maintains the balance of trade in our favor. Whilst it does all this, the* say at the same time it is no tax at all. and that the tariff duty does not enter into the price of the article on which it is imposed ! It is mere pre tense of taiation, a kind of cornmer cial fiction or man of straw, like> John Doe and Richard Roe, and the confession of "lessee, enhy audi ouster in the old action of eject ment. by which the foreigner is eject ed from our market and made to pay. our taxes out of his own pocket whilst our own people obi am judgement of the couit that they hhali buy everything dear! After ;so many gtave political economists and alleged statesmen have asserted, these things in behalf of protection what right Las any iimn to laugh wll the claims of the most pretentions » patent medicine ever advertised? I don't believe I ever saw one whick professed that it could kill h m&a and restore him to life bv swallow ' mg for one and rubbing outwardN ' for the other purpose Yet a grrat er thing than this in claim* d for pro * tection. It reduces pi ices to tht consumer, and it increase- prices tc 1 the producer -.it the manufac turer the duty added tc • cost of the article enables him tc e compete with the foreigner, but li the duty is not added to the hrij 1 made artictle the consumer pavs n t (CONTI.VtJED ON TiULU I'Atit. 1 " i

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