ing to the utmost the production of i the tiling- in the making A which tljf-T exce!. and them f• »r ti.o-e products in the n."tking f \s •;; i i ■•'};•! countrh..- x *.]. jj .. -in.p!\ ti. principle f thr divl-i :. ' . .' i' ll 1' bVWh 1( 11 : t \ 1 j.« i __ r ♦ • '' i! ■. Ij. i f • • - «"trri- I i• : u': . * 4 t ' j . • I',-i ' i • - '•ft! i V. •i I ] It 1! ". . : . t [ ,«• ; f ]•: 7. - it t!. • •i 1 i. ■ ' i, t r • ti. i 1 »lil,': ♦ • 'l' tjil:g- « ' »' •• is iliTe' fa*- lav. - which are 1 there iii the J■■ t: \ f . ' t • :ii 1 man at eti e ame in pi j/.- a- those which ■ lift . i-.' other b .-- * . j) iat • i a .in which t i.• k:m- hni.i i' ! i) • : - n -ted \>' w ing r l. i- in in ml. ,» r - I i it" ». )■ "it > th pt« :• i - »f i . t' ?j'ii i-r t . : ; i,j ■ . i, j, ihe cause of I.«.(•: in il v.* a r • . ,f. J i 'lit ir UMl'-t i-]»t . p if>l ',\l to inci'Ji-' ]; ii u •, \ }„ (n :I>• i i ?.. \ t i • :. \ : : ' * Mi. i' 11t 11. \ ; i,« i: • i i •11 t, v • ;cii v,» j.i. - i . u ■ 1 lb ! v• a : tll con -1 !- the ! ii i f >: ■|» "t - 1 i lil. 11 \ iii ji;i ii ]' • N I . h'S :! I 1 >!«• 'l it ii -fO'a-it .- j ib!e t" do - > \.! th j>i 11! '. i • mi l v II >ili'i-i Jjll >. \ : 'A.i j-••. it iiMi (i' i., vnv n Imit it i- to the ad-vantage .if • ■ untried in their inf.i' v to * ne in .i '• i *>ij, -1 i«* manutai ? ii • - !>\ -\t! a (j 'lmai \ in.*aii-. ! lit- !ii.-! ijccf-sitN •>l siii'.h a fDuntrv. -.tinjltlihl;" to es tablish itsf!t the nati' !.-, 0 -#•!• ui »• a hom** \ >{ t i.e t!i neiM'hsiirv to its •\iit» , ne»'. of which .*t miglit I>- i v«•.] l>v war in :l were «lepenlent "i foreigners. I>ut. that period soon passes, ami : then eoiue.s the jpiestion ©t' n surplus of products. So long as our coun try is producing only its o\th sup uliet, oi course its wealth is increas ing day I>y day ; and if we iiiade all ■ r hat we required ami could make no > more, we cou'd attain t#» national ! wealth by dealing with each other only that is to say. we could attain to all the wealth possible in such a i - «t»ite of things. But nuinan indus ° try cauuttt stoj) without decay and nun. After it has supjilied our own v.ountiy, one of two things must ( take place : either a foreign market rnu-.t be found for our surplus pro ducts or we must cease to make any. If we make more than we want and can t sell it. this leasens the value o r vhat we have, and our aggn-gv e rvealth i~. not increased a pai ti«-!e : •! we stop production at tin- point of ! homo supply, then all tin- a I»> > m 1 capital of the country beyond t' at ' omit is unemployed, and again oui ! wealth ceases to grow. Common sense points out that we must ba\e a market for out surplus and high tariffs tend unmistakably to jtrevent this. 1 hey are intended to prevent it. fi>>' a> all foreign com ncrce is simply exchange, nations a ill not buy from us unless they can /ay us with their products. With a taritYwall around our country thev •annot trade with lis Fhe wickedness of tLn- jiohcy i-» only equaled by its folU l'liere is o country upon earth prepared to >\ m.e so rich foreign trade a> i'u-Mt I lilted States, because there is one so abundantly supplied with the material and all the condi -1o:s of production absolute! v none. !. i :»• l- not ibot • ;u our -i\ l\ mtltioiis o{ pia'ple t>> lig j» all et our coal and iron on in a - thousand vears : our f>r« -'s. tl .1: ra; llv ti■ll •ai i . 4 1 1 I n >l. a-; • .; ij•. i i f Hi Vet:! 2Vt . > 2..... ] f ople in l n *ai t. Hint ':tbor->aving ii.•. ent'.oes : rm i HI: epurh ii. the hisioiy of cut :ace. : aI? 1 I'JVi »• i•i' ♦j |. j; t i »_• { tl on t ' 1 ' tiumar> !t-J*i> *vond the lr«-a'U-> "■ T '*t- poc: The stat2sti,-, ,i. ,w a? ] candid ?;•/»*> • i V'.vLel ' thai tt.». best >sained lab t to J r ; o;d ..11-*« r.d-»m an: ' »n. ii •• ;*k. .-d i kii. vi:. u,i a-ut' 1 ! v t!.» Klij Hit iii. lii , i.H\ of I!.. \ 't. A;. 1 It, 1i j» J;t cp of tl.:-. il i v. !,i »i;» - .i i ..2 bo,ist:n • : ■* st r]i i.e.ti !. d> e.a: * t • ii it!. t ha: .o . r; 'j:t h »' r Hif not . -las t ti- il Ji' 1 ,ct - 1 p . h. ; t i \ ta: if-. d-ny oiu>«-!v(-s tin- tich*- and ti • ' :iu:*s i) f • J"; c lUiiij) i i!, i ( "Ii; ! • •£ i! J t!. - tI • - ; I 't; -. tl r ■ . f •it b iii. wt'U tii an 1 I , : ei • g> t - the i/At'row .;:m- - f toe h •>: i! ket ' .'h the 1 I ■ j.n d ! ..• t! I ;'i h i hi". ft 'i e l'( ni..-v! vani.'i il 01. -'el' d»c!nt« "> he ; k• • a t"it « f pig ii >n w i;bo :t a t.»\ • : - v •i ?y • \ j. j- •. (j t n the j.: 1: •• i I " f. :l •si Ii; \\ ho .- fi . ii. t hr» r . : I iJ- :h«.us;ii.d 'iii!'-- ii'A 1\ i 1 } "lid t' »- n:'ii the cotton spi ii tie i . thi wo» _• r n weavei t h«* -pot t-r. and all the i -1. (>tler t• 1 r d l l c e 11,»■ i' 111 v, ev •11 s] i dll v. >»i v O ' \ "lie of hi- ] t "ducts, ai; i he v. iii «i \ " Murd» i i(/cind nougb to wake a - • i i'itig city, ;Ovd declate that the least reduction ill destrov Imi tn stantiy and lot ever. If he would consent to he it would not i>e so alarming—we might attend one turn i d but he is equally positive that the country at large will perish uith him. He wants no foreign trade of course. 'I he home market is good enough for him. There the competition of the foreigner is for bidden bv law, the competition of his neighbors, whenever it gets ! troublesome, is regulated by a ring or trust which stops production and keeps up prices as dividends may demand, and there is none t> molest him or make him afraid. When by - ! chance he miscalculates ard finds! himself possessed of more goods' than he can sell at home, he ships them abroad and markets them in competition with the foreigner pau pers. If he suffers any loss he makes it up out of his own pei pie, who are not allowed to buy any where else. and he goes on prosper ing and to prosper. In thi- wa\ we * have faih'd to s» cure the trade i.f foreign nations It ail done at t . • : an. i•; tie benefit ot • t .! i.. i \ .t t ii* \ llon r ! 11> le •I- '.': if - f e V . •h - ' n \ ': Ib\ combiiuit ions : tin -'no \ i- II I . jg -: t.i _■ t• in iii i*• ; i>. -h t down I the l n:' :- a 1 .'. i the : nalivt " lllto t! .( * i t! " i;, 1 | , i ■ !; t 1 1 >} t .• •n. .i.e, ; ii, tot ward. bac!\ward, o, -t ;nd stii!. as suits; .'heii 1 ]»ockets. Meanwlile consum ers are at their merry, and the (arm el's worst ol all l'heirmarket piices are fixed abroad b\ the competition (.»? the whole world: then purchases! ate made in the restricted home mar ket. If they want woolen cloth they sertd their wheat to Liverpool and sell it for. say one dollor per bushel there the cloth they need ccuid be bought at twenty live cents a yard one bushel of wheat paying for four yards. But a tariff of seventy live per cent prevents them from do ing that : so they bring the dollar back, and from a Massachusetts man they buy with it two yard- of the same cloth T !.'• tan 11 has . -t tw • \ • - •* . 1 ie I:.:*f a ; . l ! . ' ii! .' .. xi ■ ■ ■ _ i - .t a!- j t ♦:! • 1 •. • ! ' t 2 Ti-ar aftei yt ai seven-eigLths of tbe ex-1 i• t- t tl.:- '.:t % ite.t, :c ..t .iralf i>r iuct Tlx faru - - rt« IJ; ili ii. ;l" tw * (*f >. 11, i.J 11 If -•, 1" . t ' ! i JV 1 »•. ') , . , I-i. '-i. u"- i,,- j •!. j % , I •p i „ , ... t f ' Hi t!. r ■»; t. ... ... i i .J --t •i>id t>ln v 11j *;. i Sim.. .> •;l ; \\tt i. i i■ > .hi •. - . t1 ... It. l 4; ; i; . . f " 'I j • t 'V r ■ v - A | *> f i ! "* * * I , ' 1 ami n. iuit.n> : . ii) . J • « .r i I I ' v w >u I •}:, \ _ . .{ -i ■ ■ !• it-!- ».-! !Lr \\ Mi,.- . i 11: t; i! >i \\ I i•• .-it. :i • I ' . 1, . I Mi,- > ! fji» lij ii tli't. ; . t i;il t\ - i ~• l» ,• , • v. .. • ii.l- d ti, • »"',! i . V». 1. IVt • '-iii >1...- iit •»•.. J.I. 'c , ( il'-at ,i II i >t-t >. . 1 • ■ ■ .. dl-t >1 t i; ill tilP S;illi* WU\ OH) i:.. ! , j t marine li j»«• i ! \\ -> i; *,; J«->• t• »!\ to }»r >t «* l it : w*■ n■ >5 i .».!'• i ~ ] heavy 1 litv oi. the material >Lii})s are huiil. l»ut w*- exclud*-: s o;- shij)s from .-ill intf ma roa.-twis* trad\ am) tried to exrlud»- it from j I! r* open s(-,t also l>\ r« f'j-ii.j and the American lla to any sinp in w oi m putt abroad, though I tjtii,'\ !>\ American citizens I Jut tlic.o- \\> failed Wo could l»ind the ' ;i; I mi.i make factory men rich 1v * v ]jr competition; we could cont:->! on inland watei-s ami onr.*o;t-f- >.• ] ■: - rich mir domestic v«*ssc| >vtj«-r«. ■ but the it. free mm- 1 • ' ! ■.] ' 1 e bound. They refused to obf v ;.nv laws except such as (iod im}»osed up on the intercourse of nations our people could not build and oper ate ships as chean as other ! owinrj to high tai iflfs. and a> 11 if -v could not buy them from others with out forfeiting their lights a-> Ameii can citizens, our oix-e ma_-mticMit merchant marine l la\ down ;jui f -t!\ to die. It was n«>f iit•» ', to die in peace. Its la-t hour- »rt tll bt'd bv the c!;i!i''>j ( )| h»* f• I. - who brought it h»w. In their :u \- tv to divert attention fio:j theii null |-ractice. they lo'.idlv ;-.c • • • 11 ,-i, el- «:- ■■ u - : ! -it. - t'a a' 1111 \ !.'«•> ;t \ t • i•• 11 lul t! »!. t': t L '1 ' • -. ' ' 1'.,." given tii' - -lii; -o\vlll■ i two doilar.- Iron, lit a-in ! : i • ; -v >. t!,«-v k>>t I ;.r- -u•_ I; Ia; : a: > i .. . > nation law-, and tiny "had not died! Jwo doctors attend a su-i. man - l)e>ide: oj;c bids tlie other >tand back, ami assumes entire control of 111♦ • same. "I will bleed him and give him ca»omel." he .says. "It will kill him it \ou do. says the one in control. "1 will treat him en the home system. I want nothing to do with the theories of your Ku lopean doctors So he bleed-, and purges, whilst the patient gradually sink:-, and a- his gra-piin. luvith into the death-i itt:c ti • selt'-contident doctor turns with in ili gnat ion to the other, win - ■ advice lie had scorned, and upl r-i: 1- l.;m: " Vou \\ letv'hed murderc: !i» you saw tlu> man smkii g ivl y didn t • do 11 (■ \ «■.ii o .! ' . ■ w0... 1 ' J. i'i' !:• i l :.*«.• i - i - ' - ' 1: t \ 1 . t ..- !-t "Kt m f " * # - i i . (* /. U VV >■ PWEA« fS!-VCS aine's -IDNEY pound CONS" : 0 r c,v--, t.:._ -.1 t::ec: ,51 r: ' 3 Kidm* fc . LLS, R CHARDSCS '-CD Proo't •CTU-L3OTO*, VT. HALL'S *2 A 7AIR R H UR E ' miw-rii ' rwimmi i,>a 8 s, °° BEW 17miisio ' c ' ck c, . ' ' • . positive guarantee 11 f it wiii cure any • unlike - • 'a-r • - 4 - a . instance. r ie blood, if t .m « • tr • I—t i taken tnternalty, u.jon. rSO IMit . »x J! J LTITVTK . if ?.!T, : 'i - V * r ■ :.-.c j. r but- . l! • F. J. w L : c \ • ' o'" do. 1 ; g *'.IHITEI> W %KK t:« •. Shrar. J«pcnrtf! i!.m tlf an.J I'!ati-.l B'al»s v> , . Mullou-liol>SkWaoni. 81.00. Enbrold ry craU. 'II.RK \\H F K HTKKI. R4ZOKN. Fiill »nr:ivrd. rionH. Mtrop|»o«| nnl KoimSj Tor 1 *0 i.W. cent »•« m »♦' pr i«-i». flliistratrd f r^>. TERKY A CO., 11.1 Adnntu Hirr«-t, TALLDO, OHIO. M. Mk!i-hi»n, I»i> .. I>. W. shi UK. BANK »F IIK KOKV. hickory, n. o. RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT to PA YM E N'T ON DEMAND DISCOUNT NOTES SEIL EXCHANGE ON UNITED STATES AND EUROPE ALSO DO AN INSURANCE and COLLECTING BUSINESS lhnf mir uf KIP hfst Hurslar Proof Safrs in Wr\tffn \irili lurnliun. Salrly I>. 1 > #•-i 1 \ ;«nll m ('ustomr)> »r • .| >.• vi« > ,!) .u ■ i sj|i«lat»rt firin LtM'kn. I'l A.N US. () |T(7T \S. NiIECT ,U fS J(7 All th- NEW POl'l LAK AIIIS in NOVELTIES RECEIVED WEEKLY. SlO \v IX(i M. A (MI I N MX !•: n: I> 1. !•: s wAA Ak.A * A A I A AA ' AA A A A 4 a SiniT' l' in vdles c lit- per ilozrn. ;ill otln rv ~j(t > nt* jk r !•/ en. 1 niciior arc dear at ;mv price. 1 d> no' keep tlirm 1 cjiii aNo furiii-h i'.\ !I 1S of anv Sewing M:( l:ine. I )»!.? t>r £et the pi a f e. J. L. STONE, Aim:' Ttii ISsT lv HALKIC.I N , GRANITE IRONWARE. A p/N jQUHoii nG. nikni;, I f\ 1t011.1X., I'll I.M .It \ !>«.. f w II«I,I;SO'II:. ui I«\H i. ( ' s ' Man* Mailt' lor tin 1 Kiti'lK'u. Si.LouisStampingCo St Louis i s I «»r Sal* l»y all Stow. Ilanluarc and House Furn I>«'al«TH. Cook Book and Prica Ll»t Frea on Application. Ar B® Sure to Mention th»B Papor. THE ALLECER ORCAN. SPECIE : . I _ 3 *nnr ?r " V r -' . . El r MSSIT F - ' -i: IJ ; M I h rf 3 {j: ■ \ ' t '-, ~i • r>->^ r . • - "Vf • :: •#T r 9 ".,; F1 ' Yor r 1 i;p3sj ~C ' ~ - - T —«r-Q *"* '.-.--v „ -I'-.C" *>."/' • - -fz „ ,-k > t * - -. re. 8* 1. " • ' v - • lw , cl ■ ■ t r; :et« . . - i >*• h. : i i' t ,* : . -» J- . , t '- ' ' . . . M. C. SOOT M.C iS3 P[* i Sr., NrvYMi . TT. —7> 1