or TIIK.MATION. ItINCUHweU h) Senator Vaucr*. Wnr'.-a for Oi* li»* 1 T i:ii«»r- - it M;«r- ' 1 «' VIII. The fad tlnd the protectionist claim that high taiifls an* chief]v beneficial to labor will justify a little further notice of that fallacy Itis t'uoiit the only pretense they have left to appeal to popular sympathy uid catch vole . vet if is the ever advanced by the " slave-traders agiirisf the freedom of commerce. But bec.oi- • it -o readily appeals to the prejudices of the unthinking multitude. it is made tiieir principal stock in trade and is relied upon when ev •-1 \ other prop is knocked from undet their feet. In my last article 1 endeavored to show that under no circumstances *"OUId protection benefit even that portion of our labor which was em ploye! ( 111 the protected industries, but placed i! at a jo-dtive disadvant age; whilst as to tlit- remainder, constituting six-sevenths of all Amer •can laborers, it was an unmitigated ♦•\ii A further elaboiation of that subject will not be amis , here. The uih ] >o->s*ibltr way i \ whicli profec tion could increase wages, if at all. •H by raiding or m tint fnii.g the prices of manufactured articles. I his last it does artificially, in defi tnce of the kw of supply and de mand. The law says that the sup ply shall not be increased from with out unless by the payment of a heavy fax, and that is protection to the products. Common sense teaches that labor can only be protected in the same way in providing that the ■supply shall not be increased from wtihout also. i o say that this pui pose can be as well accomplished by giving the in creased price of products to the manufacturers on their promise that i if we will thus enable them to do so ' they will voluntarily pay the work-' * . i ■'■ higher wages has neither rea •!' 'i truth in it. We know that ■ »■ will and does l»uy his labor at th hea pest tigure in the market. I f! t '."ii market fhe supp!\ ;> ■'ll —. t 1 \ and tree!v increased from without Witli quite as much rea son we might a- well imj «»,» a h- i\ \ ix o\ i \ ery ton ign iahoirer who ■ >u. t" i >iir sJioie s, iu order t«» iai- e A.age-* i• j the houi iiial i, and bil ( iS manufac: urcr \v i! ii eq ia truth i '•at it was a:! for his benchi '.. at a! ii -1 would be en •: " t ■.) ■ higher pi ict s " fot | ;■ . = - i ii ifictuier just a 'j 1 ■! to the !abi>i i i !ri - i i i«», .of the mom v th v.oik • : ! ' v ' , \ i .( 1( \ -) he ( . Hid i. e! tl. .: > ' ' ; •' ? v.' ♦ • ' of the pi tection. \v .1. '• - * t ••. ecisel v \\] a* the :.iw .; * • ■ 1 1 i ' • • J . 111 i. " - av» -tradei > aa i! a ;; 'ii not only l-bse- di ! ; t • prict s .>f manufact in e 1 ai ' b : ;! ii 1 ill cf 'y the j•. a - » ' ' .1 t ' 1 >1 A\ z :. I il I » 11• ;is \\ ti i. Ut t: iis .bs ud. but it is ncci -- s ir\ tor t he:u t*- i \ 0•.,. '' i:• •*. • .sis\\ i i ;«> tin cii-iii.:'' that if profit tion d>es ni>t go all round it is the i taxing of one man to sunnort aiioth i % i. aV i i- . t aia! >ll t; •e jual and u::- ;t:st. !t i- the old Men ma of tht falsifier : the telling of one falsi hood forces the telling others to covci it ,;p So. having *»t o-f 1 oat with the ' -t. i . - i ' i.i ; .ctoi v'anl s bv i reason of the increase in price of thel l»od- tic v a.'. \c. 11 a \ 1 !\ .r ii' •J. !t a! 1 ,sh : , •;* • a .;! . ' 7 . • • r i. it;!..- .' , . * > agt - '1! i•-» i: > M '• ! 11 -• a\ i 1 ' even the f .ctoiy hand. If his wag* - are increased, as they say, because places of products are increased. then the price of labor is dependent on the price of pro iucts. and the amount of the one must be in pro portion to the other. It follows, then, as clear ah day, that the in creased price of everything on which the laborei lives will precisely keep pace with the l. ciease ir. Lis wa« r es. O and his condition is not a whit im proved. There is no escape from this on the theory that protection is ju-t and laises ail prices in the same proportion. In this case ii would be no pro tection at all. for a tax levied equalh ou every man for the support of e\a - rv man would do no man any good, would be simply a nuisance. The only conceivable way in which pro tecfive taxation can benefit anybody is to levy it on *nd collect it from one set of men and pav it over to an other. This is preciseK what pro tection does, and that is why the manufacturer clamors for it and the , comsumer does not. Ygain, if wages were regulated by the prices of pro ducts. it would follow inevitably that the normal ratio between them would be preserved .under similar conditions, "ict, as I have before said, for many years past, with more or less of fluctuation, prices have steadily fallen and wages have risen with equal steadiness Sir Lyon Play fair estimates .that even during the depression of the past fifteen years the average wages of Great Britain increased !) 74 per cent., whilst they did not quite hold their own in our country. Pricas, on the other ban.', accord ing to the same testimony, (and that also of Sir Lothian I>ell before th" loyal commission.) fell as follows: t Food, 25 per cent . metals 30.: tex tiles, b"j; hides, leather, indigo, &LC , ' 2b.50 per cent. At the same time the hours of labor in Great Britain were shoitened per week, in view of these facts, how is it possible to make good the claim that protection keep- up wages when if is not able t" cp up the prices I»:I which thex -i\!i l e w at*s .1 ii; 1 The ii:ipo.»- 'uiii * e made -ti : mate ap t a!a nf 11;. !,11-1 i have risen 111 • M e •oi i i>e. i in at ci maiulaiiii'd iu fret - ( ' • • • • ■ 1 • "11J 1ii ii 1 .iite Ami ii a. la tiuth, ad Ceoi.oiji.c Ist ! . St; t s t .it wages have a] Aa\ S been 1 ' Wcsf A h"ii p: ic S i,i \a ii'ilishi• in t-1 1\ • j»1 • !. a ' tile a K1 lig i man s r '.sard has b eu iiua • .e>ci a ■ / ' . ; , | j.. j . . ~ j - : ,va a. 11. *. 11 l i! cla ij •. ■t. • 1 Ui a .. i - > • i ; s j'. ■ - I c i *ll i. a is • t■ 1 \ •i* i h • 1.1 111 V .Ute.i ig e! | 'ai - e aut ; • i w 11' ci lit: au t • dis 1 t a ;: .*,:. i s J'er t hems* ,\« > ' i i'' • 1 sat , ! 11. - t( 1( ■■ >u •* tht • • • pi m t• . s ■ ; tne git 1 ti. 1 I n 4 to 1' -1 ,! aj i t w«•: ; 11; i i»t 11 i\ in it iy by theil a i. If tie V would loost* from ts! i-; i t'ui;ibi m fo the .■ if ictll i"s thex would soon have l'.e ..at : fh a > v i n U. |»ro t« '. • is ,i wa\ - /it ai: ]■ . i: 4 their ■ '.ami . but l»i :ia c st s o of f» ' tht in t (.. 1 . :t\ y >t*- to tiie man i ufacturers and ia t to the workmen. Just at this time, pen ling the tariff r« - a_:t it „ 'iie House, in e a ,ai wit*i othei C uigressuien, I am daiiy de.uged with .slave-trade pan pi let"-. a». m or h>s distress • 1 t > hath "Via the 1. urible fute of . «■ i nj pealing to i i"'. 2' oa I -->« hi: . Une pamj h I let. which now before ;:ic. head • I a> fo.iOw- ihe 1 oreign Ilaid Pi \ ? J T * 1 - 4 ' i • 1 * ►* ];. : - patnm t:.-R of ti c • fiee-traie ( ] t)( . W ri «i . then -av- that h Taiitf L«a„' h- )• . : resr-tit fI. ■ - * '* ''•;»!. - on heum non. * ,*; luami thai tn»\ offered th mut 1 j • toi. plus . ii eharg* - an i $2B il itv- total s~>«; ;i! 1 hl> ti at Amniean I n.all i. ..«»■; i; i - I uliii' I !i.ak♦ Mleh > beam- for 3e>- ti.an *7O. »f course. ..life Mi\r. "lit ial>Oj IliOlf i than anything • makes this diff i »-iene«-' Jt .-» happens. howev i. thsit the census ef I'-KO «/ • t istio. f'l 1} t!. «• niainfac tui ei * I hemsei «■♦■ s. « f the pc i eer.t ♦^e of labor iii the working >f iron in America; that percentage i- 1(1.77. At t hi- late the lain 1 in a ten ( : -neh ii( • in Im.-I.muh i- abc ut ~U. ' • in An.m: a 51f1.20: hut the lutv i an 1 oi .ai >"J H moii; tula] £:jn \!. :i n ;iii ,-t tlie J\ !-iai . | Nov, what bee i. - of the $l3 04 which i♦*u. tii •- af't i j avii." r Ihe Ameneau iron v, ; ker three times ; the wa;;e- of the ' No man with roiniiK i x! -e m: tlonht for a moment that .■(-- into tin- ] ockt t of the marufaetm t r T I- ut - liimself hoai -e f ; th« n. n» \ to given in the Ameiiem laborer: he hires m i; lik 11 I — iiblrlt i ;■ > falsify the truth in t' ■ ! u> e f tl • \ • ( can laborer: his tars roll ilown his cheeks in copiou- and iit ou streams ! for hLs helovfu Anniicaii !al r-i. ! but. suppi hi- o-n f •, ! --I he , ivay. h v ; '•••.-]:- e1 s the jt, i i ' ■ i s .v. •i f. i lection sui passing the lov-f woman. | And so tht 'a'-i 1 ii-l mav i •• ]♦ terl 'ed in a h m.di i d \ .■.'> ■ i • .'N •- «-f i ]»rinjf nec« 1 T f i • • ' ■ • often and • • h f -,i , d should Ix • . :t' i c ( . j shameless! \ ]!■:!. - j 1 these as.- -rti n :ti ~i ? \ | have share.] tJje fat of tin ] o| r 1 i Uaal. The storv «•: • j. ?• I gives a proteeti >:. i> t tin rr i .s it.- ■steail of curing him. Tlifv s;tii ; when a r j.ra . t tie dji v \\ a - a..; ta -1 ted t hiit it \\ ould d-t i " u 4 l ! jits man facture in the 1 \ ; 1 ah j discharge :t: I ti: •; : o raise the i ; ic» . V I . 1 were li\ ( - sfj i . 'try )n:t ii u. On i t lie j I ("( ' A ; Oi' • i , 1 1:111 {'■ i* 11 i « S «; i i , i . I >»» i i .'; 1, • i \ ; ( t«, . f i! ' - t ' '» « » . i « i \ * t *.} 1 • . 4 '* I ' i ' s i 1 * I , 'l, f \ ' « I ft N\s*' I! . \ \ '• I _ . 1 ■' . « ' '• • ir ln i- ■ i i- ■ : i„. d - it .s J • n r 0i , : • • ii J ( • : - tint ■ i rate >nieio . ed an :ti j .v ne vandal./. 1 A ! t •! . i nke 1 h;.ii ! dema: !■ ! r . _ • t!\ whv. c-f ai things. ... >. »•::t. •• \\ « jhi oi i.- . ." I '. In.-' 1 : n-lave commerce. I hev are ' pushed f > 1 ; r 1 * ■ ? l f r •••!:■ n:i; {};♦♦. >pi; it ♦.♦ mtel ij;e:.i ir u . i y mt»> t: . ni•'!.»: - ami 11 • !-• ri -s; 4 r !: : ♦ ,n. tiiXati•: . w i i-ii - "v i:th a;. .. 11ea-ui'N. • 2 '' » Jhoi;-atjd> i «*rii: linp n ;.!lo t! f-artl. ro \ prepu"' j »- v * : ' -ti • : of f•; i ii. :i i ;c« . 'I .■ y „ ■ ■that then f m :> mh.natu a•v. - i the system whir:. > pj it-»them»: th i (■■ t»' i • ' ' • s - if '• • . • _• ! : whi ii i..t s ii. > \ ■.ll- « i 4. ■ i . , We. \\ i./ at out t . * w WEAK NERVES Paitl CtxxKT Of>w»orwi> *» » y+rr* T«nfc> • A _ wb;rh c*r»-r f» .« Cor.t».r.iz>4( >«•«-▼ »n4 ■ / # i ~' x *i mdrrful »tsruu'•a** i ■ wvmV.j enrrt all 4:* r> r» IIKPC RHEUMATISM ■ ■ I 1 A 1 • *IJ*T R.^NR.-* J ».• V . m M 111 aH, |H Wfr twmi W tra* l.beiias* - «n FL - KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Wf jflHk B lm B r «:*■'» Crz r*ri V |3r | fl \# I vlv 1 W y - J DYSPEPSIA W _ A ■ (ompound constipation P U> the bow.:« 1 - jr: in.ty » .rrijr it h K'w» it* uw\ N«nrou« Prostration, Nerrcua Headache, R«voEm.«jlr--l by prv f*-** *.al and b -» Neuralgia, Nanroua Weakness, Stomach « & n . f " k and Liver Diaeaaca, Rheumatism, Dys- Price f 1 Ou. S.l \ y pepsia.and all affections of tha Kadjej-a. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO. Prop's •URLHfOTON. VT. • M.MKRSHON, Po's 1). \\". . v HI i.h.n. '. is! .IONFS As^'tt'a-h I HANK OF HICKORY, HICKORY, N_ O. RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT to PAYIB E NT ON DEM AND DISCOUNT RJOT33S. SELL EXCHANGE ON UNITED STATES AND EUROPE. ALSO DO AN INSURANCE and COLLECTING BUSINESS IIau our of tlif best Bi.rslar Proof Safes in Uolmi Wtli Carolina. bafet y 1) Vfiuhs 'ei lott cte»! l>y the iiu>s I>otil»U» ( o film 1 I^M'k>. I ■ - ————— FIRE INSURANCE! U a-s ( >, i,ite«l i i .John E. ith nuf »n the Insu» H» ee 1 >u« ' mess, tlie Imisiiii» h» i « :tll* r wnl he nmier t !»•• ♦ « 1 ' tii in, ! SUI'LKH cS: IIAITIK ()('K. j 1 ii \ trieiitl* ani public f»r favors. 1 no i it « nmtinii 1 lit. si MI t.i t ii»' lieu fir ii Vin InsuiMhee IniMiin— \• nne at tln ! :■ i ii ! f 111 lieo k >it i>fM'*e wi' 1 t»- j»i »ni]»l i\ .it t ♦ li« il t • D. W. SHULEri, CA HIER, Banu of Hickory tin i\. N. ( ' . Mftv ii, IHSS. HALL'S Qmmlii ■IIIIISmmbbs? I ~'"i' —i i-ii-ii r-m m ■ »■■ nmw m —■■■ SSOO REWARD MhLMMUHM HMB n i H" m r.i'faetr.n-:u"! s, ;i it withn positive ti?aranteo thnt it will cure any eve, v -" vil f. .re-it the a «»v«- aiii»u:il if it fa i s sin'-jio inSTOHCO. '!.• Mi- r eataiTh r-nn ly, as ,i -taken internally, upon the blood. If }' m an' tn»nhlHl with this di^frossinj «!i- - I i ' • 'r So IMIT.»'n«»N •ir si' ItsTITTTF. tf I.' h.'lf !'.«»♦ ■ • • 1• • • ..i H.-'j;. « J';'i» •, 7 i rati ];» i" boll : • i F. J. CS c :»' r J v " . T -:CC!0. 0»" ? '''' i iriTjj's Faiiij Batais«aa«.\£^> I > M »i ITED W iRR \ . anl I tut l imjuolo Bcitton-i I f> 1.00. Erafcrof«lfPj' Kci**Or«.3o«•«*!•. 'i "s II-VER STEE! R.I7ORN. Fnil ( niu i »«•»! SI »n« «!. SlreppeU and Resdji tor 1 . >. ' >.. 11 •"» \tiiiiis Mrtt f. 1 OI.11IH), t ., 4 f§ E :• HO h y'i A& E . SV . ( «r. 1# Jtl « ' - - -• **" 2—* W «• * r- ,i a >"'» * *>•, ? tmr t , - . -i« ; { f > , jJ&> I >-> s V *'• ' 4, "> ' ' ' . JUFW'^ s'm'%'■ -c ■■'•••"• >»-t>" : • v ' l,l ' TI • e> - t Tor tin'- »• v .nufncturfd on'r h r ttte St. Lou is Stamping Co St Louis l or >ale by ;.l! Stove, llaniwarc ami House l'liriiiHliliiK Di alers. COCK Book and Pr c© List Free on App; ce » " be Sure to WsntWn this Paper. ::^ARPEHTER*4- r "i " " ' tit ~ *"• > f '/ , ~*t„lrr- r, • 11 i'r>- m+tlin ' rur T>+Y {'•■rir -i i. ( • _/j 2 J . j ,r, "- • nn i■ • ■' ;■ i '/■ ■••'• ,* h wr*-/. ••. v "■ • * ; - . 'it «/•»..-> ' ■ r'r . tS» r»T-1 jf. ~"V j I Writ* . r t ,-> t t iritltr*. - - j I ! : /d , - ~Tr~~ ■ t 4 - - - - - #

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