The Press and Carolinian. Volume IS. p C 11 H-1 Z £ IR 5. //. .1. Ml MULL. L'ditor., HICKORY. N. MAY :il-t . INXb Sal utat lon A .. I *I: I' F M.OR' »1 PI O IVL ' * rn»-l>M,r P i- of tli'* queer tilings of •, ' . ■t 1 • v men ale allowed to i, n i' ti>" tenor of their wav ' ' ' ) i S' cue seek ' i are forced to w ! v and how t lie • •• e • vie I - :: »[)!», tf * f of IMI t " • ii'iMoj-t-n.o t> the busy world !' -i» .t« ■ f♦ he different, chang ' t /\> e ; :t t tent ion r i t • *' " ,»• 1 tc advise n.v ■ ' ' • 11 1 l'i" " t ers of the Pit • \->> ( *\i!'»i ivian that a change ha- lieen n ade in repaid to the edit ii■ r ( tl. i 'VITV r T1 i' • • -1. i- ■ I the iutei est of W V Sj.. Ic. v in .1 e TTiekorv Print Mi. 1 ( ' «' Pi ss I ' i ' ' - : ! ' * ]>' »-if ion of 1 o CM; i• 1 IT • • • ' f the j aper and BUSINESS |r|!| J"| i . i t r ) i ■ (• ilH] "11 V. T'I |( ' \ .(• 1 i»iex l oriencrd. I!• >n ♦! ' erositv of a public t! at w ;M not expect to > much, and a let erniinat ion on my part to leave nothing ni. done that will add inter est to Ihe paper. My ta-k is a ditfi cu't I v IC, l»iit with such patronage a- our work deserves. I hope to s. ' h.' :•! both ,„y new ca ) >:l»*'. t 1, jo :i \\ ;\ cniiuuclldttble to all. Vei y Respectfully, H. A. MCKRILL. Jv ! "l'» the Trade on editorial pag. l»u\ 11 i« licit shirt irom Lovstcr A .Mai tin. I> W Howe has another real es t ate -ale »n Sat urda\. T > " tints" for SI at the white II opt c' >t I ing -1or". 1 • sil- , 1 ai. 1 > halt' 1 lnort gag for MI ' E at this office i v-t. •' A Mm tin has the largest M«»ck " f " hirts in the market. Ii "P \' i 1 i.» !I.V ha - ->i. i pped 1,000 ~ l :: 11 51. pa>t NV et . St e our .specialities in "Plaited ll«»\>ter A .Martin. {'i eacliinuT in the tieformed church Sunday, I>\ H v. Louis Keitcr. ? i • •■)»' i „ have l»ecTi - n ;t, 1 'o {ho h »e.l 1 .. onst week ■ i .. i • - 'Ui ->i,irls at 1v >\ >ll r A M 1 . Hi ko: v, N. c. s • 11 ' IV MI \'sc m d and l'«> t ( > w .■ ! an v 1 nil" 1m i - \\ • : f . ! 1 ickol \ . N 1' I'!. .. ! .. tl • I'lt si yteriai 1 ' > 11, C. \V V . U , ' 4 ..k \»i .« " i ; . 1 11 > ] I i . "t- a t ' w d Haot «.t hut i.: ti; v I ' ! •; ;tt the ; .\M ,a>t I in >vla\'. r % x, . ••!'' ". d shirts for To i * ' » i 111 \ -1 f 1 A Mait 1 . iiicko rv. \ (' i . . * ' ~i ; 1 1 I!. s ll J i ''* iI O be GIVEI :TK Military Opera BAND \t t 1 ' ' *r *v t ow the Sth 4 i ** 4 c prox Abernethv IJ!>S , our live and en ergetic livei vmen, are receiving Dew biifji'ies for thfur stables. o o Hitjh class shirts alwavs in stcck O at tlie white fionl clothing sto»e. Hickory, N. C Work is ffoin'j; ii r ht ahead on the b o , hotel. The plumber h:i> arrived and is at work putting in ths piping. Messis. A. Whitener A Co. have received their new planing machine, which will immediately be put up in their new mills Rev. Mr. Moser s new residence, which i- now being completed, pre sents a handsome appearance in the northern part of the city. The New ton Kntei pri-e announces the death of Maj M M Wilsoi. at his home in this county on the lUtli irist . aged f»4 years Quite a little excitement was caus ed by I)r. Raker's horse dashing down Main St last Saturday eve nin;/. No damage was done. no The celebrated k " \V. L DOUGLAS SHOE," also a full line of his other ad vertised goods may be found at LINK MCCOMH A CO S, Agents, Hickorv.* A train load of delegates to the convention possed through the city Monday. The Buncombe delegates did things up in style, having a spe cial car. Capt. li. 1» Da*is and family have moved to W ilmington. We are very sonv to announce that this highly respected family has moved from our midst. A lice ('line, a 1» year old daughter of Thornton Cline, of this county, who left home and was thought to have been drowned, was found in Morganton last week. Only 50 cents for PRF.SS AND CARO LINIAN from now till after the elec tion. Now is the time to subscribe and keep posted upon the hottest contest since the war. Mr. K I j Hedrick, in town re turning from the Lenoir convention, informs us that "Little Alex' is pre paring to spring a mine on the " hap pilv convert'd" Jtinebug Linnev. You will find it to your advantage to come or write to the Hickory Printing Co. for any kind of job printing you may desire. We make a specialty of this department. Give us a trial. While Mr. Stroupe was driving the turn from Peterson St. into ~>th Avenue, last week, he attempted to run his cart on one wheel and only succeeded in separating curt, shafts and horse No damage was. howev er. done to his person, we are glad to sa\ Mr (V Koyster is showing a •Meat leal of pride in fixing up hi- I O 1 !i: l- iron front store He has . .. it i linted in-ide and out. and . t: > w oie his building presents a 1 md-t n.e appearance. I ne ll.t koiy Piedmont Fair As.-o ati i- { ushing it- work light ai ,;ii 1 i.« \ are working on tlie : v 1- . 1 Mr. Howe informs u> t:. it t'.e pro-} ects are very tine for i ! ta;: - Ihe fair will he held isii;, l'.nii. 'Jitth and 'JI-t of Sep t ' . i \ >• i r » \h 11 >; T - i> • a iv. \ ■ 'ieh _ ation from ('aMwe.l a; i like-, wh-opii.g for I-'owle. t ok Hickory by -t urn last Monday W. W. Scott. W New land. Judge Wakefield, and N H GWJDD, f: m Caivlwell. and 1. i>. Fmlev and K N. Hackett, froui Wilkes, made op the delegation. Tbichorv, IRortb Carolina, sburstw, fl>av 3i. ISSS. # We caii special attention to the card of Mr. J\ 1 15 CHne, attorney at law. which appears in our column of professionals. Ihe re will be a special service in I the Methodist church to-night, MHV O » ' 31, for men ami boys only. All «re invited to attend. 1 he closing exercises of Claremont College will take place Friday eve ning. June 1. Tlie friends of educa tion cordially invited. Kxercises be gin at So clock sharp. W liile taking down the signal sta tion Hag pole the other day the pole broke'aiid fell 011 the hank building. It did very little damage, only knock ing some brick from a corner of the building. >ui worthy Town Secretary wants the public to know that it was not he that was up before the new May or, but his cow. and that she was not 11 p for "" exhibiting herself 011 the streets in a state of intoxication." but for glazing 011 the town grass. Rev. J. T. Bagwell, of Charlotte, delivered to a large congregation in the Methodi-t church last Sunday one of the finest sermons ever preached in Hickory. His sermon was a grand appeal to the lieai ts and intellects, and was made up of grand comparisons, pathetic appeals and logical reasoning. I.i**t Your Taxes. J. W, Mowsei. Esq., tax lister for Hickory tc wnship, will be at Whisen hunt's old store on Saturday, June 'l. and in Hickory Tuesday, June 5. to receive the lists of taxable prop erty in the township. Let all take . notice and attend at the times and places named. Military Opera Hand. ,\..w alioiit I hr OjM-r.i H.j!il Ali 11!»• dit t.r I w ill 1 >tn»- one and ail to t liif niii-h 1 chow . The liiifHt TOII • vt-r h.iw, * von know of i .1. ■nd 1>• ii• - r 11.. * v ,II ».• w The nio-st t hinir on nh with > i t-n n With iitrlc uitlinsi luindt- ;nnl To :tit on von, it i- too mw*t. l*;i h tin • will t rip it h ininv f:i » T>> \ oil all the ni'-ent j•!;i. • -•I to i'Oiih* 'm>':nd. you know roil c in. \nd th»- fund of tin Militar* Flniid To be held at tht Mineral Spring Park in \t Tuesday night, the .">th of J in e. Roll of Honor. Names of pupils who are on the Honor List, having attained .bo or more for scholarship and deportment for month ending May I*. 188*: Maggie Hall, 94 (Icrtrude Hall, .03. l\ssie Sea« r le. F.thel Harris, .01. Lois Seagle. 01. Mary Fry. SO Lilly ('handler. .8;». Florence Hallman. *7. J. »sie Sigmon. .ST. A tlie Ham- ">•"». Luc\ Thui-ton. .>"». i Mi- A T i Tlie If Tta. The " H!-h T a v. n b\ the I .ar n» st Worker- last Fiiday night in Mr. Boham »n s puk. wa- a com p. te sUCCf -- ft - 1; it ,1 i \ a large i w i ■! ...> 11 ■ : nkei s. w L made t! b-. of the ,■. • by in- dulgmtheir app» t;t. - .ii the viand t!. a t w» it -» I\t- ■ 1 : v i . . . I c i i; 11 i e ! frirlfc AT ,I V mail« 11 »• lortui ,•' . , ' in- .Man\ iii t'it me n. -i L ii ■ 1 putty m« >?i-l;ght ni„Lt l v prome • nailing. The Military era Ban 1 of Hickorv add# 1 greatly to the ell ' 1 teitainmcnt )f th evening b\ the • i rendition u! uiv preliv I pieces of music. IL* I. n i;( -t \\ oi a.- ;ti - ieaiiz- 1 s*•> •.'•ut l -i t..e t '.ttitain • ment I He Mllitar> Opera Hand. I his band h liich has lately i>een organized by the music-loving peo ple of H'ckory. has reached that point of proficiency where it - honorable mention. K\er\thing has been carried on in such a modest anil quiet war that no one new how well the bo\s were doing Lill last Iriday night when, at the re quest of the Earnest Worker-, the Band came out fiom it- hiding place and astonish**l the natives with it skili both in plavmg and dii'hi:" On the evening aho\e nnntioiv d the members of the Ban \ in' their hall wheie the ime of march , was formed hv the skilled ami pre possessing I>nim Majoi. Mr i t , ». ■ nder w ho-e command t h«-\ mar*iied ; to the lawn where the "'Hnjlt Tea" was being held. There thev execut !ed with great facility and exactness I quite a number of military band l commands which carried our meuio rv back to our military school davs. After this drill a iall\ WHH mnde upon the leader of tne bai d. Mr Her ml on. undei whose Lrunhoi -e t'• e j boys rendered m excellent tnne and j tone several very difficult pieces. which elicited great applause from lan appreciative crowd. After the j music and another exercise in }llll ing 1 they disbanded and joined the parti of merry makers. The Hickorv Mii itaiy Opera Hand is formed of t wentv ' six pieces besides the leader and | Drum Major and is undoubtedly the best equipped, best drilled an 1 most thoroughly trained band in Western North Carolina and bid-fare to rival any band in the State. We her. give a list of the piece- that are used, which w ill show for itself: - Tubas 1 Haiitone. 3 Tenors. 3 Altos. 1 Solo Alto. 4 I > flat, cornet s. 2 Solo P» flat cornets. M K flat cornets. 1 Slide T rambone. 1 K flat Clarionet te. i n •• l! Picalos. 1 Snare Drum. 1 Pass We wish the band all success Tlie Coterie. The Coterie u on a solid foui da ! tion now. and is a source of pleasure jas well as instruction. At the ! i-t meeting, which was held last Mon day night at Mi-s LilJie Huigin -. , the following program wa- rei dered for the edification and amusement oi the club : Inst. I>uet—Mis-e- Sharp and Menzi s. Recitation Mi-~ Lilli P \ oral So'o i;„ 1 I. Kec" it: 1 -Mrs. I)! !> 4.V,• , , * * -A.T f' 1 it . ♦ i.«!' ». 1 1 4 and the ti lusaction of the bu-u • »s. the (' -t- !iew a- a.ij n» i -o . t remaif br of th» ♦ . »•. .i j - - ... con\ el -ati' w h:ch -%• e :. -' ' ei ov* 1 by a.! Struck l>* I.i^tituiu^. A.\ei\ -( r - i. • : : ' b i ■ ON,, . I \, • H V F | ~ . '. \ ' .• ;. * 'i'l i ti > * » t'l- 11 . _ i j ♦ I.lif, ' i • I » feet 1 > I .. • V" v \ \ \. , \i l % \ \ . I. .Ml O o \> _ - hOU- ein the I. J •..> " .? tl,. . . : er of t F rtunaitlv tht re wis . ir j 4 • i 1 beyond slight shock-. state Library IHumbcr 22. ip£U\SCIH3TLS. M 1 IHV. Mi-. S PAnnt i-. viMtinj; friends in lialeigh. N C Mr S! ; i'« !' i» at tending t In- u % i-nt i>>M this uk l'e\ Juiiu> Shufoid it* !> ntlvt - 111 Hirliorv. 'Mi r« t. r \\ lUon, of I tii • wa*» Ul tit' i- It V tilts Week. Miss !» t HtM-e. nf CI *ii !.»11e, vi-it r ' Mr- .1 (i Hall. '•I;-. IV 11,I 1 , . p'. s }i.i- return** 1 ' f: .1 :l sh 1 t \ ;-!t to the 1' i-{. t I it le \ t'lcv, of S ihslmrv. h >!,' !f*d li- with a call inst Saturday -Tuli i- ]'l.4 im, f"i liit-i iy of Hickory but dou >; Clwriotlc wns iii 114»- city Tuesday. Mi. (i. \\ Harper passed through the cit> to the convention ia>t i'uet*- da\. \f*' a;»• «*!ad to s«. t > Mrs. .1. V Mai ti' >nt -i; iiti aftei several davs of sick ness Mi 1 lobe ilsiij) passed through tin* c.t\ ! -liv •'U .is wi \ ♦«> I V. el r r "t 1 I- summer. Solicitor \\. lb {lower passed through tii*' city last Thursday on hi* way o Ashe court. Judge G i liner, the man that may , l>e a:i 1 ou-ht to be our next Gover • i 1 t'.n-uiL?}] Hickorv Satur . da\ i!. his wav to Ashe ourt. I " Mr John Morphew, one of the . most brilliant voting lawyers in Wes • tern North Carolina, passed through th- «it \ to V-he court last Tliuih«lhv. I>i Council. f Sali-bmy, passed tl !• u^ r ! tl >• c'tv 1a -1 Tuesday on his \va\ hntiii- from a visit and profes -i" i' 1 1 ip to ! •- old h'»:u». jf Boone. N C M'-si s. .J ]>. Beard, Sr. .1 T Moore and 'I L returned last Saturdav from attendii «r tie* • * T\ - • | ' i. \ • t. !, j *ollven e I it; Salisbury 'n the ' inst >1 . I II 1' ntnei. of ( "h:tt I HlOo Telili . Hih 1! the .it \ ] !-t u, i k ' Of»' " • -it ♦i- l ?eu 1. f e!. f •!' t 1m- I ell - all pp'ican!. if« ]♦ ft a j'loj (>s;tii»ii f«i| 11 i«* \t :i i (jf 11 i• • hot»'i M* si- .J (I |f t . \ \ Shuford, 1 I. (':ii;«. J 1. W]!fon£j and -I I" lati at .at tei the I)« u 4 i» i rtic >' i... ii 'U ' - f i«* ij i ttiis ~'■ i• • • !> j it St bnan M"s-r- I' \v '• . ( rowsn»i t IteTier» I I » 11 rm "»-r re i m.j tij tip to the ist S .f»i? !i\ \ t hou^'h • i' -' i." t• ' 11; i♦ • Ji' ■ ! t • t 'in .tv ei j«»ved t •!: • v« s ; 4-r V mu.i. '.'lr f t> > • . .• « 1 liH 1 •'-• 'n I ' - \ r i d tVs wit h ' .IM ff«v. ft i, ; ar ie.J ' f. C ! i * ir I if Mr-. Ti• f ? i . > i t I 1 •' • II of ■ i • V Ml \V ..... . . ' J.,. r ; :i . * • ' ' i-p c 1 . . . ' .\i t ' It I i - i #*• n tj • i'A ; I -ii ■ ♦ i. - 11. in * fri«*rids ' p »- .r* of -«•. if } m. nr I •• • U.' i »S.ti. |jjli( !l j'rV. ii ' . p ■ i» a ' j 'J.» >1 1 charge :♦t' San lav