You Klsxcd >le. I:V U -H HIM. I; iil NT. The following poem wart written in 18f>7, # when the auth >r was a voting lady under twenty It was addie-st d to a certain young gentle man. the hero of the occasion por trayed James Red pith thought >o neil >f the poern that he one* 4 pub lished ati edition on white satin rib bon. Whittier wrote of it and its voung author that "-he had tiulv %» O mastered the secret of Fnglish vers es. ' Ft is reprinted now by request : You kissed me ! my head Dropped low or' your breast Witlra feeling of shelter And infinite rest. While the holy emotions My tongue dared not peak Flashed up in a fi iirie From my heart to my cheek. Your arms held me fast Olj, your arms were so bold ! Heart beat against heart In your passionate fold. Your gl"nces s emed drawing My soul through my eves. As the sun draws the mist. From the seas to the skies : Your hps c'ung to mine Till I prayed m mv bliss They might never unclasp From the rapturou- kiss. You kisst d me! my heait And mv brenth and my will. In delirious joy For a moment stood sti.'l. Life hud for me then No temptations, no charms, No visions of happiness ( hitside of your arms : And were I this instant An angel possessed )f the peace and the joy That are given the blest, f would fling my white robes I npretc ntingly down, I would tear from my forehead T's beautiful crown. To i•» >1 !e nee 11101 e f fiat lit aven of r« st. Your lips upon mine. My ht ad 011 your br ast .1 You kisst d me ! my soul In a bliss so divine. Reeled and swooned like a drunken man Foolish with wine. And I thought 'twere delicious To die there, if death W uld c'ine w liile my lips \Y« re all moist with y air bii :t h . tl my 11« :• 11 might grow cold While your arms clasped me round In their passionate fold. No sw» ttt r joy could be found. \i.d these are the questions I ask day and night: Must my hps taste 110 more Such exquisite delight Would \oil care if your breast Were my shelter as then, \ndif \ 011 w (re here. Would you kiss me again ' V % 1 M I I v ri.n in* l M I K. I lie Method h> YVliicli tin* I*o\ (.« t V*»i*t.un r to l.caM' iiti I u>!*- Town. e tl :i:g I like about these lv I.l* of the 1 ioad is that thev r* * ale r» at fellows for secret societies. of tin drummers belong to v\ el \ thil g ll A s !. .. fl 011 l tlu • (irand Kl. ,1 is . f the Diane u I (lai t r." !- w • : ' "Si is~f Ti tt 1; } t ' 1 ; -te a l.ait foi all sin 1 i \ s{« s tl»ii js n;% -Oif. o 1 Lit s, •. • I tit 1 'Vs. M\ old ! I * '• i 1 t 1; .»-d ' me tot let r 1 ;..y I> ■ « ■ t ;a: \ di ugs and to 1.0 « : \\ •1. ; ; a ; o] \ o'd tin V ~t- we wcie set tin in tl.t t!t * - ;• came in and wantt I ti I -m v >-« • accunt of art u.itta! - a • t ■ : '• 4' to !iim as i. e«\jll tt d. It 1i n 1: \ i kept to It 1d w ' w.!tif gs( I,t in the day bef rt Iy•' . 1 i;:y Mdn tire. but I never .tl.t it c \cept to drummeis. He said: 'ihats me. I gave him the grand hailing sign of an Odd fellow, which he tumbled to. Then I came the L;!tat "hair in the soot'' grip of a Pythonic. lietumb bled. Then C 100k gave him the G. 15. of the Sons of Malta He was on to it. Then I gave him the hair poking signal of a Good Tippler. He smiled and said "H. O." This is a chemical term, meaning "'waters. Then Cook stuck out his hand and gave him the noted P. I). Q sign of a Royal Arch Brick Mason. He "got thai" on that. Then Brook ston examined him as follows, to make sure that he was a drummer: "Fi oiii w hence comest thou, pard ?" "From the Lodge of the Holy St. Johns, Michigan. "\\ hut seek ye here to do "To seek a few orders aud collect a bill of Bilsom" "Then you are a drummer?" "I am so taken and accepted by all the boys." 4 'How may I know yon to be a di ummcr ' "By my cheek and my fifty-pound sample case. Try me." "How will you be tried? "By the square ''Why by the square ? ' "Because the square is a magis trate and an emblem of stupidity." "Where were you first prepared tt; be a drummer ?" Tij my mind." ''Where next?" '*ln a printing office, adjoining a legular post of drummers.'' "How were you prepared ?" "By being divested of my last cent, my cheek rubbed down with a brick, a bunion plaster over each eye. and a heavy sample case in each hand. In this fix I \vas conducted to the door of the post." "How did you know it was the door, being blind ?" 1 "By first stepping in a coal scuttle and afterwards bumping my hea l against the door knob .'" 1 ' "How gained you admission ?" "By benefit of my cheek." f 'Had you the required cheek''" "I had not, but Steve Oars had it for me. "How were you received?" "011 the sharp toe of a boot, ap plit il to my natural trousers.'' "What did this teach you ? "Not to fool around too much "'\\ hat happc lit d next ? ' "I was st 1 down on a cake of ice and askt d it I } ut my trust in me chanical 1 ej 01!s." "A oin answ 1 ? "Not if 1 1 now myself, I don't". "How- was \. ur next handled ?" 1 "1 was Jut st 1 addle of a goat made out of a -\ }. ami trotted nine times around the room by four wor thy brothers, and then bro't in front of the Left Bower for further i n st 1 uetion. "How did he instruct you ?" "To approach a customer in three upright, regular steps, with my bus iness card extended a 1 a aiiL'le. o o y my arms forming a perfect square." "How was you then disposed of ?" "I was again seatetl 011 a cake of ice in front of a dry goods box. and made t > take the following horrible and binding oath : "I. Charles S. Robinson, do here -1 v and herein most everlastingly • o - and diabolically swear, by the Great Bob I ail 1 lush, that I will nt-ver le \talfUid always steal all the trade secrtts I caii fi!" the use and benefit of this Most A list Order. And I further swear, by the The Bald lb It d Jack if 1;1 s. that I will n• \t 1 \1 . «.:• ■ . n.ake. ho.d. t1 k• 1 r tut 1 riot s1■. u the regular rates. A: .1 '1 : sv a;. b'V the Pipe: - .t 1 t . ' '.l M -s»; s, to ne\ r i .w ii y ':. i :1. il ilt alii _ s wit), any », 1 i.s if, . rc r graml motht r. el i m;;i 1, aunt or upcie. u: less t:>y. •. • i >:.e is s, >und on tl • goose, landing n.vselt under 1.0 Us.- .i pt-uahy than t-> havt my grij - sack slit f:- t : t • bottom, mv tin ty shirts ul i st h ks taken out. ami my leputation removed and buried j'iu the river of Pearl street bridge, where the Salvation Army el bs ami flows every two ar. # i one-half hours. ' So help me Bt b fngers 11. ai 1 keep me in backbone. **l w»9 then what I m ueedetl. "What was \o12! i i'.\ 'MOUPV. **\\ 1. »t di'l \ i n 4 "A copy of Dunn A (' i*-i »i t open at chapter 'Muskegon/ Cpon toe open book .i t.i of drug sca'fin oi.r- r. it f whirh ie; -el » 2 ten pounds of e.i 11 :».t* ■ 1 !\». ;i: I in the other sat :i -nrdi -il\. r jack- Ess. hat did this einlj'eui Ms*mfv '* O « "The scales indicated the balance between debtor and creditor. The other emblems r« pr. rented the liea bilitie> and of bankiupts." "Did t»-a ii \ »u anv lesson ? 101 l bet . I . r tlii* tl.e I act that the formet ar» r ,- nprally so al mighty much t t. itter." "Shake: I'rothfi ' * - Willi you be (•!}'n - fj om "Hot IJ, il I i .ii l;. \ n.onev enough to t - : - a . n." ''Have \on ai.; .. - "I have. "Give em to i i "I did hot "j i•> i> • . :It lu i tt ill I .-(> Mi,| til "How \s . . "On i»ixtj i cent, cash f. o. b "All rght. b "Xo, begin vow." No. you bc-ij "I p" '''Em" . i. *' - et '« 1 i " • T I si»n are rm . o ts i.s a yar»l wlib a , ,j can bit m] '■ Brother Ci lt*nt 11. e el . ] many thanks a i Now y u « t v » hell, il ti I 1 dead broke at; these lit!h I**-? e. Mi. X. IT. rn.l ; . Ala . wi it« - : I ' r. in veceommendii 7 V ' \ i , ° Discoverv f >r (Y.j in » ° « used it for a 1 v n alia* . of JJron chitis and Catanh. It ,i\e iae in stant l eu'ef and * i.ill i \ t~i t.] nie and I ha \ e n ; been affiit t 1 sine. I also beg to >tat e • 111 a I T ha 1 tl'ild other remedies with no bI r -ai]f. Have al>o u-td I.arti j'uttei ai. 1 Dr. King's X y T.ife I > i■' .It 1 : of which I can recomim nd. Dr. King s Xeu Diseoverv f>i • Consumption. .] ('olds, i . sc»]tl on a positi > eg,:;;. ant' e. I 1 I'i. 1 »Ot t( > il e* at I i(iVsl1* 1 s Dru;; Store. i 1 acts Vhotit New spaper Headers ' II countrv newspapers were to . publi-h the name* of subscribers I take, read and enjoy, and are gratified by, yet refuse to pay for their home papers, the reputation of most communities for moral hon esty. would depreciate ten per cent', says the New YoikSun. An editor':* labor is seldom esteemed or compen sated. A lawyer will give jou live minutes' advice on a topic ami charge YOU s.) for it. An editor will give ° i you advice on a hundred topics, and charge fi\e cents a copy for his pa , per. and very often five cents given to an tvlit' r wtu:M -ave five de'.iais givei. to a' r>\\(i lii ! : I•i«MI;« -> - » ulii v # i > tii \ l i •■ 4 ki. i md itat ei tia : t:• ■: A I ital a> country i.» w.-paper pub'.i-h -( r ouilt rfi:i t nri \\ i » H \t ai o. \ v i. » \: till i' i •_ g; sI - ■ f I [ .i n e ia . : We have l-n -e'.iing I>r Kn _ - New] Discovery, Electric Bitters in I liacKit n - An.: a > i« : f- ! yeai s. Ha\ e never handh dr€ medi - >« .i a- U' u. « i give - it h i.:..- versa: sat islai tion. I here have i'ii ii s .• ■ w • -n»iei'fu. c.'ll s !•».'te i by these n> dicnes in this city. Sev i eral cases of pronoooced Consuni| tion i.ave been ti.tiic.y cured by f a few I .cctric Bitter. We guar t!.l6e them always. S !d !v( >. M j Royster P* HER ¥5 ICfffi f»rr K2.A r , rh« tn- p«!>n:-. . r-' . 4 ■* r " \' " ;• rjrtv»xi. , n ; Mil IvOfV AL TERA Tirf W |i 4 * D/URETfC \ompound For The NERVOUS rr-n4 : %4 • . r\ rnr j The DEBILITATED The AGED. WELLS, RICHARDSON KCO. Prop'i * BL'EI lVi.Tov \ T M MERsHOS, P,y>. I). W. J.N Jon,. V«t,Vh BANK OF lIICKDKV, hickory, n_ o. 4. RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT to PAYiYI E JT ON DEM AND DISCOUNT IVOTES. SELL EXCHANGE ON UNI ED STATES AND EUROPE, ALSO DO AN INSURANCE and COLLECTING BUSINESS lbi\f uiif of tlic lifst Fv»,pilar I 1 r«»uf Siifrv jn extern Nn-ih C; ro 1 i 14n. NiftMy Deposit \ .mils lur Cu>tuin*i sprot. ct« .1 I>\ t!i*• «. .»Dim I t - Co 84tlilat*«l riiuc Ivk*l»s FIRE INSURANCE! Having associated Mr. John K. H'l'thv'oek with me ,n t:n l>u • s. t lie business hereaftt )• will be conduct« d und» 1 the st \ :#• . fti im, SIU'LKIJ iN lIAITIK OCK. i hanking my friends and the public for past favois, I solicit acontinu tion (A the same to the new linn. Any Insurance neat the ' s! 'k to Mr. Haitheock at his office w'iM be promj>t!\ att« ue l to. D. W. SHULER, CASHIER, Bank of Hickory Hickory, X. ('. Mav i>. 18SS. HALL'S CATARRH rURE IS RECOMMENDED BY SIOO REWARD FOR A CASE IT FAILS TO CURE. 11 ? vith a Positive guarantee that it will cure any tlie a.»«»v«' anionnt if it ®iu in a single instance. ?-• anyh r ' il ! ; ! rr , h r "! 1, ' ,v - ;l " if taken internally, acting upon to w. blood. If \•11; 1r. ■ troublcil with this dlstrcsniug •■.. . k your IT US n>r M. an«l aci*;it no imitation ok sciistitctk. IT ho has not e«.t It. s nil to uh u!,l u- wii: lurwarcl immediatfly, I'ricc, T-jtxuU pcf bottle. T fr«-. F, J. CHENEY A. CO.. Toledo. Ohio. '■ Term's mm Bliea[s»wSclssors\r-'^ rxijniTKD WAKK.LSI'. * ir» h Shear, Japanned Handle anl Plated Blade*, cr•. • C'omplfte Fn»ton-hole Sri shot*. 81.00. I'mbroitlcry Hrlxnon, SOeent*, TKRRV'N SII.\LK STKKI. KAZORH, Full oncaved. lloiK-d. Stroppel unl Keady for V»c, Hvi.OO. Stilt ]H»st ;.a. !onr ( l iptof j.ri' f I'lnJ-'rat'-d «':ita!"trie fr**e. TF.RKY t C 0., 11l idnm« Nlrret, TOLEDO, OHIO. GRANITE IRONWARE. _ niniii nc. imkim., P Hoii.nt;, cm>i.n\ n«.. Iw wiioij.Mini:, m inin.i^ T!k i I?e>t V. are Mail- for t lie K it' lieu. jMBm- ' 1/ jnufactured on * h1 s . . Lly St.LouisStampingCo St.Louis ! sto% '« Hardware ami Houhc Dealer-. Cock Book and Price List Free on Application, Be Sure to Mention th ? Paper. CARPFN FR-SPi • •' tali THE BEST iH THE rOP-Y "TI " *VORL3. cr ~ - fJ, • i J•' ■> • • |T r m -' rj■■ f+ * V w « -J * ; /'in /./• *.% ■' - --- * #/»#«#- f Af '*'l' • f _ ' - - j ' t' *ti ' ■ t . t 11 r7 * ■ i(,S.. • - , . r j , > 75,00G Horn i % i y J. 5,000 ( ' r \ ~7~-$ .• - g >s A'' fl Honest O.^aa. / jSouI. '^lK 8 .• ]ll ' ' aLlly Hlmstrsted Oetalagse, 6« !• . .a4Art E.P.CARPENTER CO