TI*F. PUTI'ORN OF THE OCM ATIC PAHTV OF NORTH CAHOI.INA. Adopted «»t tH* Cometition, I HHH. We again congratulate the people of North Carolina on the continued enjo\ ment of peace, good govern ing i;t and general prosperity under Democratic administration of the affairs of the State which ha- now been unbroken for so nianv years ; upon the just and impartial enforce ment of the law : upon the increasing efficiency of our common school sys tem. and the progress made in pop ular education ; upon the improve ment and enterprise manifested in all parts of the State. We again •hallenge a comparison between this state of things and the outrages, •rimes and scandals which attended Kepublican ascendency in our hold ers. We pledge ourselves to exert in the future as in the past our best efforts to promote the be-t interests of the people of all sections of the State. Affirming our adherence to democratic principle's as heretofore enunciated in the platforms to the party, it is hereby Resolved, That 110 government lias the right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount re quired to pay its necessary expenses and gradually extinguish its public lebt : and that whe never the reve nues. how ever derived, exceed 111 i amount, the should be reduced so. ns to av.>id a surplus in the treasu ury. lit it any*-ystcm of taxation which nee--litates the payment of a premium ol S-7') by the government • 111 each s I.OOU of its bonds, taken ini with the millions that would otherui e lie idle in its vaults, and t .aid to bondholders who purchased in many instances, at less than par, ;s undemocratic, oppressive and ini quitous ai 1 should be reformed, l'he courst of our Democratic Rep -enfativ* s in ('»ngi •- s, in their efforts to give relief to the people fr»>m bur len-son e internal revenue Mid {h I ;i j jii*i»v:? 1 of the D"i: ' 'critic party ot t hi - State and we respectfully re ■(• 111nieud that it t i« v tili l l «t impi's ible to give t > our people all tic re lie! demand*. 1. they support any i-t an 1 piactical measure pu -tilt ed m ('ongrtss that will afford a relief from such existing bm den. Ilcsolvtd. 1 hat while the detai's •: the I'ncthods b\ which the eonsti : lit ion >1 r \« n .e tiu ill' shall 1M- gi a 1 ualiv r» u-hed are subject-* which t:.• >.i ; 1t s ntatives of our people at the national capital must be tru-ted to . 1 mi-1. wc think the customs dutit - -houhl be lev i 1 for t lie product ion • i public it \i; ue, and the discritni nation- in their adjustment should bt -ucli as will place tho highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries" of life, distribute as cipiallv a- p« --ible the unavoidable burdens of taxation, and confer the •jieatest good on the greatest num ber. Resolved. That we. a-hcretiifore tavor. and will revei t t ase to «I*- maml. the uiu'onditional abolition ot iht whole internal veiiuc system, IS a war tax. not t •1M justified in !iiii( s i»t peace : a- a grievous bur ls, li to oili pcoph and a source of annovauce in its practical operations. We call the attention of the people of the State to the hypocritical piv tt ntion ot the Republican part} their platforms that tney art m '.a- or of the repeal of this onerous sy tem of taxation, tnactt 1 by their part v. while the lit publican* in Cor. gress are taxing their er.ergit - to b-truct all legislation inaugurated bv the representatives of the I dem ocratic party to relieve the pe >ple of all or part of this odious system. Resolved, That the course of the Democratic party, in furtherance of popular education, is a sufficient -uiarantee that we favor the educa- O tion of the people, and we will pro mote and improve the present edu cational advantages so far as it cau be done without burdening the peo ple by excessive taxation. Resolved. That, to meet an exist ing evil, we will accept, for educa tional purpo-'r >m the Federal government, our j r ..hare of the -urplus in the trensiiiw : l'rovid ed, that it be di-bur-ed through Sta e agent* Mid the bill f->r the tb-- ti oniti jn ili e.* ii ■ a objectional featui e Resolve I. That ih United States beiiif. one government and ours a national puty. we denounce the ef i >1 ts 'ft• Re» t ' -! 'f s» C tional issue - in (' ingress an 1 else where and t t: u. te di-sention an In. \s ii. between tic pe 'p.e of the differ* !.t section- o! .a emmon country. Resolve 1. That it is due to the people of our eastern counties, who have so cheerfully borne the a - -1 are of our common burden-, that the present or some equally effective sys tem of county government shall be maintained. R.-solved. That the Democratic pal ty i.i o] posed to any further ex ten-ion of the "No-fence law. un less. such extensions -hall have lirst been authorized by a majority of the qualified voters within the ter ritory to be affect e 1 thereby. 1 tesoive l. That the I democratic par ty has ver been the party of the workinginan, and has never fostered monopolies, nor have "trusts or "combinations .or "pool- ever grown up under laws enacted by it. The contest in this county being be tween aggregated capital, seeking to crush out all competition, and the individual laborer, the Democratic party is, as it ha.s ever been, again-t the monopolies and in favor of a ju-t disti ibution of capital, and demands the enactment of laws that will bear equally upon all. Resolved. That a- all taxation bears most heaviiv upon the laberer, it is the duty to the legislator, as a direct benefit to the workingman to keep the expenses of our public in stitutions at the low'Cst limit consist t ut with wise and efiiicent manage ment. The Democratic i arty oppos - any competition between free and convict labor. b::i it in-ist that con victs -hull not ; t main 1 He at the ex pense of hi: i- t 1 -r. K« - i.vi .!. i a' oui - being an ag- O O ricuituiai .>'olll'. it i.s o»11 duty a well as our pieasur* to [>rorfn-te auv and ah iegi^intion ili.it is calcu lated l» a Ivanet ti.v mteiistsof ag l .t-;iit 'll • . all ! ti I ill So doil gW t will m"t( !. ctiialiy a Ivance the in teri'st s «» t un e!.ann;-. manufacturers and laborers. Resolved, Thai tie Democracy of North Carolina, cordially approve the administration oi" H n. Alfred M Scales as hoiie-t, ] itriotie an ! con servative. Resolved. That the ability, wis dom. honesty, patriotism, independ t nee. faithfulm -s !> duty :>m] n.anly courage of I'resi ;«»nt (u v land have won the a lini: :\M li of all good mi n . and the in! t re-ts of the coun try demand his it n lain itiot. ai 1 his re elect ion. A Warn in^. 1 lit mod*-- t«" d.-ath - up] roach ait various, and -tatistic.- -how c•!.- clu-ively that more persi ns .lie froiii tiisi isesol the ino a! .ii.«i L.n than any ot'ier. It is ] : I able that ( very one. without exception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle (terms into the svstem ai 1 where these grrms fall u]»on -uitabh - :. tn.;y -tart into life and d %' 1 p. at first. slowly and I s s;. ii\\ j i 1. v . s.itl.t t. l 'k .i Ii _ st t! -a tion in the ti r it a. 1 if a low 1 t.> continue their ravages they extend to the lui.g- pr 1 :»•:? _ ( • n- in ptl •' and to the hea h causing Catarrh Now all thi- dai _• rous u\ \ if allow ed to }">rce(ed w;l: tim» cau-f death. At the ■ riset i n.;i-t act with promptnt-s g.llowi: g a c.»M Ito go without attention is dangei oiis and i:. i} 1• 1 -e x, y. •.• r life. A« s,\ui as i feel that - mething is » c wrong with } nil Throat. Lung*, oi Nostrils, obtain a I* ttle « : Boschee i 1 tier man Syri.[ 1: w... yoi immediate rt!:- : \ti Important Wniuuncement. New \ ui k. Mav Cien .eiueu: I fee: in lutv bouh-.l to vou. a- we.; lis t'» a.! sufferers l>v t > write } >n my f-v.ce with this terrible «1 i 1 —. an«.l the u-e of Swift s Specific. i..»j tl.it tL\v hls will be bei.-iicia! t > uil wLu sulKr as I ilij. Ab-. ;t -i\ weeks ago, while at bu»- iri. I w;i- : lei.lv atta ke-i witL t \ci iicintiii- i in Hiy feet, kne - ati'.l Labile. So severe the attack that I t" .v to i:i\ bej in.tueiliately. ;t:. 1 in two oi' three Jay- my joint- Wt l O -WOlltl. t j a.iliOst UOUb 1 th• ii Lataral >:/•■, an 1 -leep "\\a- liivei frotii me. Aftei PutTering the mo-t eieruciatin# jain f r a week ::iiment> and various other remedies, a friend. who sympathised with my my helpless condition, said to me : ••Why don't you get Swift'- Spe cific and i)se it ' I will guarantee a cure, and if it does not the medicine shall cost you nothing " I at once secured the S. S. S. and after using it the first day, had a quiet night and refreshing sleep. In a week I felt great.y benefi.ed. In three weeks I c »uld sit up and wa k about the room, and after using six bottles I was out and able to go to business. Since then I have been regularly at my post of duty, and stand on my feet from nine to ten hours a day, and am entirely free from pain. These are the plain and simple facts in my case, and I wi u cheerfully answer all inquiries rela ' tive thereto, either in person or by mail. Thomas Marklllie. II \\ . l sth street, New York City. Treatise on Ulood and Skin Disea ■ ses mailed Free. ihe Switt Specific Co, Drawer, •», Atlanta, Ga. ! llriice I p. You are feeling depros-ed. vour t appetite is poor, you are botheied ) with Headache, vou are lid^ettv, O k ' . nervous, and generally out of sorts. . and want to brace up. I3raee up. . but not with shmulents, -prim-" m( d 1 O . icines, or bitters, which have for 1 their basis very cheap, bad whiskv, . ami which stimulate you for an hour, then leave you in a wore condition than before. What you want is an alternative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and stiength. Such a medicine you w ill find in l.leetiic Hitter.-, and n;v .">! rent- i bottle at Rovster's Dru ,r St >l l • O • Oni* Notch Iti-in r. Aa a train was ready to leave the Cent; t! Depi »t the other day, a drum mer. who occupied two seat-, or had prepared to. left the car to say good bye to some one. When he returned he found his luggage in the wood box and a strange man in po-se--ion ■ of the seats. What does this er mean ' He de ! manded as he drew himself up and took in the situation. •'Drummer, ain't youqueried the other. es. -il". t "J'rummer on twelve hundred a y ear. ••Jhat my salary, sir. but what has that got to do with thi- ca--* ' "A great deal, -ir. lin a lightning rod man on fifteen hundred. ' And he calmly crossed Lis feet and unfolde 1 his newspaper. whiU the drun.m r _'athered up hi- thi: _ T - an 1 w( itt int > a* • 'tin r car. Tlit'Jr Huniiu lioom iii k • I'l »bably no one thing ha- such a revival of trade at Royster's Drug Store as their rivir.£ awav to their O Zj « cu-tomers ■ i sm many free trial Lot tie- of Dr. King's New Discovery r r consumption. Their trade i . .-imply em-rmons in this very valua 1 Me article from the fact that it al ways cures and never disappoints Cough-. Colds, A-thma. Bronchitis » Croup. and all throat diseases quick r ly cured. You can test it before *> j buying by getting a trial bottle fre • l j large size sl. Everv bottle warran led. A MERVE TOftfC Oiery ar.il Cor*. th»* ps.tr.in«r.t lt». V. gradient* »r* lh» ar>4 I i I U lllv WM ALTERATIVE £f S Jk MW m j fl b \a.l» A DIURETIC Compound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED WELLS, RICHAROSCN J. CO.. Prop's M. Mnii.-H'N i'.. - i>. V\ -H! 11; • .i- .1 . N Just- \t ( i-'i HAN K )F 111'l\ )HV. HICKORY, N_ O RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT to PAYM ENT ON DEWAN DISCOUNT NOTES. SELL EXCHANGE ON UNIED STATES AND EUROPE. ALSO DO AN INSURANCE and COLLECTING BUSINESS Ihne one of tin hot Burslar-l'riwf in \UMfrn North I ,trolikn. Safety Di-po-it Vault- '»r ' s«i!itl;it« (t f ilite L(H . FIRE INSURANCE! Having associated Mr. .lohn 11. Haitlu r\ w:th i . .:i ; ■ Icsu!:i: ce lie iness. the business hereaftei' w ill be conduct» 1 tin i♦ i t' e -: \ ■ ( m m, SIII'LKU .V IIAITIK ()( K. Thanking my friends and the public for pa-t favors. I solieit acontin ; •at ion of the same to the new firm. \n\ I: sural ice busings give i. ti eat the Hank >r to Mr. Hait hc »ck at i.is »l!:cc w i". In [itiiiij! } at tl .1 t D. W. SHULER, CASHIER, Bank of Hickory Hickory. X. C. May l^ss. HALUS CATARRH CURE IS RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIAN'S? SIOO REWARD FOR A CASE IT FAILS 10 CUBE "W • in:inufar'un- ai. l lit v i;h t positive Guarantee that it will euro any case, and w»- will forf. it titc if • - ti :i single instance. It is unlike any otiu r « .tarrh r. in. ! •>. • taken internally, actinq upon the blood. If you ar in ul *1 « •, ; -■: ••• - - an«l A' It I*T N» IMITATION >K SIMM ITI'TII. If }.« ! •J . t ... . ■ , IWI w forward irn mediate !y, I'ricc, T j exuta butt . I -j ■ -ft. • F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. Ohio. TiinOMli" SHears r\LIMITKD WARRANT. 1 Complete Bnlt«»n-tioIe Sci#»orn. 91.00. l'.mbroiilrry Hri*nin. 50 rrnt*. TI.KRI ft MI.A Kit STi:>:i. RAZORS. Full i oneavttl. llmi>-l. Mr«pp«nJ ami Kriulj for I ***. H-.00. Sent post-paid on rwcipt of price. Illustrated* ital .♦ :• free. Tl KRI «1 ».. 115 AdmiKi T01.1'.00, OHIO. GRANITE IRONWARE. llltOl 1.1 >G. II\KIA«», v itoii.ni>, i'ici>t it\ ix.. ■fv I 11.1 11. il \>oso*ii:, wiKM.i.soni:. in . The llest Ware >lad«* f«»r the l\ itchen. V .»nufncturerj oi i *>r St.LouisStampingCo.St. Louis I "or Sale hy all Stow, Hardware and House l > >« alers. ck Book and pr.ee List Free on Application, b® Sure to th.s Paper. • = -• -.^>GAPPENTER«!4 ,-o-rr . - W,,, - C WORLD. ORGANS ■ ■■ • . m ~ | ./n i wifa/mr r' l # f ;* J - ft* r* rt\* t> *tr 'I fnmtii'g* rhurrfi**. s ' » \ """* '■ I U i #». */ r f#« * • '/ 'MI •' *7* _•> - 7 OT , f "\ j t» rt/i« o / /*t */rri' r»f. It r%t - f" r ■ i*rl**-%4 !ar+. '. " ~ r z ■ I | ;r« • j S' * :'*• Ji . ■ 75.000 Homes ~ . .. -* 'J • . 5.000 Churches, ' 1 - t! An Honest Organ. V . - ■ c ! /i w " Eef.r* rrrckMtif as OlOil. wad far tr.r : ■»;• C „ T j*.:**.-.; - n n«nnrniTPD r*r\ E.P.CARPEIMTfcK tU r

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