The fireat-(irandHOii of I* In (ireat f.rand fattier. The Republican antiquaries who climbed Mr. Hani son family tree so eager! v. in search of matenal to help him in h - campaign, slid down the trunk .again so suddenly and silently a- to awaken the su-pician -hnt they had found a hornets' m*-t some where amid the-branches. An inves tigation has ju-t discovered the can-e of then di-comforture. in the "glorious record of Miat stern old Roundhead. Major General Htr i i - on. of Oliver Cromwell s army. It is presumed that Major Gener al Harri-on accompanied Cromwell into Ireland and fought with him there. If so. his descendant has no -pecial claims upon the regard of his Irish fellow citi/ens. o:i the Ma jor (i neral s ascount, as is shown by the New York Star in the follow ing extract from "The Historical and Critical Iteview of the Civil Wars in Ireland. i\c, wr tten by the eminent historian, »I. C. Curry. M. D.. and I>i inted in I >ublin in 177 ">: "1 o these mi-fortunes was soon after added a general pan.c, occa sioned b\ the unparalleled cruelties of Oliver Cromwell, who landed at Dublin on the 10th of that month with s.OOO foot and 4.0n0 horse. C' 200,000 in money and a vast quan titv of amunition and all kinds c> f 'icecs-alles 1 1 >r war. With tl iese forces he, on the :trd of September beseige 1 and took Drogneda by storm. and though all his officers tiid followers had promised quarter to such of the garrison as would lay lown their arms, and performed it as long as any in the place held out. which encouraged others to yield yet when they once had got all ill their power Cromwell, being told 1)\ Jones that he had now the {lower of of the Irish army in his hands, gave or i r- that no quarter should be giv en . " >th at 111 luV O t 111" soldl f • 1 S \\ 1 e forcc'l to kill their prisoners. Ihe Marquise!' >rmoml. in a icller to Lord Ilyron on this occasion, says that Ciomwell - exceeded evi l) him self. for anytlCfng he had \cr heard >f m breach of faith and bloody in humauit v. and that the cl ue 111e >ex ercised there for live days after tin town was talon would make -es many sevtial pictures of inhumanity as an to be found in the T>ook of Mar tvrs or the relation of Amboyna. In this carnage, out of three thousand, be left only about thiitv pe-rom alive, and these he sent to I'.arba does. (>f course. Senator Harrison is is. no wise r sponsible for the dei Is oi his illustrious progenitor « u this oe casion. and cannot be blamed loi them. Still, his ancestors are hh strong cards in the game he is now pla\ nig, and t lie majoi g 1 ml ui ii Cromwell's army must be con: tee with the n -t. though he lvquht - h be handled too gingerly to prose el Yetive in winning the votes o! de scendants of the Irishmen anions whom h«" conductt'il his (»\s a.n ■ ai"n. *fw r his own !a-hi»n. in hn lay. lhit tl is nt die worst of St na tor Harrison's picsent embarrass na nt. He could gt tomr or arouie tliertc rd f his Ciomwel ian giea! . ia' dlather. or light shy of it alto -etla r. Tin trotible with him jusi now is that it has ha- bt t n tlis ov ,1. 1 he ha> a ice id i t his O\M after a.l, ai d that it > : > m .ch lik« that ■ !' his bio dy mil I 1t -t told in the words t : .or. ... i (i ;• 1. Oi the I'., hanna !\:r.u > « Ld' s.ii' l states tne. r i •• [i c } OOsitio!i oi the w 'ilv. n s fls f '.low - : ■ iailw:sV" a'. 1 teltgraj'h c .ina and no conll lence is ]'la».a 1 i'.i h.n bv the m i""t " who are s«.t.c.;._. ug»> latioi.'-. these ilist.i : - c i pos?. As an indication of his loyal tv to railroa 1 companies in time o emer r encv. it i- u -.. • • i refer t ) his course pending tne ran road strike of 1*77! on which occa sion he implored the Governor to or der out the troops and shoot down the strikers. Governor Williams stoutly resisted hi- influence, claim ing that the men were peaceable, and there was no necessity for such action. At thi-> he mustered up a company of his own and drille 1 the men. so as lo have them in read ines>ia cntof an emergency. Upon the same occasion he made a sj»eech from which the following is verbatim and substantiated by affidavits: Were I the Gov, I'd force those men back to work or shoot them down on tbe spot. I pon another occasion, dwr iuLf the same trouble, he declared in a speech that A dollar a day and two meals are enough for any working man." Knights of Labor through the State officially petitioned for his defeat in the last Senatorial contest, and at Chicago the laboring classes by the hundreds were found working for his defeat and in the interest of (Jresham." "Tho.-e men whom .Mr. Harrison so coolly proposed to shoot down were American workingmen. who were guilty of no violence and of no offence except being engaged in a ( strike to obtain living wages from the rich corporations they served. They w re Mr. Harrison's own neigh bors, and among their number were doubtless many men who had voted for him for office and to whom he now appeals to vote for him again. Thev asked lor nothing more than 1 . . what they considered to be fair wa j'es for their work. The answer of ° the zealous representative of the cor poration- with which they were con tending was that they should be forced back to work upon the corpo ration- terms, or hhot down on the spot if they refused to work. The question "f their wages, too. was a small matter in the opinion of the well-fed. well-paid attorney, a- has been shown. "A dollar a day and two meals are cnou«rh for any workingman," according to his esti n ate »f the workwoman's necessities aim rights, and they ought to be j taught contentment wiuh their lot. if soldier- have to be employed to in t r in-t tln-m. It 1-- evident that Mr. I Harrison has "a record, therefore, in win I. \\i rki gim n are interested. ' and t!.« \ ::I i «>t fail to : tudy it. ' piui'ai'i-,, in e mm-ction with the I 1 . . ■ profes -.i >ns ( I the j a. \\ w liit-n liom ! inat« i iii'. I - CoiiHiniiptioii liuurable ? I lead th • to]. •:.: l; : IVI r. ( If Mori is. \«'wai k. Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friend> and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumption, am ( now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It i the finest medicine ever made. ,jes>e Middlewart. Decatur, Ohio. -avs: "Had it not been for Dr. Kind's New Discoverv for Consump . tion I would have d'ed of Lung Trouble.-. Wa> «;i\en up by doc tors. Am now in best of health. Try it. Sample bottle? free at K"v-.ter s Drug Stoie. "1"lie "kickfr" Mall. 1 . t * la-t number of the Ari/. i.a Kick, r c«>ntains the following: "There is no use m attempting to disguise the fact that certain rings and fractions in this gu'.cli have tor the last three 1.> made despel .1' aitt ...i t - to igm>re the existence : t • K.vkcr. Having failed to iiiLii.ui- - Vail, u-. 0.-traci-m wa ll. til little _an. 1 hey dettrimned i tret * e i. —t..: t. "We ni t beca in t* ,wa: of thism veinent three n. ntLs nu .when Mi.". Judge Gildeisleeve • avc i.el* i iOw c .it. At tun. iin»e >se iv ive i the f '.lowing cat 1: A.i .illen tn.s . : ' re* \'. n wille exvecU ; t 1 ▲ * w ar . white -I. t. 1 "Tlie inference was a" plain as the pimples on Mrs Judge Gildersleeve s nose. They thought wehad'ut a white >)n\t They thought we'd attend with uu army blanket thrown carelessly over our shoulders. ILe object wmi to let us know that Mrs. (lildersleeve did not look upon t:- as knowing what belonged to mauneis. It was all right. didn't go. As to whether the Gildersleeve ring came out ahead opinions differ. C>ur account of the party, headed "Gathering of Vultures." is still go ing t Lfe rounds of the press. In that aiticle we proved Judge (iilder sleeve to be an embezzler and a horse thief, and we adduced posi tive evidence that Mrs. Judge was a broken down ami played out fortune teller who had been compelled to ikip from St. Louis. The Judge called at the Kickir office next day with a shot gun. but when we brought out more letters—pi oofs that he had served time in three pris ons, and that Mrs. Judge still had the work house cut 011 her hail when she arrived in Arizona, the Judge dind t shoot. "The Jack hill set next tried to make as sing small. Thej gut mad because, we werc't puffing them in every iwsue. Colonel Docker had 2 shillings* worth of repairs made to liis mule harness, and the Kicker didn't notice it. Mrs. Professor Forthinghain turned an old silk dress top to bottom, and the Kicker didn't come out with a notice that she had received another S">00 dress from "Worth. Major Hornblower put a porcelain door knob on the front door of his adobe, and the Kicker did 11 1 come out and li«>t it as one of the enterprises bound to briii" - new settlers and boom real es c tate. It was therefore determined to Jotvn us. Little Pe Lisle, the red-headed "laughter of the one ieg o-ed countlv clerk, make her j!>ut. and we were not invited to the blow out. It \va»s an action intended to break our heart, and we promptly countered. It was 011 tip tliat the sheriff went up about 1U o'clock that evening and gathered in two biga mists from Xew Lngland, a:ul em bezzler from Ohio and a fugitive from Chicago, all of whom were looked upon as the cream of society and were airing their frills and scol lops at the grand debut. •We aip here to stay. We put up our own shanty with aurown hands. We boar 1 and lodge ourse'f and w» have not only got the cost tf living down ho tine, but we are getting our white paper so cheap that we can make money on a 11 -1 of thirty subscribers and three pages of dead ads. We are going to run the Kick er after our own style, whether it pleases the big bugs on J'Ack hill or the half-starved coyotes m Poverty hollow. While we don't hanker af ter invitations to.eueher parties and church socials we don t propose to take a snub from any set. hile we are willing to boom the town we 11011 t propose to sit up nights to let the outside world knew that some citizens has added a bathtub to his dugout »r that some meicnant !as i list 1 • ceived a fre>h wad of b( lt'.cii i: j —I h-troit Fret Pre— l lectrii Hitter- This remedy i- bee mi::_ -o v. e.* ki. »\\and p ] -ilar a- t ne 1. >pC''ial n.tntiei:. A.I whv ha'.e '• st-» 1 Klectr'.v* Ditteis si 2 - ?':•• - »:..e - of prsise.—A purei medicine .•• s 1. : • \ist an 1 it is _warrantee i to d > all that is c".aimed. Electric i> will cure ail diseases ci tne Lr«ei and Kidney, will iem ve Pm.j .e-. L 'ils. Salt Kheum and other af:'ec tions canst 1 by in.j nre biOO 1.-- Will diive Malaria :rom the syster.i and prc-\ei.t as well as cure ad Mi.a* rial feveis. —For cure of Hea !act.e. Constipation and Indigestien try Electric Bitters—F.!.tire sati-factioi: guarranteed. or m>->L.ey l ie:.m U- . Price 5 lets, and SI 00 pei bottle *1 1 loysteis l»ug store. Pi NERVE 10mc i C»TT and - I - grrdK-nu *- . 4 » ..,• * ISrnY lij in nr.!" n« *r> i ■ Mk ciw»'« the i» -» a •*««.■• PI IIIP S ~ l;- - U IIIvWm alterative a DIURETIC Compound I kl,!t k For The NERVOUS PfaitrU! :r '»•„.' t -. : . r. m The DEBILITATED '^TT. Th' 3 AGED WELLS. RICHARDSON A CO. Prop'* M.MKR>HO"t }'r«"» I>. W. SHU HI •' N ,'OM >, A *» t '*?»h BAXK OF HICKORY, HICKORY, N_ G- 4- * RECEIVESDEPOSITS SUBJECT to PAYMENT ON DEM AN b DISCOUNT NOTES. SELL EXCHANGE ON UNIED STATES AND EUROPE. ALSO DO AN INSURANCEaud COLLECTING BUSINESS Havf our of Ihe brsi hurslar l'rnu Sit fr v in Wf\ltm \nrlii t urul i na. Safety D"posit Vaults '>; Cu>ti>n»et sj>r»n*ete I '••>* t »»• ir»« I> • 11■ *» *• ut sol Ida ted film- L«hK->. FIRE INSURANCE! Haviii" associated Mr. John K. Haithcock with me.utiie Insurance Bu iness. the business hereafter will be conducted under the st v »e >! him, SUTLER ,V lIAITIK OCK. Thanking my friends and the public f« »r past favor.-. I solicit :t» ntimi ation of the same to tlie new linn. Any Insurance business 141 \♦ nll e :it the Dank or to Mr Haithcock at his office vvi'i be prompt !\ attuned t«>. D. W. SHULER, CASHIER, Bank of Hickory Hickory. X. C . May ISSS. HALL'S CATARRH CURE IS RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS! SIOO REWARD FOR A CASE IT FAILS TO CURE \\ P rn.muf.iotun- run! -« 11 it with n positive guarantee that it will euro any case, and wo will f» ?*f• -it Ihe :th» \. ;in>>ll nt if 1 ? r>; l- in a single instance. It unlike any :)■• r « r«m ii>. it j- taken internally, acting upon the blood. If you are troubled wfth this di*tr »- 1-d .. • a*k ur I»rumnst for It and AO -KI'T No imitation ok »cht*titctk. If he has not •.'>! it. s«ml i » us and we w»h forward immediately. Price, 7-i ecuta jjlt Out tie. Tesiimon iisfr«-> F.J. CHENEY \ CO., Toledo. Ohio. 1 i ______ Term's faiiin sneais^scissofs^^^) l.\LlMlTi;i> \V \ltlt A ST. h inth Shear. Jaj.ur.ned Handle and Muted Ihad- ■«. V) • Complete RDtt4m-holcSfisiton.9l.UO. Kmbroldrpy 50 rf Dt*. T f .HIO * SII.VKK NTEEI. RAZOR*. full « our»v«-d. Hon -d. MropjH-«l and Reiwlj for I*«', B'i.oo. Seat ]K»st I .a. !on r«- • iptof ;,r >• Illustrated «-.tU.>k r ue frev. Tf'.RRY t ►.. 113 Alniii«t Sim I, TUI.riM), OHIO. GRANITE IRONWARE. f f \ IlltOl 1.1 >G. HAKI>t., I W|\ HO I 1.1 N», «'I«IMI" !>«•• " 10 1 11 lw " noi 1 i" ,tx,u ' • The Best W are Mai«' for the Kitchen. Jtp. V im.f;»ctur*d o^ ! » ' h '" St.LouisStampingCo St Louis r«»r sale by all Stove, Hardware ami House l'urni-»l»if«tf Dealers. Cock Book arU price Li»t prre on Apphcat on. W Bo Sure to th e Paper. " CARPENTERJWSr ORGANS t 1 j n/'i. 1 • /* t «-•»»! r« » nt!r j-inll >■ t rhu rr n*» . * •'»' - ft ft y- S r /». « , , r*r If f r/f- #»# tK* *• • t ( r . i fr tW « f> /ni' 1, ' Mr> !r j .•/ ;/irlin#/ar«. - " " ,jJ (4 1:, i : ■v**• :* * • - 1 . 7 5.000 Homes r r J ' j 5,000 Churchcb. V- p V —-. ; tr-M ;. 'J :.A . f T ' | \_ j" 4 'An Hor.cst Or(?ar. .i—L a ■ ii .■ ■ i i ■ • . . C ( !, E is OS jAK »•.: ■.z -V : €«.• *l't>m V: i_v i•. - E p CARPENTER CO :