THi; KICKING KKKI H. \ tto)votl tlial Didn't Work. The following extract?, are taken from the last issue of The Arizona Kicker : "Twm Bovoti l '«.—The fact that we have been running The Kicker I•!• -1 1\ much as we pleased > ; m'c the first number was issue 1 has given mortal offense to certain people in liiis neighborhood. We have been kicked. licked, pound* l. threatened, •shot at and bluffrd right along, an 1 ha\ • grown fat on it. "We came to stay. "Fact is. we've got to. We haven't un\ thing to go on. . O O "Having tried all other measures to make us 1* t go. and liaving failed inglorious!v in such instances, it was determined to boycott us in ;i social way. We have been chuck-a-luck with the very cream of society since »• 11 advent In fact. w r> have been most of the cream. "It was decided a few da\s ago by a of the high-toned that we must be socially snubbed and crushed. Accoidinglv Mr>. Da- P » zoo. of (iri/./iv llights. announced a recherche affair and invited every body in the set but us. It was giv en out that she feared our manners would disgrace the occasion, and it they wouldn't our clothes would. "We weren't sa\ing a word. We '-aw the bluff and went one better. >n the night of the party the Sheriff made a haul of three high-toned pris oners at the house of Maj. Jiazoo. while halt a dozen others broke for the woods. We have got one great advantage over the other creams ot society. W left the J'ast by day light and shook hands with the Sher iff as we started. We are neither a bigamist, eloper, embezzler, horse thief. jail-bird or gambler. We don't won't to work this lever unless some one jumps on our collar. We have ieduced tony society over half since we came here by giving the SherifT pointers. We can run the other h:*tf out ot town in a w- •k. Mrs. Maj. Bazoo has called to beg our pardon and express lu r deep disgust with herself. We have forgiven her. knowing it will not happed again. As for Judge Cahoots, who inspired the boycott and set the crushing ma chine at work, we bear him no ani -211 >sitv. We will simply remark that he is a bigamist, incendiary, emb* /- !cr. forger, perjurei and highway robber, and we have dispatched i'inkerton to come and get him. "\\i Shvn't Woi:u\.—Our amiable and gentlemanly Slientl entered our office dav before yesterday in his usual urbai.e luannei and announce d that he must serve papers on us. It was a notice of a breach of prola te suit' against us by the widow I'lixbv. who alleges that we have been toying with her heart-strings, and that it will take £.">.000 of our ca.-h to s«-ttle her thoughts back in the oa 1 channel. "It is another move n the part of our enemit s to di \\ u lis ■We tiist met the widow ( lixby Iwentv- eight days ago in t artt l s rn.'t iv She asked oui opinion of e! rii gs. and we ;is!u d her s of s">ap. She invited us to call at the house iiul see some poetry she ha. l written on the rise and fall tht* mastodon We compheo W « . alii d the le thr •. oi i" ill times al teiw aids, but t!..\ a> af: - i >1- * •lie occasion the wid >w si. >\\id u> a clipping f an l*.a-tll :i pap* rto *ln ( fftct that it was la 1l« r to; a man who hail passed the age I■> to marry a widow, it itr* was t marry. \ it we didn't bite. **W e know our gtit If the widow i'lixbv can prove t> 'he wond that we have toyed with her aiU-ctions \u will cheerfully go to jail. We *'.'.e not on the toy. The widow wiL :id us no jack-rabbit, si the tn» - r.,it s who have encouragiul this new move may hear something drop be :«-te the trial is ovei 1 lie l'aHcination of htr«iii|f Orinlt. Homer represents I"i>sses and ( anions. after the fatigues of war. a- resting on a charming island. There was a beautiful valley on this island, and in the center of the val ley there was a magnificent palace. It was built of snow white marble in a grove of lofty trees There were green lawn.'* and llowery-bor dered walks leading up to tin- beau tiful mansion. The blue smoke curled up from the chimney>. giving promise to \u lcoine and banquets. A number »{ the companion- of Ulysses wert up to this attractive pa'ace. entei• d the loor. and found a lovely reception room adorne 1 with picture-. They were entei tained with cl.aiming music. odors of delicious perfume. and rich ban quets. A fascinating lady named Circe, an enchantress, came into the room and welcomed them with words sweeter than honey. They roamed thn ugh the airy halls of this splendid palace, feasted on dainty meat.-, and drank sniced wines They rolled in ease and lux ury. drand freely and gormandized. Suddenly the enchant! ess waved over them her wand, and they ware converted from men into grunting hogs. Jiecoming hogs they were driven from the beantitul place into the back \ard. }>ut in pens, and fed on the food of swine. UTI.I' ATIoX. 9 The palace of Circe is the modern saloon, which men make attractive with pictures, music, banquets, to draw young men under its fascina ting power. Liquor sellers are now making their saloons beautiful with ornaments, cheerful with music and jovial company, and fascinating with brilliant lights. So young men, are charmed into such places as the lly into the gauze net-work of the spi der. They go there and drink, and continue drinking until they lose all respectability, lose their money, lose thier conscience, and then they are changed into hogs and driven out at the back door. The thousands of saloons, dotting this continent from sea to sea, are performing the deadly and diaboli cal work ol changing men into ani mal- u >: .- t haii hogs. They are chin-' ti 'i tit »t the swine, into ti.« ;; • \e i • ol ; lie sot h. into tln* c- e .! mi ■ s >i i) •i• ■i n do", into t lie t» !ii ' \ * . \ >■ 1>• i .. a. tiger al.d t !n* .n \ . i,, , i .| s;i ;i 11M*n* ss of the \fii an ii« -i: Hi> A many bi ight boys -it out in life with the bow of promis ne spanning the path of the future, who. alas! fall into the habit of frequenting the saloons where the enchantress of the intoxicating glass changes them into beasts. Soon the bright look fades out of their faces, the vacant stare takes its place, and they become idiotic fools —dying in a lit of delirium tremens. Young man. beware of the saloon. The way of absolute safety is the pledge of total abstinence.- II C. Advocate. No Thiid I*.»rl> in Their*. Probably the sentiment in favor « >f Prohibition is not stronger in any coin ty in the State than it is in Inion. There are only two town ships in the county in which spiritu ous liquors can be legally sold. In Monroe township the majoiity in fa vor c! Prohibition' is a large on 3 , an 1 \et we do i;ot know a single man in Monioi, ui CM n in I nion county, wh • taki -a! y -tock in the Third Part% i . 'Veii.eiit. This'i- certainly not 1 i t:u>i maiiv of. our cit./.(!:> ait- not interested in the success ol I rohibition. but because they do not It. KM t fiat the cause will he ad vanced. especially at this time, by making it a political i-stie. Our 1 eop> believe in Prohibition, but they believe the most effective plan t> secure it is by means of local op tion. I hey are not in favor of de seiting the Democratic party and turning the State over to iLe Ile publicans moe hnquirer ii. 1 K\ press. V Democratic Record. S'mebody asked tut Little I! >i k Democrat t;> point oat what the Democi ats have accomplished in the three years in which they have had •harge of the government an 1 tint paper replies as follows: 2. It rest >red mote than I'M. i'm(.olo acres of unearned i;tn>i rra"t> n to the public domain fur the benefit [jf { " )Ol s»-t 1*». *2. It hpaid nearly SJ.MM. IM f tlie p'llic debt, and at the sauu time paid more money for the p."i -ionei - than »ver paid before in ci- -ame 11!ji • • » 'I ll** e x peiise -> of the gover..- a O ment l.avt been re luced about * I~>. f)00. (MM) 4 Hoi.]-- of la/y. incompetent useless otVi -ia'- hive 1» ?en dispvn- • 1 with •"> It has broken up Indian liiiL-. land rings and tra lcrship ring- thit flourished till the Democratic j»Li t\ came into p »wi i. ♦I. It has est ibiished business methods and strict economy for jil> bery and wa-etful extravagance. 7. It has given the lie to t un charge that the Democracy il en trusted with power would put the negroes back in slavery and pension the Conferate soldiers. s. It has done more in three years to curb tlie capacity of corporations than the Republicans djd inajnarfer of a century. The Democratic party repealed the odious and unjust tenure of of fice act. I>. A Democratic Congress passed an act forbidding the ownerslup of land by aliens. 11. A Democratic Congress insti tuted a searching inquiry into the atVairs and management of thu Pa cific railroads—an investigation that has already accomplished much good. 11. The Democrats reduced the fees on postal money orders, and ex tended the benefits of the free deiiv ery system IM. A Democratic Congre s order ° ed the adjustment of railroad land grants. 14 \ Democratic Congress passed an act authorizing the issue of small silver certificates- a matter of great advantage to the people. 1 ."> A Democratic Congress passed the act settling succession to the Presidency, and also the act regulat iin«- the counting of the electoial vote. There could be no more im portant iirt-. 1 1(1. A Democratic Congress passed an act forbidding the use of convict labor upon all government works. A just and wi-e act. And to this mav be added tie- In ter-State bill. All this has been (tone by Demo crats inside of three year-. And we assure our correspondent that this is only a part of the "splendid record made by Democratic party within that time. A Warning- The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show Con clusivelv that more persons die from diseases of the Throat and Lungs than any ot er. It is probable that every one. without exception, receive- vast numbers f Tubercle (terms int■■ ■ tin i svstem and where these germs fa . upon suitable - :1 they -tart into life ami develop, at first slowly and i- shown I'V a slight tickling -ei.-.-i -tioi: in the t ;.I it an-I »! a., w- 1 . > v -l.t t:i ra'- i_* - th* v extti 1 to the .u: producing ( on-umj t;on and to th- hf-ad. cau-ing Catarrh all this dangerous tod allow ed to pri'ceed xviil in time e.tiise dt itli. At the onset \ -a nu-t a t with pro:npt!-t -> • a.'. >vvmg a coil ' to go without attent; n is danger ou- ai. 1 mav .-~>-e you youi ...t*. A , - K ,»; ;b >'i feel that someth;! gis , wron„ wit.. y .:r Ti.r« .»!. Lung- oi "j Nostril*. obtain i bottle of Boscbe® German Syrup I: v -•• • £ :ve ' immt I'.ute ici:e! A bouncing laby —A rul ber d . WEAK NERVES ■jM wr *t-' -i- 7 r.r» ■*?» .• toaUi:.JW t A..] . J 4 A Qm. tl* m woodrrfni aer** nim v«r« t 7 ■( ■ 4 c-ar«» ill D»rr-•» h«^eVr. |W"| I MO Q RHEUMATISM I I ■ Ra. Pl:m'« «:xr.T « wr- ■ " • •> 111 %# j jjfA Br e»* tru-- rrnxV.} ; .t !4w 4 KIDNEY COMPLAINTS I i#| Cr W\\i iViy 1 j DYSPEPSIA ■ r ~ m t;\- *.* a » :• fi.n* ■»•« •->> fOmDOUnd CONST,PAT.ON " V " 1 .:>!-€ CI i rxi c VP .' k t*-.W p Ui»; ."i ■» Nervou* Prc«tr»ticn, Nervous Headache. I- : -J ' '' > ,_J.' •• _' » * • •" ** Neuralgia, Nerroui Wtalnen, Stsma.h ' . ar.d niver D;sease«, Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, aad all affections cf the Kidneys. WELLS, RICHARDSC\ K CO. Prop'* .TON \T. M MrH-HON I'r. - 1». w. >Hf iR. C ;i-' .1 N Jom \--ti li.WK ()F HICKORY. HICKORY, M. O. f RECEIVES DEPOSITSSUBJECTto PAYMENTON DEMAN b DISCOUIMT NOTES. SELL EXCHANGE ON UNIED STATES AND EUROPE. ALSO DO AN INSURANCE ami COLLECTING BUSINESS Have one of llir be>t hurzlnr S.tfe> i:i Wrstrru Nurlli tartdiiia. Safety D*po-sit Vaults •> t ■ llnws l>ouhle (on it 1 iiih 1.«• •■ r. % FIRE INSURANCE! Having a-soeiatei! Mr. John K. Haitbv'ui-k witli me .ntlie In-uiai.r« 1»• i iness. the business hereafter will be eombietetl un*ler the stvie «»f tiini. SIU'LKR cV II AIT 11 COCK. Thanking my frieml.-. ami the [>ublie for pa->t favors, I >o!ieit aeuutinu ation t-f the same to the new firm. Any Ir.>uranoe l»u>irie-> ni; :it tl » ]>ank or to Mr. Haithcoek at hi-offn-e wi'l be |»romj>t!y attene.l t'> D. W. SHULER, CASHIER, Bank of Hickory Hickory, N. C, May 18- S S. HALL'S CATARRH CURE IS RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS? SI 00 REWARD roa A CASE IT FAILS TO CURE. Wf manufacture :m-l s. n it with :i positive guarantee that it will cure an/ case, and we will f>rf it t)>»' ah>v«> amount if it fail- m a single instance. it l" unlike ;iuy #t)i. r Catarrh n-nic« is taken internally, acting upon the blood. If you an- t nmbl'-d with th i- «1 i«r r --irm ! i-.-.. - k >- nr I 'riiu'f-i f r ami Ari*;|'T KO IMITATION OH M" IISTITI'TK. If h«' has not L'"l It. li«l t" W' WIT forward imincdluttly. I'rlcc, 73 cvuU per bottl»>. T-virn..- -fr. F. J.CHENEY i CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Terni'sTamiiy Stiears I'TSLIMITED WARKAN'T. > :nrh .-hear. Jaf«nrx-(1 Handle n-i ! I'lated c Complete ftnuon-holpSrU>ora,ll.OO. Kmbroldery Arii>«orii,SO«nU. Ti.KK* •» SILVER NTKEL RAZORS. Full oncavrd. llon-"d. Stropped i*n«l Kesdj for l»«", Scut jxjst ;»ai lon rv-* t:|»t of j r:--«v Illustruted > atHlu»- fr«-o. Tl. K K Y A («., 115 Adtmi hlreel, TOl.thO, OHIO » «i——————— ironware. |M A HAKIMi, tp HOILIM., I "»«•• I A 1.H.11T, l!A>DM>ni; UIIOI.IAOtII. 1M II % lit.l- Tlie Ware Made fort»m- Kitehen. Manufactured ontjr bjr the St.LouisStampingCo St.Louis For Sale t>y all Stove, Hardware ant) Furni*l»iiig l>«*alerH. ofc Booh and Pr.c* H»t Fre* on Application. B« Sure to M«rtK>n th e Paper. —. , ADPCWTED RELIABLE UfIKH I 3 ORGANS T * ( »*'■*• ' i */ « iin'o'tTi' nfi II «• nr» •»//•«•«/ "Mr ;3. I ' 'J""' '' »i' i . '/inr- /i' • \ ■ »• . 'ft m' VAWa , .. » o .«, »• rh* Mfy •' / j. ~. - >.' j t'irn* /•«« »»I 11 fI f» ( '.r ji/irlt/tilt". C 7 I iv • - l ' •. * ——- ~ • v 1 r . . 7 5,000 Home® f~. V> S.OOO Churches, | «■- - - " - i«r ' - I il t. .f:i An Mores? Ort;an. v I *( I |f | ." y ■'' * " Ati•/ C C i.• ■ ™B ■ • kMit;u OMAI. ia* E P CARPENTER CO