' A ■ '■s **& fw \S **i 0 *-A • v - , r A 7ji' j - &^i%2g3 • 4' r ->V; v-sjr > X f>U*W^r (i t : J!wm\ifimL [ V\" >c " Prescribed by the most I -3 mlnent Physicians cf Eu / -7 r );:e and America as a rem ».Jy fcr Kidney Disease, ?urnat!sm, Gout and Dys ( ~ ""cia, and as a /> i- . v- .TlVr OF BLIGHT'S DISEASE. . ca'c Lj ail first-class • ' r~ and Dru^ists. s til! wi*'" r in and f' I' m • • \ fvcn.ij j>hnG f water charged v/ : :'-' Carbonic /'/ sj " : : i h: A L_s ; put up enly ?'■ t'" S . ; * T!i r UKCEFWCfO CO., "{ » 1 1 I r . • ; i *'. • J : :re c »ide, i ,•» 'Z.n* §*?£H§ ti SfcuiNLi' rf : 7 .»• - j r&wux •i ;v : ££ 3 ft I j?; ft $ jj£ rf 1 vl I >: 5 3 c I e _-.*•» > iA- j« SB£BC*-W J££&i SHr? •>- .-^feK , ' ■ r*ok?s% A A I &*■v ~■- • 1 ' - • 7-*~\ j t//✓aN/ M/ 1 \ > yoQ^y ; j s GriA'M, LOW PRICES-1 I W£ i7SANJf ACTURE .\RSES, CARRIAGES, '. "TONS AND BUGC'ES. 1 j I ♦l lo 'U. M'ht f!' 11l illic i'' !■ 1 ! j." _ !«-l. Imaicpn.eni. to I »rge Buyers. , 0,-. . »••'. -v. UVKL, t C JIJ CIN f>* ATI. C '!0. : * The Palmer Boss Churn. I tOVER 150,000 * Now In Use. i |j _ It t". iket aiftre bntfer, .y , lli-n a;.y oUiar 'i ■- ~ t .1 i t| ,*> r ' *n \vnr'Cl- '». . K « , i,u .lid ' • -J . 1 Tt kcr;'- . ! M.r ; it otit l.ot ft!r ; itp«rf- :!»• y #1 b v :i!'r f»r tin* " I'almrr Rotfs hnrn," } • i ' L •> :,: ..1 l>uili rt. cu- ! 1..r i... I t :\( i'. It!;« ru. H. H. PALMER &. CI . Pork ford, 111. TKI- SEST WASHER. T^id : ■»' ■! T urn'r!-"-? p'' n'l Invt , . li :f nt, l);.i (J p #y jb II ..I e. • I li: . li. -nr 1 |» Jj~ A . :»l •'■ .V . * * f^V I •• H ' ■ I ~ -• I I \ i j Jjj j 'r':! |^bl 1 ■ • I j ii Jt '• m ;■ r-r f»" ' » IMi j * \) ajlliT. ' OS !»• i • • . ' H. H. . Rpckforf, Iff.' ' ELEGANT Afio USEFUL u H c& a 2 0 M Ul t'irff *>> r i " 1 ! -J E *" - co ft r" S 0 a *»*«« •***«' k>V*l -i— 'V— ' J 2* wva vA^iW, W'rm luixrui v (M*ui TO Boon i r «•-> iif MT. A > I II Kit I'KF^FNT. IN'. * AKLE TO 1 ■»»'"> ('irrgunru, riiT«lrl»n». I tlt Tnr •, lUukrr«. I c4i h(n, Merchant*. Student-, ani a ; . ' rr*-! ! CHEAPEST! ST RONCEST! BEST! Va U t IrtM. i . ■ bUch, « '- 1 a • t : if* •»• • :»j -. .- 1 '» . ■. gr: tof I t • ir. »f«r o ' 1..K i) elf. H «j -■'. » 6» .» •.t \; 'i v » . f Hvl .» c..,-? U. »» tvi i j - i- i . • r I >»>.- 1,1 r1 a > ! v ilt-- of b* kv 91 VV> * J> . " St.en | » oo "*. " Fioor, " i " •• j; on " 3. ± -3 •• 1 .N.oo ** *. " " 4 " ~ I*AX) 1 flti ■; • :-r \ J, 5- py»4. x-r' v ;«■ '»«• " rr -; *. SATISFACTk N* t ! VK\N i } ri>. - ia »•-- V'»«. ■ Iltn«tr*t r.l ( atiilogiip ti If Mil innrrv dnrl KwtjlUH. rfa ». « - .- •, :. ' 25tta. I • X •» •••*»% •' k- V . w«A• •v • ' \ WV.p 7 l«nd Stroot, ft*r> h Y | Office. Very fev of our pjhli • servant . di.v i -* .1 j m i-S) I'iiev at *? n>t i-»:y h;n -j 1 in tue di«char£*» of ta -1 r juib ! lie 1 by their devotions. Ine bii'l abjat their or JCu m-hiHTn the better. — ' iroina j SpHi tun. ! rnfornatelv it is too true that our i pui).i«' servants a.- a c!a-s not 1 spuria !v note.} for personal piety. Y> t !? this is a Christian Stat'- and nation, why should not our ru.ei-. \ from the President down, be men of jm e hearts and consecrated lives ? Personal piety and derotion to the Church of Christ will not disqualify oii*- for the faithful anl eliicieLt of his duties as a puhc ot ihe better a man is in hi* privnte character the more faithful h* - - will likely be in the discharge of a public trust. We wish to see n:or,. said about the religion, an 1 the Churchihiii too, of our public of !icer*» Too little been j :.t upon these matterM heretofore. ( .ti '.an people and Church people of a 1! denominations -houM take a !iv i r interest in the politics of our country. Especially bhould their \ »i«-e be heard in the primary elec t: tn 1 in our nominating conven |t."i.-. Christian character should be the most important factor in de t- who shall receive the srf- of the people for places of public trust. The Christia ) voter stultili* s himself and is untrue to his lod and his country who fails to in j «pi;r into the Christian character of : ti.. man who proposes to represent liiiii in either the legislative or e^'(•- utive blanches of the government, j I)e\otiou to the prayer-meeting and tue Sun ' ly-scho )1 ought to \v( igh in. witii Christian voters at least, tlcin a like devotion to the ball-room, the card-table, or the k *clul>. We mink it high time iliat the j>ious * fethodist-'. JJapti'-ts. Presbvtei ians, I.utoerans, and Kpiscopalians of the i"""i*it« ami countrv wen savin r much . . , t about the "religion and Churchism" of those who propose to represent them in public oftice. it WHS IMill. He got oft* at the l>. V M. depot the other day, looked around with some anxiety, and then asked the policeman : "Anybody going to be hung in town today?' '•Nobody, sir " "Any big fires raging' -No: "Any riots around' "Haven't, heard of any."' "Any prize-tights pr horse-racesi "No/* "No runawoy. boiler explosion oi falling from fourth-story windows "There's none on the progiamine." "Might be some stabbing afirays or saloon ti^l.t- 1 " "Ws, but 1 don't think so." "Humph! l>etroit must be a nice pace t.» li.e ii. 1 If that's all it amounts to 111 sit down here and b n k by the next train." And. as the policeman solemnly lie -at down in the waiting i .t f r four straight hours and f ' k :> train home without having !« ft the building. i'he New Yoik Ileiald says that tin col >red v iters of New •'rk are for most part lost to the Repub licans. It says they are true to Cleveland and like his Democracy better than they like Harrison s Re i üblicanism Sews all along the * O liti ♦ i- favoral !e f>r the I democrat.c ticket. Huckleii'n Irulca SaHc. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, liruises, Si>res, Ulcers, Salt Hbeum, l\-ver Sores. Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively j cures Piles, or no pay required It .is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money reiunded. Price I 2") cents per boi. by Royster. If a Girl »>«■ Born In January sh» will be t\ pru V" housewife, given to melancholy. IHI poo*l temper. If in February, a humaue anl nf fectionate wife ami tender mother If in April, inconstant. Dot ven intelligent, but !ike!v to be CXM O • looking. If in May. handsome. amiable *n likely to be bappv- If iii June, impetuous, will man; early hnl be frivolous If in July, passably handsome but with sulky temper. If in August, aminnle and prncti cal. and likely to marry rich. If in September, discreet. affdbV and mucli liked If in Oetobei, pretty, coquettish and likely to be unhappy. If in November, libera!, kin \ an 1 of a mild disposition. If in December, well proportioue 1 fond of novelty and extravagant.— St. Louis Republic. I.augliter Indicative oK liaraitt-r. An authority on teuybtei* says it has been observed that la i o diter is indicative of a particular temper and character, according to the sound of the vowel that prevails in cachinna tion. Persons that laugh in a broad Latin "A" are open heart'd, honest people, fond of noisy jocundity, but perhaps of voluble m »od. Excessive jerking laughter, however, is an evi dence of vulgaritv. Those lauid.in • O W O R> in a dry "A are respectable, but lit tle expensive, and a hard lot of peo ple. When the Latin "E prevails there prevails also a phlegmatic, melancholy temper. Timorous, in steady people, also those mbued with malignity, laugh in a kind of swelling "*I. Laughter in "0 is the utterance of proud, bold, impera tive, somewhat bantering people. 1 Jew are of tJios • that a ugh in "oo" (ic. i Lev are traitors, haters. scorn«-rs. * Hriicc I j>. You are feeling »lei»ivsv•«l, your appetite is poor, yon are lepre-se I, you arc hoth ore»l with heailaehe, you arc tM_ r e f iv, n- rv ous, and generally out of *orl>, and wait to brace up. IJrace up, lur not with -cim uUuts, spring medMnt • J , or bitters. wliicli have for their very ela-ap, h i t win v. ky, arid which stimu'ate \ HI f,,r an !n>iir and thcii leave you in wor-f condition than before, what you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action ef Liver and Kidney, restore \ our vitality, and jive renew--d health ai.d strength. Such A medicine you will find in Kleetric Itittrrs, and only 50 cents a bottle at lloyster's Ihug Store. ISacl V Y*>l.ipilU. "Why wancher terschool terd i\ * ' "l>idn't haftergo: toolinei day terf- - ti er way'uschool; be*nei lishin. \\ arjergo, overter l'ick'riiake?" "Naw ; old JJrown* >ini!!-pon "K it.*i an\ "I d snicker lidnin t. 1 hauled i m out sfast-syercood cuntam. (iot allercoodlug "Jei takem'ome.' "Y >u gitout I W etcher giv in'u.s tcher boots i tooknothiii ome butmyself \\i theresoo* tin sclioolfcids. Hutter soidmerlisli I radime torerwent.' "Lemmegow it by» i-=um lay ' "Got' r moirei fyeisaysu. "Aiiiite. l'llmee cberhereattenerclock." They part. — Tid-Jiids T!ie Salem iinl Winvon e ai e only tin »•« -fourths • " a in: e upai t. but a letter from one to the other ha» to go bv way c»f rre«-n-horo. thus taking a litty-se\-n !:. .•• tiij to go Jess ttian one m.;e. W lio i* \ out Itt I rkaid .* Yonr*umir li.of vuiiis . -»!t\ Ii» • iti~ :? it * nut of y.m tr«- •»••• of • - .•■»{ miserable r» Vutv» !iv;n•; ».%•• t i 'e- 1 n lah!" t oi e .v. I -• e ' .' .- i, • • N-~t friet.d \>u hav it ' ? •i. I. I>-.a t *n>oke in tin- inori. l>-n l li r.k in ' • morning. II you m st #in ke and drink vs.i t until \ \ir st 4 ■ *r!. > • • w :.» VOTJ an dm.k ui t" d -:n k n ar'* in the »*\« ri i „• .UJI it t> , «.n ▼ a irv. 1 f vour f«-*_?«i f>■ rni• i•" -b' I ii,-t rmht. —if » u ar.- tr« übied w .Ui Heartburn, I- i ft! >• 1ad ■ u. ■ p of the foot af>r rating, P. ! • lod nst or fti | tNuMe of the stomach yo-- ?a t - 'i- ■ - A z •' Flower a* no i>- .* :i rat t* i:iim—t* »'•* e! ' N( I'llKiOK COI RTS. t Sprlnj; and Tormn 18S8. TLNTI! JL'L i' JAL Siaiv,— Tu lge (liluier. I vLL —Judge Clarke. Heiidi rson February 13, July 10. Burke—March August ». | Caldweil Match I'.*. SepU'inber 3. .\ —March May 2>. Augu.-t 120 Watauga—April 1> Juue 4, Augusl 27 Mitchell April 1(>, September 10. Yancey—Apii! 30, September 2 4. McDowell- Ma\ It. Octobers. KLFVCNTII TT'liirtVl. DISTKICT. S; Riv.; Judge Bov\in. FALL— Judge Ciilmer. Catawba January l'». Ju»\ lt> Alexander January 30. July 30. L'nio;: -* I\t.ruary IS, + February 20. *S» pte;iilM_i- 17. tS. ptrmber 24, Me.k.euburg + Fcbi u:: v 27. +Vug ust 27. Gastori—Maieii l'.i, Octol er s I.incOln April 2, October 1. Cleve an ! —April 0. August Octo ber 22 liuthoi f*rd—April 23, Octolx-r 20. 1■ >i . —May i, N*o\ ojiii>er 1 TWKI.I Til II'DICI \ I nisTiUc r * Si* KlN »—lud_ r e MacKae. 1" \LL—Judge JJovfcin. Madison Februar\ 27. 1 ilv 30. +No vetnber 10. Buncoinbe .Match 12. dune I v . Auj list 1 I )ecemb« r 3 Transylvania—Apii! 2, September 3 Haywood Apiil 2. S"pten:btr 10. Jackson —April 23, September 21. Macon—Mav 7, October 1. Clay—Mav 1 t. ictober s. Cherokee—May 21 ()» tob(i - l.~>. (h ah a m -June It ( huober 20. Swain—June 11. November ~> *('riminai cases. ♦ tCivii caM's all»ne, cases alone, except jail ca>(>. Mill.oil S \ 11 \ 1.1 /. I.!; in vcliitt vi >u !)•''■] for «-.v lupto of I» i I': ■ 1«» an I 7-> ••••lit*. I»»•!* l.ortl.- 3 • ISol -I'. W 111 ii > I'l-Ni i i 111 ii U an•! hi on. hi- -i - by I>r IV.-p!.-- C>C "lIAiKM Kl \- K." a 1 n 11! i -_r iUil fracranT j■-i t u no- I': i- •• jr» fin»l ••-ii '» a * l>r P«eplm.. Sill I. Mil S rrur. will i:u ;in-ili;it i-l;. ri v.- • . 1 . j . Wl >*• >|>i II it I '•i - !i II ml licon- l.i*i— Tiii sail* fiv I »r. 1•.•.}.|.«- nows THIS » V.# »C,»r On- II i, u •!;»■• 1 I • .I! n. - lt-Atii'i foi .mv .t - • «»f i•fiwrh t !i a f • ill lii >t li>» en re«l li\ ta K tu~ 11:111 n Cat a rriii t u r»*. ! I ' HI.NKT A- en., Prop-.. Tol-ilo. o. W »•. th»* iiiultTHisfiiMil, have known I- .1, i'fi»»n^y ' ■ lion«ral i• ai all l>ii-i n*-«i t runn i ' ion h, an-1 fl II u • • .ilv a' . tii'ai ry o a i ohlitfa ! ioiiM iimt«* by T h. ir 1 R»TI V,.• t V v ! ; \. W >!• - iT» T01,..i0 O W iliiinu. K iih,u. A Marvjn. W Inili-Hitb'lirnu^ll'- I il.-.bi '(» i K II Van Hoem»n. Tolwlo NntinDal U 11. r . I 01. .!(. II Hhll'm i iitarrli i nr.- ir. ihm-i int«»rni*lly. u tin* ' tn»* li* s! I'll'" r.V jx-r bottle SoM bv nil . in e J'isu's (,'iiro for C'on mm sum|>liun is also tho best Q | Cough Medicine, g If you have a Cough '5l without of tho 3 lainirs. a few .loses arc all Bj Fa you iic-il. iiut if you le- f3 3 r !«-i-t this easy uw-aiis of Wf 3 Safotv, tho sligiit Cough Kl may 1 cxirtne a serious |BI i«atter. arlil sev«»ral !>>t ties v\ i! 1 i>A ii'jiiii»'il. jM"iTTTnr¥inp KEYSTONE STRETCHER BEST Orf 1 EARTH I Tbi E ti fcV.. StnUi'r TII>. Fl" KNISHED w'h dnw.Vudi, kh ij' 1 * in to : c T k*. ac.4 a c *:s;. \.Y »h,, h i trra b 1 it u"k«-r. on th« *» era '.i' .'-vrt dii f'rof or H-ATT'.i.jJ. I* t » , .r' , C','d'.Olh , di'» i rrd p F'T G %• % *\RR tic LIZ t.e cf a ros:p.»-*4f I.>IT.;TXT ( • ' R :■ psf-.n,; d «: a Tin- ot. j ::**• Uj« C*r;*t t. J% to U* J** bo*rd hz i bloilw c«fi. tur»d of luTieibk tad Lros, K \(MJ. W *i; LIS: % \XE I .m#-. E*ch S*r*t!. str u ;.*rkec in a n«u » coder, bo*, •. i • r * for cr.r.g. « MI: jof dc»..rr» a;iUot i Pickett SL Rogers, Warren. Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 011 M £ HcT • >rP. >*»••>.! »t« •>p' • - 'lfl ■f!«• •, UUrio PARKER'S RlMi-m HAIR BALSAM thr hair. Ibk a luxuriant «:h. P j !f Fa l» to Reitar* Gray Ha.rta it« Y-«thful C«»or. n*r4ru!? »- -1 h*Jr UliM EXHAUSTED VITALITY ri'ilK SEISM'S C>* LIFK. th* -* f-rst Wi-rt'.cal of t-h* j/f 1 \ ic«on yin h hl. Sort a® ll '' :: tr, Pr« ;:i.itijr> J:,.~ :; tt ..- i r a:: t oth, ftill g. t, only f C*', by ***• *~——•— •- ■■ •* r .«".. m V i::u*tr.itl-.r * ; ' * -" r.r. t inf-Mlc .ig' ! n;« n. S«- .1 j.i-w. Iti ti- . . a I J ( # ,*, . .1 a i * .r 'fr! tt ui* ..i.t't rn f . , v t! >nnl M .«•..! A.««o"lj»;I n. A . r -• .1* O '■ t ; .;. r • ' .■ rPr. TT, H PARK"*', • nattM -f II *r * anl Mttlksi CoUafec, 3y mi»', u ..•.•• !•» U -t- n. w iii •> U- c>..- :' •• 1 o nf! ' n; a!.'y. SH«v..l « •I f M .s. . N .i i !»*t. HINDERCORNS. Ttmonl'iirf Our* fT « "■ rr:« Rt -i* •« ! |*»iri Fn«- comfort lie. ai« r.;»rjr.-4*. Hisn-x A Co., N. V. to the weak and '. - i M I)(gguuti> I|'lU ri . I : . 'i>Mi I »It lIN , EPPS" COCOA. I'.HKAK I \sr ' li.v , i -I, „ .• tkk „ whifh jt»v«Tn i:.• •• • •. ' ■ _ • j i prat iiWHI «»ur br. > . i-■ .1. - w.ih it d»*li i. ;» . ■ ->! !l of tliMl H .t fi f;. IJI 111 i\ 1„. - i• ii; t'! \ In; u,' u- i m,.. h • rvm ti»nrf-n\\ to df»»if* tlaU «f »ttl>t)* lit i' i—.i: • • hi' . t ( :. !u■•••i: .i■i a '' 1U . I 111 - } *• »» v fv • • ,J- i ) . * * » I >■ :»-• '••• '• ■ i.r si > ' i (1 t. ,'f 'in-, i i'»iiu- J\>l I S } !»|'H A * «».. I! I . 1.0n.1.i j, i ;. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. \>i.> lIIKIH Ir.iMK 1 iii i.ni' rfjulliit; >lliml vi a 1-1 nj; -«■« I - H{i|iiikjiili uilliiinl mill's. Vi 11011 > tiiili !%«• ai't ifi«'ial s) sicius. l*ira-.> i-oihlciiiimml In Sn|>rcnii' nurl. til') at iml ii i r i«' is I o lo «'»•* r«'*|>'»u«| riH'o l'rn-j' *II v.. lli • i - • I >r. 'A r \ Hum lIIOIIIJ, th»' uorlil l:in • iiallf' ni iiiimi .J..i. I 'ii 1111-1 «« r*11: i r lln 1: 1 jIt• ■ irr»,it 11 hi - .•li*>l«>iri«?., .1 M i:y.K ; v |». |».. ;t;«iit»r «f lh» 'i-' Ii•• ii -> Jn-tr- •i; I'likli- liiil.th I* l>n >l!li| Ml ll'-r «.■!. ! |H I- ' fl ' i Ii > I'ri »f. \ ll> I> I 111 J~ I -Ii Av •• \ > DRS. STARKEY AND PALEN'S TREATMENT BY INHALATION. TRA3C WAPIf . RTGISTrwrU* s " > {"'■ k>>: k p*' wJPr-v j$JT\ 'Ci;!) Arch tr»treet, I'hllad'di Pa, lor I Hiiiin;iiio i, \hi Ii inn. It mm lit 11« l> >«••».• )•>! » I'nlitrrli, 11 a > II r*al a i-IiI»«•!»i 111 > . It IK- ii nn« t i *>in N «n r.i i a /'j- iri/'T«. ' ' 1 ' r -' I l k ' It 'lt 1» ; ■ ■ " : ' - ■>' ' 'i- •*l-ri • - i,f ii\ v U-..H ' ' IT- S- .rk. ■ A !'.•!•■!, • lit.— .t, r f ' Wii I' K . \! . • •, „ j>. I ; » Vi * rI. ; i *ir f ■ • u r , '•v 4 ' -; u -» h!• i• n ••-r v hi 1.. h it!.. \U. ' - ! I' \r . U .. K . Sir* Miirj \ ii. •■ •! ,r- ftf.—. „\f . _ . •• • • - - • - > \ , Mr. |- I b ■ • I' , ■ . , • . • • ' - ' 1 ih J. I.\ j. I.' . I v . ' n . M \ \-v-.r . »t. t, -, . • - M >., * I . K ; J. - - c. A !•,,,« ~ »t, U »i'-* - - . f* ; . I t»it«! ."st* .-* vi Mo 4* Of Icffei *' ' ** M« Noarlortof tm ; ; ; •• • : ' » I '« i !•. ~U »t, b SUNId it Mlri-r. ft,;, u .i!» r«"n»rk (':r»*lT» ajft-at »ti-fii fweof "• " •** * . 1 - b *"" 1 * --V' * t«r jr« la • . . '' ' " '* i—— c .ar - » : c * *' ! »*»"- ,Jl * ' J t>*r I.k»» la*. U • "- - I-: - 3 r i-: !r— „ B •( ■O • DRS. STARKEY A PALEN, No Arch f)lrtrcl,Phl|«., p„.